how i edit videos

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Post on 08-Apr-2017




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Adobe Premier InstructionsMaking of Camera Movements and Shots

I used Adobe Premiere to edit my filmTo import the clips I wanted into the program I went to Add Media and then selected Files and folders, and selected the clips I wanted from a folder on the computer.

I then dragged and dropped the clip into the video to Video 1 layer.Then to select the parts of the clip I wanted to include in the movie, I simply moved the pointer to where I wanted to cut and clicked the scissors icon. Of course if I had more than one layer I had to make sure to select the right one or for example I would be cutting the music instead of the film clip.

Adding the title, credits and subtitlesTo add a title to the clip I chose which title I wanted in Titles and Text "at the bottom. I then dragged it onto the video layer above the actual film so that it will show up on top of the film.If I dragged it on the same layer as the film, the title alone would have been showed which would look boring and could confuse the audience to what exactly the title/text is to.

Editing the Text BoxesThe text in the text boxes can added/changed by selecting the text box, and selecting the mouse icon. Then double clicking the text box already there and writing the title you want.The text in the text box can be animated by selecting the Animation tab . The available animations will be below, those can be previewed by clicking the play button. To animate the text, select one animation and drag it to the text you want.

TransitionsTransitions are used to change from one scene to another in a movie without breaking continuity. To put in a transition I simply chose the transition I wanted from the transition window, which I opened by clicking transitions. Then dragging the transition between the two clips I wanted there to be a transition between. Then I selected how long I would like the transition to lastand where I would like to place it on the clips exactly

MusicMusic in films is used to created a specific atmosphere, such as scary by using high pitch music or romantic by using violin music. I added music to my movie to make it seem more interesting and seem more energetic. I deleted the audio from the video by right clicking the clip and then selected delete audio . The reason why I did this is because I had no dialogue in this movie and the background sounds (which were mostly cars and people screaming) were unneeded. I added the music to my movie by importing it to Adobe Premier and then dragging it to the Audi layer(Should have put it in soundtrack, however since I had no other audio it didnt matter) I then adjusted the volume of it my adjusting the level of the yellow line.

Then to make the music fade at the end of the video I right clicked the last section of the music and then selected from the options Fade and then Fade out Audio I could then adjust where it fades and how low the music goes or how fat it fades by adjusting the gradient of the yellow line.

EffectsThose are edited into the movie after it has been filmed. Those are used to created something that might have been impossible to film such as magic spells, or to create a certain atmosphere.To add an effect I simply selected the effect I wanted from the Effect window and dragged it on to the clip I wanted to Heres the ghosting effect used. It creates the effect of the character or even the audience having a distorted vision, as if they have been hit with something or drunk.

Slow-motionSlow-motion is used in movies to show the details of a fast paced action. This stresses the action and makes it more dramatic and have more impact.To slow down a clip I right clicked the clip I wanted and selected Time StretchThen I selected the speed I wanted the clip to be at. Less then 100% would slow the clip down, more would have speed it up.