how to burn calories fast - 140 ways to burn calories


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“The Buff Baker Presents– 140 Super Fun Ways to Burn

Calories 140 Super Fun Ways to Burn Calories”

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Who is The Buff Baker?

I am sure you all wonder who the Buff Baker is and why this particular name?! But all you need to know is that I am indeed a professional baker with experience in quite a few pastry kitchens and bakeries, but I am also interested in nutrition and healthy eating, as well as being fit. And although the two of them seem to not go hand in hand, in fact they do and I still enjoy baking, but with measure, being aware of what sugar means and what are its effects. They are opposites, but you can balance the odds towards healthy with a bit of care and effort. From my own experience, let me tell you that desserts don't necessarily mean tons of sugar and chocolate. They can be light and refreshing as well and all you need is a few basic ingredients and a palate to enjoy the final result.

There were times when I found shelter in baking and not only that, but I used to eat without control. There were times when I craved sweets so much that I couldn't help myself. It was tough, there were times when I thought I wasn't going to make, times when I felt like quitting, but here I am happier with myself than I ever been. Bottom line is that it's ok to go through all those feelings as long as you keep your head high and know your goal. Believe me, if I did it, you can too.

This book and all the other ones in this series are born to prove you that eating balanced can lead you to losing weight as well. You don't have to starve yourself, you don't have to give up on certain foods, you don't have to follow strict diets, you don't have to count carbs or plan your meals. All you have to do is eat balanced and work out. And believe me, it works!


If you have weight problems, it's very likely that you already tried some of the diets known nowadays, some with more or less success than others. In which case, you already know that the result of these so called diets is only temporary and often it leads to more weight gain once you get back to your usual eating habits.

But think about this for a moment. In order to work on high peaks, your body needs calories. The weight gain happens when your calorie intake is bigger than what your body is able to use. So it doesn't matter what diet you choose if you keep consuming more calories than needed. The excessive calories will deposit in a fat layer. The logic says that if you want to lose weight, you have to burn off more calories than your body requires and that can only be done through intensive work out. This way your body will start consuming the fat layer and therefore you will lose weight.

This book will show you how to not only reduce the amount of calories you get, but also how to burn them off and lose weight, how to achieve the waist you want or how to gain muscle. You will also find advices on how to eat healthy and how to balance your cravings, how to manage with your sugar intake and how to live a healthier life over all.

But before we proceed, there is one thing that is compulsory for the a successful weight loss and that is motivation and will. The first thing you should do when you get aware of those extra pounds is to motivate yourself and set some achievable goals. Write them down if you have to. Keep repeating yourself that you can do it, you have what it takes to achieve it and

you will eventually. Be ready to work hard and never back up, never give up and don't skip a day saying that you can catch up tomorrow. Once you start with it, you have to keep a steady rhythm towards your goals and you will achieve them for sure.

Successful weight loss doesn't just happen through some kind of miracle diet. It took me months, years to get to the point I am now so expect to take a while before seeing some serious results. The first step is to have a deep look inside yourself and see what were the reasons that kept you from achieving your goals before, why you failed with all the diets you tried, why the results were anything but what you wanted. Don't be negative nor critical. Be honest and keep encouraging yourself.

A good way to start is with positive affirmations, often spoken loudly. Eventually, they will change your life, your attitude, your motivation for the best. Focus your thinking to the good things that will happen in your life, including a better, healthier lifestyle. Keep in mind where you are and where you want to be. If you feel the need to, write all this on paper. Make a list, keep a diary, write down your feelings and thoughts. Start small if you think it's best for you. For instance, write down "I want to lose 10 pounds before Christmas". That's a worthy and attainable goal, right?. But don't stop there. Sometimes, what you want only remains to the stage of being a desire and nothing more. So instead of thinking that you want something, write down "I will lose 10 pounds before Christmas". Also, be aware of where you are at that moment. So if you are at 120 pounds, write down "I have 120 pounds and I will lose 10 pounds before Christmas". You can go even further and write down things like "I enjoy my green salads" or "I like healthy, green food" or "I love eating fruits and vegetables". You have no idea how much impact things like this can have on your morale on a long run. Also, work on your strength so keep repeating to yourself that you are a winner and you can and will achieve anything you put effort into. Don't be afraid to say this out loud, let your mind and subconscious hear it loud and clear, understand it and assume it.

But above all, take action! Let your words find fulfillment in your actions. Do nothing and nothing gets done. Do something and many things will start happening and you will be one step closer to your goals. Do something everyday and you will be almost there. They may be baby steps, but make them steady. It takes patience and time to get where you want and in fact, when you want to lose weight, it is better to lose it slowly, gradually rather than all at once as that could cause unbalances in your body and you could end up with health problems rather than lose weight.

Attitude and how to manage a new lifestyle

It's so important how you start your day. If you wake up with a negative attitude, barely dragging out of bed and moaning, your day has no chance to improve nor to attract the good in your life. However, if you wake up being thankful for what you have and for what you achieved and with a desire to do more, your day will be much better and so will your attitude.

Did you know that most of our conversations take place in a very negative way? Now think how this affects you. If everything that gets to your subconscious is negative, how could anything ever change? How can you expect to do or have anything you want if all you hear is how hard it is to achieve, how it can not be done, how you will never succeed. So make a decision today, right now, from this moment and focus on achieving it. Focus on seeing the positives in every situation and you will notice how your life changes into positive eventually.

Plus, being positive and optimistic will reflect on how you feel. A body and mind fed with positive thoughts and happiness will respond better to any kind of diet or work out, unlike a body that only knows how to be lazy, how to criticize others, how to complain of everything, how to be jealous on what others achieve. Being positive and having a better attitude will help your body absorb nutrients better and have a placebo effect on every transformation your body may go through. Changes aren't easy, but face them with acceptance and strength and you will succeed without doubt. Have faith and confidence in yourself.

Take action!

If you ever followed a diet, you know that most of them focus on reducing the fat. But you also know that this has never given the results you wanted and if it did, they were never steady and never lasted much time after going back to a normal day to day diet. Many people choose diets that assume eating very little or only certain foods for a few days, lose even 1 pound per day, but then, once they start eating normally the weight is back on. The reason behind all this is that, while we focus on reducing the fat, we forget about calories. The theory of how non-fat leads to losing weight is false. Let me explain you how this works.

Your body consumes calories to work properly. If you eat more calories than it consumes, it's only fair that they deposit somewhere. And most of the times they deposit in a fat layer. So it doesn't matter if those calories come from fat or carbs if it's more than what your body consumes. In fact, fat can actually prevent you from eating more than you need because you will feel full and the need to eat will disappear. Also, one thing that most people ignore or don't read enough about is that fat helps our body produce hormones or absorb other nutrients better. You keep hearing how important fat is for babies and kids. That is because fat helps them develop a healthy nervous system. Now imagine what it does to you as a grown-up. Although it's not just as important as when being a kid, it still plays an important role so the solution is not cutting if down, but eating in a moderate way.

However, when you go to the supermarket, most products are low-fat. Don't fall for that. It's actually an entire industry and since it's such a profitable business, people running it are interested more in the money they get rather than tell you the truth. Low-fat or even zero fat foods are so processed that yes, they do lose their fat content, but they also lose all the other nutrients they had. For instance, cream cheese or yogurt. How many nutrients can be a cream cheese that has been skimmed and pasteurized a couple of times to not only ensure low fat content, but also to make sure they last for a longer period of time.

The questions that raises now is how much fat and how much calories one person should eat to reach and maintain a healthy weight. But people are different which makes it hard to give an universal answer. 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight nowadays because they eat a lot while exercise is close to none. American daily diet includes burgers, fast-food, takeaways, soda and fizzy drinks and too little salads, fresh fruits or veggies. And since the first step to losing weight is being aware of it, I will show you below how to determine your ideal weight in a very simple way.


The ideal weight for a 5 feet tall woman is 100 pounds. For every additional inch above 5, add five more pounds. If you are shorter, subtract five pounds for every inch below 5 feet. What you have to do now is to find out if you have a small, medium or large frame. Take a measuring tape and measure your wrist. If it measures 6 inches, you have a medium frame and the number you calculated above needs no adjustment. If your wrist has less than 6 inches, subtract 10 percent of your ideal weight. If it measures more than 6 inches, add 10 percent.


The ideal weight for a 5 feet tall man is 106 pounds. If you are taller than 5 feet, add 6 pounds for every inch. If you are shorter, subtract 6 pounds. Now measure your wrist. If it measures 7 inches, no need to change anything. If it measures more, add 10 percent of your ideal weight. If it measures less, remove 10 percent.

Once you established your ideal weight it's easy to find out how many calories you need per day. If you are a person who doesn't exercise at all, multiply your ideal weight by 11. If you get some exercise once or twice a week, multiply your ideal weight by 13. If you do some exercise three or four times a week, multiply by 15. If you get regular, almost daily exercise, then multiply by 18.

With these answers already provided, let's have a look at how much fat you can eat daily. Most nutritionists will say that 30 percent of your calories should come from fat. But I, a person who's been through it, say that 20 percent is more than enough when you want to get rid of a couple of pounds. Now, 20 percent from your calories may not ring any bell to you. For that reason, transform percent into grams. Take those 20 percent from your ideal daily calories and divide it by 9. Why 9?! Because 1g of fat equals 9 calories. That is a lot if you ask me.

What diet to choose?!

From my experience, it is best to avoid diets that take you to extremes, such as low calorie diets, low carb diets, low fat diets and in general diets that make you eat one type of food more or even just one type of food for several days. Your diet should include a bit of everything, from carbs to fat and even a bit of sugar. As long as they are balanced and not eaten uncontrollably you are one step closer to losing weight and having a healthy lifestyle. And keep in mind that the more you know about nutrition, the easier it is to implement it into your life. So read everything you can, gather information and be ready to start the journey of your lifetime towards your ideal weight and a healthier body and mind.

140 Ways to Burn Calories

This chapter includes some of my best tips, tricks and advices. I've learnt most of them the hard way, I've been my own teacher, but I honestly guided myself a lot by common sense. With a bit of care for what I eat and more workout I am now at the point where I can say I eat healthy and I live healthy. And that it shows on the amount of energy I have, on how my skin looks like, how well I breathe or how healthy my heart is. I wasn't an easy journey from the eating-everything-I-made baker I was to being able to control my cravings now and develop a good body. It was tough but I knew very well what my goal was and I wasn't willing to give up on it. These 140 advices are the result of this hard work, the result of years of balancing healthy eating with exercise. It takes small, baby steps to get there, but once you do, the satisfaction you get is huge. And I am proud to say that by simply following these simple, little steps you will improve your lifestyle.

1. Butter or margarine have too much fat and calories, therefore they should be avoided. Instead, try using some fruit purees which can easily be made in a food processor or blender. Margarine can actually be a separate subject because it is so unhealthy that it should not even exist. However, people prefer it due to a lower price and maybe hoping that it has less fat. All those margarine commercial you see on TV are fakes. There's nothing healthy or nutritious about margarine so avoid it at all costs and definitely don't give it to kids. If I were to choose between margarine and butter, I rather have butter even though is may be having more fat. At least it's a natural, dairy product and apart from fat it also has calcium.2. Cheese is good, but some varieties are fatty. Try melting it in the microwave then drain the excessive fat. This will solve part of the problem. However, avoid cheeses that are too rich and try instead skim mozzarella or other kind of skim cheese. Cream cheese is not a good option either as it contains all sort of additives to preserve its creaminess and taste for a longer period of time.3. Never exercise before you eat because it will make you hungrier. That means you will eat more and without control. Plus, when hungry, people tend to not chew the food properly which leads to digestion problems and feeling bloated.4. Avoid eating while watching TV. You can get so caught up in the program you are watching that you won't pay much attention to how much you eat. many people have TVs in the kitchen so if you are one of them, turn it off and move it in another room. You don't need any distraction when you eat. The food is the only thing you should focus on so eat it slowly and enjoy it.5. The body burns more calories in the first part of the day so never skip breakfast. Those people telling you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day didn't lie. Plus, in the morning, your body is ready to absorb nutrients better than in the evening.6. Use olive oil or canola oil when cooking as they don't turn into trans-fatty acids at high heat. Olive oil however has a distinctive taste so it is best to save it for salads mainly. Canola oil has no flavor and it also does not burn at high temperature.7. Switch from whole to low fat milk. You get all the nutrients, but less fat. At the same time, avoid skim milk because it has little nutrients. Skim milk is so processed that it ends up being food without content so to speak. It's just a white liquid without any kind of nutrients, not to mention calcium. 8. Don't eat more than 4 egg yolks per week. Eggs are loaded with cholesterol and experts say it is best to not go over this weekly limit.9. Just before cooking, trim the excessive fat from all the meat pieces. This will considerably reduce the fat intake from your day to day diet. I know how some types of meat taste better

with fat, for instance pork meat, but try to use chicken or turkey instead. They also have less cholesterol and are healthier and easier to cook.10. Stop eating fried food, especially the food deep fried. If it's not done right, it gets soaked with oil. Plus, when cooking the oil develops chemicals that can possibly be toxic for you. Instead, cook your food in non-stick pans with very little oil. You can also bake or steam your food, not to mention the slow cooker which is a great option for healthy eating, especially if you have little time to invest in cooking.11. Avoid sauces or dips like Alfredo or Hollandaise because they are loaded with fat. Not to mention store bought sauces which beside oils also have additives to preserve them for a longer period of time. Try a tomato based sauce instead. Plus, a tomato sauce can be flavored any way you like it. Don't be afraid to use spices.12. Lemon juice or low sodium soy sauce are great for flavor. Lemon juice is a great meat tenderizer. For instance, try adding it into your meat marinade and you will notice the difference as the meat will be juicer and really tender.13. Don't skip meals! When you do so, your body will ask for more food on your next meal and you will end up eating too much and wrong foods too. You will be so hungry that you won't care what you eat as long as you eat something and guess where all those extra calorie go to. Yes, your hips, your tummy, your thighs and usually where we don't want them to.14. When shopping, always read labels and check for fat, sugar and carb content. Be careful with that and try to avoid over processed foods as hard as that may be. I know that everything nowadays is either poisoned with all sorts of chemicals or processed so there are no nutrients left, but try to find foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. For instance, instead of buying those pretty, shiny apples in the supermarket, buy the ugly ones at the market. Yes, they don't look as good, but that only means that no chemicals were used to grow them perfectly.15. Before shopping, make a list and stick with it. Don't buy food on impulse because you will end up eating it. How many times haven't you done this?! Most of us go to the store without a plan and end up buying more and things that we don't necessarily need. That is a waste of money and it can lead us to possibly gain weight because we will feel bad if we don't eat everything we bought.16. Avoid to go shopping on an empty stomach. You will crave everything you see and end up buying without needing it. Of course, once you get home you will feel sorry to waste food and you will eat it. Wouldn't be a problem if it was a healthy snack or a fruit, but most of the times is chocolate or pastries.17. Shop for groceries once a week and only buy what you need, nothing more, nothing less. As I said above, go shopping with a list you made at home and stick to it. The more often you go shopping, the more you will end up buying this and that, usually things you don't need. Make yourself a favor and avoid big stores where you can see all the products clearly. Temptations are big and you might give in to them sometimes.18. When you enter the grocery store, buy fruits and veggies first. It's less likely that you will be tempted to buy something else when your basket is already full. Plus, fruits and veggies are healthy so you can get as many as you want.19. If you can, buy your fruits and veggies from a local farmer. Apart from buying fresh, organic fruits and veggies, you also encourage local businesses.20. Make a weekly meal plan and buy everything you need in just one run to the store. Returning there multiple times for various things will tempt you to buy other items as well, mostly food that you don't need. You will end up giving in to those sweet cravings.21. Boredom can happen when it comes to food so try to alternate ingredients and if possible, introduce something new each week. Plus, by eating different foods, you force your body to

adapt and boost your metabolism according to the newly introduced food. A boosted metabolism means more burnt calories.22. Avoid processed or store bought food as much as possible. As convenient as they may be, they are loaded with chemicals, fat, sugar and salt. Remember those ready made pasta or lasagna you used to buy? Remember the frozen pizza you always had in your fridge just in case? Those are history now. No more ready made, store bought food. Everything has to be fresh and nutritious. In the worst case scenario, you can freeze individual portions of food as well. Make stews or thick soups, separate them in smaller portions and freeze them. When you are hungry, you can just reheat them.23. No more fast-food into your diet. We all know how fast-food is made and how many calories it has. If you really want to order something, try a salad instead. In the worst case scenario, only get grilled chicken next to the salad.24. Eat more fish, but cook it simple. Avoid batters. Instead, you could simply season it with salt and pepper, grill it and serve it with lemon juice. Fish stews are good too as long as you use little oil and lots of spices.25. Eat more vegetables, alternating them for more variety. Pick your favorites and turn them into a salad, although you can also eat them simple, replacing snacks. Even thou you may not be a huge fan of vegetables, remember that the more veggies you eat, the more you will like them.26. Steaming is a great alternative to boiling veggies. Plus, by steaming them, they retain more nutrients. Boiling however is a better alternative to frying. Choose which one you find fit, as long as you enjoy the final result.27. Avoid store bought salad dressings, such as mayonnaise. It's very easy to make your own with lemon juice, olive oil and your favorite spices. Needless to say how much oil and additives are in a store bought dressing.28. Avoid drinks of any kind and choose water instead. No more coke or diet drink. They all have tons of sugar and chemicals. Water is the miracle of life and our body is made 90% of water. No wonder it is so important for us.29. Avoid casseroles and eat the meat simple, with veggies on one side. Casseroles usually have more oil and grease. More oil means more calories and more calories mean more fatty cells in your body. It's vicious circle so avoid it.30. Snacks are good as long as they are healthy. Choose snacks like raisins, nuts, vegetable sticks or dried fruits. Snack between meals if you feel hungry, but be moderate when doing so. Forget chips, chocolate bars or pretzels. Fresh fruits make an excellent snack as well.31. Don't eat while you are standing. Take a seat and eat slowly, chewing the food properly. When you eat standing you tend to not control how you eat and end up eating more than you need. Also, you will feel like being in a rush and you will not chew the food properly. When the food gets into your stomach in this state32. Avoid sampling too much when you cook. A bit there, a bit here and before you know it you've eaten an entire portion. Think about it and you will I am right. How many times you didn't even felt like eating after cooking?! Your answer must be far too many for sure.33. Potatoes are ok as long as you avoid frying them. You can try baking them instead as they only have 160 calories and 0 fat. However, don't exaggerate with eating potatoes. They don't have too many other nutrients and you might as well eat something that not only makes you feel full, but also bring some nutrients into your body.34. Pastries are forbidden. They are loaded with fat and sugar which means tons of calories with very little to no nutrients. I know this may sound weird coming from a baker, but I learnt that there are other alternatives to those fatty, buttery pastries.35. Eat less meat and limit yourself to just 2-3 portions per week. Choose a white meat instead of the red one. White meat has less fat and less cholesterol. Plus, it's easier to cook as well.

36. As a professional baker, believe me when I say that you can still eat dessert. You just have to go for other kind of dessert, such as more fresh fruits, low fat yogurt, low fat cream cheese. The possibilities are endless.37. Nuts can be a great alternative to croutons whenever you feel the need of something crunchy in your food. However, don't eat too many at once and avoid the salty types. They are usually roasted and contain other fats as well.38. Avoid white bread. Instead, eat whole wheat bread, but even so, in lower quantities than before. 39. Applesauce is a great substitute for shortening when baking dough or batters. It has no fat and it's healthier. Believe me, the final result is very similar to the ones using butter.40. Try to reduce your portion size with every meal. Instead, have little healthy snacks between meals if you still feel hungry. If it helps, measure one portion once then guide yourself by that and try to eat the same next time. By doing so, you have more control of what and how much you eat every day.41. At least at first, keep a diary of everything you eat, any new food introduced, any new cooking experience had, what you liked, what you didn't. It's a good step towards improving your lifestyle and it will offer a great guide along the way.42. You should not wait more than 5 hours between each meal or snack. This kind of program will boost your metabolism. 5 hours is more than enough to allow your body to digest everything properly. After 5 hours your body starts to ask for food more and more.43. There are certain foods that can enhance your metabolism and digestion, like foods rich in fibers. They will make you feel full for a longer period of time because they take longer to digest. Not to mention all the other nutrients you get, such as calcium, protein, magesium or potassium.44. Avoid canned fruits and veggies which are loaded with salt or sugar. Also, the cooking process makes them lose most of their nutrients. Instead, choose fresh fruits and veggies, although even the frozen ones are a good choice, especially during the cold winter when most veggies and fruits are not available anymore.45. Include more yogurt into your diet. It will help you burn the proteins and provide you with a bit of energy. Plus, yogurt is a great immune system booster so no more colds, not more feeling bloated and a better digestive system.46. Fish is good in any diet and tuna is a great choice. You can pan fry it, grill it, steam it or poach it and it doesn't even need any additional fat. Plus, fish contains omega-3 which prevents heart attacks and blood pressure problems.47. Beans are a great source of proteins and fibers and keep in mind that there are many varieties, each with its texture and flavor so you can alternate them to avoid boredom. Black beans, cannellini beans, red beans, you name it, it's there. Canned ones are good, but make sure you drain and rinse them properly before use. As an alternative, you could try boiling a larger quantity of beans and freeze them in smaller portions. They will prove very handy at some point.48. Avocado is great and loaded with good fats. Don't combine it with sour cream though. It's perfect on its own. You can try blending it with lemon juice to make a sauce similar to mayonnaise in consistency. Or you can make the famous guacamole. Even sweets can be made with avocado so don't avoid it next time you go shopping.49. Almonds make an excellent snack and you can roast them and flavor them with anything from salt to aromatic herbs. A great choice is rosemary. Simply chop some fresh rosemary, mix it with the almond and a quick drizzle of olive oil and roast them in the oven for 10-15 minutes. You won't get enough of them.50. Avoid store bought potato chips. Instead, make your own at home. Finely slice a large potato and place the slices on a cookie sheet slightly greased with olive oil. Bake in the

preheated oven at 400F until crisp and golden brown. Try to combine regular potatoes with the sweet type to avoid boredom.51. If you plan to go out and eat on a buffet, eat something before leaving. The temptation to eat more and the wrong foods when you are there is bigger if you are hungry.52. When you get to the buffet, don't stay close to the food table. You will end up chewing a bit here, a bit there. Also, take what you want the first time you go through the line, don't go back for more. Avoid temptations and you won't have to face them.53. Pick more salad than anything else. Your plate should be abundant in green salads. They are healthy, delicious and you know for sure you're eating something that will not jeopardize your efforts to lose weight.54. Don't eat in a hurry. Savor each bite, take your time and enjoy the taste. Chew the food properly otherwise you will eat more than needed. What happens when you eat fast is that your stomach does not realize it's full and by the time it gives you the full signal, you have eaten over the limit. The result is feeling bloated, sometimes even sick.55. To help with portion sizes, use a smaller plate rather than a big one. When going to a restaurant, ask for smaller portions as well and explain them beforehand that you want your food to have less fat and don't be fried. Don't settle for less than what you requested. In the end, it's your time and money.56. If you do get to a fast food restaurant, get salads or grilled chicken and avoid burgers or fatty cheese. Luckily, fast foods saw this as a business and they offer some healthy alternatives as well.57. As healthy as nuts are, salted, roasted peanuts aren't. 2oz of those have over 300 calories so pass on those. However, if you really feel like a salty snack, choose pretzels. 20 of those have only 80 calories.58. Avoid fried shrimps. Just so you can compare, fried shrimps have 200 more calories than steamed ones. Try to grill them as well. Marinate in lemon juice, sprinkle with chopped parsley and soy sauce then grill them. There you have it, a delicious, easy and healthy meal.59. If you really crave for pie and decide to have a slice, choose a fruit pie that is also lower in sugar. If you leave the crust in the plate, you will drop another 100 calories, but your sweet tooth will be happy. The crust is the one that has more calories because it contains butter, sugar and sometimes even egg.60. Regular bacon has way more calories and fat than Canadian bacon so try that one instead.61. A good way to size down your portion is to split it with a friend, especially if you are out at a restaurant.62. When going to a pizzeria, choose more salad and only order a slice of pizza. Avoid pizza with meat and stick with veggie toppings and wheat crust if possible. Be open minded and leave the traditional pizza for those who have no problems with it. You will be surprised of how good bell pepper pizza tastes like.63. Avoid sauces like ketchup, mayonnaise, tartar sauce, bbq sauce. Eat your food simple or with lemon juice if you want.64. A great trick when baking is to use cocoa powder instead of chocolate. Most chocolates have more than just pure cocoa so they are fattier and loaded with sugar. For each ounce of chocolate, use 3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder. This seem to be a good ratio both in terms of the final consistency and also in terms of taste.65. For soups or sauces, use evaporated skim milk which has the flavor of cream, but less fat. Use it just like you would with cream. 66. Replace sour cream with plain or low fat yogurt. You can use it for salad dressings or for your morning meals, combined with granola or whole grain cereals. Choose a kind of whole cereal with very little to no added sugar at all. While a bit of sugar in the morning would give

you an energy boost, you will be tempted to snack on sweets to keep you on the floating line. The sugar spike in the blood is asking for more.67. Low fat foods may seem to have no taste at first, but you can use some tricks to make the taste more familiar such as spices. Vary them and come up with your own combinations. Don't be afraid to use spices and aromatic herbs, such as rosemary for chicken, sage for pork and beef, bay leaf for beef. 68. Yogurt is your ally when it comes to losing weight. There are studies that show that overweight people who had yogurt daily lost more pounds than people who didn't. Combine ti with fresh fruits for an improved taste and also for more nutrients.69. Spicy food and heat lowers appetite. People who eat foods containing capsaicin are proven to eat less calories in the next few hours. So consider adding a bit more heat into your food next time you cook.70. Calcium is important for our bones and over all health. Studies show that calcium from diary products is more effective than the one from food supplements. That is because food means components that interact with each other and that can't be reproduced in vitamin pills.71. Have a glass of milk before your meals because studies have proven that diary products will help feeling full for a longer period of time. If you're not a fan of milk, water will do the trick as well.72. If you crave for ice cream, you could have a frozen yogurt instead. Choose a fruit variety which is mostly yogurt and fruit and has less calories than others. A great alternative is to make it at home where you can actually control all the ingredients used. Plus, you have the advantage of being able to create your own recipe with the flavors you love the most.73. If you like sandwiches, keep in mind that even one with vegetables can contain hidden ingredients. Some sandwiches have cream cheese which is fatty. Be careful what you buy.74. Pasta with cheese, rich sauces are forbidden. They have loads of calories. Skip this kind of pasta and choose ones that have a tomato based sauce, such as marinara pasta. You can also add ground meat into the sauce.


So after such a long talk about food, it's time for some exercise. I'm sure you are already hungry after reading all about food, but don't forget what I was saying earlier. Stay strong and change something! And maybe the time is now. Keep reading to find out how to balance eating with diet so that you remain healthy and lose weight.

Let's have a look at how our lives are nowadays. You wake up early, prepare the kids for school if you have any, make a quick breakfast if you have the time, take them to school, go to work, do tons of things and work hard, take the kids from school, come back home, make dinner (or order in some bad examples), sleep late and start all over again the next morning. Unlike old times, people don't seem to find the time needed to exercise in any way. And by exercise I don't even mean going to a gym. Calories are consumed when cleaning, sweeping, rubbing, dusting, polishing, going out with the kids, go shopping. But not even these simple things are being done nowadays because we are too busy working, like work is all that matters.

Instead of eating properly, due to this constant rush, we prefer to order a takeaway or but some ready made food from the supermarket, adding even more fat and chemicals into our diet. To top if off, most people are sedentary. Work and home is all they know.

A change in your life will never happen if you don't take care of this aspect as well. There must be a balance between what you eat and what you do to maintain your muscles and stay fit. And you don't have to be an expert to manage that. You just need to burn off more calories than you consume and there are some very simple ways to do that so keep reading and get started!

75. Always start your exercises with a smooth warm up. This is very important as it will loosen up your muscles to prevent injury when doing the exercises. Don't underestimate this or you might end up with serious injuries considering that your muscles aren't ready for effort.76. Begin with a couple of deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through your mouth. Controlling your breathing is very important while working out.77. If you plan to walk or run, do just a few hundred yards at a lower pace then speed up. Allow your body to get used with the effort and only then increase the rhythm.78. Do the same when stopping. Don't just stop at once. Slow down your rhythm, allow your body to calm down and cool off then stop.79. Don't push your limits and do more than you can. Stop if you feel pain and learn to differentiate between good pain and bad pain. Don't push your body over its limits but before that you need to learn which those limits are.80. Never exercise when you are hungry or barely ate. If you are hungry, you will not have enough energy for your exercise. If you just ate, working out will prevent the food from being properly digested as your body will use the energy for your exercise.81. Don't forget to drink water. Exercise has the tendency to dehydrate you so make sure you drink plenty of liquids before starting your work out. Once you get to the dehydration point, your heart will pump less blood into your body so less oxygen will get into your system, thus affecting your exercise routine. Plus, our bodies are made mainly from water and you lose part of it through sweating when you work out. Make sure you always have a bottle of water on hand.82. Flexibility is important so always do some stretching before work out. Stretch those muscles and get them ready for exercise.

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