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Page 2: How To And - Life-Saving Natural Cures and Natural ... · more). 2. Green Tea Studies show that just drinking green tea alone can burn an easy 80 calories a day. The powerful antioxidants

How To Take Off The Pounds And Look 10 Years Younger In 10 Weeks!

Discover the jealously guarded secrets to losing weight and having younger looking skin the big weight loss and skin care companies will charge you “mega bucks” to know… revealed here for free!

Troy Sawyer

Page 3: How To And - Life-Saving Natural Cures and Natural ... · more). 2. Green Tea Studies show that just drinking green tea alone can burn an easy 80 calories a day. The powerful antioxidants

f you’re currently spending lots of money on the latest skin care or weight loss product then you are being ripped off big time! Sorry to be the one to tell you this.

But then again, who hasn’t at one point or another? I think every woman probably has(not trying to sound sexist here but women are the main culprits).

IAccording to a recent survey, the two biggest health industry money makers are, surprise surprise, weight loss programs and the skin care industry. These industries make squillions of dollars profit every year. Even during recessions, they still flourish.


Because the big weight loss and skin care companies have convinced everyone thatlosing weight and having younger looking skin is very technical and without their latest product or program you haven’t got a hope! The truth is however, none of it is technical at all. It is in fact very basic and I’ll explain to you why…

Simple Tips to Losing Weight…

Let’s start with the dreaded weight loss. This seems to make many people cringe at the very thought, but the simple equation is to be able to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in. So there you go. That’s the secret… end of story!

Okay, I know it’s not as simple as that. There are other factors that govern how youlose weight, but the equation is correct. The problem is you have to get your metabolism to speed up sufficiently to be able to burn enough calories or you're destined to live off salad and veggies for the rest of your life just to maintain your bodyweight!

So there are basically two ways to successfully speed up your metabolism. The first way is through eating a specific diet that allows your metabolism to increase naturally. Weight loss companies such as Sureslim, Cohen’s and even Jenny Craig usethis type of program with great success. The problem is they are expensive and super strict, but they do work.

The other way is through a combination of moderate exercise and healthy eating.


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How to Take Off the Pounds and Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Weeks...

I tend to favour this one. After being involved in the health and fitness industry for nearly 30 years, I can tell you that trying to lose weight by healthy eating alone is very tough. You have to be extremely disciplined, and most people aren’t. With the combination of exercise and healthy eating you will lose weight consistently every week and you can still allow yourself a treat every now and then and get away with it.Of course, you still have to be disciplined to exercise and eat well, but you get that little bit of extra freedom.

And the exercise you do doesn’t have to be like what you see on the Biggest Loser.Sure, these people lose obscene amounts of weight, but they exercise for at least 6 hours a day and almost kill themselves in the process! A brisk walk, cycling, using the cross trainer or spending some time in the gym is usually enough. Just make sure you get “huffy and puffy” for forty five minutes to an hour, 5-6 days a week.

And as far as “eating for weight loss” goes the high protein, low carb (except fruit and vegetables), low fat (except essential fatty acids) diet still works the best. A recent study conducted at the University of Illinois confirmed that eating a protein-rich diet, in conjunction with moderate exercise, is far more effective at reducing body fat than just eating a low calorie diet alone.

23 Proven Ways to Lose Weight Fast (and Keep it off)…

Okay, so along with doing some regular exercise, here are the top 23 tips to help you lose weight fast and keep it off (in no particular order). For these to work you will need to do them until they become habit, no matter how weird some of them maysound…

1. Drink Filtered Water

There’s a saying in the weight loss industry… “The more you drink the more you shrink”. Water is your most important friend as far as losing weight and keeping it off goes. It acts as an appetite suppressant by keeping your stomach full and also helps your body to metabolize and break down stored fat by helping the kidney’s to flush out waste. Be sure you drink iced


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water (at least 2 litres a day) though as the body will burn between 60 and 100 calories alone just heating up the water to body temperature. And very often hunger pangs are actually thirst pangs so drinking lots of water will also help stop overeating. In addition, adding a slice of lemon will not only make the water taste good, you also get the added benefit of the lemon cleansing and detoxing your liver (which helps to speed up weight loss evenmore).

2. Green Tea

Studies show that just drinking green tea alone can burn an easy 80 calories a day. The powerful antioxidants in green tea, particularly Matcha green tea,help speed up the body’s metabolism and burn fat for energy. The fantastic health building properties of green tea also make it extremely beneficial. The minimum amount is 5 cups a day but the beauty of Matcha green tea is the more you drink the better the results and the better it is for you!

3. Chilli’s and Mustard

If you like your spicy food then you’re in luck. Chilli’s and mustard have a long history in helping with weight loss. They will boost your calorie burning capacity between 5-10% for up to 2 hours after eating. The reason? They contain capsaicin, which speeds up the body’s metabolism dramatically. Keep in mind that red chillies, particularly cayenne pepper, are the best fat burner of them all.

4. Eat Fibre

Fibre can absorb 10 times its own weight. It not only makes you feel full so you eat less, it also absorbs fat. The down side to fibre is it can absorb the good fats (essential fatty acids) and vitamins and minerals so try and have your nutritional supplements at times when you aren’t consuming any fibre.


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How to Take Off the Pounds and Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Weeks...

5. Supplement with liquid colloidal minerals

One of the most common causes of weight gain in people today is a little known condition called Pica or cribbing. When the body is deficient in minerals it will crave food to try and get the nutrients it needs. Because refined and processed foods and snack foods contain no minerals and a lot of empty calories, when people eat these foods to try and satisfy their cravings, all they do is create more cravings and, of course, gain weight in the process. The snack food industry actually has a name for Pica and cribbing… they call it the munchies! Supplementing with liquid colloidal minerals will make these cravings go away naturally in around 6-9 months.

6. Supplement with Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)

Evening primrose oil contains the essential fatty acids which are known to help dissolve body fat and assist in the removal of hard fats. Gamma-linolenic acid (found in EPO) increases the activity of brown fat metabolism so the body will burn fat rather than storing the excess calories as fatty tissue. In a study on essential fatty acids and obesity, overweight people were given supplemental evening primrose oil everyday as part of their diet. After four weeks tests showed a substantial increase in brown fat metabolism, and as a result, these people all lost significant amounts of weight.

7. Take Calcium Supplements

Calcium helps to encourage the release of fat from fat cells as well as reducing the amount of fat the body absorbs. Best sources are a good quality coral calcium supplement or chelated calcium with added vitamin Dand magnesium (not dairy foods as the calcium in these foods is difficult forthe body to digest).

8. Detox

You’ve probably already seen or heard about all the Detox diets going


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around. There’s quite a few of them at the moment. The reason they work isby flushing out and cleansing the body, particularly the organs such as the liver and kidneys, you are allowing these organs to work at maximum efficiency and so you naturally shed weight quicker. Excellent Detox foods include; cereal grasses, lemons, grapefruits (these also contain an enzyme which accelerates weight loss), cucumber, mint, cherries, strawberries, grapes, prunes, apricots and cranberries.

9. No “Bad Fats” Or Aspartame

Fat is only good for you when it comes from natural food sources, not man-made or altered foods. Dozens of studies have now proven that unnatural fats from margarine, shortening and hydrogenated vegetable oils (this includes the dangerous vegetable oils sold in clear bottles in supermarkets) can double the risk of heart attack in both men and women, as well as causeinfertility, breast cancer and prostate cancer. The reason these oils are so toxic and dangerous is because of the deadly trans fatty acids and free radicals they contain. And as far as weight loss goes, these foods will do nothing but clog up your body (anti detox) and make you gain weight not lose it!

Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal or artificial sweetener 951) is just as toxic and bad for you. Plenty of studies have now been able to confirm that this chemical can cause horrible brain disorders such as seizures, lupus, multiplesclerosis, Alzheimer’s, depression, memory loss and anxiety attacks. In fact,nearly 80% of the 6,500 complaints received by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in 1990 involved aspartame. The interesting thing about aspartame is it’s found in most diet products (over 6000 to be exact) yet it actually makes you crave carbohydrates and put on fat, not loseit. Of course, this is the very thing you don’t want to happen when you’re trying to lose weight!

So how bizarre is that?

10. Eat Regularly

Eating less but eating more often is a sure-fire way to lose weight. Five to


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How to Take Off the Pounds and Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Weeks...

six small meals a day are far better than the traditional three big meals. It’s alot easier for your body to digest small meals than it is to digest big meals, and the added bonus is you never feel hungry. Just be sure to reduce your portion sizes and only eat until you feel slightly full but satisfied. Don’t eat until you feel as bloated as a pregnant goldfish!

11. Eat Quality Protein

Protein is needed by the body to maintain muscle mass, which is vital in thefat burning process. It’s a great weight control aid as it not only satisfies the palette, it also helps keep you fuller for longer. In addition, protein helps to stop unwanted insulin spikes that result from eating carbohydrates (carbs can raise your insulin levels dramatically and cause sugar cravings and energy loss) so it’s always a good idea to eat some quality protein with a carbohydrate meal. Good protein choices include: Chicken and turkey (without skin and not fried), lean red meat (grilled not fried), fish, eggs, lowfat cottage cheese, natural yoghurt and whey.

12. Small Amount Of Carbohydrates

You do need some carbohydrates as they help to fight hunger pangs by slowly releasing into the body. Only ever eat natural carbs “from the earth”,not anything that has been refined or processed. Best sources include fruits and vegetables and a small amount of whole grains and beans (kidney beans, etc).

13. Eat Slowly

Just about everyone eats too fast (myself included). The problem is it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register that the stomach is full, but the average meal only takes about 10 minutes to eat! This causes us to eat far more than we should (have you ever gulped down a meal and then said to yourself after “I ate too much”?). By eating slowly you can actually stop


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yourself from eating at least 100 calories every day, which is a significant amount.

14. Use Small Plates

A reasonable size meal can look small on a big dinner plate. Most of us eat too much because we use large dinner plates and so we feel we have to fill them up. By using a small plate you are “tricking” your mind into thinking you’re eating a decent size meal, which of course will also spare you 100’s of calories a day.

15. Only Eat Off A Plate

Eating from bowls, shared dishes or straight from the container (chip packets, etc) hides exactly how much we’re eating. Only ever eat from a plate; no exceptions! If you do get a craving take a small amount of the craved item and put it on a small plate. Put the rest away. Sit at the table andeat the food without distraction, totally focused on chewing and swallowing. Often this is enough to satisfy the craving.

16. Sit At The Table To Eat

100’s of calories are consumed sitting on the lounge watching TV. Every time you go to the pantry and grab some chips or biscuits, etc, and sit on thelounge you’re setting yourself up for a weight gain disaster! Eating at the table does two things; first, it gets you in the habit of only eating when you’re supposed to. And second, it allows you to keep track of exactly how much you’re eating. So eat every single bite at the table from now on!

17. When You Eat, Focus All Of Your Attention On Eating

Do not watch TV or read a book or talk on the phone or drive while eating. When you eat, completely focus on your food and allow no distractions.


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How to Take Off the Pounds and Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Weeks...

Chew your food completely and concentrate only on the sensation of the taste. The result will be perfect digestion and assimilation.

18. Keep An Eating Diary

By keeping an eating diary you can keep track of exactly how much you’re consuming. Most people have no idea just how much “extra” food goes intotheir mouths every day. You must write down every single bit of food and drink that you eat every day. Even if you pick up a crumb off the floor and put it in your mouth, write it down! You’ll be shocked to see just how much extra food you consume each day.

19. Eat Healthier Desserts And Treats

Sweet cravings are the ones that most people struggle with. Vow only to eat Paleo sweets (the best) or low fat and low sugary treats such as low fat yoghurt, low fat ice cream, Vitari and low fat or carob chocolate (make surethey don’t contain aspartame). These items can be more expensive, but the amount of calories saved will be well worth it when you reach your weight loss goal.

20. Don’t Shop Hungry

This is one of the biggest blunders of people trying to lose weight. When you shop on an empty stomach all of those treats look “irresistible”. However, with a full stomach the cravings won’t be there as much. Also, donot buy any food that you know you may struggle with as far as cravings go. If you struggle with chips, for instance, don’t have packets sitting in the pantry. Everytime you go to the pantry you will see them and that’s not going to help. And don’t use excuses such as “they’re for the kids” or “they were on special” or whatever. Just don’t have them in the house period! Youcan’t eat what ain’t there!


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21. Put Up Photos

Photos on your fridge and pantry of yourself as you would like to look and as you look now can be very motivating when you go to reach for that tub of ice-cream or snack bar. Get then blown up as big as you possibly can. I know they don’t look attractive and can be a bit embarrassing when people drop over, but the added motivation you get will make it very worthwhile!

22. Don’t Bother With Fad Weight Loss Products or Diets

As sure as the sun rises every day, there’s always going to be the “latest and greatest” weight loss product or diet on the market. At the moment the mostpopular weight loss products are Garcinia Cambogia and green coffee bean extract. But they must work right because even Dr Oz says they’re great! Well, I’m always weary when someone’s out there promoting a health or weight loss product and they have financial ties to that product (such as the case with Dr Oz).

And the whole thing is, these products are darn expensive too!

Then when you look at the current weight loss diets going around, it’s the replacement shakes programs that are the big winners. And even though these do work initially, they teach you nothing about proper eating, along with the fact that you can’t stay on them forever (and the ingredients in the shakes aren’t healthy either) so when you come off them the real life evidence shows that the weight slowly goes back on.

Look, at the end of day the studies and real life proof concerning the benefits of these weight loss aids are just not there. You have to be smart enough and strong enough to look past their clever marketing schemes (such as the very powerful “before and after” photos) and see them for whatthey really are… a cash cow for the company who’s marketing them. So mysuggestion is, save your money and lose the weight the long term way and the right way!


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How to Take Off the Pounds and Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Weeks...

23. Your Motive

There is one last secret to losing weight that you absolutely must have, and without it, you are doomed to failure. What is it? MOTIVATION of course!

Without a strong enough reason to lose weight you will fall over at the first hurdle that comes your way. And believe me, there will be plenty of hurdles! For instance, ever notice when you decide to lose weight a friend will invite you over for coffee and dish you up a nice serving of chocolate cake? It’s going to happen, and you have to be strong enough and serious enough to say “no thanks”.

How many people will go and lose weight for a wedding, or a life threatening health problem? How many parents decide to lose weight when they realize they can no longer keep up with their kids? Or what about whensomeone suffers a heart attack. That’s a great “wake up call” to lose weight (assuming you survive the heart attack). The bottom line here is this… when your reason is big enough, you can overcome anything.

In addition to this, don’t underestimate the power of the mind in losing weight. You must focus on “thin thoughts” if you want to become thin. Visualise yourself as the size you want to be. Only ever see yourself as thin from this point on, not overweight. “If you’ve been there in the mind you’ll go there in the body” say’s mind power and visualisation expert, Dr Denis Waitley, and it’s true.

Oh and one last thing. Don’t forget to make “losing weight” fun. It really doesn’t have to be this drudgery. It can be fun exercising and eating healthy (yes it really can!). It’s up to you whether you want to make it that way or not.


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Nutritional Secrets to More Youthful Skin…

Now to turning back the “age clock” without a facelift…

The most common (and cheapest) way to reduce skin wrinkles and give yourself a more youthful appearance is by using an anti-aging cream. But there are so many creams and anti-wrinkle formulas on the market today all claiming to be the best that it’s impossible to actually know what’s good, what works and what’s rubbish (or which ones may even be detrimental to your skin). Well, according to natural health experts, there is a simple way to tell…

If you can’t eat or drink the cream or formula then don’t put it on your skin!

So what this simply means is only all natural ingredients should be used... no chemicals allowed. The fact is, no matter how bold the claims, if the skin care product contains chemicals then it’s not good for you so don’t use it. Remember this; whatever chemicals you put on your skin will be absorbed through the pours and end up in your bloodstream. So it’s not much good having skin that looks better if you’re filling your body with harmful toxins!

“What you put on your skin to keep it looking more youthful is not near as important as what you put into your body to keep it looking more youthful”.

That’s such a profound statement. When it comes to having younger looking skin, most women will spend a lot of time and money on what goes on their skin but give very little thought about what they need to be putting into their bodies to keep it looking younger (not trying to sound sexist here again but women account for the vast majority of skin care products sold in the world today; in fact, according to analysts at Goldman Sachs, over 24 billion dollars a year!).

The truth is, if you focus more on making the inside of your body healthy then the outside will automatically look healthier and younger; it’s a natural occurrence? When someone has skin that exerts a “rosy glow” you can be sure it’s because of their inner health, not their outer health that’s causing it. Healthy blood and healthy


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How to Take Off the Pounds and Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Weeks...

circulation will result in healthy skin. But poor blood flow, such as when someone is anaemic, will result in very pale and sick looking skin. And I’m not saying that you don’t need to pay any attention to what you put on your skin, you certainly do. What I’m saying is your internal health is the most important factor for turning back the ageclock, not some miracle cream or laser surgery face lift!

Essential Tips For Younger Looking Skin…

So here is a list of the most important nutrients, antioxidants, foods and supplements to give you younger looking skin? What you will notice is that every one of these can not only be safely taken internally, they can also be used on your skin as well and are actually recommended by most skin experts as the best anti-aging treatments. So when looking for any type of natural skin cream or formula, make sure they contain as many of these as possible…


I know I’ve already mentioned Matcha green tea as a weight loss aid, but it’s also afantastic supplement for giving you younger looking skin. Why? Because it contains some the most powerful antioxidants yet discovered! Antioxidants are extremely important for the skin as they prevent nasty free radicals (the bad guys) from wreaking havoc on the cells of the body, especially skin cells - so they limit the damage that’s caused to this important organ (yes the skin is actually an organ). They also help to prevent skin wrinkles, age spots and liver spots on the skin caused by what’s known as “elastic fibre breakdown” and “rancid fatty deposits”. So by drinking plenty of Matcha green tea everyday and using it on your skin you’ll be ableto literally watch those age spots and liver spots disappear before your eyes!


Essential fatty acids that come from sources such as evening primrose oil (EPO) and fish oils are an absolute must for healthier and younger looking skin. Known as “beautifying oils”, they are renowned for giving you moist, dewy skin, along with


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shiny hair and strong, healthy nails. According to anti-aging expert, Ann Louise Gittleman…

“It’s the right fats, above and beyond any other food group, that are the gatekeepers of your appearance and will help to ward off wrinkles and dryness”.

EPA and DHA fats found in evening primrose oil and fish oil increase blood flow to the skin and act as a strong anti-inflammatory (the inflammatory process leads to wrinkles and various skin conditions including psoriasis and eczema). Good Eicosanoids, such as prostaglandins, also have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and are contained in generous amounts in EPO and fish oil.


Collagen is the substance that gives skin its resiliency and elasticity. As we age, thebody’s production of collagen slows dramatically and this causes skin to become loose, dry and wrinkled. Vitamin C is one of the main components of collagen and supplementation of this vital nutrient increases the body’s production considerably, thereby helping to slow down the aging process. Vitamin C is also a strong antioxidant and plays a fundamental role in keeping the blood vessels healthy, which results in increased blood flow to the skin and reduced inflammation.


Vitamin E is another powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radical damage. This makes it a crucial nutrient in the fight against premature aging and problems such as age spots and liver spots. Vitamin E has been used successfully in the treatment of skin inflammation, scarring, and other skin diseases. Because vitamin E works so well internally and externally, you will find it in most anti-aging creams and formulas on the market.


This vitamin is currently causing some confusion in regards to its anti-aging benefits. On the one hand people are being told that vitamin D is one of the best


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How to Take Off the Pounds and Look 10 Years Younger in 10 Weeks...

nutrients for skin and bone health, yet vitamin D comes from sun exposure and the sun supposedly causes premature aging and skin cancer.

So what are we meant to do?

Well, let’s sort this one out once and for all shall we. First off, the sun is not bad foryou, it’s actually very good for you. Without the sun nothing on this planet would survive, including us. We need a certain amount of sunlight so the body can produce enough vitamin D. The problem is excess exposure to the sun. It’s like anything in life, moderation is the key. 15-20 minutes a day of sun exposure to the face and top ofthe hands is healthy (except if you live in colder climates then you may need longer). If you get to the point where the skin feels like it’s starting to burn then that’s when it becomes unhealthy.

In Australia we have the slip, slop, slap campaign and people have become very good at wearing a T shirt, hat and using sunscreen (except they use sunscreens with harmful chemicals in them). But doctors are now concerned that because of this people aren’t getting enough vitamin D anymore. So even though you need to follow the slip, slop, slap routine (except only use natural sunscreens), you also need to give yourself a certain amount of time “unprotected” in the sun as well.

If you still aren’t convinced about spending time in the sun, then at the very least, supplement with vitamin D3 (the type your body makes). In fact, even if you do spend time in the sun it’s still a good idea to supplement just to be sure, especially during the winter months. Your body will thank you for it!


Beta carotene is another strong antioxidant that helps to reduce the signs of aging by slowing down skin oxidation. It also works well in treating acne and eye disorders such as cataracts and eye inflammation. Another significant benefit of beta carotene, according to The National Cancer Institute, is it reduces the risk of cancers by 40%!


Elastic fibre breakdown is when the elastic fibres of the skin begin to stretch.


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When this happens the skin starts to sag, usually below the eyes and around the neck, arms, breasts, stomach and legs. But even worse than this is the elastic fibres in your veins and arteries also begin to stretch, which can cause a ballooning and eventual bursting of the artery (ruptured aneurysm). This is a very serious and life threatening condition. The trace mineral copper helps to prevent this elastic fibre breakdown, so not only does it have the potential to save your life, it will also tighten your skin naturally and help to put things back where they belong!


Known as the “beauty mineral”, is another nutrient that forms a major part of collagen, the substance which joins skin cells together. It's needed for the proper elasticity of skin tissue and so it helps to prevent wrinkled and rough or sagging skin from forming. It's also vital for the health of the hair and nails and will assist in the healing of torn ligaments and tendons.


Without enough B group vitamins, skin will crack and peel. A lack of vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) will result in skin wrinkles and crows feet around the eyes and a lack of vitamin B12 will cause paleness of the skin.


Coconut oil is a powerful “beauty treatment in a bottle” (or jar). Not only does it hydrate the skin and make it look more youthful, it also keeps the internal organs healthy. And of course, a healthy inside means a healthy outside as well. So be sure touse organic virgin coconut oil on your skin every day along with taking it internally. 2-3 tablespoons daily is the required amount for internal health. This can easily be done by mixing some in a smoothie or even eating it straight off the spoon.


Yes, cayenne pepper is hot, but it’s also an extremely good blood vessel dilator. By


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opening up the body’s arteries and blood vessels, blood flow is improved dramatically. And improved blood flow means improved skin pigmentation and more youthful appearance. Cayenne pepper is also a potent anti-inflammatory, so it helps with skin irritations and problems such as rosacea and eczema. In addition, cayenne pepper is very good for the heart and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels so try and use this spice in your cooking as much as possible.


ACV is an excellent skin cleanser and exfoliator. It helps to remove the outer dead skin layer to you give a fresher and healthier complexion. Apple cider vinegar also helps to remove those unwanted age spots and liver spots safely and effectively. Use it as a daily facial cleanser and toner, along with drinking it internally (2 tablespoons in a glass of warm, filtered water). Be sure to only ever buy the raw, unfiltered ACV that still contains the “mother” apple.


Yet another powerful (and all natural) skin rejuvenator. Manuka honey is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in nature so it’s perfect for cleansing and toning the skin. Use it as a facial mask to cleanse, repair and moisturize. It works a treat!

A Few More Do’s And Don’ts…

Do drink lots of water. Water is incredibly good for your skin, actually your whole body in fact. It not only flushes out all of your bodily wastes and toxins, it also helps to “plump up” and rehydrate your skin. You need to drink at least 10 glasses of purified, filtered water each and every day though to get the desired benefits.

Do moderate exercise. Exercise helps to keep you looking younger, as long as you don’t overdo it! If you look at most “gym junkies” you’ll notice that although they might have the perfect body, their skin, especially their facial skin, is very dry


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looking with lots of fine lines and wrinkles. Some even look 20 years older in their facial looks than what they do their bodily looks! The reason for this is exercise leaches nutrients from the body, especially the skin. And the more you exercise and sweat the faster it happens. So if you exercise, make sure you keep it moderate and supplement, supplement, supplement!

Don’t smoke and consume alcohol only occasionally. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol not only guarantee to shorten your life by at least 20 years, they’ll also add 20 years to your looks in the process! When you see a smoker or a drinker over the age of 40, the first thing you’ll notice is how dry and wrinkled their skin is. You’ll also notice their teeth beginning to turn yellow or even starting to rot. The reason? Tobacco and alcohol leach valuable nutrients from the body, especially the skin, at a very rapid rate.

Do use anti-aging treatments. There are some very good rejuvenating and anti-aging skin treatments around. As I’ve already said though, just make sure they’re all natural and contain as many of the foods and nutrients we’ve just discussed.

The Benefits…

So there are some of the tried and tested ways to losing weight and looking younger naturally. The fantastic thing is when you lose weight and look younger you actually feel younger as well, which changes and positively impacts your whole life. You will also find that your energy levels will be much higher, you won’t get sick as often and you’ll add lots of healthful years to your life in the process!

Good luck and all the best.


Page 20: How To And - Life-Saving Natural Cures and Natural ... · more). 2. Green Tea Studies show that just drinking green tea alone can burn an easy 80 calories a day. The powerful antioxidants

About the author/writer: Struck down with a severe and debilitating illness at the age of 26 and told by medical doctors that nothing more could be done for him, Troy Sawyer was left to search for his own cure, which he did find through natural recovery methods. Following three years of extensive research into nutritional therapies, he discovered that a deficiency of certain essential nutrients was the cause of his illness. Once remedied, Troy’s health returned to even greater levels than before his ailment. Today, more than 18 years later, he spends his time constantly studying and staying up-to-date with all of the latest developments happening within the natural health field, along with working as a health and fitness coach. He also continues to help as many people as he can enjoy the benefits of goodhealth and longevity through his website.His book “How to increase your energy, cure poor health and enjoy living longer” is about to go into its second successful print. He currently lives with his wife in beautiful Mandurah, Western Australia.

Troy today at 47 years young!

Disclaimer – The information in this report is intended for educational purposes only. It is not the intention of the editor to advise on health care. Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have. These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. The information in this report is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

References and web sites for more information related to this report:,,,,, (Ann LouiseGittleman),

© Copyright 2016 by Troy Edward Sawyer. All rights reserved.