homeostasis & hormones

HOMEOSTASIS & HORMONES “…it is all about a balancing act…”

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Page 1: Homeostasis & hormones


“…it is all about a balancing act…”

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A) HomeostasisB) Hormones: chemical nature and mode of

actionC) Hypothalamus and Pituitary glandD) Adrenal glandsE) Hormonal regulation of blood sugar levels

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Homeostasis: Greek: ‘homoios’ = similar

‘stasis’ = standing still

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Intracellular fluid (cytoplasm)

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment

What is the ‘internal’


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Are variables absolutely constant?






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Examples of Physiological conditions requiring homeostasis:

O2 and CO2 levels in the bodyenergy requirementsglucose level in bloodwater / ion balancepHtemperature

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fluid surrounding cells

where organism


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Living systems are seen to be open systems. What does this mean?

Require a continuous exchange of matter between the environment and themselves



Carbon dioxide



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An organism may be thought of as a complex system of chemical processes

these processes are: self-regulating

tend to maintain a steady state even though the external environment changes

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Why is homeostasis is important?An organism functions more efficiently if

conditions are maintained within narrow limits close to optimum conditions

To prevent large fluctuations from the


What causes these fluctuations? Changes in external and internal environments

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Internal conditions may be maintained constant within the body by:

developing a variety of mechanisms:


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Which structure is missing here?

May 22, 2002

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Increase in heart rate Cardiac arrest

in frozen frog


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HOT: Seek shade

HOT: Seek shade

COLD: Bask in the sun


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Three basic components of a control system:

1. Detector / Receptor / Sensor

2. Regulator / Control centre / Co-ordinator / Integrating centre

3. Effector

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What is the role of each component?

Detects deviation from set point

Produces response

Compares input with set point & determines response

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Integrating Centre in mammals is:

An endocrine glandBrain or spinal


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What is Feedback?Feedback refers to responses made

after a change has been detected

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Positive feedbackTwo forms of feedback:

Negative feedback



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Negative Feedback:refers to the mechanism by which a system

responds to a fluctuation in the opposite direction

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Corrective mechanism: DECREASES body temperature

Body temperature: RISES

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Corrective mechanism: INCREASES body temperature

Body temperature: DECREASES

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Sensor + Regulator:


Blood sugar regulation: Negative feedback

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In negative feedback (feedback inhibition):

the initial stimulus provokes a response which tends to reduce the magnitude of the stimulus

as conditions return to their optimum, the corrective processes can be switched off

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Negative feedback also applies to the regulation of a population size:

Death rate increases

Birth rate increases

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Why is negative feedback very common in the body?

increases the stability of systems

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Examples of Negative Feedback Control:

O2 and CO2 levels in the bodyhormone levels, e.g. thyroxinesex hormonesmetabolic levels e.g. glucosewater balancethe regulation of pHbody temperature

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Control of thyroxine release as an example of negative feedback

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TRH (thyroid releasing hormone / thyrotrophin releasing hormone)

TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)



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Positive feedback: a disturbance leads to events which increase

the disturbance even further

rare in biological systems WHY rare?

lead to: an unstable situation extreme states

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Examples of Positive Feedback Control:

1. Blood clotting Activated platelet releases chemicals

More platelets are activated

A blood clot forms

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Examples of Positive Feedback Control:

2. Child birth

Oxytocin stimulates muscular contractions of the uterus

More oxytocin is released

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3. The control of ovulationOestrogen stimulates the secretion of LH (luteinising hormone)

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4. Stimulation of a nerve fibresodium gates open and sodium ions rush into

the axon.


Extracellular fluid

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K+ K+


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K+ K+

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Does the disturbance ever stop? in most cases, once the purpose of the

feedback loop is completed, counter-signals are released which:

suppress or break the loop

Oxytocin level drops once baby

is born

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Essay Title

Write an essay on feedback mechanisms and their role in control of biological systems.

[SEP, 2001]

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A) HomeostasisB) Hormones: chemical

nature and mode of action

C) Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland

D) Adrenal glandsE) Hormonal regulation of

blood sugar levels

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A chemical communication system is made up of at least two types of cell:one cell:produces & releases the hormone message released

second cell with receptor:receives message target cell activated

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Receptors are SPECIFIC

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Explain why insulin affects all body cells but ADH only the kidney.

Receptors for insulin occur on all body cells but those for ADH only in the kidney.

ADHTarget:Kidney cell


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Hormones are chemicals secreted by:

Endocrine cells

Nerve signals (arrows) cause release of neurohormones

Neurosecretory cells

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Hormones are classified over distance they operate:


[endocrine only is in syllabus]

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Endocrine hormones : are released into the bloodstream and interact with distant target cells e.g. adrenaline

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Where are the receptors located?

Position of receptor depends on the solubility

of the hormone

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Lipid-soluble (lipophilic) hormones

intracellular receptors

Water-soluble hormones:

receptors on the cell surface

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Water-soluble & lipid-soluble hormones act in different ways:

Water-soluble hormones:Activate enzymes within the cell

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Lipid-soluble Hormones:

Induce transcription

and translation to form


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Explain why lipid-soluble hormones are slow acting.

Enzymes need to be formed

before a reaction occurs.

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What can you say about the solubility of ‘growth factor’? Explain.

Water soluble. Receptor is in plasma membrane as it cannot pass through it.

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Steroid Model vs. Protein Model

• Diffuse through cell membrane

• Receptors in cytoplasm• Response has slow onset• Long-lasting• Typically derived from

cholesterol• Examples: Testosterone,

Oestrogens, Progesterone

• Do not diffuse through cell membrane

• Receptors on surface of cell• Response has quick onset• Short-lasting• Typically derived from

amino acids• Examples: Insulin,


Steroid Model Protein Model

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Question: End-of Year SEP, 2010

Use your knowledge of biology to describe the significance of the following.

Steroid hormones act by activating genes.(5 marks)

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Enzymes within the cell are activated when a hormone binds to a receptor

in the membrane by the help of a:

second messenger e.g. cyclic AMP (cAMP)

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cAMP forms from ATPThe enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cAMP from ATP is:located on cytoplasmic side of plasma membranecalled adenylyl cyclase or adenylate cyclase

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cAMP forms from ATP

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Formation of cAMP

Adenylyl cyclase


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Formation of cAMP

G protein receptor


CEnzymes activated

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cAMP is a common second messenger

What is a second messenger?

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A second messenger is a substance released in the cytoplasm after the first messenger – the signal –

binds its receptor

GTP: guanosine triphosphate

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What is the “first messenger”?


Why is a “second messenger”

needed? Hormone cannot

enter the cell.

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Cyclic AMP (cAMP) has many effects on the cell :

including glucose mobilisation for: energy muscle contraction

Let us study the role of cAMP in the release of glucose from the liver

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A Cascade of Reactions (part 1) an enzyme cascade is a system for amplifying

a biological signal

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A Cascade of Reactions (part 2)

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cyclic adenosine monophosphatecAMP




Inactive proteinkinase A

Active proteinkinase A

adenosine triphosphateATP


G-protein linked receptor adenylate cyclase

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Why are only a few molecules of the

hormone needed to produce many molecules of

product?Each enzyme in the cascade can act on many molecules of the next molecule.

Amplification occurs through a cascade of


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End-of-Year 2012

Adrenaline affects a range of target tissues in the body. Suggest how the adrenaline molecule can cause different effects in different target tissues. Different tissues have different (types of adrenaline) receptors;(causing) cAMP concentration/ second messenger to increase or decrease;Second messenger (may be) different;activates different / other enzymes / enzyme reactions (in different target cells)

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cAMP is not the only second messenger

e.g. nitric oxide (NO)

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cAMP is not the only second messenger

nitric oxide (NO) causes relaxation of

blood vessels

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Calcium can be a second messenger

calcium is widely occurring

an increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration will cause:

NOTE: the same second messenger is involved in two very different biological actions

A muscle cell to contract

A salivary gland cell to fluid secrete


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Remember: The nature of the biological activity triggered by second messenger is dependent on the cell type

The same second messenger is involved in more than one biological action.

True of all second messenger pathways:

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Protein hormones cannot enter the cell. Say why.

Question: End-of Year SEP, 2010Use your knowledge of biology to describe the significance of the following. (5 marks)

Protein hormones act by means of a second-messenger system.

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A Gland is: a structure which secretes a specific chemical

substance or substances

Sweat gland

Salivary gland

Gastric gland

Thyroid gland

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A Gland secretes chemicals into:

Some other part of the body

The bloodstream

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Glands in the body are:

secrete a product into a duct

secrete hormones have no duct (ductless) have a rich blood supply


Endocrine gland

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Why is the pancreas described as both an endocrine and an exocrine gland?

Produces both enzymes and hormones.

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Why is the pancreas richly supplied with blood?

Blood is needed to carry hormones towards the target organs.

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Four different chemical categories of hormones:

1. POLYPEPTIDES hormones composed of less than 100 amino

acids e.g.

Insulin Glucagon Oxytocin Growth hormone ADH

Growth hormone

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2. GLYCOPROTEINS hormones composed of a:

polypeptide larger than 100 amino acids attached to a carbohydrate e.g. FSH, LH



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3. STEROIDS these hormones are lipids derived from

cholesterol e.g. testosterone, oestrogen,

progesterone, cortisol


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4. AMINES derived from the amino acids tyrosine

and tryptophan

include all hormones produced by the: adrenal medulla thyroid gland

Adrenal glands


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SummaryA hormone is a chemical messenger with the following properties:

it travels in the blood;

it has an effect at a site different from the site where it is made, called the target;

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Summaryit fits precisely into receptor molecules in the

target like a key in a lock – it is therefore specific for a particular target;

it is a small soluble organic molecule;

it is effective in low concentrations.

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A) HomeostasisB) Hormones: chemical nature and mode of

actionC) Hypothalamus and Pituitary glandD) Adrenal glandsE) Hormonal regulation of blood sugar levels

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The Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland

1. Nervous 2. Endocrine systems

major centres in the body for the coordination of the:

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Position of Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland

Pituitary gland

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The Pituitary Glandis a small red-grey glandweighs about 0.5g [size of a pea]hangs from the base of the brain

by a short stalk

is a link between the nervous system and many endocrine glands

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Neurosecretory cells end at the Posterior Pituitary

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The Posterior Pituitary Gland:

does not synthesise any hormones but stores and releases two hormones:

ADH (antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin)


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Mammary glands,uterine muscles


Kidney tubules





Neurosecretorycells of thehypothalamus Axon


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Function of ADH: Increased permeability to water by:

Distal convoluted tubule

Collecting tubule

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ADH causes formation of aquaporins in tubule walls

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Functions of Oxytocin: contraction of the uterus during birth ejection of milk from the nipple

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The Anterior Pituitary is connected to the hypothalamus by a:

Portal system:connects two

organs, neither of which is the heart

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Relationship between secretory cells & blood vessels in hypothalamus & pituitary

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The hypothalamus collects information from:

1. other regions of the brain 2. blood vessels passing

through it

What does the hypothalamus do with this information?

passes it to the pituitary gland

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How does the pituitary gland respond?

By releasing hormones,

which directly or indirectly

regulate the activity of all other endocrine


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What parts of the body does the pituitary gland affect?

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How does the hypothalamus control the anterior pituitary gland?

Hypothalamus produces:1. Releasing hormones2. Release-inhibiting hormones

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The pituitary gland is under the influence of the hypothalamus in two ways. How?

1. The anterior pituitary produces hormones or stops producing them when the hypothalamus releases its own hormones.

2. The hormones released from the posterior pituitary are actually secreted by neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus.

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Hypothalamus hormone

Anterior pituitary hormones

Site of action

Prolactin-releasing hormone Prolactin release-inhibiting hormone


Inhibition of prolactin secretion

Ovary and mammary gland

Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH)


Ovary and testis

Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH)

TSH Thyroid gland

Adrenocorticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH)

ACTH Adrenal cortex

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Hormones Released by the Anterior Pituitary:

TSH- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone ACTH - Adrenocorticotrophic hormone LH - Luteinising hormone FSH – Follicle Stimulating Hormone Prolactin

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Functions of Anterior Pituitary Hormones:

Prolactin – stimulates milk production and secretion

FSH - stimulates growth and maturation of eggs in

females- stimulates sperm production in males

LH – stimulates secretion of sex hormones from ovaries and testes

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Functions of Anterior Pituitary Hormones:

TSH – stimulates secretion of thyroxine from the thyroid gland

ACTH – stimulates release of glucocorticoids such as cortisol from adrenal cortex

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Hormones Released by the Anterior Pituitary:


Tropins or Trophic hormones

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What is a trophic


A trophic hormone

stimulates other endocrine glands to release their


Anterior pituitary secretes

hormones that stimulate:


Thyroid gland


Other glands to secrete hormones

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The release of the trophic hormones is

regulated by negative feedback of hormones from the target glandsacting on receptors in the: hypothalamus anterior


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The Pituitary Gland has often been called “the master gland” of the body

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The Pituitary Gland has often been called “the master gland” of the body

such a term is justified since the anterior and posterior pituitary glands release a battery of hormones that collectively influence all cells and affect virtually all physiologic processes

the pituitary gland may be the king, but the

power behind the throne is clearly the hypothalamus

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HOWEVER: the pituitary gland secretes some

hormones that are actually produced by neurones in the hypothalamus

under the influence of still other

brain hormones, it produces a number of its own hormones, which control the activities of various endocrine glands throughout the body

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Essay Titles:

Describe the role of the anterior pituitary gland in the co ordination of hormonal activity. ‑

[SEP, 1996]The pituitary gland is referred to as a “master

gland” in the human body. Discuss. [MAY, 2004]

Give an account of the role of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in hormonal control in the human body. [SEP, 2011]

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A) HomeostasisB) Hormones: chemical nature and mode of

actionC) Hypothalamus and Pituitary glandD) Adrenal glandsE) Hormonal regulation of blood sugar levels

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Where are the adrenal glands positioned?

Adrenal glands


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Two regions in the adrenal glands:Cortex


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Two regions in the adrenal glands:

- richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels

- cells of the medulla are modified neurones of the sympathetic NS

Cortex- forms 80% of the gland- produces steroid hormones


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Steroid hormones of the Adrenal CortexMineralocorticoids mainly aldosterone

(stimulates kidney to conserve sodium and excrete potassium)

Glucocorticoids mainly cortisol: (under stress, raises blood glucose concentrations )

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The Cortex is able to:

i) synthesise cholesterolii) take up cholesterol from the circulation

following absorption from the diet

Why does the cortex need a supply of cholesterol ?

To synthesise steroid hormones.

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Hormones of the Adrenal Medulla

Adrenaline (epinephrine)Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) [not in syllabus]

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– Blood glucose increases– Blood glycerol and fatty

acids increase– Heart rate increases– Blood pressure rises– Breathing rate increases– Air passages dilate– Pupils dilate– Blood flow redistributes,

leading to increased alertness and decreased digestive and kidney activity

• Causes short term “fight or flight” or alarm stage:

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Adrenal medulla is closely linked to the nervous system

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A) HomeostasisB) Hormones: chemical nature and mode of

actionC) Hypothalamus and Pituitary glandD) Adrenal glandsE) Hormonal regulation of blood sugar levels

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The Pancreas

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The Pancreas produces:

Pancreatic duct


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Is it correct to state that the pancreas is both an endocrine & an exocrine gland?

YES. Endocrine: produces hormones

Exocrine: produces enzymes.

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Hormones and Pancreatic juice do not mix

Produce hormones

Produce enzymes

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Why is the islet of Langerhans highly vascularised?

Hormones produced here

must be transported to

their target organ via the


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Beta cells produce insulin

Which cell produces which hormone?



Alpha cells produce glucagon

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When are insulin and glucagon secreted?



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Islet of Langerhans

Beta cell


Cells become permeable to GLUCOSE

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How is it possible for insulin to bring an effect inside body cells?

Insulin binds to its


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How does insulin make cells more permeable to glucose?

Glucose transporters are inserted within the plasma membrane.

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Insulin is:a small protein composed of 51 amino acidsreleased: blood glucose level rises above

90 mg per 100 cm3 bloodcarried in the plasma bound to globulin

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Insulin has an effect on:

every organ of the bodybut main effect is on the:

Liver Muscles

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Glucagon is a protein composed of 29 amino acids

role:- increases blood glucose level target: liver effects:

1. Glycogenolysis2. Gluconeogenesis

glucagon has no effect on muscle glycogen

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Glycogenolysis:Conversion of glycogen to glucose

Glycogenesis:Conversion of glucose to glycogen

Gluconeogenesis:Conversion of non carbohydrate sources (proteins, fats and lactic acid) to glucose

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Question: MAY 2013

The following statements are linked to human physiology. Use your knowledge of biology to write short notes on each of the following.

Gluconeogenesis aids in maintaining adequate sugar levels in the blood during strenuous physical exercise. (5 marks)

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By what type of feedback mechanism is blood sugar controlled?

Negative feedback

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In blood sugar what is the DETECTOR, REGULATOR, EFFECTOR?

Muscles & Liver:


Pancreas:Detector ; Regulator

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Maintaining the set-point

90 mg per 100 cm3 of blood

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Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease:

glucose is excreted in urine as it exceeds the maximum which the kidneys can reabsorb

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Hypoglycaemia:blood glucose level


Hyperglycaemia:blood glucose level


Normal blood glucose level [70-100 mg/100 cm3 of blood]

Both lead to COMA

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Two Types of diabetes:Type I Diabetes [Juvenile Onset]

Type II Diabetes [Maturity Onset]

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Type I Diabetes – Juvenile Onset Decrease in the number

of beta cells insulin deficiency

Requires daily injections of insulin hormone

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Type II Diabetes – Maturity OnsetInsulin is secreted

BUTBody cells lose ability to

use insulinWHY?

Membrane receptors in the target cells are insensitive to insulin

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Type II Diabetes

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Diabetes mellitus makes a person feel thirsty

Glucose in urine causes water to be

withdrawn from blood

This results in diuresis.

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Diuresis is the condition when:

large volumes of dilute urine are produced

Diuresis dangerous as it leads to:

dehydration of the body

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Why does a diabetic person lose weight ?

The breakdown of glycogen is not inhibited

The stores of glycogen are quickly used up

Body fats and proteins are then used as respiratory substrates

A rapid loss of body mass

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Meal eaten

Insulin is produced and glucose levels fall to normal again.

Glucose levels rise after a meal.


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Meal eaten

Insulin is not produced so glucose levels stay high

Glucose levels rise after a meal.


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Cortisol is an anti-stress hormone: secreted by the adrenal cortex:

in a circadian rhythm [any biological process that displays an endogenous oscillation of about 24 hours]



Under stress

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Some effects of cortisol :1. stimulates cells to:

decrease their use of blood glucose

shift instead to utilise fats and proteins for energy

2. raises blood sugar level

3. blocks the immune system reaction

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Keep your balance!!