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SUFFOLK AIR BASE NEWS The First Air Force held a gun- nery meet out on the Suffolk Count y Army Air Base gunnery range on Tuesday and Wednesday with gunnery experts participating from almost all fields in the First Air Force. During the meet , which took full advantage of the excel- lent facilities out here at this gun- nery school , many fine examples of perfect marksmenshi p were scon. Last Saturday a call went out here on the base for all men to report to the orderel y room who had amassed a total of 85 points or more. These lucky men , com- bat veterans all , quickl y answered this call for it means that the army is taking steps to see to it they are soon on their way home- ward. Certainl y no other number in our history with the possible exception of '76, has been used so frequently and with such joy, as good old 85. i Chaplain Richard G. Colby, Pos t Chap lain , was the guest speaker at the Methodist Church of East Quogue last Sunday at a Memorial Service held in honor of a fallen service man from East Quogue. At this writing, the Suffolk County "Gunners " our uascball team which is playing in the Na- tional Semi-Pro Championship out in Wichita , Kansas , has defeated the Californian State Champs by a score of 11 to 6, and has lost a game to a team from Sioux Falls , South Dakota , by a score of 7-3. A full coverage of the teams par- ticipation in the championshi p will be forthcoming next week in this column when all the details are learned. An unofficial GI Glee Club' seems to have sprung up in the "Patio " of the Patio in West- hampton Beach, around the gar- den tables during the recent sum- mer evenings. Cpl. Smith , of Suf- folk , is always a welcome mem- ber uf these informal song-fests , along with his combination man- dolin and guitar , from which sweet music is always forthcoming. Louise Froiland , assistant pro- ducer of the radio show, "Blind Date , " was a guest visito r out at the Base this week. Miss Froiland , who recentl y returned from Holly- wood , divided her time between friends on the Base nnd the West- hampton beach front. Sgt. Harold Hillc , onc of the managing directors of tho NCO Club , is also 1 prized around the establishment as a superb pianist. Lucky the members who happen to wander into the "Food-and-One Arm Bandit Clubbe" and find Hil- Ie seated activil y at the uprigh t. A side note on that very excit- ing Tuesday night of a couple of weeks ago, was the blowing, by members of the Motor Pool , of an estimated fourteen varied horns and sirens upon hearing the 'flash' over the motor-pool radio. The din was terrific , but justified. HONOR ROLL Listed below are the names of thoBo from Riverhead Town and Riverside now serving in the armed forces of tho United States. Tho names are listed, alphabetically and without rank, place of duty, or other pertinent information , conforming to tho request of the War Department. Tho County Review will deeply appreciate additional names to add to thn Riverhead Honor Roll. Adamczcskl. Victor P, Adams, John R. Adams, Wells M. Adrian , John P. Adrian , 2d , Philip C. Alexander , Frederick Allen , Frank P. Allen , James C. Allen , Robert J ohn Alper, George N. Alper , Leon Ambrose, John T. Ambrose, Joseph R. Anderson , Cylon Andruski , Louis H. Ashmore, John Russet Bachman , Lawrence F, Bachmann , Edw. W. Jr Bakowski, Zita Bagshaw, Frank K Bagshaw, John R. Barbolt , George C. Barnes, James J. Barnes, John F. Barr , Vincent M. Barth , Donald F. Earth , Eliot C. Barton , George R. Barton , John L. Bartunek , Alvin C. Baulch , Richard D. Jr. Baulch , Warren Baymann, Francis H. Bechtel , Robert C. Beebe, Shirley luthill Begora , Stephen Bell , Aaron Bell , John H. Bel l , Richard Bell , Robert Lcwla Bell, Ulick Jr. Bennis , Christopher Benedict , Mary R. Benjamin , Elizabeth F Benjamin , Frank B. Benjamin , Lillian M. Benjamin , Richard H. Benjamin , Raymond G Benko, Edward , Jr. Bcrdan , Charles Jr. Berdan , Forrest E. Bergen , John H. Bergen , Robert A. Bergen , William A. Bernhard , Robert H. Bevis, Milton Bigora , John Bilski , Edward Bilski , Felix Peter Bilski , Frank P. Blssett , Peter J. Blasl , Donald F. Bland , Matthew Bland , William S. Blasko, Frank W. Blasko, Henry P. Bliss, Harvey Bliss, Waldren Elroy Block, John James Block , Stanley Blumgart , JfOtan Boardman , Bradford Boardman , Ralph Bobinski , Edith Bobinski, Maxim Jr. Bobinski , Theodore A. Bohler , Alexander Booker , Hardway Booker , Irvin S. Booker , Warren Boklna, Brownie Bolles, David Bolles, Eugene Bollcs , John Floyd Bollea , Thomas E. Bonczy k , V. Raymond Bonczyk , K. Walter Bonczy k, S. Edwin Bondes , Jamca Borawa , Chester F. Borawa, Frank A. Bostolskl , Frank Botula , Charles Jr. Brandt , Adam Brezenski , Joseph J. Brodski , Martin J. Brooks , Henry M. Brooks , Raymond Brown , Garland Brown , G. Stanley Brown , George S. Brown , Harold P. Brown , Herbert M. Brown , James A. Brown , Kenneth R. Brown , Paul L. Brown , Thomas Brown , Willis Brown , Wesley Broiling, Theodore W. Brownlcy, James Brude , Charles Jt. Bucholz , Edward J Buffum , Mary T. Bug din , Stanley Bujnicki , Frank Bujnicki , Leo Bullock , Adolph Bullock , William Bund y, William J. Bunke , Theodore Jr. Burman , Edward Burns , Harold E. Jr. Burns , Jerome Edward Burns , Robert D. Burns , Robert M. Burzynski , Stanley J. Bush , Louis Busing, Charles Buttonow, Alexander M Caiar»lli , Salvatore J. Cantor, Jack Cantin , Myron L. Carter , Edward Carter , Robert Carey, Edward Santry Carey, Robert F. Jr. Carey, Walter J Carlson , Eugene Donal d Carlson , Frederick L. Carlson , John E. Jr. Carison, William H. Cartignola, Michael J. Case, Harry G. Case, Robert H. Casella , Anthony Cassella , August F. Catrow, Joseph H. Ccckowski , Casimar J. Ccckowski , Joseph Ccckowski , John E. Charkow, Harry Chamicz , Michael Cheshire, Charles Cheshire, Thomas W. Cheshire, Treadwell Jr. Chodueicwicz , Stanley Cisterino , Camillo P. Clark , Walter W. Claxton , George Clinton , James Samuel Coleman , Joseph H. Condjclla , John Paul Conklin , Clarence G. Conklin , George V. Conklin , Henry T. Conklin , Irving F. Conklin , Marshall Conklin , Wallace Connors , Edward W. Constantinl , Dominic Corwin , Horace E. Cotignola , Michael J. Courtenay, Madison Jr Courtenay, William Covcal , Elisha Cox, Robert Lee Cox, Vernon R. Cox, Wilbur L. Crews, Hans Creighton , Cambray Creighton , George F. Crei ghton , John H. Cross , Samuel B Crowitz , Samuel H. Cushman , George Jr. Cybulskl , John Cybulski , Frank Ozerniawski , Jeffry Czcrniawski , John J. Czerniowski , Stanley Czerniawski , Stanley C Danowski , Anthony P. Danowski , Chester Danowski , Edward Danowski , Frank Danowski , Peter S. Danowski , Thomas E. Danowski , Walter DcCristofaro , Joseph v DeDuck , Alexis S. DeFriest , Donald A. De Graff , ' Henry L. De Graff , J. Warren DeJesus , Carl Jacinto DeJesus, Carolos DeJesus , Glenwood Densicski , Theodore A DiPierro , Daniel Degner , Walter Demetriou , George Demetriou , William Densicski , John M. Dettner , George R. Diamond , Charles L. Dickson , Clarence W. Dickcrson , William Dittmcior , Philip J. Donato , Louis Dormand , Louis Ducknowski , Edward Ducknowski , John Dohrenwend , G. G. Jr Dolan , John A. Dolan, William Dombek, Leo Doroska , V. A. Doroski , Albert John Doroski , Victor S. Dotson , Aaron Jr. Downs , Forrest L. E. Downs, Harold W. Downs, Leslie Downs , Robert M. Downs, William Downs , William E. Drake, James Draper , Ernest E. Drevas , George Drielak, Edward Drobet , Jack Drozd , Edward Ducknowski , Myron Duerschmidt , Rudolph Dugan , Alfred F. Dugan , Clarence Jr. Duhnowski , John W. Dusenbury, Oliver H. Edwards , George A. Edwards , Wm. F. Jr. Eli , Harry Joseph Elton , J. William Emerson , John W. Erdoesy, Everett Erdoesy, Horace Evers , Horace T. Fabricatore , Alex Fabrykewi cz, Felix Fabrykcwicz, Charles Fairl y, Miles Hewitt Falkenmeyer, Philip C Fanning, Ralph John Figurniak , Stanley B. Filmanski , Edward Filmanski , Floyd W. Filmanski , Louis F. Filmanski , Henry E. Filmanski, Paul C. Jr. Fitzgerald , Merriwell Fitzgerald , Thomas Flanagan , Mark W. Fleischman , Frederick Flelschman , John B. Fleischman , Richard J Fleischman , Wm. L. Jr Fleury, George A. *Flynn , John L. Floege, Hans C. Foley, Edmund Foley, James Foley, Patrick J. *Forbcll , William H. J Ford , George Lester Formhala , Gustave IS Foster , Benjamin Foster, Daniel Foster, Edward H. Foster , Harold W. Fox, Laurence Frank, Richard M. Frank , Sidney Franzik , Stanley W. Frascr, Joseph T. Frederick , Dean M. Frederick , Frank E. Frederick , Ross F. Friszoiowski , Chester Friszolowski , Frank Gadzinski , Anthony J Gadzlnski , Stanley F. Gagen , Robert W. Gallo , Ralph Gallo, Th omas Galterio, Armando Gancarz , John W. Gancarz , 'Paul A. Gasinski , Stanley F. Gassert , George F. Qassert , Howard Gatz , Edward Gatz, John Anton ?Gavin , Martin Josep Gekle, Robert J. Gellatly, William B. Gcneaki , Edward W. George , Hallock Geoijge , James S. Giacomozzi , Anthony GIglio, Frank Joseph Gillespie , James Gillespie, Louis Gillespie, Vincent Gildersleeve , Richard S Godlewski , Louis Golden , Jessie E. Goldman , Louis H. Godlewski , Vincent Goldberg, Harold Goldberg, Simon Goode, Anthony ?Goozda , John R. Gosman , Halsey W. Graff , Robert E. Gray, George A. Gray, William J. Sr. Gray, William J. Jr. Green , David Green , Jack Green , William C. Grecnberg, Samuel F. Greenberg, William Gregory, Roger P. Greenwood , Edward Griffin , Lewis Grlffing, Robert P. Jr. Grodski , Stephen J. Gronbach , George Grothman, Norman Grsywinski , John J. Guida , Anthony Guy, Robert S. Jr. Haberman , Walter E. Hackal , Michael Hafner, William A, Hall , Forrest Hall , Joseph F. Hallett, C. Sherwood Hallock , Elmer J . Hallock , George H. Hallock , Z. R. Jr. Hammel , Richard L. Hanko, Alphonse Hanko, Benjamin Hanko, Vincent Hanko , Zygmund Hansen , William T. Hannibal, Daniel Hapontc, John Bruno Hart , Francis Hart , G. Bradley Harrup, William C. Jr, Harding, Jacob Harasimik , Josep h E. Harris, John Harris, John J. Harris, Orvillc Corwin Harris, Richard Tail Harris, Stanley J. Harris , Wesley Harris, William E. Harris , William Lee Hartmann , Louis J. Jr, Hatcher , Henry Hawkes, Ernest A. Hayes, Alfred H. Hayes, John C. Hawkins, Lansing He&tley, Seldcn E. Hedges, John B. Helms , Frederick Hendry, James B. Herrin , Marvin Claude Hickman , Joseph R. Hickman , Jesse S. Hill , Leon Nathan ?Hinksman , Malcolm -A Hobson, Clarence Hobson , David Hobson, John Hobson , Nathan Hobson , Oble Davis Hobson , Ralp h Hobson , Spencer Hobson , Woodrow W. Hochheiser , Harold Hochheiser , Sidney Hodun , Charles Hodun , Matida Hoffman , Frank C. Jr Kogan , Robert E. Hogan , Walter F. Holmes, Percy Homan , Gtorge F. Hopkins , Otis Housncr , William H. Ji Hovey, Howard Howard , Frank E. Howell , Albert M. Jr. Howell , Arnold S. Howell , Charles Hubbard, Oliver W. Jr Hulse , Clifford Hulse, Elwood D. Hulse, Robert Hunt , Maurice Victor Hunter , Edward Hunter , Ral ph Hunter , Richard Irvin , William A. Jablonski , Chester Jablonski , Frank H. Jackewicz, Blaise S. Jackson , Donald B. Jackson , Marshall Jacobs, Malcolm Gray James, Cyrus Janiszcak, Stanley W. Jariszcak , John Jp.romczyk, Stanley W. Jarzombek , John r. Jaromczyk , Zygmund Jaromczyk , Peter Jaromczyk , Frank J. Jarzombeck , Joseph J. Jcanroy, Robert D. Jefferson , Edward Jefferson , Julian Jefferson , Morton Jenny, Joh n Jcneski , Edward Jennings , Harry M. Sr. Jennings, Harry. M. Jr. Jendrzejewski , Sylvester Jerrulli , Anthony Jcrrulli , Frank S. Jcski , Sulvcst S. Jcwelle , Frank Jcwctt , Albert A. Johnson , Andrew J. Johnson , Benjamin W. Johnson , Gerard S. Johnson , Gerald Johnson , Henry A. Jr. Johnson , Phili p Johnson , Philip Douglas Johnson , John S. Jones , Floyd E. Jones , August H. Jones, LeRoy Charlei Jones, Paul Byron h Robinson , Clarence Y. Jurkiewicz , George S. Kaehn , Edward A. Kalino ' wskl, John T. Indicate* those mlssniK or Wiled In action, I ... . .. Knlyna , Anthony Kapuscinski , Bruno Kapuscinski , Elizabeth Kart , Robert Kart , William J. Karzenski , Adam S. Karzensk i, John A. Karzenski , Edward Karplnski , Stanley Karpinski , Walter Kascinszko , Frank S. Kascinszko , Wesley Kazura , Joseph , Jr. Kersnowski , Henry B. Keillor , James A. Jr. Keillor , A. Myron Keillor , Ronald W. Kelly, Joseph V. Kelly, Fra. - .k Perking Kelly, William Kirk , George A. Kirk , Lawrence R. Kirk , Robert F. Kirklokos , George Kirkiokos , Nicholas M, Klodaski , Konstant y Klodaski , Frank John Kloppcnburg, John H. Kneski , Alex Kobylenski , Valentine Kobylenski , Stanley A. Kobylenski , John Kolinski , Arthur Kolymago, Joseph T. Komosinski , Eugene Konohalski , Frank Konchalski , John Koraleski , Henry C. Koscluszko, Frank S. Kosciuszko. Wesley Koronkicwicz, Chester Kbscuiskiewicz. John Kostyra , Benjamin P. Kowalski , Adam J. Kowalski , Benjamin C Kowalski , Casimar Kowalski , Chester Kowalski , Henry Kowalski , Leon S. Kowalski , Rose M. Kowalski , Raymond Kowalski , Theodore C. Kowalsky, Stanley Kozenka, Wesley S. Kozurody, Joseph Kruk , Edward Kruk , Stanley Krasity, Emil Krasity, George M. Kratoville , Joseph W. Kraus, Harold George Krouse, John S. Krajcwski , Anth. B. Jr Kruszewski , Chester V Kudlinski , Theodore S Kujawski , Frank Kujawski , Leon Kujawski , Margaret Kukla , Edward R, Kukla , Stanley J. Kulesa , Antone Frank Kulesa , Edward J. Kulesa , Stanley F. Kulesa , Stanley J. Kurant , Edwin John Kurovics, Albert Kurovics , George Kurovics , Steven Kurovics , Joseph Kwasniewski , Edward LaColla , Joseph A. Jr. LaForce, Edmund G. Lambert , Oren Langhorn , William Lane, Charles E. Lane , LeGrande Lane, Vernon W. Lane, Walter R. Lapin , George Lapham, Edwin S. Lapinski , Felox J. Latncy, William Latham, Albert E. "Lavrick , Gordon B. Lee, Thomas A. Lcnsieski , John A. Leonard , Francis J. Lcssard , Adelard J. Lescenski , Frank Lcis , Walter Lcvandiski , Paul L. Levandoski , Maltha "' A. Lcwin , Karl E. Jr. Lewis, Anthony Lightfoot , Levi T. L'Hommcdieu , Raymond L'Hommedieu , Ros. G. Llnnon , Walter C. Lipetz , EH Lipetz , Morris Lipetz, Philip Lipscomb , John D. Litchard , John Albert Locker , Francis V. Lohr , William Carl Lonskl, Charles John Lonski , Stephen Lord , Bernard N. Lord , James Losee, Gene R. Losee, Russell Lucas, Arthur L. Jr. Lucas, Edward Terry Luce, George A. Luce, Harold D. Luce, Hallock 3rd Luce, Malcolm Luce, Walter M. Luce, Wesley T. Lundberg, Pierre G. Lupi a , Jerome W. Lutsky, Michael Lutsky, Stephen Mack, Ames Macksel , Stanley Maddin , Alfred Madzeian , Stanley P. Mais, Edward L. Maks, Valentine Jr. Malcolm, William Y. Mapes , Gerald D. Mapes , Raymond G. Marrin , Richard F. Marrln , Raymond J, Marsh , Albert Marsh , Leonard T. Mariakis, George Marrin , Fred D. Martz , Theodore C. Mattie , Jamos Mateuszak , Jenjamln i Mayhew, Andrew Mayer , Lowell Mayo, Douglas W. Mayo , Frederick Mayo, William David Mazcski , Alexander Mazgulskl , Bruno J. Mazgulski , Raymond A Mazik , Alex W. McAfee , Percy T. McAfee , William McAndrews , Felix J. McBride , Chester McBride , Daniel A. McCoy, Erma McCabe, Rosanna MacCrimmon , Joh n B. McCauley, Edwin M. McDonald , Joseph P. McGayhey, Martin E. McGoey, John Russell McGocy, William B. McGraw, Robert V. McKay, Charles S. McKay, John J. McKillop, David McKillop, Michael J. McLloyd , James McMahon , William L, McMillion, Isaac McNary, Spencer G. Mcngcweit , William A. Meier , William G. Menendcz , Francis E. Mercer , John S. Mickaii ger , Alex E. Michaclson , Michael Miczianka , John Mikalajczyk , Carol Mikalajczyk , Charles M. Mikalajczyk , Bernard Mikalajczyk , Edward L. Mikalajczyk , John Miller , Andrew Miller , John Miller Stanton H. Mitzan , Alfred Montague , LeRoy Moore , George R. Moore, Russell H. Moore , Robert B. Morpeth , Allen Jr. Morris , James Morris , John Mosby, Benjamin Frank Mott , Paul F. Mottola , Nicholas Moutoux , Clifford Mueller , Francois L. Muehlcnthal , Arnold G. Mularcik , Edward Mularcik , Thomas Muldoon , Clair A. Muller , John H. Jr. Mundo, John H. Nabor , Harry Nagel, Benjamin I. Nelson , Harry Jr. Nelson , Raymond Newalis, Albert Ncwalis , Edward G. Newalis , William G. Niewiadamslti , Charles Nicwiadomski , John J. Niewiadomski , Walter E Niksa , Edward P. Niksa , Michael Paul Niksa , Thaddcus Niesianki , John A. O'Byrne , Thomas H. •Ohlhorst , Robert W. O'Kceffe , John A. F. Okula , Adolf Operskl , William Osborne , Milton Osi p, Walter A. Ostroski , Frank Jr. Owens , Jesse Paskewicz , Adam M. Palmer , George Panowich , Allen D. Pantaleo , Frank ¦ Parmentcr , Bruce W Patrick , Anthony E. Jr. Patrick , Casimar C. Patten , George T. Peirszchapowski , J. A. Pelis , Stanley D. Pence, Amps T Pendzick , Felix Anton Penney, John Perkins, Robert K. Peterson , James K. Petraszcwskl , Irving Phillips, Harry R, Phillips , James Pieszchanowski , Felix Pieszchanowski , Maryan Pike , Otis G. Pisck , Walter Pipczynski , Julius J. Plpczynski , Zygmund J. Podlasenski , Henry F. Podlasenski , John Polecki , Frank Polakiewicz , Charles J. Polakiewicz, Felix Polakiewicz , Richard Polakiewicz, Stephen •Polakiewicz , Teofil Polecki , Joseph S. Polecki , Josephine Polinsky, John J. Postolski , Frank *Potter, Charles Kirby Powell , Thomas Prenlope , John Robert Price , Harry S. Price , John H. Przyboriwski , Stanley Przy borowski , John J. Pulleyn , Arthur Punda , James S. Punda , John Punda , Michael Punda , Stephen Pugsley, John V. 3d Pylko, Anthony S, Raffe , Henry Raffe , Samuel Rainey, Walter Clarlc Ramb o, Frederick D. H. Rambo , Harry W. Ramsauer , Henry Randall , Charles Raynor , Clinton B. Jr. Raynor , Everett B. Raynor , Raymond A. Raynor , Roy Raynor , Russell Jr. Raynor , William T. Jr. Rj avcr , George S. Reeve , George F. Reeve, John D. Reeve, Wesley V. Regent , Frederick Y. Remiszewski, Myron Rhodes , Frederick Rhodes , Harry, Jr. Rhodes, Theodore I Ribciro , Edgar H. Ribeiro , Richard E. Richard , Robert Edwin Robertson , Robert D. Robinson , Clarence Robinson , Gary R. Robinson , Ellis C. Jr. Robinson , Harold F. Robinson , John H. Robinson , Philip E. Robinson , Robert Robinson , Walter C. Rock , Charles C. Roche , Thomas E. Roden , Edward M. Rogers, J. Marshall Rolle , John Roland , Leonard E. Romans, Charles Rosset, Ernest F, Rossett, Everett L . Rowley, Clifford A. Jr. Roys, Harvey B. Ruckowski , Edward W Rukc , Stanley Rumph , Robert Russell , Sherman Rusin , Bruno Ruskowskf . Raymond Ruthinowski , Henry Ryan , Irving A. Ryan , Walter L. Rykaczewski , Frank C, Sabat , Bruno Sabat , B. George Sabat, William Sabotka , Charles B. Sabotka , Edward J. Sabotka , Walter Sabotka , John Paul Sadowski, Jeremiah Jr Sadowski , Reg ina Salter, Clarence P. Sample, Benjamin Samotis, Basil A. Sammis, Albertls L . Sandstrom, Milton. Sanford , Clarence Sanford , Edward Saultnier , Donald P. Saxstlen, Carl Saxstlen , J. Leo Saxstien, Morris Scott , Harry Schackman , Barney Schaefer , Eugene E. Schaefer , Harold J. Schaefer, Theodore A. Schiavoni , Anthony Schl paty, Joseph Schmersal , Chris J. Jr Schmersal , J ohn W. Schneider , Ernest B. Schofield , Ralph C. SchoSeld , John C Jr Seaman , Gerald Sekavec, Roy G. Scuddcr, Laurence P. Schwarz, Fred William Schwartz, Richard Schwartz , Robert Seeth , George ' oeclh , George Jr. Scay, Albert Edward Segal , Morris Seidler , Frederick W. Scndlewski , Frank G. Berwick , Walter Setek, Louis Steven Seymoro, John Shecvers, John Sherry, John K. Shapiola , Edward S. Shableski , Joseph W. Shefchick , Frank Shcfchick. Mikolay Shields , John E. Simon , Vincent Sinclair , Howard Sirrine , Frank A. Jr. Slrko, Walter Skinkaytis , John Jr. Skrzypecki , Michael Skrezec , Antone Slavonlk, Frank John Slivonik , Theodore W. Slivonik , Edward Smi th , Clifford T. Smith , Eugene Samuel Smith , Francis C. Smith , Frank Smith , Gordon B. Smith, Harry O. Smith, Harry William Smith , John L. Smith , John William Smith , Joseph Smith , Walter Smith , Wilfred L. Smith , William B. Snell , Herbert L. Sneed , Everett Sodol , Joseph Sorensen , Carl E. Sorc-nsen , Neils O. Sorenser , Waldemer Sowinskl , Arthur D. Sowinski , Walter J. Spann , William A. Spies , Robert Spikings, Douglas Stachiw, John Stadnicki , Edward Stadnicki , John Staib , Edward Staib, Warren Stanton , Daniel Ross Stanton. Vernon 8. Stapon, George Stapon Julius Stark , Richard J. Stark , Thomas M. Stachacz, Edward Stelmaschuk , Harry Stevens , Theodore B\ Stewart , Benjamin Stewart , Malcolm Stewart , Jacob T. Stivers , Gideon Stonebanks, George A. Stonebanks, John Stookus, Edward Stotsky, Elmer A. StravlnskI, Peter John Strobel , Charles L, Swiderskl , John J. Swiskey, Edward Synakowski , Kalixt Sypher , DeWitte Sypher, Edgar Harris Sypher , Hubert A. Sypher, Jarvls Ludwlg Szczopanik , Edwin Szczepanik , Edward Szczopanik , Frank Szczepanik , Theodore Szurka , Albert Leo Tamin , Edward S. Teuber , Raymond A. Teubcr , Walter C. Touber , Robert Henry Teuber , Edward Alfred Tennenberg, Robert H. Terry, Charles A. Terry, Donald B. Teny, E. Donald Terry, George W. Terry, Joseph H. Jr. Thompson , Lozcre 3d Thompson , Robert S. Thornton , Gilbert C. Thurm, Arnold Titus , Sidney Tiernan , John W. Tooker , Wilson C Tomaszcwski , Edward C Tomaszewski , Lewis S. Townes, John Henry Tradcski , John W. Trages , Genevieve Travis, John Trcmskl , John E. Trinowski , Theodore Troyan , Anthony W. Truskowski , Bernard Truskowski , Edmund Truskowski, Edward Truskowski, Lewis Truskowski , Stanley Jr. •Truskowski , Thomas Tucker, Ern est Jr. Tucker , George Tucker , Mildred E. Turbush , Frederick Turbush , Roland F. Turbush , Theodore Tuthill , Alexander H. Tuthill , Henry B. Tuthill , Jamos D. Tuthill , Loon H. Tuthill , Raymond C. Jr. Tuthill , Raymond C. Twomcy, Daniel C. Twomey, Francis A. Tyler , Harry E. Tysh , Joseph Tysz, Wasco T. T yte, Charles Urban , William Vail , Claire E. Vail, Russell David Vail , Gerald Ashton Vail , George R. •Valek, Antone G. Valek, James C. Valek, John C. VanDermark, Frank VanDermark , Myron Jr. Van Middelem, Chas. H Van Nostrand , John A. Vetter , John Joseph Vicik , August Vicsik, Victor Vinson , Edward Vojvoda , Robert B. Vonatzski , Conrad T. Wachsler , Joseph Walsh , Joseph E. Walsh , Donald Walker , James William Walker , Richard W. Walker , Thomas Jr . Walter , Kenneth M. Walter , Nicholas Warner , Donald E. Washick , Alexander Washick, Metro Watkins , Ralph Watkins , Thomas Jr. Wazlo, Raymond J. Webb, Charles M. Wcbb , John Guy Wegert , Rcinholt E. Weir , J. Ebb Jr. Welch , Raymond Welch , John Weller , Everett D. Wells , Donald D. Wells, Horace J. 2d Wells . Kirtley Herman Wells, Robert Hewlett Wells, Roger Clark White , Daniel H. White, Francis White , Paul White , Richard Whittington , Russell C Whyard , Clyde R. Wiegen , Raymond Wiesen , Arnold M. Wioson , Perry P. Wiesen , Perkins F. Weissman, Irving Wiley, William Williams , Albert E. Williams , jrames Williamson , Zahn R, Willis , Emmett M. Winter , Lyall Wootinull , Sterlings. Jr Woodhull , Elliot li . Woodson , Armstfad Woodson , Onnreo Woodson , Eligh Worm , Arthur W. Wrobel , Lawrence Worthington , George A Worthington , Henry O. Wollslager , C. G. K. Wojnocki , Conrad Wulflraat , Arnold , Jr. Wyatt , Hubert Wylic, Robert J. Yakaboskl , Joseph Ycager , Harold LeG. Yeronick , Frank John Yeronslck, Peter S . Yeronsick , Ziggie Young, Curtis J. Toung, George G. Young, Hallock N. Yc-mg, Lester Wilmot Young, Richard E. Young, Wilmot Lewis Zak , William Zaleski , Harold Zaneski , Stephen Zaborowski , Edward H Zahara , Charles Zahara , Edward Zahara , John George Zaloga , Bruno Zaleski , Benjamin F. Zaleski , Frank Joseph Zaleski , Henry M. Zamber, Theodore Zambriski , Albert E Zambriski , Stanley R. Zaneski , Felix P. Zclenski , Stanley Zdu ' nka , Edward Zdunlco , Alex Zdunko , Walter Zcromczyk , Edward Ziclinski , Joseph J. Zielnicki , John Zillo, Gabriel F. Zoltowski , Bruno J. £orn , Howard Zuk&wski , Antone Zultoski , Alex B. Zultoskl , Frank Paul Zultoski , Michael M. Zurowski , Edward ZurowskI, Vincent Cpl Ernest B Schneider , 33 4!) Sig Base Depot Co, who has been overseas for tho past 211 months, is on furlough visiting his wife and daughter and par- ents at Greenport and Riverhead. Home On Leave There was great activit y Mon- day at the Swordfish Club when about 20 Riverhead children and their parents came over for a day of swimming and Swordfish activities. After several hours of surf , sand and pool , they enjoyed Stella's luncheon in the cafeteria , then practiced up for tho swim- ming meet at 2:30. Evidently their practice was serious, for they walked away with most of the honors. Three rubber tire races for the 8-9-10 year, group demonstrated every possible method of navigat- ing a tire . Frank Nuss (W) won the first heat, with Peter Schmidt of Riverhead second; Connie Buck- hout (W) and Maureen Stark (R) won honors in the girls ' groups , with Frcida Ann Schocnborn (R) and Cissy Corwin (R) taking sec- onds. Speed races for the same ages were quite close. Peter Schmidt (R) won the boys ' half , Jimmy Stark (R) second , and Connie Buckhout (W) won the girls ' again , followed by Elizabeth Bates (W). Five couples were very closely matched in the 11-12-13 year " re- lay. Jane Nugent and Shirley Grilling (R) tied with Barbara Hansen and Frances Ryan (W) for first place, with Arless Lcve and Jane- ' Fagan (W) inches be- hind taking third. Unfortunately the rubber gave out when the balloons were blown up f or an obstacle race, so the group did a straight race instead , Shirley Grif- fing (R) placing firs t and Jane Nugent (R) tied with Arless Levc (W) for second. A larger turnout for the 20-yard freestyle of this group was again won by Shirley and Jane. The older group ' s obstacle race consisted of jumping into the deep water and removing excess clothes as sailors often have to. Arless Leve won , with Nancy Grifiing of Riverhead second. The 40-yard freestyle for 14 and 15 year olds was won by Nancy Grifiing with Jane Nugent , also Riverhead , sec- ond. The two Griffing girls won the relay for this group, with Madeline Scott and Frances Ryan of Westhampton second. When team points of the meet were totaled up <3 for first, 2 for second and 1 for third) Riverhead was unquestionably the winner , with 46 points to Swordflsh's 29. Individual ribbons were awaided for grsts and seconds. Several of the Swordfish Club' s divers gave an exhibition of their skill. Jill Clarke , Pat Squires , Trcet Haggerty and Dupratt Tay- lor each did about four dives for the Riverhead group and Sword- fish spectators. Although many of the Rivcflicad families have come here to spend the day at the Swordfish Club individually, they had never before come as an organized group. Mrs Allison Kctcham. who teaches swimming and lifesaving in the Sound at Riverhead , gathered them together and helped arrange for them. Swordfish members enjoyed having guests , and the first out- side competition to be held In the ?" 'ine Pool. Plans arc progressing for a Labor Day swimming and diving competition , with freestyle races, backstroke , two classes of diving and exhibitions of professional diving and swimming. SWORDFISH CLUB Capt William A Curtis , who has been the Public Relations Officer at the Suffol k County Army Air Base for the past, year , left last Monday for a now assignment at Fort Dcvens , Mass. During hid stay at Suffolk , Capt Curtis made many friends in this locale. He was a member of the Westhamp- ton Beach Business Association , and was known in these parts as an ardent angler. Lt Theodore F Hastings has been named as tho new Public Relations Officer. CURTIS TRANSFERRED CENTER MORICHES Cpl Freda Borok , Woman ' s Re- serve , United States Marines , is home on furlough visiting hut par- ents, Mr and Mrs Morris Borok. —- | || LOOKING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN TOUCH WITH THE ^^^^ I^M IL RIGHT PEOPLE ^!^lll^^5 A u can se " ¦ P ^9m\ %l '^S /y your home? ^ ^S^Sfk f Rent a room? i^Jf^ 4^^^^^^ -? Give if wpSK if ^^^M ^ your children L^ M S X v " ^ " ^ music lessons? THE COUNTY REVIEW WANT ADS offer you all kinds of opportunities. They afford you an easy, economical way ro find the people who want to buy the things you want to sell, as well as those who want to sell the things you want to buy. Develop THE COUNTY REVIEW WANT AD HABIT. THE COUNTY REVIEW WANT ADS ARE FAMOUS FOR RESULTS. RATES: 15 words for $1.00 every word thereafter 3c additional T HE C OU NTY R EVIEW PHONE ££OOfl RIVERHEAD OWV

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Page 1: Home On Leave SUFFOLK AIR BASE NEWS HONOR RO LL · SUFFOLK AIR BASE NEWS The First Air Force held a gun- ... Kowalski Adam J. Kowalski , Benjamin C Kowalski, Casimar Kowalski, Chester

SUFFOLK AIR BASE NEWSThe First Air Force held a gun-

nery meet out on the SuffolkCounty Army Air Base gunneryrange on Tuesday and Wednesdaywith gunnery experts participatingfrom almost all fields in the FirstAir Force. During the meet, whichtook full advantage of the excel-lent facilities out here at this gun-nery school , many fine examples ofperfect marksmenshi p were scon.

Last Saturday a call went outhere on the base for all men toreport to the orderely room whohad amassed a total of 85 pointsor more. These lucky men , com-bat veterans all , quickl y answeredthis call for it means that thearmy is taking steps to see to itthey are soon on their way home-ward. Certainl y no other numberin our history with • the possibleexception of '76, has been used sofrequently and with such joy, asgood old 85. i

Chaplain Richard G. Colby, PostChaplain , was the guest speakerat the Methodist Church of EastQuogue last Sunday at a MemorialService held in honor of a fallenservice man from East Quogue.

At this writing, the SuffolkCounty "Gunners" our uascballteam which is playing in the Na-tional Semi-Pro Championship outin Wichita , Kansas, has defeatedthe Californian State Champs bya score of 11 to 6, and has lost agame to a team from Sioux Falls,South Dakota, by a score of 7-3.

A full coverage of the teams par-ticipation in the championshi p willbe forthcoming next week in thiscolumn when all the details arelearned.

An unofficial GI Glee Club'seems to have sprung up in the"Patio" of the Patio in West-hampton Beach, around the gar-den tables during the recent sum-mer evenings. Cpl. Smith, of Suf-folk , is always a welcome mem-ber uf these informal song-fests,along with his combination man-dolin and guitar , from which sweetmusic is always forthcoming.

Louise Froiland , assistant pro-ducer of the radio show, "BlindDate," was a guest visito r out atthe Base this week. Miss Froiland ,who recently returned from Holly-wood , divided her time betweenfriends on the Base nnd the West-hampton beach front.

Sgt. Harold Hillc , onc of themanaging directors of tho NCOClub , is also 1 prized around theestablishment as a superb pianist.Lucky the members who happen towander into the "Food-and-OneArm Bandit Clubbe" and find Hil-Ie seated activily at the uprigh t.

A side note on that very excit-ing Tuesday night of a couple ofweeks ago, was the blowing, bymembers of the Motor Pool , of anestimated fourteen varied hornsand sirens upon hearing the 'flash'over the motor-pool radio. The dinwas terrific , but justified.

H O N O R R O L LListed below are the names of thoBo from Riverhead Town and Riverside now serving in the armed forces of tho United States. Tho names are listed, alphabetically and

without rank, place of duty, or other pertinent information, conforming to tho request of the War Department. Tho County Review will deeply appreciate additional names toadd to thn Riverhead Honor Roll.

Adamczcskl. Victor P,Adams, John R.Adams, Wells M.Adrian , John P.Adrian , 2d , Philip C.Alexander, FrederickAllen , Frank P.Allen , James C.Allen , Robert JohnAlper, George N.Alper, LeonAmbrose, John T.Ambrose, Joseph R.Anderson, CylonAndruski , Louis H.Ashmore, John RussetBachman, Lawrence F,Bachmann , Edw. W. JrBakowski, ZitaBagshaw, Frank KBagshaw, John R.Barbolt, George C.Barnes, James J.Barnes, John F.Barr, Vincent M.Barth , Donald F.Earth , Eliot C.Barton , George R.Barton , John L.Bartunek, Alvin C.Baulch , Richard D. Jr.Baulch, WarrenBaymann, Francis H.Bechtel , Robert C.Beebe, Shirley luthillBegora, StephenBell , AaronBell , John H.Bell, RichardBell, Robert LcwlaBell, Ulick Jr.Bennis, ChristopherBenedict, Mary R.Benjamin , Elizabeth FBenjamin , Frank B.Benjamin , Lillian M.Benjamin, Richard H.Benjamin , Raymond GBenko, Edward, Jr.Bcrdan , Charles Jr.Berdan , Forrest E.Bergen , John H.Bergen, Robert A.Bergen, William A.Bernhard , Robert H.Bevis, MiltonBigora, JohnBilski , EdwardBilski, Felix PeterBilski, Frank P.Blssett, Peter J.Blasl , Donald F.Bland , MatthewBland , William S.Blasko, Frank W.Blasko, Henry P.Bliss, HarveyBliss, Waldren ElroyBlock, John JamesBlock, StanleyBlumgart, JfOtanBoardman , BradfordBoardman, RalphBobinski , EdithBobinski, Maxim Jr.Bobinski , Theodore A.Bohler, AlexanderBooker, HardwayBooker, Irvin S.Booker, WarrenBoklna, BrownieBolles, DavidBolles, EugeneBollcs, John FloydBollea, Thomas E.Bonczyk, V. RaymondBonczyk, K. WalterBonczyk, S. EdwinBondes, JamcaBorawa, Chester F.Borawa, Frank A.Bostolskl , FrankBotula , Charles Jr.Brandt, AdamBrezenski , Joseph J.Brodski , Martin J.Brooks, Henry M.Brooks, RaymondBrown , GarlandBrown , G. StanleyBrown , George S.Brown , Harold P.Brown, Herbert M.Brown, James A.Brown, Kenneth R.Brown, Paul L.Brown , ThomasBrown , WillisBrown, WesleyBroiling, Theodore W.

Brownlcy, JamesBrude , Charles Jt.Bucholz, Edward JBuffum , Mary T.Bugdin , StanleyBujnicki , FrankBujnicki , LeoBullock , AdolphBullock , WilliamBundy, William J.Bunke , Theodore Jr.Burman , EdwardBurns , Harold E. Jr.Burns, Jerome EdwardBurns , Robert D.Burns, Robert M.Burzynski , Stanley J.Bush , LouisBusing, CharlesButtonow, Alexander MCaiar»lli, Salvatore J.Cantor, JackCantin, Myron L.Carter, EdwardCarter, RobertCarey, Edward SantryCarey, Robert F. Jr.Carey, Walter JCarlson , Eugene Donal dCarlson, Frederick L.Carlson, John E. Jr.Carison, William H.Cartignola, Michael J.Case, Harry G.Case, Robert H.Casella, AnthonyCassella, August F.Catrow, Joseph H.Ccckowski, Casimar J.Ccckowski, JosephCcckowski, John E.Charkow, HarryChamicz, MichaelCheshire, CharlesCheshire, Thomas W.Cheshire, Treadwell Jr.

Chodueicwicz, StanleyCisterino, Camillo P.Clark , Walter W.Claxton , GeorgeClinton , James SamuelColeman , Joseph H.Condjclla , John PaulConklin , Clarence G.Conklin , George V.Conklin , Henry T.Conklin , Irving F.Conklin , MarshallConklin , WallaceConnors, Edward W.Constantinl , DominicCorwin , Horace E.Cotignola, Michael J.Courtenay, Madison JrCourtenay, WilliamCovcal, ElishaCox, Robert LeeCox, Vernon R.Cox, Wilbur L.Crews, HansCreighton , CambrayCreighton , George F.Creighton, John H.Cross, Samuel BCrowitz , Samuel H.Cushman , George Jr.Cybulskl , JohnCybulski , FrankOzerniawski, JeffryCzcrniawski, John J.Czerniowski , StanleyCzerniawski, Stanley CDanowski, Anthony P.Danowski, ChesterDanowski , EdwardDanowski , FrankDanowski, Peter S.Danowski, Thomas E.Danowski , WalterDcCristofaro , Joseph vDeDuck, Alexis S.DeFriest, Donald A.De Graff ,' Henry L.De Graff , J. WarrenDeJesus, Carl JacintoDeJesus, CarolosDeJesus, GlenwoodDensicski, Theodore ADiPierro, DanielDegner, WalterDemetriou, GeorgeDemetriou, WilliamDensicski , John M.Dettner , George R.Diamond, Charles L.Dickson, Clarence W.Dickcrson , WilliamDittmcior, Philip J.Donato , LouisDormand , LouisDucknowski , EdwardDucknowski , JohnDohrenwend , G. G. JrDolan , John A.Dolan, WilliamDombek, LeoDoroska, V. A.Doroski , Albert JohnDoroski, Victor S.Dotson , Aaron Jr.Downs, Forrest L. E.Downs, Harold W.Downs, LeslieDowns, Robert M.Downs, WilliamDowns, William E.Drake, JamesDraper, Ernest E.Drevas, GeorgeDrielak, EdwardDrobet, JackDrozd , EdwardDucknowski , MyronDuerschmidt, RudolphDugan , Alfred F.Dugan , Clarence Jr.Duhnowski , John W.Dusenbury, Oliver H.Edwards , George A.Edwards, Wm. F. Jr.Eli , Harry JosephElton, J. WilliamEmerson, John W.Erdoesy, EverettErdoesy, HoraceEvers, Horace T.Fabricatore, AlexFabrykewicz, FelixFabrykcwicz, CharlesFairly, Miles HewittFalkenmeyer, Philip CFanning, Ralph JohnFigurniak, Stanley B.Filmanski , EdwardFilmanski, Floyd W.Filmanski , Louis F.Filmanski, Henry E.Filmanski, Paul C. Jr.Fitzgerald , MerriwellFitzgerald , ThomasFlanagan , Mark W.Fleischman, FrederickFlelschman, John B.Fleischman, Richard JFleischman , Wm. L. JrFleury, George A.*Flynn , John L.Floege, Hans C.Foley, EdmundFoley, JamesFoley, Patrick J.*Forbcll, William H. JFord , George LesterFormhala, Gustave ISFoster, BenjaminFoster, DanielFoster, Edward H.Foster, Harold W.Fox, LaurenceFrank, Richard M.Frank , SidneyFranzik , Stanley W.Frascr, Joseph T.Frederick , Dean M.Frederick , Frank E.Frederick , Ross F.Friszoiowski , ChesterFriszolowski , FrankGadzinski , Anthony JGadzlnski , Stanley F.Gagen, Robert W.Gallo, RalphGallo, ThomasGalterio, ArmandoGancarz, John W.Gancarz, 'Paul A.Gasinski, Stanley F.Gassert, George F.Qassert, HowardGatz, EdwardGatz, John Anton?Gavin , Martin JosepGekle, Robert J.Gellatly, William B.Gcneaki, Edward W.

George, HallockGeoijge , James S.Giacomozzi , AnthonyGIglio, Frank JosephGillespie , JamesGillespie, LouisGillespie, VincentGildersleeve, Richard SGodlewski , LouisGolden , Jessie E.Goldman , Louis H.Godlewski , VincentGoldberg, HaroldGoldberg, SimonGoode, Anthony?Goozda , John R.Gosman, Halsey W.Graff , Robert E.Gray, George A.Gray, William J. Sr.Gray, William J. Jr.Green , DavidGreen , JackGreen , William C.Grecnberg, Samuel F.Greenberg, WilliamGregory, Roger P.Greenwood, EdwardGriffin , LewisGrlffing, Robert P. Jr.Grodski , Stephen J.Gronbach , GeorgeGrothman, NormanGrsywinski, John J.Guida , AnthonyGuy, Robert S. Jr.Haberman , Walter E.Hackal, MichaelHafner, William A,Hall, ForrestHall, Joseph F.Hallett, C. SherwoodHallock , Elmer J.Hallock, George H.Hallock, Z. R. Jr.Hammel , Richard L.Hanko, AlphonseHanko, BenjaminHanko, VincentHanko, ZygmundHansen, William T.Hannibal, DanielHapontc, John BrunoHart , FrancisHart, G. BradleyHarrup, William C. Jr,Harding, JacobHarasimik , Joseph E.Harris, JohnHarris, John J.Harris, Orvillc CorwinHarris, Richard TailHarris, Stanley J.Harris, WesleyHarris, William E.Harris, William LeeHartmann , Louis J. Jr,Hatcher, HenryHawkes, Ernest A.Hayes, Alfred H.Hayes, John C.Hawkins, LansingHe&tley, Seldcn E.Hedges, John B.Helms, FrederickHendry, James B.Herrin , Marvin ClaudeHickman, Joseph R.Hickman, Jesse S.Hill , Leon Nathan?Hinksman , Malcolm -AHobson, ClarenceHobson, DavidHobson, JohnHobson, NathanHobson, Oble DavisHobson , RalphHobson, SpencerHobson, Woodrow W.Hochheiser, HaroldHochheiser, SidneyHodun , CharlesHodun , MatidaHoffman , Frank C. JrKogan , Robert E.Hogan, Walter F.Holmes, PercyHoman, Gtorge F.Hopkins , OtisHousncr , William H. JiHovey, HowardHoward , Frank E.Howell , Albert M. Jr.Howell, Arnold S.Howell, CharlesHubbard, Oliver W. JrHulse , CliffordHulse, Elwood D.Hulse, RobertHunt, Maurice VictorHunter, EdwardHunter , RalphHunter , RichardIrvin, William A.Jablonski , ChesterJablonski , Frank H.Jackewicz, Blaise S.Jackson , Donald B.Jackson, MarshallJacobs, Malcolm GrayJames, CyrusJaniszcak, Stanley W.Jariszcak , JohnJp.romczyk, Stanley W.Jarzombek , John

r. Jaromczyk , ZygmundJaromczyk, PeterJaromczyk, Frank J.Jarzombeck, Joseph J.Jcanroy, Robert D.Jefferson, EdwardJefferson , JulianJefferson , MortonJenny, JohnJcneski , EdwardJennings , Harry M. Sr.Jennings, Harry. M. Jr.Jendrzejewski , SylvesterJerrulli , AnthonyJcrrulli , Frank

S. Jcski, Sulvcst S.Jcwelle, FrankJcwctt , Albert A.Johnson , Andrew J.Johnson, Benjamin W.Johnson , Gerard S.Johnson, GeraldJohnson , Henry A. Jr.Johnson, Phili pJohnson , Philip DouglasJohnson , John S.Jones, Floyd E.Jones, August H.Jones, LeRoy CharleiJones, Paul Byron

h Robinson , Clarence Y.Jurkiewicz, George S.Kaehn , Edward A.Kalino'wskl, John T.

• Indicate* those mlssniK or Wiled In action,I . . . . ..

Knlyna , AnthonyKapuscinski , BrunoKapuscinski , ElizabethKart , RobertKart , William J.Karzenski , Adam S.Karzensk i, John A.Karzenski , EdwardKarplnski , StanleyKarpinski, WalterKascinszko, Frank S.Kascinszko, WesleyKazura , Joseph, Jr.Kersnowski , Henry B.Keillor, James A. Jr.Keillor , A. MyronKeillor , Ronald W.Kelly, Joseph V.Kelly, Fra.-.k PerkingKelly, WilliamKirk , George A.Kirk , Lawrence R.Kirk , Robert F.Kirklokos, GeorgeKirkiokos , Nicholas M,Klodaski , KonstantyKlodaski , Frank JohnKloppcnburg, John H.Kneski , AlexKobylenski , ValentineKobylenski, Stanley A.Kobylenski , JohnKolinski, ArthurKolymago, Joseph T.Komosinski, EugeneKonohalski , FrankKonchalski , JohnKoraleski , Henry C.Koscluszko, Frank S.Kosciuszko. WesleyKoronkicwicz, ChesterKbscuiskiewicz. JohnKostyra, Benjamin P.Kowalski , Adam J.Kowalski , Benjamin CKowalski , CasimarKowalski , ChesterKowalski , HenryKowalski , Leon S.Kowalski , Rose M.Kowalski, RaymondKowalski, Theodore C.Kowalsky, StanleyKozenka, Wesley S.Kozurody, JosephKruk, EdwardKruk , StanleyKrasity, EmilKrasity, George M.Kratoville , Joseph W.Kraus, Harold GeorgeKrouse, John S.Krajcwski , Anth. B. JrKruszewski , Chester VKudlinski , Theodore SKujawski , FrankKujawski , LeonKujawski , MargaretKukla, Edward R,Kukla , Stanley J.Kulesa , Antone FrankKulesa, Edward J.Kulesa, Stanley F.Kulesa , Stanley J.Kurant, Edwin JohnKurovics, AlbertKurovics, GeorgeKurovics , StevenKurovics, JosephKwasniewski, EdwardLaColla, Joseph A. Jr.LaForce, Edmund G.Lambert , OrenLanghorn, WilliamLane, Charles E.Lane, LeGrandeLane, Vernon W.Lane, Walter R.Lapin, GeorgeLapham, Edwin S.Lapinski , Felox J.Latncy, WilliamLatham, Albert E."Lavrick , Gordon B.Lee, Thomas A.Lcnsieski , John A.Leonard, Francis J.Lcssard, Adelard J.Lescenski, FrankLcis, WalterLcvandiski , Paul L.Levandoski , Maltha "' A.Lcwin , Karl E. Jr.Lewis, AnthonyLightfoot, Levi T.L'Hommcdieu, RaymondL'Hommedieu, Ros. G.Llnnon, Walter C.Lipetz, EHLipetz, MorrisLipetz, PhilipLipscomb, John D.Litchard, John AlbertLocker, Francis V.Lohr, William CarlLonskl, Charles JohnLonski , StephenLord , Bernard N.Lord , JamesLosee, Gene R.Losee, RussellLucas, Arthur L. Jr.Lucas, Edward TerryLuce, George A.Luce, Harold D.Luce, Hallock 3rdLuce, MalcolmLuce, Walter M.Luce, Wesley T.Lundberg, Pierre G.Lupia, Jerome W.Lutsky, MichaelLutsky, StephenMack, AmesMacksel, StanleyMaddin , AlfredMadzeian , Stanley P.Mais, Edward L.Maks, Valentine Jr.Malcolm, William Y.Mapes, Gerald D.Mapes, Raymond G.Marrin , Richard F.Marrln , Raymond J,Marsh, AlbertMarsh , Leonard T.Mariakis, GeorgeMarrin , Fred D.Martz, Theodore C.Mattie, JamosMateuszak , Jenjamln iMayhew, AndrewMayer, LowellMayo, Douglas W.Mayo, FrederickMayo, William DavidMazcski , AlexanderMazgulskl, Bruno J.Mazgulski , Raymond A

Mazik , Alex W.McAfee, Percy T.McAfee , WilliamMcAndrews, Felix J.McBride , ChesterMcBride, Daniel A.McCoy, ErmaMcCabe, RosannaMacCrimmon , Joh n B.McCauley, Edwin M.McDonald , Joseph P.McGayhey, Martin E.McGoey, John RussellMcGocy, William B.McGraw, Robert V.McKay, Charles S.McKay, John J.McKillop, DavidMcKillop, Michael J.McLloyd, JamesMcMahon, William L,McMillion, IsaacMcNary, Spencer G.Mcngcweit, William A.Meier, William G.Menendcz, Francis E.Mercer , John S.Mickaii ger , Alex E.Michaclson, MichaelMiczianka , JohnMikalajczyk, CarolMikalajczyk , Charles M.Mikalajczyk , BernardMikalajczyk, Edward L.Mikalajczyk , JohnMiller, AndrewMiller, JohnMiller Stanton H.Mitzan , AlfredMontague, LeRoyMoore, George R.Moore, Russell H.Moore, Robert B.Morpeth , Allen Jr.Morris, JamesMorris, JohnMosby, Benjamin FrankMott , Paul F.Mottola , NicholasMoutoux, CliffordMueller, Francois L.Muehlcnthal , Arnold G.Mularcik , EdwardMularcik , ThomasMuldoon , Clair A.Muller, John H. Jr.Mundo, John H.Nabor , HarryNagel, Benjamin I.Nelson , Harry Jr.Nelson , RaymondNewalis, AlbertNcwalis, Edward G.Newalis , William G.Niewiadamslti, CharlesNicwiadomski , John J.Niewiadomski , Walter ENiksa , Edward P.Niksa , Michael PaulNiksa , ThaddcusNiesianki , John A.O'Byrne, Thomas H.•Ohlhorst, Robert W.O'Kceffe, John A. F.Okula, AdolfOperskl , WilliamOsborne , MiltonOsip, Walter A.Ostroski , Frank Jr.Owens, JessePaskewicz , Adam M.Palmer, GeorgePanowich , Allen D.Pantaleo, Frank ¦Parmentcr , Bruce WPatrick , Anthony E. Jr.Patrick , Casimar C.Patten, George T.Peirszchapowski, J. A.Pelis , Stanley D.Pence, Amps TPendzick , Felix AntonPenney, JohnPerkins, Robert K.Peterson , James K.Petraszcwskl , IrvingPhillips, Harry R,Phillips, JamesPieszchanowski , FelixPieszchanowski , MaryanPike, Otis G.Pisck, WalterPipczynski , Julius J.Plpczynski , Zygmund J.Podlasenski , Henry F.Podlasenski , JohnPolecki , FrankPolakiewicz, Charles J.Polakiewicz, FelixPolakiewicz, RichardPolakiewicz, Stephen•Polakiewicz, TeofilPolecki , Joseph S.Polecki, JosephinePolinsky, John J.Postolski , Frank*Potter, Charles KirbyPowell, ThomasPrenlope, John RobertPrice, Harry S.Price, John H.Przyboriwski , StanleyPrzyborowski , John J.Pulleyn , ArthurPunda , James S.Punda, JohnPunda , MichaelPunda , StephenPugsley, John V. 3dPylko, Anthony S,Raffe, HenryRaffe, SamuelRainey, Walter ClarlcRambo, Frederick D. H.Rambo, Harry W.Ramsauer, HenryRandall , CharlesRaynor, Clinton B. Jr.Raynor, Everett B.Raynor , Raymond A.Raynor, RoyRaynor , Russell Jr.Raynor, William T. Jr.Rj avcr, George S.Reeve, George F.Reeve, John D.Reeve, Wesley V.Regent, Frederick Y.Remiszewski, MyronRhodes , FrederickRhodes, Harry, Jr.Rhodes, Theodore IRibciro, Edgar H.Ribeiro , Richard E.Richard , Robert EdwinRobertson, Robert D.Robinson , ClarenceRobinson , Gary R.Robinson , Ellis C. Jr.

Robinson , Harold F.Robinson , John H.Robinson , Philip E.Robinson , RobertRobinson , Walter C.Rock , Charles C.Roche, Thomas E.Roden , Edward M.Rogers, J. MarshallRolle, JohnRoland, Leonard E.Romans, CharlesRosset, Ernest F,Rossett, Everett L.Rowley, Clifford A. Jr.Roys, Harvey B.Ruckowski , Edward WRukc, StanleyRumph , RobertRussell , ShermanRusin , BrunoRuskowskf . RaymondRuthinowski, HenryRyan , Irving A.Ryan, Walter L.Rykaczewski, Frank C,Sabat, BrunoSabat , B. GeorgeSabat, WilliamSabotka, Charles B.Sabotka , Edward J.Sabotka, WalterSabotka, John PaulSadowski, Jeremiah JrSadowski , ReginaSalter, Clarence P.Sample, BenjaminSamotis, Basil A.Sammis, Albertls L.Sandstrom, Milton.Sanford, ClarenceSanford , EdwardSaultnier, Donald P.Saxstlen, CarlSaxstlen, J. LeoSaxstien, MorrisScott, HarrySchackman, BarneySchaefer, Eugene E.Schaefer, Harold J.Schaefer, Theodore A.Schiavoni , AnthonySchlpaty, JosephSchmersal , Chris J. JrSchmersal, John W.Schneider, Ernest B.Schofield , Ralph C.SchoSeld, John C JrSeaman, GeraldSekavec, Roy G.Scuddcr, Laurence P.Schwarz, Fred WilliamSchwartz, RichardSchwartz, RobertSeeth, George 'oeclh, George Jr.Scay, Albert EdwardSegal, MorrisSeidler, Frederick W.Scndlewski, Frank G.Berwick, WalterSetek, Louis StevenSeymoro, JohnShecvers, JohnSherry, John K.Shapiola, Edward S.Shableski , Joseph W.Shefchick , FrankShcfchick. MikolayShields, John E.Simon, VincentSinclair, HowardSirrine , Frank A. Jr.Slrko, WalterSkinkaytis, John Jr.Skrzypecki , MichaelSkrezec, AntoneSlavonlk, Frank JohnSlivonik , Theodore W.Slivonik , EdwardSmith, Clifford T.Smith, Eugene SamuelSmith , Francis C.Smith , FrankSmith, Gordon B.Smith, Harry O.Smith, Harry WilliamSmith , John L.Smith, John WilliamSmith, JosephSmith, WalterSmith, Wilfred L.Smith, William B.Snell , Herbert L.Sneed, EverettSodol , JosephSorensen, Carl E.Sorc-nsen, Neils O.Sorenser , WaldemerSowinskl , Arthur D.Sowinski , Walter J.Spann, William A.Spies, RobertSpikings, DouglasStachiw, JohnStadnicki , EdwardStadnicki , JohnStaib , EdwardStaib, WarrenStanton , Daniel RossStanton. Vernon 8.Stapon, GeorgeStapon JuliusStark , Richard J.Stark, Thomas M.Stachacz, EdwardStelmaschuk, HarryStevens, Theodore B\Stewart, BenjaminStewart , MalcolmStewart, Jacob T.Stivers, GideonStonebanks, George A.Stonebanks, JohnStookus, EdwardStotsky, Elmer A.StravlnskI, Peter JohnStrobel, Charles L,Swiderskl, John J.Swiskey, EdwardSynakowski, KalixtSypher , DeWitteSypher, Edgar HarrisSypher, Hubert A.Sypher, Jarvls LudwlgSzczopanik, EdwinSzczepanik, EdwardSzczopanik, FrankSzczepanik , TheodoreSzurka , Albert LeoTamin, Edward S.Teuber, Raymond A.Teubcr , Walter C.Touber, Robert HenryTeuber , Edward AlfredTennenberg, Robert H.Terry, Charles A.Terry, Donald B.Teny, E. Donald

Terry, George W.Terry, Joseph H. Jr.Thompson , Lozcre 3dThompson , Robert S.Thornton , Gilbert C.Thurm, ArnoldTitus, SidneyTiernan , John W.Tooker, Wilson CTomaszcwski, Edward CTomaszewski , Lewis S.Townes, John HenryTradcski , John W.Trages, GenevieveTravis, JohnTrcmskl, John E.Trinowski, TheodoreTroyan, Anthony W.Truskowski, BernardTruskowski , EdmundTruskowski, EdwardTruskowski, LewisTruskowski , Stanley Jr.•Truskowski, ThomasTucker, Ern est Jr.Tucker, GeorgeTucker, Mildred E.Turbush, FrederickTurbush, Roland F.Turbush , TheodoreTuthill , Alexander H.Tuthill , Henry B.Tuthill , Jamos D.Tuthill, Loon H.Tuthill , Raymond C. Jr.Tuthill , Raymond C.Twomcy, Daniel C.Twomey, Francis A.Tyler, Harry E.Tysh, JosephTysz, Wasco T.Tyte, CharlesUrban , WilliamVail, Claire E.Vail, Russell DavidVail, Gerald AshtonVail, George R.•Valek, Antone G.Valek, James C.Valek, John C.VanDermark, FrankVanDermark, Myron Jr.Van Middelem, Chas. HVan Nostrand, John A.Vetter , John JosephVicik, AugustVicsik, VictorVinson, EdwardVojvoda , Robert B.Vonatzski, Conrad T.Wachsler, JosephWalsh , Joseph E.Walsh, DonaldWalker, James WilliamWalker, Richard W.Walker, Thomas Jr.Walter, Kenneth M.Walter, NicholasWarner , Donald E.Washick , AlexanderWashick, MetroWatkins, RalphWatkins, Thomas Jr.Wazlo, Raymond J.Webb, Charles M.Wcbb, John GuyWegert , Rcinholt E.Weir , J. Ebb Jr.Welch , RaymondWelch, JohnWeller, Everett D.Wells, Donald D.Wells, Horace J. 2dWells. Kirtley HermanWells, Robert HewlettWells, Roger ClarkWhite, Daniel H.White, FrancisWhite , PaulWhite , RichardWhittington , Russell CWhyard , Clyde R.Wiegen , RaymondWiesen, Arnold M.Wioson , Perry P.Wiesen, Perkins F.Weissman, IrvingWiley, WilliamWilliams, Albert E.Williams, jramesWilliamson, Zahn R,Willis, Emmett M.Winter, LyallWootinull , Sterlings. JrWoodhull , Elliot li.Woodson , ArmstfadWoodson , OnnreoWoodson, ElighWorm, Arthur W.Wrobel , LawrenceWorthington , George AWorthington , Henry O.Wollslager, C. G. K.Wojnocki, ConradWulflraat, Arnold, Jr.Wyatt, HubertWylic, Robert J.Yakaboskl , JosephYcager, Harold LeG.Yeronick, Frank JohnYeronslck, Peter S.Yeronsick, ZiggieYoung, Curtis J.Toung, George G.Young, Hallock N.Yc-mg, Lester WilmotYoung, Richard E.Young, Wilmot LewisZak , WilliamZaleski, HaroldZaneski , StephenZaborowski, Edward HZahara, CharlesZahara, EdwardZahara, John GeorgeZaloga , BrunoZaleski, Benjamin F.Zaleski, Frank JosephZaleski, Henry M.Zamber, TheodoreZambriski, Albert EZambriski, Stanley R.Zaneski, Felix P.Zclenski , StanleyZdu'nka, EdwardZdunlco, AlexZdunko, WalterZcromczyk, EdwardZiclinski , Joseph J.Zielnicki , JohnZillo, Gabriel F.Zoltowski, Bruno J.£orn , HowardZuk&wski, AntoneZultoski, Alex B.Zultoskl, Frank PaulZultoski, Michael M.Zurowski, EdwardZurowskI, Vincent

Cpl Ernest B Schneider, 334!)Sig Base Depot Co, who hasbeen overseas for tho past 211months, is on furlough visitinghis wife and daughter and par-ents at Greenport and Riverhead.

Home On Leave

There was great activity Mon-day at the Swordfish Club whenabout 20 Riverhead children andtheir parents came over for aday of swimming and Swordfishactivities. After several hours ofsurf , sand and pool , they enjoyedStella's luncheon in the cafeteria ,then practiced up for tho swim-ming meet at 2:30. Evidently theirpractice was serious, for theywalked away with most of thehonors.

Three rubber tire races for the8-9-10 year, group demonstratedevery possible method of navigat-ing a tire. Frank Nuss (W) wonthe first heat, with Peter Schmidtof Riverhead second; Connie Buck-hout (W) and Maureen Stark (R)won honors in the girls' groups ,with Frcida Ann Schocnborn (R)and Cissy Corwin (R) taking sec-onds. Speed races for the sameages were quite close. PeterSchmidt (R) won the boys' half ,Jimmy Stark (R) second, andConnie Buckhout (W) won thegirls' again , followed by ElizabethBates (W).

Five couples were very closelymatched in the 11-12-13 year " re-lay. Jane Nugent and ShirleyGrilling (R) tied with BarbaraHansen and Frances Ryan (W)for first place, with Arless Lcveand Jane-' Fagan (W) inches be-hind taking third. Unfortunatelythe rubber gave out when theballoons were blown up f or anobstacle race, so the group did astraight race instead , Shirley Grif-fing (R) placing firs t and JaneNugent (R) tied with Arless Levc

(W) for second. A larger turnoutfor the 20-yard freestyle of thisgroup was again won by Shirleyand Jane.

The older group's obstacle raceconsisted of jumping into the deepwater and removing excess clothesas sailors often have to. ArlessLeve won , with Nancy Grifiingof Riverhead second. The 40-yardfreestyle for 14 and 15 year oldswas won by Nancy Grifiing withJane Nugent , also Riverhead , sec-ond. The two Griffing girls wonthe relay for this group, withMadeline Scott and Frances Ryanof Westhampton second.

When team points of the meetwere totaled up <3 for first, 2 forsecond and 1 for third) Riverheadwas unquestionably the winner,with 46 points to Swordflsh's 29.Individual ribbons were awaidedfor grsts and seconds.

Several of the Swordfish Club'sdivers gave an exhibition of theirskill. Jill Clarke, Pat Squires ,Trcet Haggerty and Dupratt Tay-lor each did about four dives forthe Riverhead group and Sword-fish spectators.

Although many of the Rivcflicadfamilies have come here to spendthe day at the Swordfish Clubindividually, they had never beforecome as an organized group. MrsAllison Kctcham. who teaches

swimming and lifesaving in theSound at Riverhead , gathered themtogether and helped arrange forthem. Swordfish members enjoyedhaving guests , and the first out-side competition to be held In the?" 'ine Pool.

Plans arc progressing for aLabor Day swimming and divingcompetition , with freestyle races,backstroke, two classes of divingand exhibitions of professionaldiving and swimming.


Capt William A Curtis, who hasbeen the Public Relations Officerat the Suffol k County Army AirBase for the past, year, left lastMonday for a now assignment atFort Dcvens, Mass. During hidstay at Suffolk , Capt Curtis mademany friends in this locale. Hewas a member of the Westhamp-ton Beach Business Association ,and was known in these parts asan ardent angler. Lt Theodore FHastings has been named as thonew Public Relations Officer.


CENTER MORICHESCpl Freda Borok, Woman 's Re-

serve, United States Marines , ishome on furlough visiting hut par-ents, Mr and Mrs Morris Borok.

—-| ||


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