how to configure uwl

This guide is intended as a supplement to the How to Configure the Universal Worklist . This guide focuses on how the UWL configuration corresponds to the Business Workflow definition. It includes complete XML configuration and complete workflow configuration requirements. There are three primary business scenarios used: Purchase Requisition Approval Parked Document Approval Material Review Every effort has been made to use workflow templates or BOR objects that exist on every SAP system. For the Purchase Requisition Approval we will use the SAP provided template, WS00000038. For the Parked Document Approval we will use the SAP provided template WS10000051. The UWL configuration guide lists several scenarios. We will focus on the following UWL scenarios: 1. Custom Item Attributes 2. List Views with Custom Attributes 3. Decision Views 4. Decision Options with terminating events 5. Decision Options updating the workflow container 1. Custom Item Attributes Custom item attributes allow you to display your own attributes in the UWL. Not as columns, but just as text on the bottom (see 2.4 and 6 in the UWL configuration guide). The following XML comes from the following: TS74507986 is a custom tasked based on BOR object FORMABSENC, method APPROVEASYNCRON TS97900123 is a custom task based on custom BOR object Y20MARA, method DISPLAY TS00007986 is the SAP provided task for approving requisitions, BOR object BUS2009, method SINGLERELEASE The xml file below is a complete example that you can use to model your required configuration. The attributes that are displayed come directly from the object type. Please note that the attributes used are all attributes that are not multi-line and are not attributes based on object types. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE UWLConfiguration PUBLIC '-//SAP//UWL1.0//EN' 'uwl_configuration.dtd' [ ]> <UWLConfiguration version="1.0"> <ItemTypes> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS74507936" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="DefaultView" defaultAction="viewDetail" executionMode="pessimistic"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS74507936" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <CustomAttributes> <CustomAttributeSource id="ABAP_BOR" objectIdHolder="externalObjectId" objectType="FORMABSENC" cacheValidity="final">

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Page 1: How to Configure UWL

This guide is intended as a supplement to the How to Configure the Universal Worklist. This guide focuses on how the UWL configuration corresponds to the Business Workflow definition. It includes complete XML configuration and complete workflow configuration requirements. There are three primary business scenarios used: Purchase Requisition Approval Parked Document Approval Material Review Every effort has been made to use workflow templates or BOR objects that exist on every SAP system. For the Purchase Requisition Approval we will use the SAP provided template, WS00000038. For the Parked Document Approval we will use the SAP provided template WS10000051. The UWL configuration guide lists several scenarios. We will focus on the following UWL scenarios:

1. Custom Item Attributes 2. List Views with Custom Attributes 3. Decision Views 4. Decision Options with terminating events 5. Decision Options updating the workflow container

1. Custom Item Attributes Custom item attributes allow you to display your own attributes in the UWL. Not as columns, but just as text on the bottom (see 2.4 and 6 in the UWL configuration guide). The following XML comes from the following:

TS74507986 is a custom tasked based on BOR object FORMABSENC, method APPROVEASYNCRON TS97900123 is a custom task based on custom BOR object Y20MARA, method DISPLAY TS00007986 is the SAP provided task for approving requisitions, BOR object BUS2009, method SINGLERELEASE

The xml file below is a complete example that you can use to model your required configuration. The attributes that are displayed come directly from the object type. Please note that the attributes used are all attributes that are not multi-line and are not attributes based on object types. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE UWLConfiguration PUBLIC '-//SAP//UWL1.0//EN' 'uwl_configuration.dtd' [ ]> <UWLConfiguration version="1.0"> <ItemTypes>

<ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS74507936" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="DefaultView" defaultAction="viewDetail" executionMode="pessimistic">

<ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS74507936" connector="WebFlowConnector"/>

<CustomAttributes> <CustomAttributeSource id="ABAP_BOR" objectIdHolder="externalObjectId" objectType="FORMABSENC" cacheValidity="final">

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<Attribute name="HOURSABSENT" type="int" displayName="Number of Hours Absent"/> <Attribute name="LASTDAYOFABSENCE" type="date" displayName="Last day of absence"/> <Attribute name="FIRSTDAYOFABSENCE" type="date" displayName="First day of absence"/> <Attribute name="COSTCENTER" type="string" displayName="Cost Center"/>

</CustomAttributeSource> </CustomAttributes> </ItemType> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS97900123" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="DefaultView" defaultAction="viewDetail" executionMode="pessimistic"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS97900123" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <CustomAttributes> <CustomAttributeSource id="ABAP_BOR" objectIdHolder="externalObjectId" objectType="Y20MARA" cacheValidity="final"> <Attribute name="MATERIALTYPE" type="string" displayName="Type of Material"/> <Attribute name="NETWEIGHT" type="int" displayName="Net Weight"/> <Attribute name="BASICMATERIAL" type="string" displayName="Basic Material"/> </CustomAttributeSource> </CustomAttributes> </ItemType> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS00007986" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="DefaultView" defaultAction="viewDetail" executionMode="pessimistic"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS00007986" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <CustomAttributes> <CustomAttributeSource id="ABAP_BOR" objectIdHolder="externalObjectId" objectType="BUS2009" cacheValidity="final"> <Attribute name="RELEASESTRATEGY" type="string" displayName="Release Strategy"/> <Attribute name="CREATEDBY" type="int" displayName="Person Who Created the Requisition"/> <Attribute name="DESCRIPTION" type="string" displayName="Description on the Requisition"/> </CustomAttributeSource> </CustomAttributes> </ItemType>

2. List Views with Custom Attributes Remember that the point of List Views with Custom Attributes is to have custom columns in the UWL that represent attributes from the BOR. (See 2.5 and 7 in the UWL configuration guide.) The following XML comes from the following:

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TS74507986 is a custom tasked based on BOR object FORMABSENC, method APPROVEASYNCRON TS97900123 is a custom task based on custom BOR object Y20MARA, method DISPLAY TS00007986 is the SAP provided task for approving requisitions, BOR object BUS2009, method SINGLERELEASE

The xml file below is a complete example that you can use to model your required configuration. The attributes that are displayed come directly from the object type. Please note that the attributes used are all attributes that are not multi-line and are not attributes based on object types. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE UWLConfiguration PUBLIC '-//SAP//UWL1.0//EN' 'uwl_configuration.dtd' [ ]> <UWLConfiguration version="1.0"> <ItemTypes> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS74507936" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="myApprovalView" defaultAction="viewDetail" executionMode="pessimistic"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS74507936" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <CustomAttributes> <CustomAttributeSource id="ABAP_BOR" objectIdHolder="externalObjectId" objectType="FORMABSENC" cacheValidity="final"> <Attribute name="HOURSABSENT" type="int" displayName="Number of Hours Absent"/> <Attribute name="LASTDAYOFABSENCE" type="date" displayName="Last day of absence"/> <Attribute name="FIRSTDAYOFABSENCE" type="date" displayName="First day of absence"/> <Attribute name="COSTCENTER" type="string" displayName="Cost Center"/> </CustomAttributeSource> </CustomAttributes> </ItemType> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS97900123" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="myMaterialsView" defaultAction="viewDetail" executionMode="pessimistic"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS97900123" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <CustomAttributes> <CustomAttributeSource id="ABAP_BOR" objectIdHolder="externalObjectId" objectType="Y20MARA" cacheValidity="final"> <Attribute name="MATERIALTYPE" type="string" displayName="Type of Material"/> <Attribute name="NETWEIGHT" type="int" displayName="Net Weight"/> <Attribute name="BASICMATERIAL" type="string" displayName="Basic Material"/> </CustomAttributeSource> </CustomAttributes> </ItemType> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS00007986" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="myReqApprovalView" defaultAction="viewDetail" executionMode="pessimistic"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS00007986" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <CustomAttributes>

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<CustomAttributeSource id="ABAP_BOR" objectIdHolder="externalObjectId" objectType="BUS2009" cacheValidity="final"> <Attribute name="RELEASESTRATEGY" type="string" displayName="Release Strategy"/> <Attribute name="CREATEDBY" type="string" displayName="Person Who Created the Requisition"/> <Attribute name="DESCRIPTION" type="string" displayName="Description on the Requisition"/> </CustomAttributeSource> </CustomAttributes> </ItemType> </ItemTypes> <Views> <View name="myApprovalView" width="98%" supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.webflow.TS74507936" columnOrder="attachmentCount, detailIcon, subject, priority, creatorId, createdDate, FIRSTDAYOFABSENCE, LASTDAYOFABSENCE" sortby="priority, createdDate" visibleRowCount="10" headerVisible="yes" tableNavigationFooterVisible="yes" emphasizedItems="new" displayOnlyDefinedAttributes="no"> <Descriptions default="Vacation Requests to Approve"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Vacation Requests to Approve"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> <DisplayAttributes> <DisplayAttribute name="FIRSTDAYOFABSENCE" type="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium"> <Descriptions default="Vacation begins on"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Vacation begins on"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> <DisplayAttribute name="LASTDAYOFABSENCE" type="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium"> <Descriptions default="Vacation Ends On"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Vacation Ends On"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> </DisplayAttributes> <Actions> <Action reference="refresh" /> <Action reference="removeFromNavigation" /> <Action reference="addToNavigation" /> <Action reference="personalize" /> </Actions> </View> <View name="myMaterialsView" width="98%" supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.webflow.TS97900123" columnOrder="attachmentCount, detailIcon, subject, priority, creatorId, createdDate, MATERIALTYPE, NETWEIGHT" sortby="priority, createdDate" visibleRowCount="10" headerVisible="yes" tableNavigationFooterVisible="yes" emphasizedItems="new" displayOnlyDefinedAttributes="no"> <Descriptions default="My Materials to Review">

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<ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="My Materials to Review"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> <DisplayAttributes> <DisplayAttribute name="MATERIALTYPE" type="string" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium"> <Descriptions default="Material Type"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Material Type"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> <DisplayAttribute name="NETWEIGHT" type="int" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium"> <Descriptions default="Net Weight"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Net Weight"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> <DisplayAttribute name="BASICMATERIAL" type="string" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium"> <Descriptions default="Basic Material"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Basic Material"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> </DisplayAttributes> <Actions> <Action reference="refresh" /> <Action reference="removeFromNavigation" /> <Action reference="addToNavigation" /> <Action reference="personalize" /> </Actions> </View> <View name="myReqApprovalView" width="98%" supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.webflow.TS00007986" columnOrder="attachmentCount, detailIcon, subject, priority, creatorId, createdDate, RELEASESTRATEGY, DESCRIPTION" sortby="priority, createdDate" visibleRowCount="10" headerVisible="yes" tableNavigationFooterVisible="yes" emphasizedItems="new" displayOnlyDefinedAttributes="no"> <Descriptions default="My Requisitions to Approve"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="My Requisitions to Approve"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> <DisplayAttributes> <DisplayAttribute name="RELEASE STRATEGY" type="string" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium"> <Descriptions default="Release Strategy"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Release Strategy"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> <DisplayAttribute name="DESCRIPTION" type="string" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium">

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<Descriptions default="Purchase Req Description"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Purchase Req Description"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> </DisplayAttributes> <Actions> <Action reference="refresh" /> <Action reference="removeFromNavigation" /> <Action reference="addToNavigation" /> <Action reference="personalize" /> </Actions> </View> </Views>


3. Decision views If you have a user decision step in your workflow, and you do no customization in the UWL, the workitem will appear and the choices in the user decision will be small buttons.

The user can make a choice and the workflow will continue. It is nice to do customization when you want the user to select check boxes to indicate their choice. The great thing about this is that the user can make multiple choices at one time, they do not have to execute them one at a time.

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In this example we have a custom workflow with a user decision step. The decision has two options: Go On or Stop.

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Whenever you create your user decision, the choice the user made in 1.nnn beginning with the first choice down to the last choice. The XML required to make the Go On and Stop options be check boxes in UWL is listed below. Note that 1 is tied to “Continue/Go On”; 2 is tied to “stop”. Normally the decision results are tied to the order in which they were entered in the workflow definition. To verify that “go on” is 0001 and “stop” is 0002, you can execute function module SAP_WAPI_DECISION_READ for a specific work item and the number associated with each decision will be returned. <ItemTypes> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS00008267" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="myMaterialDecisionView" defaultAction="launchUserDecision"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS00008267" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <Actions> <Action name="accept" groupAction="yes" handler="UserDecisionHandler" referenceBundle="approve"> <Properties> <Property name="decisionKey" value="0001"/> </Properties> <Descriptions default="Continue"/> </Action>

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<Action name="reject" groupAction="yes" handler="UserDecisionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" referenceBundle="reject"> <Properties> <Property name="decisionKey" value="0002"/> </Properties> <Descriptions default="Stop Processing"/> </Action> </Actions> </ItemType> </ItemTypes> <Views> <View name="myMaterialDecisionView" width="98%" supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.webflow.TS00008267" columnOrder="attachmentCount, detailIcon, subject, priority, creatorId, createdDate, goCol, stopCol" sortby="priority" selectionMode="SINGLESELECT" tableDesign="STANDARD" visibleRowCount="10" headerVisible="yes" tableNavigationFooterVisible="yes" tableNavigationType="CUSTOMNAV" referenceBundle="task_approval" actionRef=""> <Descriptions default="Material Choices to Make"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Material Choices to Make"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> <DisplayAttributes> <DisplayAttribute name="goCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="accept" referenceBundle="approve" vAlign="TOP" hAlign="CENTER"> <Descriptions default=""> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Continue processing "/> </ShortDescriptions> <LongDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Continue material processing"/> </LongDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> <DisplayAttribute name="stopCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="reject" referenceBundle="reject" vAlign="TOP" hAlign="CENTER"> <Descriptions default=""> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Stop"/> </ShortDescriptions> <LongDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Stop Processing"/>

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</LongDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> </DisplayAttributes> <Actions> <Action reference="refresh" /> <Action reference="removeFromNavigation" /> <Action reference="addToNavigation" /> <Action reference="personalize" /> <Action reference="submitUserDecisions" groupAction="yes" handler="UIActionHandler" referenceBundle="submit" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" launchInNewWindow="no" /> </Actions> </View> </Views> </UWLConfiguration> 4. Decision Options with terminating events This option is not for the User Decision step type. This option is for any task where the user needs to make a choice. You want the user to able to make this choice without necessarily executing the workitem and launching whatever functionality is behind the workitem. In this example you must display custom attributes of dollar amount and a couple of other things, and give the user the option to decide without actually launching the executable behind the workitem. This does assume the actual task you are dealing with has terminating events that are tied to the task outcomes. In the example below we look at the SAP template for purchase requisitions, WS00000038.

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You want columns in the UWL to represent the terminating events tied to the task. In this example we will link to the “rejected” event and the “released” event.

In the example above, this is further complicated by the fact that this terminating event also has an event parameter for the ReleaseCode. In the following XML example that supports this scenario, notice the UWL_TABLE parameters. These are the parameters required to fill the event container with parameter “ReleaseCode” with a value of “EX”. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE UWLConfiguration PUBLIC '-//SAP//UWL1.0//EN' 'uwl_configuration.dtd' [ ]> <UWLConfiguration version="1.0"> <ItemTypes> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS00007986" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="myRequisitions" defaultAction="launchSAPAction" executionMode="default"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS00007986" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <CustomAttributes>

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<CustomAttributeSource id="ABAP_BOR" objectIdHolder="externalObjectId" objectType="BUS2009" cacheValidity="final"> <Attribute name="RELEASESTRATEGY" type="string" displayName="Release Strategy"/> <Attribute name="CREATEDBY" type="string" displayName="Person Who Created the Requisition"/> </CustomAttributeSource> </CustomAttributes> <Actions> <Action name="rejected" groupAction="yes" userDecision="yes" handler="FunctionModuleActionHandler"> <Properties> <Property name="FunctionModule" value="SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT"/> <Property name="OBJECT_TYPE" value="BUS2009"/> <Property name="EVENT" value="REJECTED"/> <Property name="OBJECT_KEY" value="${item.externalObjectId}"/> <Property name="COMMIT_WORK" value="X"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1" value="INPUT_CONTAINER"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1_ROW1_PARAMETER1" value="ELEMENT"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1_ROW1_PARAMETER1_VALUE" value="RELEASECODE"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1_ROW1_PARAMETER2" value="VALUE"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1_ROW1_PARAMETER2_VALUE" value="EX"/> </Properties> <Descriptions default="Requistion Rejected"/> </Action> <Action name="launchSAPAction" groupAction="no" handler="SAPTransactionLauncher" referenceBundle="launch_sap" returnToDetailViewAllowed="yes" launchInNewWindow="no"> <Properties> <Property name="display_order_priority" value="5"/> </Properties> </Action> <Action name="released" userDecision="yes" groupAction="yes" handler="FunctionModuleActionHandler"> <Properties> <Property name="FunctionModule" value="SAP_WAPI_CREATE_EVENT"/> <Property name="OBJECT_TYPE" value="BUS2009"/> <Property name="EVENT" value="RELEASED"/> <Property name="OBJECT_KEY" value="${item.externalObjectId}"/> <Property name="COMMIT_WORK" value="X"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1" value="INPUT_CONTAINER"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1_ROW1_PARAMETER1" value="ELEMENT"/>

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<Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1_ROW1_PARAMETER1_VALUE" value="RELEASECODE"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1_ROW1_PARAMETER2" value="VALUE"/> <Property name="UWL_TABLE_IN1_ROW1_PARAMETER2_VALUE" value="EX"/> </Properties> <Descriptions default="Requisition Released"/> </Action> </Actions> </ItemType> </ItemTypes> <Views> <View name="myRequisitions" width="98%" supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.webflow.TS00007986" columnOrder="attachmentCount, detailIcon, subject, creatorId, createdDate, RELEASESTRATEGY, PLANT, DESCRIPTION, rejectCol, releaseCol" sortby="priority" selectionMode="SINGLESELECT" tableDesign="STANDARD" visibleRowCount="10" headerVisible="yes" tableNavigationFooterVisible="yes" tableNavigationType="CUSTOMNAV" emphasizedItems="new" displayOnlyDefinedAttributes="no"> <Descriptions default="My Requisitions with TE"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="My Requisitions with TE"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> <DisplayAttributes> <DisplayAttribute name="RELEASESTRATEGY" type="string" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium"> <Descriptions default="Release Strategy"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Release Strategy"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> <DisplayAttribute name="DESCRIPTION" type="string" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium"> <Descriptions default="Plant Description"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Plant Description"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute>

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<DisplayAttribute name="rejectCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="rejected" vAlign="TOP" hAlign="CENTER"> <Descriptions default=""> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Reject"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> <DisplayAttribute name="releaseCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="released" vAlign="TOP" hAlign="CENTER"> <Descriptions default=""> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Released"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> </DisplayAttributes> <Actions> <Action reference="refresh"/> <Action reference="submitUserDecisions" /> </Actions> </View> </Views> </UWLConfiguration>

5. Decision Options updating the workflow container This is another way to provide check boxes for the possible outcomes. This could be used just like the previous example. You want someone to provide an outcome without executing the method. (Perhaps you display dollar amount and they go approve or reject.) In this example we will look at the SAP template for approving parked documents, WS1000051. WS100051 calls multiple sub-workflows. We will look at sub-workflow WS1000052 where the user can either release or refuse the parked document. Here is what this method looks like when the user executes it.

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Perhaps instead of executing this method, we want the user to see some abbreviated data in UWL and select Release or Reject. In this example we will provide two check boxes for the user, if the user selects Release, then the UWL will populate the workflow container with the selected value. We will then have a container operation step that evaluates the value received and decides which path to follow. In this example we look at WS1000052. The task is TS7914 and it has two modeled outcomes: Released and Rejected.

If we drill into the task, then down into the method, we see these outcomes are due to a Result Type provided in the method. If we drill into TS00007914, we will see that BOR object FIPP method RELEASE is called. If we drill into the method we can see this method has a Result Parameter.

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If we look at this parameter, we can see it is tied to domain FRRTC which has possible values of 001 and 002. 001 indicates Released; 002 indicates Rejected.

This tell us that the UWL must return 001 if the user selects Released, 002 if the user selects Rejected.

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In this specific example, normally the method would pass back the return value, and the workflow would continue. Since we are getting the value back from UWL, we must change our workflow design the get the returned value from the workflow container. Instead of the graphic looking like the following:

Our graphic should look like:

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We now have a Condition statement to evaluate the return from UWL. Then we follow the normal steps the Outcomes would have followed. In changing this workflow we had to add the following: a) Remove the outcomes from the TS00007914 b) Add a container element to hold the return of 001 or 002 c) Add a condition statement to evaluate the return a) Remove the outcomes from the TS00007914 By default the Outcomes have Released and Rejected selected. We do not want to use these default Outcomes because the UWL will explicitly return the outcome to us. So, we must change the Outcomes by deselecting both Release and Rejected. When you do that, the Outcome “Step Executed” will appear for you.

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b) Add a container element to hold the return of 001 or 002 Add a workflow container element to hold the return from UWL. It should be based on the same element as the result parameter, so in our example it should be FRRTC.

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c) Add a condition statement to evaluate the return Now you just need to add a condition step to evaluate the workflow container element. 001 means the item was released.

From this point on the workflow continues its normally processing. This completes what is required for the workflow design. The following is the XML that you will need to support what we just built in the workflow. Notice that the Property Name is the EXACT same name as the element in the workflow container. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE UWLConfiguration PUBLIC '-//SAP//UWL1.0//EN' 'uwl_configuration.dtd' [ ]> <UWLConfiguration version="1.0"> <ItemTypes> <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS00007914" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="myInvoiceApprovalView"> <ItemTypeCriteria externalType="TS00007914" connector="WebFlowConnector"/> <Actions> <Action name="released" handler="UpdatingContainerHandler"> <Properties> <Property name="ReturnFromUWL" value="001"/> </Properties> <Descriptions default="Released"/> </Action>

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<Action name="refused" handler="UpdatingContainerHandler"> <Properties> <Property name="ReturnFromUWL" value="002"/> </Properties> <Descriptions default="Refused"/> </Action> </Actions> </ItemType> </ItemTypes> <Views> <View name="myInvoiceApprovalView" width="98%" supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.webflow.TS00007914" columnOrder="attachmentCount, detailIcon, subject, priority, creatorId, createdDate, refusedCol, releasedCol" sortby="priority" selectionMode="SINGLESELECT" tableDesign="STANDARD" visibleRowCount="10" headerVisible="yes" tableNavigationFooterVisible="yes" tableNavigationType="CUSTOMNAV" actionRef=""> <Descriptions default="My Review of Invoices using Container Operations"> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="My Review of Invoices using Container Operations"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> <DisplayAttributes> <DisplayAttribute name="refusedCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="refused" vAlign="TOP" hAlign="CENTER"> <Descriptions default=""> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Refused"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> <DisplayAttribute name="releasedCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="released" vAlign="TOP" hAlign="CENTER"> <Descriptions default=""> <ShortDescriptions> <Description Language="en" Description="Released"/> </ShortDescriptions> </Descriptions> </DisplayAttribute> </DisplayAttributes> <Actions> <Action reference="refresh" /> <Action reference="removeFromNavigation" /> <Action reference="addToNavigation" /> <Action reference="personalize" /> <Action reference="submitUserDecisions"/>

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</Actions> </View> </Views> </UWLConfiguration>