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Russian Doping Eliska Hruba | Social Psychology | April 2017

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Russian Doping Eliska Hruba | Social Psychology | April 2017

How it all began I chose this topic as I still believe in the original meaning of sport: active living, being outdoor, relax, cooperation, fair play etc. Unfortunately, we got into the stage when these principles seems to be disappeared and it is all about being successful, famous, rich so basically, to get as many medals as possible. It is all the results, not the process and the things that go with it. Nowadays, it is all about money. And sometimes, people, sportsmen and nations do not even care, how they reach the result they only desire for. For example Russia, world´s largest nation, demonstrate one of the biggest significant issues in 21st century sport.

BEGINNING The most important root begins in 2010, when Vitaly Stepanov from Russian Anti- Doping Agency called RUSADA started to notify World Anti- Doping Agency called WADA about RUSADA allowing systematic doping, this time in athletics. He states that he sent around 200 emails and 50 letter during 3 years. (1) Also another initiator was Darya Pischalnikova, which sent in December 2012 an letter to WADA containing even more details. Not only them, but also journalist Nick Harris claims that contacted International Olympic Committee to raise imputation against Moscow laboratory led by Grigory Rodchenkov. Based on these unsuccessful attempts, Stepanov states that WADA does not want to let this story out with the argument that it is uneasy to see well enough into the issue. Even though this did not help, one internal employee connected him with German broadcaster ARD. This action was to get attention of the media, which they succeeded with help of Hajo Seppelt journalist, which was previously involved into doping some European countries as well as East Germany. So in December 2014 Seppelt´s Documentary was released- The Doping Secret: How Russia Creates its Champions. One of the strongest statement was provided by Vitaly and Yulia Stepanova.

Vitally has been employed as for collecting urine and blood samples inside the agency assign for combating all the drugs used in sport. And Yulia was printer on 800 meters using steroids. They described what led them to reveal all the facts after collecting some proofs and audio records of Yulia´s couch and members of athlete team. These facts are revealed also in 60 Minutes interview (2) with them as well as with US sprinter Alysia Montano, which describes the loss of gold medal in a sprint against Mariya Savinova in 2012.


Details that Yulia Stepanova revealed were about covering the doping testing by members of the drug testing laboratory. Also, that all the athletes were paying for all the supplements as well as for the covering and had to subtract 5% of their overall earnings (sponsors etc.).

HAPPENING IN 2016 Richard McLaren which was appointed on the 19th of May 2016 to lead investigation of the doping unclarity regarding Winter Olympics 2014 placed in Sochi published on the 18th of July 2016 almost 100 page-report (3) covering whole issue of accused Grigory Rodchenkov. What is even more concerning about this whole issue is, that this all has been sponsored by the government. Which is the concerning difference between all other countries, where this never happened and doping was a thing just in a few exceptional cases.

The report was based on evidence conducted from interviewing witnesses, based on documents such as forensic and laboratory analysis of athlete´s samples. And the overall result of this research is, that Federal Security Service (FSB), WADA and also the Ministry of Sport was involved. They have been using the method of disappearing samples taken from the athletes or they have been swopped. McLaren states in his report that minimum of positive samples was 643.

Results from following report from December 2016 states that there was at least 1000 of athletes benefiting from the covering up approach of Russian sport. Very painful information also might be that also blind powerlifter might have been given some drugs as well as fiftheen year old athlete. (4)


Picture 2

REACTIONS International International sources firstly tried not to let such uncertainties to leak out as they might not have been sure due to insufficient documentation as well not having the possibility to investigate from inside the country. This can be a little bit understandable, however due to a high number of tries to resolve this without any respond, this is a little bit suspicious.

From the year 2016 all articles seems to be based on relevant documentation and good evidence. As a result, it seems to me that no one is questioning US and European resources, however we cannot be sure if all statements are truth too when no one tried to see it from different point of view.

The comments below some of the articles can be divided into two groups: First one is only against Russia, how unfair it is etc. Many important articles also state how interconnected system was developed in Russia as a “hunt” for medals. (5) (6) (7).


The screen below also shows an opinion showing the concerns, that relevant institutions are too careful in this matter due to the political power of Russia as a country. That if it would not be Russia, the approach would differ.

Picture 3: Article reacting on Kevan Gosper´s statement regarding Olympics in Rio

Picture 4: Comment below the 60 Minutes Interview: Agains Yulia and Russia


Picture 5: Pro Russia Comment (Reaction to 60 Minutes Interview)

Russia Russia is the target of this whole issue, so of course they try to shake off all the accusations and they deny and deny all the accusations. When a strong proof arises, they try to avoid real statement. After Richard McLaren Report they let themselves hear that they will try to resolve this, improve and cooperate. Unfortunately, not too much has changed so nothing is cleared yet with regards past Olympic games (London 2012 and Sochi 2014). In some articles, Russian statement are trying to state that this is just an anti-Russian plot while others states that it is just what everyone does as well. President Putin, member of Parliament, they all agreed that it is just a pure falsification to humiliate Russia. (8)

As great demonstration of Russian approach to this affair is official statement from RUSADA reacting onto the New York Times Article. They deny that there would be any involvement of the top country officials, and that RUSADA cannot admit nor deny with facts published on the beginning


of December 2016 and that all accusations are not right and it is going to be investigated by Committee of the Russian federation. (9)

When searching thorough Twitter, some comments from Russian Athletes were deleted.

Picture 6: Translated reaction on RBC Sport information from Sergei Chepikov

Czech Republic Czech media seemed a little bit unsure regarding this issue and their ideas differed. First wrote Russia admitted whole doping affair, even though they have not yet at that time. Than in the beginning of February wrote an article that premier Vitalij Mutkov said that athlete couches were not working within the rules and were not able to work without using doping. (10) Also, he said that Russia made a big progress in past few months and is working on cancellation of the suspending of Russian athletes.

Last two years with growing popularity of biathlon in Czech Republic Slesinger´s attitude regarding Russian and doping in this field was easily visible. He assembled an meeting in January 2017 in Oberhof to demonstrate his and another 60 cross country skiers approach with such issue and show their dissatisfaction with IBUs approach to resolve and publish statement


regarding biatlonists using doping. They all were also ready to “boycott” the race planning to stay on the start if they would not be hear out. One of the points that Slesinger with Martin Fourcade and with Lowell Baily came up was more strict consequences of using doping, because they think that it will never by possible to prevent doping completely. (11) Russian skier Sipulin was also present which is a great support for fixing such matter.

Picture 7: Nasty comments from Russian people after Gabina´s comment: Russian biathlonists cannot be trusted due to a high number of doping sportsman.

Picture 8: One of the more strict reaction to an article from Oberhof


Picture 9: Anti- Russian Comments

SUMMARYWhile writing this assignment I realized how hard it is to find the real truth when there is more parties included. I it also very easily visible that it all depends on each media that is providing the information in concrete country. We usually tend to take the first article as the main one and never start to think that it might by just a small part of the issue. The more sources there are with the online epoch, the easier it is to find more points of view as well it is harder to state which one is the only truth. Even though our world seems developed, I believe that some results might have been made or awaited before release itself based on the power of Russia and the need not to go behind the “boards”. This is sad and makes me even more appreciate the courage that Yulia Stepanov had to step out of the crowd and speak out, even though she with her family still might be in danger.


I would be really happy to believe in only on of the theories, however this is almost impossible due to the fact, that it is still undergoing investigations and will not be closed soon. Sad is, that it also all influenced by the power that money have and destroys the nice meaning of the sport itself.

I only hope that people that have a strong word in this field will be strong enough to issue further statements based on real evidence will take action only in good will. If this is not going to happen soon, I hope that the sport society will raise their arms and begin the action, because that is the only way when something can be fixed. And Russians should want to fix this if they want to compete on the international field, which should stay only fair.

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References1. Pells, Eddie. 60 Minutes: WADA received 200 emails from whistleblower about Russian doping scandal. [Online] May 8, 2016.

2. Keteyian, Armen. Russian doping at Sochi Winter Olympics exposed. [Online] May 8, 2014.

3. McLaren, Richard H. WADA INVESTIGATION OF SOCHI ALLEGATIONS . [Online] July 18, 2016.


4. ELLINGWORTH, JAMES. Emails show how Russian officials covered up mass doping. [Online] December 12, 2016.

5. . Ano, podváděli jsme. Rusko poprvé přiznalo státem řízený doping, Putin o ničem nevěděl. [Online] December 28, 2016.

6. Fendrychova, Simona. Moskva kryla doping více než tisícovky sportovců, tvrdí Světová antidopingová agentura. [Online] December 9, 2016.

7. Frendrychova, Simona. Z dopingového systému v Rusku těžilo přes tisíc sportovců. Stát je kryl, tvrdí Světová antidopingová agentura. [Online] December 9, 2016.

8. Nemtsova, Anna. Russia: America and the West ‘Invented’ Olympic Doping Scandal to ‘Humiliate’ Us. [Online] June 17, 2016.

9. RUSADA. . Official statement by RUSADA concerning the “The New York Times” article. [Online] December 28, 2016 .