hotel english a hands-on course for hotel professionals

HOTEL ENGLISH A Hands-On Course for Hotel Professionals

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A Hands-On Course for Hotel Professionals

Unit 1 Phone Inquiries Introducing different kinds of

accommodation and facilities

Describing locations

Taking phone reservations

Before We Start

1. When was the last time you stayed in a hotel?

2. What kind of room did you have?

3. Do you normally stay in expensive hotels or do you prefer cheaper ones?

4. What services and facilities do most five-star hotels offer?

5. What are some of the differences between a five-star hotel and four-star hotel?

6. How do you prefer to travel in Taiwan?

Hotel Services

Scene I: Tell me about the hotel

Key Vocabulary Additional words


1. Single2. Rate3. Vary4. Range5. Include6. Lane7. Buffet8. comprehensive

Special offerHigh speed rail

I see./ I’ve got it.One more thing.

The front desk clerk answers the telephone.

F: Hello. KHC Hotel. How may I help you?C: I’d like some information about your hotel.F: What would you like to know?C: First, how much are your single rooms?F: The rates vary depending upon the season and type of single. They can range from NT$4000 to NT$6000.C: I see. Does that price includes breakfast?F: Usually. There are some special offers that don’t though.C: Could you tell me about your facilities?F: We have a 30-meter pool, with eight lanes. We also have a health center and spa.C: Great! And what kinds of restaurants do you have?

F: We have a Chinese restaurant, a Japanese restaurant, and a buffet with both Eastern and Western food.C: When are they open?F: The Chinese and Japanese restaurants are open for lunch and dinner. The buffet serves three meals a day.C: One more thing. Do you have shuttle bus to the High Speed Rail?F: Yes. It runs every hour from six a.m. to ten p.m.C: Alright. Thank you.F: You’re welcome. If you need more information, please visits our Web site at It’s very comprehensive.C: I’ve got it. Good-bye.F: Good-bye

Language Center

Scene II Visiting Kaohsiung

Key vocabulary Additional words Phrases

1. Reservation2. Currently3. Available4. Nonsmoking5. Tax6. Freeway7. Exit8. Block9. Miss

Area code Hold onAre you with me?

The front desk clerk handles a reservation

F: KHC. How can I help you?C: I’m currently staying in Taipei, but I’m planning to visit Kaohsiung.F: When will you arrive, Sir?C: On June 16th. Will there be any rooms available?F: Hold on, please. (After a second) Yes, we still have some rooms available.C: Great I’d prefer a single room. Nonsmoking, please.F: Alright, one single, nonsmoking room. C: What’s the rate for one night?F: It’s NT$2700, plus a 10% room tax.C: That’ll be fineF: May I have your name, please?C: Tony Liao. And how can I get to your hotel from Kaohsiung Airport? F: Take Bus No. 69. Or you could take a taxi. It takes less than ten minutes.

C: Could you give me your address, please?F: It’s One Songho Road, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City. The phone number is 806-0505, and the area code is 08.C: What if my friend wants to drive me there?F: Take Freeway One and exit at Zhongshan Fourth Road. Go along for four blocks and turn left on Hongping Road. Go along for four blocks and turn left on Hongping Road. Are you with me”?C: Yes. Then what?F: After three blocks, make a right on Boxue Road. The hotel is one block down Boxue. You can’t miss it.C: OK, I think I’ve got it.F: I could e-mail you a map, if you’d like.C: Thanks. That would be a lot of help.F: No problem.

Unit 2 Drivers, Doormen, and Bellhops Handling airport pickup

Receiving guests at the hotel

Carrying guests’ luggage

Hailing a taxi

Before we start Where should guests wait for pickup at the airport? What are some common things that doormen say to

guests? What are some different ways we can say suitcase(s)? Would you like to be a hotel driver? Why or why not? How would you introduce your hometown to a hotel

guest? What places would you recommend guests visit while

in your hometown?

All Packed

Key vocabulary Additional words

SuitcaseDuffel bagBackpackBriefcaseCosmetic bagPursePassport coverSuit bagMoney beltOvernight bagFanny pack

Luggage tagLuggage lockLuggage strap

Different words for baggage


1. Bus2. Train3. Scooter4. Limousine5. Subway6. Ferry7. Canoe8. Airplane9. Helicopter10.Riverboat11.Gondola12.Streetcar13.Taxi

Scene I Airport Pickup

Key Vocabulary Additional words Phrases

1. Sign2. Flight3. Ride4. View5. Spectacular6. Bellhop7. Tip

1. Baggage claim area2. Places of interest

Be all setPoint out

Mr. Hopkins comes out the baggage claim area. He sees a man holding a Hull Hotel sign.

G: Hi. I’m Dan Hopkins. I have a reservation at the Hull Arms Hotel.D: Good afternoon, Mr. Hopkins. My name is Christian. I’ll be driving you to the hotel.G: Great.D: Allow me to carry your bags, Mr. Hopkins.G: Oh, thank you. It’s been a ling flight.D: This way, please. The car is right over there.G: Good.(Moments later)D: I’ll put your bags in the back, and then we’ll be ready.(Getting into the car)D: We’re all set to go, Mr. Hopkins. It’ll be about a 20-minute ride to the hotel. Have you visited Taipei before?

G: No, this is my first visit.D: If you like, I could point out some places of interest as we go.D: That would be nice.D: On your right is Taipei 101. It’s one of the tallest buildings in the world. If you have some time, you might want to go up to the top. The view from up there is spectacular, especially at night.(Arriving at the hotel)D: Well, I hope you enjoyed the ride, Mr. Hopkins. A bellhop will help you with your bags.G: Thank you. (Handing Christian a tip)D: Thank you, Mr. Hopkins.

Scene II The Bags Are in the Trunk

Key Vocabulary Additional Words Phrases

1. Trunk2. Doorman3. Assist4. Careful5. Fragile6. Item7. Valet8. Gesture9. Piece10.Luggage

Baggage cart Check inTake care ofKind ofIn a minute

A guest drives up to the front door of the hotel

D: Good evening. Welcome to the Hull Arms Hotel, sir. How may I assist you?G: I’m checking in. Here are the keys to my car.D: Do you have any bags in the trunk?G: Yes, three.D: Very well. The bellhop will take them in to the Front Desk.G: Alright. Can you ask him to be careful with them? I have several fragile items inside one of them.B: (Coming over) Of course, sir. I’ll take good care of them.D: Sir, I’m also going to get the valet to park your car in the garage.G: Do I have to pay for parking?

D: No, parking is complimentary for our guests. (Gesturing) The Front Desk is right over there, sir.G: Yeah, I see it.(The bellhop brings the guest’s bags to the Front Desk.)B: I could only find two pieces of luggage in your trunk, sir.G: Oh, sorry. There’s also a suit bag on the back seat. That one’s kind of important.B: Very well. I’ll put these bags on a baggage cart. And I’ll go back and get the suit bag while you're checking in.G: Sorry about that.B: No, not at all. I’ll be back in a minute.

Scene III & IV

Key Vocabulary Additional Words Phrases

1. Lobby2. Storage3. Suggest4. Depart5. Hail6. Destination

Claim tagTaxi stand

Look afterIn a hurryLine upIn luck

Scene III A guest brings her bags to the lobby

Scene IV A guest asks the doorman about getting a taxi

Unit 3 Reception Helping guests check in

Providing safe-deposit boxes

Handling messages

Before We Start

What skills should a front desk clerk have? What are the responsibilities of a front desk clerk? In what situations will a hotel usually give a discount? What should the front desk clerk say when he/she answers

the phone? What are some problems that front desk clerks have to

solve? What can front desk clerks do if they’re too busy to take a

reservation? How should front desk clerks welcome incoming guests?

Checking into a hotel

Checking into a hotel

Keep your things put away1. Cash2. Jewelry3. Diamonds4. Crystal5. Rare coins6. Cameras7. Antique8. Important document9. Gold10.Traveler’s checks11.Passport12.Credit cards

Scene I Checking In

Key Vocabulary Phrases

1. Receptionist2. Registration3. Certainly4. Patience5. Discount6. Long-staying7. Term8. Probably9. Detail

Fill outBy the wayOn businessSet up

Ms. Woods comes up to the Front Desk of the Chelsea Hotel

R: Good afternoon, ma’am. Checking in?G: Yes, Am I too early?R: No, not at all. Do you have a reservation?G: Of course. It’s under the name of Anne Woods.R: Mr. Woods. Let me see. Here it is. You booked a single room and are going to stay for three nights, aren’t you?G: Yes, that’s right, from August 1st to August 4th.R: Would you please fill out this registration card? And I’ll need your passport too.G: Certainly. Here you are.

R: Thank you for your patience. Your room number is 801. Here’s your key card. The bellhop will help you with your luggage.G: Thank you. By the way, my company plans to send people down here on business in the future. I’d like to know if we can get a discount.R: Long-staying or frequent guests can get a special rate. It can range from ten percents to 30 percent, depending on terms.G: I see.R: I’ll get our manager to call you. She’ll probably want to set up a time to explain the details.G: Alright. Thanks a lot.R: No problem. Enjoy your stay.

Scene II Put your valuables in the safe

Key Vocabulary Additional Words Phrases

1. Valuables2. Safe3. Secure4. Assure5. Fireproof6. Guard7. Form8. Itemized

24/7 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)

To tell (you) the truthBy requestPut one’s mind at ease

A guest calls the Front Desk, asking about the hotel safe.

R: Front Desk. What can I do for you today, Mr. Stopps?G: Well, my wife is traveling with a lot of jewelry. And to tell you the truth, we don’t feel secure leaving it in the room because there isn’t an in-room safe.R: I can understand that. Would you like to use the hotel safe?G: That would probably be a good idea.R: Then could you please bring your valuables to the Front Desk?G: The Front Desk? Doesn’t your hotel have a safe we could use by request?R: I’m sorry, but we don’t, sir. However, let me assure you that there’s nothing to worry about. Our safe is not only fireproof, but also guarded 24/7.G: Alright, that sounds fine. Do I have to prepare anything?R: No, you don’t. But we’ll need you to fill out some forms, including a itemized list of your valuables.G: OK, that seems pretty easy. I’ll be right down.R: I’ll see you in a few minutes. I hope this can help to put your mind at ease, Mr. Stopps.G: Oh, it helps a lot. Thank you.

Scene III You’ve got messages

Key Vocabulary Additional Words Phrases

1. Message2. Necessary3. Reschedule4. Attend5. Retrieve6. Flashing7. Receiver8. Dial9. Access

Cocktail partyVoice mailSecurity code

Get back to

Mr. Smith checks his messages

G: This is Eric Smith, in Room 105. Are there messages for me?R: Could you hold while I check, please? (A moment later) A fax came in for you this afternoon. Do you want me to bring it up?G: No, that’s not necessary. I’ll pick it up on my way out to dinner.R: Alright, and your secretary left a message earlier today. Your meeting with Mr. Brown tomorrow has been rescheduled. She’ll get back to you with the details.G: Mr. Brown? OK, thanks.R: Mr. Donald also called. He wants to invite you to a cocktail party at his place. Please let him know if you’ll attend.G: I will. While I’ve got you on the line, could you tell me how to retrieve my voice mail?R: Sure. If you see a flashing red light on your phone, pick up the receiver and dial three. Would you like to set a security code so that nobody else in your room can access your calls?G: No, that’s OK. I’m staying by myself.R: Very well. I’ll see you on your way out to dinner. G: Bye.