how to perform wudu & more

How to do Wudu Learning Objectives: To be able to learn wudu step by step To be able to know the meaning of Taharah and give examples To be able to know when wudu needs to be done

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: How to perform Wudu & More

How to do Wudu

Learning Objectives: • To be able to learn wudu step by step • To be able to know the meaning of Taharah and

give examples• To be able to know when wudu needs to be done

Page 2: How to perform Wudu & More


•What is meant by Taharah?

•How do we make sure Taharah is done?

Page 3: How to perform Wudu & More


• Taharah means being clean and pure

• Having clean clothes, body and the place is called Taharah

• Before a Muslim can pray he must be clean

• To be clean we need to wash our body with clean water

Page 4: How to perform Wudu & More

How to perform wuduWudu is the key to Salah, if we do not do wudu then we cant pray. To do wudu you need to:1. Say Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim2. Wash both hands up to the wrist3. Wash the nose three times4. Wash the mouth three times5. Wash the full face three times6. Wash the arms three times up to the elbow starting from the right

hand7. Wet your hands with clean water, then rub the head from front to

back this is called masha8. Wet both hands then use fingers to rub both of the ears9. Wash both feet up to the ankle starting with the right foot.

Page 5: How to perform Wudu & More


• To complete the wudu you need to recite the dua after Wudu:

• Ashhadu An La illaha illallah wa ahhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh

Page 6: How to perform Wudu & More

Wudu is important

Wudu is waajib or important of someone wants to:

1. Praying Namaz 2. Praying the funeral prayer3. Doing Tawaaf, going round the Kaabah4. Touching the Quran

Page 7: How to perform Wudu & More

Quiz and questions • What is meant by Taharah?

• Give examples of Taharah

• What does a muslim need to before praying?

• What is the first thing we need to do in wudu?

• Write wudu step by step

• What is the arabic word for important

• When do we need to do Wudu?