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How to Create Compelling Sales Pages By Sharla Jacobs and Jesse Koren

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How to Create Compelling

Sales Pages

By Sharla Jacobs and Jesse Koren

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Teleseminar/Webinar Sales Page Sample

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Teleseminar/Webinar Sales Page Components The purpose of this page is to give your Teleseminar or Webinar participants a place to go DURING or immediately after your Teleseminar or Webinar to get a recap of your offer and click the Call-to-action buttons to buy your home study course. You can create this Teleseminar/Webinar Sales Page using a Leadpages Sales Page Template. This is the simplest version of a sales page and best used after people have heard your offer on a teleseminar or webinar. We don’t include a video on this page because they were just listening to the offer, which should do most of the selling for you, or watching the webinar, which is like watching a video. So a video creates “friction” when used on this type of page. This type of page can also be used for a home study course offer less than $297 without a teleseminar or webinar.

1. Attention Grabbing Headline that describes the result they want. (Use big bold font. Use attention-getting color like red/berry/maroon. You can use the headline templates from Short Hot Copy Template)

2. Sub-head that includes your special bonus just during the teleseminar/webinar

3. Include several Call-to-Action buttons throughout the page

4. Recap overall benefits of the program

5. Recap modules of the program and briefly describe the benefits of each module

6. Include several testimonials throughout the page 7. Recap special bonuses and briefly describe the benefits of each module

8. Include Headline that reiterates the special savings for buying today

9. Include Guarantee

10. Include Payment options

11. Include FAQ or how to get their questions answered

12. Contact info

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Post Teleseminar/Webinar Sales Page Sample The purpose of this page is for people who didn’t hear your offer during the Free Teleseminar/Webinar to get the full understanding of your offer and to sign up. The lower the price of your offer, the less time you need to spend justifying the value on the page or in the video. This type of sales page works well for an offer over $497. The simplest way to do this is to add a video (optional, but recommended) to your Teleseminar/Webinar Sales Page where you recap the offer you made during the teleseminar/webinar.

Video Offer Template 1. Acknowledge and Thank them for coming to the page

2. Introduce the Possibility of what life can be like

3. Introduce how the program can help them have the life they imagine

4. Describe Problem

5. Share Solution

6. Recap modules (introduce the building blocks of your signature system) of the program and describe the

benefits of each module: a. Share the problem/solution b. Share some things they will learn in your home study course c. Briefly describe specific things they will learn in each section of your program

7. Recap special bonuses and briefly describe the benefits of each bonus

8. Success Stories or Case Studies (Different stories from other places)

9. Describe Features (as briefly as possible)

10. Include Guarantee

11. Share your Hero’s Journey Story

12. Share overall benefit of the program and when it starts

13. Call to Action (2-3 times during video and definitely at the end)

14. Include how to get their questions answered (preferably by talking with you or a skilled person on your


15. Dissolve concerns (through your story, but also in your offer script)

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Video Offer Sample Script

Acknowledge and Thank them for coming to the page Hi. Sharla Jacobs here and Congratulations – I’m so glad you made it to this page! You’ve made a great decision to discover more about how to use Heartselling™ to attract as many clients as you want… and bring in LOTS of new, high paying clients in the next 90 days or less… Introduce the Possibility of what life can be like And the great news is that once you master Heartselling™ and Client Attraction, you’ll be able to fill your business with as many clients as you want… so you can enjoy a consistent and reliable income and focus on doing what you love most. If you’ve watched the videos, you already know that the 5 Elements of Heartselling™ is what helps you find balance between the “sales box” and the “heart box”. So you aren’t feeling pushy (in the sales box) and you’re not giving it all away (in the heart box). And you also understand that by mastering the Heartselling™ Templates, clients will practically talk themselves into working with you. And they’ll LOVE having these conversations with you, because they feel cared for and respected, and they feel like you “get” them. You also understand how the Heartselling™ Templates, streamline the whole process for you. So you can instantly attract high-quality clients and have balanced Heartselling™ conversations no matter where you’re at right now. And by now, you understand how the Heartselling™ Templates are what help you bridge the gap between where you are now… to where you dream of being. You also know a little bit about Client Attraction Mastery 2.0, and why joining us on this journey is a great next step if you're ready to fill your business with clients you love… in a way that feels authentic and comfortable. Imagine what it would be like to earn an additional five or ten thousand dollars every month for the rest of your life – how would you feel? What would you do with the extra money? How would your life be different? And what if the process of signing up all your new clients, was as heartfelt and good feeling as your actual work with them? Introduce how the program can help them have the life they imagine Client Attraction Mastery 2.0 gives you all the tools to do this in your own unique way that is in alignment with your values.

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We’ve had over a thousand coaches and holistic practitioners go through our Client Attraction Mastery LIVE program, and collectively, they’ve made tens of millions of dollars using what we taught them. If you’re feeling called to step up to this next level, in your business and your life, then we invite you to join us in this program. Simply follow the directions on this page now to enroll! Call to Action And... if this program feels like a good match, now is the best time to sign up. Because the program begins VERY SOON and enrollment will only be open for a few days. But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Describe Problem If you’re here, it’s most likely because you’re a coach, healer or holistic practitioner and you have both a big vision and a big heart. You feel called to make a difference in the lives of others through the work that you do and you dream of having a waiting list of clients who can’t wait to work with you. And, you also want all the things that come with your success: financial freedom, a beautiful home, a great car, more quality time with your friends and family, the money to travel and take vacations, and having more than enough you can contribute to causes you believe in … And you likely know that one of the best ways to achieve all of this is to grow your business. But you’re not yet where you want to be... Maybe you're struggling financially, and you can't seem to attract enough paying clients... You may have even tried lots of different things, but no matter what you do, the clients aren’t coming quickly enough. You may even know deep down your work really matters, but finding clients who can afford you is a struggle. Maybe you’ve tried giving free sessions, and feel frustrated because people don’t really get the value of what you offer. You may have even invested time and money into courses and programs, but you still feel stuck and alone. And you’re afraid that you'll have to go back to a J-O-B (or have to keep your current J-O-B you were hoping to leave). Because you can’t seem to succeed at your business and because you weren't able to make your dream work, or support yourself or your family. If this feels true for you at all, then, listen closely. You’re not alone. There are SO many coaches and holistic practitioners who LOVE their work... yet they struggle to get enough clients and earn enough money.

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You probably know other coaches and holistic practitioners who do amazing work but don’t have enough clients. We know because that’s where most of our clients are at, when they first come to us. Share Solution Because attracting clients is not a skill you’re born with... it must be learned. And until you Master Heartselling™ and Client Attraction, the clients won’t come easily. This is why we created Client Attraction Mastery 2.0. Because we want YOU to have the security of being able to have a business filled with clients you LOVE, who are happy to pay your full rates and refer their friends... and for you to have these skills for life! In this program, you'll discover how to master the 3 Steps to Client Attraction Mastery. The 3 steps are: Get Consults, Get Clients, and Get Referrals. If you don’t have mastery in ALL three steps, it’s like having a big hole in your money matter how much intention you pour into the bucket, it’s going to leak out the bottom… And also a hole in your heart, because I know you SO badly want to support more people through your work. Yet when you have mastery in all 3 steps, your bucket can always be filled to the brim. I want to show you how this works...because even though you may have some skill in one or even two of the steps, I want to help you discover what’s missing. Recap modules of the program

Let’s talk about Step #1: Get Consults: If you don’t have the ability to consistently Get Consults, you’re left with a constant nagging question: “Where are my new clients going to come from?” Yet once you discover how to consistently Get Consults, you suddenly have the security of being able to turn on the faucet of your income, any time you want. In this step, you’ll discover powerful strategies to have your ideal clients approaching you to sign up for a free or low cost consultation. So in this module, we’ll help you Get Your Value, so when you share your compelling what you do statement, people can’t wait to hear more and refer their friends.

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Even if you’re brand new in your business, we’ll share several ways you can position yourself in a truthful way that has your potential client take you seriously. Mastering this skill allows you to destroy any insecurities, and feel good enough to immediately start attracting clients. Once you Get and Own Your Value, now it’s time to Get Calls. We’ll show you the best ways to get your phone ringing using both live and online methods, so you can choose the way that best fits your personality. So now you know how to get Consults. And this is where Step #2 comes in: which is Get Clients. Because you can give lots of free sessions, but still not get many clients... And this can feel so draining and discouraging. We know from personal experience. Back in 2002 when Jesse was first launching his coaching practice. I watched him give 20 free sessions in a row and not get one single client. And you’ll often hear me say that Jesse is one of the top coaches in the world...I’ve watched him create breakthroughs for SO many of our clients over the years...and, even back then, he was an amazing coach… But he got SO frustrated and discouraged after this experience, that had he not been so committed to making his coaching business work, he would have given up. And I didn’t know what to tell him, because at the time I didn’t know why people say yes or no during free consults. But now we know and we want to share this invaluable knowledge with you. So in the Get Clients Module, You’ll discover how to both Give Your Heart and Give Value so your potential clients feel totally supported and excited to work with you... and as you’ll find out, this leads to LOTS of paying clients. In the Give Your Heart Section, you’ll discover how to have your potential clients practically talk themselves into working with you if it’s a good match. As you’ve already got a glimpse of in our video series and masterclass, when you use the 5 Elements of Heartselling™, enrolling clients becomes a natural extension of who you already are… And in the Get Value Section, you’ll get a more in-depth version and deep dive training on our famous Get Clients Free Consultation Formula. These two sections have been responsible for tens of millions of dollars in sales for our clients. If you’re a coach, healer or holistic practitioner, mastering the Get Clients Free Consultation Formula is hands-down, the fastest and most effective way to get more clients.

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Once you’ve mastered the free consultation formula, you’ll find that nearly 1 out of 2 consultations turn into a paying client. (This is based on average results. Some of our members do much better than that!) Are you wondering what you should offer during your consultations? We recommend you offer a high-end package, at a minimum...rather than single sessions. By the way, this formula also works for enrolling clients in VIP work, Premium Programs and even workshops and live events. And what do you say when a potential client has a concern about time, money, wants to think about it or needs to talk with their spouse? If you don’t know how to transform concerns, your clients are losing out on the opportunity to experience the profound transformation that is available from working with you… and it’s often these very same concerns that your client has that keep them from having what they want in their life…. So we want to teach you how to transform your potential clients concerns by using the 5 Elements, so you can gracefully turn I can’t afford it into YES. Without being pushy or salesy or manipulative. This is a special bonus that by itself, is more than worth more than the investment in the entire program. Once you not only understand why people have these concerns and can support them to move closer to what they want without overstepping their boundaries, your business is going to change forever. Next, the very best clients usually come from referrals, so it’s essential you find an authentic way to ask for referrals in a way that feels aligned for you. Which is why Step #3 is Get Referrals. Because until you know exactly how to consistently get referrals, it’s easy to lose momentum… Mastering this skill is the first step in getting booked so frequently that you have to create a waiting list. Because the referrals help you get consults. The consults can help you get even higher paying clients because you have more confidence in your work. And your new, more highly invested clients send you even higher quality referrals. Share when it starts Client Attraction Mastery 2.0 starts as soon as you sign up. Describe Features (as briefly as possible) The heart of this program comes directly from the recordings of our Client Attraction Mastery LIVE program. The coaches and holistic practitioners who attended this program paid at least $5,000 or more to be there.

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So you get our cutting edge, Heartselling™ Templates and client attraction strategies that have helped so many of our clients make an additional $5,000-$10,000 each and every month. The best part is many of them get these results within the first 30 days! In this program, you'll receive five self-guided modules—and a special bonus module—that gives you exactly what you need – and only what you need – to become masterful at attracting, engaging and enrolling more clients. Share overall benefit of the program These 3 Sections will show you how to add an additional $5,000-$10,000 to your income EACH MONTH. What’s more… This program comes with a LOT more support. It's important for you to know that you don't have to do this alone! When you sign up today, your membership in Client Attraction Mastery 2.0 gets you lifetime access to the online trainings...and you'll be completely supported over the next 90 days. Here’s how... Because we know how hard it can be to do this on your own, we’ve added live bonus calls over the next 90 days. This is when you either gain momentum or not. Special bonuses and briefly describe the benefits of each bonus And to make your experience even richer, we're including a hot bonus package valued at over $5,000! In addition to the live bonus calls with me and Jesse… You’re also going to get our program on how to use the 5 Elements of Heartselling™ to transform the top concerns that keep people from saying yes, like time, money, need to talk with spouse and so much more. You also get several other bonuses listed on this page... And because we want to make sure you get everything you need to make this decision a turning point in YOUR business... where you finally know in your bones that you can attract as many clients as you want. You’re going to get the hottest bonus of all: You get 2 full scholarship tickets to the Client Attraction Summit. This is a 3-Day Live Event for you and a friend, valued at $1,994.

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We include this bonus, because while some people thrive on having a home study course that you can listen to in the comfort of your own home… a lot of our clients are kinesthetic learners and thrive at Live Events, where you’ll get our VERY best client attraction secrets. AND you’ll get to practice them through transformational exercises that will literally change your business and change your life. You’ll experience the Thrive energy and community first hand, and you’ll walk away feeling so glad you trusted yourself and invested in your future. Some other bonuses we’ve included are: How to Create High-End Packages Your Clients will Love How to Create a Client-Getting Website on a Shoestring Budget Client Retention Secrets, And the exclusive Thrive Academy App, where following the customizable Heartselling™ templates in the app practically does the work for you during the consultations… so you’ll always know what to say to your potential clients. Include Guarantee The combination of the at-home learning, is awesome! And we feel so confident that if you fully work the program, we know you’ll get results, which is why we have a guarantee. Work this program for 30 days, and if you don’t get results, just show us you fully worked the program to date, and we’ll give you your money back. The bottom line is that Client Attraction Mastery 2.0 works... If you work it. And when you master Heartselling™ and Client Attraction, you’ll attract a steady stream of high-quality clients you love who are more than happy to pay what you're worth... and you’ll have these skills for life. How do we know? Because, we started with nothing and went on to make over 12 million dollars using many of the principles we teach in this program… but, more importantly, our Client Attraction Mastery Members have made 10’s of millions of dollars by implementing this program. And the best part is: they’ve gotten the honor and privilege of making a profound impact in the lives of their clients. Success Stories Let me share some of the results from some of our graduates, so you’ll know what you can expect… We’ve got such a long list of success stories and unparalleled average results from this program. Here are some of the results from people who have gone through Client Attraction Mastery 2.0… just to show you what’s possible for you.

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Dr. Abiola Oladoke is a clinical health practitioner who made $28,550 in new sales in the first 30 days of client attraction mastery. She was making $7,500/month when she first came to us. Susan Kerby is a speaker coach who made $19,899 in new sales in the first month. Annick Chenier made $18,300 in sales in the first month. Geraldine Mulhall-Wrighton is a chiropractor who made $16,595 Kirk Akahoshi is a therapist who made $8,900 within 30 days. The total new sales from this group was $222,089. And the average sales in the first 30 days $3,641 On average, each of the people in the program only had 7 conversations with potential clients in that first 30 days to get these results. And to show you this isn’t just a fluke... In another program, Wei Houng made $22,000 and his business partner Krista Magidson made $22,100. Jeff Bell is a cancer recovery specialist... who earned $7,900. I can go on and on and on with success stories... and these folks are holistic practitioners, life coaches and business coaches. During the first 30 days of this program, 34% of the participants in this program earned at least an additional $5,000 and 54% made over $2,000 in additional income. I share this because I want you to know that the odds of you being successful in this program are extraordinarily high. With our proven and unparalleled track record of over 10 years and our rock-solid guarantee, you have nothing to lose and a lifetime of certainty to gain. We want you to know that with our help, you can attract as many clients as you want for the rest of your life. And this is exactly what you can expect in Client Attraction Mastery 2.0. So go ahead and reserve your seat now, before the special savings goes away. We’ve made it really easy for you by giving you different payment plan options and different ways to take care of your payment. Enrollment will only be available for a few days because the program is starting very soon!

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I want to share a specific story to give you an idea of what’s possible... Randy Lind is a massage therapist. He'd been in solo practice for 15 years, and before he worked with us, he struggled to get more than 8 or 10 clients per week, or to earn more than $40,000 per year. After he worked with us, his client load jumped to more than 25 clients per week, and he was booked 2 to 3 weeks in advance! Now he has two therapists working for him and his practice is on track to reach 6 figures this year. Share your Hero’s Journey Story And finally, I'd like to share my own story with you… When I started my acupuncture and coaching practice years ago, I was $80,000 in debt with student loans and didn't know anything about getting clients. I remember crying to my first coach that nobody could afford $200 per month for coaching. I hated selling my services. I felt like selling turned me into a different person – one I didn't like at all. It didn’t take me long to realize that I needed to learn something about attracting clients. I was fortunate to meet a business mentor soon after. He promised me that if I did my homework, he guaranteed that I would triple my income in 90 days. Now I didn’t know what the homework was going to be, and I didn’t have the money to hire him (he charged $600/month). But I knew in my gut this was the right thing to do. So I asked Jesse if he would loan me the money...because he still had a secure paycheck at that time. And this was way before we were married, btw. He said yes and I hired this coach. And when I found out what the homework was, I nearly fell off my seat. My Homework was to have 20 conversations for business 5 days each week... So he guaranteed I would triple my income if I had 100 sales conversations every single week! That may sound crazy to you, and if it does, GOOD, because it is crazy! But at this point, my choice was to either fully go for it... or give up on my dream and get a job, I had already invested the I decided to go for it. In all honesty, I had about 60 conversations per week. In the beginning, I felt SO awkward. I didn’t really know how to describe what I did and people didn’t get it. I felt really uncomfortable talking about how much I charged. And I didn’t have much confidence in the work I was offering as a coach and acupuncturist. Sometimes Jesse, who had recently finished his coaching training, would overhear my conversations and cringe. But something shifted just before that last 30 days...I had a divine download that was based on my work as an acupuncturist--it was a holistic system for how to talk with potential clients in a way

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that always left people in a better place, and often resulted in a yes. Jesse and I called this system, Heartselling™. And when I used Heartselling™ to offer my services, I felt completely aligned, empowered...and realized that I already had everything I needed inside of me...I just needed to follow this model to stay in my heart and still be effective. And after discovering the Heartselling™ model, I started getting lots of YESes...and I did indeed triple my income and had my first month over $5,000… and thought this was a pretty good start. Shortly after, Jesse quit his job and started his coaching business. He started using the Heartselling™ model, he knew he had gained mastery when he got 16 new clients in one month...we joined forces and haven’t ever looked back. About a year later, a few of our coach and holistic practitioner friends started asking us how we had filled our practices with great we started teaching them the model, and just took one step after another. This was over 10 years ago and we’ve had the great fortune to teach the most amazing people with the biggest hearts how to get their work out in a bigger way. We’ve made millions and millions of dollars, but what we’re most proud of is that our clients have made over $100 Million Dollars using what they learned from us. And, just to set the record straight, We’re NEVER going to ask YOU to talk with 60 people a week to build your business. :) Many of our clients who connect with just 3 people each week enjoy $10,000 Months.... If you start looking at some of our success stories, you’ll find that many of the rising Transformational Leaders of today made their first 6 Figures after working with us. And now, we want to help YOU! Overall Benefit of the Program Imagine making this same kind of progress as we did, and as our clients have done, in your business. Imagine finally bringing your gifts to the people who need them, feeling successful in whatever way YOU define success. You can. Believe me. If we can make 6 Figures when we looked like we had just graduated from college… then you can too. Our greatest hope is that you go from the uncertainty of not knowing if you’ll be able to make ends meet, to the certainty of making a REALLY good living doing what you love. No matter how discouraged or frustrated you’ve been, we know that with our guidance, you have the power to become an incredible transformational leader who makes an enormous difference on

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this planet. Call to Action Are you ready to stop doubting whether you’re really ready or good enough or worth it… and just get started? We’d love to help you. If you're ready to join the Thrive Community and get our proven system to Get Consults, Get Clients and Get Referrals, now is the time to enroll in Client Attraction Mastery 2.0. Enrollment is available for a limited time and the LIVE BONUS CALLS start VERY SOON. Remember, it's not about making you better at what you do – because we know you already have that in you. And honestly, when you become masterful at attracting clients, a SIDE benefit is that you’ll become more masterful at what you do because using these templates just makes you a better coach or a better holistic practitioner. It's about changing the way you attract and enroll clients, so that you naturally attract a lot more of the people who need you. If this resonates with you, read through the information below, and then follow the instructions to enroll. Whether you choose to work with us or not, we appreciate you taking the time to participate in this video series. If you get a clear no to our program, please honor it and find another business mentor to help you attract clients. We truly believe that EVERYONE needs training to learn the skill of attracting clients and if we’re not the right fit, then keep searching until you find someone who you really resonate with. And if you ARE getting a YES, we invite you to honor your YES, even if it’s scary… even if you have to ask someone to lend you the money, or find some creative way to finance it. And even if you don’t yet feel ready...because we’ll help you get ready! We promise you that Your courage and commitment will help you greatly in your journey to get clients. Share How to Get Questions Answered If you have any concerns around time, money, or getting your partner’s approval, or whether this program will work for you, we invite you to talk with someone from our team. Just start a chat and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible. Find a way to GET CLEAR so that you can either boldly move forward with us or boldly move forward in a different direction with another mentor or program.

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Committing to a YES or NO is a HUGE step forward in attracting more clients. Dissolve Concerns We believe that Commitment attracts commitment. When you are someone who is willing to commit to getting a result, you are more likely to attract committed clients who mirror your commitment level. When you say maybe… Maybes attract maybe clients. So, we invite you to get clear about your yes or no… and not put this program in a pile with all of the other maybes in your life. If you’re getting a YES, fill out the form below, and join us for an awesome and fun journey to serving more clients and doing what you love. I hope we get to meet soon… Alright, This is Sharla Jacobs signing off. Because Your People are Waiting for You!

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Additional Tips for Writing a Sales Letter

The Sales Page is a written offer (or video offer), with some adjustments because people are viewing online vs. in person.

Everything is written from you to ONE person reading this letter…all directed with YOU and YOUR (choose an “avatar”)

Body of the sales letter should be in a different font than the headline and subheads Speak their language (How do they talk to themselves? What do they say to YOU during free

consultations? NOTE: it’s a great idea to do lots of free consultations before you write your sales page so you can hear what they say.)

Use lots of formatting (bolding, underlining (limited), italics, parentheses, bullets) to make powerful and emotional words POP off the page

Use exclamation points and all caps sparingly, but use them when you REALLY want to grab their attention

Do you best to keep paragraphs limited to no more than 4 lines so they don’t overwhelm the reader

Use enticing pictures throughout to break up text

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Order Form Components



Guarantee Symbol and text

Program Logo

Bulleted overview of what they get

Contact info for getting questions answered

Fields to enter all Contact Info and Credit Card info

Secure Transaction symbol or language

Page 23: How to Create Compelling Sales Pages - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-16 · How to Create Compelling Sales Pages By Sharla Jacobs and Jesse Koren. 2 ... Client Attraction Mastery 2.0 gives


Order Form Sample

Page 24: How to Create Compelling Sales Pages - Amazon S3 · 2016-09-16 · How to Create Compelling Sales Pages By Sharla Jacobs and Jesse Koren. 2 ... Client Attraction Mastery 2.0 gives


Thank you Page Components

Acknowledge purchase

Tell them who the charge will come from

Tell them next steps

Welcome Video (optional)

Thank you page sample

(NOTE: We invite them to claim their scholarship tickets, so this page is more involved than

your Thank You Page will likely be—although you could recommend they book their strategy

session with you right on this page)