how to do a video interview like a pro

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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How To Do A
Video Interview
Like A Pro

Bold Content Production

Getting the most from your interviews...


Choosing The Right Location

Choosing The Right Location

The location is one of the first, and most important elements to consider when shooting an interview.

#1: Select a quiet location, which will leave you undisturbed (closed off room for the entire interview)

#2: Consider to leave enough space between the interviewee and the wall, otherwise the subject will look too cramped or closed in

Lighting The

Lighting The Interview

Strategic use of lighting can help to correct any asymmetry in the appearance of the subject allowing them to look their best.

#1: Use standard three point lighting

#2: Avoid having harsh shadows on the interviewee's face use diffuse light which soften the features

#3: In order to avoid silhouettes do not use too bright light behind the subject

Checking The Sound Quality

Checking The Sound Quality

Before the interview begins the video production crew must check to make sure there is no ambient sound which could potentially ruin the interview.

#1: Use hypercardoid microphones, which are most sensitive to sound from the front

#2: A telephone ringing during the interview can be highly distracting with hypercardoid microphones you can isolate the sound of the subject

Making The Subject Feel Relaxed

Making The Subject Feel Relaxed

Being interviewed can be a stressful experience especially if it is the subjects first time.

#1: Brief the interviewee before the interview begins, so that they know what they will want to say

#2: Try to learn about the interviewees when they are off the camera, to make them feel comfortable when talking

#3: As the interview director you should be able to put the subject at ease - start with questions that are easy to answer if the interviewee is nervous

Asking The Right Types of Questions

Asking The Right Types of Questions

Most often the persons asking the questions won't be recorded, so they have to make sure to ask open-ended questions.

#1: Try get the interviewee answering in longer answers two to three sentences are ideal

#2: The interviewees must include the questions in their answers for the video to make sense and to have a context to place the answer in

#3: Make sure that the subjects' answers are clear for the audience give them little key points and make them rephrase the questions so that everything is explained best

Overcome Language Barriers

Overcome Language Barriers

Its about finding those small things which will either make them laugh or comfortable.

#1: Smiling and body gesture provide ways to communicate make sure to still giving your interviewees eye contact

#2: Get your translators on board and make them part of your team

#3: On the spot translations are very beneficial as this allows you to tailor your follow-up questions to unlock more interesting information.

Further Important Key Points

Know what key messages you need the interview subject to deliver

Including nouns is very important for maintaining context later on when the interviewers questions are removed.

If there is a key message that you want to get across you shouldnt be afraid to load the question so that your subject will hit the right points.

Pre-interviews help you to get friendly with the subject and to really get to the bottom of what the message is about and see how they work as a person

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