how are all bonuses' calculated to troop stats?

How are all Bonuses’ calculated to Troop stats?

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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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Page 1: How are all bonuses' calculated to troop stats?

How are all Bonuses’ calculated to Troop stats?

Page 2: How are all bonuses' calculated to troop stats?

There are a lot of variables in the game that add all up. This is confusing as well so;

you have to realize how the final stats involved in combat are calculated.

Remember, there is more to the stats than just the Base Stat and the Throne

Room. You also need to take Research Levels, Knight level, Shop Items and

Guardian bonuses, City Blessings, Champion Troop Buffs etc. into

consideration…not only that but, you also need to know how each one is used to

obtain the final stat that you will see on your reports.

So let’s break that down into the Applicable Categories:

Research Levels (Alchemy lab & Briton Workshop)

Knight Level (i.e. Marshall 300)

Guardian Bonuses (1 Guardian active + Set Bonus of having all 4 Guardians)

Ascension City Blessings (Bloodlust, Empowered Iron etc.)

Throne Room Stats

Champion Troop buffs

Shop items (i.e. Blood Fury, Iron Skin, Banner of Vigor)

Order of the Round Table

EVERY Bonus and Debuff is calculated using that particular troop’s Base Stat…the

only exception to this is the Guardians.

Let’s have a look at each of the applicable categories

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Base Stats

Each Troop has Base stats. You can see these Base Stats in PowerBot+ and in each

Barack where you can train the troop. The Base Battle stats that are visible are;

Attack, Defense, Life, Speed, Range, Load,

Accuracy (Invisible)

It is to these STATS that the various bonuses, buffs, researches are added.

Resulting in higher STATS in buff & debuff, like below.

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Research Levels (Alchemy lab & Briton Workshop)

All the research is calculated from a Troops BASE STAT, the bonuses awarded from

them are Constant depending on the research level obtained.

It is thus important to finish your battle researches (poisoned edge, fletching etc.)

which you can easily check in PowerBot+ as you see in 1st pic. (If all green you have

maxed out research)

The values of each level 12 Research from Alchemy lab & Briton workshop,

applicable to Battle gets applied to the Base Stat of the troop doing battle.

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Knight Level (i.e. Marshall 300)

Knights are needed to lead your troops into the battle in Defending & Attacking. They also

boost your troops by the amount of combat skill they have

A Knight applies half its combat skill as a bonus to the Attack and Defense stats of the troops he marches with; therefore, if you send a Knight with 300 combat skill with an army, all troops in that army gain a 127% * bonus to Attack and Defense. This stacks with the effects of research and purchased items, of course.

* The maximum is 255, (capped) though in practice, that’s not functionally different than 254 (total impact of 127% bonus).

Since Attack usually grows at a faster rate than Defense, this most distinctly makes your troops more efficient killers.

The defender applies his own Knight’s combat skill the same way to his troops.

For reference, when defending a city, the Marshal’s combat skill is the one always used, even if one of your reinforcing allies sends a better Knight.

Much like Research and Knight boosts, item boosts provide a percentage bonus to the troop statistics. These boosts are additive with similar bonuses; therefore, if you have a 20% attack boost item, level 10 Poisoned Edge, and a Knight with 200 Combat skill, your troops will have a net bonus to their Attack statistic of 170%. (100% from the Knight, 10 * 5% for Poisoned Edge, 20% for item)

All defending troops use the Marshal’s combat skill.

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Guardian Bonuses (1 Guardian active + Set Bonus of having all 4 Guardians)

There are four different Guardians that you can employ in each of your cities that not only

increase certain troop stats, but also give you a boost on a specific resource’s production.

However, only three of those Guardians actually affect troop stats:

1. Weald Fenrir – Wood and strengthens the HP attribute of your troops

2. Iron Indrik – Ore and Attack

3. Viand Kraken – Food and Speed

4. Emet Golem - Stone and Troop Training

Another thing to note is that you won’t see the bonuses ALL the time. The Ore Guardian’s

benefit will only be applied while you are attacking and the Wood Guardian’s bonus is only

applied while defending. The only time you will actually get an Attack and Life bonus from

your Guardians is with the Set Bonus, for having all four guardians in the same city. At which

point you get an extra 50% bonus on the active Guardian as well as 50% of the bonuses from

the inactive ones.

So…to make it simple, if you are attacking someone else, summon your Ore Guardian. If you

are defending against an attack, use the Wood Guardian.

As far as your troops’ stats go, the Guardian Bonus is the only one that is NOT calculated

directly from the BASE stat. Instead, it is calculated after all other bonuses/debuffs are

applied. So, your opponent’s Throne Room does indirectly affect your Guardian Bonus.

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Ascension City Blessings (Bloodlust, Empowered Iron etc.) & Sacrifice

• Dark Ritual: Allow two simultaneous Rituals in the Fey Altar

• Blood Lust: Increase Attack and Speed by 50% for all Infantry troops at the cost of decreasing HP by 25% and

Accuracy by 10%

• Empowered Iron: Increase the bonuses given by the Ore Guardian by 15%

Above blessings Influence battle stats, by either allowing 2 troops to be

sacrificed to giving higher stats to troop types or giving another boost to

the Ore Guardian.

By Sacrificing troops, you can gain another max bonus of 40% on troop

stats of the troop you Sacrificed. In pic below you can see the boost of

40% on top of the Base stats of the Troop you chose to Sacrifice.

You need 2 Fey Altars at Level

10 to obtain the Full sacrifice

bonus of 40%.

(also possible with 1 level 10 +

1 level 9 Fey altar)

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Throne Room Stats

Item Effects are the Buffs and Debuffs that a Throne Room Item provides to

your Troops. These Effects can increase the strength of your Troops,

decrease the strength of an enemy's Troops and much more.

Almost all attributes in the throne room have a built in cap, or maximum that an

attribute can be buffed or debuffed. If an attribute in the Throne Room exceeds

the cap, then only the maximum allowed will be used.

Remember…The Throne Room doesn’t affect anything but Base stats and

opposing Throne Room Bonuses/Debuffs…you still get the full value from

Research, Knight and Shop Items as if the Throne Room did not exist.

MAX BONUS or CAP refers to the Maximum amount of bonus you can add to your

BASE stat using the Throne Room. HOWEVER, all of the caps are what I refer to as

“Floating Caps” because they rely on what your opponent has in their Throne

Room as well.

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Champion Troop buffs

Troop Buffs The Troop buffs from a Victorious Champion are bonus values that are added to BASE values. Troop buffs are increased by Throne Room buffs. These are shown in BLUE on items to separate them from the Champion Stats.

The Troop Buffs are applied AFTER the Sacrifice on the BASE stats and BEFORE

the Guardian Effects.

** Champion

Bonus is a


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Shop items (i.e. Blood Fury, Iron Skin, Banner of Vigor)

They vary in bonus amount and duration, but the Bonus is calculated directly from

the BASE stat of your troops PRIOR to any bonuses/debuffs being applied.

As far as the Shop Items go, there are eight in total that you can get to increase

the Attack and Defense and Life stats of your troops.

Order of the Round Table

The order subscribers have an additional 15% bonus to Troop Defenses applied to

Base Stats.

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In the end it is a mathematical formula

Alchemy Research Levels to Base stats.

Briton Workshop Levels to Base stats.

Knight Level Bonus to Base Stats.

Blessings bonus to Base stats. (if applicable).

Shop Items bonus to Base stats. (if applicable).

The Order Defense Bonus to Base Stats (if applicable).

Guardian + Set Bonus Being Applied.

Sacrifice Bonus (Fey Altars) + V = W

TR Bonus (+/- buffs & debuffs) + W = X

Champion Troop Buffs (+/- buffs & debuffs) + X = Y

Z = Final Stats (V + W + X + Y = Z)

In the end Resulting in higher stats

Base Stats






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Would Like to Thank Zaw & Findrus for their contributions.

Special Thanks to Wheezy for the contributions on the


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