how to form lasting connections on linkedin


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Post on 08-Aug-2015



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What is the Difference Between a Personal Profile and Company Page?

Your personal profile - Your personal LinkedIn profile lets you connect with like-minded professionals, and colleagues, as well as make new connections. Similar to a resume, your personal profile includes your occupation, work experience and skills. The profile page lets you invite people to connect with you while also allowing you to share messages and content with others who you are linked with in your personal network by typing or uploading content in the update bar. The content you publish here will be seen as activity in the newsfeed of those you’re connected with.

Your company page - With LinkedIn you can set up a company profile with your logo and a cover photo so that you can promote your business on the professional network. By setting up a company page on LinkedIn, your business can be seen by anyone when they search for your company in the search bar.

Posting on a company page lets you establish a voice for your organization. Posts you publish on your company wall will be seen by people who ‘follow’ your company on LinkedIn. You can also share content from your company page to those in your network by clicking share on a post. This way, people in your personal network can still see the content from your company page, even if they haven’t followed your page yet. Content that is published on the company page will remain on the wall of your company page unless it is removed. This means that content published on a company page has more longevity than updates you share on your personal profile which are only seen in the newsfeed. Your audience can engage by liking, sharing and commenting on the published post and all activi-ty can be monitored with analytics. Note that unless you are listed as an owner on a company pages, you may not see these options.


How To Create A Company Page

1. To set up a company page, click “Companies” on the top navigation bar.

2. Then click “Add a Company” on the right-hand side of the screen.


3. On the following page, enter your company name and company email address.

4. LinkedIn will send you a confirmation email to the address you provide. Go to your inbox and follow the instructions in the confir-mation email.

5. Next you will be asked to sign in using your PERSONAL LinkedIn username and password


6. Now you can start filling out your company information.

7. Enter your company type, size, URL, industry, operating status and year founded. Also make sure to upload your company logo as it is the first thing users will see when they go to your company page.


8. Next, put in your company description. Share what makes your company unique including products, services and company special-ties, but keep it concise.

9. When you are done filling out all of your company information, be sure to click “Publish” to save all your changes and push your profile live.


Searching for new connections on LinkedIn: Adding, Removing and Blocking Connections

How connections work

LinkedIn classifies people within your network as 1st, 2nd, or 3rd connections:

• 1st connections are people you are directly connected to through invitation• 2nd connections are people who you share mutual connections with (i.e. - You + John S are both 1st connections with Jane S)• 3rd connections are people whom you share extended network connections

Unlike other networks such as Twitter, where you can simply start following regardless of whether you know them personally, LinkedIn encourages that you only directly connect with people that you know in the real world. They make it easy for members to deny requests and mark them as people they do not know. If you try to connect with too many people who mark you as someone they do not know, then you will be temporarily restricted from connecting with others unless you know their email address.

How to Add Connections

There are several ways to add new connections on LinkedIn. When you first set up your profile, it may be a good option to add connections in bulk but you can also add users individually.

1. From your LinkedIn Home page, hover over the “Connections “ tab on the top navigation bar; this will bring up a sub-menu

2. Click add connections on the submenu


3. You will then be taken to a screen where you can import your contacts from whatever email service you use. This is a very efficient way to add all of your real life contacts all at once in bulk. Keep in mind, this may send an invite to everyone you have ever correspond-ed with through that email address.

4. After entering your email address, hit the “Continue” button below and LinkedIn will ask for permission to import your contacts.

5. An alternate way to add connections is to use the “Search” bar above the top navigation bar.


6. In the search bar, enter the name of someone you know and press enter. You will be brought to a search results page where you can connect with individuals who match your search query.


7. Click on the Connect button to the right of the name of the person you would like to connect to. This button will send them an invi-tation to connect. On some users profiles, you need to know their email address to connect to them. For these users you will be brought to a screen that asks you to enter their email and to include a personal note to them. Fill out the corresponding text boxes and hit “Send Invitation.” This will send the user the invitation to connect.


8. You can also browse people connections that you are already connected to so you can broaden your network with secondary con-nections. To do this click on the profile of someone you are already connected to. On their profile page to the right side of their profile picture you will see the number of connections they have. You can click on this number and be taken to all of their connections.

9. On the next page you are taken to, you will see all of the connections that individual has. If you hover over a user’s picture, you can view their profile or send an invitation to connect. This is another great method to create new connections.


How do I Message Someone on LinkedIn if we ARE Connected?

1. From their profile, you can click on “Send a message” and a light-box will pop up for you to send a message similar to an email to them. Just input a subject line and add your message. When you’re ready, press “Send Message” and that member will receive your message in their LinkedIn Inbox.

2. You can access your inbox from 2 different places. You can see a quick overview of your 3 most recent messages by hovering over the envelop icon.


If you click on the “Messages” link while hovering over the envelope, you will be taken to your full inbox. From here you can see pending connections, and messages from these labels:

• Sent• Archive• Trash

3. You can reply directly from your inbox or you can click into a message to expand it and see the whole conversation thread. Either way you choose, LinkedIn makes it easy to stay in touch with your connections!


How do I Message Someone on LinkedIn if we are NOT Connected?

One of the great benefits of LinkedIn is the ability to connect with users who are outside of your existing professional network. Howev-er if you are not a 1st degree connection, it can get a little tricky. Follow these steps to connect with people outside of your network:

1. If you are a 1st degree connection with someone, LinkedIn will provide you with their email address to reach out and send them a message directly through LinkedIn InMail. LinkedIn is assuming that 1st degree connection are probably people you know in real life thus allowing you to reach out to them directly.


2. If you are a 2nd degree connection or greater, you have to be a premium member to connect with users outside of your network. If you want to connect with that person, you have 2 options:

• Invite them to join your network: This is a great option if you know them or have worked with them in the past. LinkedIn will ask you to choose how you know them before sending your invitation. (Exam-ples: College classmates, group members, friends, work colleague etc.) Be careful which option you choose though! If you choose “friend”, LinkedIn will include that in your message to them and if you are not actually friends, that person may not want to connect with you.

• Send an InMail: InMail is a message you can send to anyone on LinkedIn if you pay for a Premium pro-file. If you are not currently a Premium member and you click on the “Send InMail” button, LinkedIn will immediately prompt you to upgrade your account.

To learn more about Premium profiles, check out the different plans here!



People You May Know- LinkedIn has a feature called “People You May Know.” This shows up after you add a connection. LinkedIn automatically figures out who you and your current connections have in common and then suggests them to you as a potential connec-tion.

LinkedIn will also pull from your email contacts if you have uploaded them and display these users to you to “Invite” to join your LinkedIn network. You’ll only want to invite users by email once or twice so you don’t seem spammy.



• A LinkedIn connection is a mutual, two-way relationship between two individuals in which both parties share their personal in-formation — education and employment history, volunteer experience, skills and interests, and so on — as well as their posts and updates.

• Invitations are how you make connections on LinkedIn. When one LinkedIn user sends an invitation to another person who then accepts the invitation, they become 1st-degree connections (*Note if you send an invitation to someone who is previously connect-ed to one of your 1st degree connections, they will become 2nd degree connections). If the person receiving the invitation isn’t a LinkedIn member, they’ll be prompted to join LinkedIn in order to accept the invitation. Each new connection can increase your access to thousands of professionals in your network.

• It is always recommended that you personalize your invitation, and to not connect with someone you don’t personally know. Try reaching out to those individuals through another network like Twitter or Email and establishing a relationship with them before sending them an invitation.

In many cases, you can withdraw an invitation if the recipient hasn’t taken any action.

1. Click the Inbox icon in the top right of your homepage.2. Click Sent on the left.3. Find an invitation without “Accepted” next to the name.4. Click the subject line of the invitation.5. Click Withdraw• If the Withdraw button isn’t there, the invitation can’t be withdrawn. It may have already expired.• The recipient won’t be notified about a withdrawn invitation.• If you change your mind, you’ll need the recipient’s email address to send them another invitation.

Accepting Invitations - It is strongly recommended that you only accept invitations to connect from people you know. You can select who can send you invitations from the Communications section on your Privacy & Settings page.

NOTE : When you choose to report a member on LinkedIn, that user will be submitted for review. LinkedIn will look through their profile and postings for inappropriate behavior or violations of their Terms of Use. This is a good option if you think a user is posting spammy or inappropriate content for this professional platform. You can report both profiles and groups for review.


Blocking a Member:

When you block a member on LinkedIn, here’s what will happen:

• You won’t be able to access each other’s profiles on LinkedIn• You won’t be able to message each other on LinkedIn• If you’re connected, you won’t be connected anymore• LinkedIn will remove any endorsements and recommendations from that member• You won’t see each other in your “Who’s Viewed Your Profile”• LinkedIn will stop suggesting you to each other in features such as “People You May Know” and “People also Viewed”

LinkedIn will not notify the person that you blocked them, and only you will be able to unblock the member.

Blocking behavior is mutual for you and the person you block. Once you block someone, you won’t be able to view their profile infor-mation, see content they have shared, see them in your Who’s Viewed Your Profile, or send communications to them while signed in on LinkedIn either.

Please note the following regarding blocking:

• Blocking doesn’t apply to information you have made public, such as your public profile, content posted in public (open) group dis-cussions, your own public shares, and comments on Influencer posts. You can always review your public profile settings to change how you appear in public search engines.

• Mutual connections that you share with someone you’ve blocked, may re-share content created by the person you’ve blocked into your stream. You can choose to hide these updates from your stream.

• There is not a way to block anonymous viewers of your profile at this time.

To block a member from viewing your profile:

1. Go to the profile of the person you’d like to block. Note: After you block someone, you will disappear from the Who’s Viewed Your Profile section of the person you blocked.

2. Move your cursor over the down arrow next to the button in the top section of the member’s profile and select Block or report from the list.

3. Check the box next to Block.


4. Click Continue.5. On the next screen, click Agree to confirm your action. Note: LinkedIn currently doesn’t offer the ability to block members from

your mobile device. Follow the steps above to block a member from your desktop.

**Note - Once you’ve blocked a member, they’ll appear on your blocked list. The blocked member won’t receive any notification of this action. You can block up to 50 members on LinkedIn. Learn more about blocking do’s and don’ts here.


How to remove a LinkedIn Connection

1) Visit the personal profile of the individual you want to remove

2) Once you are at their profile page, click the downward facing arrow next to the “Send a message” button that is on the right of their profile picture

3) Once the downward facing arrow is clicked, a drop-down menu will appear that presents several options. To remove that connection click on the “Remove connection” link at the bottom of the drop-down.


Searching For and Joining Groups

LinkedIn groups are a great forum for industry professionals to connect with people who share similar interests. The idea behind groups is that you can share content and ideas, post and view jobs, make business contacts and exchange key insights. Groups offer the chance to voice your expertise and forge meaningful connections with other like-minded individuals in your industry.

1) To search for groups to join, click the drop-down button to the left of the search bar above the top navigation. When the menu expands to include all of the options, select Groups. You will notice that the search bar has updated to search Groups for the term you enter. Once you’ve entered your query, click the magnifying glass to the right of the search box.


2) The page you are brought to after you enter your search query lists all groups matching that query. You can further refine your search by using the options of the left including category, language and advanced filters. You can then click the “join” or “view” buttons next to groups you are interested in joining.


3) It should be noted that some groups require approval to join. To send for approval you would click the “View” button next to the group you want to join. You will be taken to the group page where there will be a “Join” button. Click the “Join” button to request to join that specific group.

4) When your request is approved, you will receive notification from LinkedIn that you are now a part of that group.

1The information in this section was taken from The authors are no way endorsed by, or associated with, LinkedIn. For more information, please visit


Thank You For Reading!


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