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  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    Homework Questions (All Modules/Weeks)

    Week 1 – N/A (no homework)

    Week 2

    Chapter 1, DQ 7

    Internal users of accounting information are: managers. They require special

    purpose nancial statements to help them make soun! economic !ecisions for

    the "usiness entity. It also helps them plan an! control the entity. #$ternal users

    of accounting information are: cre!itors% in&estors% customers% employees%

    go&ernments an! agencies. They require general purpose nancial statements

    which gi&es them an o&er&iew of the "usiness's relati&e success an! presente!

    with general information in min!.

    Chapter 2, DQ !

     The cash recei&e! from the sale of a goo! counts as income as an inow of cash

    which is ser&ing to #NAN*# the owners current assets an! creates wealth for

    the "usiness% with new money coming in. The cash contri"ute! "y an owner !oes

    not constitute as income for the "usiness as the personal contri"utions an!

    acti&ities of the "usiness owner nee! to "e kept separate from their personal


    Chapter 2, DQ "

    An asset !oes not nee! to "e legally owne! to "e recor!e! as an asset on the"alance sheet if the entity is a sole tra!er or a partnership. As long as the entity

    owns the asset% it can "e recor!e! on the "alance sheet.

    #$er%ise 2&"

    Balance Sheet  – contri"ution of cash% purchase of stu!io on cre!it% electricity

    costs% stu!io fees% !rawings% money "orrowe!% cash hel! at en! of year

    Income Statement  – electricity costs% stu!io fees payment% rental of chille! water


    Statement of Changes in Equity  – contri"ution of cash% !rawings%

    Statement of Cash Flows – contri"ution of cash (nancing acti&ity)% stu!io fees

    payment (operating)% !rawings (nancing)% cash hel! at "usiness at en! year%

    money "orrowe! (nancing)% electricity costs pai! (operating)% chille! machine

    rental (operating)

    ,The owners house shoul! not appear on any of the nancial statements.

    'rolem 2&

    See in text. All answers correct.

    'rolem 2&!


  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    DAW*+ -D.*0-#*

    -n%ome *tatement

    for year en!e! - ecem"er 012


      5er&ices Income 6 72 811


      ;ent #$pense 6 -811

      5upplies #$pense 8081

      #lectricity #$pense 2011

      Telephone #$pense 7< >81

    ;3?IT 6 82 @81


    DAW*+ -D.*0-#*

    alan%e *heet

    ?or year en!ing - ecem"er 012

    A55#T5 IABIITI#5

    *ash at Bank 6 1 081 Accounts aya"le

    6 281

    Less: rawings

    0- 711

    ila awson% *apital – - ec 012 6

    >8 -81

     To n! the capital at the "eginning of the year:

    ,ll in the information you ha&e G prot for the year% !rawings% an! capital

    en! of year (this is equal to equity on your "alance sheet

  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    ,a!! en! year capital to !rawings to gi&e total capital (>8-81 H 0-711

    1>281),now minus prot from that total capital to gi&e you initial capital at the

    "eginning of the year (1>281 – 82@81 8 11).

    D& 5upplies are assets an! refer items (eg machinery) that the owner has "oughtthrough their own in&estment for purposes to "e use! within the "usiness. It is

    recor!e! on the "alance sheet. 5upplies e$pense from the income statement are

    what &alue (!ollar worth) of supplies ha&e "een use! up when performing the

    ser&ice (eg the use of nail art when !oing a nail ser&ice in a salon)


    Chapter 2, #$er%ise 2&6

    . Increase an asset an! increase a lia"ility Increase in Accounts aya"le% as

    you can "uy something (eg supplies) on cre!it (that increases your assets)% an!you pay for them later (increases your lia"ilities)

    0. ecrease one asset an! increase another asset Accounts ;ecei&a"le J *ash

    at Bank% as you ha&e collecte! the money in Accounts ;ecei&a"le% which

    transfers into your *ash at Bank (increases your asset) urchase an asset for


    -. ecrease an asset an! !ecrease equity *ash at Bank an! 3wners'

    rawings% as you take money out of your cash for personal use% an! therefore a

    !ecrease in !rawings% which !ecreases your equity

    7. Increase an asset an! increase equity *ash at Bank J *apital Account% asyou put more money into your *ash account% it will increase your capital (equity)


    8. ecrease a lia"ility an! !ecrease an asset Accounts aya"le. The "usiness

    pays cash to its cre!itors – the Accounts aya"le account is re!uce! an! the

    cash asset account is also re!uce!

    @. ecrease an equity item an! !ecrease an asset 3wners rawings.

    #$er%ise 2&11


    A55#T5 IABIITI#5



    *ash at Bank H 5upplies


    #quipment oan


    H Accounts


    H .





      H6-8 111

    H  H6-8 111



    G7 1111


    H607 111 H1




      0 111


      H8 111

    H 07 111 H1 111 H -8 111

      H 8



      0@ 111


    H 07 111 H1 111 H 71 111


  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


      G 811 811



    07 811

    H 0 11

    H 07 111 H 1 111

    H0 11

     H -> 811



    07 811


    G 781

      0 11 H 07


    H 1 111 H 0 11 H -> 811

      G 781



      0- 181

    HG 0 11

    0 11 H 07 111 H 1 111

    G 0 11

    H -2 181




  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


      *ash at Bank 6 01 81


    8 #quipment 8111

  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


      *ash at Bank

      Accounts aya"le

    eposit place! for equipment% with

    amount paya"le in @1 !ays



    < A!&ertising #$pense

      *ash at BankA!&ertising pai! "y cash



    7 Accounts aya"le

    *ash at Bank

    5upplies pai! in cash to cre!itors



    > 5alaries #$pense

      *ash at Bank

    5alaries pai! to employees

  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    > Fune ai! salaries of 61O will "e pai! within @1

    !ays.Analysis The accounts a+ecte! inclu!e rinting ?ees% *ash at Bank an!

    Accounts aya"le. The *ash at Bank account has a !e"it entry of

    60711% as 01O of fees were collecte!% which represents an

    increase in an asset. The remaining >1O (6 *#0?-C#

    rial alan%e

    as at -1 Fune 01@

    Account e"it *re!it*ash at Bank 6 -01 111Accounts


    82 811



    78 111

    Buil!ings 20 111an! 1 111Accounts


    6 0-1 111



    @1 111

    . iper% *apital @17 811,6 >

  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


     The calculation of prot is not as simple as !e!ucting cash payments from cash

    collectionsP there are other &aria"les that may a+ect the prot (loss) of a

    company. =e nee! to take into account other e$penses an! re&enues of the

    "usiness that coul! a+ect the prota"ility of the companyP for e$ample wages%

    rent or other cre!itor payments "eing ma!e that woul! re!uce the amount of

    cash collections.

     The income statement !oes not gi&e information on a cash "asis% it reports

    information on accrual "asis meaning that any income (re&enue) earne! is

    recor!e! when it is generate!% not when the cash is recei&e!. The e$penses are

    only recognise! on the income statement when it is incurre!% reecte! "y a

    consumption of those e$penses. The income statements reects all amounts

    recei&a"le an! paya"le as assets an! lia"ilities% an! not Kust a"out the inow an!

    outow of money.


    =e classify assets in or!er of liqui!ity on the "alance sheet to highlight the

    amount of liqui! cash the "usiness coul! ha&e in the futureP that is% we can see

    how liqui! the company is "y looking at the "alance sheet an! analysing the rst

    few assets an! seeing how liqui! the company is in the short term. ow much

    the company coul! potentially sell their assets for in the short term.

    #$er%ise ;&2


    Arch #tec

     T3TA ;3?ITyear en!ing -1 Fune 01@




    "asis*ash income (;e&enue)

    ;e&enue earne! "ut not yet recei&e!

    ;e&enue recei&e! a!&ance "ut not

    yet earne!

    608 111

    - 111

    608 111

    > 111

    !AL I"C!#E $%e&enue' ()* +++ (,, +++ess #$penses5alaries% rent% insurance% incurre!

    e$penses5alaries owing% not yet pai!

    repai! e$penses not yet incurre!

    1@ 111

    @ 111

    1@ 111

    7 111

    !AL E-E"SES (() +++ ((+ +++'roBt (loss) :1" 11 recei&a"les – asset (accounts recei&a"le)0. unpai! salaries of 67111 – lia"ility (accounts paya"le)

  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    -. 6-111 a!&ance payment recei&e! on 8 Fune – lia"ility

    7. cash payment of 6@111 for prepai! e$penses – asset

    #$er%ise ;&!


    *AQIN'5 *#ANINL

    Leneral Fournalate

    -1 Fune

    articulars e"it *re!it

    Dnearne! *leaning 5er&ices


      *leaning 5er&ices ;e&enue

    ;e&enue collecte! in a!&ance% not


    $/eferral of unearned re&enue fromlia0ility account $dr' to income

    account $cr''

    - 011

    - 011

    0 epreciation #$pense

    Accumulate! epreciation

    epreciation e$pense for the

    perio!$/eferral of 1re1aid ex1ense from an

    ex1ense account $dr' to asset account 


    0 111

    0 111

    - 5alaries #$pense

      5alaries aya"le

    5alaries occurre!% not yet pai!$Accrued entry for unrecorded

    ex1ense from ex1ense account $dr' to

    lia0ility 1aya0le account $cr'

    @ 711

    @ 711

    7 Insurance #$pense

    repai! #$pense

    repai! insurance e$pire!$/eferral of 1re1aid ex1ense from an

    ex1ense account $dr' to asset account 




    8 Interest ;ecei&a"le

    Interest ;e&enueInterest re&enue accrue!$Accrual of unrecorded re&enue from

    an accounts recei&a0le $dr' to an

    re&enue lia0ility account $cr''




    rot 3Q#;5TAT# with e$penses not recor!e! 6< @11 (insurance H salaries

    H !epreciation)

    rots DN#;5TAT# with re&enues not recor!e! 67 >11 (ser&ices re&enue H

    interest re&enue)

     Therefore% 3Q#;5TAT#4#NT of prot without a!Kustments is 67 >11

  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    'rolem ;&

    *us%ription 0eenue

    .nearned *us%ription 0eenue/2/@





    *ash at


    *ash at


    *ash at


    622 811

    7 >11

    -7 011

    @ 811

    67- 111

    'repaid -nsuran%e/2/@



    *ash at



  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    oan aya"le

    Dnearne! rent rnueL5T aya"le

     F. Fetson% *apital

     F. Fetson% rawings

    ;ental ;e&enue

    5alaries #$pense

    ;ent #$pense



    4arine 5up


     Telephone #$pense

    02 - @>1

    < 221

    00 771

    7 @01



    < @21

    (f) @11


    (e) 8@1

    02 -1


    00 771

    8 001

    0 01

    @ @111<




    8- @>1


    00 771

    8 001

    01 081

    02 -1



    Insurance #$pense

    ep #$pense – Ketski

    ep #$pense –

    oce eq

    5alaries aya"le

     Telephone aya"le

    Interest aya"le

    Interest #$pense



    (c) 0>811

    (c) -01

    (g) 2




    (!) -


    (f) @11

    (g) 2



    0> 811


    2 >11




    - 2>1


    2 >11




    0> 811


    2 >11




    2!< 72 721

    - 2>1


    2 >11



  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


      rot or oss 5ummary

    *lose income accounts to prot

    loss summary account

    rot or oss 5ummary

      #$pense Accounts*lose e$pense accounts to

    prot/loss summary

    rot or oss 5ummary

      L. Bartel% *apital

    *lose prot or loss to capital

    L. Bartel% *apital

      L% Bartel% rawings

    *lose !rawings to capital

    -< 721

    @ ->1

    0 81

    -< 721

    @ ->1


    *tatement o Chan3es in #4uit5

    ?or month en!ing -1 Fune 01@

    L. Bartel% *apital – Fuly 018 6 0 121

    A!!: prot for the year @ ->1

    ess: !rawings for the year


  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    Interest aya"le *r 271

    Accrue! interest

    5er&ices performe! for clients% "ut not yet recor!e!% amount to 6@80>.7. 5er&ice ?ees ;ecei&a"le r @80>

    5er&ice ;e&enue *r @80>?ees owe! an! not yet recei&e!

    3n 8 5eptem"er% the company pai! 60>>1 for a @Gmonth a!&ertising

    campaign "eginning on that !ate. This transaction was recor!e! "y

    !e"iting repai! A!&ertising. At the en! of the year% a!&ertising costing

    60071 ha! "een consume!8. A!&ertising #$pense r 0071

    repai! A!&ertising*r 0071

    A!&ertising consume! en! of year

     The unearne! re&enue account has a "alance of 6@18% recor!e! when

    cash was recei&e! on No&em"er. It was e$pecte! the 6@18 woul! "e

    earne! equally o&er No&em"er% ecem"er an! Fanuary.@. Dnearne! ;e&enue r 121

    5er&ice ?ees ;e&enue *r 121

    5er&ice fees earne! for two months.(%@18 ,0/-)

     The company !eci!e! to !eclare a !i&i!en! of 60 111 to its sharehol!ers

    on - ecem"er.2. ;etaine! #arnings r 0 111

    i&i!en! aya"le *r 0 111

    i&i!en! !eclare!


    & ;e&ersal entries are only nee!e! for accruals. Therefore% only entries % - an!

    7 nee! entries:

    . =ages aya"le r 0181

    =ages #$pense *r 0181

    ;e&ersing entry on wages accrue!

    -. Interest aya"le r 271

    Interest #$pense *r 271

    ;e&ersing entry of interest accrue!

    7. 5er&ice ;e&enue r @80>

    5er&ice ?ees ;ecei&a"le *r @80>

    ;e&ersing entry of fees owe!% not yet recei&e!

    Week "

    Chapter 7, DQ "

  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


     This error woul! "e !isco&ere! when n!ing the totals of the su"si!iary account

    to the control account% "efore "eing poste! to the general le!ger. =hen the

    accountant "alances the su"si!sary le!ger up% they will n! that an error has

    "een ma!e. The error will nee! to "e poste! as an a!Kusting an! correcting

    entry% that will appear on the general le!ger only.

    #$er%ise 7&2

     The control account !oes not "alance with the su"si!iary le!ger account "ecause

    the incorrect num"ers were totalle!: The entry on the 8/@ shoul! "e -@1% not @-1

    which was entere! incorrectly.

    Amen!e! Accounts ;ecei&a"le *ontrol Account



    #$planation ost


    e"it *re!it Balance







    5ales return5ales

    *ash ;eceipts





    7 111


  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    @ *ales Fournal is poste! to the ACC+.* 0#C#-?A=# 5DB #L#; as

    a deit

    A%%ounts 0e%eiale

    *usidiar5 =ed3er

    L. ierate ost ;ef e"it *re!it Balance0/7 5F -08 -08

    5onic t!ate ost ;ef e"it *re!it Balance8/7 5F 01 01

    *a&alllaro t!ate ost ;ef e"it *re!it Balance08/7 5F 2@1 2@1

    . Burtonate ost ;ef e"it *re!it Balance


  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx



    De%ision Anal5sis

    A& Ees% a 5ales Fournal woul! "e useful for this company% as they are making a lot

    of sales !eli&eries to gi&e customers in the surroun!ing !istricts fuel% with arange of !i+erent customers. A 5ales Fournal will "e helpful% as it will allow the

    Leneral Fournal to "e less time consuming% an! one person can work on it% while

    another accountant employe! can work on a !i+erent special Kournal. The 5ales

     Kournal coul! "e specic to the type of pro!uct "eing use!% such as analysis of

    sales through the !i+erent pro!uct lines. Dsing a computerise! account coul!

    help spee! up the automatic mailing of in&oices to their customers.

    & urchases *AN "e recor!e! in the general Kournal% if they are things that occur

    infrequently. If the company is regularly making new purchases (whether for

    stocking in&entory% oce supplies% equipment% etc) then a urchases Fournal

    woul! "e important to help consoli!ate the Accounts aya"le accounts in thegeneral le!ger. A multipurpose Kournal coul! help with recor!ing !i+erent types

    of purchases on the one Kournal.

    C& A *ash ;eceipts Kournal woul! "e a goo! i!ea for this company% as they are

    preparing a lot of sales !ockets after a sale. These coul! "e easily consoli!ate!

    into a *ash ;eceipts Kournal so It is more ecient an! timely. Also% customers are

    also allowe! a !iscount% an! this Kournal woul! allow the company to create a

    iscount Allowe! account to help track !iscounts. The other accounts that woul!

    "e use! inclu!e Accounts ;ecei&a"le% an! *ash at Bank.

    D& Ees% if the company is making purchases using cash (such as the cashpurchase of an in&entory)% it woul! "e a goo! i!ea to set up this special Kournal.

    owe&er% if they are not making many purchases an! wages are pai! twice

    weekly% it may not "e necessary.

    Week 7

    Chapter ", DQ


    DQ 6


    #$er%ise "&6


    #$er%ise "&1!


  • 8/18/2019 Homework Questions.docx


    'rolem "&; (, C, D


    'rolem "&! (, C, D)
