holy angels parish - nebula.wsimg.com

Pൺඋංඌ Sඍൺൿൿ Rev. Robert J. Ahlin, Parish Priest Deacon Daniel Nizan, Pastoral Assoc. Ms. Cheryl DePretis, Office Manager Ms. Elaine Garfold, CCD Coordinator John Reitmeyer, Maintenance Supvr. Anthony Bradley, Youth Minister Ms. Karen Murphy, Music Minister Pൺඋංඌ Pඈඇൾ Nඎආൻൾඋඌ Rectory Office: 412-461-6906 Parish FAX: 412-461-0961 CCD Office: 412-461-6906 Website: www.holyangelshays.org Pൺඋංඌ E-ආൺංඅ ADDRESSES Fr. Bob: [email protected] D. Dan: [email protected] Cheryl: [email protected] Elaine: [email protected] Cindy: [email protected] TEENS: [email protected] Karen: [email protected] Social Committee: [email protected] Bulletin Deadline: Friday at 12:00 NOON Email: [email protected] Pൺඋංඌ ආൾආൻൾඋඌංඉ: New Members are always welcome! If you are mov- ing into, within, or out of the Parish, please call the Rectory Office and let us know. Wൾൾൽൺඒ Mൺඌඌ Sർൾൽඎඅൾ Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. Sඎඇൽൺඒ Mൺඌඌ Sർൾൽඎඅൾ Saturday (Vigil) 4:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m. Sunday 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon, and 5:30 p.m. Bൺඉඍංඌආ: Infant baptism is celebrated every Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Please contact the Rectory Office to make arrange- ments. Rൾർඈඇർංඅංൺඍංඈඇ: The sacrament of penance is celebrated Saturday evening 5:15 to 5:45 p.m., and the First Friday of each month after mass. Mൺඋඋංൺൾ: Please contact the Rectory Office at least six months before the wedding. Mංඇංඌඍඋඒ ඍඈ ඍൾ ඈආൾൻඈඎඇൽ: Homebound members of the Parish should contact the Rectory Office to make arrangements to receive Holy Communion at home. Those in the HOSPITAL should inform the Rectory Office. The Third Sunday of Easter April 30, 2017 HOLY ANGELS PARISH A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 408 Baldwin Road Pittsburgh, PA 15207

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Rev. Robert J. Ahlin, Parish Priest Deacon Daniel Nizan, Pastoral Assoc. Ms. Cheryl DePretis, Office Manager Ms. Elaine Garfold, CCD Coordinator John Reitmeyer, Maintenance Supvr. Anthony Bradley, Youth Minister Ms. Karen Murphy, Music Minister

P P N Rectory Office: 412-461-6906 Parish FAX: 412-461-0961 CCD Office: 412-461-6906 Website: www.holyangelshays.org P E- ADDRESSES Fr. Bob: [email protected] D. Dan: [email protected] Cheryl: [email protected] Elaine: [email protected] Cindy: [email protected] TEENS: [email protected] Karen: [email protected]

Social Committee: [email protected] Bulletin Deadline: Friday at 12:00 NOON Email: [email protected] P : New Members are always welcome! If you are mov-ing into, within, or out of the Parish, please call the Rectory Office and let us know.

W M S Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. S M S Saturday (Vigil) 4:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m. Sunday 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 Noon, and 5:30 p.m. B : Infant baptism is celebrated every Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Please contact the Rectory Office to make arrange-ments. R : The sacrament of penance is celebrated Saturday evening 5:15 to 5:45 p.m., and the First Friday of each month after mass. M : Please contact the Rectory Office at least six months before the wedding. M : Homebound members of the Parish should contact the Rectory Office to make arrangements to receive Holy Communion at home. Those in the HOSPITAL should inform the Rectory Office.

The Third

Sunday of


April 30, 2017


A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 408 Baldwin Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15207

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Page Two April 30, 2017

MONDAY, May 1, 2017

8:00 Edmund Fusilli (Tony & Peg DeMartino)

TUESDAY, May 2, 2017

8:00 Father Bob’s 46th Anniversary of his Ordination WEDNESDAY, May 3, 2017

8:00 The Einloth & Lew Families (The Lowicki Family) THURSDAY, May 4, 2017 8:00 The Kohlmyer Family (Paul & Joan Kohlmyer)

FRIDAY, May 5, 2017

8:00 Mary Cygnarowicz (Stephanie, Mike & Emily Figliolia)

SATURDAY, May 6, 2017

8:00 Luigi Falce (Paulette Ludwig)

VIGIL MASS PM 4:30 ♥ Karen & Tony DeMartino 25th Wedding Anniversary

6:00 Gus & Leona Plank and Nick & Marie Steiner (Carolyn, Daughter & Daughter In Law)


6:30 Bud Klos (His Wife, Tina) 8:00 Shirley Rigot (Her Family) 9:15 Sara & John Bracalilly (Jim & Gerri) 10:30 The Manfredi Family (Ed & Judy Manfredi) 12:00 Charlotte Bartus (John Bartus) 5:30 Michael & Joe Goda (The Goda Family)

We have made every effort to record your intentions accurately; please forgive any typographical errors.


May 6th and 7th, 2017 MASS MINISTERS LECTORS 4:30 p.m. D. Depretis M. Dever T. DeMartino D. Smith 6:00 p.m. D. Hunter H. Crawford S. Hunter L. Pfister 6:30 a.m. J. Cubbison J. Jones 8:00 a.m. B. Schmidt L. Drago R. Schmidt J. Wirtz 9:15 a.m. J. P. Spina E. Spozarski J. Scanlon J. Kienzl 10:30 a.m. T. Schohn C. Pastoria B. Hunter E. Martin 12:00 p.m. P. Napolitano E. Garfold A. Perston L. Marchese 5:30 p.m. N. Donato J. Bilock

Monday, May 1, 2017 R.C.I.A. 7:00 p.m. Rectory Grief Support 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Rectory Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Confirmation 7:00 p.m. Church Thursday, May 4, 2017 Crochet Circle 10:00 a.m. - Noon School Catholic Men’s Fellowship 6:30 p.m. School Saturday, May 6, 2017 First Communion 10:00 a.m. Church Berlin Trip Bus leaves Holy Angels @ 7:00 a.m.

Mass Intentions Readings for the week Of MAY 7TH First Reading -- God has raised the crucified Jesus, who now pours forth the Holy Spirit upon us (Acts 2:14, 22-33). Psalm -- Lord, you will show us the path of life (Psalm 16). Second Reading -- Our faith and hope are in God who raised Jesus from the dead (1 Peter 1:17-21). Gospel -- Through his words and in the breaking of the bread, the risen Christ made himself known to two disci-ples on their way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35).

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The Third Sunday of Easter Page Three


Please pray for the happy repose of the souls of J C , the son of James and Jacqueline, who was buried from our Church this past week; L L , the cousin of Father Bob; D B , the fa-

ther of Daniel and Father-In-Law of Beth; C K , the father of Christina Catherine; C -

A , the aunt of Elaine Garfold; and J F and I C , of our community, who died this past week. May they rest in the peace of the Lord. Please keep their families in your prayers.

The following baby was baptized last week at our Altar. We congratulate her and welcome her with our prayers!

A P L , the daughter of Eric, Jr. and Tiffany Terbosic Linn

Today’s Readings for The Third Sunday of Easter begin (In the Seasonal Missalette) on Page 19



SATURDAY, MAY 13TH 11:00 a.m.


5001 Curry Road Pittsburgh, PA 15236

All Fish Fry VOLUNTEERS and BAKERS are invited to join us for an


Reservations for the brunch are a MUST.

Please RSVP if you are planning on attending to Cindy at the rectory 412-461-6906 Ext. 18. No later than, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3RD.







Because preparations for First Communion will be ongoing in the Church on Friday, May 5th, there will be no Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Congratulations to Father Bob who is celebrating the

46th Anniversary of his Priestly Ordination on

Monday, May 1st. Thank you for your loving

service to our church. May God abundantly bless

You as you continue to shepherd His children.

COFFEE & DONUT SOCIAL Come down to the Church Hall and enjoy coffee and a donut from the Social Com-mittee TODAY after all Sunday morning masses. Spend some time relaxing and talking to fellow parishioners!

FESTIVAL OF PRAISE! Hosted by Holy Apostles Parish at St. Albert The Great Church, 3171 Churchview Ave., Baldwin on May 13th from 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. The theme is HOPE ARISEN. Join us for a Spiritually Uplifting Adoration Service, motivational contemporary worship music provided by Holy Apostles praise band, an in-spirational homily by Fr. Mike Ackerman, and a beau-tiful witness testimonial by Alicia Hartle. Light refresh-ments to follow. ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!

I personally attended with my family and 600 of my closest friends on Saturday, April 8th. I can’t begin to express how spiritually uplifting and revitalizing my experience was that evening. Come and experi-ence for yourself a special connection with the Holy Spirit and what will come to be 600 of your closest friends. Deacon Dan

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Page Four April 30, 2017


Dan B., John B., Lori B., Diane Bakosh, Ed Bakosh, Joseph Barrett, C.A.M., Brandon B., Mary Bailey, John Bartus, Cheryl Benney, Bob & Dot,

Jared Boger, Barbara Bolger, Luke Bowman, Brandon, Marilyn Brecht, Christopher Browne, Jack Budd, HGC, Gary Campbell, Vali Cavanaugh, Dr. Alphonse Cipriani, Colleen, Steve Cristallini,

Jackie D’Antonio, Bob Dax, Ruth DeLandro, Patricia Delmastro, Sylvia DeMartino, Debbie Ditter, Martin Dombrowski, Loretta Dongilli, Lisa Dykeman, Marlene Emro, E.R., Lucia (Lucy) Eves, Michael Fischer,

Michael Flanagan, Cathy Flynn, Karen G., Audrey Giles, Baby Danny Goughenour, Baby Mason Graham, Eric Greiner, Gary Greschner, Virginia Gutowski, Eryn Henderson, James Huber, Irene, DJJ, Charlene Jackson, Jaclyn, Jennie, Jill, John, Marisa Johnson, Ellie Jones, Julie, Angie K.,

Jason K., Richard K., Dan Kelly, Jennifer Kelly, Father John Kelly, Greg Kelmeckis, Joan Kilgore, Simon Koenig, Amy Lach, Mary Larkin, Stephen Lesak, Kayle & Violet Lubawski, Cindy M.,

Kathy Maciejewski, Tim Madeja, Frank Marchese, Gene Masciantonio, Matthew, Maya, Daniel McDonald, Timothy McGinty, Lou Melani, Michelle, Jennifer Mikelonis, Dennis Miller, William Albert Miller IV,

Sadie Miller-Kowall, Betty Minnotte, Pat Miskiewicz, Tony Molinaro, Norma Moll, Anthony Joseph Morell, Karen Murphy, William Needham, Kerri Nevills, Cindy Newell, Joseph Obringer, Adam Olah, Emily Olup, Helen Ondick, Barb Parocai, Jim Paterna, Jim Paterni, Debbie Peabody, Tom Perry, Dolores Perston, Andrew Petro,

Carol Petronio, Shannon Petty, Harry Pferdehirt, Xay Phouthavong, Franklin Piper, PJ, Audrey Podlesny, Jean Porvanik, Therese Posa, Tom Primm, SR, PR, Mac Reese, Rose, Joseph Royak, Lisa Runco,

Ralph S., Ryan Sabo, Stephen Shiner, Jack Smith, Howard Snyder, Flo Stall, Joanne & Joseph Stumpf, Thomas & Theresa Sturm, Judy Kohnen Sulinski, Ray Thomas,

Florence Walsh, Kelly Weiser, Chase Welsh, Mary Jo Witkowski, Rob Wojciechowski, Donna Wolfe, Ann & Andrew Wuenschel, Nick & Rita Wukoson, Patty Wynn, Alex Yankowski, Ben Z.

This Prayer List will be cleared every three months. Please remember, even though your name is cleared from the list, we will continue to pray for you. Should you want to add or re-add someone to the Prayer List, please call the Rectory at 412-461-6906.

Please make sure you have that persons permission to be on the list. Thank You.

LET’S GO BUCS !!! The fans at Holy Angels will have a great opportunity to see the Battlin' Bucs as the Social Committee has planned another Pirate Baseball game for the parish.

DATE: WEDNESDAY JULY 19, 2017 – Pirates vs, Brewers – 7:05 PM

TICKETS: $35 (No concessions included)

SEAT LOCATION: SECTION 109 (Lower Level across from 1st Base)

DUGOUT BUDDIES: First come, first served based on 100 tickets sold. (Children between the ages of 5 and 15)

Individuals will need to provide their own transpor-tation.

Call Cliff Miller at 412-487-4741 to order tickets or ask questions. If no answer, leave a message and phone number and he’ll get back to you. Leave your ticket money in an envelope marked “Social Committee, Pi-rate Tickets, Attn: Cliff Miller”, at the Holy Angels Rec-tory or drop it in the collection basket at Mass along with the following: a check made out to “Holy Angels Parish”, the number of tickets needed, and the names and ages of the children that wish to go down into the dugout. After we receive the money, we will let you know how, when and where to pick up your tickets.

In this Sunday’s Gospel, as we hear the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we also come to know that our daily walk with the risen Christ, we recognize him in others. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul brought the love and care of Jesus to the poor by assisting families providing food, and money for utility and rent bills, etc. Thank you!

If you or a family you know need assistance, please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 412-461-6906, Ext. 5 so that together we can help the suffering and the poor.

Atlantic City Fun In The Sun! - June 20-23 Cost: $300 with many perks. For information,

please call Beckie Paulick 412-882-3878

On behalf of the Social Committee, I would like to personally thank each and every member of our Parish family who participated in our gasoline raffle by helping us to sell tickets. The re-sponse to our request for help was

overwhelming and thus made our fundraising efforts a huge success. Thanks to all of you, we can continue to do what we do throughout the year for our Parish family with our various social activities.

Ken Hovan, Chairman, Social Committee

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The Third Sunday of Easter Page Five

Have Fun With Your Fellow Holy Angels Parishioners at the Paint Monkey in the Waterfront

Let Paint Monkey help you create your own masterpiece while you sip on your favorite wine or beer. Our classes are geared towards beginners where the canvas is pre-sketched for you because we know that you can’t even draw a stick figure. So, bring your friends, family or even come by yourself and experience a su-per creative night out at Pittsburgh’s premier paint and sip studio! Light refreshments, snacks and water/soda will be provided by the Holy Angels Social Committee, you just need to BYOB! Cups, corkscrews, bottle openers and ice will be provided for you!

Registration is limited to the first 40 people who are paid in FULL!

Who: Anyone looking to create their own masterpiece What: Pittsburgh’s Premier BYOB (Beer or Wine) Paint Studio Where: Paint Monkey, 146 West Bridge Street, Homestead When: Wednesday, June 7th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Why: Show-off your inner Van Gogh Painting: Everyone will paint their version of Seasons Shown Here Cost: $35/person For more information or to register, contact: Jo Ellen Welsh Cell: 412-638-0524 or email: [email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Return Registration Form and Money in an Envelope Marked Social Committee-Paint Monkey Names of All Attending: __________________________________________________________ Phone No.: _______________________________________________ Payment: Number of People @ $35.00 per person: $ ____________________

Make Check Payable to “Holy Angels Social Committee” REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, MAY 30, 2017


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CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Angels Church, 270450 408 Baldwin Road Pittsburgh, PA 15207 PHONE 412-461-6906 x 10 CONTACT PERSON Cheryl email: [email protected] SOFTWARE Publisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER Gestetner MP C3001 PCL6 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 THROUGH 5 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 30, 2017 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 2:00 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS