how to create an annotated bibliography

How to Create an Annotated Bibliography

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Page 1: How to create an annotated bibliography

How to Create an Annotated Bibliography

Page 2: How to create an annotated bibliography

First Things Aren’t Always First!

Your research paper is a persuasive explanation of your opinion in paragraph form. The introductory paragraph

will end with your thesis stating your position. The second paragraph will give the opinion(s) of others who oppose your viewpoint. You will then back up your opinion with factual citations from your sources in the third paragraph. The fourth paragraph concludes and

summarizes your point of view. You will explain what you think America should do about your recent event—

whether or not we should get involved, why, and how. Write this part last!

Page 3: How to create an annotated bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography lists sources that support your opinion. Each

citation includes a short paragraph that summarizes the article and explains how it supports your opinion on the topic. It includes information as to

HOW you found the resource. Write this part first!

Page 4: How to create an annotated bibliography

What does your research paper look like?

Your name Last Name 1

Teacher name


Day Month Year – No punctuation

Your title

Here you will type, double spaced, your persuasive explanation including your thesis. It will be only four paragraphs

in length, but it is only introducing your topic , refutation and point of view so be careful how much detail is given.

At the end of your explanation, you will go to the next page in order to begin your annotated bibliography. You will

continue the header, center the first line and type “Annotated Bibliography.” Left justify your typing and begin the bibliography.

These pages will be single spaced, with double space between the bibliographical information and the annotation and again before the

next entry. Your annotations should include how you found your source and a short summary in support of the issue being researched.

Use font size 12 Times New Roman or Arial.

Pay close attention to every detail in your paper. Spacing, line spacing, information, organization, and how each item is

marked is very important.

Write this page last!

Page 5: How to create an annotated bibliography

What do the citation and annotation look like?

Student 2Annotated Bibliography

McGeary, Johanna and Marguerite Michaels. “Africa Rising.” Time Canada 30 Mar 1998. MAS Ultra – School Edition. EBSCOhost. 20

May 2006 <>

I found this article by using the search engine within EBSCO, a subscription periodical service provided by Wichita High School South. I used the search term Education in Africa.This article discusses how many Africans in the country of Mali are taking on a more self-reliant attitude and wanting more of their population to be educated. In order for that to happen, more schools need to be built in their country. Only 46.5% of children in Mali attend primary school. Their literacy rate has increased from 19% to 32%, but 32% is still really low. This article supports my opinion because they need help with building more schools just like the country of Grimshaw. America could help to get more of their population educated.

This is the citation

This is the annotation

Write this page first!

Page 6: How to create an annotated bibliography

You start the second part first, your actual annotated bibliography. Do all 5 of your

citations and annotations using the reference tool in Microsoft Word.

Alphabetize your sources.

Then write the report last, your explanation. Briefly summarize what you learned from the articles you cited as you document how the article supported your

point of view. See the sample for help.

Page 7: How to create an annotated bibliography

How to Annotate Your Source

SKIM your source and identify the information that will be the most helpful.

You don’t always have to read the whole thing!

• Read the title and get summary clues from it.• Read the headings if there are any – make note of facts!• Read the first paragraph under each heading; read more if

information supports your opinion; if not, move on.• Read the first sentence or two or three of each paragraph.• Write a one paragraph summary from each source giving factual

information from the article.• Remember to include HOW you found the article in your annotation.

Page 8: How to create an annotated bibliography


Gunnell, Angie. A Webquest. 20 August 2010 <>.