how shop by mail sodfittttavgr^^ sßö^csi · uk. west mnln street. foitcountrysale. onb siiaiib...

How to Shop by Mail l'ollov. h g>eaeh classification below Is the announcement of a progressive; reliable concern which is prepared to offer special facilities to the "Mall Order Trade." particularly to (artners and those who reside some distance from tho tonvcniencci "f tho city stores. Owing to the extension or the rural tree de¬ in cry service throughout llilt section. H Is no longer necessary to "come to" to do your shopping. Simply make your selection from the gr.ods listed below, or wiite for Information, which will be gladly mailed, and then semi your order bv nieii. The concerns llsud on this page are ^elected as representative, ar.d may be classed headquarters In their particular lines. When writing for catalogues oi Information, always mention The Times-Dispatch. A BLACK HEN WILE LAV WHITE eggs. "\Y. .'. T. leoda will make a hen of any color l ay eggs-. It you want eggt-, lind want to Increase your bunk account. -.;sc "W. J. T." Scratch and "W J. T." Mash feeds. Foi free catalog nut! prlca list, write W. J. TODD'S SONS, 4:fi North Sixth Street. _j BASEDALU GOODS. EVERYTHING IN DA SICHALL GOODS ajid fishing tackle. Sec us bjfore; buying ELBA HARDWARE CO., corner Henry and Broad._ LAWN M< iWERS. START CUTTING YOU It GBASS EAR- ly anl keep a pretty lawn. Use' one of our good lawn mowers, we! have nlo line. ELBA HARDWAREI CO_ *~ SANITARY POLISH. .' j OR rCRNtTURE AND FLOORS OF all kinds uso "Elba Sanitary Polish"; 11 brightens up all furniture, b>ault- llef the floors and kids all germs. Manufactured by us, ELBA HARD¬ WARE Co._ PAINTS AND FLOOR STAINS. 11 YOU WANT ANY REAL GOOD paints or floor stains, bco us; our foods last longer, look better, aha arc better, than any in the city. We carry all colors, and prices reason* sb'e. See our Ftoek b'd'oie buying. ELBA HARDWARE CO., 122 West Broad. _ RELIABLE HAT REPAIRING. MEN S SOFT STIFF AND SILK HATS. Panama und straw hats cleaned, blocked, retrlranted like new; manu¬ facturing, rclillng. repairing. AMER¬ ICAN HAT CO.. 501 E Marshall, cor¬ ner Fifth Street, ASBESTOS MATS. SEE THE EVANS HARDWARE FOR asbestos mats for table and stoves; also sheet asbestos. 7öö W Broad. TOOLS AND CUTLERY. IF TOE WANT ANYTHING IN TOOLS or cutlery, see the EVANS HARD¬ WARE CO.. bist line at lowest prices in city, too w. Broad Street. IIA RD WÄRE! USE OUR RUBBER "ROOFING. MADE of the highest quality, requires no pa'nt und will last many years. Our stock of window sash, doors, wire nclng, paint;- and farm implements complete. Write for price list. SOUTHERN HARDWARE CO., 11« N. Eighteenth._ _ :. OSTRICH FEATHERS. OSTRICH FEATHERS.TAKE YOU K old feathers to THURSTON'S; they Will make them new again. THUR8- "1 ON S, '.'17 North First Street. BTOVBS. BEE THE EVANS HARDWARE Co. b. fore buying your range or cook¬ ing stove. We are agents for the full line ot Detroit. Jewel stoves, .'oolWs and heaters, also gas ranges. Absolutely the best stoves made. Prices reasonable. »00 W. Broad St. FOR sali: 10.000 BOTTLES OF PEERLESS leaner and Polisher at L'5c bottle. If you can't get ft from jour druggist phone VAUGH AN Madison ph. HARDWARE, ETC. HARDWARE, CARPENTER TOOLS, all kinds of plow castings, Oliver plows, garden and field seeds. Give us a call und be satisfied. You get your money's worth. J. EDDIE _WOOD. 206 West Broad Street FLY TIME .'IS 'HERE. SCI T.ENS. DOORS. WIRE' BY Till >;.ui- material f^r making screens everything in fly season at vaFCHAN'S. oppi'Mu Cohen Co. \V. II. SCOTT. SCOTTS OLD MARKET DRUG Stör«, Jüdsoii Cunningham, manu- ger, still leads; others t<>llow. Scotts Antiseptic Soup Is the tinesi sltln soap, mude; ojniy -i«Scott's Won- i'il IM.1 Mixture makes the blood us pure us n child's; $1 the bottic Scott s Corn Plaster will make a cripple dunce for Joy; 10c. Scott's Digestive Elixir will cure any case of nervous indigestion; 50c tho bottle*. Scott's LiverfPills have a world-wide reputation; >1 tic. Cun¬ ningham's I toyitI Remedy for Meii never fails; 60c tho bottle. Sntok- iiiu: tobacco, 80c the pound; chew¬ ing tobacco, 5c the plug. Trusses litted l>y an expert: no charge for lilting. Big slock; correct prices and polite attention. Wo invite your trade and Influence. Our motto it: "When you get anything from SCOTTS it's right."_ cTTiSFaX CLEANER. COSBY'S CLIMAX CLEANER BEST and most popular Moor and furni¬ ture polish in Richmond. COSBY'S PAINT STORE. 311 West Broad. ¦Monroe 3050._ _ G AI IDEN 1A IP LEMENTS. - HOSE, SIX CENTS A FOOT LTP; Lawn Mowers. $2.50 and up; liar- den Tools. Poultry Wire. otc. COS¬ BY'S PAINT STORE. 311 Wcbl Broad Street. Monroe 3 05 0. INTERIOR DECORATIONS; FOR FLOOR WAX, WOOD DY ES, Gasoline, Alcohol. Wuxlng Brushes, or anything lo beautify your Interior woodwork, go or phono COSBY'S PAINT STORE. 311 West Broad. Monroe 3050. JUST PHONE. DON'T EXPERIMENT. PHONE FOR Cosby's Climax Cleaner to polish, your furniture and floors. COSBY'S PAINT STORE. .Ill West Broad. Monroe 3050. PAINTS and~STA1NS. STAG PAINTS AND STAINS SOLD and guaranteed at COSBY'S PAINT STORE, 311 Wcsl Broad Street. Monroe 3050. STA1N8 ANd~I.a'tn'TS. FLOOR STAINS, PAINTS. OILS AM) vrtnlshcs; all kind'- of brushes; iv.u- year guaranteed hose. Co fo'>t; p.Mil- try wire, 5c yard. J. BDD1B wood, <..'< West Broad. Phone M tdisoii 8560._ _ ASK YOUR BUTCH BR FOR A good STEAK. ask YOUR druggist lor a good cleaner for fur- nltuio and Moors, lie wll band you a bottle of Peerless Cleaner und , Polisher, and at same llmu will tell' yon to return the bottle If not satis- fled and get juur money. Tin: price is 25c. It your druggist i out of i; phono v.u.';ii.\n. Mudlson 101, oppo¬ site Oöhfen Co', i chicken" wire! ! äc. YA1-.D BORDER WIRE. ELY wire in VAUGHAN'S, Iti Bast Broad, Opposite '.'oben i.'o. SUMM BR SPEI 'Ya US IF YOU want SCREEN DOORS. win- dows; fly wirr, inwii mowers or any other summer oumlbrls call on .1. BDDIE wood, 2011 West Broad Street. A BOTTLE OF PEERLESS '.LEANER AND POLISH- er at a cost of 26c. wll give von times its? cost In satisfaction wl en you arc In midst of house cleaning; 11 v it VAEOIl ans. Phone DO. gÖSUz out at'haü" price Hb\~ (>üö --tiling California privet*; beat Ii edge plant, l" Inches to 3 feet biff hi Viso rambler roses' and small fruits, 1'. H. SWEET, Wuynoaboro. Va_ fTo"".8WEET TÖN lifo*. second- htintl Worcester i'iano, sino! In¬ cluded; .",0 cents weekly. CRAFTS, 121 East Broad Street. you. sale" one high-grade Kubber-tlcvtl- ltujiubout; one busi¬ ness Toj^-Bjistsj.'¦'rubber tires; two Jumpers, in g.ood oriler, ami otic Top Grocery Wagon. These are-nil] preul bargains. Come early. A. I meyer's SONS. 781 East Cary roll fcALE. BURROUGHS ADDING i much lue, good tin new; a bargain. I Address b >s0. care T'mei-Dlspatch. | f1 OtT.-steinway PJÄNT7; has been used but is in good condition, j Discontinued style. «1 weekly. tCRAFTS, 121 East Broatl S ri..'. delicious smithfi eld sausag i 'now on sale at your grocer's. fok wagons go TO richardson BUGS., cii, Brook Avenue. Painting, lepalrittg and lubtivr-tlre work. Madison 1467._ WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE second-hand machinery of every de¬ scription. 1. bluI old & CO.. 1C2S| East Cfiry Street. JtÖ.sTwiJET T. 'ned uunham Pi¬ ano; stool included; 7.", cents wcek- ly. CRAFTS, 121 East Broad Street. yuh SALeTone" HORSE, rubber- tirtd top buggy ami rubber-tired iuria,bout. all in >_ .o,l .condition. Good reason for selling. G cure '[ Imps-Dispatch. my lifixeT:al' "mllie>»yi*i"Li;""ifüsT- ne*s In Sussex county, forty-live tnllc* of Richmond, Va.; eight miles of the Atlantic Coast li tu-, An es¬ tablished business stand of twenty- live jeait. 510,0c' to'$20,000 trade, buokt open to Inspection to any otic that means business; $1.000 to i&jOUU Stock, which can he l educed to ttlit buyer if he wish T< rm.s will be müde very easy. Address c S90. care Tlmes-Dlspatch, $115.SLIGHTLY USED CABLE Piano; well worth this price. Good piano tor beginner; $1.25 weekly; CRAFTS. 121 Last Broad St. Send for Bargain Bulletin. bo JA BEANS--G-5 ID .- TOOK ; LIM Ii ed quantity. Als.,, black, day and mixed r>eas. For tale by D. ETI IEE- IDGE &. CO 31-3'J Commend* street. Norfoik, \ a FOP. SALE C S'E Nl ¦: RUB- ber-tlre, cntuuder trap; or wh:tt have you to exchange? Apply 1712 E. Franklin or phone Madison 8i>2l), FOR SALE, LARGE stock OF li'l?fi¬ tness Wagons, top and open, for every use. Easy terms. A. MEYER'S SONS. 7S1 East Cary Street._ $182.OAkUE!..'" ¦') UST THE thing to atari the little a-lrl on. Come early to secure this Uargnin, Terms, $1.25 weekly. CRAFTS, 121 Epst Broad Strait. ^ FOR HALE? ONE" JACKSON;' BLOCK machine. Apply CLARENCE COHBi :; YA R D. D'23 Eaat t.'ui.v. FOR SADIE "ONE DOUBLE ÖRÜM hoisting engine, with swinging gear. W. P. YE ITCH, 211 South Sixth Street._;_ OAS RANGE. NEW FOUR.BURNBR, Cheap to quick buyer. »22 West Clay. PorT" saTC B,~ no. T "*t*xi'» ßrTwtJSß 1 typowritei as good as new, $6u cash. I Phone Monroe 2426 between 12 und I 3 o'clock week "lays. _ $ 3 5.11IUDGEPÖUT 1«IIGA N; vdTi worth 175. Mas been carefully used. 50 cents weekly payments. CRAFTS. 121 Bast IIroad Street. ON* "aiVi'iFnt <>]¦. MuVINii TO MY new place, Isis West Broad, 1 wiil »eil my entire stuck of antique fur¬ niture at cost. I will also give it special reduction on repairing and Mulshing furniture. Antiques bought, j r.isiix. u*_H;.*t Mum M-tdlson 1:«'."). for SALE, HIGH-GRADE MOVER Pneumatic Tiro Runabout. This ist a great bargain. A, MEYER'S SONS, j .'3j Bast C'ary street. _I STORAGE'"' bAtTLI'IY", "'ÜXIDF. 7«-0; price. $10; good condition. UK. _STB BUB, 1102 West Mnln Street. FOIt SALE. ONB SI IA IIB STOCK IN Country Club ..f Virginia. G 41. cure Times-Dispatch._ ELECTRIC MOTOR. SECOND-HAND, I 1 1-2 horsepower; direct current;) Cheap. No. i] Governor Street. | PGR SALE, BAKERY DOING NICE wholesale and retail business. E 307, cure '.rimes*Dispatch. $364.LARGE SIZED sou AEFFEK oPIano: lias been lised in private family but ü shon time, a bar¬ gain at $300; our price $204; Stool mid scurf included. Free delivery. CRAFTS. 121 K.tM Broad Street._ f'"'R sale. ONE FRIXGELV top Surrey, used very little; price. $«'.0. Address a. B c. corner Burns and Ehslo.v AvimieS. Highland 1'arR, 'city, I A BARGAIN.-BRUSH ;r UNABOUT, perfect order, extra lino finish and .full equipment; top, shield, güs '(link, lamp- and tool.-. W. C. SMITH & CO. _ [fob SALE, single WAGON, PLAT- 'im cut under suitable fur hauling on streets. Price, $30. A bargain. .1 I"."., cure Times-Dispatch; FOP. SÄI.e LARGE ASSORTMENT >>f high-grude business and pleus- tin Buggies, Runabouts iind Phac- | toil*. I...west prices. A. MEYER'S sons. 711 East Cajry Street; I I'll ""'A I.E." 'i.\V\'l.ENE LAI.Nl" l'l". Wanted, to sell beautiful (new) li¬ fo >t. sluiidurd-bullt gasolene launch. _Address 1307 B. Cary Street. h ill I i¦'. it-; .1 ot ELI Tl IC MOTOl one-quarter horsepower; only $15. i'hbni Monroe .7,"7 «,r Monroe 3314-.). $24 7.S1.1G fifl7v USED > 3.50~" l7Ü"D- low Piano, mahogany case; cun hardly bo lold from new; ?6 month¬ ly. ' HAFTS. 121 East Broad Street. Send '.or Bargalti Bulletin. FOlT SALEr'«1ÄRLÄNI.''" oas.' RANGE- good as new, four burners and ovens. _P»ione Monroe1 205s-J._ WILLOW GO-CART FOR SALE; GOOD condition; sell cheap 202 Fourth Avenue. Highland Park._ FOR SALE, A BROW N WICK BR BABY j carriage with ho'od, lu guod co:id<- Apply l S. All.-n Avenue. _ FOR SALE. SCOT<Jli COLLIE PUPS finale), .'able with wlilto markings, '.: .ach. Iii »WARD >> VERM II.- i LERA, Atlee, Vs._ 2 8 BAM PLE MARSHALL & W X- dell Piano; very sweet tone: full oc- I taveg. Worth mtich inor,. $1.76 I weekly. CRAFTS, 121 East Broad Street. f;Ct ÖfllC I s^ifTTrr"u?l^ appetizer, Is now at your grocer's. ! WE HAVE -A UKÄVV TWO-HORSE farm-wagon and one 11 srlit lltreo-lnch I tires; also nice line ol buggies, sur- I reys nnd runabouts. T. II. DUKE «v- CO.; siji Brook Avenue. kmi in i- i ii &AUSÄ1 i rin cii) t appetiser. Is, now at your grocer's. ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING TO MY I new place. Ifil» West Broad. I will sell my entire sleek of antique fur¬ niture at cost. I will alsi> give a special reduction on repairing add finishing furniture. Antiques bought: i *' ELSEN; 41« Bast Main. MudUon tt»90. 5i5ä.NBA ULY NEW WEAVER Ou¬ tran. Magnificent hand curved case. $1 Weekly. This organ is worth $120: our price- $65. CRAFTS, 121 East Broad Street. COLUMBIA DISC OHAPIIOPIIONE with six double-disc records (twelve selections). $11. Double-disc records.1 66c. THE TALK I NO MACH INK CO.. 704 Bast Main Street. TDK" LARGEST STOCK OF WAGONS to l.- selected from In the city. You can be stilted if you will call and look them over. I'rices and terms reasonable.. U. C. BRISTOW, 11-13-15 North Eighteenth street. Ol'll'"\i M i -1. C-S an I: vXr-Ji I I S \ - inspection of my high-grade colleen 11 on will no doubt convince yon of; my low prices for the grade I handle. Many other goods and novelties e>u hand. Onyx hosiery for ladles. A. t'i. _Y.U;!J<. j-'!7_North Fifth Street. FOR SALB. MONEY-MA K INC. SODA water buslries, Including fountain and enrbouator. A snap. A 210, care Times-1 llapntch. FOR SALE, 'BAY? MARE;, FAMILY broke; 8 years old: rubber-tire buggy. Sold for want of use. Apply at Stall I", Second Market. , FOR SALE, OR ,WILL TRADE FOR real estate. Ilyc-passengcr touring! ear. 205j American National Hank. ON E HARDMAN upright piano, like new, $245: one Cable, like new, Jib"); mahogany upright. $145. BOPP & FERUUSSON, I'lano Hospital, No. 10:: East Main Street._ l'Ull SALE. sinoi no canary Birds, Cold Fish. Talking Poll Fur- j rots. Fish Food (124 -Main Street. FOR sale, ONE single truck in uuud repair and ready for use. This ,ls a grcut bnrgaiu. A. meyer's SONS. V31 East Cury Street._ $60.KIM BALL ORGAN, OAK CASE, six octaves, French mirror. Can¬ not be told l'roni new. Payments $1 weekly. CRAFTS; 121 East Broaj Street._ SEVERAL HIGH-G RA DE CUT- undcr Surreys on our iloor und our prices low. See us. TWO nice phaetons, $130 AND SIC".. See these quick if you want! to buy now. JUST GETTING IN CAK OF AUTO- Scat Top Buggies and Surreys, from $125 up. ONE HIGH-GRADE BRAKE CA KT, several road carts. several spring WAGONS. W1Ll| close out low quick. RUNABOUTS FOR $40 AND TOP Buggies tor $50, and some better. Don't fail to see what \vp are Offer¬ ing to make room. BR1STOW- yVQRSHAM CO.. l 13 i> East Main. " 1911" 1NDIAN FO 0 K M OTORC V" cle, practically new. Cost, with full equipment, $210. Will sell for $1 75. A bargain. Address ''ENGINEER,' Mosley'a Junction, Va. $ i fi.LAI it: B SIZED BR1DGEPOR1 organ; Should bring Jioo: oiir price $45. SO cents weekly. CRAFTS, 2 Eaet Iroad st ri er. DO . l-'AI ELY GOOD LOOKING Needhum organ: well worth $30. Our price ?10: 00 cents weekly. CRAFTS, 121 East Broad Street. CONFECTIONERY.FOR SALE WITH poi.'d established trade, located ut transi't-r point on one of the leading streets of city. Owner lep.ving city j und will si ll at a sacrifice. Address .' 2.SS, care Tlmes-Dlspatch. TWi \ HORSEPOWER D. C. ELEC- Hic motor tor sale. In good condi¬ tion and will sell cheap. Address C JUT. care Times-Dispatch. STÖCK OF GROCERIES AND FJX- lures, on account of sickness. Ap¬ ply 3120 East Broad Street._ STANI »ARD Fl REPUI m IF SAFE; GOOD as new, cheap for cash. P. O. BOX For; SALE. CYCLE BROODER hatcher; used onlv four times; In AI condition. Price, $o. G. B. BLUNT. 800 Minor Street. Barton Heights. f Y PEW It T E R S UT: N T EI >' 'if MONTI IS, $". ami Upwards; Rent applied on pur¬ chase. Call, phone or write AMERI¬ CAN WHITING MACHINE CO. IXral estate $m Sale £ E IBLANTON " '& CO." FOR BEST bargains In Monument Annex on all streets, a big inoncy-makor. I"WILL SELL Ml" HOME ON EAST Grace Street at a very low figure. It' contains 11 rooms; modern improve-I mentis and a beautiful side lawn of about 35 feet by 150. Would con¬ sider a trade for smaller house cen- traliy located. F -104, care Times-j Dispatch,_ WOULD. LIKE TO TRADE Ä BROAD Street store for West End property J in good residential neighborhood. D 335, care Tlmes-Dlspatch^_I A C It E aCE"oN BROAD' STREET"rijad". ! ciosc to Belt Line Railroad; IS I acres; 33 acres. Talk to us about these. O. A. HAWKINS. 100 NORTH Seventh Street-_ INVESTMENT PRICES ON A FEW lots in the high-ciass suburbs, on very easy terms. J. II. MOSELEY a CO., 312 Travelers' Building._ COLORED SECTION. El BYRD ST.. Four-room house, renting for $11 mouth-,, price, $S7,">. This Is a big bargain lor quick sale. CASSEL- MaN; 10IS Ehst; Main,_ COL iREI i SECTION BUILDING LOTS III city near cur track, $6 foot on monthly payments. CASSELMAN, tola E. Main._ \\ ESTHAMPTON.-LARGE* LOT ON Three Chop Road, on car lino, one; block from Country Ouö-, will trade tor a piece ol city property, or will sell on easy terms. Apply P. O. Box No. 20, City._I fa P.M. 700 ACRES, 350 CLEARED AND cultivated; balanci woodland; some Umber, fnoxliy Vord; i, pastures,! with running waj,or in each; excel¬ lent stock iarm; crops, corn, hay, oats, wheat, ctf dwelling, nine, rooms, with large porches, two ten¬ ant houses, and all necessary out¬ buildings; toil loam, underlaid with green marl; 40-per cent, lime, 15 per I cent phosphoric acid; 3 per cct. pot¬ ash. Price $11,000; tourtcen miles . from Richmond. Address B 26S, care 'i lines-Dispatch, $1,000 WILL BUY AN EIGHT-ROOM house-In Barton Heights; corner lot, 50x150 feet; been bul.t only eighteen months; all conveniences, such as electric lights, latrobe. range, hot and cold water; beautiful lawn and hedges, phone Madison OSS. SEE IVLANTON "«T CO."FOR BEST bargains In Monument Annex on all streets, a big money-maker. _ 1 OR sa LE, ONE OF THE"; MOST at- tractive and substantial new homes in Highland Park. Location ideal' .md thoroughly modern; also some vacant lots below market price. Most desirable. Terms If desired. Phone Madison 508. KOK SALE. CHEAP, FOUR"LOTS IN Highland Pork. Apply to V. TYNER, 7«U West Beverly Street. J »Ml GZßtatc Hot äalc "Tm'Proved"''"'" 400 11 LOCK WEST baker ST Ii eist, store and dwelling combined: good renter, a bargain. «Od BLOCK CATHERINE street, store und dwelling, »Stylus over lo Per cent. s-s 1-2 last canal street. yielding over jo per cent. 100 BLOCK east uvrd STREET. 1 wo properties for about *DO0 euch, paying about 14 per cut. in rentals. 1000 BLOCK BEVERIA STREET, Huts; new; at price yielding over 10 per cent. O. A. 11 AW kins, 10" N seventh Street. liii'iiov ei.«.' BRICK elats, new. TWO to Ixilitiing, 4 «ooms Lach, witli bath. Brick dwelling, o rooms, new, witli bath. .Both on Main Street, be¬ tween Mulberry üiid Boulevard. FOURTH STREET. 300 BLOCK SOUTH, i" rooms, baths: first-class condi¬ tion. 1300-1302 JAMES STREET CORN ER Baldwin; -i rooms each. A purchase. 100 CLOCK south FOURTH STREET, 2 brick dwellings, ü rooms each; renting $432 per annum. ITice, SI,- 200. . BLOCK .WEST MARSHALL ST.. 2 brick tenements, In good -Tder, good renters. See us C(Uick. 100 BLOCK NORTH TWENTIETH titreet; rental $2uu per annum. 300 BLOCK RRENT1SS STREET, brick. 3 tenements. a bargain. 110Ö clock bo YD STREET. Rents for $10 per month. Price, Si.50. O. A. HAWKINS. 10'. N. SEVENTH Street. " improvedT 2200 block hanoveb avenue. s rooms; strictly modern. Price, $7,- 600. 2200 block GROVE AVENUE; VERY wide lot; y rooms. 1600 BLOCK iia NO V lr AVENUE. S l ooms; nearly new. Price, SO.TOo. SHEPPARD STR.EET. EEOYU AN D Grove; nice home; lot tz feet by good depth. Desirable, GRACE STREET CORNERS. EAST OF Second Street, north side. Rare chance. THIRD .STREET. 300 CLOCK SOUTH; two lo-room house1-. Sc. us. BY RD STREET. BEI'we EN THIRD and Fourth Streets. *. 1 rooms. 1000 BLOCK EAST MARSHALL ST.. u rooms, in fine condition, a really choice boarding house proposition. Price very reasonable. GRACE STREET, NORTH SIDE. BE- tweeh Second and Third Streets. De- nimble for future. O. a HAWKINS. 100 N. SEVENTH Street. Fl: a n K LI n ST RE LT. e a ST ö F Henry Street; splendid home; mod¬ ern. FRANKLIN STREET. EAST OF FOL shea street: easily developed into a mugnlliccnt home* Locution choice. FRANKLIN STREET CORNER; dou- ble lot, elegant resilience. MAIN STREET CORNER. EAST OF First Street, with a great future to it. MAIN STREET ELEGANT PROP- erty Just west of First Street on north side, paying 0 1-2 gross now. a most desirable property. O. a- HAWKINS, 100 n. SEVENTH Street._ _ tTn'e" FARM AT ABOUT. HALF Viiltic.381 acres, hull' mile from station school, etc.; two miles from county scat. 175 acres in the very highest stale ol cultivation, balance second growth timber. Six-room dwelling, large bunt and stable, nu¬ merous other buildings; excellent repair. Fronts on main county road. Gentle rolling. Price, only SO,600; one-third cash, balance to suit. J. II. MoSELEY & CO.. 312 Travelers' Building. _ PÖt LT BY !. A 1: M on you R OWN Torms.Three-fourths acre, with live-room colonial bungalow, two blocks from car; coal and wood and poultry houses. Woven wire fenced and fully equipped. Price, $2,200, on most any terms you deßire. J. II. MOSELEY & co.. 312 Travelers' Building. __ LIST YOUR CITY PROPERTY WITH us. BALI .a RD <Sr DRAPER, 112 North Ninth Street. B ARO A IN IN a SMALL FA R M 0 miles from city; six-room house and twelve acres. $300 down and no interest to pay. How does this Ktriko you'.' HALLARD & DRAPER. Farms, City and Suburban Proper¬ ties. See BALLARD & DRAPER, 112 North x 11ith._ FOR SALE. BARTON HEIGHTS. 604 Virginia Avrnue. nine rooms, lurt lawn, shade trees; largo collection fancy roses; large back yard, sta¬ bles, carriage house, garden. If you want n residence, this is it. W. c. CRENSHAW, 1304 East Cary Street. FA1 IM of i: ,."' ACRES for""!sale" Caroline county, Virginia, near junc¬ tion R., F, & i; r. K. and C & O. R. R. Improvements; fine water power; North .vnuc River. Price rea-I sonable. For particulars Address G. _W.. QUARUES. Rüther Glen. Va. SEVENrROOM HOUSE on NORTH Twenty-second Street, in 1300 block on car line; cheap if bought this weak. Smai! rash payment. E 370, care Times-Dispatch. A MODERN ROOM, UP-TO-DATE house on aili Avenue, near the cars, for sale ::t very reasonable figure1 on account tue owner bolng non¬ resident fishes to reinvest. Ad¬ dress CHAS :. IIEINTZ, 311 Eleventh Street, S. W Wash Ins ton. D. C._ VIRGINIA APPLE ORCHARDS PAY big profits $350 on long time und easy payin nts buys a ten-acre apple orchard tract in the beautiful Shcn- andpah Valley of Virginia. Other lands $!.", per aero and up. Write for latest issio- "The Southern Home- seeker" and low excursion rates. F. H. LA BAUME, Agricultural Agent, Norfolk und Western Railway. Box I' 3026. Rouni ko, Va._ FOR SALE, TWO LOTS WEST Highland Purl;, Norfolk, Va.; water iront, all Improvements; $800. Ad- dross c _2_H. care Times-Dispatch. FOR SALE."Ywo LOTS COLONIAL Place. Mt. Vcrnon Avenue; $600. Terms: Amount paid by owner and buyer can take up monthly pay¬ ments. Address C 285, care Tlmes- Dlspatch. FOR SM~K, NICE HOME, TEN rooms, 2111 East Marshall Street Cheap ,,t $3,500. Address C 283, _Jl?,,rp T1 m e y pjspn t ch._ GOOD RENTING PROPERTY on the best streets in Jackson Ward. liCBc properties will readily up- Peal to Investors." B. A. CEPHAS. ;603 North Second Street._ HIGHLAND PA Rk7sTx-RfJÖM FRAME I'Ohse: slate roof; bath, hot and cold water, ah ne-ceasary outbuildings. New ,viUl granolithic sldo- y-'al c Price. $2,250. Terms. Cannot '¦e duplicated for ?2,S0O. l£Uü" CjJöttliC jrOV ÖfllC Sufh;übXnTKomi*ss'' by mcClütTb! DAVENtHMtT-TAYLOR CO. SEVEN ACIC ES AND: W E ee- A PPOINT« cd sovuti or olghl-room liöüsc, live miles fium . in-, with excellent trans- port.-itioti, bath, hot und cold water; pretty lawn ami choice uclgiibdrlioud. Price, $0.500. OlNTER PAUK HOME OP HEVEN rooms on Chnmbcrluyne Avenue; al' . conveniences: lot 100x220; laricc sla bio or garage, poultry houses; nie« shade ami shrubbery. Price. $7,260 HIGHLAND PARK HOME OP NINE rooms, corner lot, 90x110; large .-t.i ble, garage, poultry houses, servants rooms: bouse has all convenience'' Including hot water heat. Me«t vulu. on the market for the money .n th» way of a home. Price, (1,2,00 NICE LITTLE HOME OF SEVEN rooms at Uensley, two acres land lo steam and electric cars. Nie outbuildings. Choice neighborhood Price, $2,000, on very easy terms. VERY' ATTRACTIVE, WELL-BUT ET br'clc house Of eight rooms,. In one of the nicest suburbs around Lite city; located on car line: hot and cold water: electric lights, bath, pan¬ try, large porch, on shady side of street, hot water heat: built for a home and has to he sold In order to settle estate. A big l.arga'n m $.-..:r.o. SEE US EOR HOMES OF ANY Sl/.E and anywhere. McC LU REt DA V EN _PORT-TAY"LOR CO.. M Y' HOM E. W1 Ti l IN FIVE MIN UT ES' walk of fifth and Broad Streets; three stories. II rooms: modern, and in Al condition. Would make an ideal boarding house. Will sacrifice to a >iuIck purchaser. B 2C1. care Times-Dispatch. Ft IR SALE SB V El IA L VERY D E S IRA- ble dwellings in Giliter Park and Highland Park at reasonable prices and terms. .1QI1N T. OODDIN &.CO SEE 'BLANTON & CO. FOR best bargains in Monument Annex on all streets. A big money-maker,_ FOR-SALE, THREE FARMS. FROM 12 to 100 acres: good buildings: from ,". to 15 minutes to Dry Bridge, on Southern Railway. J. B. MARTIN. Midlothian, Route 2. _ FOR SALE OR RENT, 86-ACRE FARM. IC miles from Richmond, quarter- mil.' from railroad nation. Address F ';s7. care Tlmes-Dispatch. SEE KLANTON & CO. FOR BEST bargains In Monument Annex on all streets. A big money-maker._ FOREST HILL,~~H Ä1^"sÖm"e LOT, 100x300 feet; splendid location; best of? neighbors. A bargain for quick sale. E 300. en re Times-Dispatch. SEE KLANTON A CO. FOR BEST bargains In Monument Annex on all streets. A big money-maker. sT^rIkTm"IP ~Usi-l" IN 1300 BLOCK North Twenty-third Street at $1.400. Small cash. C 292, care Tlmos- Dlapatch. X IN E-roöm HOUSE. StTÜLE. two lots. D'iOO block North Twenty- eighth Street. C 201, care Times- Dispatch. _ TWENTY*.-FIVE ACRES ON BROAD Street lioad; three-room house, or- chard; six miles from Richmond. _ROBERT GAEDE, city._ CORNER l~öt, 00xl3r.; ORAFOTtD and Burden Avenue. ItOBERT G A EPE, city._ 4 8-ACRE FARM. ABOUT~3 IN A high state of cultivation, balance v. ood. all fenced; five-room house in shady grove, good horse and cat¬ tle stable, hay barn, tobacco birns. wagon shod, tool, chicken and corn house. Right at Southern road, twenty-six miles from Richmond. Cheap fare. C 296, caro Times- Dispatch. $20,000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY real estate at ö per cent, in sums to suit. JOHN T. GODDIN & CO. FINE JAMES RIVER FARM; OLD colonial dwelling, eight rooms; boat landing on theplacu; to be sold this week at n great eacrlflcc. Soc CAS¬ SELMAN & CO., 1018 East Mala Headquarters for Farm Bargains. FOR SALE OR TRADE COUNTRY Store, 26x50 feet, two-story, six- room house; stable, corn and Ice¬ house, chicken house; orchard; three acres of good land, right ut cross rouds. Has done business to $10,000 per year; twenty-six miles from Ichmond, on Southern Rail¬ road. C 203. care Tlmes-Dlspatch. BAIN BRIDGE STREET.TWO 6PLEN- dld brick dwellings, renting for 1660 year; only $7.260. This Is a snap to be had on easy terms. CASSEL- M A N. 101S K. Main._ COLORED PROPERTY_REE US FOR this. We have some good paying speculations. CASSELMAN. 1018 E. Main. FOR SALE. 2S8 ACRES OF COOD land thai wilhvcut one thousand cords of wood and more; live-room house; one mile of railroad station; onlv $10 per acre. CASSELMAN & CO.. 1018 East Main._ BRICK HOUSE OF EIGHT ROOMS, lot 30 feet front; North. Twentieth StrceL In 200 block, or will trade for ten or eleven-room house on Church Hill. E 869. care Times- Dispatch._ FOR SALE, FIRST CLASS 1NVEST- ment on Pork Aveuue, two well- built frame houses and a corner lot. Will sell separately or as a whole. Apply OWNER, F 402, care Tlnics- Dispatch._ L. W. HARRIS, CITY", SUBURBAN AND Furm Properties For Sale. 1201 East Main Street. HIGHLAND PARK. NEW HOME, 7 rooms; reception hall; large lot; wired for electric lights: bath, etc; close to cars. Price, $2,300. HIGHLAND PARK COTTAGE, SIX rooms, bath, electric lights, sewers, etc.; one square from car. A delight- ful home. Price. $2,260. FLOYD AVENUE CORNER LOTS, corner Floyd and Robinson Streets. I can sell you a bargain. A tine invest¬ ment. Sec HARRIS. COUNTRY COTTAGE ON CAR LINE, eloso to city. Price. $650. SPLENDID COUNTRY HOME. CIX)SE to Forest Hill cars; eight large rooms, two porches; large barn, fruits, grapes and two acres of rich land. A bargain al $2,500. ELEGANT COUNTRY HOME ON CAR line, near city. Nine rooms and all outbuildings; variety of assorted fruits; 31 acres of rich land. For u low price and terms sec HARRIS. HOME-SEEKERS.I HAVE A LARGE list of city Investment properties and homes. You should see these before buying. Also farms and country homes all over the State. Write for now catalogue of farms, or phone Madison 3316-J. L. W. HARRIS, 1201 East Main Street. Richmond, Va. CORNER PROPERTY ON NORTH Thirty-second Street. 66x140 feet; rents for $20 per month. Good place for store. $1,750 if bought this .week; terms. C 296, caro Tlmes- Dlspatch._ JAMES RIVER FARM; MUST BE sold before April 15th. 275 acres, nbout 180 In cultivation, balance good timber; house, twelve largo rooms, overlooking river. House- cost $S,.'00 to. build. Large horse and Cftttld barn and other outbuild¬ ings; line spring and good orchard; twenty miles below Richmond. Only $10,500. O 294. tare Tlmos- Dlspatch._ . SEE "TiL-ANTON A- CO. FOR BEST bargains In Monument Annex on ;.1J Streets. A. big money-maker. Ural (ZfStätt J-at öalr SKtf^LA^füN^ & CoT'Ifo'r^BETbT oargatiis In Monument Annex on nil streets. A bit; money-maker. UNIMF 1 lu v E 1) property" l'AKK AVENUE,. MEADOW AND Rowland. PARK AVENUE, NORTH BAST COR- ner Addison. i'AKK AVENUE, MULBERRY AND Uoulevurd. »TUART AVENUE. NORTHEAST COR- uer Elm; 147 feet. sTUART AVENUE. NORTH SIDE. Mulberry anu Boulevard; doublo lot. oTUART AVENUE. SOUTH SIDE; 28x128 feet. Cheap. i 'in EE ET NORTH FLOYD. SHEP- pard and West. Flno building prop¬ osition, and low priced. o. A. HAWKINS, 100 N. SEVENTH Street. .1KG1NIA TIMBER, ONE MILLION Feet.Two-thirds pine, balance oult. Busy logging; good roads, three miles to railroad. Stumpugc only. I'rlcc, ..i.mmi. Wc have some other! good tracts. j. It. MOSELEY & I CO.i 'I1J2 Travel era' Building. $500 CASH. BALANCE $20 PER inontn. will buy two goo<| cottages West of Boulevard, rented at $10 per monih each. Tne rent will soon pay for them. See us quick If you want1 tats bargain. $300 CASH BALANCE $18 PER, month, will buy u nice homo In liignland Park. Lurgc lot. This is u nice home. $i00 WILL BUY TWO NICE BUILD- Itig lota on West Street. WM. M. MILLER & CO.. INC., First and Uroad Streets. Phone Monroe 3451. improved" 2300 BLOCK JEFFERSON AVENUE, « rooms. Price. $3.000. 2800 BLOCK EAST GRACE STREET, corner. Price reasonable. See us about these. OAKWOOD AVENUE, ON CAR LINE. Two frame houses, wide lots; long time tenants. Always in demand. Good Investment. I FAIRMOUNT STORE AND SIX-ROOM dwelling combined, on good corner., wide lot. 15ov BLOCK grove AVENUE, , rooms; modern. Price, $8,000. - 2200 BLOCK WEST GRACE street, 8 rooms; strictly modern. Price, $8,- 750. 2100 BLOCK STUART AVENUE, rooms. Price, $>j,200. lOuO BLOCK PARK avenue, *> rooms. Price, $8,000. 2500 BLOCK FLOYD avenue, 8 rooms; slilctly modem. Price, J6,- 800. O. A. HAWKINS*, 100 N. SEVENTH Street._ WESTHAMPTON. OR CARY STREET Road, at corner of River Road and Three-Chopt Road; splendid lots; total 45G feet front: depths ranging from 175 to 300 feel. Price $15 Per foot. The price Is greatly undei the market. O. A. HAWKINS, 100 North Seventh Street, 13J400 FOR A GROVE AVENUE FRONT of 75 feet, with one of the best Ul¬ li., houses in Westhamptoti district. All conveniences. Phone or see WALTER SOliAAF, 42<J East Broad, or Stop j2. Wosthampton. bight-room dwelling, strictly modern, below cost. Hanover Ave.; Investigation solicited. Phone Mail- isoti 121U-J. 103-ACRE FARM ABOUT EIGHT miles from Richmond, on Southern Railroad; five mlnutea' walk to sta¬ tion, thirty minutes to car line. 45 acres in a high stato of cultivation, balance good cord wood; large six- room house with cement cellar, largo barn, wagon, tool nnd hog shed; large chicken house, all cemented; good garden and orchard. Price. $5,000, which Is a bargain, as it will cost only fifty cenis per cord to ship cord wood to Richmond. e 3ÜS, care Times-Dispatch. for .sale, RESIDENCE on gIlOVE Avenue, near Harrison Street; good condition; twelve rooms, two baths. Most convenient section in the city. Too large for present owner. Address B iiz. en re Times-Dispatch. SEE 'BLANTON & co. for best bargains in Monument Annex on all streets. A big money-maker. ten" ROOMS AN 1 r BATH. ex' iui'- tlonally well Srtiilt, detached brick house; large rooms, hot and cold water, electric light:-., gas, outbuild¬ ings; '.'8 feet front; good avenue; .000 block west; occupied by owner since built; leaving town. B 207. care Times-Dispatch. ONLY $240-A SPLENDID GEORGIA farm home. Earns more each year than the total cost.'Cultivation with¬ out attention of owner If preferred, or convertible at your option. A.b- solute safely guaranteed. Bank ref¬ erence and trusteeship. Write fori photographs. Quick nctlon neces¬ sary. Answer Immediately. GEO. _W. DE EX, Box 754, Waycross. Ga. FOR HALE OR EXCHANGE, one OF the most desirable little farms f 12 acres) In Hanover county. seven miles north of Richmond, or will exchange direct with owner for su¬ burban property north or west of city. For particulars address ow-ner. EDWARD Q. VERM1LLERA. Atleo, Va._ ?150 AN ACRE, TOBACCO. i, LAND ON THIS 150-ACRE oooch-1 land county, Va., farm; good sis- room house, barn 30x60, tobacco] barm; 100 acres cleared, 200.000 feet sawloga, lot of cordwood; only 3 1-2 mi!e3 to depot, market town. Travel¬ ing Instructions to sec this big bar¬ gain at $1,500, and one of 100 acres for $1.800. near Moslcy*s Junction, page S, "Southern Farm Catalogue, No. 35," mailed free. Station 2701. E. A. ST ROUT FARM agency, 617 Lithia St.. Greensboro. N. C. $15 AN ACRE UP FOR DELAWARE farms; soil easily worked, highly productive; Delaware peaches, apples and pears bring highest prices; America's best markets at our doors; farms all sizes; free catalogue. FORD & REIS, INC.. Dept. 75, Wil¬ mington, Del. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 100-ACRE farm, in connection with brick store building: nice seven-room house and outbuildings. Price, $2,700. Or will sell store nnd 40 acres for $800. or f',0 acrea of land, store and all build¬ ings for $1,950. Farm 8 miles from city of Salisbury, Maryland. Boats and two railroads. Address O. f. DUBOIB. Frultland. Maryland. SPECIAL SALE OF WOODLAND Heights Home.Nine-room, two- story, frame; water, bath, electric lights; halls, closets, porches, large yards, basement, modern finish and conveniences throughout. Must be sold. Investigate this; there'll never he another such chance. j. h. MOSELEY & CO., 312 Travelers' Building._" NOS. 200-202-204-206 N. ADDISON Street, 201-203-205 North Elm Street Apply A. C. BEDFORD. 1011 East Main Street. FOR SADE. TWO THREE-ROOM houses In colored section; AI condi¬ tion. Also a now fi-room, bath, closets and nil conveniences, in West End. Nice homo or good Investment. Need money; anxious to sell. OWN- ER, Box 000._ TF YOU want to SELL YOUR, REAL cstato give in a list of it. We anil. GIBBONEY-NUCKOLS CO. 1014 East Main Street. Monroe 246». SOdfittTTAVgR^^ Sßö^CSI MB HANOVER AVENUE, 2l00 rjlock. olgttt rooms; buth. hot water heat! i. rice, $6.50o, HANOVER AVENUE^ 1300 BLOCK; nlno rooms, bath e.n« latroba: tins Is a bargain. Price, $5,59u. park AVENUE. 2:iÖÖ BLOCK- new 17-room dwelling; bath, hoi water neat; hardwood floors. Price. $16,000. FLOYD AVENUE^ 2400 block; BIX r°°'P*- batn and latrobe. Prlc*. 54,750. STUART AVENUE 2200 Bl/yck; SIX rooms, bath. Price. $4,600. main street. 1300 block- cmi- E°F: detached ;ulglu roams, uaib. Price, $5,100. Rent. $450. chaffin street, two SEVEN- room dwellings; bath. Price, |;,i'"o. LAUREL STREET, 300 BLOCK SOUTH' flvo rooms, bath. Price. ^2.300. cherry STREET, north; EIGHT rooms, bath and latrobe. Price, EAST CLAV STREET, 2600 BLOCK; six-room brick dwelling. Price $1,660. '.Of- BLOCK NORTH THIRTY-FIFTH Street; eleven rooms, bath and la¬ trobe. Price, $3.600. BUCHANAN STREET, FOUR NEW houses; rent, $342 per annum. Price. $2.800. JACKSON WARD, FOUR HOUSE'S, U* tood condition; rent. $480. Price, 2.500. BARTON HEIGHTS. GREENWOOD AVENUE, EIGHT rooms, bath, hot water heat. Price, $5,000. HOME STREET NEW. EIGHT ROOMS, bath, latrobe. Price. $3.600. GARLAND AVENUE, EIGHT ROOMS, bath. Price. $3,750. POE STREET. TEN ROOMS, BATH; rent, $360. Price, $3,200. SUMMIT AVENUE. SEVEN ROOMS, bath. Price, $l,S50. GREENWOOD AVENUE, rooms, bath Price. $3,50( WEST HIGHLAND PARK. SEVEN rooms; largo reception hall. Pi iCej $2,350. Terms easy. FARMS. WEST BROAD STREET ROAD, tia acres; three miles from city lire..Is; 1160 par acre. FARM, TRUCK AND POULTHV; 2. ¦_ acres: 6-room dwelling; outhouses ar.d orchard; 16 acres In cultivation; li- miles from Laurel Station. Price. $1.300. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE TWO ACRES; oil public road; live minutes' walk; Glen Allen Price, $2.250. MX-ROOM NEW HOUSE: ONE ACREl close to railroad, school, post-o'ltco and store. Price. $,250. NEW SIX-ROOM DWELLING; FIFTY acre*; this (s fine place for poultry.; two miles west of 'Hen Allen. Pre : , $2,860. E. F. SCHMIDT A: CO 619 American Natloal Bank ButVtlng. Phone Monroe 2387. FOR SALE, LOT 160 FEET BY foci College Terrace, frontin« Ttirop Ctiopt Road, Westnampton. Can be bought cheap if taken at OnCO, Forced to sell for division. E 257, care Times-Dispatch. REAL ESTATE "FOR SA1 .E BY AM' »3 A- POlNDENTER. Travelers' Build-' lug. _ On Bioad Street Road. miles out, 42 acres. 20 cleared; long frontages half-cleared. 20 cleared; long frontage: halt-cleared. Buildings, orchard, etc. $4,600. 36 acres, 6 miles out; 6-rooin residence good outbuildings. All clear and Hi cultivation. Good long frontage no Hroad Stroet Road. Price. $6.000. On Hungary Road. 100 yards rrora Hroad, 40 acres. New house, barn and stables; "-room dwelling; 5 miles out. Everything essential. $136 per acre. il acres, S miles awav, on Broud Str.-ot Road In timber; j 75 per acre. 23 acres, long frontnge on Broad Streo* Road. 4 1-2 miles out. Lovely building: site. $260 per acre. Near stop on Lakeside trolley, 5 acre* rieh land; 7-room bouse; several out« buildings. $5.000. We have small and large larirts at every kind and on every railroad and trolley line coming into our city. We will sell them on liberal terms, or can trade uoin-. ol them for <üy realty property built on. Call and talk with us about them. Don's, phone. __ PROPERTY FOR SALE. H. SELDON TAYLOR CO. FRANKLIN STREET CORNER EE?Cm dence; broad lot; Al place for apaii* ment house. MONUMENT AVENUE CORNER REStn dence. This is a choice one. Get full information by phone. GROVE AVENUE DWELLINGS CHEAP to a qulok buyer. WEST END LOT, READY FOR THE: bulldor. JLet us show you what have before you decide upon one. BROAD STREET LOT. BIG SPECUl lation. WEST GRACE STREET RESIDENCE, west of Richmond College; corner. BEAUTIFUL GROVE AVENUE LOT*, smooth pavement to be laid. FACTORIES FOR SALE IN HEART < 'F city. These aro real bargains. WELL LYING FLOYD AVENUE LOTS, II ANOVER AVENUE DWELLING! newly painted and In nice oondltlorl, LOT AT CORNER PARK AVENUE and Park Street, fronting on city, park 125 feet. Ideal location. BOULEVARD LOTS FOR SALE. BROAD STREET STORE, XEAHI First. Built for the merchant's con*, venlence In handling business. WEST END ACREAGE NEAR KL1N3 .Motor Co., Broad Street Road, West*, hampton and Ointer Park. MONEY TO LEND ON ALL CLASSES of property. For quick loans see tig. DESIRABLE OFFICES FOP. RENT*, -Merchants' Bank Building._ FOR SALE, NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE," near car Itne; good acreage. $100 cash, balance long time. Place, will be sacrificed to quick buyer. Ad¬ dress F 389, cars Timca-Dlspatch._ NEAT FRAME HOUSE, 7 ROOMS! large reception hall, with modern Im¬ provements. Lot 85 by 130 feet. Phone Madlaon 4803-L._ FINE POULTRY- AND TRUCK FARM, 20 acres; house eight roms. Chicken houses, barn, stable, spring, etc.; at station, ten miles from Richmond. Price, $2,800. Five acres, no build* ings, $100 per acre. P. S. LEAKS, Glen Allen, Va._ FARM. 68 ACRES, ALL IN CULTI- vatlon, fenced and cross fenced with wire; two-story dwelling, seven large rooms, hall and porch, sur¬ rounded by shade trees; two-room tenant house, good stable, granary, two wagon sheds, cattle, nntl hay shed, large chicken house: good or> chard, two wells, wind mill, wate-» in house. A gentleman's t'.irni la any respect: only 2 V. miles froni Richmond on oner of the best niilo«; mobile roads. E "63, care Times« Dispatch. CH ERRY STREET.7-RÖÖM RR7rTf* dwelling, on nice lot. and onlv nJC 760 cash. OASSELMAN. *

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Page 1: How Shop by Mail SOdfittTTAVgR^^ Sßö^CSI · UK. West Mnln Street. FOItCountrySALE. ONB SIIAIIB STOCK IN Times-Dispatch._Club ..f Virginia. G 41. cure ELECTRIC MOTOR. SECOND-HAND,I

How to Shop by Maill'ollov. h g>eaeh classification below Is the announcement of a progressive;reliable concern which is prepared to offer special facilities to the "Mall OrderTrade." particularly to (artners and those who reside some distance from thotonvcniencci "f tho city stores. Owing to the extension or the rural tree de¬in cry service throughout llilt section. H Is no longer necessary to "come" to do your shopping. Simply make your selection from the gr.ods listedbelow, or wiite for Information, which will be gladly mailed, and then semi yourorder bv nieii. The concerns llsud on this page are ^elected as representative,ar.d may be classed headquarters In their particular lines. When writing forcatalogues oi Information, always mention The Times-Dispatch.

A BLACK HEN WILE LAV WHITEeggs. "\Y. .'. T. leoda will make ahen of any color l ay eggs-. It youwant eggt-, lind want to Increase yourbunk account. -.;sc "W. J. T." Scratchand "W J. T." Mash feeds. Foifree catalog nut! prlca list, write i»W. J. TODD'S SONS, 4:fi North SixthStreet. _jBASEDALU GOODS.

EVERYTHING IN DA SICHALL GOODSajid fishing tackle. Sec us bjfore;buying ELBA HARDWARE CO.,corner Henry and Broad._LAWN M< iWERS.

START CUTTING YOU It GBASS EAR-ly anl keep a pretty lawn. Use'one of our good lawn mowers, we!have nlo line. ELBA HARDWAREICO_*~

SANITARY POLISH. .'j OR rCRNtTURE AND FLOORS OFall kinds uso "Elba Sanitary Polish";11 brightens up all furniture, b>ault-llef the floors and kids all germs.Manufactured by us, ELBA HARD¬WARE Co._PAINTS AND FLOOR STAINS.11 YOU WANT ANY REAL GOODpaints or floor stains, bco us; ourfoods last longer, look better, aha

arc better, than any in the city. Wecarry all colors, and prices reason*sb'e. See our Ftoek b'd'oie buying.ELBA HARDWARE CO., 122 WestBroad.

_RELIABLE HAT REPAIRING.MEN S SOFT STIFF AND SILK HATS.Panama und straw hats cleaned,blocked, retrlranted like new; manu¬facturing, rclillng. repairing. AMER¬ICAN HAT CO.. 501 E Marshall, cor¬

ner Fifth Street,ASBESTOS MATS.

SEE THE EVANS HARDWARE FORasbestos mats for table and stoves;also sheet asbestos. 7öö W Broad.TOOLS AND CUTLERY.

IF TOE WANT ANYTHING IN TOOLSor cutlery, see the EVANS HARD¬WARE CO.. bist line at lowestprices in city, too w. Broad Street.

IIARDWÄRE!USE OUR RUBBER "ROOFING. MADEof the highest quality, requires nopa'nt und will last many years. Ourstock of window sash, doors, wirenclng, paint;- and farm implementscomplete. Write for price list.SOUTHERN HARDWARE CO., 11« N.Eighteenth.__

:. OSTRICH FEATHERS.OSTRICH FEATHERS.TAKE YOU Kold feathers to THURSTON'S; theyWill make them new again. THUR8-"1 ON S, '.'17 North First Street.

BTOVBS.BEE THE EVANS HARDWARE Co.b. fore buying your range or cook¬ing stove. We are agents for thefull line ot Detroit. Jewel stoves,.'oolWs and heaters, also gas ranges.Absolutely the best stoves made.Prices reasonable. »00 W. Broad St.

FOR sali:10.000 BOTTLES OF PEERLESSleaner and Polisher at L'5c bottle. Ifyou can't get ft from jour druggistphone VAUGHAN Madison ph.HARDWARE, ETC.

HARDWARE, CARPENTER TOOLS,all kinds of plow castings, Oliverplows, garden and field seeds. Giveus a call und be satisfied. You getyour money's worth. J. EDDIE_WOOD. 206 West Broad Street

FLY TIME .'IS 'HERE.SCI T.ENS. DOORS. WIRE' BY Till>;.ui- material f^r making screenseverything in fly season atvaFCHAN'S. oppi'Mu Cohen Co.

\V. II. SCOTT.SCOTTS OLD MARKET DRUGStör«, Jüdsoii Cunningham, manu-

ger, still leads; others t<>llow. ScottsAntiseptic Soup Is the tinesi sltlnsoap, mude; ojniy -i«Scott's Won-i'il IM.1 Mixture makes theblood us pure us n child's; $1 thebottic Scott s Corn Plaster willmake a cripple dunce for Joy; 10c.Scott's Digestive Elixir will cureany case of nervous indigestion; 50ctho bottle*. Scott's LiverfPills havea world-wide reputation; >1 tic. Cun¬ningham's Itoy it I Remedy for Meiinever fails; 60c tho bottle. Sntok-iiiu: tobacco, 80c the pound; chew¬ing tobacco, 5c the plug. Trusseslitted l>y an expert: no charge forlilting. Big slock; correct pricesand polite attention. Wo invite yourtrade and Influence. Our motto it:"When you get anything fromSCOTTS it's right."_cTTiSFaX CLEANER.

COSBY'S CLIMAX CLEANER BESTand most popular Moor and furni¬ture polish in Richmond. COSBY'SPAINT STORE. 311 West Broad.¦Monroe 3050.__GAIIDEN 1AIPLEMENTS.-

HOSE, SIX CENTS A FOOT LTP;Lawn Mowers. $2.50 and up; liar-den Tools. Poultry Wire. otc. COS¬BY'S PAINT STORE. 311 WcblBroad Street. Monroe 3 05 0.INTERIOR DECORATIONS;

FOR FLOOR WAX, WOOD DY ES,Gasoline, Alcohol. Wuxlng Brushes,or anything lo beautify your Interiorwoodwork, go or phono COSBY'SPAINT STORE. 311 West Broad.Monroe 3050.JUST PHONE.

DON'T EXPERIMENT. PHONE FORCosby's Climax Cleaner to polish,your furniture and floors. COSBY'SPAINT STORE. .Ill West Broad.Monroe 3050.PAINTS and~STA1NS.

STAG PAINTS AND STAINS SOLDand guaranteed at COSBY'S PAINTSTORE, 311 Wcsl Broad Street.Monroe 3050.STA1N8 ANd~I.a'tn'TS.

FLOOR STAINS, PAINTS. OILS AM)vrtnlshcs; all kind'- of brushes; iv.u-year guaranteed hose. Co fo'>t; p.Mil-try wire, 5c yard. J. BDD1B wood,<..'< West Broad. Phone M tdisoii8560.__ASK YOUR BUTCH BR

FOR A good STEAK. ask YOURdruggist lor a good cleaner for fur-nltuio and Moors, lie wll band youa bottle of Peerless Cleaner und ,Polisher, and at same llmu will tell'yon to return the bottle If not satis-fled and get juur money. Tin: priceis 25c. It your druggist i out of i;phono v.u.';ii.\n. Mudlson 101, oppo¬site Oöhfen Co', ichicken" wire! !äc. YA1-.D BORDER WIRE. ELYwire in VAUGHAN'S, Iti Bast Broad,Opposite '.'oben i.'o.

SUMM BR SPEI 'YaUSIF YOU want SCREEN DOORS. win-dows; fly wirr, inwii mowers or anyother summer oumlbrls call on .1.BDDIE wood, 2011 West BroadStreet.

A BOTTLE OFPEERLESS '.LEANER AND POLISH-er at a cost of 26c. wll give von P»times its? cost In satisfaction wl enyou arc In midst of house cleaning;11 v it VAEOIl ans. Phone DO.

TÖ gÖSUz out at'haü" price Hb\~(>üö --tiling California privet*; beatIiedge plant, l" Inches to 3 feet biff hiViso rambler roses' and small fruits,1'. H. SWEET, Wuynoaboro. Va_fTo"".8WEET TÖN lifo*. second-htintl Worcester i'iano, sino! In¬cluded; .",0 cents weekly. CRAFTS,121 East Broad sale" one high-gradeKubber-tlcvtl- ltujiubout; one busi¬ness Toj^-Bjistsj.'¦'rubber tires; twoJumpers, in g.ood oriler, ami oticTop Grocery Wagon. These are-nil]preul bargains. Come early. A. Imeyer's SONS. 781 East Caryroll fcALE. BURROUGHS ADDING imuch lue, good tin new; a bargain. IAddress b >s0. care T'mei-Dlspatch. |f1OtT.-steinway PJÄNT7; hasbeen used but is in good condition, jDiscontinued style. «1 weekly.tCRAFTS, 121 East Broatl S ri..'.delicious smithfield sausag i'now on sale at your grocer's.fok wagons go TO richardsonBUGS., cii, Brook Avenue. Painting,lepalrittg and lubtivr-tlre work.Madison 1467._WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGEsecond-hand machinery of every de¬scription. 1. bluI old & CO.. 1C2S|East Cfiry Street.JtÖ.sTwiJET T. 'ned uunham Pi¬ano; stool included; 7.", cents wcek-ly. CRAFTS, 121 East Broad Street.yuh SALeTone" HORSE, rubber-tirtd top buggy ami rubber-tirediuria,bout. all in >_ .o,l .condition.Good reason for selling. G cure'[ lifixeT:al' "mllie>»yi*i"Li;""ifüsT-ne*s In Sussex county, forty-livetnllc* of Richmond, Va.; eight milesof the Atlantic Coast li tu-, An es¬tablished business stand of twenty-live jeait. 510,0c' to'$20,000 trade,buokt open to Inspection to any oticthat means business; $1.000 to i&jOUUStock, which can he l educed to ttlitbuyer if he wish T< rm.s will bemüde very easy. Address c S90. careTlmes-Dlspatch,$115.SLIGHTLY USED CABLEPiano; well worth this price. Goodpiano tor beginner; $1.25 weekly;CRAFTS. 121 Last Broad St. Sendfor Bargain Bulletin.boJA BEANS--G-5 ID .- TOOK ; LIM Iied quantity. Als.,, black, day andmixed r>eas. For tale by D. ETI IEE-IDGE &. CO 31-3'J Commend* street.Norfoik, \ a

FOP. SALE C S'E Nl ¦: RUB-ber-tlre, cntuuder trap; or wh:tthave you to exchange? Apply 1712E. Franklin or phone Madison 8i>2l),FOR SALE, LARGE stock OF li'l?fi¬tness Wagons, top and open, for

every use. Easy terms. A.MEYER'S SONS. 7S1 East CaryStreet._$182.OAkUE!..'" ¦') UST THEthing to atari the little a-lrl on. Comeearly to secure this Uargnin, Terms,$1.25 weekly. CRAFTS, 121 EpstBroad Strait. ^

FOR HALE? ONE" JACKSON;' BLOCKmachine. Apply CLARENCE COHBi :;YA R D. D'23 Eaat t.'ui.v.

FOR SADIE "ONE DOUBLE ÖRÜMhoisting engine, with swinging gear.W. P. YEITCH, 211 South SixthStreet._;_OAS RANGE. NEW FOUR.BURNBR,Cheap to quick buyer. »22 WestClay.

PorT"saTCB,~ no. T "*t*xi'»ßrTwtJSß 1typowritei as good as new, $6u cash. IPhone Monroe 2426 between 12 und I3 o'clock week "lays._$ 35.11IUDGEPÖUT 1«IIGA N; vdTiworth 175. Mas been carefully used.50 cents weekly payments. CRAFTS.121 Bast IIroad Street.

ON* "aiVi'iFnt <>]¦. MuVINii TO MYnew place, Isis West Broad, 1 wiil»eil my entire stuck of antique fur¬niture at cost. I will also give itspecial reduction on repairing andMulshing furniture. Antiques bought, jr.isiix. u*_H;.*t Mum M-tdlson 1:«'.").for SALE, HIGH-GRADE MOVERPneumatic Tiro Runabout. This ista great bargain. A, MEYER'S SONS, j.'3j Bast C'ary street. _ISTORAGE'"' bAtTLI'IY", "'ÜXIDF. 7«-0;price. $10; good condition. UK._STBBUB, 1102 West Mnln Street.FOIt SALE. ONB SIIAIIB STOCK INCountry Club ..f Virginia. G 41. cureTimes-Dispatch._ELECTRIC MOTOR. SECOND-HAND, I1 1-2 horsepower; direct current;)Cheap. No. i] Governor Street. |PGR SALE, BAKERY DOING NICEwholesale and retail business. E 307,cure '.rimes*Dispatch.$364.LARGE SIZED souAEFFEKoPIano: lias been lised in privatefamily but ü shon time, a bar¬gain at $300; our price $204; Stoolmid scurf included. Free delivery.CRAFTS. 121 K.tM Broad Street._f'"'R sale. ONE FRIXGELV topSurrey, used very little; price. $«'.0.Address a. B c. corner Burns andEhslo.v AvimieS. Highland 1'arR,'city, IA BARGAIN.-BRUSH ;rUNABOUT,perfect order, extra lino finish and.full equipment; top, shield, güs'(link, lamp- and tool.-. W. C.SMITH & CO.

_[fob SALE, single WAGON, PLAT-'im cut under suitable fur haulingon streets. Price, $30. A bargain..1 I"."., cure Times-Dispatch;FOP. SÄI.e LARGE ASSORTMENT>>f high-grude business and pleus-tin Buggies, Runabouts iind Phac-| toil*. I...west prices. A. MEYER'Ssons. 711 East Cajry Street;I I'll ""'A I.E." 'i.\V\'l.ENE LAI.Nl" l'l".Wanted, to sell beautiful (new) li¬fo >t. sluiidurd-bullt gasolene launch._Address 1307 B. Cary Street.h ill I i¦'. it-; .1 ot ELI Tl IC MOTOlone-quarter horsepower; only $15.i'hbni Monroe .7,"7 «,r Monroe 3314-.).$247.S1.1G fifl7v USED > 3.50~" l7Ü"D-low Piano, mahogany case; cunhardly bo lold from new; ?6 month¬ly. ' HAFTS. 121 East Broad Street.Send '.or Bargalti Bulletin.FOlT SALEr'«1ÄRLÄNI.''" oas.' RANGE-good as new, four burners and ovens._P»ione Monroe1 205s-J._WILLOW GO-CART FOR SALE; GOODcondition; sell cheap 202 FourthAvenue. Highland Park._FOR SALE, A BROW N WICK BR BABYj carriage with ho'od, lu guod co:id<-Apply l S. All.-n Avenue.

_FOR SALE. SCOT<Jli COLLIE PUPSfinale), .'able with wlilto markings,'.: .ach. Iii»WARD >> VERM II.-i LERA, Atlee, Vs._2 8 BAM PLE MARSHALL & W X-dell Piano; very sweet tone: full oc-I taveg. Worth mtich inor,. $1.76I weekly. CRAFTS, 121 East BroadStreet.

f;Ct ÖfllCI s^ifTTrr"u?l^

appetizer, Is now at your grocer's.! WE HAVE -A UKÄVV TWO-HORSE

farm-wagon and one 11 srlit lltreo-lnchI tires; also nice line ol buggies, sur-I reys nnd runabouts. T. II. DUKE «v-CO.; siji Brook Avenue.kmi in i- i ii &AUSÄ1 i rin cii) tappetiser. Is, now at your grocer's.ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING TO MYI new place. Ifil» West Broad. I willsell my entire sleek of antique fur¬niture at cost. I will alsi> give aspecial reduction on repairing addfinishing furniture. Antiques bought:i *' ELSEN; 41« Bast Main. MudUon tt»90.5i5ä.NBAULY NEW WEAVER Ou¬

tran. Magnificent hand curved case.$1 Weekly. This organ is worth$120: our price- $65. CRAFTS, 121East Broad Street.

COLUMBIA DISC OHAPIIOPIIONEwith six double-disc records (twelveselections). $11. Double-disc records.166c. THE TALK I NO MACH INK CO..704 Bast Main Street.TDK" LARGEST STOCK OF WAGONSto l.- selected from In the city. Youcan be stilted if you will call andlook them over. I'rices and termsreasonable.. U. C. BRISTOW, 11-13-15North Eighteenth street.

Ol'll'"\i M i -1. C-S an I: vXr-Ji I I S \ -

inspection of my high-grade colleen11on will no doubt convince yon of;my low prices for the grade I handle.Many other goods and novelties e>uhand. Onyx hosiery for ladles. A. t'i._Y.U;!J<. j-'!7_North Fifth Street.FOR SALB. MONEY-MA K INC. SODAwater buslries, Including fountain andenrbouator. A snap. A 210, careTimes-1 llapntch.FOR SALE, 'BAY? MARE;, FAMILYbroke; 8 years old: rubber-tire buggy.Sold for want of use. Apply at Stall

I", Second Market. ,

FOR SALE, OR ,WILL TRADE FORreal estate. Ilyc-passengcr touring!ear. 205j American National Hank.ONE HARDMAN upright piano,like new, $245: one Cable, like new,Jib"); mahogany upright. $145. BOPP& FERUUSSON, I'lano Hospital, No.10:: East Main Street._

l'Ull SALE. sinoino canaryBirds, Cold Fish. Talking Poll Fur- jrots. Fish Food (124 -Main Street.

FOR sale, ONE single truckin uuud repair and ready for use.This ,ls a grcut bnrgaiu. A.meyer's SONS. V31 East CuryStreet._$60.KIMBALL ORGAN, OAK CASE,six octaves, French mirror. Can¬not be told l'roni new. Payments$1 weekly. CRAFTS; 121 EastBroaj Street._SEVERAL HIGH-GRADE CUT-undcr Surreys on our iloor und ourprices low. See us.

TWO nice phaetons, $130 ANDSIC".. See these quick if you want!to buy now.

JUST GETTING IN CAK OF AUTO-Scat Top Buggies and Surreys, from$125 up.

ONE HIGH-GRADE BRAKE CA KT,several road carts.

several spring WAGONS. W1Ll|close out low quick.RUNABOUTS FOR $40 AND TOP

Buggies tor $50, and some better.Don't fail to see what \vp are Offer¬ing to make room. BR1STOW-yVQRSHAM CO.. l 13 i> East Main.

"1911" 1NDIAN FO0K MOTORCV"cle, practically new. Cost, with fullequipment, $210. Will sell for $1 75.A bargain. Address ''ENGINEER,'Mosley'a Junction, Va.

$ i fi.LAI it: B SIZED BR1DGEPOR1organ; Should bring Jioo: oiirprice $45. SO cents weekly. CRAFTS,2 Eaet Iroad st ri er.

DO. l-'AI ELY GOOD LOOKINGNeedhum organ: well worth $30.Our price ?10: 00 cents weekly.CRAFTS, 121 East Broad Street.CONFECTIONERY.FOR SALE WITHpoi.'d established trade, located ut

transi't-r point on one of the leadingstreets of city. Owner lep.ving city jund will si ll at a sacrifice. Address.' 2.SS, care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

TWi \ HORSEPOWER D. C. ELEC-Hic motor tor sale. In good condi¬tion and will sell cheap. AddressC JUT. care Times-Dispatch.

STÖCK OF GROCERIES AND FJX-lures, on account of sickness. Ap¬ply 3120 East Broad Street._STANI »ARD Fl REPUI m IF SAFE; GOODas new, cheap for cash. P. O. BOX

For; SALE. CYCLE BROODERhatcher; used onlv four times; InAI condition. Price, $o. G. B. BLUNT.800 Minor Street. Barton Heights.f Y PEW It T E R S UT: N T EI >' 'if MONTI IS,$". ami Upwards; Rent applied on pur¬chase. Call, phone or write AMERI¬CAN WHITING MACHINE CO.

IXral estate $m Sale£ EIBLANTON " '& CO." FOR BESTbargains In Monument Annex on all

streets, a big inoncy-makor.I"WILL SELL Ml" HOME ON EASTGrace Street at a very low figure. It'contains 11 rooms; modern improve-Imentis and a beautiful side lawn ofabout 35 feet by 150. Would con¬sider a trade for smaller house cen-traliy located. F -104, care Times-jDispatch,_WOULD. LIKE TO TRADE Ä BROADStreet store for West End property Jin good residential neighborhood. D335, care Tlmes-Dlspatch^_I

AC It EaCE"oN BROAD' STREET"rijad". !ciosc to Belt Line Railroad; IS Iacres; 33 acres. Talk to us aboutthese. O. A. HAWKINS. 100 NORTHSeventh Street-_

INVESTMENT PRICES ON A FEWlots in the high-ciass suburbs, onvery easy terms. J. II. MOSELEYa CO., 312 Travelers' Building._COLORED SECTION. El BYRD ST..Four-room house, renting for $11mouth-,, price, $S7,">. This Is a bigbargain lor quick sale. CASSEL-MaN; 10IS Ehst; Main,_COL iREI i SECTION BUILDING LOTSIII city near cur track, $6 foot onmonthly payments. CASSELMAN,tola E. Main._\\ ESTHAMPTON.-LARGE* LOT ONThree Chop Road, on car lino, one;block from Country Ouö-, will tradetor a piece ol city property, or willsell on easy terms. Apply P. O. BoxNo. 20, City._Ifa P.M. 700 ACRES, 350 CLEARED ANDcultivated; balanci woodland; someUmber, fnoxliy Vord; i, pastures,!with running waj,or in each; excel¬lent stock iarm; crops, corn, hay,oats, wheat, ctf dwelling, nine,rooms, with large porches, two ten¬ant houses, and all necessary out¬buildings; toil loam, underlaid withgreen marl; 40-per cent, lime, 15 perI cent phosphoric acid; 3 per cct. pot¬ash. Price $11,000; tourtcen miles. from Richmond. Address B 26S, care'i lines-Dispatch,

$1,000 WILL BUY AN EIGHT-ROOMhouse-In Barton Heights; corner lot,50x150 feet; been bul.t only eighteenmonths; all conveniences, such aselectric lights, latrobe. range, hotand cold water; beautiful lawn andhedges, phone Madison OSS.

SEE IVLANTON "«T CO."FOR BESTbargains In Monument Annex on allstreets, a big money-maker.

_1 OR sa LE, ONE OF THE";MOST at-tractive and substantial new homesin Highland Park. Location ideal'.md thoroughly modern; also somevacant lots below market price.Most desirable. Terms If desired.Phone Madison 508.

KOK SALE. CHEAP, FOUR"LOTS INHighland Pork. Apply to V. TYNER,7«U West Beverly Street. J

»Ml GZßtatc Hot äalc"Tm'Proved"''"'"

400 11LOCK WEST baker STIieist,store and dwelling combined: goodrenter, a bargain.«Od BLOCK CATHERINE street,store und dwelling, »Stylus over loPer cent.

s-s 1-2 last canal street.yielding over jo per cent.

100 BLOCK east uvrd STREET.1 wo properties for about *DO0 euch,paying about 14 per cut. in rentals.

1000 BLOCK BEVERIA STREET,Huts; new; at price yielding over 10per cent.

O. A. 11AW kins, 10" N seventhStreet.liii'iiov ei.«.'

BRICK elats, new. TWO toIxilitiing, 4 «ooms Lach, witli bath.Brick dwelling, o rooms, new, witlibath. .Both on Main Street, be¬tween Mulberry üiid Boulevard.

FOURTH STREET. 300 BLOCK SOUTH,i" rooms, baths: first-class condi¬tion.

1300-1302 JAMES STREET CORN ERBaldwin; -i rooms each. A purchase.

100 CLOCK south FOURTH STREET,2 brick dwellings, ü rooms each;renting $432 per annum. ITice, SI,-200.

. BLOCK .WEST MARSHALL ST.. 2brick tenements, In good -Tder, goodrenters. See us C(Uick.

100 BLOCK NORTH TWENTIETHtitreet; rental $2uu per annum.

300 BLOCK RRENT1SS STREET,brick. 3 tenements. a bargain.

110Ö clock boYD STREET. Rents for$10 per month. Price, Si.50.

O. A. HAWKINS. 10'. N. SEVENTHStreet.


improvedT2200 block hanoveb avenue. srooms; strictly modern. Price, $7,-600.

2200 block GROVE AVENUE; VERYwide lot; y rooms.

1600 BLOCK iia NOV lr AVENUE. Sl ooms; nearly new. Price, SO.TOo.

SHEPPARD STR.EET. EEOYU AN DGrove; nice home; lot tz feet bygood depth. Desirable,

GRACE STREET CORNERS. EAST OFSecond Street, north side. Rarechance.

THIRD .STREET. 300 CLOCK SOUTH;two lo-room house1-. Sc. us.

BY RD STREET. BEI'weEN THIRDand Fourth Streets. *. 1 rooms.

1000 BLOCK EAST MARSHALL ST..u rooms, in fine condition, a reallychoice boarding house proposition.Price very reasonable.

GRACE STREET, NORTH SIDE. BE-tweeh Second and Third Streets. De-nimble for future.

O. a HAWKINS. 100 N. SEVENTHStreet.

Fl: anK LI n STRE LT. eaST öFHenry Street; splendid home; mod¬ern.

FRANKLIN STREET. EAST OF FOLshea street: easily developed into amugnlliccnt home* Locution choice.

FRANKLIN STREET CORNER; dou-ble lot, elegant resilience.

MAIN STREET CORNER. EAST OFFirst Street, with a great futureto it.

MAIN STREET ELEGANT PROP-erty Just west of First Street onnorth side, paying 0 1-2 gross now.a most desirable property.

O. a- HAWKINS, 100 n. SEVENTHStreet._ _

tTn'e" FARM AT ABOUT. HALFViiltic.381 acres, hull' mile fromstation school, etc.; two miles fromcounty scat. 175 acres in the veryhighest stale ol cultivation, balancesecond growth timber. Six-roomdwelling, large bunt and stable, nu¬merous other buildings; excellentrepair. Fronts on main countyroad. Gentle rolling. Price, onlySO,600; one-third cash, balance tosuit. J. II. MoSELEY & CO.. 312Travelers' Building.


PÖt LT BY !. A 1: M on you R OWNTorms.Three-fourths acre, withlive-room colonial bungalow, twoblocks from car; coal and wood andpoultry houses. Woven wire fencedand fully equipped. Price, $2,200,on most any terms you deßire. J.II. MOSELEY & co.. 312 Travelers'Building.



BARO A IN IN a SMALL FARM 0miles from city; six-room house andtwelve acres. $300 down and nointerest to pay. How does thisKtriko you'.' HALLARD & DRAPER.Farms, City and Suburban Proper¬ties. See BALLARD & DRAPER,112 North x 11ith._

FOR SALE. BARTON HEIGHTS. 604Virginia Avrnue. nine rooms, lurtlawn, shade trees; largo collectionfancy roses; large back yard, sta¬bles, carriage house, garden. If youwant n residence, this is it. W. c.CRENSHAW, 1304 East Cary Street.

FA1 IM of i: ,."' ACRES for""!sale"Caroline county, Virginia, near junc¬tion R., F, & i; r. K. and C & O.R. R. Improvements; fine waterpower; North .vnuc River. Price rea-Isonable. For particulars Address G.


Twenty-second Street, in 1300 blockon car line; cheap if bought thisweak. Smai! rash payment. E 370,care Times-Dispatch.

A MODERN ROOM, UP-TO-DATEhouse on aili Avenue, near the cars,for sale ::t very reasonable figure1on account tue owner bolng non¬resident fishes to reinvest. Ad¬dress CHAS :. IIEINTZ, 311 EleventhStreet, S. W Wash Ins ton. D. C._

VIRGINIA APPLE ORCHARDS PAYbig profits $350 on long time undeasy payin nts buys a ten-acre appleorchard tract in the beautiful Shcn-andpah Valley of Virginia. Otherlands $!.", per aero and up. Write forlatest issio- "The Southern Home-seeker" and low excursion rates. F.H. LABAUME, Agricultural Agent,Norfolk und Western Railway. BoxI' 3026. Rouni ko, Va._

FOR SALE, TWO LOTS WESTHighland Purl;, Norfolk, Va.; wateriront, all Improvements; $800. Ad-dross c _2_H. care Times-Dispatch.

FOR SALE."Ywo LOTS COLONIALPlace. Mt. Vcrnon Avenue; $600.Terms: Amount paid by owner andbuyer can take up monthly pay¬ments. Address C 285, care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

FOR SM~K, NICE HOME, TENrooms, 2111 East Marshall StreetCheap ,,t $3,500. Address C 283,

_Jl?,,rp T1m e y pjspn t ch._GOOD RENTING PROPERTY on

the best streets in Jackson Ward.liCBc properties will readily up-

Peal to Investors." B. A. CEPHAS.;603 North Second Street._HIGHLAND PA Rk7sTx-RfJÖM FRAMEI'Ohse: slate roof; bath, hot and coldwater, ah ne-ceasary outbuildings.New ,viUl granolithic sldo-y-'al c Price. $2,250. Terms. Cannot'¦e duplicated for ?2,S0O.

l£Uü" CjJöttliC jrOV ÖfllCSufh;übXnTKomi*ss'' by mcClütTb!DAVENtHMtT-TAYLOR CO.SEVEN ACICES AND: W Eee-APPOINT«cd sovuti or olghl-room liöüsc, livemiles fium . in-, with excellent trans-port.-itioti, bath, hot und cold water;pretty lawn ami choice uclgiibdrlioud.Price, $0.500.OlNTER PAUK HOME OP HEVENrooms on Chnmbcrluyne Avenue; al' .conveniences: lot 100x220; laricc slabio or garage, poultry houses; nie«shade ami shrubbery. Price. $7,260HIGHLAND PARK HOME OP NINErooms, corner lot, 90x110; large .-t.ible, garage, poultry houses, servantsrooms: bouse has all convenience''Including hot water heat. Me«t vulu.on the market for the money .n th»way of a home. Price, (1,2,00

NICE LITTLE HOME OF SEVENrooms at Uensley, two acres lo steam and electric cars. Nieoutbuildings. Choice neighborhoodPrice, $2,000, on very easy terms.

VERY' ATTRACTIVE, WELL-BUTETbr'clc house Of eight rooms,. In oneof the nicest suburbs around Litecity; located on car line: hot andcold water: electric lights, bath, pan¬try, large porch, on shady side ofstreet, hot water heat: built for ahome and has to he sold In orderto settle estate. A big l.arga'n m$.-..:r.o.


_PORT-TAY"LOR CO..M Y' HOM E. W1 Ti l IN FIVE MIN UT ES'walk of fifth and Broad Streets;three stories. II rooms: modern, andin Al condition. Would make anideal boarding house. Will sacrificeto a >iuIck purchaser. B 2C1. careTimes-Dispatch.

Ft IR SALE SBV ElIA L VERY DES IRA-ble dwellings in Giliter Park andHighland Park at reasonable pricesand terms. .1QI1N T. OODDIN &.CO

SEE 'BLANTON & CO. FOR bestbargains in Monument Annex on allstreets. A big money-maker,_FOR-SALE, THREE FARMS. FROM 12to 100 acres: good buildings: from,". to 15 minutes to Dry Bridge, onSouthern Railway. J. B. MARTIN.Midlothian, Route 2.


FOR SALE OR RENT, 86-ACRE FARM.IC miles from Richmond, quarter-mil.' from railroad nation. AddressF ';s7. care Tlmes-Dispatch.

SEE KLANTON & CO. FOR BESTbargains In Monument Annex on allstreets. A big money-maker._

FOREST HILL,~~H Ä1^"sÖm"e LOT,100x300 feet; splendid location; bestof? neighbors. A bargain for quicksale. E 300. en re Times-Dispatch.

SEE KLANTON A CO. FOR BESTbargains In Monument Annex on allstreets. A big money-maker.

sT^rIkTm"IP ~Usi-l" IN 1300 BLOCKNorth Twenty-third Street at $1.400.Small cash. C 292, care Tlmos-Dlapatch.

X IN E-roöm HOUSE. StTÜLE. twolots. D'iOO block North Twenty-eighth Street. C 201, care Times-Dispatch.


TWENTY*.-FIVE ACRES ON BROADStreet lioad; three-room house, or-chard; six miles from Richmond.

_ROBERT GAEDE, city._CORNER l~öt, 00xl3r.; ORAFOTtDand Burden Avenue. ItOBERTG A EPE, city._

4 8-ACRE FARM. ABOUT~3 IN Ahigh state of cultivation, balancev. ood. all fenced; five-room housein shady grove, good horse and cat¬tle stable, hay barn, tobacco birns.wagon shod, tool, chicken and cornhouse. Right at Southern road,twenty-six miles from Richmond.Cheap fare. C 296, caro Times-Dispatch.

$20,000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITYreal estate at ö per cent, in sumsto suit. JOHN T. GODDIN & CO.

FINE JAMES RIVER FARM; OLDcolonial dwelling, eight rooms; boatlanding on theplacu; to be sold thisweek at n great eacrlflcc. Soc CAS¬SELMAN & CO., 1018 East MalaHeadquarters for Farm Bargains.

FOR SALE OR TRADE COUNTRYStore, 26x50 feet, two-story, six-room house; stable, corn and Ice¬house, chicken house; orchard;three acres of good land, right utcross rouds. Has done business to$10,000 per year; twenty-six milesfrom Ichmond, on Southern Rail¬road. C 203. care Tlmes-Dlspatch.

BAINBRIDGE STREET.TWO 6PLEN-dld brick dwellings, renting for 1660year; only $7.260. This Is a snapto be had on easy terms. CASSEL-M A N. 101S K. Main._

COLORED PROPERTY_REE US FORthis. We have some good payingspeculations. CASSELMAN. 1018 E.Main.FOR SALE. 2S8 ACRES OF COOD

land thai wilhvcut one thousand cordsof wood and more; live-room house;one mile of railroad station; onlv$10 per acre. CASSELMAN & CO..1018 East Main._

BRICK HOUSE OF EIGHT ROOMS,lot 30 feet front; North. TwentiethStrceL In 200 block, or will tradefor ten or eleven-room house onChurch Hill. E 869. care Times-Dispatch._

FOR SALE, FIRST CLASS 1NVEST-ment on Pork Aveuue, two well-built frame houses and a corner lot.Will sell separately or as a whole.Apply OWNER, F 402, care Tlnics-Dispatch._

L. W. HARRIS, CITY", SUBURBAN ANDFurm Properties For Sale. 1201 EastMain Street.

HIGHLAND PARK. NEW HOME, 7rooms; reception hall; large lot;wired for electric lights: bath, etc;close to cars. Price, $2,300.

HIGHLAND PARK COTTAGE, SIXrooms, bath, electric lights, sewers,etc.; one square from car. A delight-ful home. Price. $2,260.

FLOYD AVENUE CORNER LOTS,corner Floyd and Robinson Streets. Ican sell you a bargain. A tine invest¬ment. Sec HARRIS.


to Forest Hill cars; eight largerooms, two porches; large barn,fruits, grapes and two acres of richland. A bargain al $2,500.

ELEGANT COUNTRY HOME ON CARline, near city. Nine rooms and alloutbuildings; variety of assortedfruits; 31 acres of rich land. Foru low price and terms sec HARRIS.

HOME-SEEKERS.I HAVE A LARGElist of city Investment properties andhomes. You should see these beforebuying. Also farms and countryhomes all over the State. Write fornow catalogue of farms, or phoneMadison 3316-J. L. W. HARRIS, 1201East Main Street. Richmond, Va.

CORNER PROPERTY ON NORTHThirty-second Street. 66x140 feet;rents for $20 per month. Good placefor store. $1,750 if bought this.week; terms. C 296, caro Tlmes-Dlspatch._

JAMES RIVER FARM; MUST BEsold before April 15th. 275 acres,nbout 180 In cultivation, balancegood timber; house, twelve largorooms, overlooking river. House-cost $S,.'00 to. build. Large horseand Cftttld barn and other outbuild¬ings; line spring and good orchard;twenty miles below Richmond.Only $10,500. O 294. tare Tlmos-Dlspatch._ .

SEE "TiL-ANTON A- CO. FOR BESTbargains In Monument Annex on ;.1JStreets. A. big money-maker.

Ural (ZfStätt J-at öalrSKtf^LA^füN^ & CoT'Ifo'r^BETbT

oargatiis In Monument Annex on nilstreets. A bit; money-maker.


ner Addison.i'AKK AVENUE, MULBERRY ANDUoulevurd.


sTUART AVENUE. NORTH SIDE.Mulberry anu Boulevard; doublo lot.

oTUART AVENUE. SOUTH SIDE;28x128 feet. Cheap.i 'in EEET NORTH FLOYD. SHEP-pard and West. Flno building prop¬osition, and low priced.o. A. HAWKINS, 100 N. SEVENTHStreet..1KG1NIA TIMBER, ONE MILLIONFeet.Two-thirds pine, balance oult.Busy logging; good roads, threemiles to railroad. Stumpugc only.I'rlcc, ..i.mmi. Wc have some other!good tracts. j. It. MOSELEY & ICO.i 'I1J2 Travel era' Building.

$500 CASH. BALANCE $20 PERinontn. will buy two goo<| cottagesWest of Boulevard, rented at $10 permonih each. Tne rent will soon payfor them. See us quick If you want1tats bargain.

$300 CASH BALANCE $18 PER,month, will buy u nice homo Inliignland Park. Lurgc lot. This isu nice home.

$i00 WILL BUY TWO NICE BUILD-Itig lota on West Street. WM. M.MILLER & CO.. INC., First andUroad Streets. Phone Monroe 3451.improved"

2300 BLOCK JEFFERSON AVENUE, «rooms. Price. $3.000.

2800 BLOCK EAST GRACE STREET,corner. Price reasonable. See usabout these.

OAKWOOD AVENUE, ON CAR LINE.Two frame houses, wide lots; longtime tenants. Always in demand.Good Investment. I

FAIRMOUNT STORE AND SIX-ROOMdwelling combined, on good corner.,wide lot.

15ov BLOCK grove AVENUE, ,

rooms; modern. Price, $8,000.-

2200 BLOCK WEST GRACE street,8 rooms; strictly modern. Price, $8,-750.

2100 BLOCK STUART AVENUE,rooms. Price, $>j,200.

lOuO BLOCK PARK avenue, *>rooms. Price, $8,000.

2500 BLOCK FLOYD avenue, 8rooms; slilctly modem. Price, J6,-800.

O. A. HAWKINS*, 100 N. SEVENTHStreet._

WESTHAMPTON. OR CARY STREETRoad, at corner of River Road andThree-Chopt Road; splendid lots;total 45G feet front: depths rangingfrom 175 to 300 feel. Price $15Per foot. The price Is greatly undeithe market. O. A. HAWKINS, 100North Seventh Street,

13J400 FOR A GROVE AVENUE FRONTof 75 feet, with one of the best Ul¬li., houses in Westhamptoti district.All conveniences. Phone or seeWALTER SOliAAF, 42<J East Broad,or Stop j2. Wosthampton.

bight-room dwelling, strictlymodern, below cost. Hanover Ave.;Investigation solicited. Phone Mail-isoti 121U-J.

103-ACRE FARM ABOUT EIGHTmiles from Richmond, on SouthernRailroad; five mlnutea' walk to sta¬tion, thirty minutes to car line. 45acres in a high stato of cultivation,balance good cord wood; large six-room house with cement cellar, largobarn, wagon, tool nnd hog shed;large chicken house, all cemented;good garden and orchard. Price.$5,000, which Is a bargain, as itwill cost only fifty cenis per cordto ship cord wood to Richmond.e 3ÜS, care Times-Dispatch.

for .sale, RESIDENCE on gIlOVEAvenue, near Harrison Street; goodcondition; twelve rooms, two baths.Most convenient section in the city.Too large for present owner. AddressB iiz. en re Times-Dispatch.

SEE 'BLANTON & co. for bestbargains in Monument Annex on allstreets. A big money-maker.

ten" ROOMS AN 1 r BATH. ex' iui'-tlonally well Srtiilt, detached brickhouse; large rooms, hot and coldwater, electric light:-., gas, outbuild¬ings; '.'8 feet front; good avenue;.000 block west; occupied by ownersince built; leaving town. B Times-Dispatch.

ONLY $240-A SPLENDID GEORGIAfarm home. Earns more each yearthan the total cost.'Cultivation with¬out attention of owner If preferred,or convertible at your option. A.b-solute safely guaranteed. Bank ref¬erence and trusteeship. Write foriphotographs. Quick nctlon neces¬sary. Answer Immediately. GEO.

_W. DEEX, Box 754, Waycross. Ga.FOR HALE OR EXCHANGE, one OFthe most desirable little farms f 12

acres) In Hanover county. sevenmiles north of Richmond, or willexchange direct with owner for su¬burban property north or west ofcity. For particulars address ow-ner.EDWARD Q. VERM1LLERA. Atleo,Va._

?150 AN ACRE, TOBACCO.i,LAND ON THIS 150-ACRE oooch-1land county, Va., farm; good sis-

room house, barn 30x60, tobacco]barm; 100 acres cleared, 200.000 feetsawloga, lot of cordwood; only 3 1-2mi!e3 to depot, market town. Travel¬ing Instructions to sec this big bar¬gain at $1,500, and one of 100 acresfor $1.800. near Moslcy*s Junction,page S, "Southern Farm Catalogue,No. 35," mailed free. Station 2701.E. A. STROUT FARM agency, 617Lithia St.. Greensboro. N. C.

$15 AN ACRE UP FOR DELAWAREfarms; soil easily worked, highlyproductive; Delaware peaches, applesand pears bring highest prices;America's best markets at our doors;farms all sizes; free catalogue.FORD & REIS, INC.. Dept. 75, Wil¬mington, Del.

FOR SALE OR TRADE. 100-ACREfarm, in connection with brick storebuilding: nice seven-room house andoutbuildings. Price, $2,700. Or willsell store nnd 40 acres for $800. orf',0 acrea of land, store and all build¬ings for $1,950. Farm 8 miles fromcity of Salisbury, Maryland. Boatsand two railroads. Address O. f.DUBOIB. Frultland. Maryland.

SPECIAL SALE OF WOODLANDHeights Home.Nine-room, two-story, frame; water, bath, electriclights; halls, closets, porches, largeyards, basement, modern finish andconveniences throughout. Must besold. Investigate this; there'll neverhe another such chance. j. h.MOSELEY & CO., 312 Travelers'Building._"NOS. 200-202-204-206 N. ADDISONStreet, 201-203-205 North Elm StreetApply A. C. BEDFORD. 1011 EastMain Street.

FOR SADE. TWO THREE-ROOMhouses In colored section; AI condi¬tion. Also a now fi-room, bath,closets and nil conveniences, in WestEnd. Nice homo or good Investment.Need money; anxious to sell. OWN-ER, Box 000._TF YOU want to SELL YOUR, REALcstato give in a list of it. We anil.GIBBONEY-NUCKOLS CO. 1014 EastMain Street. Monroe 246».

SOdfittTTAVgR^^ Sßö^CSIMBHANOVER AVENUE, 2l00 rjlock.olgttt rooms; buth. hot water heat!i. rice, $6.50o,HANOVER AVENUE^ 1300 BLOCK;nlno rooms, bath e.n« latroba: tinsIs a bargain. Price, $5,59u.park AVENUE. 2:iÖÖ BLOCK- new17-room dwelling; bath, hoi waterneat; hardwood floors. Price. $16,000.FLOYD AVENUE^ 2400 block; BIXr°°'P*- batn and latrobe. Prlc*.54,750.

STUART AVENUE 2200 Bl/yck; SIXrooms, bath. Price. $4,600.main street. 1300 block- cmi-

E°F: detached ;ulglu roams, uaib.Price, $5,100. Rent. $450.chaffin street, two SEVEN-room dwellings; bath. Price, |;,i'"o.

LAUREL STREET, 300 BLOCK SOUTH'flvo rooms, bath. Price. ^2.300.cherry STREET, north; EIGHTrooms, bath and latrobe. Price,

EAST CLAV STREET, 2600 BLOCK;six-room brick dwelling. Price$1,660.'.Of- BLOCK NORTH THIRTY-FIFTHStreet; eleven rooms, bath and la¬

trobe. Price, $3.600.BUCHANAN STREET, FOUR NEW

houses; rent, $342 per annum. Price.$2.800.

JACKSON WARD, FOUR HOUSE'S, U*tood condition; rent. $480. Price,2.500.


rooms, bath, hot water heat. Price,$5,000.

HOME STREET NEW. EIGHT ROOMS,bath, latrobe. Price. $3.600.

GARLAND AVENUE, EIGHT ROOMS,bath. Price. $3,750.

POE STREET. TEN ROOMS, BATH;rent, $360. Price, $3,200.


GREENWOOD AVENUE,rooms, bath Price. $3,50(

WEST HIGHLAND PARK. SEVENrooms; largo reception hall. Pi iCej$2,350. Terms easy.


acres; three miles from city lire..Is;1160 par acre.

FARM, TRUCK AND POULTHV; 2. ¦_acres: 6-room dwelling; outhousesar.d orchard; 16 acres In cultivation;li- miles from Laurel Station. Price.$1.300.

SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE TWO ACRES;oil public road; live minutes' walk;Glen Allen Price, $2.250.

MX-ROOM NEW HOUSE: ONE ACRElclose to railroad, school, post-o'ltcoand store. Price. $,250.

NEW SIX-ROOM DWELLING; FIFTYacre*; this (s fine place for poultry.;two miles west of 'Hen Allen. Pre : ,

$2,860. E. F. SCHMIDT A: CO 619American Natloal Bank ButVtlng.Phone Monroe 2387.

FOR SALE, LOT 160 FEET BYfoci College Terrace, frontin« TtiropCtiopt Road, Westnampton. Canbe bought cheap if taken at OnCO,Forced to sell for division. E 257,care Times-Dispatch.

REAL ESTATE "FOR SA1 .E BY AM' »3A- POlNDENTER. Travelers' Build-'lug._

On Bioad Street Road. miles out,42 acres. 20 cleared; long frontageshalf-cleared.

20 cleared; long frontage: halt-cleared.Buildings, orchard, etc. $4,600.

36 acres, 6 miles out; 6-rooin residencegood outbuildings. All clear and Hicultivation. Good long frontage no

Hroad Stroet Road. Price. $6.000.On Hungary Road. 100 yards rrora

Hroad, 40 acres. New house, barn andstables; "-room dwelling; 5 miles out.Everything essential. $136 per acre.

il acres, S miles awav, on Broud Str.-otRoad In timber; j 75 per acre.

23 acres, long frontnge on Broad Streo*Road. 4 1-2 miles out. Lovely building:site. $260 per acre.

Near stop on Lakeside trolley, 5 acre*rieh land; 7-room bouse; several out«buildings. $5.000.

We have small and large larirts atevery kind and on every railroad andtrolley line coming into our city. Wewill sell them on liberal terms, orcan trade uoin-. ol them for <üyrealty property built on. Call andtalk with us about them. Don's,phone.



FRANKLIN STREET CORNER EE?Cmdence; broad lot; Al place for apaii*ment house.

MONUMENT AVENUE CORNER REStndence. This is a choice one. Get fullinformation by phone.


WEST END LOT, READY FOR THE:bulldor. JLet us show you what w»have before you decide upon one.


WEST GRACE STREET RESIDENCE,west of Richmond College; corner.

BEAUTIFUL GROVE AVENUE LOT*,smooth pavement to be laid.

FACTORIES FOR SALE IN HEART < 'Fcity. These aro real bargains.


IIANOVER AVENUE DWELLING!newly painted and In nice oondltlorl,

LOT AT CORNER PARK AVENUEand Park Street, fronting on city,park 125 feet. Ideal location.


BROAD STREET STORE, XEAHIFirst. Built for the merchant's con*,venlence In handling business.

WEST END ACREAGE NEAR KL1N3.Motor Co., Broad Street Road, West*,hampton and Ointer Park.

MONEY TO LEND ON ALL CLASSESof property. For quick loans see tig.

DESIRABLE OFFICES FOP. RENT*,-Merchants' Bank Building._

FOR SALE, NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE,"near car Itne; good acreage. $100cash, balance long time. Place, willbe sacrificed to quick buyer. Ad¬dress F 389, cars Timca-Dlspatch._

NEAT FRAME HOUSE, 7 ROOMS!large reception hall, with modern Im¬provements. Lot 85 by 130 feet.Phone Madlaon 4803-L._

FINE POULTRY- AND TRUCK FARM,20 acres; house eight roms. Chickenhouses, barn, stable, spring, etc.; atstation, ten miles from Richmond.Price, $2,800. Five acres, no build*ings, $100 per acre. P. S. LEAKS,Glen Allen, Va._

FARM. 68 ACRES, ALL IN CULTI-vatlon, fenced and cross fenced withwire; two-story dwelling, sevenlarge rooms, hall and porch, sur¬rounded by shade trees; two-roomtenant house, good stable, granary,two wagon sheds, cattle, nntl hayshed, large chicken house: good or>chard, two wells, wind mill, wate-»in house. A gentleman's t'.irni laany respect: only 2 V. miles froniRichmond on oner of the best niilo«;mobile roads. E "63, care Times«Dispatch.

CHERRY STREET.7-RÖÖM RR7rTf*dwelling, on nice lot. and onlv nJC760 cash. OASSELMAN. *