how river rafting compares to writing an essay

How River Rafting Compares to Writing an Essay

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: How river rafting compares to writing an essay

How River Rafting Compares to Writing an Essay

Page 2: How river rafting compares to writing an essay

River rafting is a good idea on how to write a good essay. It starts off really slowly and starts to build up speed and excitement in the people. To write an essay, the introduction should start of slowly and gain more information before we can start the writing the body.

Page 3: How river rafting compares to writing an essay

Once we have enough information, we can start the body. This is when something unexpected happens. A river raft suddenly goes down the river moving up and down in all directions moving at a fast speed. To start the conclusion we need to make sure that we have provided enough information.

Page 4: How river rafting compares to writing an essay

Once we have enough information we can start the conclusion. This is when we give the reader a new perspective. The reader now fully understands the book. After river rafting we enter the smooth flowing river and end up at the other side.

Page 5: How river rafting compares to writing an essay

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