honeypot rajranjan dash

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  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    An Introduction To Honeypot

    Security System.Presented By: Raj Ranjan Dash

    REG.NO: 0701211194

    ROLLNO: 107442


  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash



    Global communication is gettingmore important every day. At the

    same time, computer crimes areincreasing day by day.

    So it is important to gather

    information about those crimes.

    To gather as much information aspossible is one main goal of a


  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    What a Honeypot is?

    General meaning of honeypot is acontainer of Honey.

    But however the honeypot is defined as-A honeypot is a resource whose valueis being in attacked or compromised.This means, that a honeypot isexpected to get probed, attacked and

    potentially exploited . Honeypots donot fix anything . They provide uswith additional, valuable information.

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Value of Honeypots

    A honeypot is primarily an instrumentfor information gathering and learning.Its primary purpose is not to catchthem in action .

    The focus lies on a silent collection ofas much information as possible abouttheir attack patterns, used programs,purpose of attack and the blackhatcommunity itself.

    The honeypot also divert hackers fromproductive systems or catch a hackerwhile conducting an attack are just twopossible examples.

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Categories Of Honeypots

    Production honeypots. used to help migrate risk in an organization

    Research honeypots

    . to gather as much information as possible

    These honeypots do not add any security valueto an organization, but they can help tounderstand the blackhat community and theirattacks as well as to build some betterdefenses against security threats .

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Comparison Of Honeypots

    Each available honeypot has differentstrengths. Specter is easy to install and even easier to

    run due to the nice GUI and Reducing risk.

    ManTrap, DTK and custom built honeypots arehighly customizable. Their value can be veryhigh, as well as their risk .

    ManTrapsmain advantage over DTK andhomegrown honeypots is the provided GUI. Itis very comfortable to configure, analyze.

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Characteristic Of AHoneypotThere are different characteristic of a

    honeypot- Involvement


    Open Source

    Log file Support




  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Level Of Involvement

    The level of involvement does measure thedegree of an attacker can interact withthe operating system

    There are different level of involvement arethere-

    Low-Involvement Honeypot

    Mid-Involvement Honeypot

    High-Involvement Honeypot

    The risk factor, the information gatheringare depending these level of Involvement

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Low-Involvement Honeypot

    A low involvementhoneypot doesreduce risk to a

    minimum throughminimizinginteraction withthe attacker.

    Providing lessinformation.

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Mid-involvement honeypot

    A midinvolvementhoneypot doesinteract withattacker in aminimal way.

    Risk increasesProvidinginformation.

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    High-Involvement Honeypot

    A high involvementhoneypot has greatrisk as the attacker

    can compormise thesystem and use all itsresources

    Informationgathering is maximum

    very time consuming

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Honeypot Location

    A honeypot does not need a certain surrounding

    environment as it is a standard server with no

    special needs

    Honeypot can be placed anywhere in a server

    A honeypot can be used on the


    Intranet, based on the needed service

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    If the main concern is the Internet, a honeypot can be

    placed at two locations:

    In front of the firewall (Internet): the risk for theinternal network does not increase .

    Behind the firewall (intranet):introduce new

    security risks to the internal network

    specially if the internal network is

    not secured against the honeypot

    through additional firewalls.

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash



    A honeypot is physically a single machine, andprobably running multiple virtual operating systems To limit the outbound traffic(goes directly onto the

    network) it uses a preliminary firewall. Suchenvironment is referenced as honeynet.honeynet consists of

    multiple honeypots .a firewall (or firewalled-bridge) to limit and log network

    traffic .

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Host Based Information Gathering

    Information gathering grouped into twocategories:

    Generate streams of information (e.g.all key strokes of an attacker on ahoneypot)

    About a certain state of the honeypot(e.g. getting the current processorusage or a list of current processes).

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Network based Information Gathering

    Not to be located on the honeypotitself

    Be implemented in an invisible way

    It is safe as it is harder to detect andquite impossible to disable

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    How can information be gathered?

    By firewall itself

    With the help ofan IDS

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    About Firewall and IDS

    Firewall configured to log all trafficvery useful as all packets are available

    at a later time for careful inspection

    A firewall can also be useful to triggeran alert as soon as a packet is destinedfor the honeynet

    Counting the incoming and outgoing


    IDS helps minimizing the surveillancebased on signatures or anomalies

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash



    Small data sets of high value: Honeypots collect small amounts of information.

    Instead of logging a one GB of data a day, they can log only one MB of data a day.

    Instead of generating 10,000 alerts a day, they can generate only 10 alerts a day.

    New tools and tactics: Honeypots are designed to capture anything thrown at

    them, including tools or tactics never seen before.

    Minimal resources: Honeypots require minimal resources, they only capture bad

    activity. This means an old Pentium computer with 128MB of RAM can easilyhandle an entire .

    Encryption or IPv6: Unlike most security technologies (such as IDS systems)

    honeypots work fine in encrypted or IPv6 environments. It does not matter what the

    bad guys throw at a honeypot, the honeypot will detect and capture it.

    Information: Honeypots can collect in-depth information that few, if any other

    technologies can match.

    Simplicty: Finally, honeypots are conceptually very simple. There are no fancy

    algorithms to develop, state tables to maintain, or signatures to update. The simpler

    a technology, the less likely there will be mistakes or misconfigurations

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash



    Limited view: Honeypots can only track and capture activity that directly interacts

    with them. Honeypots will not capture attacks against other systems, unless the

    attacker or threat interacts with the honeypots also.

    Risk: All security technologies have risk. Firewalls have risk of being penetrated,

    encryption has the risk of being broken, IDS sensors have the risk of failing to

    detect attacks. Honeypots are no different, they have risk also.

    Specifically, honeypots have the risk of being taken over by the bad guy and being

    used to harm other systems. This risk various for different honeypots. Depending onthe type of honeypot, it can have no more risk then an IDS sensor, while some

    honeypots have a great deal of risk.

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash


    Conclusion.. The largest challenges facing the world today is to

    protecting the servers against the attackers, that is toprovide the security to the network ,this is done byhoneypot inderictly.

    It provides the resources to gather information aboutthe attacker, but it carries a lot of risk .

    Installing and running a honeypot is not just a matterof buy and go. We need a tight supervision for therisks involved and need to have a time intensiveanalysis makes them difficult to use.

    Honeypots are in theirs infancy and new ideas andtechnologies will surface in the future.

  • 8/4/2019 Honeypot Rajranjan Dash
