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Church on The Hill (Swedenborgian) The Boston Society of the New Jerusalem, Inc. 140 Bowdoin Street ~ Beacon Hill ~ Boston, MA 02108 ~ www.churchonthehillboston.org April 2012 Vol. VIV, Issue 4 Jesus said ”Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” MaAhew 11:28 Holy Week 2012 April 4-8

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Church on The Hill (Swedenborgian) The Boston Society of the New Jerusalem, Inc.140 Bowdoin Street ~ Beacon Hill ~ Boston, MA 02108 ~ www.churchonthehillboston.org

April 2012Vol. VIV, Issue 4

Jesus  said  ”Come  to  me,  all  you  who  are  weary  and  burdened,   and  I  will  give  you  rest.  Take  my  yoke  upon  you  and  learn   from  me,  for  I  am  gentle  and  humble  in  heart,  and  you  will   find  rest  for  your  souls.  For  my  yoke  is  easy  and  my  burden  is   light.”    MaAhew  11:28

Holy Week 2012April 4-8

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❖ Seeking to be guided by love of God, love of others, being in community, seeking to be of service.❖ Church services and classes being vital and central.❖ Nurturing teamwork and community throughout the church.❖ The church welcoming diversity of people working together as one.❖ Developing a pervasive spirit of caring in the church community.❖ The church developing as welcoming of all generations (from children to senior).❖ Concerted efforts to involve young people more fully in the life of the church. Perhaps with aid from adults, having leadership emerge from young people. Involvement of young people in service projects in the community.❖ Strengthening of programs for seniors, drawing on resources both within and outside the church.❖ Developing processes for ministry preparation.❖ Growth of participation from the congregation in the church activities.

MinistersRev. Dr. J. Ted Klein, Senior Pastor

Executive OfficialsMary Guarino, PresidentDiane Williams, Vice PresidentRobert von Wolfgang, Chairman of the Board of TrusteesSusanne Rogers, TreasurerMichael Bancewicz, Secretary

DirectorsEdward J. Mackenzie, Jr., Director of Operations

Emeritus OfficialsMichael Latkowitch, President Emeritus

Anna Hunt Latkowitch, Church Council Emeritus

MusicCarlton Doctor, Minister of Music

Victor Cayres de Mendonca, Organist and Pianist

Michael Bancewicz, Acting EditorCraig Williams, Assistant Editor

New Jerusalem ChurchCirca 1845

The foundation of the Boston Society of the New Jerusalem (BSNJ) can be traced back to 1784 and the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston. It was then and there that admirers of, and those interested in learning more about, Emanuel Swedenborg first met to hear a lecture on Swedenborg by James Glen. In 1818, twelve people, some of whom were among the early “Green Dragon Tavern crowd,” organized a Swedenborgian Church in the city. Chartered in 1823, the Boston Society of the New Jerusalem, Inc. is the first Swedenborgian Church established in Massachusetts. Members of the Church met at several locations before finally settling in 1845 at its present location atop Beacon Hill. The location inspired the name by which many today know the society: the Church on the Hill (Swedenborgian). Through the years, noted BSNJ members include Timothy Harrington Carter, publisher, and founder of the Old Corner Book Store; Sampson Reed, writer and mentor of Ralph Waldo Emerson; Lydia Maria Child, author, social activist and abolitionist; Warren Felt Evans, writer and healer;


Theophilus Parsons, dean of Harvard Law School; Otis Clapp, apothecary, publisher, member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, co-founder of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), Boston University, and and founder of The Home for Little Wanderers; Theophilus P. Chandler, architect; Clarence Barron, financier, editor of the Wall Street Journal, and president of Dow Jones; George James Webb, hymnologist; and The Honorable Malcolm Nichols, Mayor of Boston. A beautiful Gothic Revival structure served the membership until the 1960s when it was replaced with a new Church building and an eighteen story high- rise apartment. Today, the main sanctuary of the Church is accessible from Bowdoin Street. The Church has also served as a place of worship and gatherings for the local Muslim Community and other faith-based communities. The Church has organizes and runs many programs to meet the needs of the Church community and larger surrounding neighborhood.

Use of the Church facility is offered to human service and outreach organizations.

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Dear  Members  and  Friends  of  the  Church  on  the  Hill:


         The  very  first  day  of  April  is  Palm  Sunday,  and  we  then  proceed  through  Holy  week  to  Easter.  This  is  a  most  special  Fme  in  the  spiritual  life  of  the  church  and  in  our  lives.    We  can  consider  how  the  resurrecFon  story  of  Jesus  relates  to  resurrecFons  and  rebirths  in  our  lives.

         In  the  month  of  April  Spring  unfolds.  Around  us  plants  emerge  from  soil,  flowers  bloom,  trees  grow  buds.  Warmth  increases  and  the  Fme  of  light  increases.  We  can  make  correcFons  of  what  we  see  around  us  with  new  life  that  can  be  born  in  us.

         Earth  Day  falls  in  April.  Earth  Day    provides  a  reminder  of  us  being  in  connecFon  with  the  rest  of  creaFon.  Passages  in  The  Bible  speak  of  covenants  between  God  and  people  and  other  created  beings.  We  can  see  ourselves  called  to  care  and    be  stewards  in  creaFon.

         Please  consider  any  ways  you  can  be  of  service  in  the  church.  There  are  many  different  ways  of  being  of  service,  each  important.

         May  this  month  bring  many  blessings  to  you.

         Love  and  Best  Wishes  to  Each  of  You.


The  Splendor  of  Lilies

Oh,  rare  as  the  splendor  of  lilies,And  sweet  as  the  violets’  breath,

Comes  the  jubilant  morning  of  Easter,The  triumph  of  life  over  death;

And  fresh  from  the  earth’s  quickened  bosomFull  baskets  of  flowers  we  bring,And  scaCer  their  saDn-­‐soF  petalsTo  carpet  a  path  for  our  King.

 In  the  countless  green  blades  of  the  meadow,

The  sheen  of  the  daffodils’  gold,In  the  tremulous  blue  on  the  mountains,

The  opaline  mist  on  the  wold,In  the  Dnkle  of  brooks  through  the  pasture,

The  river’s  strong  sweep  to  the  sea,Are  signs  of  the  day  that  is  passingIn  gladness  to  you  and  to  me.

 Oh,  dawn,  in  thy  splendor  of  lilies,

Thy  fluCering  violet  breath,Oh,  jubilant  morning  of  Easter,Thou  triumph  of  life  over  death!

Then  fresh  from  the  earth’s  quickened  bosomFull  baskets  of  flowers  we  bring,And  scaCer  their  saDn-­‐soF  petalsTo  carpet  a  path  for  our  King.

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Members of our church community continue to be an important part of the Boston ARTS scene. We extend congratulations to our Minister of Music, Carlton Doctor and our Baritone Soloist Christiaan Smith-Kotlarek on their successful appearances in "The Barber of Seville" by Gio Rossini. The performances took place at the Schubert Theater from March 9th to March 18th. The Boston Globe stated: The Boston Lyric Opera presents an amiably traditional staging of Rossini's much-loved "Barber Of Seville". Boston Globe, Monday, March 12, 2012.

Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.

-Doug Firebaugh

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Simple Acts of Kindness...God’s Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said:"If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups. Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us." God brews the coffee, not the cups.......... Enjoy your coffee! "The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything." Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

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From  Darkness  To  LightAn  Easter  MessageRev.  Dr.  Ted  Klein

As  we  think  of  Easter  we  find  great  contrasts  of  images  and  Feelings.  Think  of  images  of  darkness,  ground,  burial,  and  death.  Think  of  feelings  of  despair,  sorrow,  and  loss.  Then,  more  dominant  for  Easter  are  healing  images  and  feelings.  Think  of  light,  warmth,    the  stone  rolled  away,  the  Risen  Christ.  Think  of  joy,  excitement,  and  healing.

         A  scripture  reading  for  this  year  is  the  Mark  16  Easter  Story.  Women  bring  spices  for  anoinFng    Jesus.  Light  has  come,  the  sun  has  risen.    The  women  find    the  stone  rolled  away.  A    person  in  white  says  that  Jesus  has    being  raised  and  to  tell  the  disciples  Jesus  is  going  ahead  to  Galilee.  The  women  leave  with  amazement  and  fear.

         The  resurrecFon  story  of  Jesus  relates  to  resurrecFon  in  our  lives.  In  our  lives  God  is  seeking  to  guide  us  in  rebirth  and  in  movements  from  bondage  to  freedom,  darkness  to  light,  death  to  life  We  can  approach  Jesus  as  risen  and  as  always  with  us  in  a  life  of  rebirth.  In  our  lives  we    have  moments  like  dying,  being  buried,  being  in  a  tomb.  We  can  also  have  moments  like  coming  into  light  and  warmth,  finding  new  life

         In  a  life  of  rebirth  there  are  many  Fmes  of  resurrecFon.  As  part  of  a  life  of  love  and  caring  there  are  Fmes  of  being  set  free  and  liVed  up.  For  example,  a  person  feels  hurt  and  disappointed.  The  person  can  feel    in  a  kind  of  tomb  or  prison  that  traps  one.    Through  becoming  engaged  the  person  can  come  to  undergo  change  and  truly  care  and  begin  to  find  a  way  forward,  a  way  out  of  the  tomb.  The  person  may  become  engaged  in  cooperaFng  with  others  as  part  of  a  developing  new  life.

         In  many  different  situaFons  we  may  move  in  some  ways  from  darkness  to  light.  Life  goes  on  and  we  can  conFnue  to  learn  and  grow  from  what  we  learn.  We  can  be  risen  again  and  again  as  beings  living  in  the  spirit.  In  that  we  can  conFnue  to  grow  in  rebirth,  love,  and  service.  In  such  a  life  we  are  liVed  up  many  Fmes.  This  growth  involves  a  resurrecFon  and  rebirth  over    Fme,  becoming  a  new  person.  

         Closing  Prayer.

God,  help  us  to  face  Fmes  when  we  feel  in  prison  or  in  a  tomb.  Help  us  to  find  ways  out  of  the  tomb  into    a  life  of  freely  giving  and  sharing,  working  with  you  and  others.  Help  us  to  live  a  life  touched  by  the  resurrecFon  of  Jesus.  Help  us  to  more  and  more  follow  the  life  of  Jesus  in  a  life  of  rebirth,  a  life  of  love  and  caring.  Amen.

He that will not reflect is a ruined man.

-Asian Proverb

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Useless men,They gather in neat lines outside the temples of the privileged, waiting.Waiting for benevolent doors to open to them.They wait, upturned collar against the cold, for a meal they can neither affordnor provide themselves.

Useless men,They seek safety in the night in dark alley, or doorway or in shelters, high rise storage containers for those lost to this world.

They sleep on beds belonging to another,They rest their heads on pillows not their own,They hide from the cold under blankets they will never possess.

Useless men,They gather in parks, sit on public benches and laugh as if carefree, but their shoulders slouch against the weight of their uselessness.

Useless men,They hide from the truth around them.They shield themselves in drink and drug against the only thing certain to them.The narrow gate death has left open as it calls their names.

Useless men talk politics and sports and current events, professing opinionas if any should care except those like them.

Useless men,They find community amongst the useless, companionship among the lost, respect amidst the irrelevant, unity with the unrighteous.

Useless men,men who may once have known the promise of so long ago, see no glory,no hope in the cross and the price paid for them.

Useless men,Surrender to their station, find no strength in resurrection, no palm laden pathways to travel, no voice with which to sing praise.

Useless men,They wonder the city streets and the secret places of the countrysidelike sheep lost to the fold.

They are visible and yet unseen.They bring no profit, no prosperity, no reward,or right relationship with man or creator,

Benevolent doors open, the lights of the temple are lit; the chill of the night is chased away,And words once spoken echo through this holy place,

“If you love Me, feed my sheep”.

And it is done.

Rev. Ron Tibbetts2012

And It Is Done

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Since  1969,  The  Walk  for  Hunger  has  been  a  tradiFon  in  MassachuseXs.  Today,  the  Walk  has  become  the  country's  oldest  conFnual  pledge  walk  and  the  largest  one-­‐day  fundraiser  to  alleviate  local  hunger.

On  the  first  Sunday  in  May  each  year,  more  than  42,000  Walkers  and  2,000  Volunteers  start  off  from  the  Boston  Common  to  make  a  difference  in  the  lives  of  our  neighbors.  

In  MassachuseXs,  more  than  700,000  people  do  not  have  enough  food  to  eat.  The  Walk  for  Hunger  raises  millions  of  dollars  for  the  over  450  emergency  food  programs  that  support  families  in  crisis.

This  years  Walk  for  Hunger  is  being  held  on  May  6.  Project  Bread  is  sFll  looking  for  volunteers,  walkers,  team  leaders,  and  donaFons.  The  money  raised  through  The  Walk  for  Hunger  will  help  Project  Bread  fund  hunger  relief  and  prevenFon  through  450  emergency  programs,  schools,  community  health  centers,  farmers’  markets,  community  suppers,  home  care  organizaFons,  and  other  programs  that  protect  the  individual  and  strengthen  our  community’s  food  security.  Last  year  alone,  Project  Bread  was  able  to  provide  65.2  million  meals  to  hungry  people.  Last  year  42,000  people  came  together  and  raised  $3.6  million  for  hungry  people  in  MassachuseXs.  This  year  they  are  hoping  to  raise  even  more.

Walkers  are  invited  to  walk  all  or  part  of  the  20-­‐mile  route.  If  you  are  not  interested  in  walking,  volunteers  are  needed  to  help  keep  the  walkers  safe  and  happy.

If  you  or  someone  you  know  is  interested  in  walking,  volunteering,  or  donaFng,  more  informaFon  can  be  found  at  www.projectbread.org.

Please  consider  helping  out  in  any  way  you  can  as  this  is  for  a  very  good  cause.  Call  the  office  to  join  team  Church  on  the  Hill.  617-­‐523-­‐4575

When we plant a tree, we are doing what we can to make our planet a more wholesome and happier

dwelling place for those who come after us, if not for ourselves.

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Wellesley MetroWest Homeless Forum

The  Homeless  Forum  was  held  on  Sunday,  March  18  at  the  Wellesley  Congregational  (Village)  Church.  There  were  many  organizations  represented  that  deal  with  homeless  outreach  programs  as  well  as  State  Representatives  Byron  Rushing  and  Lizbeth  Heyer.  There  were  roughly  140  people  present  of  which  80  were  not  afKiliated  with  organizations.  It  was  a  chance  for  organizations  to  exchange  information  and  resources  for  future  projects.  There  were  many  handouts  including  a  list  of  all  the  participating  organizations,  what  they  do,  who  they  help,  and  their  contact  information.  This  marks  the  Kirst  time  that  such  a  resource  has  ever  been  produced  and  it  is  the  largest  list  of  it’s  type  to  ever  be  created.  The  event  was  a  major  success  and  all  of  the  organizations  will  be  able  to  beneKit  from  the  resources  provided.  We  are  proud  to  say  that  Mike  and  Craig  from  Church  on  the  Hill  played  a  big  part  in  organizing  the  event,  creating  Klyers  and  handouts,  and  provided  all  of  the  printing  for  this  event.  Hopefully  we  can  help  with  more  events  of  this  nature  in  the  future  and  can  perhaps  make  this  an  annual  event  instead  of  a  one  time  shot.  Thank  you  to  everyone  that  made  it  out  and  those  who  donated  and  participated  in  this.

Together  We  Can  Help

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From the Editor:Michael Bancewicz

Hello Everyone,

The daffodils we planted in the Boston Common last fall are now in full bloom, the shrink wrap is coming off the boats, the windows are open and the curtains are being cleaned. The "Rite of Spring".

Suzie Canale is going to start a feature for the newsletter listing things to do on the cheap around the city as well as other interesting events. If you have any suggestions

for her to include please give us a call. On a side note, I will be volunteering to help clean Spectacle Island on Saturday April 21, in the Boston Harbor. There are three more spots available if you would like to join me, please call the office.

On March 25th we Baptized Ana Marie Dlugasz Vega. (Photo on page 12). It was very moving to see how well she is doing. On April 6 she will be a year old!

A little more good news is that I received approval from the Governor's Office to Officiate our friends Mike and Tammy's wedding on June 28.

If you are interested in participating in this years Walk For Hunger as either a walker of volunteer for "Team Church on the Hill" please give me a call.

Peace an Blessings,


Here is the completed version of last monthʼs crossword puzzle.

We are happy to have had a lot of people turn in their completed puzzles, and a lot of you came very close!

We did not have anyone complete the puzzle with 100% accuracy and so we went with the person who came closest.

The winner of last monthʼs crossword is...Jennifer Cashman!

Congratulations and we will get your gift certificate to you soon!

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My trip to Kenya, Africa was amazing to say the least. We

landed at Nairobi international airport, Nairobi being the capital. From there we visited, Siaya, Kisumu, Eldorate, Lake Victoria, and Kemgea as well as tons of small town and villages I have since forgotten the name of. We basically drove all over Kenya.

I went with my friend Ruth and stayed with her family. They had been planning the 10th anniversary of her mother’s death party. Her uncle died the day before the Anniversary party so

we stayed an extra week (three weeks total) for his funeral.

An African funeral can take up to a week because there a service where the body is removed from the morgue. A procession the next day from the church or family member’s house close to church, and finally a burial the third day. Because her uncle was a senior officer in the police force, a lot of inspectors were present and there was a 21 gun salute. Close to 400 people attended.

I did not to travel to Africa and stay at a hotel and go on a few safaris before I left after one week like an average tourist. I stayed with my new adopted family in all their homes. I used outhouses, bathed with buckets of warm water, ate Kenyan food which is eaten with your hands, no spoons, knives or forks. I stayed at a college for about 4 days and there was a kindergarten next store so I bought them all lollipops and instantly had 60 5-year-old friends. I saw gold mines where people build the mines by hand and sift in a river for gold; very dangerous but good money as far as Kenyan pay goes. Most Kenyans make $200.00 a month so everything is very cheap there. The American dollar is worth about 80.

Christianity is huge in Kenya, I am happy to admit. Everyone loves my Luther rose tattoo [Lutheran symbol]. One of our drivers was a graduate of a bible school so we had many good talks regarding God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit. I met a minister, elders, and some members from a version of an Ecclesial church who would pray any time they felt the Holy Spirit enter them. You could actually feel the religion in these people to the point that it gave me goosebumps.

Africa is an experience I will never forget and I hope to go back soon. Everyone is nice and is practically honored to say hello and shake your hand. I have traveled all over the world and Kenya is truly the first place I absolutely fell in love with.

-Dave Starck

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The Baptism of Ana Marie Vega on March 25, 2012

Rev. Cristina Rathbone, Ana Marie, Deneen Sarna, Michael Bancewicz.

Church on the Hill volunteered with the Monday Night Dinner on March 26.

April   has   long   been   known   as   the   archway   into   the   warmer  

pleasures  of  New  England.    Brighter  evenings,  greener  grass  and  

the  anDcipaDon  of  the  balmier  months  ahead  all  give  Bostonians  

well   earned   reasoning  to  relish  in   the  weeks  ahead.    GiFed  with  

holidays,   celebraDons   and   Dme   honored   tradiDons,   there   is  

something   for   everyone   to   enjoy   within   a   wide   array   of  

specialDes   and  interests.    Sports   fans,  foodies  and   nature  lovers  

will  delight  in   the  many  offerings  this  city  is  sponsoring  including  

art  exhibits,  picnics  and  volunteer  opportuniDes  welcoming  to  all  

ages.    Many  will  be  surprised  at   these  inexpensive  or   even  FREE  

fesDviDes  which   Boston   is  hosDng,   all   perfect   for   kicking  of   the  

Spring  stretch  ahead!

What’s Happening This Month!

Saturday,  April  7,  2012  World  Health  DayThe  World  Health  OrganizaDon  (WHO)  is  celebraDng  its  64th  founding  celebraDon  with  World  Health  Day  which  this  year  focuses  on  the  topic,  “Aging  and  Health”.

Sunday,  April  8,  2012  Easter  Sunday

Sunday,  April  22,  2012  Earth  DayObserved  by  more  than  175  countries  worldwide,  Earth  Day  encompasses  the  mission  to  both  educate  and  celebrate  healthy  environmental  preservaDon  and  awareness.    

Wednesday,  April  25,  2012  Administra6ve  Professionals  Day

Special  Events:    

Friday,  April  13,  2012  Nature’s  Conservancy  Picnic  Celebra6on  12-­‐3pm  at  Boston  Common  Frog  PondNature’s  Conservancy  aCempts  to  break  the  Guinness  Book  of  World  Record  for  the  largest  picnic  including  vendors  promoDng  environmentally  friendly  products,  demonstraDons,  informaDon  on  composDng  and  arts  and  craFs  using  recycled  materials.

Monday,  April  16,  2012  The  Boston  Marathon  9amThe  oldest  running  marathon  originaDng  in  the  year  1896  which  consumes  26.2  miles  of  Boston  terrain  will  recognize  its  116th  year  starDng  in  Hopkinton  to  the  Boston  finish  line.

Saturday,  April  21,  2012  Park  Serve  DayGet  involved  in  the  preservaDon  of  Boston’s  forests,  parks  and  beaches  by  parDcipaDng  in  the  clean  up  on  Spectacle  Island.    Complete  with  acDviDes  for  kids,  reserve  your  space  for  this  boaDng  voyage  by  calling  617-­‐223-­‐8666.

Sunday,  April  22,  2012  CelebraDng  Na6onal  Grilled  Cheese  Month  at  Cheese  Boy  1-­‐6pmFREE  classic  grilled  cheese  sandwiches  offered  by  the  chain,  Cheese  Boy,  to  celebrate  NaDonal  Grilled  Cheese  month  at  their  parDcipaDng  locaDons  (South  StaDon,  PrudenDal  Center,  South  Shore  Plaza  and  NaDck  Mall).

Saturday,  April  28,  2012  Art  in  Bloom  10am-­‐4:45pm  Museum  of  Fine  ArtsGaze  on  the  beauty  of  almost  70  gorgeous  arrangements  mastered  aFer  the  divine  works  of  art  displayed  throughout  the  museum.    Holding  its  annual  36th  forum,  exhibiDon  and  acDviDes  are  all  included  with  general  MFA  admission.

(above)Jared Dineen won a Gold Plate for his work with the Kuwaiti POW/MIA department.

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CorrespondenceDear Church on a Hill,

Thank you very much for donating the space for our Luau on March 10th. We had a fantastic time. We made just a little over $1,800 that night! That’s almost half of our team goal! We put in a lot of work to create the luau, but it would have been all for nothing without your support. Thank you for supporting our team. We hope you will stay connected with Life Together by liking our FaceBook page, https://www.facebook.com/lifetogethercommunity, and visiting our website, http://www.lifetogethercommunity.orgThank you from the bottom of our hearts!

In Peace and Gratitude,Sevy, Ellen, Lacresha, Matt, and Nikki

Free  Program  for  the  Citizens  of  Boston  

The  North  Star  Personal  Alert  Program  is  a  free  and  voluntary  program  for  caregivers  of  individuals  that  have  a  tendency  to  wander  or  are  a  Klight  risk  from  a  speciKic  location.  The  program  is  designed  to  help  individuals  that  would  have  a  difKicult  time  communicating  with  First  Responders  and  in  some  cases  do  not  understand  the  potential  danger  he/she  may  be  in.  This  program  is  geared  toward,  but  not  limited  to  individuals  with  autism  or  Alzheimer's  disease.  To  learn  more  and  take  advantage  of  this  great  free  program,  please  call  617-­‐343-­‐6503  or  email  them  at  [email protected].  Senior  Companions  receive  information  about  the  North  Star  Program.

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Church Calendar Events 2012All are welcome. Come as you are.

Sunday, April 1 9:45 AM Palm Sunday. Bible Reflection

11:00 AM Church Service and Communion with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

Wednesday, April 4 5:00 PM Church Council Meeting

6:00 PM Board of Trustees Meeting

Thursday, April 5 6:00 PM Maundy Thursday Service with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein, Gail Barrows, and Michael Bancewicz

Friday, April 6 12:00 Noon Good Friday Observance

Sunday, April 8 11:00 AM Easter. Church Service with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

Sunday, April 15 9:45 AM Swedenborg Class with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

11:00 AM Church Service with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

Wednesday, April 18 12:00 Noon Senior Lunch

Sunday, April 22 9:45 AM Bible Reflection

11:00 AM Church Service with Dr. Mary Kay Klein

Sunday, April 29 9:45 AM Swedenborg Class with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

11:00 AM Church Service with Gail Barrows


MayWednesday, May 2 5:00 PM Church Council Meeting

6:00 PM Board of Trustees Meeting

Sunday, May 6 9:45 AM Bible Reflection

11:00 AM Church Service and Communion with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

Sunday, May 13 9:45 AM Swedenborg Class with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

11:00 AM Spring Choir Concert

Wednesday, May 16 10:00 Noon Senior Lunch

Sunday, May 20 9:45 AM Bible Reflection

11:00 AM Church Service with Dr. Mary Kay Klein or Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

Sunday, May 27 9:45 AM Swedenborg Class with Rev. Dr. Ted Klein

11:00 AM Church Service with Gail Barrows

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Anyone who completes the puzzle or comes the closest will be entered in a raffle to win a $50 Gift Certificate. GOOD LUCK!

Either send us a picture of the completed puzzle or tear out and bring in/mail us the actual page.

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Church on The Hill (Swedenborgian) The Boston Society of the New Jerusalem, Inc.

140 Bowdoin Street, Beacon HillBoston, MA 02108-2799

Check Out The New Website at www.churchonthehillboston.org

“It is my mission to help in the breaking down of classes, and to make all men feel as if they were brethren of the same family, sharing the same rights, the same capabilities, and the same responsibilities. While my hand can hold a pen, I will use it to this end; and while my brain can earn a dollar, I will devote it to this end.” Lydia Maria Child

Lydia Maria Child (1802-1880)Member of the ChurchWriter, Author, Abolitionist, Civil Rights AdvocateWriter of “Over the River”