how kris writes symfony apps

How Kris Writes Symfony Apps

Upload: kris-wallsmith

Post on 08-Sep-2014




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You’ve seen Kris’ open source libraries, but how does he tackle coding out an application? Walk through green fields with a Symfony expert as he takes his latest “next big thing” idea from the first line of code to a functional prototype. Learn design patterns and principles to guide your way in organizing your own code and take home some practical examples to kickstart your next project.


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How Kris Writes Symfony Apps

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father artist bowhunter hacker president widower gamer actor tapdancer lover hater singer writer founder yogi consultant archer musician architect slacker soccer player volunteer home owner scotch drinker pianist…

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Getting Started

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composer create-project \! symfony/framework-standard-edition \! widgets-by-kris/ \! ~2.4

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- "doctrine/orm": "~2.2,>=2.2.3",!- "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "~1.2",!+ "doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle": "~3.0",!+ "jms/di-extra-bundle": "~1.4",!+ "jms/security-extra-bundle": "~1.5",!+ "jms/serializer-bundle": "~1.0",

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./app/console generate:bundle \! --namespace=Kris/Bundle/MainBundle

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public function registerContainerConfiguration(LoaderInterface $loader)!{! $loader->load(__DIR__.'/config/config_'.$this->getEnvironment().'.yml');!! // load local_*.yml or local.yml! if (! file_exists($file = __DIR__.'/config/local_'.$this->getEnvironment().'.yml')! ||! file_exists($file = __DIR__.'/config/local.yml')! ) {! $loader->load($file);! }!}

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Treat your model like a princess.

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She gets her own wing of the palace…

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doctrine_mongodb:! auto_generate_hydrator_classes: %kernel.debug%! auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug%! connections: { default: ~ }! document_managers:! default:! connection: default! database: kris! mappings:! model:! type: annotation! dir: %src%/Kris/Model! prefix: Kris\Model! alias: Model

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// repo for src/Kris/Model/Widget.php!$repo = $this->dm->getRepository('Model:User');

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…doesn't do any work…

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use Kris\Bundle\MainBundle\Canonicalizer;!!public function setUsername($username)!{! $this->username = $username;!! $canonicalizer = Canonicalizer::instance();! $this->usernameCanonical = $canonicalizer->canonicalize($username);!}

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use Kris\Bundle\MainBundle\Canonicalizer;!!public function setUsername($username, Canonicalizer $canonicalizer)!{! $this->username = $username;! $this->usernameCanonical = $canonicalizer->canonicalize($username);!}

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…and is unaware of the work being done around her.

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public function setUsername($username)!{! // a listener will update the! // canonical username! $this->username = $username;!}

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Anemic domain model is an anti-pattern?

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“The fundamental horror of this anti-pattern is that it's so contrary to the basic idea of object-oriented design;

which is to combine data and process together.” !

Martin Fowler

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Cabinets don’t open themselves.

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Mapping Layers

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thin controller fat model

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Is Symfony an MVC framework?

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TP Land

Application Land


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The controller is thin because it maps from

HTTP-land to application-land.

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What about the model?

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public function registerAction()!{! // ...! $user->sendWelcomeEmail();! // ...!}

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public function registerAction()!{! // ...! $mailer->sendWelcomeEmail($user);! // ...!}

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Application Land

Persistence Land


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The model maps from application-land to persistence-land.

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Application Land

Persistence Land


TP Land


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Who lives in application land?

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Thin controller, thin model… Fat service layer!

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Application Events

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Use them.

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That happened.

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/** @DI\Observe("user.username_change") */!public function onUsernameChange(UserEvent $event)!{! $user = $event->getUser();! $dm = $event->getDocumentManager();!! $dm->getRepository('Model:Widget')! ->updateDenormalizedUsernames($user);!}

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One event class per model

• Event name constants

• Accepts object manager and object as arguments

• Simple accessors

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$event = new UserEvent($dm, $user);!$dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvent::CREATE, $event);

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$event = new UserUserEvent($dm, $user, $otherUser);!$dispatcher->dispatch(UserEvent::FOLLOW, $event);

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public function preFlush(ManagerEventArgs $event)!{! $dm = $event->getObjectManager();! $uow = $dm->getUnitOfWork();!! foreach ($uow->getIdentityMap() as $class => $docs) {! if (is_a($class, 'Kris\Model\User')) {! foreach ($docs as $doc) {! $this->processUserFlush($dm, $doc);! }! } elseif (is_a($class, 'Kris\Model\Widget')) {! foreach ($docs as $doc) {! $this->processWidgetFlush($dm, $doc);! }! }! }!}

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/** @DI\Observe("user.create") */!public function onUserCreate(UserEvent $event)!{! $user = $event->getUser();!! $activity = new Activity();! $activity->setActor($user);! $activity->setVerb('register');! $activity->setCreatedAt($user->getCreatedAt());!! $this->dm->persist($activity);!}

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/** @DI\Observe("user.follow_user") */!public function onFollowUser(UserUserEvent $event)!{! $event->getUser()! ->getStats()! ->incrementFollowedUsers(1);! $event->getOtherUser()! ->getStats()! ->incrementFollowers(1);!}

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Decouple your application by delegating work to clean, concise,

single-purpose event listeners.

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Contextual Configuration

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Save your future self a headache

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# @MainBundle/Resources/config/widget.yml!services:! widget_twiddler:! class: Kris\Bundle\MainBundle\Widget\Twiddler! arguments:! - @event_dispatcher! - @?logger

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/** @DI\Service("widget_twiddler") */!class Twiddler!{! /** @DI\InjectParams */! public function __construct(! EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher,! LoggerInterface $logger = null)! {! // ...! }!}

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services:! # aliases for auto-wiring! container: @service_container! dm: @doctrine_mongodb.odm.document_manager! doctrine: @doctrine_mongodb! dispatcher: @event_dispatcher! security: @security.context

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<script src="{{ asset('js/lib/require.js') }}"></script>!<script>!require.config({! baseUrl: "{{ asset('js') }}",! paths: {! "jquery": "//",! "underscore": "lib/underscore",! "backbone": "lib/backbone"! },! shim: {! "jquery": { exports: "jQuery" },! "underscore": { exports: "_" },! "backbone": {! deps: [ "jquery", "underscore" ],! exports: "Backbone"! }! }!})!require([ "main" ])!</script>

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// web/js/model/user.js!define(! [ "underscore", "backbone" ],! function(_, Backbone) {! var tmpl = _.template("<%- first %> <%- last %>")! return Backbone.Model.extend({! name: function() {! return tmpl({! first: this.get("first_name"),! last: this.get("last_name")! })! }! })! }!)

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{% block head %}!<script>!require(! [ "view/user", "model/user" ],! function(UserView, User) {! var view = new UserView({! model: new User({{ user|serialize|raw }}),! el: document.getElementById("user")! })! }!)!</script>!{% endblock %}

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• model: backbone, underscore

• view: backbone, jquery

• template: model, view

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{% javascripts! "js/lib/jquery.js" "js/lib/underscore.js"! "js/lib/backbone.js" "js/model/user.js"! "js/view/user.js"! filter="?uglifyjs2" output="js/packed/user.js" %}!<script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>!{% endjavascripts %}!!<script>!var view = new UserView({! model: new User({{ user|serialize|raw }}),! el: document.getElementById("user")!})!</script>

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Unused dependencies naturally slough off

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{% block head %}!<script>!require(! [ "view/user", "model/user" ],! function(UserView, User) {! var view = new UserView({! model: new User({{ user|serialize|raw }}),! el: document.getElementById("user")! })! }!)!</script>!{% endblock %}

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/** @ExclusionPolicy("ALL") */!class User!{! private $id;!!

/** @Expose */! private $firstName;!!

/** @Expose */! private $lastName;!}

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When to create a new bundle

• Anything reusable

• Lots of classes relating to one feature

• Integration with a third party

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{% include 'MainBundle:Account/Widget:sidebar.html.twig' %}

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{% include 'AccountBundle:Widget:sidebar.html.twig' %}

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Access Control

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The Symfony ACL is for arbitrary permissions

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Encapsulate access logic in custom voter classes

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/** @DI\Service(public=false) @DI\Tag("security.voter") */!class WidgetVoter implements VoterInterface!{! public function supportsAttribute($attribute)! {! return 'OWNER' === $attribute;! }!! public function supportsClass($class)! {! return is_a($class, 'Kris\Model\Widget');! }!! public function vote(TokenInterface $token, $widget, array $attributes)! {! // ...! }!}

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public function vote(TokenInterface $token, $widget, array $attributes)!{! $result = VoterInterface::ACCESS_ABSTAIN;! if (!$this->supportsClass(get_class($widget))) {! return $result;! }!! foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {! if (!$this->supportsAttribute($attribute)) {! continue;! }!! $result = VoterInterface::ACCESS_DENIED;! if ($token->getUser() === $widget->getUser()) {! return VoterInterface::ACCESS_GRANTED;! }! }!! return $result;!}

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/** @SecureParam(name="widget", permissions="OWNER") */!public function editAction(Widget $widget)!{! // ...!}

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{% if is_granted('OWNER', widget) %}!{# ... #}!{% endif %}

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No query builders outside of repositories

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class WidgetRepository extends DocumentRepository!{! public function findByUser(User $user)! {! return $this->createQueryBuilder()! ->field('userId')->equals($user->getId())! ->getQuery()! ->execute();! }!! public function updateDenormalizedUsernames(User $user)! {! $this->createQueryBuilder()! ->update()! ->multiple()! ->field('userId')->equals($user->getId())! ->field('userName')->set($user->getUsername())! ->getQuery()! ->execute();! }!}

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Eager ID creation

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public function __construct()!{! $this->id = (string) new \MongoId();!}

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public function __construct()!{! $this->id = (string) new \MongoId();! $this->createdAt = new \DateTime();! $this->widgets = new ArrayCollection();!}

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Remember your clone constructor

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$foo = new Foo();!$bar = clone $foo;

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public function __clone()!{! $this->id = (string) new \MongoId();! $this->createdAt = new \DateTime();! $this->widgets = new ArrayCollection(! $this->widgets->toArray()! );!}

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public function __construct()!{! $this->id = (string) new \MongoId();! $this->createdAt = new \DateTime();! $this->widgets = new ArrayCollection();!}!!public function __clone()!{! $this->id = (string) new \MongoId();! $this->createdAt = new \DateTime();! $this->widgets = new ArrayCollection(! $this->widgets->toArray()! );!}

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Save space on field names

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/** @ODM\String(name="u") */!private $username;!!

/** @ODM\String(name="uc") @ODM\UniqueIndex */!private $usernameCanonical;

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Only flush from the controller

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public function theAction(Widget $widget)!{! $this->get('widget_twiddler')! ->skeedaddle($widget);! $this->flush();!}

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No proxy objects

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/** @ODM\ReferenceOne(targetDocument="User") */!private $user;

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public function getUser()!{! if ($this->userId && !$this->user) {! throw new UninitializedReferenceException('user');! }!! return $this->user;!}

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Thank You!