holocaust memorial day commemoration

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  • 8/9/2019 Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration


    Holocaust Memorial Day

    The Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration is designed to cherish the memory of 

    all of the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. A candle-lighting ceremony is an integral part 

    of the commemoration at which candles are lit for all the victims. Si of the candlesrepresent the si million !ews who perished. The commemoration serves as an

    ongoing reminder of the dangers of racism and intolerance and provides lessons

    from the past that are relevant today.

    The candles are symbols of different groups of victims and the crocuses are symbols of new life.

    On Sunday 25th January 2015 the Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration took place in

    the official residence of the Lord Mayor of Dulin! "he Mansion House# $mon% those &ho

    took part in the ceremony &ere 'resident of (reland! Michael D Hi%%ins) Chief Justice! SusanDenham) Minister for Justice! *rances *it+%erald) Minister for *orei%n $ffairs! Charlie

    *lana%an) Lord Mayor of Dulin! Christy ,urke) Holocaust sur-i-ors Su+i Diamond and "omi

    .eichental) and the (sraeli amassador to (reland! ,oa+ Modai# *ormer president! Mary

    Mc$leese! also attended this ceremony! or%anised y the Holocaust /ducation "rust (reland

    in association &ith the Department of Justice and /uality! and Dulin City Council#

    ,ecause of our partnerships collecti-e in-ol-ement in the Crocus 'roect ( &as pri-ile%ed to

    recei-e an in-itation to attend this commemoration ser-ice#

  • 8/9/2019 Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration


    "he ser-ice &as -ery simple! po&erful and mo-in%# "he keynote speaker &as 'resident

    Michael D Hi%%ins# He reminded the %athered audience that the &orld had should not allo&

    those killed in the Holocaust to 3die t&ice3 y for%ettin% them# 4e had a duty to ensure that

    they should e rememered# "he &orld has a duty to rememer and dra& lessons from the

    horrors carried out y the a+is as our direct human ties to the Holocaust e%an to fade# He

    added!6*or some! the urden of that past is too hea-y! too painful to rememer# Ho&e-er! for%ettin%

    the past # # # can in itself e a harmful and dama%in% act#3

    "hrou%h rememerin% &e could 6%ain release from past &ron%s and acuire also the

    resolution to anticipate re-i-als of hate and e7clusion8# He also remarked that &hile

    rememerin% the 6-ery horrific8 e-ents! &e must also rememer there &as li%ht!

    6"here is %ood to e found in the &orld! and there are %ood people &ho &ill stand a%ainst

    hatred! destruction and intolerance and &ill carry the torch of truth and li%ht &ith them#8

    Minister forJustice, Frances Fitzgerald, and Minister for Foreign ffairs, !harles Flanagan, spea" with

    #sraeli mbassador, $oaz Modai.

    Minister for Justice! Ms *rances *it+%erald read the &ords of Simone 9eil! a Holocaust

    sur-i-or! and founder of the M:morial de la Shoah in 'aris! &ho noted it &as the sur-i-ors&ho first ackno&led%ed their responsiility for passin% on kno&led%e of the Holocaust!

     6"he Shoah should ne-er e diminished! denied! used for other ends! or tri-ialised8

    Minister for *orei%n $ffairs! Mr Charles *lana%an! read a summary of the Declaration of the

    Stockholm (nternational *orum on the Holocaust issued in January 2000# Here is an

    important sentence from that document!

    3"o%ether &ith our /uropean partners and the &ider international community! &e share a

    commitment to rememer the -ictims &ho perished! to respect the sur-i-ors still &ith us! and

  • 8/9/2019 Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration


    to reaffirm humanitys common aspiration for a democratic and tolerant society! free of the

    e-ils of preudice and other forms of i%otry#3

    !hairman of Jewish %epresentative !ouncil of #reland, Maurice !ohen with Minister for Foreign ffairs,

    !harles Flanagan

    "here &ere -ictim readin%s for other cate%ories of Holocaust -ictims# "here &ere t&o

    holocaust sur-i-ors present! Su+i Diamond and "omi .eichental! &ho oth spoke aout their 

    family circumstances and e7periences# "hey spoke of the importance of rememerin% the

    -ictims of the Holocaust# $nother sur-i-or in (reland! Jan ;aminski! &as represented y his

    dau%hter! Jad+ia ;aminski#

    Holocaust survivors, &uzi Diamond and Tomi %eichental

  • 8/9/2019 Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration


    ,oa+ Modai! (sraeli $massador to (reland! reminded us that si7 million Je&s! one third of 

    the &orlds Je&ish people! died durin% the Holocaust and that 3ne-er a%ain3 &ill Je&ish

    people e threatened &ith e7termination# "he names of