how to avoid the spying of eeuu & other practical solutions computing: protect pc, internet...

How to Avoid the Spying of E. E. U. U , and other practical solutions Computing : Protect your PC , Internet Security , AutoHacking , etc…. AbundioTeca

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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In this guide, we are going to offer you a package of measures to solve security problems common to all the Interneticians: Navigation (anonymity on the Web), protection of data (files), malicious hacking, protection of the computer, communications in the Network 100 % Secure, etc. All the tools and information that we offer below are free, free, and legitimate, however, its use and application is your decision.


Page 1: How to Avoid the Spying of EEUU & other Practical Solutions Computing: Protect  Pc, Internet Security, AutoHacking, etc

How to Avoid the Spying of E. E. U. U

, and other practical solutions Computing :

Protect your PC , Internet Security , AutoHacking , etc….


Page 2: How to Avoid the Spying of EEUU & other Practical Solutions Computing: Protect  Pc, Internet Security, AutoHacking, etc

In this guide, we are going to offer you a package of measures to solve security problems common to all the Internetistas: Navigation (anonymity on the Web), protection of data (files), malicious hacking, protection of the computer, communications in the Network 100 % Secure, etc. All the tools and information that we offer below are free, free, and legitimate, however, its use and application is your decision. Lock Pc ( Physical Intrusion ) : One of the most simple, effective, and preferred by intruders to check your computer is through a direct physical point, i.e. access to your device by a door that you have left open, we are going, as if put the keys to your house. If you have not yet created a user account in Windows, go to Control Panel > User Accounts, and modify the user with a secure password that includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and characters. And what serves this solution', if your machine is on continuously, and, connected to the network permanently, at any time you can enter any intruder to your pc. To prevent its access while we are not present, choking off the PC directly: in Windows, press the keys "Windows Logo + L", for Mac "ctrl. + Shift + eject button", and, for Linux "Control + Alt + L". Note: all the software that we will propose to the manual, is not linked directly, reason, during the reading find out the motivation.

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The previous one, a simple method of password settings and

keyboard shortcut , however, there are also alternative access systems such as; facial recognition , fingerprints, cards, etc. If you have a webcam, you can also add an alternative method of locking and access through facial recognition; In Windows, you can install "Blink or BananaScreen", which are programs that record and recognize your face in order to strengthen the direct physical access of intruders, for Mac, "KeyLemon", and, for Linux, the package "PAM". But, what if you have managed to get into your machine, how we figured out what has happened?, Activate a

Keylogger , program that records all the keystrokes without the guest learned, can help you to know what has happened and/or is making the invader. "Revealer Keylogger" can serve to perform this task However, if you want to protect your most relevant information, perform regular backups to an external hard

drive .

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Computational methods of forensic investigation (

Intrusion Remote ) : the physical attack is not the only way to enter to your machine, they can also access the computer while it is turned on and connected to a local area network or the Internet. The theft or consultation of relevant information , destruction of files, data modification, etc. , are the most common actions carried out by the intruders, ¿ Reasons ?, the majority, with monetary purposes : acquisition of passwords

, subtraction of important information, and the violation of the privacy , copy of brave confidential files, etc. , however, also have access to our machines to install Keyloggers in order to control to perform massive DDoS attacks, that is to say, overburden the resources of the victim's system for refusing their services. You may have heard of this type of targeted attacks on government pages, and institutional substitutes. But, all this type of actions leave no marks, however, there are tools to detect them always and when the intruder is not an expert, this being the case, where do we seek, how we act? If expert tools would be used to cover their tracks, some of them: clearing DNS cache with "DNSDATAView", deleted with "USBOblivion" of all the external memory that you've connected, clear cache of flash and Java in the configuration of temporary files, clean the paging file "pagefile.sys" (interested visit this article ), clear files forever with "Hardwipe", if they have stolen information change date of modification of files with "FileTouch", if you have modified any file removed or corrected their metadata with "MetaStripper".

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All of these techniques, commonly used in the malicious hacking, are known as anti-forensic, and prevent the detection of traces, however, as the videoclip if this is the case, your decision. For any other user who does not know how to erase their footprints , their actions leave a trace in the records where the events are logged more relevant to a system. In Windows, you can see this event log and applications in Control Panel > Administrative Tools. Will be used to detect events recorded in moments that you were absent, and therefore discover that you have been attacked. On the Mac, go to the folder " /private/var/log", in addition, the file Kermel.log will indicate to you when you turned the machine and because. In Linux, you can use the command 'lastlog" to know if agreed some intruder. The system, software mother, is not the only one that leaves no traces, other programs and files can also contain miguitas spins of bread by the intruder in: web browsers, DNS cache, records of the router, caches of adobe flash and java, registration of local network traffic, etc. for erasure, the invader can use " CCcleaner" , a tool that we recommend to use when you're done any meeting, thereby achieving an effective virtual detoxification (cookies, cache, history, temporary files, scripts, etc. ). After performing this periodic cleaning, your machine will be more rapid and effective, however, also must be fluent in disuse remove programs to increase the computing capacity of your machine. Now, if we want to find out which files have been copied , "

OSForensics" tells us that files have been opened and modified recently. To do this, you must go to the folder "File

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Name Search" and look in the folder that you suspect has been the subject of copy. The list, sorted by the criterion Access Time (desc) , it shows the most recently opened files. The files can be opened with an internal viewer that displays the metadata and the file attributes without modifying the original file. However, know that you have modified the intruder will depend on the knowledge of your own data. For Mac and Linux you can use the command " find"..

If were plugged in USB or other memories in your computer, "USBOblivion" can also detect these footprints. If you want to recover deleted files in Windows, "OSforensics" also includes the option of rescue; come to the folder "Deleted File Search", and "Save deleted file" on the file you want to retrieve. On the other hand, if you have deleted files without wanting to, " Recuva" is a program that will help you to easily retrieve it. For Mac, "FileSalvage", for Linux, "Scalpel". To recover registry keys , you can use " Yaru ", very useful in addition to see if the intruder has modified or deleted keys. The most common invasions , are performed through legitimate applications of servers of remote control , more known as Keyloggers . With this tool, the intruder will leave a door open to return whenever you feel like to collect confidential information, and it will be sent as it deems appropriate. In addition, it is possible that leave hidden folders in the hard disk to be used later in new invasions. The capture of most common data is performed through a Keylogger that captures the keystrokes and stores them in a

file. The more sophisticated, even take screenshots and trap passwords. Imagine, with this capture of data you can access

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all our relevant information. The most popular and effective for Windows is " Revealer Keylogger "

But, how do we detect these applications", a scan of any antivirus program could detect it, but, we do not recommend installing this type of software, not by its inefficiency, but

by the consumption of resources for our computer that

slows down your operation . In addition, the largest virus of

the machine is always the user , it always installed applications unnecessary and incompatible with the performance of our computer.

Therefore, it is sufficient to a antivirus LiveCD , i.e. rescue

disk to help you analyze and clean windows without

logging in, thus avoiding triggering the virus to block the operating system when it is turned on, i.e. work booting from the CD.

There are several options, but one of the most powerful, which also includes the Firefox browser, and collector of data file recovery, is " BitDefender Rescue CD ". To use BitDefender Rescue CD, you must burn the ISO image to a CD and boot the computer from the. In Linux, you can use "

rkhunter ".

Search among the active processes of memory , you can also serve if you want to find something new or strange running on your operating system. For Windows, you have to open the task manager (ctrl+alt+del) and in the processes tab to see what you are not familiar.

Pages as tasklist or Processlibrary drawn up lists with the suspicious processes more common, and, if you find one in your task manager, eliminadlo. In Linux, and Mac open the

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console and write the ps command to find all the active processes.

To discover the folders and/or hidden files, "OSForensics". In the option "File Name Search", in the tab interface resets, select the option "Hidden atribute set". For Linux and Mac, open the console and write the find command /path/ -iname ". * " -

maxdepth 1 -type f,

One of the most potent solutions to prevent the access of intruders is to encrypt your entire hard drive , i.e. encriptarlo, transforming the data into a language that is incomprehensible unless you use a key. If you choose this option, we recommend the program " TrueCrypt " , however, never to forget the master key that generate to encrypt all your information or will miss out on the access to all your data.

However, if you are yourselves where you want to delete a

file always , you can use the following applications: " Eraser

" for Windows, " Permanent eraser" for Mac, and, " wipe" for Linux. Remember, it is not enough to delete the file if you want to undo all changes to the already that this option only frees the disk space that it occupied, you have to usefulness the previous tools.

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As access to a computer, browse through its contents, and

remove all the relevant information ( AutoHacking ): the tools that we propose below, serve to search for all kinds of information in your machine, its illegitimate application, it is your decision.

The AutoHacking, mainly aims retrieve information on your own, or, by other users that we authorize. Listed below are some of these utilities:

. Retrieve files: "DiskDigger", "Recuva".

. Rescue deleted emails from Outlook Express: "Format Recovery".

. Recover passwords stored in your browser: "BrowserPasswordDecryptor"

. Rescue passwords of Messenger, Yahoo, etc: "MessenPass".

. Recover passwords for accounts of local mail (Outlook, Thunderbird): "MailPassView".

. Get passwords of networks wi-fi: "WirelessKeyDump".

. To trace Caches (waste of navigation) and Records: "Chat Sniper" (collects records, images and Messenger contacts), "MozillaCacheView" (explore the caches when you surf), "MyLastSearch" (stores the last searches), "flashCookieView" (analyzes the cookie flash), "SkypeLogView" (compiles all the calls made by Skype), etc.

. To search for documents and/or text; "DocFetcher".

. To search for in the attachments of Outlook: "OutlookAttachView".

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. To search for in the attachments of Thunderbird: "MozBackup".

. To recover deleted images: "AdroitPhotoRecovery"

. To explore the hard drive for the sake of seeing his cast: "SpaceSniffer".

. To check files in use, or open programs: "OpenedFilesView".

However, the most comprehensive of all the tools is, "

OSForensics ", a very powerful suite that includes all types of utilities; text finder, analyzer of recent activity, search for deleted files, viewer memory and disk, etc.

We insist, all these tools are legitimate, suitable for AutoHackearnos for the sake of retrieve, store, and/or use proprietary information as we deem appropriate, however, another use or application, it is your decision. It would be appropriate download all these tools directly to their official pages, regularly updating to new versions that improve the performance of the machine, because if you do from platforms that offer these programs, you can be infected by intrusive advertising software (adware), and/or browsers cookie captors, which, in both cases slow down and even control your machine. Cookies are as shopping bags, serve to reveal that shops you

visit , and, this type of pages install themselves on your computer a propaganda browser, which captures information from your search habits, for, sell them to interested corporations. However, this information is also captured by the official pages of free software download, but the voluntary contribution that we make is different, since the data that we

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serve them to; improve your product for the sole purpose of increasing the experience of user navigation, and therefore offer new tools aimed to meet the real needs of the surfer, that is to say, meet the actual demand, not to create artificial supply. Serve the Firefox browser as an example, where, we recommend that you install the plugin "Self-Destructing Cookies", so that, once obtain our information, the cookies are destroyed without being stored on our machine. In addition, it would be advised to enable the firewall , firewall, to manage and filter all incoming and outgoing

traffic between two networks or computers on the same network. We need to establish rules that you must meet the traffic , and, if not the met, will be blocked . Therefore, correctly configure this tool is a very important task, as it protects us from intruders, blocking in addition any type of malicious traffic. Some of the rules that we can implement are: managing users' access to the services of the private network, record all the attempts of input and output of a network (logs), filter addresses to block or allow access to our team of IPs through port 22, filter protocols to reject or allow traffic based on its type (http, https, TCP, FTP, etc. ), check the number of connections that are producing from the same point to lock them in case of exceeding a given number, control the applications that can access the Internet to restrict its use to certain users, detection of ports that are listening to forewarn us of applications Not friendly that they want to use a port to wait for incoming connections, ……

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However, there is Firewall of two types; Software and Hardware. The first, is the most common, and is usually preinstalled on our operating system, which we can configure taking into account the above rules. However, as we warned to antivirus programs, this option will consume a lot of resources of your computer, but, it is appropriate that this enabled. The second, hardware firewall , are a great solution to protect any network. Include features such as; CFS, SSL technology (secure socket layers), VPN (virtual private networks), integrated antivirus, antispam, load control, etc. If easies by this physical component, go to your bedside computing.

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The above functions; Block Pc, AutoHacking, cookie management, and firewall protection, are directed mainly to prevent the access of intruders, in addition to, retrieve relevant information, but, if we use frequently the Global Worldwide Network, Internet, we will be exposed to other

threats such as the constant violation of our privacy.

But, why are they so important our data, there are several stakeholders in the same, but with different purposes; . Governments and Institutions (PermissionCracy): perpetuate the domination and mass control on society as a whole, watching each of its steps for the sake of neutralize any movement and action annoying that threatens the continuity of the ruling class created by the fraudulent monetary system crippling. . Companies (CorporatoCracy): Gather information about their Consumibots (users of goods and services programmatically

uninformed) to offer products and services monetarily interested. Indeed, spying on us.

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But, how do you perform this task, through our IP , unique, identifying key required to access any network. This address allows their monitoring networks establish

profiles of all Internet users through the follow-up by the sites they visit, and searches that perform, out- of-order also geographically. This combination of features is very valuable for all the DES-democracies. Discarding users star as Snowden or Assange (Wikileaks), that, liberalized dishumanitary information, the objectives of the previous DIS-democracies are mostly monetary, and supplementary control. By lack of appropriate use of new technologies, all the

information we provide voluntarily in the network leaves traces that reveal our identity , which are stored in different databases interested . Generally, the use for monetary purposes of lesser degree ; social networks , and advertising agencies oriented, act as

platforms for massive capture . However, it also serves to organizations of social planning as a method of effective control. Therefore, anonymity, privacy, and security in the network are programmatically absent, until the next tool you present: Project Tor .

Tor, makes no reference to be mythological owner of lightning, caters to the acronym The Onion Router (The Onion Router).

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Slapdash and this is not a device that causes tears when you take it out of the box, rather, refers to its operation, in other words, it is a platform for many layers secret .

To complete the theory, i copy and i glued his worth: instead

of sending the information in a straightforward manner, by

traditional servers, Tor makes it through various channels

created by volunteers around the world. The volunteer

network of Tor provides its connections to those who need it

send information securely, encrypted.

Randomly redirects the user traffic through the several nodes

of volunteers to hide your location. Thus, he hides the actual

Internet address of the users and encrypts the contents of

what they are referring. Your security is similar to the layers

of an onion.

Yes, you can also serve to accommodate questionable

contents humanly unacceptable and illegal, but can also be used to promote human rights and/or freedoms of

expression and information, therefore, its use and

application, will depend on the human programming .

The decisions of human beings are the product of the socio-

cultural system monetarily interested , where, their values, customs, and behaviors are the result of the early indoctrination and social programming established.

Any method of social planning has never been directed

toward the real change that will benefit all of humanity , only seeks to preserve its institutions to perpetuate themselves in their interested conditions.

However, weapons of mass control that promote: Property Desfuncional, artificial shortage, and unfair competition, will

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be overcome, and replaced by sustainable abundance , Distributed Cooperation, and Universal Accessibility.

Hostile conditions (work, money, debt) will be removed

and a pop-up will emerge strengthened sociability, How?, applying humanitarian and intelligently Science and

Technology .

The inhumanity of the monetary system will be surpassed, disappear all their competitive advantages represented in the profits, and, only imported the well-being of human beings

and the environment .

Permanent structures , which enslave humanity to its more lucrative whim, will fall into disuse leaving step to the new

era of Social cybernetics , that is to say, the marriage between machines and computers be released to the society as a whole through a administration of Human Affairs

globally depoliticized, and technologically advanced.

Will consider new paradigms with constantly updated methods advanced, that they will surpass the current neural lag aiming to resist new patterns in favour of the old inefficient.

Therefore, they will no longer be used anyssims that lack of

effective methods globally , to be applied in the social system common scales of operation highly qualified scientific , based on the resources and existing technology….

Slapdash, you are not in a novel by Jules Verne, we believe useful to explain the motives for the inappropriate use of

new technologies", mainly caused by ; dominant values, that

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rarely arise from the people, and that views are programmed to manipulate the vast majority without appear to have been generated by institutions monetarily oriented as governments, militia, banks, church, elites, etc.

That is to say, the contemporary social pathology that we

suffer , is the result of the influences that practiced by the

previous social planning organizations inefficient , that, shape and form our socially inappropriate behavior through values, habits, beliefs, and customs, slavishly directed toward their vested interests.

The pandemic sociopath monetarily established , that produces a disorder of the system values , has its origin in the foundation of the invalid monetary system, which generates hostile conditions such as; debt, money, competition, ownership, and scarcity.

Humanely by applying science and technology, would be

eliminated, thus becoming at the same time the emotions

and human relations in a society really strengthened that exceed the current system of values vitally distorted.

Exposed the foregoing, we hope to realize the source of the criminal behavior socially ineffective, where the criminal

conduct , humanly unfair, is the result of practicing any

artificial shortage .

Remember, in a fraudulent monetary system, we are all

criminals, since; no resource in its origin it was owned by

no one , we are forced to compete unnecessarily among us

in conditions of virtual lack , thus generating structural violence such as poverty and inequality humanly unfair,

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and/or, we also have criminal behavior that others practice

. But, we also hope that you've understood how we can cause change… ….

To date, we will continue defending us with some of the

tools proposed here. Well, leaving the margin humanly aberrant behavior, and, now that you know that we are not

welcome in organizations of social planning politically

oriented , we are going to continue to explaining inconvenience as we can discover their vested interests , thereby accelerating the expected change, the project Tor, will be our ally .

This tool will allow your anonymity on the net, hiding your IP

address, ensuring that your web communications are 100%


Its installation is very simple, download the software from its official website, and run them on your machine. Your desktop will appear in a folder named "Tor Browser", where you will find the icon "Start Tor Browser", prick on, and you can sail along quiet in the privacy of your actions.

However, some are rather curious of its sponsors and the naval research laboratory of the US, which uses this tool to protect their communications.

We have to warn that, if you download pictures from this application, you will be susceptible of investigation, however, should not be worrying if you do not already have a aberrant behavior, though, be careful if you decide to publish information to annoy and inconvenience the ruling class.

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All of the DIS-democracies remain the same pattern of

conduct criminal , already that, just trying to preserve its

established system . We are currently in the first phase of the sequence, where, when new movements directed to cause

the change emerge, frequently practice usually censorship, in this case; alter results of Web browsers to curb relevant information, closed pages that threaten the benefits of the dominant corporatocracy monetarily, ridicule and ignored any critical thinking toward their systemic errors, pursue movements that are trying to raise consciousness, etc.

However, the change represented by the whole of humanity toward a Social Cybernetics will run its course, and the Internet , weapon of mass, provides unbiased information without filtered views, be released to the entire human

species of slavery monetary .

We are continually seeing failure as the current system of money market, which suffers a cumulative collapse brought on by the rules of the game inherently invalid, where, only import the cyclical earnings, which, they do not take into account the finite resources of the planet, or, the general welfare of the human being. Toward that change we headed, still too close to the second phase of the sequence, the inevitable failure of the fraudulent monetary system.

Until then, activists, military personnel, journalists, bloggers, corporatist, doctors, elitist, spies, hacktivist, bankers, credentialist, lawyers, mathematicians, physicists, Police, chemists, engineers, Escolarizadores, economists, researchers, politicians, propagandists, programrs, Internetistas, Developers, systemists, etc. , all are in the same list, so only differentiates them your oriented point of view.

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In this first part of the stream, some members of the previous list reveal alternative solutions to the inefficient method of

existing social planning , politicy and economi$t force. Other, the causally scheduled credential elite, will attempt to

preserve the current advantages that only benefit a few .

The politicy any democrazy that practice, it is the shield that protects them from the uninformed population, which, still believes that the solution remains politicy, and this is because the vast majority do not know how the monetary system works. The economi$t virtual money market, as we know them until now, it is only a book of spells complex of the magicians of his court, which disguised the fraudulent mechanism of the game.

Neither one nor the other are the solution as we know them to date, to the evidence of inequality, poverty, structural violence, and systemic corruption, should be referred.

Imagine that your body is a system based on political-economic, what would be your wounds the enough money to buy the platelets that need?, or the popular socialist party of the United blood would decide on the amount you need?... .We hope that no one has answered.

Morality and ethics that practitioners of these systems are not functional because they operate within a system invalid, yes, imagine what humane science and technology, then the values which they defend may be appropriate. Spirituality, ethics, and moral, adapted to a functional direction, are the science and technology in action.

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Therefore, in this first phase of the sequence, all humanity will discover that a new model to the benefit of us all is

possible . However, until the change to occur, it would be appropriate to bring a transition of, the current Virtual Desconomia Money Market, a, a real economy socially

productive Participatory , i.e. maintain during the transition, a Humanitarian Monetary System, but free of Debt-Money parasite.

Interested in see how cause the previous transition, visit the page , category "Program of Solutions".

You can disseminate any motion or change through the Tor network, but, why is it so important the anonymity to disseminate relevant information', simple, because manifest

face directly against the guardians is useless," only justifies its actions toward excessive enemies that sometimes do not even exist.

It is recommended that the message never go addressed to

those who really don't care what happens a change that

will benefit us all , either because they don't know other methods that are actually effective, either because they suffer as a result of static identity credential scheduled, or because they enjoy systemic advantages that only benefit the 1 per cent of the humanity they represent.

Usefulness weapons of massive expansion as the global network ( www ) to reach the rest of humanity, approximately 99 %. When the vast majority know that a change that will

benefit us all is possible, simply, shall cease to use the

institutions that enslave them, accelerating as well by both the collapse and final judgment of the monetary system.

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Tor is anonymity, confidentiality, so avoid a Twitterer on pages where you have to provide your data, if necessary, make pseudonyms, and the direction of Santa Claus at the north pole.

The detractors of this network of secret layers, they allege that this platform serves to accommodate hidden services, however, remember that the technology can be used for various purposes, such as is used, it shall be the responsibility of the end user. Previously we saw what was the solution to prevent aberrant behaviors.

Currently, almost 50 per cent of these hidden services are aimed at adult content, weapons, forgery, and drugs, nothing that does not conduct "legally" all the DES-democracies.

With regard to weapons, the government the manufactured and marketed in earth perpetuating the profitable business of war , with regard to drugs, any des-healthcare practice the FarmaFia Nutricy and power, and, of the forgeries, all of the money that exists is false as it is created from nothing. With regard to the content for adults, are at the mercy of moral codes that have repressed, or not, natural impulses.

The remaining 50 % of hidden services is dedicated to various issues; politicy, anonymity, digital books, technology, games, science, and miscellaneous services (money laundering, theft, etc. ). Nothing new nor it is practiced in the dome of the PermissionCracies.

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The activities that most predominate, networks of zombie computers, and servers of adult content. However, if finally you use the Tor network, and you encounter content aberrant (child pornography, offers to perform killings, threats, etc. ), collaborate, and comunicate anonymously to the oriented institutional security forces.

If you want to discover a new weapon technology to reduce the sexual crime, please consult the project regal bearings and sweetie, virtual girl that pursues the killer sexual predator. Currently, has already attracted and captured more than 100,000 users that practitioners of these humanly aberrant behaviors.

Members of the Tor network recommend; for sending information, only writing plain text files avoiding attach files that may be contaminated, for storage online, avoid services such as Dropbox with obvious flaws of vulnerability, to strengthen security, connect to sites with secure transfer of data (https), to manage our personal information on any social network, allow only contacts of field personnel….

The entire contents of this manual; Avoid espionage in the US, Protect PC, AutoHacking, Cookies, Internet Security, anonymity, Web communications 100% secure, etc. , can serve to reinforce the offer of employment that we have a long time ago, Wiki Web Way (Practical Manual to earn money on Internet). This guide open, free, and free, is aimed at the survival in a fraudulent monetary monetary system.

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In addition to Internetician, and/or Digital Diarists, we announced another method of self-employment evolved, monetarist. Then we remember the last chapter of the previous guide…..

Why is it that another method of self-employment, don't worry, between all not occupy more than 2 hours a day, even less. Then, why is complementary to be present in all the areas that dominates the invalid monetary system.

The tasks of Internetician and Digitalician, have not been chosen at random or influenced by a pattern of fashion passenger travelling over the network , cater to root causes unknown to the public at large.

Until now, all the scientific and technological progress have been caged and utilized by the Corporatocracy that controls and manipulates his seemed to benefit private "industrial and intellectual property", thus preventing all of its benefits to the vast majority .

Virtual the diseconomy of "free" money market that you know to date, only serves causally to the owners of capital, Bank-Cleptocracy .

Both DIS-democracies, only benefit privately to a few in exchange for not bring anything else, are exclusively represented to themselves by protecting only your most precious treasure of monopoly, manufactured consumibots (user programmed) targeted to their predominant monetary interests, enslave humanity with its money-debt created from nothing, plunder the land resources by forging new money-debt that created through the principle of fraudulent fractional

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reserve, expropriate any patent or content creation of all the productive sectors, etc.

Do you still believe that you are in a democracy, the application of this term is not viable because it operates in a monetary system that parasitic practice usury. To date, we are clients of a DemoGracia that promotes distorted values as property, scarcity and competition, for the sake of hide the previous causes. His ally intentionally uninformed, the politicy and economi$t. Can we free ourselves, yes, applying humanely science and existing technology, thus recognizing the efficiency and functionality of the same without the need for new artificial laws, moral codes or other social schedules that obstruct them.

Scarcity, competition, and any type of property, intellectual or industrial, are only restriction controlled mechanisms that prevent the free universal accessibility. There is no greater intellect that freely share any creation for the benefit of all, to achieve this goal; sustainable abundance, Global Cooperation, and Universal Accessibility.

The money, is just a false incentive that distorts the true value of the vital products or services. The creativity for the benefit of all, it will be the real incentive.

Walking toward these goals, arose one of the greatest liberating force that connects all humanity in real-time information freely distributed by all their networks, the Internet.

Obviously, try to control this decentralized network free from distribution to continue to maintain your domain perpetual, and to maintain its differential humanly unfair advantage. But, the tools that makes it easier for us contemporary technology

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have created a global movement that is awakening consciences.

The society perceives that the rules of the game are inherently invalid, and that the cumulative collapse perpetuated by institutions established is coming to an end.

On the other hand, and beating from yesteryear equally to all other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing and services, the technological displacement has been and is the great

cause of the global unemployment , and this will increase if not redirected the beneficial exponential growth of technology for the benefit of all mankind.

Because of this technological efficiency, expropriated by societies or legal actions investees that only serve the interests of capital, the area of production and distribution of any economy is no more than 30 %.

If we break this percentage, we find another significant disproportion; the total monetary resources allocated to this area ProductiButiva, 70 % is destined for commercial advertising, propaganda oriented.

Currently, any corporation spends more money on advertising business that in the process of elaboration of the product or service that you distribute.

It doesn't matter whether or not there is need to cover a demand really interested, nor if laying down criteria of sustainable supply that practice the absence of waste and the respect for the environment, produce consumibots oriented is the key to establishing distorted values and thus perpetuate

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their cyclical earnings. It does not matter what the SocianCias.

To perform this brainwashing, invented a word very happy, Marketing; propaganda activity that generates entries of conditioned thinking, and produces output of desired behavior. Not interested in the Featured applied.

Understandest thou now the advantages of being Internetician and Digitalician?, both tasks, since a correct corporate approach, covering all areas of the current prevailing diseconomy of virtual money market. Now, the marriage between both self-employment incomes os provide sufficiency, satisfaction, and monetary success.

As Interneticians, track sequences of promoting products or services only those that are useful and functional, that is to say, prioritize the sequence of vital value will give you monetary fruits.

As Digital Diarists, your creativity and ingenuity will enable you to develop new products to any area ProductiButiva. The popular squares applied, will do the rest.

But both activities occupy only 30% of the current virtual diseconomy, the next evolution, monetarist: tracker monetary sequences from its origin to its defaults destinations, fun, anyone?. Refrain from predisposed to the game without sense. Keep close to the scope of the friends.

The remaining 70 % that complete the system of money market belongs to the area of finance and investment sector, a parasite that is characterized by not providing anything of

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value vital to society, and that only is based on the arbitrary movement of money, trying to this as a product in itself when or if you want to have physical reality.

Indeed, governs us a casino, and what happens in these centers', that its banking always wins… .at the moment.

At this casino, gather all the DES-democracies; Bank-Cleptocracy, and, plutocracy, and what are you play?, to submit to his will more lucrative for all humanity, some people call this game democracy.

However, they are losing the game, the entire socio-economic system they created, hierarchically pyramidal, is nearing its end, suffers irreparable structural damage from its origin and foundation.

But, until the collapse of the monetary system after entering the humanitarian aspect of science and technology, we'll be playing your game.

We will raise several analysis that includes a set of highly effective methods. Their patterns and patterns, will help us to identify the migratory flow of titles toward monetary heaped upon certain destinations.

Does anyone know the rules of the game', or lack, are very simple, shared the letters up. And how do we avoid this trap? Even easier, playing with the endorsed trying to match the game.

For this purpose, born WikiBolsa :

Page 29: How to Avoid the Spying of EEUU & other Practical Solutions Computing: Protect  Pc, Internet Security, AutoHacking, etc

Stock market and monetary encyclopedia that informs and openly shared Codes and methods applied to earn money on all the money markets; Bag, Fixed Income, derivatives and

Foreign Exchange.

Includes 5 volumes:

• "Practical Manual to earn money on the Stock


• " Th€ Art of the bitch$"

• "Investment Strategies and simple homemade to

earn money on the Stock Exchange and Fixed


• "Forex Gump; Brother Fool Forrest"

• "Investment Strategies and simple homemade to earn

money with deRRRRibados"

You will be able to enjoy the freeing during the launch period, then we will continue the instructions we have indicated in this manual, practicing ProductiBucion featured and functional. So you know where to find us.

Will Be at your disposal share the contents of this free encyclopedia as affiliates, and always when i feel it appropriate.

In the manuals 3 and 5, we will chose only by the previous strategy, we will offer a 75 per cent of sales, why?, so that you may devote the SocianCias self employment of monetarist. Again, the SocianZas prevail.

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From the platform and Extension online that we have created, , you will be able all users: participate actively, see any published strategy, access to video-Tutorials, contribute in a way that is scalable by improving the content, discover a program of solutions to overcome all the crisis, exchange relevant information, etc. .. Interneticians, and/or Digital Diarists, if you also want to educate yourselves as Monetarists, we are waiting for you… What you have learned, and enjoyed a life experience, successful, challenging, constructive, friendly, interactive, functional, etc. ? If the affirmation of the issue has happened, we hope your collaboration for a massive expansion: Backup Is, foremost, Modify, redistribute, disseminate, and share this practical Manual of Liberalization socially satisfactory Computing.

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