home party - 10 deadly home party plan business mistakes

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I came to the home party plan/direct sales industry in desperation after losing my job and not having a means by which to pay the bills. In desperation, I failed to seriously consider my ability to succeed or take an honest look at what I would need to do in order to achieve success. I realized that, what most home party consultants and direct sales representatives do not realize is that direct selling is the business of marketing! Regrettably, many of us who pursue this industry have no idea how to market or promote our home based business.


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Party Plan Pat

Be sure to sign up for more FREE Direct Sales Home Parties Marketing Tips on my, here I share numerous strategies that you can begin to implement today to turn your home party plan business into a cash cow!

Have an iPhone? Got iTunes? I have a special treat for you. Every Wednesday I share a 15 minutes Direct Selling Marketing Strategies Guaranteed To Boost Sales! Simply click the lmage below!

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Page 3: Home Party - 10 Deadly Home Party Plan Business Mistakes


Deadly Direct Sales Home Party Business Mistake #1T. M. I. (Too Much Information)

Verbal Diarrhea , is it a turn on or turn off?It goes without saying, TURN OFF! Most home party consultants are frustrated by the progress of their business because they either over sell, out talk or force themselves into a sale!

I have been working on a home party plan project of great proportions. As part of this project, I have been doing lots of marketing and testing.

As a result, I get so many calls. In fact at the compilation of this document, I was interrupted by the phone ringing. Sure enough, another over eager home party sales rep, with a product like none other, company expanding all over the world, me, myself and I blah blah blah…never once was I asked anything about me, what I want and if I had any interest in what they offering. And to put the icing on the cake, she kept pushing me to meet her the following day at The Crowne Hotel for a 45- minute presentation. This after I clearly stated I was not interested and I would not be showing up. Then she offered me samples, then she decided that she wanted to take me out for lunch and pick my brain.

As you can probably tell it was all a muddled mess and it is no wonder many are missing out on home party sales!

Problem is…if you guessed I am not a qualified prospect, gold star for you!

It’s like the guy who takes you out on a date and really believes that a no is a yes, and we all know how that ends up.

I hate it when people go on and on and on about nothing. If am interested in losing weight, why do I need a half our exposure to the baby line? It's like the person that gets on the podium with the promise of keeping it short and sweet. Well after hearing that more than I care to remember I know I am going to be snoring in a matter of minutes. When you do your research, and target your market and know your audience, and provide the best-fit solution, you cannot help but see an increase in your home party sales and bookings.

Do Not risk losing the attention of your audience by providing too much detail in your presentation and/or demos!. Effective presentations will tell your audience what they need to know to act and make a purchase or how to contact your for more information.

"Extraneous details clutter the minds of your audience, which increases the possibility of them forgetting the most important aspects of your advertisement or marketing program," states Gunelius. "Unless you’re selling a prescription drug,

© PARTY PLAN PAT 2009 http://www.partyplanpat.com

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highly technical equipment, or an exceedingly regulated or complicated product, the best rule to follow is K.I.S.S.—Keep It Simple Stupid."

The best way to determine the most important aspect of the message for your target audience is to work backward by pretending you're one of your most valuable customers. Now select the key sentences and phrases that will appeal to your customers based on the amount of space your ad provides.

Not sure about your approach? May I recommend Home Party Plans Business Overview Presentation. It will be a great for you.

When in doubt "Do a mock presentation. Then edit it again and again to ensure you’ve deleted filler words and non-essential details. What’s left should be clear, concise information that will expertly drive your target audience to action.

Mum is the word of the day. Means to keep a lid on it!”

Party like a rock star!Party Plan PatDirect Selling Coach & Consultant

© PARTY PLAN PAT 2009 http://www.partyplanpat.com

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Deadly Direct Sales Home Party Business Mistake #2False Expectations Appearing Real

The Party Plan Marketing Model of Business is one of the better ways for the average individual to create wealth and yet, 97% of the people who home party plan companies fail!

I found myself thinking about this glaring statistic. I kept asking myself why. The answer came to me as I was sitting in the park reading for a second time The Inspirational Classic, you guessed it Think And Grow Rich. I had finished the chapter on Organized Planning. Of course as anyone who has read this book can tell you, as you read you tend to go into the land of possibilities. I could see in my minds eye all those amazing things that I was accomplishing and would accomplish. Of course I took my eye off the mark and looked down to the ground where I saw the bees! Now I should tell you that I am deathly afraid of bees, because coincidentally, if I get stung, I could very well die. This is a fact that came to my awareness 3 years ago when I was stung for the first time! I swelled up like Aunt Petunia in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!

Anyway, once my eyes caught hold of the bees, fear took over and my imagination ran away with me. I began to visualize all the horrible ways in which I was going to die if I did not pack up and leave immediately (never mind the glaring truth, that I had been there for an hour perfectly content and more importantly unharmed). Fear took hold of me and I packed up and began my half hour trek around the park trying to find another place safe from the killer bees! Well needless to say, I ended up back in the same spot that I had first settled upon (this after my rationale had got the better of me!)

Fear of failure, fear of death, fear of ridicule, fear of success, fear of disappointment, fear of the sun coming up and just plain old fear is the #1 preventing you from achieving your dream of becoming a six figure home party plan success story.

Most people in home-based business do not get beyond the gate because they do not take the time to learn and commit to the necessary action to build their business. Why? Because of Fear, which fear leads to a lack of focus which leads to lack of action, which leads to frustration, which leads to loss…

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing -Elbert Hubbard

To bravery and the pursuit of HappynessParty Plan PatDirect Selling Coach & Consultant

© PARTY PLAN PAT 2009 http://www.partyplanpat.com

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Deadly Direct Sales Home Party Business Mistake #3Trusting Your Future & Well Being Into The Hands of Another

Tell you what my home party sales representatives, I once heard a funny quote, If I cannot serve as a good example, then let me a horrible warning! Gets me every-time.

The following is an excerpt that I received from a new home party plan recruit,

Hi Patricia,I started a business with Home Party Plan Company ABC about two weeks ago. The executive director of the group I'm in only asks us to recruit people to come and see his presentation. I thought that was simple enough, because I didn't have to sell anything to anyone. But, what I've discovered over this short time is that most people want a detailed explanation of what they're going to go see, simply because, gas is $4/gallon and they want to make sure that, whatever it is, it's worth their fuel and their time. I'm new to the whole business thing. They offer free training, but, they hardly ever have anything that I can attend. I work Sunday-Thursday from 12:15pm-8:45pm; and sometimes Saturday. It takes me anywhere from an hour to and hour and a half to get to work. They offer training materials and online videos, but, alot of the good stuff is very expensive. They said that they want to help their people build successful business, but, they fail to understand that in the process of doing so, I have to survive.

I just need some good advice and have someone set me on the right road and point me in the right direction.

Joey J.

Little to no research, the lure of money, perks and promise of social stature can be a very blinding force when it comes to making a decision about enrolling in work at home opportunities! I cannot tell you how many stories I hear from clients and the numerous consultations I have conducted about how the lure of huge sums of money (you know the huge paychecks that are passed around in meetings) was the single major factor that determined enrollment! Emotions should not be the guiding force for a business decision!

As part of your research discover what your competition's weaknesses, you will exploit these weaknesses and make them your strengths

It is essential that you know what differentiates your product from that of your competition.”

Now here is the key, once you have detailed your competitor’s weaknesses. You will your next step is to make sure your audience knows them and understands

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why buying your competitors’ products is just another deadly home party mistake !

Thoroughly research your competition and understand what they offer in terms of products and services. Next, list the elements of their offerings that are inferior to your own and quantify them.

Why do I tell you this? Well like Joey J. indicates, people are reluctant to show up for the same old, same old. Give them a compelling reason why they should spend their hard earned money on you and your product.

When it comes to direct selling companies, money back guarantees are a hot topic. Can you one up your competitor?

For example, if your competitor offers a no money back guarantee on their product, but you offer even only a 14-Day guarantee, shout it to the world in your presentation.

Then there is the question of the blind leading the blind (usually the enrollee is enrolled by someone who has just been involved in their home party plan business for a few more days than you!). There is something called sponsor shopping! You are obligated to ensure your success. That means you have the right to choose the company and the individual that you will work with. This is business! I highly recommend you shop till you drop on this issue, why? I don’t think I can handle any more calls about AWOL sponsors, people not getting training and the like! YOU are responsible for you and your financial future!

For more get your copy of 10 Important Direct Selling & Home Parties Questions You Must Ask Before Taking The Plunge!

Here’s to your success,Party Plan PatDirect Selling Coach & Consultant

© PARTY PLAN PAT 2009 http://www.partyplanpat.com

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Deadly Direct Sales Home Party Business Mistake #4Money Money Money

Well hello direct sales business owners!

What most home party plan consultants and home party plan sales representatives do not realize is that a home party plan business opportunity is the business of marketing! Regrettably, many of those who pursue this industry have no idea how to market or promote (their home based home party plan business)! At what was $4/gallon, driving around in the name of marketing, training and recruiting is no longer an option for many! It shouldn’t be for you either!

Imagine, you had before you a sumptuous feast. What would you naturally be inclined to do? Feast correct? Just as your body requires nourishment to survive, live and function, like wise for your direct selling business.

In the past week, I have received two phone calls related to the issue of credit. You see I did a number of video spots for a friend that runs a credit repair outfit. What stood out to me in both cases was that while the one individual was informed about what changes and steps he needed to take to get to where he ran fully operational business, the other was oblivious the expections and lacking in knowledge relative to credit card options and steps he needed to take inorder to rectify past mistakes.

I suppose you may be reading this post and thinking to yourself, well Party Plan Pat, What's this got to do with me? Hear is the deal you have a home-based business? Your are involved in the direct selling business, or you have a home party plans business...Key word is business. This is where it gets tricky, many home party consultants believe that they do not need funding to run their business. This is where any marketing guru will disagree. In order to get the best return on investment, you will need to conduct market research, conduct a direct marketing campaign, buy products, sampling, host home parties, drive from point A to point B to deliver product, attend or host a meeting.

How about the phone bills? You have to somehow follow up and follow through with prospective customers. Do you have a website? How do you connect to it? The Internet, well you have to pay for that too. How about the yearly coportate conventions, I know you want to attend those too. Lack of funding a.k.a marketing budget is the reason your business is floundering.

In light of all the financial bru ha ha. I have been doing research on this issue of credit repair. Now, unless you have been living under a rock, you know that banks and many card companies are chopping and lowering credit limits starting

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this holiday season, even if you are someone who pays your bills on time! In the event you haven't heard about this please be advised!

You the small, home based business owner are the the future. Do not let that future be taken away. Get your credit advice and credit help if you need it. If you don't have problems, may I recommend business credit!

Here's to your success!Party Plan PatDirect Selling Coach & Consultant

© PARTY PLAN PAT 2009 http://www.partyplanpat.com

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Deadly Direct Sales Home Party Business Mistake #5Shiny Object Syndrome

I was raised in Kenya, Africa. We Africans are known for our folklore as method of teaching and passing down history. A story was told me of an African farmer (lived in West Africa I believe). This African farmer heard tales from distant lands of the fortunes made by other farmers who had discovered diamond mines! We all know that Africa is the largest repository of diamond, but more on that later! These tales stirred in him passion and desire and the farmer worked himself into a frenzy. He determined to sell his farm to raise the capital that would allow him to go prospecting for diamonds and secure his fortune! He did indeed sell his farm and spent the rest of his life in search of the elusive diamonds! He wandered the vast African continent, never realizing his dreams of acres of diamond. Finally, down trodden, worn out and abject, and in a fit of despondency, he drowned himself in a river! I venture to guess the Nile River.

Meanwhile, back at the farm (now you know from whence the pharse originated) the new owner of the farm, while surveying the land, happened upon a stream on his piece of land. Upon crossing the stream he was hit square in the eye by a flash of light so bright from the bottom of the stream. when suddenly there was a bright flash of blue and red light from the stream bottom. He bent down and picked up a stone. He took it home and used it as a decorative item, a home accent you might call it.

Many weeks later, a visitor well versed in rare stones and gems, picked up what was to the owner of the farm a mere item of curiosity and practically lost his footing. He questiond the farmer, and it quickly became apparent that the farmer did not know the fortune that he had stumbled upon. The farmer unbeknownst to himself had discovered one of the largest diamonds known to man. He continued to inform the the visitor that in the stream were similar stones, albeit of a smaller size!

Isn’t it ironic? A little too ironic to borrow the phrase from Alanis Morrissette. The first farmer sold his farm in his quest to find diamonds, traveled the continent only to take his own life. He had owned, diamonds, and acres of them! He sold his farm for nothing and in the end found himself with nothing!

Bottom line: the grass is always greener in someone elses field because it is probably being tended to regularly and unfailingly!1. As a home party plan consultant, you are at this very moment, standing in the middle of our own acres of diamonds.

2. Have the wisdom and patience to intelligently and effectively explore the home party business in which you are now engaged.

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3. In order to increase home party plan sales, explore yourselves. You will most likely we would most likely find the riches you seek, whether they be financial or intangible or both in you. As Jim Rohn says in The lesson of the seasons, when you work hard on yourself, you will make a fortune!

4. Before you go running off to what you think are greener pastures, make sure that your own is not just as green or perhaps even greener. Besides, while you're looking at other pastures, other people are looking at yours.

Be sure to read Necessary Success Skills For A Home Party Business

Top that Home Party!Party Plan PatDirect Selling Coach & Consultant

© PARTY PLAN PAT 2009 http://www.partyplanpat.com