horror film - camera angles

Camera angles Film Trailers psychological thrillers; 1. Carrie 2. gone girl 3. LUCY

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Page 1: Horror film - Camera angles

Camera anglesFilm Trailers

psychological thrillers;

1. Carrie 2. gone girl


Page 2: Horror film - Camera angles

Close up1



A close up shot is mostly used to capture a certain feature or part of a subject within a frame. A close up of a person is usually used to show facial expression and emotion. They’re used to show detail and key features within the trailers. It gives the audience an idea of the persons emotional state.1. This shot has been taken from the trailer for Carrie. By using a

close up shot of both the characters it allows the audience to identify the relationship between the two. As the shot shows the side of both the characters faces the same it tells us that they’re bot equal within their relationship although they have a divide cue to the space between each head.

2. The close up shot taken from gone girl shows the protagonists facial expression which is displayed as confused and worried. This gives the audience the idea that something is wrong and that he doesn’t understand why he has been put in the situation. This is clearly a relevance within the trailer due to the expression being displayed by a close up shot. This allows the audience to have an interaction with the character within the scene. this makes the audience feel guilt towards the protagonist.

3. As the close up taken from LUCY is of the antagonist looking down it shows that he has the power and higher importance due to him looking down onto someone/something. The audience feel vulnerable as they’re weary of what the characters looking at. The facial expression is clearly showed within the shot making the audience connect with the character to work out what he’s thinking.

Page 3: Horror film - Camera angles

Over the shoulder shot1



The over the shoulder shot is mostly used to represent two or more characters having a conversation. It can occasionally give the audience the idea of where the conversation has been set. 1. The over the shoulder shot that has been taken from Carrie gives

us an idea of who the man is due to the conversation being set in a school due to the background. The shot gives us the idea that a group of people are within and listening to the conversation as more than one shoulder can be seen. This makes the audience feel more vulnerable towards the young girl as she's being humiliated in front of a class of peers. Schools are stereotypically places where students can get bullied making the audience link the connection to the protagonist.

2. Straight away the shot taken from gone girl shows a connection between the two characters. This creates a bond for the audience before the girl goes missing. From the shot we can identify who the male is talking to showing the connection. The facial expression shows love/ passion for the other character creating guilt as they become separated.

3. This screenshot has been taken from the film LUCY. The over the shoulder shot shows vulnerability towards the girl herself as she’s look down upon by the other character. The over the shoulder shot has been used to show that he is the person in control. Lucy's vulnerability is shown as he face isn't to be seen suggesting that her thoughts and facial expressions aren’t important and the man is the only major character in the scene.

Page 4: Horror film - Camera angles

Establishing shotAn establishing shot is usually the first shot used in a scene to show the audience where the action is taking place. This allows the audience to understand the scene due to them knowing the setting. As you can see from the three screenshots an establishing shot is often very wide ands landscape allowing most of the setting to be seen. The audience can then identify what will happen during the next scene. These establishing shots have been taken from the films Carrie (1), Gone Girl (2) and LUCY (3). Each shot taken from the films and allows the audience to see were the action is taking place. The audience are able to create an idea of where the action is going to take place and the danger in which the protagonist may be approaching. This makes the audience feel vulnerable towards the character before they’ve entered the setting. 1. We can clearly see by the shot taken from Carrie that the next

scene will be set in a school, this gives the audience the idea that there will be lots of people almost giving us the idea that something is going to happen. It lets the audience know that the school is a main feature within the film.

2. The screenshot taken from gone girl clearly shows a crowd of people gathered around a house. This gives the audience the idea that they're about to find out something key we know this due to the fuss outside of the house and the introduction for the scene.

3. The scene taken from the trailer LUCY gives the audience the idea of where the film is being set. The scene shows the film being set in a big city showing importance and time.




Page 5: Horror film - Camera angles

Extreme close up1


An extreme close up is normally used to show the audience specific details and expressions. They can be used to show emotion of a character or more detail within an object. 1. The screenshot taken from Carrie shows an extreme close up of the

antagonists face in darkness. This allows the audience too see the facial expression. This makes the audience feel as if the antagonist is staying in the dark and is yet to come out. Her facial expression shows her to be precarious making the audience feel vulnerable towards the protagonist.

2. The extreme close up has been taken from the film gone girl, it’s a close up of two major props within the film. By having an extreme close up of the props it gives the audience an idea that the two dolls represent both the antagonist and the protagonist and also their relationship. As punch and Judy are a well known traditional children's entertainment it gives the audience the idea that they’re innocent which deceives the audience making them believe something that’s not true/

3. The last extreme close up is taken from LUCY. The trailer shows an extreme close up of the protagonists eyes as they change colour. This allows the audience to thoroughly see the change proving it to be a major part of the trailer. By having the eyes shot so close up it gives the audience an idea that they’re part of the transformation as they’re looking into the characters eyes as they change. The audience may feel vulnerable towards the characters as they feel as if they’re doing wrong as they watch the character change through her eyes.

Page 6: Horror film - Camera angles

Reaction shot1



A reaction shot is used to show a display of emotion usually coming from a main character. Reaction short are usually close ups allowing the audience to clearly identify what impression the character is giving off. In each three screenshots we can clearly see that the characters look disturbed and scared. Horror films usually contain a lot of reaction shots as they show an emotional response to something that has occurred.1. From the shot taken in Carrie we can clearly see that the character

is looking down. This shows that the protagonist has more authority as she's higher within the shot looking down, the facial expression shows the audience that she's disappointed and rejected this can be used to show the characters advance on the story.

2. The shot taken from gone girl is very similar to the shot from Carrie. The protagonist is looking down showing that he has more power and more of an authority. This gives us the idea that something has happened as the protagonist is usually of less power. His facial expression seems confused giving the audience the idea that all is not what it seems and what the character is looking at is questionable.

3. When looking at the screenshot taken from Lucy we can clearly identify that the character is being looked down upon due to her looking up as if she's frightened with something that’s been said. It shows that the characters not in control and that she is worthless within the situation. This makes the audience assume that the character is venerable and doesn’t have much hope.