hospitality supervision & training skills

Institute Of Advance Management, GOA Hospitality Supervision Training Skills 1 NAPIER UNIVERSITY Assignment On Hospitality Supervision & Training Skills “HT32421” Assignment “A” Topic:- CASE STUDY: - THE GALLEY CAFETERIA Questions: 1. Create a SWOT analysis for the Gallery cafeteria, in relation to its current business situation. 2. Making reference to relevant theory, develop a plan of action for Jean, aimed at securing the restaurant’s long-term future. This should include discussion of the changes which need to be made, and how the reactions of the staff can be managed.

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Page 1: Hospitality Supervision  & Training Skills

Institute Of Advance Management, GOA

Hospitality Supervision Training Skills





Hospitality Supervision


Training Skills


Assignment “A”




1. Create a SWOT analysis for the Gallery cafeteria, in relation to its current business situation.

2. Making reference to relevant theory, develop a plan of action for Jean, aimed atsecuring the restaurant’s long-term future. This should include discussion of thechanges which need to be made, and how the reactions of the staff can bemanaged.

Type: - Report

Word count: - 2720 – Excluding Case Study Question

Local Tutor: -

Module Tutor: - Ms. Joan McLatchie.

Matriculation Number: - N08015092

Page 2: Hospitality Supervision  & Training Skills

Institute Of Advance Management, GOA

Hospitality Supervision Training Skills


Name: - Aman Bhattacharya


Topic Page No .

Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------03

SWOT Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------04

Managerial Skills ----------------------------------------------------------06

Training& Motivation procedure -------------------------------------08

Behaviourist Theorist of motivation---------------------------------09

Herzberg Theory of Motivation ---------------------------------------10

Managing changes--------------------------------------------------------11


Referencing -----------------------------------------------------------------14

Bibliography ----------------------------------------------------------------15

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Institute Of Advance Management, GOA

Hospitality Supervision Training Skills



Galley is a 150 seat canteen style restaurant which is located on the top floor of an eight

storey office. In the year 2002Galley canteen offer buffet service often a year they

started serving to the other company employee those who are in that building,

previously they serve shipping company employee. With in a year it was over taken by

Lunch box Ltd. Where the Lunch box re-employed all the staff of Galley restaurant,

with there terms and condition.

In the past few year rapid development in the area that includes 30 office buildings, a

cinema hall, a sport complex and a number of private apartment building. After opening

a mall and shopping complex which h include three restaurants and two pubs, Galley

face taught competition from the them which affect market value of the Galley

restaurant because many of the building employee are went to have there lunch in other

restaurants and the restaurant has reported a substantial dip in profit. After a long

service managers of the Galley restaurant retried from the service where Lunchbox

appoint new Manageress Ms. Jean Porter she previously manage other lunchbox


After joining Jean in the Galley restaurant she faced lots of problems regarding the staff

of the cafeteria. As she was 10 years younger from all of them she faced

communication gap between staff, as staff had problem with her rules and regulation

etc. The changes that she made like changes in menu, including morning breakfast,

cancelling tea and smoking break for the staff. She does a SWOT analysis of the

Cafeteria for changes like friendliness environment that might help to change through

which the reaction of the staff can be managed easily.

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Hospitality Supervision Training Skills


Q.1) Create a SWOT analysis for the Gallery cafeteria, in relation to its current

Business situation.

A.1) SWOT analysis is used to developing business strategies and executive formulate

strategy. It evaluates Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats where it help

analysing the internal and external resource and summarized the major facts and fore

cast derived from the external and internal analyses (Snell.S, Bateman.S, 2003, pp124-

125).it is a trick is to keep changing internally so that strength can be developed to

minimized threats and maximized opportunity and for weakness always need to

overcome the problems (Ward.M,2005,pp7-9).It help Jean to know the internal and

external problems and where she lacking while handling the Galley restaurant.


It has 150 seated restaurant in the business class building where all the staff of

the building are coming for the lunch, it also have beautiful location on the eight

floor of the building which gives the good view to the customers those who are

come for the lunch that also provide good ambience to the restaurant.

In the year of 2003 a well known brand Lunchbox ltd, overtaken the Galley

Cafeteria which gives good reputation to the market and well maintained the

restaurant with the brand name of lunchbox.

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Hospitality Supervision Training Skills


Ambience of the restaurant is totally business oriented where they some times

arrange conferences orders for catering, many times outsider or nearby offices

employees can come to have lunch.

They have 20 experiences staff those who can handle any kind of situation and

they have good knowledge about the menu that served in the restaurant.


Restaurant is situated two kilometres far from the main market, which cause less

no of costumers to the restaurant.

Restaurant is situated on the eight floor of the building, so the other employee

working in some other buildings will not like to come to Galley because it is

situated in the top of the floor.

Newly appoint manager Jean Porter unable to communicate effectively with the

restaurant staff, which created lots of misunderstanding.

Staff members are not punctual and there are higher rates of absence, lateness,

scruffy dress and on occasion’s lack of politeness towards customers and



Newly appointed Restaurant Manager Ms. Jean Porter, is an experience

manager she can deliver many innovative ideas.

As the Surrounding area is developed with 30 offices, a sports complex, a

cinema hall and residential apartment by this demand of restaurant increases.

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Hospitality Supervision Training Skills


Due to wide range of menu the customer has a choice of relishing different

variety of dishes.


Newly open restaurants and pubs in the area are affecting the market value of

Galley restaurant.

Staff of Galley restaurant did not corporate with Jean.

The 5% cut of wages effect the staff morale in this case, staff may leave the job

and restaurant may have to face a lot of barriers.

Q.2) Making reference to relevant theory, develop a plan of action for Jean, aimed

at securing the restaurant’s long-term future. This should include discussion of

the Changes which need to be made, and how the reactions of the staff can be


A.2) Jean facing problem with the staff of Galley restaurant, the main problem is

communication gap between the staff. she require to use his leadership quality that

already used in other lunchbox outlets in past three years but the case of Galley

cafeteria is different , where she need to change reaction of the staff with his leadership

and supervision skills as a manager. So Jean should apply these theories for the

improvement to change reaction of staff and securing long term future for the


Managerial skills are essential key to success at any level of management that might be

technical, human or conceptual skill. It the time of lower level management, technical,

human skills are the most important factor because managers are concerned with the

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products and the people making them. The three skills that can be developed are

through exercise, study, practice, observation and awareness.

Technical skills: - During the technical skills are use full to ability to do the task for

supervise and manage the staff or employee. The manager need such kind of

knowledge to select and train staff and put to work ,so the staff ready to give respect to

there managers.

Human skills: - A human skill not so easy to handle staff in the restaurant or hotel but it

is a care of the supervisors and managerial job. The first thing that required is a positive

attitude towards the organization.

“The people who work for you and the managers who work under the system”

(Miller et al, 2002p27).

A second ingredient of human skill is sensitivity it is an ability to perceive each person

needs, includes perception, value and personal behaviour. That is can be easy to work

with each of the staff in effective way. In some cases managers need to be able to

sense when a problem is building by noticing subtle difference in employee behaviour.

The third one is self awareness in this situation managers or supervisor come across

the staff, they need to be aware from their own behaviour it appears to others for there

own perception behaviour and they affect dealing with there associates (Miller et al,


Human skills come with practice, where they treating as individuals, sharpening their

awareness of the others and of them self, then they can figuring out what human

qualities are causing problems and how these problem can be solved.

Conceptual skills: - It is require seeing the whole picture and the relationship of each

part to the whole. That means the manager need to arrange the work of each part of

their organization, so that it runs smoothly includes kitchen, dining room etc (Miller et al,


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Training and Motivation Procedure

According to (Bhatt,2008p236) training is a process where it modify attitude ,

knowledge, or skill behaviour through learning experiences to achieve effective

performance in an activity .its purpose , in the work situation is used to develop the

abilities of the individuals and to satisfy the current and future needs of the organization.

Now a day’s needs for training is essential for all professional industry, so that the

employee can easily adjust to the organization environment. Human resource plays

vital and important role in the success of organization. (Bhatt,2008p239) state that a

company such as Hewlett-Packard (HP), Xerox, IBM human resources department is

seen to be major key to the success of the organization and is heavily emphasized at all


Training methods: - it is useful for every manager in hospitality to give information

method which is normally used to teach factual material, skills or attitudes. They

commonly used techniques for training are:-

Information Techniques: - it is a process where lecture, talk and discussion are

used for trained the employee.

On the job training: - A session during a job or part of a job teaches by the

managers through explaining and demonstrating the ideas.

Experiential Techniques: - It is including role play that increase staff confidence


Sensitivity training: - In this method a small group of trainees work together to

develop interpersonal skills.

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Mentoring: - it is a process where newly joined employee work under

experienced staff where they learn more as practically.

(Bhatt & Kumar, 2008pp245-248).

Jean should also follow 4p’s of training procedure where it need identified careful

planning is essential 4p’s are:-



Practice and

Put to work.

Motivating people/staff at work

Hospitality industry business depend upon on employee for providing supreme service

standards that represent the brand and guest satisfaction, for this managers required to

motivate there staff for their work. The three following section suggest some way that

help to keep employee motivated.

Understanding individual


Money as motivator

By motivating the employees they will work more and can increase the productivity of

the organization (Lashley, 2008, p107).

Behaviourist Theorist of motivation

It help to lead positive and negative outcomes which influences future behaviour .the

four following out comes help to Jean to change behaviour.

Positive reinforcement: - When an employee do any type of mistake jean should

analyse and look into the matter that why she has done mistake rather than punishing

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them. She should discuss with the employee why it happens and rectified that mistake

by giving some short of training and instruction so that mistake did not repeat in future.

Punishment:- if a employee having a good impression do something wrong and he/she

get punished for that, this could de-motivate him as a was good but for one mistake he

was punished this can affect the work flow in organization and also other employees


Extinction: - In this case no outcomes fallows behaviours, the behaviour is unlikely to

be repeated.

Negative reinforcement: - It is one of the most difficult concepts, where behaviour that

prevents a negative outcome increases in employees (Wagen &Davis, 1998p33).

Herzberg Theory of Motivation

According to the Herzberg theory of motivation there are two steps. They are:-

Job satisfaction: - If a person’s effort he/she has put to do the work is

acknowledged his self-esteem increases which in turn makes him to work hard.

Dissatisfaction: - It is also known as hygiene factor. The physical

environment ,job security and safety of the employee does not guarantee the job

satisfaction of an employee.(Wagen,1998,pp30-31)

Jean should take care of her staff member so she needs to talk personally to each and

every employee in the restaurant. She should provide personal assessment sheet which

would help them to know their wants and requirements during the duty hours. She

should rethink about the changes she has made in the restaurant like she cancelled the

tea and smoking breaks between shift hours that make the employees more hostile.

This may cause its employee to leave the job; in this case Jean should give break

between the shift, where the Herzberg theories understands satisfaction and

dissatisfaction concepts.

Managing changes

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After joining the restaurant Jean made several changes such as she introduce wider

range of dishes, serving hot breakfast at 08:00am but employees were more arrogant

because Jean was 10 years younger from most of them, she abolished half-hour

morning coffee / smoking break and not to replace two members of staff and not to

replace two members who have already moved to other lunchbox outlet. She wants to

change so; the organisation can make more profit.

(Goodwin et al, 2005p.199) stated the stages of changes that can be use full for Jean to

change the reaction of the staff and why these problems taking place.

Status quo: - “when employees in the status quo stage employee are in the

comfort zone” it is the first stage where Jean tries to bring few changes in the

restaurant but the staffs are not satisfied from the changes.

Resistance: - Team member recent change because they love their comfort of

the status quo and they don’t normally understand the need for the change. A

common mistake among hospitality supervisor (Jean) is to implements of

changes without explaining reason behind it.

Confusion: - in this stage employee are learning because new changes

happening around and they did not familiar with changes.

Valley of Despair: - this can happen when team members confidence shaken,

where employee grow weary from the challenges of the change.

Integration: - It is the processes of adjusting to change are committed, the

change itself is a problem and they make adjustment to accomplish the change


Acceptance: - it is the last stage of implementing change is acceptance, where

the effect of the change determines its success (Goodwin et al, 2005pp.199-


Building Relationship with Team Member

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It will help manager to understand employee/staff what their need and requirement

towards the job (Goodwin et al, 2005) give stress on particular followings that help to

build relationship with team member.

Employee want manager to involve them decision that effect them, they want

manager realize that they often know the cause and solution to the problems that

they are trying to solve.

Employee want manager pay them base on their performance those who are

perform the best should be paid the most. In this case good wages and

performance in contrives will help them too build a loyal productivity staff.

A good reward recognized is necessary for their performance system improved

teamwork, outcomes and affiancing between the manager and employee.

(Goodwin et al, 2005pp.58-59).

Establishment of Team

Effective teamwork is essential in today’s world; Team should go through a certain

process. They are:-

Forming: - In this stage employees are positive and polite and some are

anxious. Therefore it depends on the leader to set parameters

Storming:- In this stage the employees can challenge the leader or experience

conflict between them

Norming:- In this the agreement between the leader and the employees are

established and are standardised

Performing: - In this the group of employees are working together to maximise

productivity within a stimulated period. The concept of “Team Work” comes into

picture (Mind Tools, 2009).


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For the promotion of the galley restaurant Jean have to plan strategies that help to

compete with other restaurant she should follow marketing strategies.

Promotion strategies: - It includes personal selling, advertising, sale promoter,

and public relation. Promotion role in marketing mix is to bring about mutually

satisfying exchanges with target market by informing, educating, persuading and

reminding them of the benefit of a organization.

Pricing strategies: - To attract more no of guest pricing should be set as low as

possible and good quantity and quality of portion and set special healthy menu

for those who are coming to sports clubs(Lamb,2004pp.44-45).


Jean should start solving their internal issues and overcome the weakness that mention

on SWOT analysis and she should also focus on promotion of the restaurant, because

of newly opened restaurants and pubs gives tough competition that affect on the

business of restaurant. If Jean will follow given theories and procedure as given in the

above report, it will really help them to improve the condition of galley restaurant. And

she can run the business successfully.

In the end it would be concluded that the Galley cafeteria needs lot of improvement

which is going to done by managers Ms. Jean Porter by following the credentials of this

report such as Managerial skills, Training and motivation procedure that includes

training procedure, Behaviourist theorist of motivation that help to motivate the staff

during duty hours and Herzberg theory of motivation which help to understand the

employee needs and for the change of reaction building relationship in between team

member and how to establishment of team. By this she can change the image of galley

restaurant so she can get more customers.

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Bhat.A,Kumar.A (2008),Management Principles, Processes & Practice, Oxford

University press, India.

Goodwin.C et al (2005), The Hospitality Supervisor’s Survival kit, Pearson

education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Lamb et al (2004), Marketing, Thomson Asia pvt ltd, Singapore.

Miller.J et al (1999), Supervision in the hospitality Industry-Applied Human

Resources, John Wiley & sons.

Mind tools, 2009, Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing, Retrieved on 10-

03-2009 from

Snell.A,Bateman.S(2003),Management: Competing in the New Era, TATA

McGraw hill Publishing company Ltd. New Delhi.

Ward.M,(2005), 50 essential Management Techniques, Jaica Publishing House


Wagen.L,Davies.C(1998),Supervision and Leadership in Tourism & Hospitality,

Global books & subscription services, New Delhi, India.


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Kotler.P et al (2007), Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism, Pearson Education,


Lee-Ross (2004), HRM in Tourism and Hospitality, Thomson Asia Pte Ltd.,


Mind tools, 2009, Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors, Retrieved on 10-

03-2009 from

Woods.R,King.J (2002),Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry,

Educational institute of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, Michigan.