hor 601 power point presenntation


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Page 2: Hor 601 power point presenntation

The aim of the assignment was : To learn the management practices of tomatoes.

To learn the vegetative stages of tomatoes.

To identify the pest and diseases of tomatoes.

To learn the controlling methods of pests and disease of tomatoes.

To identify the nutrient deficiency of the plant.

To know fertilizer recommendation of the plant.


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INTRODUCTION A tomato is the edible, often red fruit from the plant Solanum lycopersicum, commonly

known as a tomato plant.

The fruit is rich in lycopene, which may have beneficial health effects.

The tomato belongs to the nightshade family.

The plants typically grow to 1–3 meters (3–10 ft) in height and have a weak stem that often sprawls over the ground and vines over other plants.

It is a perennial in its native habitat, although often grown outdoors in temperate climates as an annual.

An average common tomato weighs 102–105 grams

Date planted: 21/ 06/ 2013

Variety: Rising sun no. 2 – tolerant to bacterial wilt

Plot #: 2

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Fork Spade Hoe Knife Poultry manure Fertilizer ( Urea ) Sticks for stalking Watering can String seeds

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METHODOLOGY In week three of school, plots were assigned to students. Two

students were required to work on the plot. Firstly, a measuring tape was used to measure the plot which was

5m by 2.5m. After measuring of the plot accurately, drain of the plot was made

using a spade which was 30cm by 30cm and the whole plot was dugged using a fork.

After digging, the soil was soften using a hoe. Two bags of poultry was then added to the soil and was mixed


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After 1 week tomato plants were transplanted at the spacing of 60cm by 40cm and was watered using a watering can.

Transplanting was done on a cloudy day After 2-4 days of transplanting, weeding was done Hilling was done and urea fertilizer 10g per plant was

added. Mulching was then done Stalking and nipping was also done

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Transplanting of tomato When the tomato plant was transplanted, it was important that the soil are attached to the plant when it was removed from the soil and was planted in the plot. It was done so that the small tomato plants do not die ad lose its small root hairs and damage the root system.

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Manure application

Poultry manure was added into the plot after digging, to add nutrient to the soil for plant growth.

Pinching off

The lateral shoots were pinched to improve more bushy growth but little foliage is to be kept.

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Mulching is a very important management practice. Mulching is done to keep the soil soft and prevent insects attack on plants. Mulching also controls weed


Healing After transplanting, healing was done. Healing is done to prevent plant from falling off when plant bears fruit.

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Stalking of tomato plants is very important. Tomato plants are soft and easily get bend due to wind or by weight of the fruits. The tomato plants are tied to stick as it reached the height of 20cm.

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Nipping is a management practice used for faster and stronger tomato plants. Nipping is removing inflorescences from plants. Nipping is done so that the plant can grow stronger and taller and is healthy when it starts to bear fruits. Some plants bear fruits when it is really short and as a result plants die out quickly.

Fertilizer application Urea was applied to the plants to add nutrient to the plant by which the plants grow rapidly and is healthy.

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RESULTS There were four plants randomly chosen in a plot, one from each row and the following results were recorded:

Plot # 1 : 2nd plant from 1st row Height of the plant - 1m

Diameter of the plant - 5mm

# of stocks present in a plant – 18

# of inflorescences - 3

Length of the stock # of leaves in a stock15cm 922cm 731cm 1138cm 1349cm 1567cm 15

17.8cm 713cm 726cm 9

Length of the stock # of leaves in a stock26cm 9

45.4cm 1347cm 1357cm 14

71.6cm 1465cm 1667cm 1347cm 1242cm 9

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Plot # 2: 2nd row 2nd plant

Height of the plant – 1.3m

Diameter of the plant – 3.4mm

# of stocks present in a plant - 22

# of inflorescences - 2

Length of the stock # of leaves in a stock24.6cm 712cm 1246cm 1327cm 822cm 611cm 559cm 1454cm 1071cm 1420cm 732cm 7

Length the of stock # of leaves in a stock

45cm 1253cm 1140cm 1153cm 1363cm 1661cm 1452cm 1156cm 1134cm 845cm 829cm 7

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Plot # 3: 3rd row 9th plant Length of plant – 1.10m

Diameter of the plant – 4mm

# of stocks in a plant – 26

# of inflorescences – 7

Length of the plant stock # of leaves in a stock

23cm 9

12.6cm 6

13cm 5

13.2cm 5

38cm 12

50.2 15

55cm 12

64cm 15

67cm 16

19cm 7

38cm 9

42cm 9

65cm 18

Length of the stock # of leaves in a stock

17cm 625cm 7

60.4cm 1433cm 1121cm 841cm 1357cm 1559cm `1451cm 953cm 943cm 941cm 932cm 9

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Plot # 4: 4th row 10th plant Length of plant – 1.4m

Diameter of the plant – 4mm

# of stocks in a plant – 24

# of inflorescences – 8

Length of the plant stalk # of leaves in a stock

15cm 722cm 731cm 941cm 9

63.2cm 1514cm 522cm 740cm 1342cm 1058cm 1555cm 1760cm 13

Length of the plant stalk # of the leaves in a stock

27.8cm 720cm 646cm 13

55.2cm 1363cm 1763cm 14

63.2cm 1469.2cm 1466.6cm 1562.8cm 1453.8cm 1340.2cm 9

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CONCLUSION Tomatoes are quantitatively the most important non-starchy vegetable.

They offer significant nutritional advantages, including providing a significant source of dietary lycopene and other carotenoids, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber in a low energy dense food.

Emerging research underscores the relationship between consuming tomatoes and tomato products with reduced risk of certain cancers, heart disease, ultraviolet light–induced skin damage, osteoporosis, and other conditions.

These factors increase the likelihood for compliance and high potential for improving overall dietary patterns in general.

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21\06\13 Marked the plot & dugged the drain Marked the plot & dugged the plot

24\06\13 Added poultry manure -

28\06\13 - Mixed the poultry manure, transplanted the seedlings, watered the plant & did mulching.

01\07\13 Watered the plant & cleared all the weeds


05\07\13 - Watered the plant, weeded the plot.

08\07\13 Watered the plant, added urea & weeded the plot.


12\07\13 - Watered the plant, nipping, healing & weeding was done.

15\07\13 Weeding, watering and nipping was done.


19\07\13 - Weeding, watering, nipping, tiring of plants & staking was done.

22\07\13 Weeding, watering, of plant was done -

26\07\13 - Weeding, watering & assessment of plot was done.

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RECOMMENDATION 10 Tips for Successful Tomato Production

Find your markets before you plant the first seed. Choose good varieties that spread your season. Test soil for fertilizer and nematicide -- follow recommendations. Use large container transplants for early production. Use your own or certified transplants. Use a herbicide suited to your weed conditions. Spray weekly with high pressure sprayer for disease control. Prune early and string when needed. Irrigate to control cracking and blossom end rot. Pack uniform size and color fruit.

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www.medscape.com/view article/739102_12



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