hope lutheran hurch pointing to hristhope for the home ...€¦ · for the redemption of all...

Hope Lutheran Church “Poinng to Christ...Hope for the Home” March 10, 2019 2308 Gravois Road, High Ridge, MO 63049 (636) 677-8788 [email protected] www.hopehighridge.org THIS WEEK AT HOPE TODAY March 10, 2019 8:00 AM Holy Communion 9:30 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 10:45 AM Holy Communion 12:15 PM Altar Guild Meeng MONDAY: 10:00 AM Ladies Bible Study 7:00 PM Board of Chrisan Educaon 7:00 PM Board of Elders 7:00 PM Board of Evangelism TUESDAY: 6:00 PM Board of Trustees 7:00 PM Al-Anon 7:00 PM Choir WEDNESDAY: 12:00 PM Lenten Services 7:00 PM Lenten Services THURSDAY: 9:00 AM Men’s Bible Study SATURDAY: 8:00 AM Trustees Willing Workers 10:00 AM Operaon Barnanbas NEXT SUNDAY: 8:00 AM Holy Communion 9:30 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 10:45 AM Holy Communion 6:30 PM Confirmaon Remember in Prayer Tim Friedel, Ella Cook, Cindi Hawkins, Gerry Schumacher and Gil Tritch Fruits of Our Faith Week of: March 10, 2019 Giſts to do His Work - General Fund: $7,210.93 Worshipped: 123 Birthdays March 10th Diana Lentz March 11th Carole Myers & Brendan Woodruff March 12th Joe Fodor & Harold Lindahl March 14th Kathy Gustavison & Gerry Schumacher March 15th Briany Mosley, Isaiah Nelson, Tom Uhlmansiek Anniversaries March 14th Tom & Chrisne Yakel HLECC Corner Thank you to everyone who donated toward providing shade for our toddler friends! We will keep you updated on our progress. God bless you! ALTAR FLOWERS Today’s altar pieces are given by Jeff and Beth Nelson in memory of Dave Smith. Mancala Games Needed! Hope Sunday school is looking to borrow a few sets of the game Mancala for their upcoming Family Mission Sunday on March 24th. If you own this game and are willing to share it for a few weeks, please speak with Julie. Thank you! What to Give Up for Lent Every year people ask me, "Pastor, do Lutherans give up something for Lent?" This year, here's my advice: give up 15 minutes. Take 15 minutes each day away from television or scrolling on your smartphone and use it for prayer and devotion. Even if the devotion takes less time, pray for others during the extra time. Another great option is to give up some time on Wednesdays and join us for midweek worship at Noon or 7pm. To help you give up 15 minutes a day, we have a few different options. 1. There is a devotional to go with our midweek services entitled, "I Have Heard the Cries of My People" that leads you through the book of Exodus. 2. Lutheran Hour Ministries has again provided a daily devotion called, "People of the Passion." In these daily readings, we see God working through the lives of ordinary people to achieve His ultimate aim: our salvation. 3. Also, booklet #3 is out (the green one) if you are reading through the Gospel of Luke. The previous two booklets are also still available. Let My People Go! The Book of Exodus for Lent During the season of Lent, our midweek worship we will be walking with the children of Israel through the book of Exodus. In Exodus, Moses asks Pharaoh to let God’s people go seven mes and Pharaoh finally does it! When he does, God’s salvaon is so amazing that the event becomes the Gospel of the Old Testament. Israel’s Scriptures menon the exodus 125 mes! Throughout the book of Exodus God reveals who he is through his absence and his presence, through his silence and his speech, through his wrath and his mercy, and through his judgment and his amazing grace. In doing so, the book paints a beauful portrait of the One who is greater than Moses - the Savior Jesus. Join us on Wednesdays at Noon and 7pm.

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Page 1: Hope Lutheran hurch Pointing to hristHope for the Home ...€¦ · for the redemption of all people. For Jesus “comes in the name of the Lord” (Luke 13:35) in order to lay down

Hope Lutheran Church “Pointing to Christ...Hope for the Home” March 10, 2019

2308 Gravois Road, High Ridge, MO 63049 (636) 677-8788 [email protected] www.hopehighridge.org


TODAY March 10, 2019 8:00 AM Holy Communion 9:30 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 10:45 AM Holy Communion 12:15 PM Altar Guild Meeting

MONDAY: 10:00 AM Ladies Bible Study 7:00 PM Board of Christian Education 7:00 PM Board of Elders 7:00 PM Board of Evangelism

TUESDAY: 6:00 PM Board of Trustees 7:00 PM Al-Anon 7:00 PM Choir

WEDNESDAY: 12:00 PM Lenten Services 7:00 PM Lenten Services

THURSDAY: 9:00 AM Men’s Bible Study

SATURDAY: 8:00 AM Trustees Willing Workers 10:00 AM Operation Barnanbas

NEXT SUNDAY: 8:00 AM Holy Communion 9:30 AM Sunday School & Adult Bible Study 10:45 AM Holy Communion 6:30 PM Confirmation

Remember in Prayer Tim Friedel, Ella Cook, Cindi Hawkins, Gerry Schumacher and Gil Tritch

Fruits of Our Faith Week of: March 10, 2019 Gifts to do His Work - General Fund: $7,210.93 Worshipped: 123

Birthdays March 10th Diana Lentz March 11th Carole Myers & Brendan Woodruff March 12th Joe Fodor & Harold Lindahl March 14th Kathy Gustavison & Gerry Schumacher March 15th Brittany Mosley, Isaiah Nelson, Tom Uhlmansiek Anniversaries March 14th Tom & Christine Yakel

HLECC Corner

Thank you to everyone who donated toward providing shade for our toddler friends! We will keep you updated

on our progress. God bless you!


Today’s altar pieces are given by

Jeff and Beth Nelson in memory

of Dave Smith.

Mancala Games Needed! Hope Sunday school is looking to borrow a few sets of the game Mancala for their upcoming Family Mission Sunday on March 24th.

If you own this game and are willing to share it for a few weeks, please speak with Julie. Thank you!

What to Give Up for Lent

Every year people ask me, "Pastor, do Lutherans give up something for Lent?" This year, here's my advice: give up 15 minutes. Take 15 minutes each day away from television or scrolling on your smartphone and use it for prayer and devotion. Even if the devotion takes less time, pray for others during the extra time. Another great option is to give up some time on Wednesdays and join us for midweek worship at Noon or 7pm.

To help you give up 15 minutes a day, we have a few different options.

1. There is a devotional to go with our midweek services entitled, "I Have Heard the Cries of My People" that leads you through the book of Exodus.

2. Lutheran Hour Ministries has again provided a daily devotion called, "People of the Passion." In these daily readings, we see God working through the lives of ordinary people to achieve His ultimate aim: our salvation.

3. Also, booklet #3 is out (the green one) if you are reading through the Gospel of Luke. The previous two booklets are also still available.

Let My People Go! The Book of Exodus for Lent

During the season of Lent, our midweek worship we will be walking with the children of Israel through the book of Exodus. In Exodus, Moses asks Pharaoh to let God’s people go seven times and Pharaoh finally does it! When he does, God’s salvation is so amazing that the event becomes the Gospel of the Old Testament.

Israel’s Scriptures mention the exodus 125 times!

Throughout the book of Exodus God reveals who he is through his absence and his presence, through his silence and his speech, through his wrath and his

mercy, and through his judgment and his amazing grace. In doing so, the book paints a beautiful portrait of the One who is greater than Moses - the Savior

Jesus. Join us on Wednesdays at Noon and 7pm.

Page 2: Hope Lutheran hurch Pointing to hristHope for the Home ...€¦ · for the redemption of all people. For Jesus “comes in the name of the Lord” (Luke 13:35) in order to lay down

Thrivent Choice Deposit to Hope Lutheran $3,210.00

Hope’s Thrivent Financial members directing Choice Dollars to the church:

Ed & Marilyn Bachmann, Don Boettcher, Karen Kiel, Dennis Lukefahr, Randy

Tritch, Rev. Jason Wagner, Dave Westphal

Please take some time to review the Bible readings below, they

will be the subject of next week’s sermon.

March 17, 2019

Jeremiah 26:8–15

Philippians 3:17—4:1

Luke 13:31–35

Jesus Rescues Us from Death and Brings Us into Heaven

The prophet Jeremiah faithfully preached “all that the Lord

had commanded him to speak to all the people” (Jer.

26:8). He called the people to repentance, lest the Lord’s

judgment come upon them. The violence that Jeremiah

suffered for this preaching foreshadowed the cross and

Passion of Christ Jesus, who suffered the judgment of God

for the redemption of all people. For Jesus “comes in the

name of the Lord” (Luke 13:35) in order to lay down His life

for the sins of the world. Earthly Jerusalem was blind to His

gracious visitation, and it put Him to death like the prophets

before Him. Yet, His sacrifice upon the cross became the

cornerstone of the new Jerusalem, His Church. He visits us

today in mercy with His preaching of forgiveness, to gather

us to Himself within that holy city, “as a hen gathers her

brood under her wings” (Luke 13:34), for “our citizenship is in

heaven” (Phil. 3:20).

To the Glory of God and in loving Memory of

Bud Estell gifts have been given by Chuck & Karen Benes,

Circle of Friends, Karen Kiel, George & Sandra Lowe and

Jim & Carole Myers.

Hope Lutheran is excited to announce that you can now manage your giving online!

Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. Our new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation.

If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes. And, when travel, weather, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, this program will allow your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.

You can also make one-time gifts to special events, programs and other Church funds or activities.

Giving online is easy, safe and secure, plus it allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet.

Simply follow these easy steps: 1) Visit the church website at hopehighridge.org, 2) Click on the Online Giving tab and follow the link, 3) Click on the Create Profile button, then 4) Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your recurring contributions.

If you prefer to use your phone, you can download the Give Plus app for both Apple and Android devices, and simply search for Hope Lutheran – High Ridge, MO.

Life Thought in the Church Year

Satan goaded Jesus to produce physical proof of His identity and importance (Luke 4:3). But God’s promise and power entitled Him to life even in the absence of bread (Luke 4:4). The evil one still insists we gauge a person by material measures. Thanks to our Savior, no one’s age, appearance, or ability can impair or improve their sanctity. God’s creating, redeeming, and calling Word already renders every human being precious.

To the Glory of God and in loving Memory of

Judy Woolard gifts have been given by

Chuck & Karen Benes, Circle of Friends, Karen Kiel and

Jim & Carole Myers.

Worried About the Weather? A couple weeks back, the elders shared this statement with the


The icy and snowy weather through the winter months give us an opportunity to reflect on the graciousness of God. Due to modern technology, the Lord spares many accidents by enabling us to know when bad weather is coming and communicate with one another to stay home. At the same time, in a desire to see the work of the church continue, some may get concerned about church finances. This need not be the case! The Lord gives us what we need. We simply respond in faith. We trust that He will provide and we remain in faithful in our thankful giving. We can worship on Wednesday if ice keeps us away. We can give twice the amount we give on a typical Sunday when weather (or travel or anything else) keeps us away. We can consider signing up for electronic giving to give whether we are here or not. We do this not to “meet the budget” or because we have to, but in joyful recognition that the grace of Christ is constant whether it snows or whether you’re on vacation or whether you’re in your usual pew on Sunday. God’s people seek to give faithfully in thanks because God is faithful every day towards us in the forgiving love of Jesus.

Altar Guild

There will be an Altar Guild Meeting TODAY, March 10th immediately following late service. (The last was

cancelled sue to weather) The meeting will be in the sanctuary. This is a very important meeting as we will be

discussing the Lenten Communion schedule and Holy Week responsibilities. If you are unable to attend, please contact

Karen Schlegel at (636) 671-0080. Thank you!

Children's Ministry Fun! Check it out! Take a few moments in the friendship room to

see all of the fun our kids around Hope had this February. You'll find pictures of the wonderful time our ECC had together during Lutheran Schools Week. Plus, see the exciting evening of crazy games, craft and snacks our Sunday school families enjoyed at

Spoons! Family Night.