honor pupils of public new hair i schools of remedy ... · the intermont hotel is situated on an...

HONOR PUPILS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF RICHMOND Pupila whose names appear below o th* TImes-Dlspntrh's Roll of Honor, ha\ the ridded distinction of having bee promoted, most of thern without exam nation. The kIH-piIko list follows: West End School. First A-^Flrst Honor: Elslo EVam Mordecnl Ezcklel, West McClellnnd,- Si well'.- Wlngfleld, Annie Belle Thomni Robert Lyle, Holen Thompson, Louis "r Winston, Louise Shepherd, Ross Newel: Raymond 'Fletcher, Vlrglnln Whltlleli! Louise Boltnn, Luelle Hnynes, Helen Luce, Theresa Moesta, Adelaide Cheat ham. Second Honor: Hornee Smith, Grnysoi iiomliriflon, Thclma Sims, Garnett Gran fiery Raymond Williams, George May «Robert Baldwin, Clyde Guthrow. Well rb?d McDowell, Curtis Thompson, Robert Fletcher. ' Other Promotions: Ordennes Norman, -En'r! Blackwood, Herbert Wyatl, Georg« Taylor, Bland Pam'plin, Warren Morcer, Eugene Wright, John Bauer, Willie Wyatt, Mary Cushmnn. Not Absent or Tardy: Elsln Evans, Robert Fletcher, Bland Pnmplln, Sewell Wlngfleld, First B-OMrst Honor: Virginia Minor, Elizabeth Phillips, Elslo Pnlmore, MIN tired Cralg, Helena Wyatt, Nclle Phillips, .?Jö/rifes Heinrich, Kathleen McCollum, "ÖhttBr Swift, Minette Mnrshall, Carlisle Biicad, Joseph Lyle, Elliott Drintird, Nor¬ ma Biggs, Elizabeth Wnldrop, Elizabeth ¿Barbee, Lena Koontz, Thcodocla Mitchell, Rlejnnn Brett. Rèfrond Honor: Juan Layne, John Mnrcusc, Gay Francis, Alice Mitchell, Myrtïô Everett, Edwnrd Gunst, Alleen Anderson, Gray Guthrow, Irving Mat¬ thews, Louise Salómonsky, Helen Crouch, Albert Klevesnhl, Mabel Page, Correze Wise. Other Promotions: Willie Alto, Rlchnrd Elam, Percy Kuhn, Reíd Dlggs, Henry Ellyson, Warren Crump. Not Absent or Tardy: Herbert Smith. Second A.First Honor: Hall Mason, ..-Sam ' Witt, Leah Blnswanger, Ernest i'Hunter, Latnne JMontague, Scott Button, ¡(iBrock (Minor, Marian TtfrjiJ n, Peyton Scott, Catherlno Minor, Adele Mallonee, /«Jacob Ebel, Eddie Henley, Herbert Tay¬ lor, Charlie .Holze, Mnrgnret Ostergren, William Lawrence, Ferdinand Rtieger. Second Honor: Prlscilla Williams, ' Vernon Davis, Edna Tnj;lor, Ruth Mc- Clay, Ethel RIggan, Daisy Boiling, Ar- nette Tyler, Vernon Jennings, Mary, Lacy; Kathleen Montgomery, Walter Me- Carthy. Other Promotions: Bertha Lnngley, Ir- vïn Marshall, Roscoe Ptfckett, Albert /Johnson, Willie Grubbs, Frank Palmer,' V'.Newell Houchons, Ralph Dudley. j'(' Not Absent or Tardy: Hall MaBon, .rSam Witt, Brook M.nor. ',','Second B-iFlrst Honor: Lucy Tomp- 'klns, Katherine Brown, George Carneal, 'Essie; Stralhnan, Elizabeth Mnglll, Lucy Moore Willis, Janet Wyatt, Edmund Rucker, Norma Dletz, Annie Penn Cliris- tlan,* Mamie Kennedy, Bertha Brown, ^Minnie Kennedy, Dorothy Rhoutan, jLjàura Blantnn, LouIbp. Jordön. '" Second Honor: Edith Dalton, Alfreda Harwood, Thomns Pearman, Merle Tyler, Beatrice Ford, Annie Francis. ,', Other Promotions: Ernest Conrad, Mel ¡..Hersman, Adeeb Fahoory, Holne Laner, (Géorgie Fletcher, Harvey Powers, Foster î Saunders, Lawrent Tucker, Albert An¬ derson, Olive Lewis, Clifford Mnyfleld, Í Richard Nowell, John power., Raymond ';.£mlth. Neither Absent nor Tardy: Lucy Tomp- kins, Edmund Rucker, John Powers. Third A-'Ftrst Honor: John Pollard ;-,.Cox, Grace-.Savllle,- Herbert Gwathmey, Alyse. Tyler, Edith Sydnor. .is? Second Honor: Oscar-Upshur, Luzelle I'Montgomery,. Nellie Olson, .Cuthbert Lc Helen Williams, Lillian' Kendall, Dali Flrlh, Virginia Levy, I,o Grand Gllbei bort. Other Promotions: Elsie Fltzwllso Edward Mitchell, Howard Maynnrd, A Ian Wills, Emily Granger, Archie Lyl Llnwood Dickey, Elsie Klein, Edwai Lure, Morris Strauss, Morton Northo Fred. Wofthlngton, Charles Tnlbott, 1 vln Mitchell, Junlus Sycle, Raymor Kuhn, Clmrllo Bibb, John Ramey, Edwai Pell, Louise Stout, WInthrop Plzzln Virginia Cottrell, Elizabeth Luce. Third B.First Honort Margnret M< Voy, Kenneth Tomllnson, Sarnh cnnni Ruth Anderson, LIntt MeGoe, Eva Chcstcnunn, Stuart Kldd, Theodore Ne: son. Clarence Doykln. Second Honor; Mary Savllle, Stum Hopkins, Margaret Newcll, Wyndhni Perrln, Francis Bolton, Mary Keith Whit tel, Mnrgnret Betts, Charlotte Chnppell Harvle Morlng, RnymorFrt Dudley, Keev Marks, Virginia Clements, Ruby Perry Rosa Perry, Wnnlta Smlther, Nannett Blalock. Other Promotions: Isnnc Dlggs, De horah McCarthy, Edith Counclll, Hour; Snlomonsky, Tnrpln Phillips, Enrle Pum phrey, Georgo Crenshaw, Joe Baker, Lit tleton Lacy, May White, Mnry Cheat ham, AVIllle Jennings, Elizabeth Blalock Margaret Blackwoofl, .rVHicrt Robinson Arthur Bauer, Clnronco Franklin, Georg< Nowoll, Ronnie Lnwls, Lewis Morgnn. Not Absent or Tardy: Margaret Me- Vey. Fourth A.First Honor: Woolner Ca« lisch, Charlotte McGhee, Harold Hutz- ler. Margaret PhllllpB, Otey Pnlmer. Second Honor: Mary Cnlder, Lottie Guthrow. Marus Conrad, Annie Dowell, Mason Phillips, Mnynie Boiling, Lllllu Holland. Delia Phillips, Ida Wyatt, S. B. Bfltt, Rosalie seleeman, Frank Haynes, David Doggett, Frank Russell. Other Promotions: Russell Bowles, Sam Blnswanger, James Marshall, Ruth Plumb, Carter Miller, Odessa Bruner, Elizabeth Cntes, Robert Anthony, Mason Pnce. Bennle Firth, (Fnnnle Firth, Ray¬ mond Barker, Cnbell Meredith, Cllvlo Chewnlng, Hnrry Mathews, Leonard Par¬ ker, Tom Pitman, Russell Williams,- Ber- nelle Boltóni 'William Pnrrlsh. Not A<b'sént'rior.,Tfl.rdy: Eugene JobBon, Brumley; Heinrich. ; ,; Fourth ^B-Flrst Honor: Lewis, StrausH, Virginia Lorraine, Luclle Bray, LUdwoll Hill, Helen Keim, Roger McLelland, Ma. rlon Heller, con way Gordon, Carter Rirskell, Helen Hotze, Perrln Dabnoy, Percy Gray, Eugene Bradley, Allen Clements, Sally Montgomery, Marion Wnllersteln. Henry Bruner. Second Honor: Inez Duke, Myrtle Elam, Margy McCIny. Other Promotions: Vivian Patterson, Sadie Marqusei Douglas Holland, Elton Phillips, Grace Jenkins, Robert Llsttman,... Nannie Wyatt, Ethel Whanton, Earl Smith, Edloe .Snoad,. .William Russell, Russell Counclll, Wllllo .Shelton. Carlton Saundort,, Ralph Myrtle^Llnwood Suther¬ land. Not Absent or. Tardy: Roger McLel¬ land. Fifth A.First Honor: Jose Ramos, Frledo Dletz, William.Plumb, Ethel Oeter- gren, Henry 'Winston'.' ¿; .' Second-Honor: Robert Gnyle. Lula Cot- troll, Lizzie Chapín. Ida Saunders, Bur¬ ton Wright, Elise'i'nllllps, Arthur Lee, Lynn L. Jones, Bessie Hancock, Erie Morlng. Others Promoted: Leroy Hutzler, Mal¬ colm Lander, John McKce, Vlvlnn Cook, Rny Hencock, Robert Todd, Frank Ar- nall, Robert Parsons, Alia Bryant, Ma¬ mie Gentry, Miriam Perrln, Maria Snrneino, Laurie Boisseau, Hief Frtck, i Raymond Klovesahl, Leonard Pnge, Bal- THE INTERMONT HOTEL, COVINGTON, VA Vi.¡. The beautiful mountain town of Covlngton Is located'In tho centro of a J,,-.group of the most celebrated Virginia Health nnd Pleasure Resorts. On tho ... i-Chesapeake und Ohio Railroad, It Is ln easy roach of tho Virginia Hot Springs, .-.tho Healing, the warm, tho Greenbrler \VhIto, tho Old Swoot, tho Rockbrldgo Alum, Sweet Chalybeate, Natural Bridge, Mlllboro and Goshen. Guests are nt * -tho same time In touch with Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Cincinnati nnd Louisville. The Intermont Hotel Is situated on an eminence overlooking tho town of Coving-ton. Inviting verandas aro cooled by the plenteous shade trees and f(i breezeB, and tho whole place possesses an air of restftilness. The hotel, under ¿\ the management of Miss Emily T. Adalr, Is known to many resort seekers, ft(! and tho season of 1900 will onhanco Its popularity. Tho scenery, climate, drives - and walks io be had by guests are entirely enjoyable. ' New Hair Remedy A $1.00 PACKAGE FREE. Quickly Cures Dandruff, Stops Palling Hair, Restores Gray or Faded Hair to Natural Color. Never Falls to Grow New Hair. The Above New Growth of Hair Plainly Shows What Foso Does. It Will Do As Much For You. Try a 11.00 Package. It's Free. Men whose hair or beards are strag¬ gling or all gone; women whose tresses nave been thinned by fever or hair fall¬ ing" out, requiring the use of switches: llttlo children, boye and girls, whose hair Is coarso and unruly, all find ln this great remedy Just the relief they want. Foso grows hnlr on bald heads, thickens eye¬ brows and lengthens eyelashes, restores gray or faded hnlr to Its natural color, prevents thin hair, stops Itching, and makes tho hair of any-' man, woman or child long, heavy, silky and beautifully glossy. Fill out freo coupon and mall to¬ day. Free $1.00 Package Coupon. Fill ln your name and address on» blank Unos below, cut out tho cou¬ pon and mall to J. F. Stokes. "Vtgi\. 5658 Foso Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, and a full-sized $1.00 package will be sent you by first mall freo, ojl charges prepaid. t) ley Sounders, Georgo Hunter, Tyler Morí-' tague. Not ATreent or Tardy. Leonard Page, William Plumb, Jose Ramos, Malcolm Lander, IVlvlan Cook, Besslo Hancock, Martha Page, Robert Gayle. Fifth B.First Honor: Walter GaleskI, Margaret Gordon, Nannie Sydnor, Ella WJIlIlams. Second Honor; John Hanson, Marie Robinson, Kathleen Winston, Charles Word, Çarryll Parsons, Carrie Morgan, John Dudley. Others Promoted: Lee Palmore, Gordon* Warwick, Lonls Helndl, Wallace Colder, Bessie Whlttet, Earl Scott, Ira Stern, Alice Ramos, Paul Mayo, Ora AVorsham, Harry Tompklns, Edith Fltzwllson, Mag¬ gie Lacy, Frank Cutchlns. Nannie Allen, Edwin Smlther, Grace Ilnyïiés, Ethel AVhlbtet, Robert Sydnor, Horace Barnes, Moseley Davis, Mitchell Wyatt, Julian Herndon, Charlie Willis. Not Absent or Tardy: Grace Haynes, "Ira Stern, Harry Tompltlns, Charlie Wil¬ lis, Gaston Zander. Sixth A.First Honor: Laura Rlchnrd- Bon, Helen Monsell, Malcolm Straus, Ma¬ ria Gregory. George Falrlamb, Arthur Brown, Rutherfoord Wlngflold, Miriam Smith. Second Honor: Margaret Menogan, Margaret Word, Helen Staude, Beaulah Scott, Frank Miner, Dorothy Leftwlch, Vlrglnln Hughes, Louise Hunter, Ross Ford, Marian Arnall, Lucillo Pelouzo, Grace Wyatt, Elise .8heppnrd,,Mary Mo- Ghee, Grace Crump Wyatt. Other Promotion.-": Russell Kuhn, Jas. Haddock, Wallace Smith, Aubrey SmHh, Anthony McCarthy, Jtinlus Saunders, Gladys Flnney,- Alice Mnrcuse, Harold Fisher, Felix Marks, Tom Newell, Mor¬ ris Cushman, Leslie Butler, Lucy Ander¬ son. Not Absent or Tardy: Laura Richard¬ son, Helen Monsell, Rutherfoord Wlng¬ flold, Maria Gregory, Felix Marks. Sixth B.First Honor: Audrey Dillon, Ethel Johann, Elizabeth Gray, Bosslo Shuman, Meyer Reinhard, Roblna Rus- I kell, Laura' McGhéo, Kate Clemn Maurice Hutzler, Ruth Holland, Ma Blenner, Edith Attohneis. Second Honor: Bessie Harda« Richard Elmore, Wllllnhi Dempsey-, t lse Brynnt, Aubrey Carter. Other Promotions: Edith Montgomi Graham Grlgg, Gladys anekln*, Pe Hamlln, Annie Alloy, Kate Wlrth, St Patterson, Lewis Biggs. Not Absent or Tardy: Kate Clomm Bosslo Shumnn, Percy Hamlln. Seventh A.First Honor: Edna Cr Bhnw, Annie Graham, Nellie Brown. Second Honoti Clarence Brown, M garet Loard. Other Promotion«: Hownrd May, I vld Llchtonsteln, Arthur Urban, B "Dudley, Virginia Crump, Douglas Fran' Allee Kahn, Oswald Heinrich, Max^\ Wnddey, Holt Pago, Bernard Blanti Wilfred Lowery, Kenneth Burl, Lll Tlgnor, Clemenco Wnllersteln, car Wnddey. Herbert Dalton, Sara Pago. Not Absent or Tnrdy: Edna Crenshn Bernard Blnnton, Oswald Heinrich, / thur Urban. Seventh B.First Honor: Ruth BradU .Helen Lorraine, Loulso Mallonco, Co stance Helndl. Second Honor; Honor Price, Marga» Mlles, Mary Zolllekofter, Lucille Ciillln worth, Hnrry MoVey, Ethel Waltei Josephine Newell,' Thomas Fleming. Others Promoted: Frank Héacoc Frod. Woods, Straugham Turpln, Hui Dabney, Garland Chewnlng, Stuart Ra land, Not Absent or Tardy: Helen Lorrain Mary ZolUakoffor, Frank Hencock, Sa Padgett. Chimborazo School. Fifth A-Flrst Honor: Elllo Bowl Paul Colonnu, Elva Goode, Campbell Ha rls, Vernelle Mulre, .Nottlo JarvtB, Glodj Throckmorton, Wnltor Talley. Second Honor: Miriam Allen, Hele Bailey, Ruth Farley, Rachael Pearc Rosa, Rupp, Vlrglo Spears, Allco Sattei field, Dolllo Tlgnor, Promoted: Allen Arrn.tago, Ben Brj ant, James Bryant, Forcy Bates, ¿'ta Clarke, Bernnrd Curtis, Carroll Du ci Raymond Rector, Claudo Throckmorton. Neither Absent nor Tardy: Perc Bates, Paul Colonna, Alva Goode. Fourth B.First Honor: Clinton Ford Kate Harrison, Louisa Mathews, Wll lie Stagg. Second Honor: Ernestine Brlzendlnt Bessie Clark,, Susie Chnlkley, Agnes Dun nlngton, Wallace Evans, Catherin Grimes,. Preston Gayle, Eddie Hay Blanche Lynch, Leonard Lane, VannI McDonough, Verna Perklnson,' Mlnnl Vincent, Cuyler Vaughan, Hunter Wage ner, Hugh Walton. Neither Absent nor Tardy: Grace Bal ley, BeBsIo Clark, -Willie Stagg, Cuyle Vaughan, Hunter Wagener. Fourth A.(First Honors: Ralelgl Wright, Marlon .Harrison, Leslie Hard wlcke, Lottie Payne. Second Honors: Robert Harris, How ard Maxey, Harrison Mulre, Edgar Terry Ashby Walton, Raymond Wright, Ainu Aeree, Lillian Buffln, Grade Hay, Eurs Kloss, Readle Lally. Other Promotions! Thomas Christian, Rodidph Coutts, Ira Dugglns, Huntot Maxey, Lewis Mills, George Scammell, (Franklin Worsharp, Bernlce Walker. Not Absent or Tardy: Edgar Terry, Ellis Walton, Raleigh Wright. Third B.First Honor: Emily Askew, Myrtle Cake, Louise- Chamberlain, Alice Cook, Trvln Cralg,'.' Edgar Crone, -Nan¬ nie Cunningham, Larkln Curry, Tabltha Curtis, Ethel Dlckereon, Anna Hayes, David JMcGehee. Second Honor: Lucille Baker, Grace Clowes, Ethel Cooper, Mamie Curtis, Grace Eanes, Donald Ferguson, Luther Harris, Willie Lelblg, Ralph Wall, Marie Wilt, Leslie Wright. Other Promotions: Willie Wright. Neither Absent nor Tardy: Irvln Cralgj Edgar Crone, Louise Chamberlain, David KcGehee. Third A.First Honors: Eilet Allan, Dorothy Clendon,' Lottio Dlckerson, Mag- dailno Dyson, Willie Latham, BeBsle Mc- Geheo, Murray Robinson, Grace Sorg, Aleeso Throckmorton. Second Honora: Harry Cooper, Mason Johnson, Ruth Spears, Norvell Tuoker, Walter Tlgnor. Others Promoted: Joe Slchenger. Second B.First Honors: Corlne.Dyson, Winston Gentry, Lona Goode, Wendell Goode, Ruth Goldsmith, Helen Goodman, Elsie Hardln,, Allen Hewlett, Julian Latl- mer, Ruth McKeel, Alyso Meanloy, Gladys Palmatary, May Rose, Naomi Walkup. Second Honors: Fred Anderson, Vivian Buchanan, Goralyeo Clark, Alice Mc- Gehee, Viola Saunders, Liston Smith. Other Promotions: Arlington Aoree, Ralph Decker, Lawrence Edwards, Bert Ferguson, Morgan Pearce, "alter Pea- tross, Raymond Sykes, Sa cl Turner, George Wado, Wright Watts. Not Absent or Tardy: Fred. Anderson, Henry Curtis, Lona Goode, Wendell Goode, Naomi Waikup. Second A.First Honora: Lucille Bailey, Archer Ganzert, Marlon Hardwlcke, Bere¬ nice Hay, Hazel Hobson, Loulso Jennings, Melvln Lynch, Virginia Rector.«- Second Honors: Mary Buffln, Clydo Folzey, Henry. Doyle, Emily Hancock, Lorraine Hughes, John Johnstone, Mado- llne Miller, Mabel Snead, Stephen Whlt- loek. Not Absent or Tardy:' Marlon Hard¬ wlcke, Melvln Lynch, First B.First Honor: Marlon Alley, Cnrlylo Benedict, Wortloy Dlckerson, Margaret Frlschkorn, Lucille Gwathmoy, Loulso Ingersoll, Florence Lane, Mary Netherwood, Ethel Apperaon, Lewis Da¬ vis, Alvoy Hobson, Mary Frlschkorn, Mario Harnish, Irvln Llpscomb, Glndyso Maxey, Braxton Seiden, Morris Wing- Ballots Must Be Deposited AT TIMES-DISPATCH OFFICE, 916 East Main. VOTING COUPON. When depositing 10 or more ballots, put them up In packages and mark number contained In ench package on wrapper of same. Do not put more than 100 ballots in any one package. The Mecklenburg Hotel and Springs, Modern In Every Detail. CHASE CITY - - VIRGINIA. TOXAWAY INN In tlio Heart of "The Sapphire Country" LAKE TOXAWAY, - - N. O. Kenilworth Inn IN "THE lA,'D OP THE SKY." RILTMORK, - N. O. The Intermont Hotel. MOUNTAIN6 AND RIVER. HUNTING AJÍD FI8HINO. COVINGTON.VA. Pine Beach Hotel THE ! ACME OF COMFORT, pine REACH, - - - . VA. ife Mt. Elliott Springs Hotel «year to Nature's Heart." § MOUNT ELLIOTT, VA. Fourth Annual Outing Tours Contest This coupon Ib good for two votes for the young ladles named below, if deposited on or before 6 o'clock p. m. Miss. JUNE 30th :_; Miss__ "Atluntic City of the South." Ocean View Hotel OCEAN VIEW, VA. The Greenwood House Richmond'** Nearest mid Most Convenient Mountain Renort. GREENWOOD DEPOT, - VA. =H Buckroe Beach Hotel HOUNDING Bl MiOWH. BALMY HREEZES. PUOKROE BEACH, - VA. FREE TRANSFER OF BAGGAGE to mid from depots on leaving and arriving Rich¬ mond, furnlHhed by Rich- ini.i.il Transfer Company. $500 Fire Insurance Policy Issued hy VIRQINIA STATE FIRE INSUR. ANCE CO. »BOO 6TANDARD AC CIDENT INSURANCE policy, Issued by Brander & Co. Wachapreague Hotel "Tlio Sportsman's ParadiBO," WACHA PREAGUE, ,VA. FOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES SEE EDITORIAL PAGE. Fourqurean, Temple & Co. Unusual Opportunity for saving money will be offered in this week's salea. Nearly every de¬ partment will contribute to make this week's selling of¡ unusual interest to economical buyers. Our Entire Stock of Wash Suits Ins White and colors, all new goods this sea¬ son, will be offered at ONE-THIRD less than former prices. Prices Were.§5.00 to 920.OO Prices now .t)8.88 to $18.83 A Sale of Dress Skirts at One-Half Price These include walking length Skirts In black and colors.made of Mohairs, Pana¬ mas and Cheviots. The prices were ... .95.00 to $12.00 The prices now .,, .. 92.50 to 90.00 Silk Petticoats These Petticoats are In black and colors, of fine taffeta silk, and are worth from $5.00 to $9.00 each. There are not many of them. The entire lot will be sold at $8.50 and 94.00 each. Muslin Kimonos Newest styles In short lengths from BOc to $2.50 each... Long Kimonos, of muslin or crepe cloth, at 91.00 to 92.75 each. A Sale of Corsets These are the best makes, and are excellent goods, but some Blzes are missing In each style. That's why you can buy them so cheap. They were 50c to $2.50 each; now 25c to 91.25. A Sale of Val. Laces A big lot of Val. Lacea In Edges and Insert- lngs will be on sale at special prices on the centre counter, middle aisle. There Is a saving to you on th**80 Laces of from 15 to 20 per cent. T-i Mattings this week there will be offered a ».me exceptional values. In the Wash Goods Section Llnen-Plnlsh Suiting, In an excellent weight and finish, full 34 Inches wide, worth 12 l-2c; sale price, per yard, 10c. A "White French Lawn, of extra fine quality, very sheer and full 46 Inches wide, worth 29a yard; special sale price, 10c. Pine Sheer Checked Dimities, 28 Inches wide, worth 16c; sale price, 10c. , Whito Lingerie Cloth, mercerized finish, full 40 inches wide, two unusually good values, at, per yard, 10c and 25c. Fine Embroidered White Swiss Muslins, in dots and newest designs, a 50c grado, on sale at, per yard, 80c. Sale of Wash Waists We have determined to make this week's selling of Waists eclipse even that of last, and to that end will offer some unusual values. Waists that were $1.48 and $1.75, now 91.20. Waists that were $1.98, now $1.18. Waists that were $3.50,. now 92.48. Waists that were $4.50, now 92.08. A Sale of Hosiery Ladies' Fine Imported Lace Lisle Hose, in beautiful art patterns, all black, qualities which sold at 75c and $1.00 pair; sale price, 50c Ladles' Fine Imported Lace Lisle Hose, in black, beautiful patterns which sold ut $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 pair; Bale price, 80c Men's Half Hose Fast Black, made of fine combed Maco cotton, double sole, heel and toe; elastic and perfectly woven; the best looking and best wearing Hose ever sold for the price. One case on sale at, per pair, 121-2C. Fourqurean, Temple & Co. field. Second Honor: Richard Adama, Forrest Blunt, John Ellis, Clem Frledoft, GlaayBe Davis, Fannle Satterfteid, Stanley Mitch¬ ell, Willie Wakefleld, Edward Beggs, Leonard Cake, RuBsell Eaves, Robert Harris, Bessie Glading Lillian' Wilt, Ed- ward McGehee, Fred HugheB. Neither Absent nor Tardy: Mortam Al¬ ley, Lucille Gwathmey, Mary Neither- wood, Carlyle Benedict, Alvoy Hobsori. First A.First Honors: Thelma Bailey. Robert Cole, Ramon Goode, Robert Golda- by Loin Gayle, Ramon Ingersoll, Wil¬ lie Jenkins. Churchill Minor, Earl Mulre, Thelma Phillips, Lois Phillips, Lucyle Palmatary. Elizabeth Small, Agnes Snead, Christian Vest, Blarney Wright. Second Honors: Hazel Adams, Lena Cole, Lonnlo Hardwic-.. unie McGeheo, Viola Marshall, Blanch Phaup, Nellie Snelllngs, Gracie Whltlock, Alfred Wheat, Helen Prltchard. Neither Absent nor Tardy: Ramon Goode, Christian Vest, Blarney, Wright, Alfred Wheat. Leigh School. First A.First Honor: EH Copian,' Isaao Goshen, Elonora Jones, Marian Lawler, Victoria McDowell, Fritz Roscher, Ida Sher, Ruth Wallersteln. Second Honor: Hattle Brown, Charlie Bans, Mattle Chapman, Edward Crump, Manny Fark, Emma Gllnn, Edward Guinter, Helen O'Nell, Pat O'Nell, Wlllla Reekers, Willie Snowa, Hollls Stone, John Shelton, Rena Stern, Others Promoted: Wllllo Adamé, Allen Bass, Willie Towles. Neither Absent Nor Tardy: Manny Falk, Marian Lawler, Willie Snowa, First B.First Honor: Agnes Bullgen, Irene Brlel, Helen Gordon, Isy Gold, Pau¬ line IGllckman, Tessle Janke, William Lewis, Martha Latouche, Edward Miller, Elizabeth Noble, Lucilo Rothschild, Al¬ bert Rothschild, Virginia Rebman, Edith Reynolds', Percy Smith, John Wlnn. Second Honor: Lois Belk, Julian Cune, Edith Flllcher, Edith Mays, Katie Pyle, Fred, O'Leary, Wllllo Snowa, Zoila Bchwartz, Lottie 'Sllbert, Ruth Howl- grave. : Others Promoted: Evelyn Beard, Edna Probat Otto Staples, Frank Sullivan. Second A.First Honor: Harry Cap- Ian, Meyer Cooper, Robert Hatcher, Lois Hundley, Harvey Meister, Edwin Merry- dew, Eula Nicholas, Lois Payne, Nancy Spotts. Second Honor: Ralph Wolf, Others Promoted: Lurllne Belk, Ber- nlce Blackburn, Clara Bradley, Victor Clconet, Marjorle Dunn, Jerome Engel¬ borg, Kathleen Hardy, Charlie Held, Pauline Lleberman, Sarah Lleberman, 'John Maxwell, Cecilia Moore, Annette Schilling, Edith Tuproan. Ethel Wright, Gllmo Wright. Neither Absent Nor Tardy: Harry Cap- Ian, Robert Hatcher, Ludwell HuxCffr, Second B.FJrst Honor: George Brlel, Marcus Elimlg, George aa«ser, Leah Hushberg, Jack Lewttt, Edwin Mlltz, Marie Moelier, Newton Nuckois, Ellen Purdle, Sadie Rosenberg, William Bin» ton, Charlea Smith, Bésalo Sharpley, Mary Shorter, Elizabeth Spotts, -jarguerlt« Toblen. Second Honor,! Marcus Kaufman, Wll- heimlna Newman, Fannle Rose, Selma Sonnenherg, Sadie Schiller, Eliza Wllker- 8011. Others Promoted; Pallen Ashor, Robert Chappell, Millender .Howard,- Covlngton Hatton, Gravatt Longest, AVlllard Owens, Albert Waldbauer. 'Eddie Woodson. Neither Absent Nor Tardy: .Wllhelmlna Newman, Mary Shorter, Third A.First Honors Jamos Lawler, Moses Stem, Frank Waldrop, Lorraine, Mayo, Willie Lumsden, Elsie Buttgen, Elsie Vanpelt, Ida Gary, Bessie Howard. Second Honor; John Ramkey, Leland Ford, Helen MInter, Helene Engleberg. Others Promoted! Drewry Blair, Ben- nle Aaron, Emanuel Newman, Willie Faust, Ethel hrert Loving, Jake Schiller, Joseph Copian, Theodore Rlcker, Julian Wood, Lillian Jones, Louise Morrlssette, Violet Semon, Mabel Lumsden, Mary Crowell. MIohellne Petrochllll. Neither Absent Nor Tardy: Elsie Van Pelt ' ' Third B.First Honor: Bessie Bawse], Reeta Bear, Dorothy Emmenhauser, Hyl- da Loth, Nathan Splllberg, Lellle Simp¬ son, Robert Thomas, John W'llBon, Lloyd Womack. Second Honor: Katherine Beard, Mary Bass, Emma Cosby, Martha Cosby, Amanda Faust, 'Jennie Fisher, Louise Moore, Amorette Smith, Alice Leeds; Others Promoted: Otto Blersch, Allan Blschoff, Beulah BInford, Willie Dorset, Waller Hundley. Alma Held, Elizabeth Maxwell, Rosser Owen, John Proffltt, Jessie Ruth, Ellen Ruth, Fannle Sher, Sam Sonnenberg-, Harold Straus, Jaki AValdbauer. ' Neither Absent Nor Tardy: ''Heyman Rose, Otto Blcrsch, Nathan Splllberg, Dorothy .Emmonhauser, Itleta Bear. Fourth A-Flrst Honor: Jack Asher, Edgerton Franck, Tom Gordon, Earle Graves, Irving White. May Emmcnhausor, Agnes O'Nell, Grace Miller, Bernice Promit. Second Honor: Willie Atkins, Gravatt Coleman, Thomas Krug, John Marrln, Dick Schroeder. Andrew Tobeln, Ruby Barden. Ella Bawsel, Sadie Greltstein, Nettle Bowers, Flora .Eneelherg, Blanche Friedberg. Edith Harris. Mary Huxter, Ruth Mallory, Sadie Martin, Myrtle Lacy, Belle Rosen feld, Rebecca Sonnenberg, Bertha Towlea. Cthers Promoted: Hubert Crlsplnl, Josle Gasser, Moses GcIIman, WárYen Hughes,., Irvlno Owens, LouIb Traferl, Hubert Tlmmlns, Dave Weinstein. Neither Absent Nor Tardy: Dick (Continued on Seventh Page.) Going Away? You Will Be Sure to Need A Good Trunk! RountreeVRoller Tray Trunk is the only perfect exam¬ ple of the trunk-maker's art. A combination of convenience and durability. Will not get out of order. Prices Range from 65c to $65. A Special Sale of Extra Pine Cow Hide Cases. Is Now in Progress. They Are Bargains. Rountree's Trunk Store, 703 East Broad Street. R. H. Bosher's Sons, IS S. Ninth Street. Sense will lead any man to choose a worthy, well made, reputable malo vehicle in preference to a «heap affair, In the vehicle world Bosher styles are standard, and the Bosh»,- name guarantees quality and sterling worth. The volume of the Bother business enables ui to make moderate prices and the lowest constatent with the highest quality, Call and see our beautiful stock before purchasing. It Is a pleasure to show our goods. We aleo do the finest Repair« ing and Repainting to be seen In (he city. REMEMBER WB HAVE ALL 8TYUE6 OF VEHICLES IN STOCK, R. H, BOSHER'S SONS, -15 SOUTH NINTH STREET. REAR OF MUTUAL BUILDING.

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Page 1: HONOR PUPILS OF PUBLIC New Hair I SCHOOLS OF Remedy ... · The Intermont Hotel Is situated on an eminence overlooking tho town of Coving-ton. Inviting verandas aro cooled by the plenteous


Pupila whose names appear below o

th* TImes-Dlspntrh's Roll of Honor, ha\the ridded distinction of having bee

promoted, most of thern without exam

nation. The kIH-piIko list follows:West End School.

First A-^Flrst Honor: Elslo EVamMordecnl Ezcklel, West McClellnnd,- Siwell'.- Wlngfleld, Annie Belle ThomniRobert Lyle, Holen Thompson, Louis

"r Winston, Louise Shepherd, Ross Newel:Raymond 'Fletcher, Vlrglnln Whltlleli!Louise Boltnn, Luelle Hnynes, HelenLuce, Theresa Moesta, Adelaide Cheatham.Second Honor: Hornee Smith, Grnysoi

iiomliriflon, Thclma Sims, Garnett Gran

fiery Raymond Williams, George May«Robert Baldwin, Clyde Guthrow. Wellrb?d McDowell, Curtis Thompson, RobertFletcher. '

Other Promotions: Ordennes Norman,-En'r! Blackwood, Herbert Wyatl, Georg«Taylor, Bland Pam'plin, Warren Morcer,Eugene Wright, John Bauer, WillieWyatt, Mary Cushmnn.Not Absent or Tardy: Elsln Evans,

Robert Fletcher, Bland Pnmplln, SewellWlngfleld,First B-OMrst Honor: Virginia Minor,

Elizabeth Phillips, Elslo Pnlmore, MINtired Cralg, Helena Wyatt, Nclle Phillips,

.?Jö/rifes Heinrich, Kathleen McCollum,"ÖhttBr Swift, Minette Mnrshall, CarlisleBiicad, Joseph Lyle, Elliott Drintird, Nor¬ma Biggs, Elizabeth Wnldrop, Elizabeth

¿Barbee, Lena Koontz, Thcodocla Mitchell,Rlejnnn Brett.Rèfrond Honor: Juan Layne, John

Mnrcusc, Gay Francis, Alice Mitchell,Myrtïô Everett, Edwnrd Gunst, AlleenAnderson, Gray Guthrow, Irving Mat¬thews, Louise Salómonsky, Helen Crouch,Albert Klevesnhl, Mabel Page, CorrezeWise.Other Promotions: Willie Alto, Rlchnrd

Elam, Percy Kuhn, Reíd Dlggs, HenryEllyson, Warren Crump.Not Absent or Tardy: Herbert Smith.Second A.First Honor: Hall Mason,

..-Sam ' Witt, Leah Blnswanger, Ernesti'Hunter, Latnne JMontague, Scott Button,¡(iBrock (Minor, Marian TtfrjiJ n, PeytonScott, Catherlno Minor, Adele Mallonee,

/«Jacob Ebel, Eddie Henley, Herbert Tay¬lor, Charlie .Holze, Mnrgnret Ostergren,William Lawrence, Ferdinand Rtieger.Second Honor: Prlscilla Williams,

' Vernon Davis, Edna Tnj;lor, Ruth Mc-Clay, Ethel RIggan, Daisy Boiling, Ar-nette Tyler, Vernon Jennings, Mary,Lacy; Kathleen Montgomery, Walter Me-Carthy.Other Promotions: Bertha Lnngley, Ir-

vïn Marshall, Roscoe Ptfckett, Albert/Johnson, Willie Grubbs, Frank Palmer,'V'.Newell Houchons, Ralph Dudley.j'(' Not Absent or Tardy: Hall MaBon,.rSam Witt, Brook M.nor.',','Second B-iFlrst Honor: Lucy Tomp-'klns, Katherine Brown, George Carneal,'Essie; Stralhnan, Elizabeth Mnglll, LucyMoore Willis, Janet Wyatt, EdmundRucker, Norma Dletz, Annie Penn Cliris-tlan,* Mamie Kennedy, Bertha Brown,

^Minnie Kennedy, Dorothy Rhoutan,jLjàura Blantnn, LouIbp. Jordön.'" Second Honor: Edith Dalton, AlfredaHarwood, Thomns Pearman, Merle Tyler,Beatrice Ford, Annie Francis.

,', Other Promotions: Ernest Conrad, Mel¡..Hersman, Adeeb Fahoory, Holne Laner,(Géorgie Fletcher, Harvey Powers, Foster

î Saunders, Lawrent Tucker, Albert An¬derson, Olive Lewis, Clifford Mnyfleld,Í Richard Nowell, John power., Raymond';.£mlth.

Neither Absent nor Tardy: Lucy Tomp-kins, Edmund Rucker, John Powers.Third A-'Ftrst Honor: John Pollard

;-,.Cox, Grace-.Savllle,- Herbert Gwathmey,Alyse. Tyler, Edith Sydnor.

.is? Second Honor: Oscar-Upshur, Luzelle

I'Montgomery,. Nellie Olson, .Cuthbert LcHelen Williams, Lillian' Kendall, DaliFlrlh, Virginia Levy, I,o Grand Gllbeibort.Other Promotions: Elsie Fltzwllso

Edward Mitchell, Howard Maynnrd, AIan Wills, Emily Granger, Archie LylLlnwood Dickey, Elsie Klein, EdwaiLure, Morris Strauss, Morton NorthoFred. Wofthlngton, Charles Tnlbott, 1vln Mitchell, Junlus Sycle, RaymorKuhn, Clmrllo Bibb, John Ramey, EdwaiPell, Louise Stout, WInthrop PlzzlnVirginia Cottrell, Elizabeth Luce.Third B.First Honort Margnret M<

Voy, Kenneth Tomllnson, Sarnh cnnniRuth Anderson, LIntt MeGoe, EvaChcstcnunn, Stuart Kldd, Theodore Ne:son. Clarence Doykln.Second Honor; Mary Savllle, Stum

Hopkins, Margaret Newcll, WyndhniPerrln, Francis Bolton, Mary Keith Whittel, Mnrgnret Betts, Charlotte ChnppellHarvle Morlng, RnymorFrt Dudley, KeevMarks, Virginia Clements, Ruby PerryRosa Perry, Wnnlta Smlther, NannettBlalock.Other Promotions: Isnnc Dlggs, De

horah McCarthy, Edith Counclll, Hour;Snlomonsky, Tnrpln Phillips, Enrle Pumphrey, Georgo Crenshaw, Joe Baker, Littleton Lacy, May White, Mnry Cheatham, AVIllle Jennings, Elizabeth BlalockMargaret Blackwoofl, .rVHicrt RobinsonArthur Bauer, Clnronco Franklin, Georg<Nowoll, Ronnie Lnwls, Lewis Morgnn.Not Absent or Tardy: Margaret Me-

Vey.Fourth A.First Honor: Woolner Ca«

lisch, Charlotte McGhee, Harold Hutz-ler. Margaret PhllllpB, Otey Pnlmer.Second Honor: Mary Cnlder, Lottie

Guthrow. Marus Conrad, Annie Dowell,Mason Phillips, Mnynie Boiling, LlllluHolland. Delia Phillips, Ida Wyatt, S.B. Bfltt, Rosalie seleeman, FrankHaynes, David Doggett, Frank Russell.Other Promotions: Russell Bowles,

Sam Blnswanger, James Marshall, RuthPlumb, Carter Miller, Odessa Bruner,Elizabeth Cntes, Robert Anthony, MasonPnce. Bennle Firth, (Fnnnle Firth, Ray¬mond Barker, Cnbell Meredith, CllvloChewnlng, Hnrry Mathews, Leonard Par¬ker, Tom Pitman, Russell Williams,- Ber-nelle Boltóni 'William Pnrrlsh.Not A<b'sént'rior.,Tfl.rdy: Eugene JobBon,

Brumley; Heinrich. ; ,;Fourth ^B-Flrst Honor: Lewis, StrausH,

Virginia Lorraine, Luclle Bray, LUdwollHill, Helen Keim, Roger McLelland, Ma.rlon Heller, conway Gordon, CarterRirskell, Helen Hotze, Perrln Dabnoy,Percy Gray, Eugene Bradley, AllenClements, Sally Montgomery, MarionWnllersteln. Henry Bruner.Second Honor: Inez Duke, Myrtle

Elam, Margy McCIny.Other Promotions: Vivian Patterson,

Sadie Marqusei Douglas Holland, EltonPhillips, Grace Jenkins, Robert Llsttman,...Nannie Wyatt, Ethel Whanton, EarlSmith, Edloe .Snoad,. .William Russell,Russell Counclll, Wllllo .Shelton. CarltonSaundort,, Ralph Myrtle^Llnwood Suther¬land.Not Absent or. Tardy: Roger McLel¬

land.Fifth A.First Honor: Jose Ramos,

Frledo Dletz, William.Plumb, Ethel Oeter-gren, Henry 'Winston'.' ¿; .'Second-Honor: Robert Gnyle. Lula Cot-

troll, Lizzie Chapín. Ida Saunders, Bur¬ton Wright, Elise'i'nllllps, Arthur Lee,Lynn L. Jones, Bessie Hancock, ErieMorlng.Others Promoted: Leroy Hutzler, Mal¬

colm Lander, John McKce, Vlvlnn Cook,Rny Hencock, Robert Todd, Frank Ar-nall, Robert Parsons, Alia Bryant, Ma¬mie Gentry, Miriam Perrln, MariaSnrneino, Laurie Boisseau, Hief Frtck, iRaymond Klovesahl, Leonard Pnge, Bal-


Vi.¡. The beautiful mountain town of Covlngton Is located'In tho centro of a

J,,-.group of the most celebrated Virginia Health nnd Pleasure Resorts. On tho... i-Chesapeake und Ohio Railroad, It Is ln easy roach of tho Virginia Hot Springs,.-.tho Healing, the warm, tho Greenbrler \VhIto, tho Old Swoot, tho Rockbrldgo

Alum, Sweet Chalybeate, Natural Bridge, Mlllboro and Goshen. Guests are nt* -tho same time In touch with Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Cincinnati nnd

Louisville.The Intermont Hotel Is situated on an eminence overlooking tho town of

Coving-ton. Inviting verandas aro cooled by the plenteous shade trees andf(i breezeB, and tho whole place possesses an air of restftilness. The hotel, under¿\ the management of Miss Emily T. Adalr, Is known to many resort seekers,ft(! and tho season of 1900 will onhanco Its popularity. Tho scenery, climate, drives- and walks io be had by guests are entirely enjoyable. '

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The Above New Growth of Hair PlainlyShows What Foso Does. It Will DoAs Much For You. Try a 11.00

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ley Sounders, Georgo Hunter, Tyler Morí-'tague.Not ATreent or Tardy. Leonard Page,

William Plumb, Jose Ramos, MalcolmLander, IVlvlan Cook, Besslo Hancock,Martha Page, Robert Gayle.Fifth B.First Honor: Walter GaleskI,

Margaret Gordon, Nannie Sydnor, EllaWJIlIlams.Second Honor; John Hanson, Marie

Robinson, Kathleen Winston, CharlesWord, Çarryll Parsons, Carrie Morgan,John Dudley.Others Promoted: Lee Palmore, Gordon*

Warwick, Lonls Helndl, Wallace Colder,Bessie Whlttet, Earl Scott, Ira Stern,Alice Ramos, Paul Mayo, Ora AVorsham,Harry Tompklns, Edith Fltzwllson, Mag¬gie Lacy, Frank Cutchlns. Nannie Allen,Edwin Smlther, Grace Ilnyïiés, EthelAVhlbtet, Robert Sydnor, Horace Barnes,Moseley Davis, Mitchell Wyatt, JulianHerndon, Charlie Willis.Not Absent or Tardy: Grace Haynes,

"Ira Stern, Harry Tompltlns, Charlie Wil¬lis, Gaston Zander.Sixth A.First Honor: Laura Rlchnrd-

Bon, Helen Monsell, Malcolm Straus, Ma¬ria Gregory. George Falrlamb, ArthurBrown, Rutherfoord Wlngflold, MiriamSmith.Second Honor: Margaret Menogan,

Margaret Word, Helen Staude, BeaulahScott, Frank Miner, Dorothy Leftwlch,Vlrglnln Hughes, Louise Hunter, RossFord, Marian Arnall, Lucillo Pelouzo,Grace Wyatt, Elise .8heppnrd,,Mary Mo-Ghee, Grace Crump Wyatt.Other Promotion.-": Russell Kuhn, Jas.

Haddock, Wallace Smith, Aubrey SmHh,Anthony McCarthy, Jtinlus Saunders,Gladys Flnney,- Alice Mnrcuse, HaroldFisher, Felix Marks, Tom Newell, Mor¬ris Cushman, Leslie Butler, Lucy Ander¬son.Not Absent or Tardy: Laura Richard¬

son, Helen Monsell, Rutherfoord Wlng¬flold, Maria Gregory, Felix Marks.Sixth B.First Honor: Audrey Dillon,

Ethel Johann, Elizabeth Gray, BossloShuman, Meyer Reinhard, Roblna Rus-

I kell, Laura' McGhéo, Kate ClemnMaurice Hutzler, Ruth Holland, MaBlenner, Edith Attohneis.Second Honor: Bessie Harda«

Richard Elmore, Wllllnhi Dempsey-, tlse Brynnt, Aubrey Carter.Other Promotions: Edith Montgomi

Graham Grlgg, Gladys anekln*, PeHamlln, Annie Alloy, Kate Wlrth, StPatterson, Lewis Biggs.Not Absent or Tardy: Kate Clomm

Bosslo Shumnn, Percy Hamlln.Seventh A.First Honor: Edna Cr

Bhnw, Annie Graham, Nellie Brown.Second Honoti Clarence Brown, M

garet Loard.Other Promotion«: Hownrd May, I

vld Llchtonsteln, Arthur Urban, B"Dudley, Virginia Crump, Douglas Fran'Allee Kahn, Oswald Heinrich, Max^\Wnddey, Holt Pago, Bernard BlantiWilfred Lowery, Kenneth Burl, LllTlgnor, Clemenco Wnllersteln, carWnddey. Herbert Dalton, Sara Pago.Not Absent or Tnrdy: Edna Crenshn

Bernard Blnnton, Oswald Heinrich, /thur Urban.Seventh B.First Honor: Ruth BradU

.Helen Lorraine, Loulso Mallonco, Costance Helndl.Second Honor; Honor Price, Marga»

Mlles, Mary Zolllekofter, Lucille Ciilllnworth, Hnrry MoVey, Ethel WalteiJosephine Newell,' Thomas Fleming.Others Promoted: Frank Héacoc

Frod. Woods, Straugham Turpln, HuiDabney, Garland Chewnlng, Stuart Raland,Not Absent or Tardy: Helen Lorrain

Mary ZolUakoffor, Frank Hencock, SaPadgett.

Chimborazo School.Fifth A-Flrst Honor: Elllo Bowl

Paul Colonnu, Elva Goode, Campbell Harls, Vernelle Mulre, .Nottlo JarvtB, GlodjThrockmorton, Wnltor Talley.Second Honor: Miriam Allen, Hele

Bailey, Ruth Farley, Rachael PearcRosa, Rupp, Vlrglo Spears, Allco Satteifield, Dolllo Tlgnor,Promoted: Allen Arrn.tago, Ben Brj

ant, James Bryant, Forcy Bates, ¿'ta

Clarke, Bernnrd Curtis, Carroll Du ci

Raymond Rector, Claudo Throckmorton.Neither Absent nor Tardy: Perc

Bates, Paul Colonna, Alva Goode.Fourth B.First Honor: Clinton Ford

Kate Harrison, Louisa Mathews, Wlllie Stagg.Second Honor: Ernestine Brlzendlnt

Bessie Clark,, Susie Chnlkley, Agnes Dunnlngton, Wallace Evans, CatherinGrimes,. Preston Gayle, Eddie HayBlanche Lynch, Leonard Lane, VannIMcDonough, Verna Perklnson,' MlnnlVincent, Cuyler Vaughan, Hunter Wagener, Hugh Walton.Neither Absent nor Tardy: Grace Bal

ley, BeBsIo Clark, -Willie Stagg, CuyleVaughan, Hunter Wagener.Fourth A.(First Honors: Ralelgl

Wright, Marlon .Harrison, Leslie Hardwlcke, Lottie Payne.Second Honors: Robert Harris, How

ard Maxey, Harrison Mulre, Edgar TerryAshby Walton, Raymond Wright, AinuAeree, Lillian Buffln, Grade Hay, EursKloss, Readle Lally.Other Promotions! Thomas Christian,

Rodidph Coutts, Ira Dugglns, HuntotMaxey, Lewis Mills, George Scammell,(Franklin Worsharp, Bernlce Walker.Not Absent or Tardy: Edgar Terry,

Ellis Walton, Raleigh Wright.Third B.First Honor: Emily Askew,

Myrtle Cake, Louise- Chamberlain, AliceCook, Trvln Cralg,'.' Edgar Crone, -Nan¬nie Cunningham, Larkln Curry, TablthaCurtis, Ethel Dlckereon, Anna Hayes,David JMcGehee.Second Honor: Lucille Baker, Grace

Clowes, Ethel Cooper, Mamie Curtis,Grace Eanes, Donald Ferguson, LutherHarris, Willie Lelblg, Ralph Wall, MarieWilt, Leslie Wright.Other Promotions: Willie Wright.Neither Absent nor Tardy: Irvln Cralgj

Edgar Crone, Louise Chamberlain, DavidKcGehee.Third A.First Honors: Eilet Allan,

Dorothy Clendon,' Lottio Dlckerson, Mag-dailno Dyson, Willie Latham, BeBsle Mc-Geheo, Murray Robinson, Grace Sorg,Aleeso Throckmorton.Second Honora: Harry Cooper, Mason

Johnson, Ruth Spears, Norvell Tuoker,Walter Tlgnor.Others Promoted: Joe Slchenger.Second B.First Honors: Corlne.Dyson,

Winston Gentry, Lona Goode, WendellGoode, Ruth Goldsmith, Helen Goodman,Elsie Hardln,, Allen Hewlett, Julian Latl-mer, Ruth McKeel, Alyso Meanloy, GladysPalmatary, May Rose, Naomi Walkup.Second Honors: Fred Anderson, Vivian

Buchanan, Goralyeo Clark, Alice Mc-Gehee, Viola Saunders, Liston Smith.Other Promotions: Arlington Aoree,

Ralph Decker, Lawrence Edwards, BertFerguson, Morgan Pearce, "alter Pea-tross, Raymond Sykes, Sa cl Turner,George Wado, Wright Watts.Not Absent or Tardy: Fred. Anderson,

Henry Curtis, Lona Goode, WendellGoode, Naomi Waikup.Second A.First Honora: Lucille Bailey,

Archer Ganzert, Marlon Hardwlcke, Bere¬nice Hay, Hazel Hobson, Loulso Jennings,Melvln Lynch, Virginia Rector.«-Second Honors: Mary Buffln, Clydo

Folzey, Henry. Doyle, Emily Hancock,Lorraine Hughes, John Johnstone, Mado-llne Miller, Mabel Snead, Stephen Whlt-loek.Not Absent or Tardy:' Marlon Hard¬

wlcke, Melvln Lynch,First B.First Honor: Marlon Alley,

Cnrlylo Benedict, Wortloy Dlckerson,Margaret Frlschkorn, Lucille Gwathmoy,Loulso Ingersoll, Florence Lane, MaryNetherwood, Ethel Apperaon, Lewis Da¬vis, Alvoy Hobson, Mary Frlschkorn,Mario Harnish, Irvln Llpscomb, GlndysoMaxey, Braxton Seiden, Morris Wing-

Ballots Must Be DepositedAT TIMES-DISPATCH OFFICE,

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Fourqurean, Temple & Co.

Unusual Opportunityfor saving money will be offered in this week's salea. Nearly every de¬partment will contribute to make this week's selling of¡ unusual interestto economical buyers.Our Entire Stock of Wash SuitsInsWhite and colors, all new goods this sea¬

son, will be offered at ONE-THIRD lessthan former prices.

Prices Were.§5.00 to 920.OOPrices now .t)8.88 to $18.83

A Sale of Dress Skirts atOne-Half Price

These include walking length Skirts Inblack and colors.made of Mohairs, Pana¬mas and Cheviots.

The prices were ... .95.00 to $12.00The prices now .,, .. 92.50 to 90.00

Silk PetticoatsThese Petticoats are In black and colors, of

fine taffeta silk, and are worth from $5.00 to$9.00 each. There are not many of them. Theentire lot will be sold at $8.50 and 94.00 each.

Muslin KimonosNewest styles In short lengths from BOc to

$2.50 each...Long Kimonos, of muslin or crepe cloth, at

91.00 to 92.75 each.

A Sale of CorsetsThese are the best makes, and are excellent

goods, but some Blzes are missing In each style.That's why you can buy them so cheap. Theywere 50c to $2.50 each; now 25c to 91.25.

A Sale of Val. LacesA big lot of Val. Lacea In Edges and Insert-

lngs will be on sale at special prices on thecentre counter, middle aisle. There Is a savingto you on th**80 Laces of from 15 to 20 per cent.

T-i Mattings this week there will be offereda».me exceptional values.

In the Wash Goods SectionLlnen-Plnlsh Suiting, In an excellent weight

and finish, full 34 Inches wide, worth 12 l-2c;sale price, per yard, 10c.A "White French Lawn, of extra fine quality,

very sheer and full 46 Inches wide, worth 29ayard; special sale price, 10c.

Pine Sheer Checked Dimities, 28 Inches wide,worth 16c; sale price, 10c. ,

Whito Lingerie Cloth, mercerized finish, full40 inches wide, two unusually good values, at,per yard, 10c and 25c.Fine Embroidered White Swiss Muslins, in

dots and newest designs, a 50c grado, on saleat, per yard, 80c.

Sale of Wash WaistsWe have determined to make this week's

selling of Waists eclipse even that of last,and to that end will offer some unusualvalues.

Waists that were $1.48 and $1.75, now 91.20.Waists that were $1.98, now $1.18.Waists that were $3.50,. now 92.48.Waists that were $4.50, now 92.08.

A Sale of HosieryLadies' Fine Imported Lace Lisle Hose, in

beautiful art patterns, all black, qualities whichsold at 75c and $1.00 pair; sale price, 50c

Ladles' Fine Imported Lace Lisle Hose, inblack, beautiful patterns which sold ut $1.25,$1.50 and $2.00 pair; Bale price, 80c

Men's Half HoseFast Black, made of fine combed Maco cotton,

double sole, heel and toe; elastic and perfectlywoven; the best looking and best wearing Hoseever sold for the price. One case on sale at, perpair, 121-2C.

Fourqurean, Temple & Co.

field.Second Honor: Richard Adama, Forrest

Blunt, John Ellis, Clem Frledoft, GlaayBeDavis, Fannle Satterfteid, Stanley Mitch¬ell, Willie Wakefleld, Edward Beggs,Leonard Cake, RuBsell Eaves, Robert

Harris, Bessie Glading Lillian' Wilt, Ed-

ward McGehee, Fred HugheB.Neither Absent nor Tardy: Mortam Al¬

ley, Lucille Gwathmey, Mary Neither-wood, Carlyle Benedict, Alvoy Hobsori.First A.First Honors: Thelma Bailey.

Robert Cole, Ramon Goode, Robert Golda-by Loin Gayle, Ramon Ingersoll, Wil¬

lie Jenkins. Churchill Minor, Earl Mulre,Thelma Phillips, Lois Phillips, LucylePalmatary. Elizabeth Small, Agnes Snead,Christian Vest, Blarney Wright.Second Honors: Hazel Adams, Lena

Cole, Lonnlo Hardwic-.. unie McGeheo,Viola Marshall, Blanch Phaup, NellieSnelllngs, Gracie Whltlock, Alfred Wheat,Helen Prltchard.Neither Absent nor Tardy: Ramon

Goode, Christian Vest, Blarney, Wright,Alfred Wheat.

Leigh School.First A.First Honor: EH Copian,'

Isaao Goshen, Elonora Jones, MarianLawler, Victoria McDowell, FritzRoscher, Ida Sher, Ruth Wallersteln.Second Honor: Hattle Brown, Charlie

Bans, Mattle Chapman, Edward Crump,Manny Fark, Emma Gllnn, EdwardGuinter, Helen O'Nell, Pat O'Nell, WllllaReekers, Willie Snowa, Hollls Stone,John Shelton, Rena Stern,Others Promoted: Wllllo Adamé, Allen

Bass, Willie Towles.Neither Absent Nor Tardy: Manny

Falk, Marian Lawler, Willie Snowa,First B.First Honor: Agnes Bullgen,

Irene Brlel, Helen Gordon, Isy Gold, Pau¬line IGllckman, Tessle Janke, WilliamLewis, Martha Latouche, Edward Miller,Elizabeth Noble, Lucilo Rothschild, Al¬bert Rothschild, Virginia Rebman, EdithReynolds', Percy Smith, John Wlnn.Second Honor: Lois Belk, Julian Cune,

Edith Flllcher, Edith Mays, Katie Pyle,Fred, O'Leary, Wllllo Snowa, ZoilaBchwartz, Lottie 'Sllbert, Ruth Howl-grave. :Others Promoted: Evelyn Beard, Edna

Probat Otto Staples, Frank Sullivan.Second A.First Honor: Harry Cap-

Ian, Meyer Cooper, Robert Hatcher, LoisHundley, Harvey Meister, Edwin Merry-dew, Eula Nicholas, Lois Payne, NancySpotts.Second Honor: Ralph Wolf,Others Promoted: Lurllne Belk, Ber-

nlce Blackburn, Clara Bradley, VictorClconet, Marjorle Dunn, Jerome Engel¬borg, Kathleen Hardy, Charlie Held,Pauline Lleberman, Sarah Lleberman,'John Maxwell, Cecilia Moore, AnnetteSchilling, Edith Tuproan. Ethel Wright,Gllmo Wright.Neither Absent Nor Tardy: Harry Cap-

Ian, Robert Hatcher, Ludwell HuxCffr,Second B.FJrst Honor: George Brlel,

Marcus Elimlg, George aa«ser, LeahHushberg, Jack Lewttt, Edwin Mlltz,Marie Moelier, Newton Nuckois, EllenPurdle, Sadie Rosenberg, William Bin»ton, Charlea Smith, Bésalo Sharpley, MaryShorter, Elizabeth Spotts, -jarguerlt«Toblen.Second Honor,! Marcus Kaufman, Wll-

heimlna Newman, Fannle Rose, SelmaSonnenherg, Sadie Schiller, Eliza Wllker-8011.Others Promoted; Pallen Ashor, Robert

Chappell, Millender .Howard,- CovlngtonHatton, Gravatt Longest, AVlllard Owens,Albert Waldbauer. 'Eddie Woodson.Neither Absent Nor Tardy: .Wllhelmlna

Newman, Mary Shorter,Third A.First Honors Jamos Lawler,

Moses Stem, Frank Waldrop, Lorraine,Mayo, Willie Lumsden, Elsie Buttgen,Elsie Vanpelt, Ida Gary, Bessie Howard.Second Honor; John Ramkey, Leland

Ford, Helen MInter, Helene Engleberg.Others Promoted! Drewry Blair, Ben-

nle Aaron, Emanuel Newman, WillieFaust, Ethel hrert Loving, Jake Schiller,Joseph Copian, Theodore Rlcker, JulianWood, Lillian Jones, Louise Morrlssette,Violet Semon, Mabel Lumsden, MaryCrowell. MIohellne Petrochllll.Neither Absent Nor Tardy: Elsie Van

Pelt ' '

Third B.First Honor: Bessie Bawse],Reeta Bear, Dorothy Emmenhauser, Hyl-da Loth, Nathan Splllberg, Lellle Simp¬son, Robert Thomas, John W'llBon, LloydWomack.Second Honor: Katherine Beard, Mary

Bass, Emma Cosby, Martha Cosby,Amanda Faust, 'Jennie Fisher, LouiseMoore, Amorette Smith, Alice Leeds;Others Promoted: Otto Blersch, Allan

Blschoff, Beulah BInford, Willie Dorset,Waller Hundley. Alma Held, ElizabethMaxwell, Rosser Owen, John Proffltt,Jessie Ruth, Ellen Ruth, Fannle Sher,

Sam Sonnenberg-, Harold Straus, JakiAValdbauer. '

Neither Absent Nor Tardy: ''HeymanRose, Otto Blcrsch, Nathan Splllberg,Dorothy .Emmonhauser, Itleta Bear.Fourth A-Flrst Honor: Jack Asher,

Edgerton Franck, Tom Gordon, EarleGraves, Irving White. May Emmcnhausor,Agnes O'Nell, Grace Miller, BernicePromit.Second Honor: Willie Atkins, Gravatt

Coleman, Thomas Krug, John Marrln,Dick Schroeder. Andrew Tobeln, RubyBarden. Ella Bawsel, Sadie Greltstein,Nettle Bowers, Flora .Eneelherg, BlancheFriedberg. Edith Harris. Mary Huxter,Ruth Mallory, Sadie Martin, Myrtle Lacy,Belle Rosen feld, Rebecca Sonnenberg,Bertha Towlea.Cthers Promoted: Hubert Crlsplnl,

Josle Gasser, Moses GcIIman, WárYenHughes,., Irvlno Owens, LouIb Traferl,Hubert Tlmmlns, Dave Weinstein.Neither Absent Nor Tardy: Dick

(Continued on Seventh Page.)

Going Away?You Will Be Sure to Need

A Good Trunk!RountreeVRoller Tray Trunk is the only perfect exam¬

ple of the trunk-maker's art.A combination of convenience and durability. Will

not get out of order.Prices Range from 65c to $65.

A Special Sale of Extra Pine

Cow Hide Cases.Is Now in Progress. They Are Bargains.

Rountree's Trunk Store,703 East Broad Street.

R. H. Bosher's Sons,IS S. Ninth Street.

Sensewill lead any man to choose a worthy, well made, reputable malo vehicle in

preference to a «heap affair, In the vehicle world Bosher styles are standard,and the Bosh»,- name guarantees quality and sterling worth. The volume ofthe Bother business enables ui to make moderate prices and the lowestconstatent with the highest quality, Call and see our beautiful stock beforepurchasing. It Is a pleasure to show our goods. We aleo do the finest Repair«ing and Repainting to be seen In (he city.