how to create a buying frenzy with a $3 trip wire product (2)

In this Presentation you’ll discover a breakthrough approach to creating a Buying Frenzy that I literally stumbled upon whilst training myself to stay at the top of my game.

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Post on 12-Jun-2015




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Do you know what the hardest thing to do in any business is? It’s getting a new customer to hand over that first dollar. After that once you deliver them great value they’re yours for life. The psychology behind why it's so hard to get that first dollar, comes back to reason number three out of the six reasons people don’t buy from you. They don’t trust you. It’s not your fault that they don’t trust you, you haven’t actually done anything wrong. They have probably been ripped off by one of the dodgy operators in your industry and now they think that you all operate the same way. By offering them a low cost tripwire product to buy, It gives them a way to test the water with you make sure that you are the real deal and that they're not going to get ripped off. Problem is you don’t want to spend your day physically selling $3 items. So the way around that is to create a small downloadable item that people can buy online. That way to whole process (of getting that first $1) is automated. Think of it as a silent salesman that you never have to pay, priming people to buy your bigger ticket items all whilst you are going about your business. In the report below I have put together everything you need about how to create a $3 tripwire product for your business yourself. I even show you the FREE online tool you can use to set up an online shop ready to sell your tripwire in minutes.


Page 1: How to create a buying frenzy with a $3 trip wire product (2)

In this Presentation you’ll discover a breakthrough approach to creating a

Buying Frenzy that I literally stumbled upon whilst training myself to stay at

the top of my game.

Page 2: How to create a buying frenzy with a $3 trip wire product (2)

It was Born out of The Genius Ideas, I gleaned from Four of the Best Marketing Minds on the Planet

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The First Dollar is the hardest to get out of a new customer. After that getting more money is easy, provided you give them exceptional value.

But trying to sell your main product straight up to a cold customer, is really hard work.

Idea One: Dan Raine

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Focusing on getting a result every day works better (for my personality type) than trying to develop 2, 5,

10 year plans

Idea Two: Justin Herald

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Making the first sale is a lot easier if the person has a bleeding neck and needs an immediate fix.

Idea Three: Perry Marshall

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The People that say no to you initially are where the real money is in your business.

Idea Four: Frank Kern

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1. A YouTube Video by Justin Herald2. A Report (one I paid for) by Dan Raine3. Perry Marshall’s Book: 80 - 20 the definitive guide to

Sales and Marketing.4. Frank Kerns Book Convert

Throughout this presentation I am going to refer to these incredible valuable pieces of training those Guys created...

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As I said this all literally fell into place as I was working my way through these trainings looking for ways to improve my own marketing.

I don’t just do marketing consulting. I study it every single day. I don’t want to just be good at what I do, I want to be the best I can possible be.

Just Being Good Enough, is not Good Enough for my Clients.

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The first piece of this puzzle fell into place while watching Justin’s Video

Justin’s idea (at about 9 minutes into his video) revolved around planning. This is His take on it...

People get too hung up on 2, 5, 7, 10 year plans.

When Justin started out in business he had one plan, which was to get one result every day.

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But does that actually work?

Well if got the Attitude Brand to the point where it had a $37.5 Million turn over. I don’t know about you, but I could live comfortably on that.

BTW there is no guarantee you will do that :)

That way he got 365 results Every Year

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So if we take Justin’s plan of one result per day. And we decide that result is going to

be one $3 tripwire sale per day.

You now have a plan that you can track and measure without spending countless hours agonising over it :)

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Firstly it doesn’t sound all that exciting. Does it?

365 sales X $3.00 = $1095.00 and we even had to work Xmas day to

achieve that.

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The Habit (of one result per day for us) and the Action that we are getting the customer to take are

far more important than the initial sales figure.

The First Dollar is the hardest to get out of a new customer. After that getting more money is easy, provided you give them exceptional value.

Remember what Dan Raine Said?

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And the way we are going to set this up means that it just happens in the

background without having to physically follow people up

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So lets make Your $3.00 Product and get you started immediately

The easiest way to create a simple product, is to find a problem and create a short audio recording

about fixing that problem

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The more specific the problem is, the better. You want people to think...

“Oh I have that pain and I can make it go away for a couple of bucks right now!”

But Remember… Deliver Massive Value!!

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How to Create a Buying Frenzy with $3 Tripwire Product

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