how effective is the main combination and ancillary

How effective is the main combination and ancillary texts?

Upload: ashleigh-adjei-agyekum

Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: How effective is the main combination and ancillary

How effective is the main combination and ancillary texts?

Page 2: How effective is the main combination and ancillary


The main combination is effective because the ancillary texts I have used consist of tag lines and a selling line which will appeal to my target audience, by being eye catching it will entice them to see my film. The use of a bold heading will stand out and draw them in.

The poster mainly consists of light colours, I choose to use these colours to give a warming effect which helps support the codes and conventions that romantic comedy genre fall in to. The bold colours I used to outline the heading were done intentionally to draw my audience in, instantly.

I used a picture of the two actors from my trailer so my target audience would know that they are the focus of my film. I deliberately asked my actors to stand in an agitated, unwelcoming way to show that they wouldn’t initially get along, before building a romance.

Page 3: How effective is the main combination and ancillary


For my magazine cover, I would say it is very effect for my main combination and ancillary text because I used most of the Conventions that would be used normally for a magazine cover. I have a main image, that consists of my main protaginists, I have a cover line, date line, price and issue number. As well as this I have a tag line, website , a barcode, a selling line and a masthead.

By using the conventions it made it easier for me to plan and structure my magazine cover, the terminology gave me a basis of what each convention meant, so I could use them in the correct way. I choose to use the tag line on the magazine cover to appeal to the readers of this magazine 13-18 year old females. ‘This movie is a laugh out loud film every teenage girl will love’ because this phrase is categorised, it shows that my magazine had high compliments for the film which then engages my readers into the story. By using a Barcode, Issue number, Dateline and having a price on the cover it makes my magazine look more professional. The more professional the magazine looks it encourages the reader to believe what they are reading.

Page 4: How effective is the main combination and ancillary

TRAILERMy trailer is also very effective, similar to the magazine cover and poster, I used ancillary text to give me an idea on how to plan my trailer. My trailer is a romantic comedy therefore I had to be selective of the ancillary texts I used to foreshadow this genre. The conventions I used were non diegetic music, diegetic music, text on screen, production logos which will be used on any trailer, however I had to be selective with the type of diegetic music I used, my font and the text that I chose to display to the audience.

My trailer appeals to my target audience because of the plot/settings and character types. After researching romantic comedies I wanted my product to target adolescent girls therefore I chose a young cast around the same age as them. I based my settings in sixth form and chose obstacles they may face, I.E references for university, personal statements and coursework. I felt this would help my audience connect better with my characters.