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  • 8/17/2019 How to Inspect


    XPI Inspector

    How-to guide

    XPI Inspector version: 4.3

    1.  Deploy XPI Inspector web application on the SAP System 

    The name of the deployed web application is: “XPI Inspector App”  


    Open the start page of the application by using the following url address:


    Only a user with role “administrator” is allowed to use the application. By default it is password

     protected with no check for SAP Logon Ticket.

     Always look for a tooltips or help button to get more information about a given feature on the fly.

    XPI Inspector’s start page: 

    You can check what version of the application is already deployed on your system by using menu “About”. It is highly

    recommend always using the latest version indicated in the title of this document and available for download from SAP Note:

    1514898. SAP will keep this information updated on each new version released. Use the e-mail address from the menu “About”

    if you need additional support use CSS component “BC -XI-CON- AFW”. 

     XPI Inspector keeps all generated files in SAP System’s global directory of the Central Java Instance under the folder named: 

    “xpi_inspector”. All files are stored encrypted on the file system and can be read only if the result file is downloaded from XPI

    Inspector application deployed on that system. It is highly recommend always keep this directory clean and delete all obsolete

    results by using menu “History”. 

  • 8/17/2019 How to Inspect


    For security reason (in order to avoid writing a lot of information in the default trace file) XPI Inspector by default disables

    writing the traces in the default trace file during the time it is started. You can switch this off (thus traces will be written in

    the default trace as well) by using menu “Options” from the start page. The only way to see the traces during this time is to

    use the ZIP file generated by the tool during given inspection. This zip file is stored encrypted on the file system and the only

    way to see its content is if you download it by the XPI Inspector deployed on this system.


    Using XPI Inspector application you will be able to collect a lot of information about your

    system that will help you to learn about problems in the past, to analyze new and detect such

    at an early stage.

    To perform an inspection do the following simple steps:

    1.  Select so called “example”. Each example corresponds to a given area of problems.

    Some examples require additional parameters to be specified.

    Some examples or additional options are XI related only and will not be visible if your system does not have

    usage type: PI.

    Available Examples:

    Id Name Problem Area XI




    1 CPA Cache XI CPA Cache X -

    11 Authentication, SSL & PP Login, WSS, SSL, XI Principal Propagation optional

    18 RWB TREX, Alerting, XML DAS, Runtime Workbench X

    19 Mapping Runtime XI Mapping Runtime debug tracing X

    30 XI Adapter XI Adapter Type debug tracing X X

    40 XI Message XI Message Processing debug tracing X X

    50 XI Channel XI Channel(s) and their message processing X X51 Performance Problem Thread Dumps, JVM Profiling, Memory Usage X

    52 Authorization & Session


    Denied access to the system due to insufficient

    authorization rights

    60 JEE Service JEE Service(s) debug tracing X

    70 JEE Application JEE Application(s) debug tracing X

    80 Default Trace View traces written in the default trace file from the



    100 Custom Custom defined set of log locations and log

    categories for debugging.


    2.  Select one or more additional options (check boxes) depending on your needs:

    Additional Options:

    Option Name Usage XI

    RelatedCollect traces from Messaging

    SystemDebugging XI Messaging System and check its state X

    Collect traces from XI Module

    ProcessorDebugging XI Modules X

    Collect traces from HTTP HTTP requests/responses

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    Collect Open SQL statements Track Database access

    Collect JCO traces Debugging RFC calls

    Check SAP System State XI Statistics, Enqueue locks, GC History, Heap Memory, Threads, Alerts, … 


    Start the inspection by clicking button “Start”. If the problem is reproducible then

    initiate its occurrence again by reproducing the failed scenario. Once the problem

    occurred click button “Stop”. If the problem is not reproducible then simply click button


    For some examples XPI Inspector will stop automatically once the information is gathered. However

    you can still interrupt this behavior by using button “Stop”. XPI Inspector will automatically stop for the

     following examples when the corresponding condition is met:

    80 (Default Trace) –  when all traces from the selected time interval are read.

    51 (Performance Problem) - only if the number of thread dumps is greater than 0 and all thread dumps are


    4.  In the result page click the link next to the information icon on top of the page to

    download the result as zipped content. Save the file on the file system and attach it to

    the OSS Message. Send the message to SAP for further analyzing.

    The generated zip file has absolutely the same content as visible in the result page. XPI Inspector does

    not do any modifications on the system and does not collect any security sensitive information like

     passwords, private certificates or payloads except the information containing in the default traces and

    written by a given software component there.

    5.  Reading the result:

    The content of the result page (the information gathered from the tool during the

    inspection) is highly dependent from the selected example, its parameters, additional

    options, SAP System release and the configuration of the selected objects. Here we will

    explain one possible view of this page and will indicate what option must be selected in

    advance in order to get this information.

    More information about how to read the traces can be found here. 

    6.  You can configure the tool to start the inspection when specific condition is met. You

    can do this by using menu “Options” from the start page: 

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    The XPI Inspector can collect maximum 400 000 traces. In the result page they are

    displayed like set of pages with maximum 20 000 traces per page.

    The tool will stop automatically if the inspection is started but not stopped for more

    than 24 hours.

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  • 8/17/2019 How to Inspect


    Samples by Examples


    Example: 1 (CPA Cache) 2.  Example: 11 (Authentication, SSL & PP) 

    3.  Example: 18 (RWB) 

    4.  Example: 40 (XI Message) 

    5.  Example: 50 (XI Channel) 

    6.  Example: 51 (Performance Problem) 

    7.  Example: 60 (JEE Service) 

    8.  Example: 70 (JEE Application) 

    9.  Example: 80 (Default Trace) 

    10. Example: 100 (Custom) 

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    Example: 1 (CPA Cache)

    Selection screen:

    Result Screen (Performed Checks):


    Checks whether the CPA Cache content is the same cross the whole cluster.

    2.  Link to the full CPA Cache content on one random server node only.

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    Example: 11 (Authentication, SSL & PP)

    Selection screen:

    Note that SSL server URL address is an optional parameter and must be specified only if you want to check ssl

    handshake with a remote ssl server and local j2ee client.

    Result Screen (Performed Checks):

    1.  View the registered security providers during the current inspection. IAIK is the default one:


    Check SSL Server’s certificate and its ssl handshake with j2ee client: 

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    During this check XPI Inspector performs dummy https call to the specified ssl server and executes ssl


    3.  Check if ssl server’s certificate is trusted by j2ee client:

    4.  Check Principal Propagation configuration:

    During this check XPI Inspector performs JCO call to IS (ABAP) in order to verify the SSO2 trust between

     Java AE and ABAP IS. 

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    Example: 18 (RWB)

    Selection screen:

    Result Screen (Performed Checks):


    Check if the Message Overview feature is activated.

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    Example: 40 (XI Message)

    Selection screen:

    Result Screen (Performed Checks):

    1.  Link to the XI Message with information about its details, audit logs and processing flow.


    Link to the channels with their configuration attributes as specified in the Integration Directory and

    involved in the specified XI message processing. Channel’s logs are also displayed.

    Depending of the type of the channel some additional checks will be executed. For instance if the channel

    is SOAP and configured to call an WS provider by https then dummy HTTPS call will be performed by the

     XPI Inspector to the same server in order to verify the ssl handshake.

    The field “MS Health Check” w ill collect information about all messages processed by this channel and still

    in the Messaging System if one of the two additional options: “Collect Information about SAP System

    State” or “Collect traces from Messaging System” was selected. 

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    Example: 50 (XI Channel)

    Selection screen:


    Type a part from the channel name in the input field and click “Search”. 

    2.  Select the channel(s) you would like to use.


    Click the button “Add Selected” in order to add the marked channels to the list of the channels to beinspected.

    Result Screen (Performed Checks):


    Link with the channel name will show the configuration of the channel and its logs.

    Depending of the type of the channel some additional checks will be executed. For instance if the

    channel is SOAP and configured to call an WS provider by https then dummy HTTPS call will be performed

    by the XPI Inspector to the same server in order to verify the ssl handshake.


    The field “MS Health Check” will show information about all messages processed by this channel and still

    in the Messaging System. This information will be collected only if one of the two additional options:

    “Collect Information about SAP System State” or “Collect traces from Messaging System” was selected

    before start of the inspection. 


    The field “Last 3 Messages processed by the channel during current inspection” will link to the details,

    status, audit logs and message processing flow of the last 3 messages processed if there are such. 

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    Example: 51 (Performance Problem)

    Selection screen:

    This example gives you capability to identify a performance problem related to the memory usage or java threads.

    It is visible only if the VM provider is SAP.

    If you would like to collect thread dumps specify the number of dumps greater than 0 and the interval betweenthem in seconds. If you do not want to collect thread dumps then specify 0.

    If you would like to collect information about threads and measure their performance by using SAP JVM profiling

    capability check the box named “Enable SAP JVM Performance Tracing”. 

    If you would like to collect information about objects stored in Java heap memory by using SAP JVM profiling

    capability then check the box named “Enable SAP JVM Memory Allocation Traces”

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    Example: 70 (JEE Application)

    Selection screen:


    Type a part from the application name in the input field and click “Search”. 

    2.  Select the application(s) you would like to use.


    Click the button “Add Selected” in order to add the marked applications to the list of the applicationsto be inspected.

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    Example: 80 (Default Trace)

    Selection screen:


    Select a single date in format year/month/day.

    2.  Select a time interval for previously selected date.


    Specify the minimum severity used to collect log records. If you specify “Debug” then all records fromthe specified time interval will be read. I f you specify “Error” then only records with severity “Error”

    or “Fatal” will be read. Using “Warning” will collect only records with severity: “Warning”, “Error” and


    Result Screen (Reading Traces):

    In order to simplify the view, the severity column is not displayed in the result. You can determine the

    severity for a given log record by using the background color and the following color schema:

    Not Colored:Debug Path Info


    Yellow: Warning 

    Red: Error Fatal

    XPI Inspector can filter out the displayed traces by the following fields: “User”, “Thread”, “Location”. The filter can

    contain only one field and can be switched on/off by using the link over the corresponding field’s value. Look for

    the tooltip in order to determine what the current filter status is. The first column can contain a link to view the

    call stack that produced the trace record. This link will be displayed only if the severity of the log record is

    “Warning”, “Error” or “Fatal” and the call stack trace is not part of the message content.  

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    Example: 100 (Custom)

    Selection screen:


    Type a part from the log location name in the input field and click “Search”.  

    2.  Select the log location(s) you would like to use.


    Click the button “Add Selected” in order to add the marked locations to the list of the locations to beset to “Debug”.

    4.  Do the same for any log categories if you need to debug them.

    The selected log location will include all its sub locations as well. XPI Inspector lists only those locations that

    are already instantiated by the SAP logging API. If the location is not used for tracing or logging so far since server

    start then the location will not be listed.