honey bees work together to build their hive!. beehives are made of wax! bees have special slits in...

Honey Bees Work Together To Build Their Hive!

Upload: patience-paul

Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Honey Bees Work Together To Build Their Hive!

Beehives are made of wax!

Bees have special slits in their abdomen where wax scales come out.

Bees use the wax to make their hive!

How does the wax come out?

The bees hang in chains.

Why do they hang in chains?

They pull on each other’s legs to make the wax scales come out of their abdomens.

What do they do with the wax?

The bees chew the wax until it turns soft enough to build with.

They use the wax to make hexagonal cells. They make more and more cells until…

…they have a hive made of thousands of hexagonal


Wow look at all those hard working bees!

Quiz Time!

What comes out of a bee’s body that helps them build their hive?

Wax scales!

How do the bees get the wax scales to come out of their abdomens?

By hanging in chains!

What shape are the cells in a bee hive?

A hexagon which has 6 sides!

What did the momma bee say to the baby bee?

Bee- HIVE yourself!