how to gain targeted traffic with your content

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Content marketing is likely the most important type of marketing that your business can ever engage in.Know here How to Take Your Content Marketing to the next level Presented by


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Content marketing is likely the most important type of marketing that your business

can ever engage in. Without content marketing your business will not make a very big

stride toward creating an effective online presence.

Today, more than ever, having engaging, informative, relevant and useful content for

your market is an imperative due to the fact that search engine technology has

changed so much. Not only that - you need to have a continuous stream of content in


It may seem completely overwhelming to have to produce content perpetually. But, in

this report you'll learn many ways to create content for marketing your business,

products and/or services.

You'll learn how to come up with ideas for content and keep the ideas coming. In

addition, you'll learn how to repurpose content so that you can get more out of each

piece of content that you create. Finally, you'll learn how to market your content in a

way that will bring you more traffic and more business.



When it comes to content, there is a lot more to it than just blog posts. There

are many different types of content, and as you move forward with your content

marketing strategy you should consider using as many different types of

content in your marketing as you can.

By mixing up the types of content that you create for marketing purposes, you

create a situation where everything builds upon the other. Plus, it makes it

more interesting for your audience, which will make your marketing that much

more sticky.

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Some types of content you have to choose from are:

Annual reports


Articles (on and off your website)

Blog posts (on and off your website)

Books (eBooks and print)

Branded content

Case studies



Magazines (online and offline)

Mobile content

Newsletters (online and offline)

Online and offline events

Online presentations (


Print content (offline print)

Researched reports

Social media

Syndicated content

Videos (

Virtual conferences


White papers

There are probably items on the list that you didn't initially realize were content

that can help you market your business. By creating a variety of types of

content you keep your readers interested, plus you attract different aspects of

your target audience based on how they like to learn about your topic.

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Some people prefer video, others prefer text. Some love listening to podcasts

on iTunes in their car. By offering many different ways for your audience to

ingest your content, you are going to bring in more of your target audience.

You don't really have to create every single type of content listed, but by trying

to create as many different types as possible you'll appeal to your audience

better. Both your current audience and the new people you attract will

appreciate the variety.

Regardless of what type of content you choose to use for marketing, it's

important that it's relevant to your audience, engaging, informative, and asks

your audience to do something - called a call to action (CTA). If you're telling

compelling stories, you'll never really have to worry about whether or not you're

interesting to your audience --because you will be.


When you look at the list of the various types of content that you can create for

your marketing needs, it can really feel a little daunting. But, it doesn't have to

be. You don't have to do it all alone. You have options.

1. Hire Ghostwriters to Do It for You

You may have heard of ghostwriters before in terms of actors or famous people

having a ghostwriter to help them write their manuscript, typically about their

life. Well, you can also hire a ghostwriter to write any of the above mentioned

types of content for you, and you don't have to tell anyone you hired a

ghostwriter - you can put your name on it as the author.

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You can give as much input to the project as you want, providing outlines and

research notes to the writer, or you can let them do it all from A to Z. It

depends on what you're comfortable with.

Some people choose to give the ghostwriter some credit by using the "with

Ghostwriter's Name" after the author's name, and some people choose not to

mention the ghostwriter at all. Some ghostwriters do not want their name on

the work. It's up to you.

Use Reputable Places to Find Your Ghostwriter

There are many places today that you can find and hire a ghostwriter. You can

use,,, and

more places than you can imagine. You can also ask colleagues if they know

any ghostwriters, and do a simple Google Search for ghostwriters to see if you

can find individual contractor's webpages.

Message boards like have a lot of ghostwriters discussing their

work there, as do many mastermind groups like Solo on their

private message boards. The important thing is to get references and try them

out on something small first.

Get Samples and Recommendations

However you find your ghostwriter, it's important to see samples of their work,

and ensure that they can provide at least a few testimonials or

recommendations before you hire them. You may wonder how a ghostwriter

can offer samples of their work, but most ghostwriters also write for

themselves. They cannot reveal for whom they've written because most of the

time their work is very confidential in nature, so sometimes getting

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recommendations can be tricky. But, they may be able to give you the name of

someone privately.

Be Willing to Pay a Fair Fee

It's also important not to expect the labor to be too cheap because in this line

of work, you definitely get what you pay for. You can certainly hire those who

will work for one dollar a page, but you won't get much traction out of the work

you get in return.

Hire someone with experience in your language, who understands your culture,

who has experience writing intelligently within your niche topic and who

understands how to do research. Then, pay them a fair wage for doing a good

job. In most cases you'll need to pay a down payment to get the work started,

and then pay a final payment upon project completion.

Know in Advance What You Want

Before even thinking about hiring a ghostwriter you need to know what type of

content you want. You may need to hire more than one type of ghostwriter.

Each ghostwriter will have their own niche in which they excel. Some writers

love writing white papers, others prefer to write blog posts, articles, and case

studies. It just depends and you'll need to know what you want before you

approach a ghostwriter for a proposal on a project.

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Start a New Writer with Small Projects First

Test out a new writer with a couple of smaller projects first to ensure that you

like their style of writing, their editing abilities as well as their capacity to meet

deadlines. After a writer has successfully completed a few small projects for

you, then you can move on to larger projects without as much worry that

something will go wrong. Remember that this is a business, and only the ones

willing to rise to the challenge will make it.

Add Your Own Voice

Finally, no matter how well the ghostwriter writes, you'll need to add in your

own voice to the work. You want it to sound like you, and no ghostwriter will be

perfect at capturing your voice. They might even inadvertently say something in

the work that contradicts your views if it wasn't discussed fully. Simply correct

those things, and add in your own voice to the work as you read through the

finished product. If you plan to work with the ghostwriter long term, be sure to

share the finished work with them so that they can get to know your style and

views better.

Hiring a ghostwriter can be a very good way to ensure that you always have

enough content flowing through your website and on all your social media

accounts. It doesn't mean you have to stop writing at all, but having the

additional content coming to you on a regular basis will be a great help to

getting the word out about your business.

2. Use Private Label Rights Content Effectively

Another way to get more content for marketing your business is to use

something called Private label rights (PLR) content. This is content that you can

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use as your own for your business. Each place you purchase content from has

their own rules but in general you can usually rewrite it, sell it, give it away, and

reconfigure it however you want and put your own name on it as the author.

Buy Quality PLR

Be careful where you purchase PLR. Many online stores are questionable and

some of the items aren't even actually PLR. Also some places have rules that

prohibit you from using them in the manner you most need to, so be sure to

read the rules regardless of where you purchase from so that you can make

sure you can use it how you want to before buying.

Once source where you can find well-written, quality PLR is There are many more trustworthy places in which you

can purchase PLR that you can use to help market your business. is another source worth mentioning, as it’s a copy-n-paste

database of articles for your blogs and newsletters.

Rewrite and Repurpose PLR

When you download your PLR, the ones that can be re-written and altered will

come in an editable format like Word. First, read through everything as is, and

then, using your own keyword research go through and change the writing to

reflect the words that you want to highlight and use.

* Switch around the format of the work - If it's a "How to" article, you can

rewrite it to become more informational and vice versa. Change the

subheadings, headings and the title to reflect your niche and your keywords.

Change the introduction and conclusion to be relevant to your story and your

niche for your audience.

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* Remember how people read content on the web - People scan the content, so

using a lot of subheadings, bullet points, and numbers is a good thing. It will

help the reader get more out of the content with the breaks on the eyes, and

the white space will help your readers focus on your content.

* Focus on only two to three keywords per page - Don't use the same three

keywords for your entire website. You need to continually conduct keyword

research for content that will be live on any website because you want to have

hundreds of keywords available to use. You want to use low-competition

keyword phrases and not just one word. This means that people are searching

for that phrase, but there aren't many results popping up for the searcher.

* Get out the thesaurus - Using different words that mean the same things is a

great way to help rewrite your PLR. Don't go crazy - use words your audience

will understand and that are natural for you to use. However, the thesaurus can

give you new ideas and ways of putting things. It will help you rewrite your PLR

and make it your own.

* Add in your own affiliate links - Whether it's an eBook or a blog post, it's

important to add in your own affiliate links when you mention any products or

services. By monetizing your writing, even writing like eBooks that you sell, you

will create another stream of income and further make the content your own.

* Change the titles - Always change the title, subheadings, and headings in

your PLR to words that make more sense with your niche. Even if the words

used now are perfect, you need to change them to avoid duplicate content


If you're not comfortable with rewriting and reworking your PLR, you can hire

someone to do it for you. You'll supply them with your keywords and tell them

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about your audience, as well as provide affiliate links you want to use to

promote various products and they'll do the work for you. However you choose

to do it, it's important not to use PLR as it comes. Make it your own so that it

will work harder for you.



The first thing you have to do when trying to create content ideas is to

understand what the purpose of the content you're creating is, what your goal

for each piece of content is, and why you're creating it. If you don't know why

you've created a particular piece of content, you will soon lose your way. Don't

just put content up for the sake of content. All your content needs to have a

purpose, a place, and a reason.

Plan Ahead

Aside from understanding why you are creating content, it's important to plan

ahead. If you can plan for an entire year in advance, that's best, but if you can

at least plan a quarter in advance that's something. The reason you want to

plan in advance is that you can look at your year, and then just know what to do

each day to reach your goals.

By planning all the products you'll create, or services you'll offer, and then a

content plan to market your products and or services through the year, it will

be easier to come up with the right content because you'll have a "why" and a

direction. Just shooting in the dark without the ability to see won't work when it

comes to content marketing. You need to have a plan.

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Create a Calendar

An editorial calendar and a publication calendar is a "must have" if you want to

do content marketing effectively. A good calendar will list not just what you're

going to write, but when and how you're going to produce it, too.

Perhaps you are going to have a series of articles written to promote your new

widget during the month of May that goes on sale in June. You'll need to know

who is responsible for creating them, and when and where they'll be published

as well as the topic of each one. Then you need to follow your calendar which

will be one of the biggest actions that take your content marketing to the next


Repurpose Content You Already Have

When you know more, you do better. You can rewrite content that you already

have and update it so that it complies with whatever is true today, plus you can

change its format. For example if you have an eBook, you can break it down

into many different blog posts, or an eCourse, or a drip membership program.

Anytime you create any piece of content, consider the many different ways you

can use it. You can make an entire podcast or YouTube video out of one blog

post, or even one customer comment can become an entire blog post, a video

and an idea for an eBook or report.

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Read News about Your Industry

It's important to be widely read if you want to become a thought leader in your

industry. If you don't read what your contemporaries are saying, you might get

left behind. Read important blogs and news about your niche and you'll get

many ideas from what other people are talking about and the news of the day.

Get Others to Contribute

Create a guest blogging program on your blog, open up blog post comments,

and invite influencers to comment on your blog posts, videos, podcasts and

content on your website. If you've written about someone, be sure to send them

the post so they have an opportunity to comment.

By getting other people to help with contributing to the content that you create

- whether it's on your blog, or on social media, you actually get to do less work.

You also never know when something they write or say will spark a great idea.

Approach the Same Idea from a New Perspective

If you're reading industry news, or a blogger within your niche that you enjoy,

try writing about the same topic but approaching it from a different

perspective. One thing that no one else has is your personality and your point

of view. You have a special viewpoint that can't be duplicated by others. It

might be the same topic, and you might even be saying the same thing, but

you're saying it your way, which automatically makes it unique.

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Combine Ideas

If you're creative with your content, it's likely you'll get a lot more views. For

instance, if you can figure out how to combine your love of painting with

marketing, you might write an article about the Fine Art of Marketing where you

compare and contrast how oil painting is like marketing. How small brush

strokes add up to the overall picture, or something like that.

This can work for almost any topic including child care, baking, and even

building furniture. You might write a piece about what taking care of children

taught you about marketing. Only your imagination can stand in your way.

Forecast or Explain Trends

Your audience will enjoy your explanations of current trends and forecasting of

potential trends within your niche or industry. This can be a little more tricky

and should be outside of your planned editorial calendar. You might just leave

a space for one day a week or month to talk about current or future trends, and

that is something you write on the spot depending on what the news of the day


Keep It Simple

Many times the trouble with coming up with content is the tendency to over

think everything. If you understand who your audience is, and your niche, you

should easily be able to come up with content that is engaging, interesting, and

useful. If you're having issues, it's probably because you're being too

complicated. You don't have to write like a college professor to create content

for your audience that gets results.

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Focus on the Minutia

Blog about the big picture, then blog about the small picture. In other words,

blog about the same ideas again from a smaller perspective.

One problem with blog posts is that they often cover far too much information.

If you've written a blog post with ten points, and ten subheadings, see if you

can take one of those subheadings and write a more in-depth article or blog

post about that one part. Often you'll again be able to create subheadings

about that one point, and be able to repeat this process in perpetuity.

Use Different Content Formats

Some of the content ideas mentioned in the beginning of this report are a good

start. You should be able to create a blog post, and make it into a longer

report, then an eBook. Then you should be able to take that and make it into

videos, or a membership eCourse, and more. Just because some content started

out in one format doesn't mean it needs to stay there. It can always be

expanded, contracted, and changed.

Curate Other People's Content

If someone else has written content that is already perfect, answers questions

for your niche, teaches information that you find important, then why not

curate it on your blog. You simply write a small blurb about the information,

then link to it to read on the owner's blog.

While it's true you'll be sending your readers out of your blog, you can create a

kind of one-stop-shop for all things related to your audience and your niche to

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the point they'll come to you first to see the important information they need to


By using several of these ideas, repurposing content, and combining types of

content, you'll never run out of things to inform your readers about. You'll have

a never-ending supply of content by using these ideas. Once you have a supply

of content, then you have to take it one step further and market the content

that you create.



The real key to all this content creation is to create the content regularly and

then to market the content that you create.

If you don't get traffic, you won't create more sales. There are three major ways

to promote the content to maximize traffic and sales: search engine

optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing. These three ways

to promote your content need to be part of your content marketing strategy.

Every piece of content that you produce has a self-perpetuating cycle. Some

visitors will arrive due to the keywords that you put into your content, and

others will arrive due to your promotion on social media and your email list.

However they find your content, it's important to ensure that you make

promotion easy by placing social media share buttons in a visible way, making

it easy to sign up for your list, and actually asking your audience to share your


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For example, you post the content on your blog, website, or elsewhere. Then,

you promote it to your list, and your list members click through to read your


Your readers promote it by clicking the share buttons to share with their friends

and followers on social media. In addition, you promote your content to your

social media networks, and again your readers click through, and promote it for

you by sharing with their friends. The cycle is continuous.

Content promotion is as easy as three steps:

1. Choose the right keywords to optimize each piece of content

2. Build your list and promote your content

3. Use social media networks to promote your content

Choosing the Right Keywords

The trick to choosing the right keywords is to choose "long tail" keywords.

These are keyword phrases instead of single word keywords. In addition,

choose low-competition keywords. This means that a lot of people are looking

for that keyword phrase, but there are not many relevant search results

showing up. You'll get better results from your efforts by placing your focus on

these types of keyword phrases.

Using Your Email List to Promote Your Content

You don't have to have a large list to be successful with email promotions. But,

you do need a targeted list of followers who want to know about your


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The way you build your list is to create useful, engaging, and relevant content

to attract readers via search engines to read your content and sign up for your

email list. Then you use the list to promote other content, thus creating a cycle

that is self-perpetuating.

Using Social Media to Promote Your Content

Social media is a very powerful tool in which you can promote your content.

But, you can also use social media to find and follow relevant people who will

share your content to their friends and followers. Each piece of content that you

produce, each item you want to promote, should always be shared via all your

social media networks.

When you share on social media you can actually tag people who you think will

be interested. You can be sure that at least that person will want to share with

their friends and followers.

All three of these content-promotion tactics lead your readers right back to

your website where your content should be housed.

*The only exception is when you write guest posts and articles for other

websites. In these cases your bio at the bottom of the content should lead your

readers back to your website to read more about the topic that attracted them

to the article or guest blog post. Once they're at your website to read your

content, they should be asked to "like", "follow", "friend" and sign up for your

email list.

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Content marketing is about creating awesome content that you know your

targeted audience needs, will enjoy and that will inspire them to act. In

addition, it's about getting the content into your audience's sight so that they

can read it and be inspired by it.

If you create content that really represents your values and your business in an

upstanding way, then there is nothing wrong with promoting it in every way

that you can. In truth, you're doing your audience a favor by not keeping it a


If your content is lousy, you might want to keep it a secret. Poorly created

content - no matter how much you promote it - will produce lousy results.

Well-written and produced content that is not promoted will also produce lousy

results. But if you create targeted content in a variety of forms, that you are

proud of, and promote it often and regularly, you will see results that will truly

take your business to the next level.

Content Creation Resources to Consider: – Keep up-to-date with the latest

private label content releases. – Quality copy-n-paste content for

your newsletters and blogs.