how to buy an engagement ring for the perfect engagement

Custom-Unique-Engagement-Rings.Com - Perfect Ring, Perfect Engagement ©Copyright 2012 – thousands of rings from multiple websites all in one place. Not to mention the guides, articles and reviews to help you find the perfect ring. Page1 Custom-Unique-Engagement-Rings.Com Presents……….. The Perfect Ring for the Perfect Engagement The Essential Guide to Purchasing the Perfect Engagement Ring and Avoiding the Biggest Pitfalls By Peter Webber

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The Essential Guide to Buying the Perfect Engagement Ring and Avoiding the Biggest Pitfalls


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The Perfect Ring for

the Perfect


The Essential Guide to Purchasing the Perfect

Engagement Ring and Avoiding the Biggest Pitfalls

By Peter Webber

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Table of Contents

Engagement Ring Essentials………………………….… 4

Importance of Selecting the Right Ring; What You Should Expect to Spend; Engagement Rings

vs. Wedding Rings; Components of the Engagement Ring

Are Diamonds Really a Girl’s Best Friend?……………….pg. 9

The Four C’s; Diamond Settings; Diamond Certification; Diamond Alternatives and Other Gems

and Precious Stones

It’s All About Her…………………………………… 20

Preventing Disappointment; Finding Out What She Wants; Understanding Her Style; Secretly

Learning Her Ring Size

Selecting the Right Design for Her..…………… 25

Cost and Value; Choosing the Right Band; Precious Metals

The Jeweler Experience……………..…………… 29

Selecting a Jeweler; Getting the Best Deal, Insurance, Warranties and Fine Print; Five Pitfalls to


Buying the Ring………..……………..…………… 36

Creating a Lifelong Memory; The Best Ring at the Best Price; Your Best Ring Buying Option

Engagement Ring Trivia………………………………...……pg. 39

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Engagement Ring Essentials

Buying an engagement ring is both an exciting

and terrifying process. You want the ring to

show the person who you will be with for the

rest of your life how much you love them, but

you are also making what for most people is

one of the biggest financial expenditures

they’ve ever made.

If you are like most people, the biggest

purchase you’ve made so far is probably a

car. But when you walked into the showroom, you probably already had an

idea about what you wanted in terms of vehicle type, horsepower, options,

color and so on. But with an engagement ring, most people are walking in

knowing next to nothing.

There’s a lot to know about engagement rings and you’re required to

become something of an expert very quickly so that you buy precisely the

right ring and avoid over-spending. Unfortunately, as the first time buyer,

you probably don’t know very much about diamonds, metals, shapes cuts,

clarity or any of the other details that distinguish one ring from another.

And you also are at a disadvantage because the sales clerks at

jewelry stores usually work on commission and are naturally going to try to

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sell you the highest priced ring they can. Can you really trust them to give

you the greatest value for your money, especially with such an important


Importance of Selecting the Right Ring

Unlike other major purchases in your life – cars, homes, investments

– buying an engagement ring is a highly personal act because when you

present it to your intended, you want it to be a magical moment that is

going to make a clear statement about the depth and strength of your love

for her.

From that moment on, that little ring

is going to serve as a visible symbol

of your love and she probably is

going to wear it every day for the rest

of her life. The ring will be shown off

to her friends, family, co-workers and

acquaintances. And everybody who

sees it is going to have an opinion

about it. The type of diamond or other stones you select, its size, the type

of cut, the metal band, the setting, all of these things are going to be noted

and judged for years and years to come.

No wonder most people find buying an engagement ring so terrifying.

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What You Should Expect to Spend

You may have heard that an engagement ring should cost about two

three month’s salary. This figure originated from an advertising campaign

for DeBeers, the world’s largest diamond company. For most people, this is

a staggering amount of money.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average college

educated male in their mid to late 20s has an annual salary of about

$38,000. But according to jewelry industry statistics, the average

engagement ring costs $3,150. So if the average person makes $2,375, it

stands to reason that despite what the diamond industry wants you to

believe, most people don’t actually spend two to three month’s salary on an

engagement ring. They spend about 1.3 month’s salary.

So how much should you spend? It depends on a lot of factors. In

reality, you don’t have to spend anything on an engagement ring because

you don’t legally need one to get married. But for most people, that’s not a

realistic option.

What’s more realistic is that you should buy the best possible

engagement ring that you can afford to pay for in cash. Having a big debt

load is a stressful way to start your new life together. And when you finance

the ring or use a credit card, you are going to end up spending much more

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than the original cost due to interest payments. A better plan is to buy a

ring that you can afford.

Engagement Rings vs. Wedding Rings

For people who have never been married, the difference between an

engagement ring and a wedding ring can be confusing. The engagement

ring is what you present to your intended when you ask her to marry you. It

usually has a diamond or other precious stone set on a decorative band

made of gold or another precious metal.

Wedding bands are the rings you exchange during the wedding

ceremony. Traditionally, they are less ornate than an engagement ring but

are usually made from gold or another precious metal. Sometimes the

engagement ring and the wedding ring are sold as a set.

Wedding rings can be plain or have patterns, multiple metals and

even gems. Because the wedding ring and engagement ring are

traditionally worn together, many brides prefer that they have similar

designs. Sometimes both partners’ rings match while other couples choose

to have separate designs. Many couples will have inscriptions etched into

the inside of their wedding rings, such as the date of their wedding or a

short quote about love.

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Probably the biggest difference as far as you are concerned is that

you select the wedding rings together as a couple, while with the

engagement ring you are most likely completely on your own! In both

cases, you traditionally are the one paying.

Components of the Engagement Ring

Engagement rings vary from the very plain and simple to elaborate rings

containing multiple jewels and complicated designs. But for our purposes,

the rings can be broken down into three key elements:

Stone – This is the center stone of the ring. In about 80% of all

engagement rings, the center stone is a diamond. The stone can be

purchased separately, or already set on the ring.

Setting – These are the small metal pieces that hold the center stone in

place. “Setting” is also sometimes used to describe side stones, special

designs, and so on.




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Band – This is the metal that goes around the finger. It is usually made of

solid gold or platinum, but it also may be plated. Other precious or even

non-precious metals can be used as well.

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Are Diamonds Really a Girl’s Best Friend?

Diamonds are the stone traditionally used in engagement rings.

Unless your intended has specifically told you otherwise, you probably are

going to want to buy a diamond engagement ring. You’re not going to like

the look on her face if she opens the box to find a different stone if that’s

not what she was expecting.

There are a lot of components to consider when selecting a diamond.

Most people who have never purchased an engagement ring before are

unfamiliar with the many differences between various diamonds, making

them susceptible to the influence of the diamond seller. By learning a few

simple terms, you can remove this disadvantage and get yourself a better

value on your purchase.

First, diamonds come in many different shapes. Partly, this is due to

the way diamonds are created. Essentially, diamonds are made of carbon

that has been compressed by enormous geological pressures until it

becomes crystallized. Miners in diamond mines around the world remove

these tiny nuggets of crystallized carbon and give them to diamond cutters,

who clean them and then examine the stone to determine the cut that is

most appropriate to its natural shape.

Most diamonds are cut into round shapes and these make up the

majority of diamonds sold in engagement rings. But other shapes include

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the princess cut (square), oval, tear-drop (pear-shaped), marquise, hear-

shaped and others.

The Four C’s

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If you’ve done any research at all on diamond buying, you probably

already have encountered the Four C’s. These are the primary factors that

distinguish one diamond from another and also determine their value.

Carat – The quality of diamonds that most people talk about is the carat.

While you may think this refers to the diamond’s size, it actually is simply

the diamond’s weight. One carat is equal to .2 grams. Diamonds that are

cut in different shapes can have the same carat, but appear to be different


Generally, the higher the carat, the more expensive the diamond, but

the relationship between carat and price is not linear, it’s exponential. A

diamond that is twice as large as another can cost much, much more. This

is mostly due to the rarity of larger diamonds. About one million rough

diamonds are mined for every one found that is large enough to be cut into

a one-carat diamond. So while a ½-carat diamond can sell for less than

$1,000, a 1-carat diamond usually will cost at least $4,000-$5,000.

More 1-carat diamond engagement rings are sold than any other

size, making it the standard for most people. As a result, the demand for

rings with 1-carat diamonds is much higher, driving up the price. For

example, a ring with a .93-carat diamond will look identical with the naked

eye to one with a 1-carat diamond, yet it will cost much less.

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In fact, any diamond between .8-carats and a full 1-carat will look

identical if it’s in the correct setting. So while you may want to impress your

intended with a 1-carat diamond, there is an opportunity to reduce your

costs by getting one that is slightly smaller.

Cut - The way a diamond is cut affects its sparkle, sometimes referred to

as its fire. When light hits a diamond, it is reflected back by its many

surfaces. If a diamond’s cut is too shallow, most of the light escapes out the

bottom. If it’s too deep, the light goes out the sides. The most sparkly

diamonds of all are round, also called brilliant. With these, about 92% of the

light is reflected back out the top of the diamond.

An individual diamond’s cut is rated according to a scale developed

by the Gemological Institute of America:

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1. Excellent Cut

2. Very Good Cut

3. Good Cut

4. Fair Cut

5. Poor Cut

Diamonds graded with an “excellent cut” are the most expensive, but

the difference between “excellent” and “good” are so indistinguishable to

the untrained eye that you actually are just spending the extra money on

the rating, rather than the way the diamond actually looks.

To get maximum value, you should never buy a poor or fair cut

diamond because its lack of sparkle is noticeable. Most jewelers won’t sell

these quality diamonds anyway. Nor should you buy an excellent cut

diamond unless money is no object to you. Instead, get one that is rated

good or very good. It’s going to have the same amount of sparkle as an

excellent cut, but without the pedigree or the corresponding price tag.

Incidentally, many diamond stores will rename their excellent cut

diamonds into a specific brand name for their store. When a salesperson

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refers to a “Signature Ideal Diamond” or a “Brilliant Fire Cut”, usually these

are just excellent cut diamonds with a brand name and a higher price.

Color – Although there are colored diamonds that are very rare and high in

value, most people buy diamonds that are considered colorless. But even

“colorless” diamonds have a small amount of color in them. And, generally,

the more color they have, the less valuable they are.

A colorless diamond’s color is rated on a scale from D (completely

colorless) to X (light yellow). What happened to A through C? Diamonds

with that degree of colorlessness haven’t been discovered yet, so the

industry has reserved those grades for when they are.

Colorless D, E, F

Near Colorless G, H

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White I, J

Very Faint Yellow K, L, M

Faint Yellow N, O, P, Q, R

Light Yellow S through to Z

Image courtesy of

Diamonds graded with a color score of D are going to be much more pricey

than lower color grades. Yet the human eye is incapable of noticing the

color in a diamond without magnification until you get to around G or H.

Above those grades, a diamond’s sparkle is much more noticeable than the

very slight coloring it has.

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The amount of color you can get away with in a diamond is also

related to the band you choose. The amount of yellow in a G or H diamond

on a yellow gold band will be nearly impossible to detect, while the same

diamond on a platinum or white gold band may be show more of its yellow


True yellow diamonds, called “Canary” or “fancy colored diamonds”,

are extremely rare and very expensive and are graded on a scale of their

color intensity -- from faint light to vivid. Unless your intended has made it

clear that she prefers one of these, you probably don’t need to worry about

them for now.

Clarity – Because of the way they are created underground by massive

geologic pressures, almost every diamond has imperfections. These

include bubbles, cracks, scratches, pits and chips. Most are microscopic

and can only be seen using the 10X amplification of a jeweler’s scope and

don’t affect the diamond’s radiance.

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A diamond’s clarity is rated according to the following scale:

Image courtesy of

Diamonds with higher clarity are more valuable, but only diamonds

with a clarity rating below SI1 have imperfections that are noticeable with

the naked eye. While most jewelers will try to sell you higher clarity

diamonds (due to the higher price and, hence, higher commissions), a

better plan is to consider diamonds that are “eye clean”. In other words,

their imperfections can’t be seen without a jeweler’s scope. These are SI1

up through IF.

Diamonds Settings

The diamond itself is only part of the engagement ring equation.

Another important factor is the setting, or how the ring presents the stone.

The setting is made up of two components:

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The Shank – This is the band that encircles the finger, also known as the

band. It can be plain or have grooves, channels and even hollows to hold

smaller stones.

The Head – This is the mechanism that holds the diamond or other main


Settings usually are designed around the center stone and are made to fit

certain size. Most will hold a diamond between .7 and 1.5 carats.

Setting heads vary from ring to ring. The most

common is the prong setting. It has 3 to 6 claws or

prongs that hold onto the sides or corners of the

diamond to hold it securely in place. Most people

prefer the prong setting because of the security it

provides: the diamond is less likely to fall out.

A tension setting uses compression between portions

of the band to hold the stone, making it appear as if

the stone is floating.

A bezel setting has the stone set in a collar of

precious metal which fully or partially surrounds the

stone. In addition to being very secure, it also can be

used to cover up imperfections that could otherwise

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be seen from the side of the diamond. The downside is that there tends to

be less sparkle.

A channel setting has smaller stones embedded into

a small channel dug into the band of the ring. A bar

setting is the same as a channel, but has bars of

metal separating each stone.

A pave or bead setting has one or more rows of tiny

stones embedded into the band, as if it were

“paved” with diamonds. It makes the ring look as if it

is coated with sparkle. This type of setting can make

a smaller center stone appear larger.

Besides the style of the setting, another thing to consider is the

height. A high setting lifts the diamond up higher, making a more dramatic

presentation. But high settings get caught on things more easily. A low

setting holds the diamond closer to the band, providing less drama but

more security.

Diamond Certification

There are various agencies that certify diamonds according to their

grades on the Four C’s. The most respected are the GIA and the American

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Gem Society (AGS). Diamonds don’t need to be certified legally, but

certification gives the consumer the confidence of knowing that they have

evaluated and rated by a third party. Certification is sometimes required

when insuring a diamond.

If you are buying a non-certified diamond, you probably want to have

it appraised by an independent professional to make sure you are getting

what you are paying for. This type of service usually costs about $50.

Diamond Alternatives and Other Gems and Precious Stones

Engagement rings come with many precious stones besides

diamonds. Some of the most popular include rubies (red), emeralds (green)

and sapphires (various colors). One more affordable alternative to a

diamond might be an engagement ring made with your intended’s


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Another option is naturally occurring diamond alternatives. The most

well known is Cubic Zirconium. Like diamonds, Cubic Zirconium stones are

formed by geologic forces and are mined from the earth. Unlike diamonds,

they are not durable, will scratch, wear down and appear hazy. They are

generally known as “fake diamonds” and you can get a 1 carat stone for

less than $100.

White sapphires are sapphires that are treated with heat to appear

colorless and they look and feel exactly like diamonds. The primary

difference is that sapphires score a 9 on the Moh’s Scale of Hardness

whereas diamonds score a perfect 10. The upside is that they are less

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expensive than diamonds. The downside is that they are not genuine


Synthetic diamonds are created in a laboratory rather than mined

from the ground. As such, they tend to be flawless and superior to natural

diamonds in terms of durability. And because there is theoretically an

infinite supply, they are much less expensive than natural diamonds.

Besides cost, the advantage of synthetic diamonds is that they come

in a variety of colors. However, they are not as valuable as natural


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It’s All About Her

Now you know a lot about how to tell one diamond from another, and

what makes a diamond valuable. But you don’t know the most important

thing of all: The kind of engagement ring your intended wants.

Maybe she doesn’t even want a diamond. If so, you may be able to

get away with a less expensive ring made with another type of stone. But

the truth is that 99 percent of women want a diamond engagement ring, so

unless she has specifically told you something else, you should probably

plan on buying one.

Preventing Disappointment

Presumably, you know that she is going to accept your offer of

engagement before you make it. If not, good luck.

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You want to make the moment as memorable and as special for her

as possible. You want to give her a ring that tells her how much you love

her and shows your commitment to her happiness for the rest of her life.

The last thing you want is for her to open the box and find a ring that she

doesn’t like.

The diamond is meant to represent the eternal nature of your love.

They say, “Diamonds last forever, and will my love for you.”

Finding Out What She Wants

Your intended may have been dropping hints about the type of

engagement ring she wants. In fact, if your relationship is at the point

where you are about to propose, it’s almost certain that she has. A good

plan is the next time you are together at the mall to stop by the jewelry

store to look at watches. Pay close attention and you may be able to

identify exactly the style and size ring she wants.

Another option is to ask her girlfriends or family members. If you want

your proposal to be even the slightest bit of a surprise, this is not

recommended. Most people have trouble keeping even little secrets, let

alone one this big and exciting. If your plan is to ask her friends what she

likes, you might as well ask her directly because it will cause less drama.

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If your proposal is expected, you might consider asking her anyway

rather than risk disappointing her with a ring she doesn’t like. If you truly

want to make it a surprise, some jewelry stores will let you “rent” a single

diamond solitaire ring to use for your proposal. If she likes it, you can apply

the rental cost towards the purchase price. If she doesn’t, you can simply

return it and let her choose the ring she really wants.

Understanding Her Style

If you are determined to select and

buy the engagement ring without her

input, you should consider her

personal style when making your

decision. Look at her other jewelry

and see if you can identify any

patterns. This gives you a good idea

of what she already likes.

Consider her personality and her values. If she is very active, for

example, you probably want to avoid a ring with a high setting that can

easily get caught on things. If she is passionate about politics, you may

want to make certain that any diamond your purchase is not a conflict

diamond or is not mined by workers who are exploited.

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Secretly Learning Her Ring Size

Another important consideration is selecting a ring that fits her finger.

In the absence of taking her to a jeweler and measure her ring finger, how

can you determine her ring size without her knowing about it?

There are actually several methods to do this, each with various

amounts of risk and accuracy. The first is to ask her sister, mother or close

friend. As we already have seen, the risk of them blabbing your intentions

is high, but the accuracy level also is pretty high.

If you have friends who have recently become engaged, have them

invite your girlfriend to try on her ring. If it is too large or small, you can

guess the necessary adjustments. This may naturally lead to a

conversation about ring sizes anyway, especially if she’s anticipating your


Another option is to use an existing ring. You could take one of her

existing rings to a jeweler and have them size it, but you risk her noticing it

missing. A better option is to use a piece of string and measure the ring’s

circumference. Then use this chart from Lumera diamonds to figure out her

ring size. Another method is to wait until she is not around, get a bar of

soap and take an imprint of one of her rings then measure that.

Or you could just guess based on her height and weight:

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If she’s shorter than 5’4”, she probably is a size 6.

If she’s shorter than 5’8”, size 7.

Shorter than 6”, size 7.5.

If her fingers are plumper than average, round up a half size

While ideally you want the ring to fit perfectly on her finger the

moment you propose, if you have guessed wrong on the size it’s not the

end of the world. Metal rings that are too small can be made larger at any

jeweler. For rings that are too large, a tiny sleeve can be inserted into it to

make it fit better. This may affect its cosmetic appearance, however, so if

you are going to err, you want to get a ring that is too small rather than too


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Selecting the Right Design for Her

When it comes to purchasing the engagement ring, you have two

options: You can either purchase a ring that has already been assembled

or you can design one yourself by telling your jeweler exactly what you are

looking for in terms of diamond quality, setting, shape and design.

Many jewelry stores mass produce standard engagement rings. If you

select one of these, you can expect to pay a little less because there’s no

labor required for customization. Another advantage is that you don’t have

to wait for your ring to be made, so these types of rings are available right


Another option is to use an heirloom ring from a family member or to

purchase a used engagement ring. Obviously, these are far cheaper

alternatives. But most women prefer a ring of their very own, rather than a

hand-me-down from somebody else. And then there’s the bad luck factor to

consider with used rings from engagements that have been called off.

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Cost and Value

Your budget is going to play a huge role in the type of ring you select.

You may want a flawless ring with a diamond 1-carat or higher in a custom-

made setting embedded with dozens of tiny diamonds, but if your budget

doesn’t allow it, you are wasting your time daydreaming. It’s better to be


From a practical standpoint, in addition to showing your undying love,

a diamond engagement ring is also a financial investment. Precious stones

tend to hold onto their value, and even increase in value, over time. And

although nobody likes to think about having to sell it down the line, it’s nice

to have the peace of mind knowing that you are have a valuable asset.

Choosing the Right Band

Like diamonds, bands come in a variety of styles and materials. The

cost of the band you select will depend on what it is made out of, if it

includes any other precious stones, and whether or not you want a

customized design. When selecting a band, remember that the one you

choose now can always be changed later for something more elegant or


Precious Metals

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One of the least expensive options is sterling silver. This metal is a

brilliant blue white color that is made of 90+% silver and +/-10% other

metals, usually copper. While it is among the most affordable precious

metals, sterling silver is soft and will tarnish and show wear quickly. In

some cases, the other included metals such as copper can cause allergic

reactions, such as turning the surrounding skin green.

Yellow gold used to be the most popular for engagement rings. Gold

is the most malleable of metals, so it is often fortified with other metals such

as copper, silver or nickel to make it more durable. It comes in a variety of

purities, with 24 karat gold considered to be “pure” gold. Most rings,

however, are made of 9k to 18k gold, with the most popular being 14k gold.

White gold has become one of the most popular metals for

engagement rings in recent years, mostly because it looks like the more

expensive platinum. It is actually composed of yellow gold combined with

white metals such as silver or nickel. The lower the karat, the whiter the


Most white gold rings are plated with an outer layer or rhodium, which

protects the finish. Over time, however, the rhodium will wear off, exposing

white gold’s underlying yellowish tone. This requires that white gold rings to

be re-plated with rhodium every two or three years. This process, called re-

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dipping, costs about $50 per treatment and can add substantially to the

lifetime cost of the ring.

You also can get rings that are gold plated, rather than struck through

with gold. These are less expensive, but are less valuable and the gold

coating will eventually wear away.

Platinum is a dense, white metal that occurs naturally. Although it

does eventually wear down, because of its strength this takes much longer

than it does with gold rings. It is extremely durable and will hold diamonds

in place more securely than other metals. Platinum is the most expensive

precious metal in the world, however, so expect to pay a lot for this option.

It also is twice as heavy as gold.

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The Jeweler Experience

For most people, buying an engagement ring is a once in a lifetime

experience. As a result, walking into a jewelry store can be an intimidating

experience, especially if you are unknowledgeable about diamonds,

engagement ring styles and other factors.

Fortunately, with this guide you have the tools necessary to defeat

the jeweler who tries to overwhelm you with industry jargon and high

pressure sales techniques. When you understand exactly what you want in

a diamond, the type of ring you are looking for and, most importantly, your

budget, you can skip a lot of the nonsense usually associated with

engagement ring buying and get right down to business. Once the jewelry

salesperson sees that you know what you are talking about, they will drop

the sales pitch and give you what you want.

Selecting a Jeweler

Drive down any Main Street in America or visit any shopping mall and

you will find lots of choices when it comes to jewelers. In big cities such as

New York and Chicago, there are even entire areas devoted to the jewelry

industry. Not to mention wholesale jewelers and online jewelry shopping

that are available. So how can you choose the right place where you are

going to get the best deal and, more importantly, be sure you aren’t going

to be ripped off?

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Probably the best method is still word of mouth. The sound advice of

a trusted friend is worth more than all the advertising, sales catalogues and

online pitches put together. If you know somebody who recently has

purchased an engagement ring, save yourself hours of research and stress

and simply ask them about their experience. Odds are, they visiting a

variety of jewelers before making their purchase and can advise you on the

individual benefits and drawbacks.

If you are determined to do this on

your own, chain retail jewelers like

the ones found at most shopping

malls offer the advantage of having a

national reputation to maintain, which

requires them to “play fair” and avoid

the gamesmanship you will find at

privately owned jewelry shops. They

also tend to a have a large selection, good customer service, and the

convenience of being able to bring your ring to any of their stores for

repairs and maintenance.

Chain jewelers tend to be more expensive than other options,

however, because they need to pay for their overhead and giant marketing


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Smaller, privately-owned jewelry stores offer the advantage of

personalized customer service. In fact, in many cases you will be dealing

directly with the store’s owner or family. There is also more opportunity for

to negotiate the final sales price. The disadvantage is that because they

tend to buy diamonds in smaller batches, their prices are high and their

selection is limited. Plus if they go out of business or you move to another

area, it’s more difficult to take advantage of their service options.

Wholesale jewelers, such as the ones found on big cities’ “Jeweler’s

Row”, usually have some of the best prices on diamonds, as well as a huge

selection. Haggling over price is not only allowed, it’s encouraged. And they

also usually are affiliated with ring manufacturers, so creating customized

rings is easier. On the downside, wholesalers are pro negotiators, so

unless you are experienced you are at a real disadvantage. They usually

don’t offer any services after the sale is completed. And while most

wholesalers are legitimate, established businesses, others are pop-up

businesses that may not be around tomorrow, so there’s a higher risk of

getting scammed.

If you know what kind of ring you are looking for, or at least have a

pretty good idea, your best option today is online jewelry retailers. Not only

do they have the largest selection of diamonds and pre-made engagement

rings, but because they don’t have to pay for overhead or marketing, their

prices are among the lowest you will find.

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You can spend as much time as you want browsing their inventory

online. Because there are no salesmen, you won’t be rushed or pressured

into buying a ring before you are ready. They often offer special discounts,

including cash back from your credit card, discount codes, coupons, etc.

And depending on the company and your home state, it’s possible that you

may even avoid paying sales tax, which can be considerable on such a

large purchase.

Getting the Best Deal

The absolute best online store can be found here:

This online showroom has more than 14,000 engagement rings

available at rock bottom prices. The site is easy to navigate and you can

even design your own ring and have them make it for you.

The site offers a full range of services and is 100% safe to use. You

can even get GIA certification on many of the rings they offer.

Insurance, Warranties and Fine Print

You probably assume that your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance

will cover the cost of the engagement ring should it become lost or stolen,

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but in reality most policies put a cap on what you can claim for a specific

item or a group of items, such as jewelry. Usually, that cap will be lower

than what you will pay for the ring. Also, if the ring is lost outside the home,

it’s not covered.

To best protect your investment, take out “Valuable Item Insurance”

with your insurance carrier. For a small premium that can be tacked on to

your primary insurance, you can cover the cost of the ring based on its

appraisal and most policies will pay on it regardless of what happens to the


The type of warranty you get on a ring depends on where you buy it.

Most small jewelry stores and wholesale jewelers won’t provide a warranty,

although they usually will give you the GIA certification and an affidavit that

the report matches the ring they sold you. Chain jewelry stores often will

offer a warranty, usually protecting you against the diamond falling out and

becoming lost due to defect.

Some places even offer an extended warranty for an additional fee,

but you would be better served taking out special insurance. The cost is

generally lower and the odds of it actually being paid out are better.

Finally, beware of certain wording on product descriptions in

catalogues, grading reports or contracts that contain any of the following


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“Original prices may not have resulted in actual sales.”

“All carat weights are approximate.”

“May have been treated or enhanced by heating.”

“Diamond grades may vary.”

“Some styles may contain single cut diamonds.”

These are code phrases some jewelers use to protect themselves

when they sell you sub-quality diamonds for premium prices. Whenever

dealing with diamond and jewelry sales, if you encounter anything that

doesn’t smell right, it’s a good idea to walk away from the deal, or at least

ask the seller to provide in writing that they guarantee everything noted in

the characteristics and they you are entitled to a full refund if other

appraisals differ from their claims.

Five Pitfalls to Avoid

As you have seen, buying an engagement ring can be a complicated

experience. Most people are happy that they have to deal with it only once

in their lives. To protect yourself when shopping for your engagement ring,

watch out for these five common pitfalls:

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1. Shopping in a jewelry store – With expensive shopping mall

locations and national advertising campaigns, the prices at brand

name retail stores are considerably higher than you will find

elsewhere, especially online.

2. Not doing your homework – The jeweler’s favorite customer is the

one who doesn’t know what he wants. That’s because they can

razzle-dazzle him into overpaying for an expensive diamond.

Knowing precisely the type of engagement ring you want and buying

it at the lowest possible price online can save hundreds or even

thousands of dollars off your final purchase price.

3. Buying a ring you can’t afford – Paying for an engagement ring is

hard enough, but it’s even harder if you have to pay high interest

rates on top of the already towering purchase price. Paying in cash

and buying a ring that is within your means allows you to begin your

new life together without having to worry about crushing debt.

4. Disappointing her – The moment you propose will be on the most

important memories in your girlfriend’s life. Don’t ruin it by taking

shortcuts on the engagement ring. Get the ring you know she’ll love

at prices you can afford by buying it at the lowest possible price


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5. Not protecting your investment – For most people, next to a car

the engagement ring is the biggest purchase they’ve made. Make

sure you protect yourself by buying insurance against loss, damage

and theft.

Buying the Ring

You’ve educated yourself on the Four C’s, diamond shapes and

engagement ring settings. You’ve snooped around and discovered your

girlfriend’s ring size. You’ve become familiar with the difference between

buying the ring from a chain store, private store, wholesaler or online.

It’s finally time to do the deed. It’s time to buy the engagement ring.

Creating a Lifelong Memory

The ring you buy is going to be something that your girlfriend – and

soon to be wife! – is going to cherish for the rest of her life. Every time she

looks at it sitting there on her ring finger, she is going to be reminded of

your love for her and all the planning and preparing that went into its


You probably already have some ideas about how you plan to

propose. Perhaps there’s someplace that has a special association with

your relationship. Or maybe you plan on surprising her in the middle of a

special occasion, such as a big affair, a sporting event or a family party. Or

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you may even be planning on popping the question during a quiet, romantic

dinner for two.

Whichever method you choose, remember that it’s something she will

never forget and that the two of you will be telling the story for years to

come. You want the occasion to be perfect. And that means you need to

buy the perfect engagement ring.

The Best Ring at the Best Price

If you are like most people, you don’t have an unlimited amount of

money to spend on an engagement ring. You want a ring that is going to

blow her away with its beauty, but you probably can’t afford to spend a

fortune, at least not without saddling yourself with unnecessary debt for

years to come.

If you want to make your money go the farthest by getting her the

highest quality ring at the lowest possible price, there’s no better option

than With its

unbelievable selection and the most affordable prices anywhere, you can

get nearly twice the ring for half the money you would spend elsewhere.

This website has the ring you want at the prices you can afford, so

that you can truly make your proposal one of the most cherished and

precious memories of your lives. In fact their mission statement is, “To

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enable anyone to create the perfect engagement experience that goes way

beyond any price tag.”

Regardless of whether your budget is large or small, you can find the

diamond of your dreams at http://www.custom-unique-engagement-

So now you know all there is to know about buying an engagement

ring, or at least enough so that you can make an educated choice and

avoid getting ripped off. It’s an important decision and one that will have

profound consequences on the rest of your life, so it’s absolutely critical

that you take your time and do it right.

In closing, please allow me to wish you and your new wife these

heartfelt congratulations as you begin your new life together:

May thy life be long and happy,

Thy cares and sorrows few;

And the many friends around thee

Prove faithful, fond and true.

May your voyage through life be

as happy and as free………

………As the dancing waves on the deep blue sea!

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Engagement Ring Trivia

Did you know that …

Engagement and wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of the

left hand because it was once thought that a vein in that finger led

directly to the heart.

The average engagement period in 2012 is 17 months, which is up

from 16 months in 2002 and 11 months in 1990.

74% of all brides receive a diamond engagement ring. Of those, 60%

are involved in picking out their ring, while 3% actually pick it


In the symbolic language of jewels, a sapphire in a wedding ring

means marital happiness.

A pearl engagement ring is said to be bad luck because its shape

echoes that of a tear.

Aquamarine represents marital harmony and is said to ensure a long,

happy marriage.

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Men only began wearing wedding rings during WWII because they

wanted a remembrance of their wives left behind and a connection


Seventeen tons of gold are made into wedding rings each year in the

United States!

Find the ring of your dreams at: