holme valley review (november 2010)


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Page 1: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

Greenfield Road, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire HD9 3XF. Tel: 01484 850205

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ReviewReviewNovember 2010 Part of your community

Holme Valley

New housingproposal forgreenbeltBy Sandie MarshallGREENBELT land to the southof Honley could be used for abig new housing development.

A report setting out the futureof new housing in Kirklees isproposing releasing the green-belt land for the developmentof 200 homes.

In addition, the plan calls for10 hectares of land inBrockholes and five hectares inMeltham to be made availablefor industrial and office devel-opment. Both sites are designat-ed as ‘greenfield’ but only theMeltham land officially fallswithin the greenbelt.

The proposals are set out inthe latest Local Development

Framework report which wasconsidered by the council’sDevelopment and EnvironmentSecurity Panel at the end ofOctober.

It looks at how the whole bor-ough of Kirklees can accommo-date 26,200 new homes and suf-ficient new industrial propertyto allow for 35,000 new jobsbetween now and 2028.

The vast majority of buildingland is being identified in cen-tral Huddersfield and NorthernKirklees.

However, the land identifiedfor development in this latestreport is significantly less thanwas originally proposed in 2009– 1,700 new homes in andaround Honley.

Public consultation made thecouncil think again, and as aresult, almost all the proposedhouses are to be accommodat-ed elsewhere in the borough.

The report also calls for thenumber of new homes to bebuilt in Holmfirth to be reducedto avoid “overdevelopment” ofthe town, although a final figureis not provided.

Following discussion by thecouncil committee, the reportwill once again go to publicconsultation betweenDecember 3 and January 31.

Information will be providedin the council’s newsletter forresidents and the frameworkdocument will be made avail-able at key information sitesthroughout the borough.

Props from The Last of the Summer Wine are to get a permanent home in the Holme Valley.Among the many items given to the Holme Valley BusinessAssociation are pianos, a gorilla, a dinosaur, carriage, a scoot-er and even the bicycle that Marina often rode to her secretmeetings with Howard. Business Association spokesman GregChristoffi said: “We are considering different options for whatto do with the props and scenery.”

WELCOME to the first editionof the Holme Valley Review –the new newspaper for every-one in this valley.

Each month we’ll be bring-ing pages and pages of dedi-cated Holme Valley newsdirect to your door. We’d loveto hear what you think of thisfirst edition so why not con-tact us by email [email protected] or call on 01484 420800 or07747 447023.

Most importantly let usknow your news – perhapsyou have a local issue you’dlike to share, or an event totell everyone about. If so, letus know for the next issue.

Finally we’d like to thank allthe local businesses who haveplaced an advert with us. TheReview couldn’t exist withoutyour support. In return youcan be sure that your advertis being delivered through thedoors of 15,000 homes withinthe Holme Valley, reachingthe customers who mean themost to your business.

If you would like to jointhese first advertisers andtake advantage of our greatlaunch rates, call our team.

Welcometo yourHolmeValleyReview

Page 2: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)


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2 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

Page 3: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 3

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Brownhill Reservoir

By Sandie MarshallYORKSHIRE Water has defendedits plans to chop down maturetrees at Brownhill Reservoir inHolmbridge, saying the action isessential for improvement work atthe beauty spot.

Cutting down the 70 feet-longsection of trees on the reservoirembankment is due to begin thismonth as Yorkshire Water beginsphase two of its work atBrownhills.

It is part of the company’s£60million project to maintain and modernise four reservoirs inthe Holme Valley area. Removingthe trees, it says, is essential tomake way for a new concreteoverflow.

A Yorkshire Water spokesmantold the Review: “We're replacingthe existing old overflow with amodern wider version and asthere are trees right next to thecurrent version, we're going tohave to remove some of these.We're also cutting them back sothat they won't be right next to

the new version as the last thingwe would want is for tree roots tojeopardise the integrity of such animportant structure.”

But while most local residentshave now accepted the need toclear the trees, they are puttingpressure on the water giant tomake sure the end result is sympa-thetic to the surroundings –unlike, they say, the work justcompleted on nearby RamsdenReservoir.

Jane Gledhill said: “We are veryanxious they make a better jobthan at Ramsden where they haveinstalled a very stark concrete

bridge and industrial-type railings.It’s completely out of characterwith the landscape and the rest ofthe architecture.

“Of the four reservoirs in this project, three – Brownhill,Ramsden and Yateholm do not need planning permission for the work and we believeYorkshire Water will get away with using cheap materialsthere.

“Ridingwood Reservoir, however,is in the Peak Planning area andup there they have been forced tomake a much better job with realstone coping and elegant estate


“If they can do it at Ridingwood,why can’t they do it for all fourreservoirs?”

Yorkshire Water says it hasaddressed local concerns follow-ing a drop-in information sessionat Hinchliffe Mill School inSeptember.

“It was a really successful event,well attended, and it enabled us tolisten to any concerns from localresidents and address themstraight away,” added thespokesperson.

He would not confirm however,what materials would be used onthe project.

Construction contractors MottMacdonald Bentley have been atBrownhill Reservoir since lateSeptember scoping the work andfinalising the plans.

All of the work at Brownhill isexpected to be completed by nextsummer. At that point, saysYorkshire Water, new trees of alldifferent sizes will be planted.

Water company defendsdecision to chop downtrees at beauty spot

Calls for improvementsto be sympathetic to surroundings

Review round-up

HOLMFIRTH Choral Society will tackleBrahms’ German Requiem in its first perform-ance of the 2010/11 season on November 13.

The Society has considered the Requiem inthe past but always steered away from itbecause of the large orchestra usually needed.

However, they recently discovered an accom-paniment written by Brahms himself whichuses a piano duo rather than a full orchestra.The Requiem will be performed in English.

Alongside the Brahms and in total contrast,the choir will perform Francis Poulenc’s joyfulGloria. This piece has been sung by the Societybefore and is a firm favourite with the choir.Soloists will be soprano Jenny Stafford andbaritone Thom Meredith.

The performance will be held at HolmfirthCivic Hall and will begin at 7.15pm.

Society in harmonywith the Requiem

WRAP the family up warm and head down theSands in Holmfirth for the annual giant bonfireand firework display.

This year’s event takes place on SaturdayNovember 6 from 6.30pm. There will be stallsand funfair rides for small children to enjoy aswell as hot food and drinks.

The event is being run by the Rotary Club ofHolmfirth to raise funds for its charities.

Sparkling event

IF YOU are interested in researching yourfamily history but don’t know where tostart, a free drop-in session at HuddersfieldLibrary could be for you.

On Wednesday November 10 from 10amto 12noon a member of the Huddersfieldand District Family History Society will beavailable to help with family historyenquiries.

Beginners are more than welcome to thisfree session and refreshments will be avail-able.

For further information tel: 01484 221965.

Family matters

Page 4: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

4 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

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STUNNING views of the Holme Valleywill be enjoyed around the world nextyear through the 2011 calendar pro-duced by Holmfirth Camera Club.

In the five years since it was first produced the calendar hasbecome a local institution withdemand growing every year. Copiesare sent around the world to destina-tions as far as Australia, China,

America, Canada and Mexico.

The latest calendar contains 12memorable photographs submitted bycamera club members plus a frontcover shot taken by Steve Savage.Members are encouraged to photo-graph the valley during the seasons,taking in the landscape and traditionallocal events such as the Folk Festival.The club then holds a selection night

when club members vote on theirfavourite images and produce a short-list of 30. From these, the final 12 areselected by a small committee. SteveSavage then managed the layout andcompilation of the calendar and liais-ed with the printer and retail outlets.

The calendar is currently availablefrom Holmfirth’s Tourist Information,Kirkwood Hospice shop,

Charlesworth’s newsagent andHolmfirth and Honley Post Offices.Stocks of the 2010 calendar ran outjust before Christmas so the advice isto buy early to avoid disappointment.

� Holmfirth Camera Club meets everyMonday night from September toApril at St David’s Church,Holmbridge. The evenings consist ofa series of competition nights plus

regular specialist speakers on subjectsranging from wildlife, travel andmonochrome photography to usingPhotoshop and flashlights. Wellknown Peak District wildlife photog-rapher Paul Hobson will be the guestspeaker on November 8. For details ofthe full syllabus and events visit theclub websitewww.Holmfirthcameraclub.co.uk

January’s image is a snow scene of Wooldale photographed by Pat Whalley and Colourful Holmfirth Folk Festival taken by Vince Cunningham is May’s subject

Picture perfect... from Januaryto December

OOVVEERR 220000 ppeeooppllee ppaacckkeedd iinnttoo SSttBBaarrtthhoolloommeeww’’ss CChhuurrcchh iinn MMeelltthhaamm ttooeennjjooyy ""TThhee LLaasstt NNiigghhtt ooff tthhee PPrroommss""wwiitthh MMeelltthhaamm aanndd MMeelltthhaamm MMiillllssBBaanndd aanndd ssoopprraannoo RRaacchheell CCrriisspp..

TThhee sshhooww iinncclluuddeedd aa lliivveellyy pprroo--ggrraammmmee ooff ccllaassssiiccaall aanndd lliigghhtt mmuussiicc aasswweellll aass ssoonnggss ffrroomm sshhoowwss aanndd cciinneemmaatthheemmee ttuunneess..

TThhee eevveenniinngg ccoonncclluuddeedd wwiitthh tthhee ttrraa--ddiittiioonnaall PPrroommss ffiinnaallee,, FFaannttaassyy oonnBBrriittiisshh SSeeaa SSoonnggss,, PPoommpp aannddCCiirrccuummssttaannccee aanndd JJeerruussaalleemm..

AAuuddiieennccee ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn wwaass aassssuurreedd

wwiitthh tthhee ffiinnaallee ppiieecceess aanndd uunniioonn ffllaaggssvveerryy mmuucchh iinn eevviiddeennccee..

RRaacchheell CCrriisspp,, aann aaccccoommpplliisshheeddyyoouunngg ssoopprraannoo ffrroomm BBrriigghhoouussee,, ssaannggffiivvee ssoollooss aaccccoommppaanniieedd oonn tthhee ppiiaannoobbyy hheerr mmootthheerr GGaaiill..

WWiitthh tthhee bbaanndd sshhee ssaanngg ‘‘YYoouu''llll nneevveerrwwaallkk aalloonnee’’ aanndd jjooiinneedd tthheemm iinn tthheeffiinnaallee..

TThhrreeee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee bbaanndd,, PPaauullaaSSppiittttlleehhoouussee,, AAddeellee SShhaaww aanndd CChhrriissFFaarrrriinnggttoonn aallssoo ppeerrffoorrmmeedd ssoollooss.. TThheebbaanndd wwaass uunnddeerr iittss nneeww ccoonndduuccttoorr,,RRoobbiinn MMoorrggaann..

TThhiiss wwaass tthhee bbaanndd’’ss eeiigghhtthh aannnnuuaallPPrroommss ccoonncceerrtt aatt tthhee cchhuurrcchh,, aannddaaggaaiinn iitt pprroovveedd ppooppuullaarr wwiitthh tthhee aauuddiieennccee.. TThhee ccoonncceerrtt wwaass jjooiinnttllyyhheelldd wwiitthh tthhee cchhuurrcchh aanndd tthhee pprroo--cceeeeddss ooff ££999944 hhaavvee bbeeeenn ddiivviiddeeddeeqquuaallllyy bbeettwweeeenn tthhee cchhuurrcchh aanndd tthheebbaanndd..

TThhee bbaanndd wwiillll bbee aatt tthhee cchhuurrcchh aaggaaiinnoonn WWeeddnneessddaayy DDeecceemmbbeerr 1155 pprreesseenntt--iinngg iittss CChhrriissttmmaass CCoonncceerrtt..

TTiicckkeettss ffoorr tthhiiss eevveenntt wwiillll bbee aavvaaiill--aabbllee nneeaarreerr tthhee ddaattee ffrroomm SSccoottttyy''ssBBaarrbbeerrss,, MMaarrkkeett PPllaaccee,, MMeelltthhaamm..

Pomp and Circumstance in MelthamFAMILIES may have been disap-pointed at the cancellation of theHalloween trains on the miniaturerailway line in Greenhead Park thisyear, but there is good news – theSanta Specials will definitely berunning during December.

The train operators, the Hudders-field Society of Model Engineers,decided to cancel their usualHalloween timetable because of themajor restoration work going on inthe park. They have, however, con-firmed that Santa will be back onthe rails in the run-up to Christmas.

Weather permitting, the trains willrun on both Saturday and Sundayon the weekends December 4/5,11/12 and17/18, 1.30pm-3.30pm.There is a small charge for passen-gers. The trains will take their nor-mal winter break after Christmasand operators pro-mise to be backwith a bang next spring, by whichtime the work on the park will becompleted.

For further information contactGraeme Hollyhead, HuddersfieldSociety of Model Engineers, email:[email protected]

All aboard for Santa ...

Page 5: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 5

We are Specialists in Healthy breads.Made from the finest flour freshly baked in

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Council ready to battlethe Holme Valley freezeBy Sandie MarshallBRING on the freeze – we’re readyfor it!

That’s the message from KirkleesCouncil to Holme Valley residentsworried that this winter could see arepeat of last year’s paralysing snowand ice conditions.

Schools, shops and businesses allover the Valley were forced to closefor a record numbers of days ascouncil gritters failed to combatweeks of persistent snowfall andblack ice in January and February –the worse conditions to hit the coun-try in 30 years.

But Kirklees says it has learnedfrom the mistakes of last winter, andis fully prepared for the comingmonths.

In particular it has stockpiled25,000 tonnes of rock salt, over four times more than the govern-ment’s recommendation to councils to hold 6,000 tonnes instock.

In total during last winter, Kirkleesused 19,000 tonnes, and in commonwith councils across the country,was in danger of running out as saltsupplies reached worryingly low lev-els at peak demand.

In addition, the council haschecked and filled all its 1,250 publicgrit bins which local residents canuse on public roads and pavementsas and when needed.

As part of the Council's WinterMaintenance Policy, the Highwaysand Transportation Service grits 60%of the road network in Kirklees andsays it can cover over 700 miles ofroad within two hours of starting togrit.

These priority routes are mainroads, main bus routes and steeproads that provide important links to

main roads. The policy adds:“Whenever possible, we try to makesure that town and village centres,doctors' surgeries, health centres,hospitals, bus stations, schools andthe homes of vulnerable residentsare treated and made as safe as pos-sible.”

The policy also states that once a 'full grit' has been completed,

it may be possible to grit other routes as requested by residents.

Anyone wanting to request addi-tional gritting can telephoneHighways Customer Care on free-phone 0800 731 8765 to log a request– although no promise is made onwhether special requests will be car-ried out.

Flashback to last winter when Dunford Road, one of the main routes out of Holmfirth was at astandstill due to snow, black ice and abandoned cars.

Page 6: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

Danielle Goodhand, 26 from WestYorkshire, aka “the Cupcake lady!”

Vogue magazine pronounced that; ‘Owninga Cupcake bakery is the career fantasy of ourtimes.’ It certainly is…

Like many graduates, after finishingUniversity, Danielle had no idea what shewanted to do with her future career. “I guessit’s the same for a lot of young people,especially with the lack of real jobopportunities in this difficult financialclimate.” Graduate jobs seem to be very fewand far between, so even for those with a cleardirection – it can be a challenge. “I gained aposition in a fashion environment, but it wasan admin role, rather than design. After awhile I decided I needed something creative todo in my spare time, so Ienrolled on a cake decoratingevening course at a localcollege.”

Just a few lessonsin, and she washooked!

“I started to takemy creations into theoffice and mycolleagues were happyto be my official tastetesters!” Within just a fewmonths, she began to receiveorders, everything from characterand novelty cakes, delicately iced cupcakesfor parties to christening and even weddingcakes.

Danielle decided to finally take the plungeabout 2 months ago and start her very ownhome bakery, Crumbs Cupcakery. She stillworks part time and comments; “Some of mycolleagues are my best customers!”

“Cupcakes are such a joy to create and Ialways appreciate people who admire them – Ilove to make people smile. A Cupcake is sucha creative little thing. It can be adorned withedible diamonds, glitter in a rainbow ofcolours and decoration to match any theme.They are perfect for parties and weddings – anindividual portion of cake for guests to takehome as a wedding favour or in a party bagfrom a birthday party. Wedding Cupcake

towers are becomingincreasingly popular as a

modern alternative to thetraditional tiered wedding cake.

They have such versatility andcolours and themes can be matched

to the bride and grooms individualneeds.” Danielle offers no obligation

wedding consultations by appointment todiscuss your requirementsand of course to sampleher delicious cupcakes.

Cupcakes are alsoperfect to give as a giftand have recentlyovertaken chocolates andflowers as the number onegift. Crumbs Cupcakerypackaging will not let youdown either – “if givingas a gift we can gift boxyour beautiful cakes withthe prettiest ribbon and ablank tag so you can addyour personal message.”Cupcakes are also

becoming increasingly popular for use atcorporate events as promotional freebies withyour company logo or branding printed on anedible icing topper. They are a fantastic way topromote an exhibition, product launch orcompany anniversary.

Not only do these cakes look beautiful, theytaste great too. “At Crumbs, we only use thevery finest ingredients in our baking, quality

Belgium chocolate, localbutter and local free-rangeeggs. We have spent a longtime developing recipes andcoming up with a menu thathas a variety of differentflavours, with something thatwill hopefully appeal toeveryone. From ourtraditional moist ‘VictoriaCupcake’, filled with sweetraspberry jam and toppedwith a generous swirl ofvanilla butter cream, to our‘Upside-down RaspberryCheesecake Cupcake,’ adelicious raspberry sponge

with cream cheese frosting, sprinkled withcrumbled biscuits and a fresh raspberry.”Gluten Free cakes and other dietaryrequirements can also be catered for.

Some may question this industry to be just atrend. Research, however, suggests thecupcake industry is still growing at a ratherspeedy rate. In 2009, research showed theindustry was worth £7.3 million to the UK,and sales have increased by 16% so far in2010. “People just love cupcakes – I think it’sthe fact that it’s a single portion indulgence, alittle treat that is all yours to enjoy.” And theindustry recognizes the craze too - last monthwas the second annual National CupcakeWeek, an event organized by British Bakermagazine to celebrate the nation’s fascinationwith this wonderful confectionary.

Prices start at 80p per mini cupcakes and£1.50 for a large cupcake. Minimum ordersapply. Layer cakes start at £15 and GiantCupcakes just £35 (a giant version whichstands approximately 20cm tall!) Prices are onquotation for novelty and bespoke cakes.

“Please contact us on 07563 589 622 forfurther details or to place an order! See yousoon!”

6 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

Page 7: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 7

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Enjoy! Enjoy!

By Sandie MarshallTHE contestants arerehearsed, the celebrity judgesare sharpening their tonguesand the audience is ready to scream. Welcome to the X Factor ... for brassbands.

The hundred-year old tradi-tion of brass band contests inthe Holme Valley is about to be shaken to the core whenit gets the full TV format treatment at a special event at Holmfirth’sPicturedrome.

The Brass Factor is the brainchild of Hade Edge bandmember Alex Bray who cameup with it as a project for hisuniversity degree course.

He wanted a way to re-ener-gise brass banding and a newstyle of contest to appeal to ayoung audience.

Alex’s project will becomereality on November 12 whensix local bands will take to thePicturedrome stage to per-form 20 minutes of their bestentertainment music.

Each will then receive thecomments – good or bad –from the judging panel. Takingthe places of Simon Cowelland co will be ex-BBC presen-

ter John Hammond, BBCRadio Leeds brass band pre-senter David Hoyle, and LesBeevers and KevinWadsworth, two highlyrespected adjudicators fromthe local brass band circuit.

Alex explained how thisbreaks with tradition.

“Usually the judging all takesplace behind closed doors.The bands are not used toreceiving live feedback afterthey perform so that shouldbe interesting.

“All our judges are knownfor their straight talking and so I don’t think they’llhold back on what theythink.”

The audience also will havea say in who wins.

“Everyone will have a votingslip,” Alex continued.

“Their votes will count withthe judges’ scores to decidethe winners.”

Lining up in Brass Factor areHade Edge Band,Skelmanthorpe B Band,Yorkshire Traction HonleyBand, Holme Silver Band,Hade Edge Junior Band andThurlstone B Band.

Tickets for the event, whichstarts at 6.30pm are availablefrom Andrew’s Greengrocerson Huddersfield Road,Holmfirth.

Any money raised will go tothe Holme Valley Brass BandAssociation which has sup-ported Alex with the organisa-tion of the event.

THE BRASS Factor hasignited an interest in brassband music from someunusual sources. Nonemore so than rugby leagueplayer Robbie Paul whodecided he wanted to havea go – he admits to havingthe odd blast on the trom-bone many years ago dur-ing his youth in NewZealand.

Robbie is currently com-bining rugby with a sportsmarketing degree atHuddersfield Universitywhere he met Brass Factororganiser Alex Bray.

He said: “I come from astrong musical backgroundand many years ago myself,my brothers and a couple

of friends tried to set up aband – playing the trom-bone made up for myinability to sing!

“Then rugby took overand I left the music behind.Meeting Alex and hearingabout the Brass Factormade me want to pick upan instrument and give itanother go.”

Hade Edge Brass Bandleader Simon Wood wasonly too happy to give theex-Huddersfield Giantsplayer a taster lesson onthe cornet.

And his verdict? The rugby player needs to

‘try’ harder!

Robbie swapping corners for cornets

He’s got the Brass Factor – Alex Bray, organiser of the special event

Who’s got thebrass factor?

Alex turns traditionon its head with new-look contest

Page 8: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

8 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

MMOORREE tthhaann 220000 yyeeaarrss ooffhhaarrsshh PPeennnniinnee wwiinntteerrss aannddppoolllluuttiioonn hhaavvee ttaakkeenn tthheeiirrttoollll oonn HHoollmmffiirrtthh’’ss HHoollyyTTrriinniittyy PPaarriisshh CChhuurrcchh ssoo tthhiissmmoonntthh sseeeess tthhee ssttaarrtt ooffrreessttoorraattiioonn wwoorrkk ccoossttiinnggaarroouunndd ££220000,,000000..

YYoouu ccaann mmaakkee aa ccoonnttrriibbuu--ttiioonn bbyy jjooiinniinngg tthhee AAddoopptt aaSSttoonnee aappppeeaall..

TThhee mmaassssiivvee rreeppaaiirr pprroojjeeccttwwiillll rreeppllaaccee ddaammaaggeeddssttoonneewwoorrkk oonn aallll ffoouurr ffaacceessooff tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg,, iinncclluuddiinngg tthheettoowweerr.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, eexxtteennssiivveerreeppaaiirrss wwiillll bbee ddoonnee ttoo tthheerrooooff.. TThhiiss wwiillll bbee tthhee mmoosstteexxtteennssiivvee wwoorrkk oonn tthhee cchhuurrcchhssiinnccee iitt wwaass rreebbuuiilltt ffoolllloowwiinngg

tthhee ggrreeaatt fflloooodd ooff 11777777..SSccaaffffoollddiinngg aanndd pprrootteeccttiivveewwrraappppiinngg hhaass bbeeeenn ppllaacceedd aallllaarroouunndd tthhee cchhuurrcchh iinn rreeaaddii--nneessss ffoorr tthhee wwoorrkk ttoo bbeeggiinn..

TThhee bbuullkk ooff tthhee mmoonneeyy ffoorrtthhee rreeppaaiirrss hhaass ccoommee ffrroommEEnngglliisshh HHeerriittaaggee wwhhiicchh hhaasspprroovviiddeedd aa ggrraanntt ffoorr££116600,,000000..

IInn aaddddiittiioonn tthhee cchhuurrcchh hhaassrraaiisseedd ££1144,,000000 ffrroomm ootthheerrggrraannttss aanndd ££66,,550000 ffrroomm iittssAAddoopptt aa SSttoonnee aappppeeaall..

RReevv KKeeiitthh GGrriiffffiinn eexxppllaaiinneeddhhooww tthhee aappppeeaall wwoorrkkss:: ““IItt’’ss aaccrreeaattiivvee ggiifftt iiddeeaa tthhaatt llaassttssffoorr mmoorree tthhaann aa lliiffeettiimmee..PPeeooppllee hhaavvee bbeeeenn aaddooppttiinngg aa

ssttoonnee ffoorr tthheemmsseellvveess,, oonnbbeehhaallff ooff ssoommeeoonnee eellssee oorr iinnmmeemmoorryy ooff aa lloovveedd oonnee..

““SSoo ffaarr,, wwee’’vvee bbeeeenn ssuuppppoorrtt--eedd bbyy cchhuurrcchh mmeemmbbeerrss,,ffrriieennddss,, vviissiittoorrss,, aanndd ccoommmmuu--nniittyy bbuussiinneesssseess,, iinncclluuddiinnggssoommee ggiiffttss ffrroomm oovveerrsseeaass..””

IInn rreettuurrnn ffoorr aa ddoonnaattiioonn,,aannyyoonnee wwhhoo aaddooppttss aa ssttoonneewwiillll rreecceeiivvee aa cceerrttiiffiiccaattee,, aappllaann ooff tthhee bbuuiillddiinngg aanndd aappeerrmmaanneenntt rreeccoorrdd ooff tthheeiirrnnaammee iinnssiiddee tthhee cchhuurrcchh..

FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonnhhooww ttoo aaddoopptt aa ssttoonnee ccoonnttaacctttthhee aaddmmiinniissttrraattoorr PPaauull SSmmeellttoonn 0011448844 668888221177 oorr eemmaaiillppaannddmmssmmeelltt@@ff22ss..ccoomm

Church appeal is almost there

CAN you spot the suspi-cious signs of the mostcommon cancers? Mostimportantly, would you visitthe doctor straightaway orfind reasons to delay?

A new NHS report sayspeople living in Kirklees arenot taking the signs andsymptoms of cancer seri-ously enough.

The Cancer AwarenessMeasure (CAM) survey wascarried out across the dis-trict earlier this year withthe aim of understandinglocal adults’ awareness ofthe causes of cancer andsymptoms that may indi-cate cancer. The surveyalso asked people how longthey would wait beforeseeking medical advice andwhat factors would delaythem in doing so.

Overall, awareness of can-cer symptoms was general-ly low with only 24% beingable to name any apartfrom lumps, swelling,bleeding or pain. Peoplewere less likely to see

changes to skin, bowel orbladder habits as potentialsigns of cancer.

Janet Cawtheray, JointCancer Lead acrossCalderdale and Kirkleessaid: “This report is reallyimportant in telling us whatlevel of awareness andunderstanding there isabout cancer locally. This isthe first report of its kindand highlights the need forus to do more work tomake symptoms more realin people’s minds.

“We will be focusingfuture activities on theareas where there are sig-nificant misunderstandingsor where limited informa-tion exists.“If people dohave concerns aboutchanges in their bowel,bladder habits, changes toskin or any worries thenthey should not be afraid togo and see their doctor.This is not wasting theirtime and it is important thatsymptoms are identifiedsooner rather than later.”

Cancer signs:don’t take the chance

Key findings of the surveyinclude:� Women are significantly morelikely to mention a lump (68%)than men (51%)� Responders were aware of theconnection between smoking andcancer but did not link factorssuch as sunburn to skin cancer� When asked what would delaythem in seeking medical help ifthey were worried, 42% ofresponders said that wasting thedoctor’s time and fear aboutwhat might be found� Young people were much lesslikely to respond to the symp-toms of cancer than older people� 91% of women correctly men-tioned breast cancer as one ofthe top three most common can-cers� 55% of male respondersthought that prostate cancer wasthe most common cancer in menwhen it is actually the secondmost common next to skin can-cer� Men are much less likely tomention factors such as smoking(54% vs. 60%) and drinking (16%vs. 25%) as women.

VOLUNTEERS are wanted tohelp carry out a major chop,cut and slay of over-growingscrub around Castle Hill,Almondbury. The first of twosessions to tackle the problemis being run by ConservationKirklees on Wednesday,November 17, 9.30am to3.30pm.

Scrub is the term used todescribe areas of densely-growing trees such as gorseand hawthorn.

The edge between it andopen ground is an importanthabitat for birds and insects.

The gorse flowers provide a

source of nectar which attractinsects, and the deep thornytangle of branches is idealshelter for small birds to nestin.

“Cutting back the scrubevery seven years or so andallowing it to regenerate helpsto maintain this habitat, andprevent it from taking overthe open ground,” explainedKirklees Countryside OfficerSimon Pedley.

There is no charge for any-one wanting to help with thistask but places must bebooked in advance by contact-ing Simon, tel: 01484 234073,

email:[email protected] will be given andequipment provided; partici-pants will need suitable cloth-ing and strong boots as wellas a packed lunch. Anothersession is being held inFebruary next year.

Conservation Kirklees is avolunteer group that supportsthe Kirklees Countryside Unitin its conservation and coun-tryside management work.

It is open to anyone aged 16years and over. New membersare always welcome, no expe-rience is necessary.

Almondbury volunteers aresought to chop, cut and slay

Page 9: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)




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Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 9

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10 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010



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With over twenty years experiencein landscape design and planning,Andrew Mansell Landscapes havea reputation other firms can onlydream of. Their projects use onlythe highest quality products and,above all, maintain the highstandards they have become knownfor over the years.

Owner Andrew Mansellexplains, “We are passionate aboutthe quality of our work and arecommitted to delivering thestandard of work people have cometo expect from us. We like projects to run smoothly,on time, on budget and beyond our clientsexpectations. We have an enviable reputation forour work on both domestic and commercialprojects throughoutthe Kirklees areaand beyond, withattention to detailalways beingparamount.”

Covering a widerange of gardeningand landscapingservices, the teamoffers a combinationof traditionalgardeningtechniques andcutting edgelandscaping. “Ourvaried clients relyon us to design, create and maintain their outdoorspaces. Working closely with our customers, wework hard to maximise the potential of any space,whilst remaining conscious of the needs of theclient and their budgets.”

The Holmfirth-based company offers everythingfrom landscape design and planting schemes,through to commercial landscaping andmaintenance, water features, lighting solutions andeven dry stonewalling. On a smaller scale, whetheryou are in need of domestic garden maintenance,turfing, fencing, block paving or a driveway, theycan also help.

Residential customers can rely on Andrew andhis team of skilled professionals to design andconstruct beautiful and functional outdoor spaceswith a real wow factor, bringing the outside in andexpanding your living space into the garden.

During an extensive consultationand after taking into considerationeach customers individualrequirements, Andrew createsbespoke plans and works with hisclients closely to ensure the spaceworks for them on every level. Ashe explains, “We are flexible in ourapproach and we really care aboutwhat we do. Your home is special toyou and we do everything we can toadd to that – giving you an outdoorspace you can enjoy and be proudof.”

Commercial clients include business parks andoffices, public houses and restaurants, veterinarysurgeries and Doctors practices, renovation projectsand new build housing developments. Andrew’s

team can deal withevery aspect of yourcommerciallandscaping needs,including ongoingmaintenancecontracts. “Weunderstand howimportant a workablelandscape is to anycommercial projectand we work hard todeliver what you needon budget and on time- every time,”explained Andrew.

Naturally over theyears, they have received the most glowing praiseand feedback for their work, examples of which canbe seen on their website: www.andrewmansell.com

Susan & Andrew of Holmfirth said: "Andrewturned our working field into a fairytale weddingvenue, with impressive attention to detail at everystage. He always manages to come up with newideas that inspire and excite the imagination.Andrew has very high standards and his first classmaintenance programme has kept our garden inprime condition for 17 years."

Whilst Louise & Andy of Meltham said:"Andrew turned a neglected and overgrown outsidespace into a stunning and very useable familygarden."

So why not give Andrew a call on 07736 436536or contact him via his websitewww.andrewmansell.com

HOLMFIRTH Market Hallwill be alive with colourand creativity again inNovember when themuch-acclaimed ArtMarket is staged over twoSundays.

Now in its third year,the Art Market continuesto go from strength-to-strength. Over 80 artists,some of them local to theHolme Valley, will exhibitand sell their wares onNovember 7 and 14 from10am.

The twice-a-year marketis run by artists for artistsand aims to stimulateinterest, knowledge andsales of good quality art,craft and design. Each

artist has to go through aselection process to makesure the high quality ofthe exhibition is main-tained.

As well as showing theirart, many will be demon-strating their craft tech-niques, giving visitors anopportunity to discussthe creative process andpossibly commissionunique pieces withouthaving to worry aboutgallery charges and fees.

This time the marketwill have its widest selec-tion of goods yet witheverything from home-wares, garden sculpture,jewellery, paintings, fash-ion and photography.

Many of the artists userecycled products tomake their wares, givingthe market a creative andquirky feel.

The team behind the ArtMarket, Holmfirth artistsVictoria Robinson, DebPrice and BrendanHesmondhalgh, have alsoorganised live music, andfood and drink stalls forvisitors to enjoy, plusentertainment such asvanstallation – art dis-played in a van, the DenExperiment and theMarvellous Tea DanceCompany.

Entry to the Art Marketcosts £2 which includesentry to the art raffle.

Pencil in a visit to artmarket at Holmfirth

Laura has bagsof ethical styleWHEN budding designer LauraQueening spent her gap year teach-ing English in Nepal, little did sheknow she would return again andagain as the country became themanufacturing base for her ownlabel of fashion clothing and acces-sories.

Now Laura’s business, Aura Queis entering its fourth year and isfast gaining a reputation for beauti-ful knitwear and bags made fromleather and cloth, all produced inNepal under strict ethical and fair-trade policies.

Laura is from Wooldale and anex-pupil of Holmfirth High School.After returning from her gap yearvisit to Nepal in 2003 she went onto an accessory design degree atthe London College of Fashion.For her final year project shedecided to have some designs pro-duced by the craftspeople she hadseen in Nepal. She successfullyapplied for funding, and her firstitems were commissioned and

earned her the title for StudentAccessories Designer of the Yearat the prestigious Drapers Awards.

Now she splits her time betweenthe Holme Valley, London andNepal where she has three mainmanufacturing sites establishedthrough the Nepal Fair TradeGroup.

All her materials are sourced inNepal and created directly in thecountry by local producers. One ofher design trademarks is the wayshe mixes different materials suchas buffalo leather, banana yarn andwoven allo hemp cloth. She alsoworks with the Nepal LeprosyTrust, an organisation which pro-vides employment and support forpeople affected by disabilitieswhich may otherwise lead to theirsegregation from the community.

Laura told the Review why herlinks with Nepal are so importantto her: “This is such a wonderfulcountry with dedicated, hard

working and skilled people. TheFair Trade Group makes sure theyreceive the training and supportthey need to earn a fair wage inreturn for their work. In additionto our three main producers Iwork with small family units sowhen I’m there I becomeimmersed in their local culture. Ialways jump at the chance to meetor stay with a local producer andit’s so good to become part of theirfamily.”

Laura is already busy with manu-facturing her Spring/Summer 2011collection and even with designsfor next Autumn. Aura Quedesigns are sold mainly by smallindependent boutiques in locationsranging from West Yorkshire toScotland, Norway to South Africa.

In the future Laura has ambitionsto develop her brand by introduc-ing a new unisex and men’s rangeand even expanding into productsfor home interiors.

HEALTHY prizes for schools are up for grabs forwinners of this year’s ‘Design a Christmas Card’competition from NHS Kirklees.

They are looking for youngsters to combineChristmas themes with the key messages of eatwell, move more and live longer.

The winning design will be printed and used by the authority to send its Christmas greetings.

Posters advertising the competition are being

sent to all primary and secondary schools in thearea and each design needs to include the ent-rant’s name, age, class and school on the reverse.

The closing date for the competition is FridayNovember 12 2010 and the winner will be notifiedin early December.

All entries should be sent to: Michelle Harvey,Communications Officer, NHS Kirklees, Broad LeaHouse, Bradley Business Park, Dyson Wood Way,Bradley, Huddersfield, HD2 1GZ.

NHS Kirklees seeks a healthy Christmas message

Page 11: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

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Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 11

Page 12: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

12 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

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Ashley at 70 ...HHooww ddiidd iitt aallll ssttaarrtt?? WWhheenn ddiiddyyoouu rreeaalliissee yyoouu ccoouulldd bbee aa pprrooffeess--ssiioonnaall aarrttiisstt??I never actually set foot in Englanduntil I was nine years old.

I spent the first years of my life inPenang, Malaysia and was then evac-uated with my mother to India. Myfather was executed in a Japaneseprisoner of war camp after whichour family moved to Scotland andthen back to Penang.

It was when my mother remarriedthat we settled in Yorkshire. Thusbegan my lifelong love affair with

Yorkshire. The dark days of my childhood

were to focus my determination tosucceed in art.

It seemed to me from a very earlyage that art for too long had been forthe elitist alone, and not as it shouldbe, for the man in the street. As ayoung boy growing up in Barnsley, Iwas passionate about the world ofart, but unfortunately, as many chil-dren and adults still do today, feltintimidated by it. So today I am hap-piest when my peers, the workingman in the street recognises my

paintings as it means that I havebeen successful in my campaign tomake art accessible and not just theprerogative of the elite few.

YYoouu hhaavvee bbeeeenn ccaalllleedd tthhee ''TTuurrnneerrooff tthhee 2211sstt cceennttuurryy''.. HHooww ddoo yyoouuffeeeell aabboouutt tthhee ccoommppaarriissoonn??To be given the title is a great hon-our as Turner was a great masterwho painted and sketched Yorkshire.

My portrayal of the YorkshireMoors follows the English School ofwatercolour technique of applyingno white to the paper. The light that

you see in my work isthe surface of thepaper.

YYoouu kknnooww tthhee llaanndd--ssccaappee aarroouunnddHHoollmmffiirrtthh ssoo wweellll..CCaann yyoouu ssttiillll ffiinnddiinnssppiirraattiioonn iinn iitt??As I reach 70 I am for-tunate that I still have alove affair withYorkshire and until thatends I will carry onpainting her contours.

I hope that this innerfeeling lasts a lifetimeand that the moorlandnever fails to amazeme; I still get that“wow” feeling when Istep on to the moor.

But, the moorland isnot mine alone, she is

there to be enjoyed and appreciatedby others, we are just looking afterour heritage for future generations.”

YYoouurr wwoorrkk hhaannggss iinn mmaannyy ggrreeaatthhoouusseess aanndd bbuuiillddiinnggss.. WWhhiicchh ggiivv--eess yyoouu tthhee ggrreeaatteesstt ssaattiissffaaccttiioonn??Since opening my first Gallery backin 1963 I’ve been fortunate to havean extremely illustrious life in theworld of art.

My works have been exhibitedworldwide and adorn the walls ofmany successful and famous people,from politicians to actors, fromPrinces to former Presidents of theUnited States of America. My paint-ings have been my passport to othercountries and encounters, but amongall of this, it is the paintings thathang in the homes of the man in thestreet that give me the most sense ofaccomplishment.

Having L.S.Lowry walk through myGallery door in Barnsley was such anencounter that was to develop into alasting friendship and respectbetween us.

I have worked hard to straddle thepolitical divide between parties andunions and remain apolitical; this isdue to the nature of my determina-tion to make art accessible to all andnot just the elite establishment. Artis a great communicator requiringfew words to interpret.

I will always joke that my paintingsdon’t need “This way up” written onthe back for them to be hung – they

are transcripts of Mother nature’slove letters and as such what I cap-ture is the atmosphere and dynamicpassion of this love affair that haslasted over fifty years.

TTeellll uuss aa lliittttllee aabboouutt yyoouurr lloonnggaassssoocciiaattiioonn wwiitthh TThhee PPrriinnccee''ssTTrruusstt??The Princes Youth Business Trust,now The Prince’s Trust, was and is acharity that I feel shares my beliefthat prevention is better than deten-tion.

I was asked in 1982 to be an advi-sor for one year, on a voluntarybasis, to young people wanting tostart a career as a professional artist.

I remained with the charity forsome twelve years and in this timewas elected onto the West YorkshireBoard, becoming Chairman of fundraising for West Yorkshire, whichincidentally at the time had noboard; I alone was in charge offundraising.

This was quite a daunting yet chal-lenging position. In one year, out ofthe £40 million raised by the countryfor the charity, West Yorkshire aloneraised £6 million.

I thought long and hard how Icould raise money for the charity,and it occurred to me that if I donat-ed a painting to the cause, then themoney raised along with proceedsfrom the sale of limited editionprints could provide a continuousfund raising channel.

As he marks his 70th birthday with a major new exhibition, Holmfirth’s celebrated landscape artist Ashley Jackson talks to the Review about his life-long love affair with Yorkshire, his passion for his work and how he stillwants to paint for the man in the street.

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Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 13

Continued from Page 12This painting was ‘Merrick Priory’

which sold for £25,000 followed byconsiderably more for the Trust fromthe sale of the limited editions andtee-shirts.

‘Merrick Priory’ proved to be sucha successful fundraiser that PrinceCharles commissioned me to paint adepiction of his favourite Dale,Swaledale and Fremmington Edge.

This association continued when Iwas privileged to have HRH Princeof Wales open my exhibition ‘AshleyJackson’s Vision of Turner inYorkshire’.

The exhibition was a huge successand one third of the proceeds went

to The Prince’s Trust.In 1994 I resigned from the board

feeling that it was time for ‘young blood’ to take over, but I havecontinued to fundraise on theirbehalf.

DDoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk iitt''ss eeaassiieerr oorr hhaarrddeerrffoorr yyoouunngg aarrttiissttss ttoo bbee rreeccoogg--nniisseedd tthheessee ddaayyss??Our children and our students arethe future artists, and they will com-mand the style of art to lead us wellinto the twenty first century.

If we don’t encourage this group to understand, appreciate andenthuse about the art world, then art will bear no relevance to our children’s children, and this

would be a great tragedy.I’d like to place emphasis on skills

– the word ‘ART’ derives from theLatin ARS, which roughly translatesto "skill" or "craft” – for those who may not be academic but are creative and gifted in other areas.

I see my role as inspiring confi-dence in those who find art is theircreative outlet for life.

We have a responsibility to pass onour knowledge, passion, inspirationand talent, for when we are called toleave this world, what legacy will wehave left behind'.

OOccttoobbeerr ssaaww yyoouurr 7700tthh bbiirrtthhddaayy..HHooww ddiidd yyoouu cceelleebbrraattee??With an exhibition entitled ‘Power

and the Passion’ featuring over 35watercolours from my private collec-tion. The one-man exhibition ran atthe Mall Galleries, London from the3rd - 9th October and it has nowreturned to Yorkshire until May 2011.

Through the exhibition we willonce again be supporting TheYorkshire and Humber Prince's Trust with the sale of a limited edition brochure, the proceeds ofwhich will be donated to the Trustalong with 10% from any paintingssold.

Prince Charles has most generouslyprovided a foreword to thisbrochure.

It is my aim to leave a lasting lega-

cy from the ‘Power and the Passion’exhibition that will benefit Yorkshirewell after the exhibition closes,,enriching the lives of the childrenthrough a schools programme andproviding funding for youth initia-tives through the work of ThePrince’s Trust.

� Ashley’s exhibition ‘Power and the Passion’ will be on view until May 8 2011 at Temple Newsam House, Leeds. House admission charges apply.Demonstrations will be available inNovember and February – please seewebsite www.ashley-jackson.co.ukfor further details.

AshleyJackson:looking tothe future asthe artistcelebrateshis 70thbirthday

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14 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

Serving good quality home cooked food thathas been sourced from local suppliers. The menu’s constantly change with the seasons,fashions and regular customer’s tastes.

Chefs Masterclass(Demo & Dine)Watch a chef who has over 25 years experience of workingin quality restaurants, colleges and on radio to see how a trueprofessional prepares, cooks and presents a range of dishesfor you to eat, watch how easy it can be! You will learn somenew culinary skills or techniques. The NEW calendar of eventwill be available in November for 2011, but, there are alimited number of tickets available and they sell out quick! The masterclasses start with a drink and canapés these areappetisers to stimulate the palate, you then watch yourstarter, main and dessert being put together and you eatevery course that is presented.

Café @ Penny Lane01484 688151

The café can seat up to 70customers, which is a light,airy and homely environment.The café opens at 9am until4.30pm Monday to Saturdayand Sunday 9.30am until4.30pm. Serving breakfast,which is available all day, lunchincluding specials board andafternoon tea! Cream teas areour speciality or if you prefera fat rascal! (A traditionalYorkshire scone recipe)

LESS than two years after startingup, a Holme Valley business whichaims to get more kids into sportshas been nominated for an award.

Project Sport runs coaching ses-sions on behalf of schools acrossthe valley as well as holiday sportscamps for kids of all ages.

They introduce youngsters tonew sports as well as provideskills improvement in more estab-lished activities such as football,rugby and cricket.

Founders Andy Gledhill andAnthony Leech don’t know whonominated Project Sport for theHuddersfield Examiner BusinessAwards 2010 but were delighted to hear they had been shortlistedin the Community Business cate-gory.

Andy said: “We are proud to beup for the Community Businessaward because this says we arenot just running a business but weare making a contribution to the

local community as well.” Andy and Anthony met at

Greenhead College and thenstayed in touch while completingsports degrees at university.

It was while they were bothworking in sports coaching rolesat Kirklees Council that they spot-ted an opportunity to form a busi-ness.

“Sports coaching for childrenwas becoming more difficultbecause of tighter regulations.

“As qualified coaches who arefully insured, CRB checked and first aid trained we can provide a service that someschools can’t.

“Through teaching sports andmultiskills we can get kids active,thinking about a healthier lifestyleand developing their confidenceand social skills.”

Project Sport will find out if theyhave won at the awards presenta-tion night on November 11.

Street partiessignal start of ChristmasTHE COUNTDOWN toChristmas will begin in tradition-al style with street parties toswitch-on the Holmfirth andHonley Christmas lights.

Throwing the switch inHolmfirth on Saturday Novem-ber 27 will be Last of the Sum-mer Wine policemen PC Cooperand PC Walsh, real life actorsKen Kitson and Louis Emerick.

Father Christmas’ processionwill set off from Crown Bottomcar park at around 5pm on itsway to the main party in MarketSquare. There to entertain thecrowd will be music from schoolchoirs and dancing troupes. Theofficial lights switch on will takeplace around 6pm.

Hot food will be available froma barbecue on Victoria Bridgeand there will be other stallsselling winter favourites likemulled wine and hot chestnuts.

Honley’s party will take placethe following Friday December3. Again, Father Christmas, localmusicians and children will pro-vide entertainment and hot foodwill be available before thelights are turned on at around6pm.

Most of the entertainment willbe centred around HonleyVillage Hall but many shops areexpected to be open, temptinglocals to do some Christmasshopping while they enjoy theparty.

Both events are being fundedand organised by the HolmeValley Business Association withthe support of Kirklees Council.Members will be out and aboutin both towns judging for thebest dressed Christmas windowcompetition.

Association president GregChristofi said: “The Christmaslights switch-on is one of thebiggest events of the year. It’simportant that Honley andHolmfirth look bright, colourfuland welcoming so local peopleand visitors are encouraged tocome and do their Christmasshopping here instead of goinginto the bigger towns and cities.”

Fundraising efforts at the Royal Oak Inn, Towngate, Upperthong resulted in landlady Elaine Wood handing over a cheque for £1,200 to members of WoodheadMountain Rescue team.

Partners ‘over the moon’at award success for fledgling business

DON’T hide inside this winter –Kirklees Countryside Unit hasproduced a new booklet listing ahuge range of walks, events,training days and volunteeringopportunities to get people out-doors in the coming weeks andmonths.

The booklet, ‘Winter Walks andEvents’, contains information on

events up to May 2011. Includedare details of walks marking cel-ebrations in the ancient calen-dar, exploring the geology andnatural history of the local areaor simply enjoying its beauty.There are also opportunities toget involved in country skillssuch as coppicing, dry stonewalling, tree planting and hedge-

laying as well as joining volun-teer groups carrying out conser-vation tasks.

The vast majority of the eventsare free – charges are listedwhere necessary. For a copy ofthe booklet contact Neil Windett,Countryside Unit, tel: 01484234076 or email:[email protected]

Wrap up and stride down to winter events ...

When is a beef burger not justa beef burger? When it’s offi-cially one of the best burgersin Yorkshire! Holmfirth butchers Sharlandsscooped third prize in the burg-er category of the 2010 GreatYorkshire Pork Pie, Sausage &Products Competition.Organised by the Confederationof Yorkshire Butchers Councils,the competition attracted 300entries from 50 butchersacross the county. Nick Sharland (centre) is pic-tured receiving his 2010 GreatYorkshire Butchers competitiontrophy from Yorkshire ButchersCouncils’ president GeorgeHaigh of Meltham. Left is JohnTaylor, president of theNational Federation of Meat &Food Traders.

Blooming good ideasto brighten your homeLLEEAARRNN hhooww ttoo bbrriigghhtteenn yyoouurr hhoommee wwiitthh wwiinntteerrfflloowweerrss aatt aa ddeemmoonnssttrraattiioonn bbyy GGeerrtt’’ss FFlloorriisstt ooffHHoonnlleeyy aarrrraannggeedd bbyy tthhee IInnnneerr WWhheeeell CClluubb ooffHHoollmmffiirrtthh..

TThhee eevveenntt wwiillll ttaakkee ppllaaccee ffrroomm 77..3300ppmm oonnNNoovveemmbbeerr 88 aatt SStt BBaarrtthhoolloommeeww’’ss CChhuurrcchh,,MMeelltthhaamm..

TTiicckkeett aarree pprriicceedd ££66..5500 aanndd iinncclluuddee wwiinnee aannddnniibbbblleess.. AAnnyy mmoonneeyy rraaiisseedd ffrroomm tthhee eevveenniinnggwwiillll bbee ddoonnaatteedd ttoo YYoorrkksshhiirree KKiiddnneeyy RReesseeaarrcchh..

TTiicckkeettss aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee bbyy ccaalllliinngg AAnnnn LLoowwee oonn0011448844 666666559922 oorr tthhrroouugghh GGeerrtt’’ss FFlloorriisstt..

Page 15: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 15

Balance accountants have published a

book “Stress proof your business and

your life” to help the region’s business

leaders do exactly what it says in the

title. Launching it Balance partner

Ashley Barrowclough said:

“Owning and running a business can

be incredibly stressful. Cashflow

challenges, difficult customers, financial

uncertainty, long working hours,

everybody wanting a piece of you

personally, deadlines, bad debts,

increased competition, and the state of

the economy can all take their toll.

And that’s before all the other causes

of stress that have little or nothing to

do with your business.

So we decided to write “Stress proof your business and your life” specifically to help

business leaders to: stress proof the business stuff, so they earn more, work less and have

fewer hassles; stress proof the money stuff, so they are richer; and stress proof the personal

stuff, so they enjoy life more.

And we have worked hard to make it practical and quick to read, without being touchy-

feely or “soft”. So it gives people the proven insights they need to reduce and prevent the

stress caused by their businesses, their personal financial situation and the other things

going on in their lives.”

The first 5 readers to contact Ashley Barrowclough at Balance Accountants on 01484

685413 will receive a free copy of the book.

Balance, Victoria Court, 91 Huddersfield Rd,Holmfirth. HD9 3JA

T: 01484 685413 F: 01484 682206www.balanceonline.co.uk

Balance Accountants are a proactive firm of Chartered Accountants who provide a range of valueadded services aimed at helping their clients to grow their businesses, make them more successfuland more enjoyable to run. For more information or to arrange a free initial consultation then pleasecontact Ashley Barrowclough on 01484 685413 or [email protected]

New book published by local accountantsto help the region’s entrepreneurs stressproof their businesses and their lives

Organic and Non-Organic boxdelivery scheme now available -

Orders over £10 delivered FREELocally grown Christmas trees delivered to

your door - orders now being taken.

For the Freshest of Fruit,Vegetables and Fish

64 Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth.Telephone 01484 682787

Jason McCartney MP

WELCOME to my newmonthly column in the firstever edition of the HolmeValley Review. It was anabsolute honour to beelected as the MP forColne Valley – yes, I knowit’s not the best name forour constituency as itincludes us in the HolmeValley, Meltham andLindley.

I’m proud I ran a positivecampaign concentrating onwhat I’d already been cam-paigning on and what Iwanted to do for our area.

It’s been a fascinating andchallenging first fewmonths as one of 240 newMPs. It took six weeksbefore I was even allocateda Westminster office. Everyday is different whether it’smeeting Bill Gates to dis-cuss the eradication ofpolio or campaigning for

maternity services at theHRI. I made my maidenspeech in the debate onBuilding a High Skilledeconomy giving a mentionto many of our successfullocal businesses includingthe vineyard up atHolmbridge.

I’ve been appointed theVice Chairman of two AllParty Parliamentary groups– Post Offices and Rail inthe North.

However, it’s being herein Yorkshire I love. I’ve setup my constituency officein Holmfirth, oppositeAshley Jackson’s gallery.It’s not too far from myhome in Honley.

Already my team and Ihave helped hundreds ofconstituents with a widerange of issues. I’veenjoyed the Honley Show,the Meltham Memories

weekend, the HolmfirthFood and Drink Festivaland many other wonderfulcommunity events.

I helped open the newFairtraders store inHolmfirth, visited manylocal businesses and com-munity projects. I’m alsotrying to find time to cheeron Huddersfield Towndown at the Galpharm.

I’ll be paying myrespects at Remembranceservices across the con-stituency. As a former RAFOfficer it’ll be verypoignant for me this yearwith it being the 70thanniversary of the Battle ofBritain.

I was honoured to recent-ly become the President ofthe Huddersfield Royal AirForce Association.

I’m determined to con-tinue to be a strong local

voice for our area. I’m nota partisan politician andwill always put local peo-ple first. Only last week Itwice voted against thegovernment in the bestinterests of my con-stituents.

Please keep a look outfor this regular column andplease do get in touch ifyou need my help.

Email me:[email protected] or contactmy office in Holmfirth – 24Huddersfield Rd (oppositeAshley Jackson’s gallery)Tel: 01484 688378.

Best wishes,Jason

Jason McCartney Member of Parliament

for Colne Valley

Parliamentary Corner with Jason McCartney MP

TTHHEERREE’’SS aa cchhaannccee ttoo ssuuppppoorrtt CChhiillddrreenn iinn NNeeeedd aannddggeett ssoommee CChhrriissttmmaass sshhooppppiinnggaatt aa ggiiaanntt ggiifftt ffaayyrree bbeeiinngghheelldd aatt HHoollmmffiirrtthh CCiivviicc HHaallll oonn SSaattuurrddaayy NNoovveemmbbeerr2200..

OOvveerr 2255 ssttaallllss hhaavvee aallrreeaaddyybbeeeenn bbooookkeedd ffoorr tthhee eevveenntt,,aallll sseelllliinngg ggoooodd qquuaalliittyy ccrraaffttss aanndd ggiiffttss –– ssoommee ooffwwhhiicchh aarree nnoott aavvaaiillaabbllee iinnsshhooppss..

TThhee eevveenntt iiss ffrreeee ttoo eenntteerrbbuutt ddoonnaattiioonnss wwiillll bbee ttaakkeennffoorr tthhee BBBBCC CChhiillddrreenn iinn NNeeeeddAAppppeeaall.. FFuunnddss rraaiisseedd ffrroomm

tthhee ssaallee ooff rreeffrreesshhmmeennttss wwiillllaallssoo ggoo ttoo tthhee cchhaarriittyy..

DDoooorrss ooppeenn aatt 1100aamm aanndd tthheeeevveenntt iiss eexxppeecctteedd ttoo cclloossee aattaarroouunndd 44ppmm..

TThhee ffaayyrree iiss bbeeiinngg oorrggaanniisseeddbbyy FFaabb44 EEvveennttss,, aa ggrroouupp sseettuupp bbyy llooccaall eennttrreepprreenneeuurrss ttoorraaiissee mmoonneeyy ffoorr cchhaarriittyy aannddaallssoo ttoo pprroommoottee ssmmaallll bbuussii--nneesssseess..

JJuulliiee BBeeeevveerr,, oowwnneerr ooff ggiiffttccoommppaannyy OOuutt ooff AAffrriiccaa GGiiffttss,,iiss oonnee ooff tthhee ffoouunnddeerrss..

SShhee ssaaiidd:: ““WWee wwaanntteedd aa wwaayyooff hheellppiinngg ssmmaallll bbuussiinneesssseessbbyy ggiivviinngg tthheemm ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess

ttoo ggeett tthheeiirr pprroodduuccttss ttoo llooccaallppeeooppllee..

““SSoo ffaarr wwee’’vvee ssttaaggeedd ssmmaallll--eerr eevveennttss ssuucchh aass aa ccooffffeeeemmoorrnniinngg ffoorr MMaaccmmiillllaannCCaanncceerr bbuutt tthhiiss CChhrriissttmmaassffaayyrree wwiillll bbee oouurr bbiiggggeesstteevveenntt ttoo ddaattee..””

TThhee ggrroouupp aaiimm ttoo ccrreeaattee aaffuunn aanndd rreellaaxxeedd aattmmoosspphheerreeaatt tthhee ffaayyrree ttoo hheellpp sshhooppppeerrsseennjjooyy tthhee eexxppeerriieennccee..

TThheeyy hhaavvee bbooookkeedd aa ssiinnggeerrffoorr mmuussiiccaall eenntteerrttaaiinnmmeennttaanndd aarree ppllaannnniinngg cchhiillddrreenn’’ssaaccttiivviittiieess aass wweellll..

Pick up a pressie with Pudsey

MEMBERS of Holme ValleyBusiness Association were feel-ing in the pink during October asthey held events to support can-cer research.

The highlight of the month wasa Pink Ball attended by over 100people at the Northern LightGallery which raised £1,500.Partygoers enjoyed a colourfulnight of music and dancing andan auction supported by manylocal businesses.

Among these, Turner Brothers

garage sponsored the DJ andNosh of Almondbury helpedwith the evening’s food. Alsogenerous with donations wereHuddersfield Self Storage andHonley businesses Gert’s florist,Mustard & Punch restaurant andTickety Boo children’s clothesshop.

Spearheading the organisationof the party was Elizabeth Woodof Gert’s florist. She said: “Wewere approached by CancerResearch UK to see if we would

support the pink theme for theirBreast Cancer Awarenessmonth. We decided on the PinkBall and it was a brilliant night,made successful because of thegenerosity of so many local busi-ness people – I’d like to say agreat thank you to everyonewho helped or made a donation.

As well as the Pink Ball, busi-ness association members col-lected donations from cus-tomers and dressed up for thecampaign’s Wear It Pink day.

Traders unleash their pink side

TRUMPETERS and string players are needed by theHolme Valley Orchestra.

The group of musicians meets every Wednesdayduring term time at Holmfirth High School from 7-9pm.

They would love new players of approximatelygrade 5 standard and above to come along and joinin. No audition is necessary.

For more information contact Paula on 01484687518 or email:[email protected]

Orchestral notes Opening for budding fencersTHERE’S a chance to try the Olympic sport of fenc-ing at a new class at Holmfirth Sport Centre.

The class is being held for young people aged 11-16 on Saturday mornings from 10-11am at the SportCentre on the Holmfirth High School site. It costs£3.50 per session and all equipment is provided.

Christmas shopping night FRIENDS of WooldaleJunior School are hold-ing a Christmas shop-ping night on Novem-

ber 25, 7.30-9pm. Theschool hall will be fullof stalls selling all kin-ds of Christmas gifts.

Page 16: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

16 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

Contact Us

T: 01484 681000Target Health & Fitness

7 Sheffield Road, New Mill

Holmfirth. HD9 7BW

[email protected]

*On presentation of this advert.Offer expires 30/11/2010



OFFER:Join for1 month£30.00*

Health and beauty

TECHNIQUES Beauty Salon inHolmfirth is under the owner-ship of sisters Gemma and KymFirth.

The two experienced beautytherapists took over theHollowgate salon at the begin-ning of April and have carriedout a complete refurbishment ofthe premises, which have beenestablished in Holmfirth since1996.

Before taking over, Kymworked at Techniques andGemma previously worked at asalon in Shepley.

The salon has three luxurioustreatment rooms decorated inthe salon’s red and black décor,and also an upstairs spray tanroom. A number of new beautytreatments have also been intro-duced by Gemma and Kymwhich include Hollywood

Lashes, semi-permanent eyelashextensions which aim to stillgive a natural look but with a‘volume up’ effect without theneed to use mascara.

Also at Techniques is hdBrows, the new high definitioneyebrow treatment favoured bytop celebrities keen to definetheir brows to frame their faces.The treatment lasts severalweeks and has already beenused by three of the Hollyoaksoap stars.

In the upstairs tanning room,Techniques is offering FantasyTan, which is regarded as one ofthe best air-brush tanning sys-tems. Techniques offers a fullrange of face, body and nailtreatments including Darphinfacials, Creative Nails and BioSculpture gel nails and also theSilhouette Dermalift non-surgi-

cal facelift which is proven tolift and contour the face,improve circulation and re-firmfacial muscles.

Any ladies wanting top classaffordable nail treatmentsshould make a note that a fullset of Creative Nails is nowavailable for just £35.

Opening times at Techniquesare Monday and Tuesday 9am to5pm, Wednesday, Thursday andFriday 9am to 7.30pm andSaturday 9am to 4pm. Parkingis available close by on-streetand in nearby car parks. Giftvouchers are always available,and Techniques can accommo-date group bookings, pamperdays and wedding parties.

Techniques6/8 Hollowgate, Holmfirth

HD9 2DG Tel: 01484 689 777

Sisters devoted to makingclients look their best

Body & SoleMassage, Reflexology

& Reiki Centre58b Huddersfield Rd, Holmfirth, HD9 3AZ

(Below Kate’s Dress Shop & within ‘The Hair Dresser’)

Tel: 07598 834380Philippa Harrington IIHHT, MGHT� Swedish Body Massage � Indian Head � Hot Stones � Clinical Reflexology

� Reiki Healing & Training � Ear CandlingGift Vouchers – Loyalty Cards – Monthly Offers!

THE FOURTH Holme ValleyFairtrade Fashion Show onNovember 9 will feature cloth-ing from three main companiesNomads, Bishopston Tradingand Black Yak.

All have strict fairtrade poli-cies in the production andmanufacture of their clothesand all reinvest in some wayinto the communities produc-ing the goods. Nomads use tra-ditional block printing andhandloom designs, whichhelps keep people in employ-ment in rural areas. It alsoallows for people to work intheir own homes and managethe family and farm withouthaving to go to the cities forextra work.

They use organic cotton, andproduce beautiful, affordableclothes for a variety of tastes.Bishopston Trading’s entirerange is fairtrade and organiccotton.

They have a purpose builtfactory in India where all theclothes are made. They alsohave small tailoring units. Bothhave creche facilities. BlackYak is based in Driffield andimports knitted jumpers from

Nepal, again made in produc-ers’ homes, keeping employ-ment alive in rural areas.

The show will also feature anethical marketplace through-out the evening with a varietyof ethical products such asfairtrade and eco toys fromImagine toyshop, clothing andaccessories from the FairTraders Cooperative, handi-crafts from Nepal and Uganda,jewellery and gifts fromTearcraft, Aura Que bags fromNepal and reused and vintagefabrics from Tanya Palmer.

All the clothes in the fashionshow will be modelled by localpeople aged between 17 and70. Tickets for the show, whichwill be held at the HuntsmanInn, Greenfield Road arepriced at £4 and include aglass of Fairtrade wine. Ticketscan be bought from the FairTraders Cooperative shop inHolmfirth and all money raisedfrom ticket sales will go to theHolme Valley FairtradeSupport Group.

� Following much hard workby headteacher Anne Swaineand her team, Holme Juniorand Infant School has been

awarded fairtrade school sta-tus. Their certificate is due tobe presented by JasonMcCartney MP on FridayNovember 5 during a specialafternoon assembly.

Fairtrade fashion firms bring theirlatest designs to Holme Valley

More Fairtrade matters ...BByy PPeetteerr BBeeeettlleessttoonneeTTHHEE HHoollmmee VVaalllleeyyFFaaiirrttrraaddee SSuuppppoorrtt GGrroouuppiiss aallrreeaaddyy llooookkiinngg ffoorrwwaarrddttoo nneexxtt yyeeaarr’’ss FFaaiirrttrraaddeeFFoorrttnniigghhtt,, FFeebbrruuaarryy 2288--MMaarrcchh 1133,, wwhheenn tthheennaattiioonnaall tthheemmee wwiillll bbee““SShhooww ooffff yyoouurr llaabbeell””..

TThhee ggrroouupp iiss ccoonnssiiddeerriinnggaa rraannggee ooff eevveennttss iinncclluuddiinnggssppeeaakkeerr eevveenniinnggss,, aaFFaaiirrttrraaddee ddiinnnneerr,, aa sspprriinnggffaasshhiioonn sshhooww,, ccrraafftt wwoorrkk--sshhooppss aanndd oorriiggiinnaall ppuubblliiccii--

ttyy eevveennttss.. TThheeiirr nneexxtt mmeeeettiinngg iiss aatt

1100..1155aamm oonn SSaattuurrddaayyNNoovveemmbbeerr 1133 iinn tthheeCCoommmmuunniittyy RRoooomm aatt TThheeFFaaiirr TTrraaddeerrss CCooooppeerraattiivveesshhoopp iinn HHoollmmffiirrtthh..

TThhiiss iiss aann ooppeenn mmeeeettiinnggaanndd aannyyoonnee iinntteerreesstteedd iinnpprroommoottiinngg FFaaiirrttrraaddee iisswweellccoommee ttoo ccoommee aalloonngg..

TThhee HHuuddddeerrssffiieellddFFaaiirrttrraaddee TToowwnn CCaammppaaiiggnniiss hhoollddiinngg aann eexxhhiibbiittiioonn iinnHHuuddddeerrssffiieelldd AArrtt GGaalllleerryy

aatt tthhee LLiibbrraarryy iinn PPrriinncceessssAAlleexxaannddrraa WWaallkk..

TThhee eexxhhiibbiittiioonn iiss eennttiittlleedd““OOnnee YYeeaarr OOnn”” sshhaarreess tthheepprrooggrreessss mmaaddee ttoowwaarrddssggaaiinniinngg FFaaiirrttrraaddee ssttaattuussffoorr HHuuddddeerrssffiieelldd aanndd iissooppeenn ttoo tthhee ppuubblliicc uunnttiillSSaattuurrddaayy NNoovveemmbbeerr 1133..

TThhee HHoollmmee VVaalllleeyyaacchhiieevveedd FFaaiirrttrraaddee ssttaattuussiinn JJuunnee 22000066 aanndd tthheeaawwaarrdd iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd iinn tthheeTToouurriisstt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn OOffffiicceeiinn HHoollmmffiirrtthh..

Page 17: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 17

10% off with this leaflet

Open Monday to Saturday6/8 Hollowgate, Holmfirth, Huddersfield, HD9 2DG

High Definition brows

Hollywood Lashes

Fantasy tan £22

Minx nails £20

Now Introducing

Health and beauty

Chill Out TherapiesChristmas

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Continual Professional Development WorkshopsNew for 2011 One day courses in Complementary Therapies

Clinical & Maternity ReflexologyHot Stone, Aromatherapy, Indian Head & Seated MassageHopi Ear Candles, Reiki Healing & Training Workshops

Beauty Therapy & Spray TanningTherapies for everyone

5 Norridge Bottom, HolmfirthTel: 01484 681122 Mobile: 07886 647287

The Old Bridge Barbers

14/16 Market Walk, Holmfirth HD9 7DATel: 07746 097694

Hairdressing at its best!

A friendly,professional,newly refurbishedhairdressingsalon.

• Perfumes and giftsets for christmas

• Skin care & make upOpen: 10am - 5pm Tuesday - Saturday. Closed Sunday & Monday

19 Hollowgate, Holmfirth, HD9 [email protected]

Telephone & Fax - 01484 687551

BODY & Sole is a little sanctuary tuckedbeneath Kate’s Dress Shop and snuggledwithin ‘The Hair Dresser’ in Holmfirth.

It is run by Philippa Harrington, who isqualified to offer the finest in Holistic &Alternative Therapies. Treatmentsinclude Clinical Reflexology, which is atherapy carried out on the feet that canaid any number of ailments from stressto joint pains.

The entire body is mapped onto thefeet, and by touching reflex points relat-ing to organs, glands and systems of thebody, reflexology can help a body backto working to the best of its ability.

Other treatments include Hopi EarCandling, Swedish Body Massage, ReikiHealing/Training, Indian Head Massage,Hot Stone Therapy Massage and ChakraBalancing with Crystals.

Each treatment can be tailored to yourown specific needs, so if you’re wantingrelaxation, relaxing oils will be used, ifyou’ve booked for a back, neck andshoulder massage, but you find yourarms are aching, just mention it and yourtreatment will be adapted accordingly.

Whether you’re seeking relief for amedical condition or just looking forrelaxation, Body & Sole has a treatmentfor you!

A small salon with a friendly relaxed,professional approach. Nothing toomuch trouble.

Phillipa is always willing to adapt hertreatments for her customers.

Body & Sole586 Huddersfield Road,

Holmfirth HD9 3AZ. Tel: 07598 834380

BODY & Sole is a little sanctuary tuckedbeneath Kate’s Dress Shop and snuggledwithin ‘The Hair Dresser’ in Holmfirth.

It is run by Philippa Harrington, who isqualified to offer the finest in Holistic &Alternative Therapies. Treatmentsinclude Clinical Reflexology, which is atherapy carried out on the feet that canaid any number of ailments from stressto joint pains.

The entire body is mapped onto thefeet, and by touching reflex points relat-ing to organs, glands and systems of thebody, reflexology can help a body backto working to the best of its ability.

Other treatments include Hopi EarCandling, Swedish Body Massage, ReikiHealing/Training, Indian Head Massage,Hot Stone Therapy Massage and ChakraBalancing with Crystals.

Each treatment can be tailored to yourown specific needs, so if you’re wantingrelaxation, relaxing oils will be used, ifyou’ve booked for a back, neck andshoulder massage, but you find yourarms are aching, just mention it and yourtreatment will be adapted accordingly.

Whether you’re seeking relief for amedical condition or just looking forrelaxation, Body & Sole has a treatmentfor you!

A small salon with a friendly relaxed,professional approach. Nothing toomuch trouble.

Phillipa is always willing to adapt hertreatments for her customers.

Body & Sole586 Huddersfield Road,

Holmfirth HD9 3AZ. Tel: 07598 834380

A haven ofrelaxationfrom top to toes ...

IN today's busy lifestyle it’s so easy toforget about the most importantthings in life like your health andwellbeing.

At Target we understand the dailypressures, so we would like to inviteyou to step back and make time foryourself.

Spending time at the gym helpingyou to stay healthy can be a reward-ing experience whether it be for halfan hour or longer, with governmentguidelines informing us to exercise30 minutes a day 5 times a week ourfully qualified fitness instructors canhelp you with a programme tailor-made to any reasonable time scale tofit in with your daily routine.

At Target, we boast a spacious, wellequipped gymnasium that even themost exercise shy person can feel at home in, the changing rooms,sauna and steam room are all fittedout and maintained to the higheststandard.

Our studio offers group exerciseclasses ranging from Zumba to

Pilates. In November, the BeautyRooms @ Target welcomes FayeSeymour-Ward, who will be introduc-ing some new treatments such asEnviron facials, lash extensions andMinx toes in addition to the numer-ous therapies already on offer.

In our comfortable lounge area, weoffer a complimentary breakfast forour members on Mondays to Fridaysfrom 7.00am to 11am, incorporatingtoast, conserves and a range of cere-als. This area is also available for cor-porate events and private parties.

With a membership option to suitmost people and special offers onjoining why not call in to see andexperience Target for yourself.

Located in the centre of New Millwith generous private parking, it isideally suited for access from allparts of the Holme Valley.

For more information, call 01484681000 or visit our web site at


Helping you reachyour health andfitness Target

Page 18: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

18 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

Do you want to join our exciting new team?RREEAADDEERRSS ooff tthhee RReevviieeww ccaannppllaayy aa vviittaall ppaarrtt iinn hheellppiinngg uusssseerrvvee tthhee HHoollmmee VVaalllleeyy..

WWee wwaanntt ttoo ffeeaattuurree yyoouurr nneewwssaanndd vviieewwss –– ssoo iiff yyoouu’’vvee ggoott aassttoorryy ttoo tteellll,, aa ppooiinntt ttoo mmaakkee,,aann ooccccaassiioonn ttoo cceelleebbrraattee oorr aanneevveenntt ttoo pprroommoottee,, ccoonnttaacctt tthheenneewwssddeesskk oonn 0011448844 442200880000//

0077774477444477002233 aanndd tteellll uuss aallllaabboouutt iitt..

YYoouu ccaann aallssoo eemmaaiill uuss ––nneewwss@@hhoollmmeevvaalllleeyyrreevviieeww..ccoo..uukk..

YYoouu ccoouulldd aallssoo sshhaarree iinn oouurrssuucccceessss aanndd jjooiinn oouurr eexxppaannddiinnggssaalleess tteeaamm..

WWee hhaavvee ooppeenniinnggss ffoorr ppaarrtt--

ttiimmee aanndd ffrreeeellaannccee ssttaaffff wwhhoosseerroollee wwiillll bbee ttoo vviissiitt cclliieennttss aannddeexxppllaaiinn tthhee bbeenneeffiittss ooff aaddvveerr--ttiissiinngg iinn tthhee RReevviieeww..

IInn rreettuurrnn,, wwee aarree ooffffeerriinnggccoommppeettiittiivvee rraatteess ttoo tthhee rriigghhttppeeooppllee ssoo iiff yyoouu hhaavvee ssoommeeeexxppeerriieennccee iinn mmeeddiiaa ssaalleess,, ccoonn--ttaacctt IIaann SSmmiitthh oonn 0011448844 442200880000

ttoo ffiinndd oouutt mmoorree..

WWee aarree aallssoo ooffffeerriinngg rreeaaddeerrsstthhee cchhaannccee ttoo eeaarrnn eexxttrraa mmoonneeyy bbyy hheellppiinngg ddeelliivveerr tthheeppaappeerr ttoo hhoommeess aaccrroossss tthheeHHoollmmee VVaalllleeyy..

GGoooodd rraatteess –– uupp ttoo ££8800 ppeerrtthhoouussaanndd ccooppiieess –– wwiillll bbee ppaaiiddttoo rreelliiaabbllee aanndd ttrruussttwwoorrtthhyy

ppeeooppllee wwhhoo ccaann ssppaarree aa ffeewwhhoouurrss eeaacchh mmoonntthh,, ppllaayyiinngg aakkeeyy rroollee iinn ddiissttrriibbuuttiinngg tthheeHHoollmmee VVaalllleeyy’’ss nneewweesstt nneewwssppaappeerr ttoo hhoommeess aanndd bbuussiinneesssseess aaccrroossss tthhee vvaalllleeyy..

FFoorr mmoorree ddeettaaiillss,, ccoonnttaacctt tthheeHHoollmmee VVaalllleeyy RReevviieeww ooffffiiccee..

CCEELLEEBBRRAATTIIOONNSS ttoo mmaarrkk 110000 yyeeaarrss ooff GGiirrllGGuuiiddiinngg rreeaacchheedd aa rroouussiinngg ppeeaakk wwhheenn oovveerr225500 ggiirrllss ppaacckkeedd HHoollmmbbrriiddggee PPaarriisshh HHaallll ffoorraa ggiiaanntt ssiinngg--ssoonngg aanndd ppaarrttyy..

TThhee ggiirrllss,, aallll ffrroomm tthhee HHoollmmee VVaalllleeyy’’ss 1133 ddiiffffeerreenntt RRaaiinnbbooww,, BBrroowwnniiee,, GGuuiiddee aanndd RRaannggeerr uunniittss,, wweerree ttaakkiinngg ppaarrtt iinn aannaattiioonnaall eevveenntt wwhhiicchh ssaaww BBrriittaaiinn’’ss gguuiiddeessjjooiinn uupp aaccrroossss tthhee ccoouunnttrryy iinn aa lliivvee lliinnkk ttoommaarrkk tthhee eenndd ooff tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt’’ss cceenntteennaarryyyyeeaarr aanndd ttoo llooookk ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo tthhee nneexxttddeeccaaddee..

AAtt eexxaaccttllyy tteenn--ppaasstt eeiigghhtt,, tthhee HHoollmmeeVVaalllleeyy ggiirrllss –– aalloonngg wwiitthh tthhoouussaannddss mmoorree aalllloovveerr tthhee UUKK –– ssttoooodd aanndd rreenneewweedd tthheeiirrgguuiiddiinngg pprroommiissee..

TThhiiss wwaass aa ssiiggnniiffiiccaanntt mmoommeenntt,, aass AAuuddrreeyyBBrrooaaddbbeenntt,, ddiivviissiioonnaall ccoommmmiissssiioonneerr ffoorr tthheeHHoollmmee VVaalllleeyy eexxppllaaiinneedd:: ““IItt aallll ttooookk ppllaacceeaatt 2200::1100 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 2200 iinn tthhee yyeeaarr 22001100 ––mmaakkiinngg iitt 2200::1100,, 2200..1100,, 22001100..

““IItt wwaass wwoonnddeerrffuull ttoo tthhiinnkk ooff aallll tthheegguuiiddeess eevveerryywwhheerree ddooiinngg tthhee ssaammee tthhiinngg aatttthhaatt vveerryy mmoommeenntt..””

EEaacchh ggiirrll wwhhoo rreenneewweedd hheerr pprroommiissee wwaasspprreesseenntteedd wwiitthh aa ssppeecciiaall cceenntteennaarryy yyeeaarrbbaaddggee..

AAss wweellll aass bbrriinnggiinngg tthhee cceenntteennaarryy yyeeaarr ttooaa cclloossee,, tthhee eevveenntt wwaass aann ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ffoorrtthhee gguuiiddeess ttoo llooookk aahheeaadd ttoo tthhee ccoommiinnggyyeeaarrss uunnddeerr tthhee hheeaaddiinngg VViissiioonn 22001100..

““IItt bbrroouugghhtt ttoo aa cclloossee aa wwhhoollee yyeeaarr ooffhhaarrdd bbuutt vveerryy ssaattiissffyyiinngg wwoorrkk,,”” ssaaiiddAAuuddrreeyy..

““IItt wwaass aann eexxcceelllleenntt wwaayy ffoorr tthhee cceennttee--nnaarryy yyeeaarr ttoo ppuutt iittss ccooaatt oonn aanndd ffoorr uuss aallllttoo mmoovvee oonnttoo nneexxtt yyeeaarr..”” sshhee aaddddeedd..

WAITING lists of younggirls wanting to joinRainbow groups in theHolme Valley are grow-ing ever longer becauseof a serious shortage ofvolunteer leaders.

Guiding divisionalcommissioner AudreyBroadbent would love tosee at least two newRainbow units starting

in the near future – butit won’t happen unlessmore people come for-ward to help.

“We are developingmassive waiting lists forall our three currentRainbow units and wecould easily haveenough youngsters tostart more but we havesuch a shortage of lead-

ers,” she told theReview.

“We need new peoplewho are prepared to giveup a few hours eachweek to help with agroup. No previousexperience is needed.It’s really good fun andleaders can get atremendous amount outof their involvement.”

Girls join national celebration

Lack of voluntary leaders leads to Rainbow waiting list

NEW Mill Male Voice Choir onceagain showed its ambition tothink big by welcoming specialguest Julian Lloyd Webber for apacked concert at HuddersfieldTown Hall.

The world-renowned cellistentertained with his renditions ofclassic pieces accompanied bypianist Di Xiao.

The choir delivered well knownsongs such as The Way You LookTonight and They Can’t TakeAway From Me.

Also featured during the con-cert was Holme Valley’s own

soprano Sarah Ogden.

This was the latest major con-cert by the Choir under musicaldirector Elizabeth Hambleton.

In 2006 they performed withworld-renowned Jamaican bassbaritone Sir Willard White andtwo years ago received praise fora similar venture featuring popu-lar singer Aled Jones.

The choir was formed in 1991by 12 local singers and has sincegone on to grow significantly insize, produce it own CDs andperform around the world. Members of New Mill Male Voice Choir show their appreciation for Julian Lloyd Webber and Di Xiao

Choir thrills withLloyd Webber

Page 19: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 19

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Scouting fora bargainPICK up a bargain at ajumble sale on Novem-ber 16 at the scout hutin Moorbottom, Honley.It’s being organised bythe Honley and Hudder-sfield branch of Leukae-mia and Lymphoma Res-earch. Doors open at6pm and entry is 20p.

TTHHEE aannnnuuaall aauuttuummnn ffaaiirr oorrggaann--iisseedd bbyy tthhee PPaarreenntt TTeeaacchheerrssAAssssoocciiaattiioonn aatt MMeelltthhaamm MMoooorrPPrriimmaarryy SScchhooooll wwaass aa ggrreeaatt ssuucc--cceessss wwiitthh lloottss ooff ssttaallllss,, rreeffrreesshh--mmeennttss aanndd ggaammeess..

TThhee JJuunniioorr CChhooiirr lleedd bbyy SSuueeFFaarrrreellll ppeerrffoorrmmeedd ttwwiiccee aanndd tthheePPeennnniinnee HHiigghh FFllyyeerrss MMaajjoorreetttteessaallssoo ppeerrffoorrmmeedd..

TThhee HHoollmmee VVaalllleeyy NNoorrtthhCChhiillddrreenn’’ss CCeennttrree,, bbaasseedd nneexxttddoooorr ttoo tthhee sscchhooooll hhaadd aann OOppeennDDaayy,, ggiivviinngg vviissiittoorrss aa cchhaannccee ttoollooookk aarroouunndd aanndd ttaakkee ppaarrtt iinnssoommee aaccttiivviittiieess..

TThhee cchhiillddrreenn hhaadd ttaakkeenn ppaarrtt iinnaa ‘‘DDeessiiggnn AA PPoott’’ ccoommppeettiittiioonnaanndd ccaammee uupp wwiitthh ssoommee ffaannttaass--

ttiicc ddeessiiggnnss..

TThhee wwiinnnneerrss ooff tthhee ccoommppeettii--ttiioonn,, wwhhoo ccaarrrriieedd oouutt tthheeooffffiicciiaall ooppeenniinngg ooff tthhee FFaaiirr,,wweerree TTeeggaann WWiillssoonn ffrroommRReecceeppttiioonn,, MMoollllyy HHoollmmeess ffrroommYYeeaarr 33 aanndd EEddwwaarrdd BBooootthhrrooyyddffrroomm YYeeaarr 44..

AAnnnniikkaa HHaayyeess,, cchhaaiirr ooff tthheePPTTAA ssaaiidd ““WWee hhaavvee aa vveerryy hhaarrdd--wwoorrkkiinngg tteeaamm ooff ppaarreennttss aannddssttaaffff wwhhoo wwoorrkk ttooggeetthheerr rreeaallllyywweellll ttoo mmaakkee tthhee eevveenntt tthhee ssuucc--cceessss iitt iiss..

““TThhee cchhiillddrreenn rreeaallllyy llooookkffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo iitt aanndd tthhee mmoonneeyywwee rraaiissee iiss tthheenn ssppeenntt oonneennhhaanncciinngg tthheeiirr eexxppeerriieennccee aattsscchhooooll..””Face painting fun at Meltham Moor

Autumn funat the fair

Swishing is backin HolmfirthSTART clearing out yourwardrobe – swishing isreturning to Holmfirth.

It’s back by populardemand on November 19 atthe Y Bar on Dunford Roadto raise money for BBCChildren in Need.

Made famous by modelTwiggy through her televi-sion programme, swishingis an activity which seespeople exchange good quali-ty clothes and accessorieswhile enjoying a glass ofwine and a relaxed chat. It’sa great way of gaining new

wardrobe items, and seeingyour things passed onto agood home.

The first swishing eveningin Holmfirth was held twoyears ago and was a greatsuccess with hundreds ofclothes, bags, scarves andshoes exchanged. Thisyear’s event will follow thesame format with everyoneinvited to bring along up tothree items, all of whichshould be good quality withplenty of wear left. You canthen ‘swish’ and take awaythe same number of items

as you brought .Caroline Anstey of

Holmfirth toy shop Imagineis part of the team organis-ing the evening. She said:“It’s a really good way torecycle quality clothes.Particularly at the momenteveryone is watching whatthey spend and so swishingcan give you new itemswithout having to pay lotsof money. It will be a goodevening with beauty, hair,wellness and jewellery stallsoffering discounts, and we’llbe raising money for a very

good cause.”Tickets to the swishing

evening cost £4 whichincludes a glass of fizz andcan be bought fromImagine, Y Bar and othershops in Holmfirth.� Are you doing somethingfor this year’s BBC Childrenin Need Appeal? If so, let usknow or even better, sendus a photograph and we’llinclude you in our nextissue. [email protected] or telephone 07747447023.

FFOORRGGEETT NNeeww YYoorrkk aanndd MMiiaammii –– tthhiiss iiss CCSSIIHHaaddee EEddggee!!

YYoouunnggsstteerrss aatt tthhee jjuunniioorr aanndd iinnffaanntt sscchhoooollssppeenntt aa wwhhoollee wweeeekk ffiinnddiinngg eevviiddeennccee aanndd ssoollvv--iinngg ccrriimmeess.. WWiitthh tthhee hheellpp ooff llooccaall ppoolliiccee aannddppaarraammeeddiiccss tthheeyy eevveenn iinnvveessttiiggaatteedd aa mmuurrddeerr,,ccoommpplleettee wwiitthh aa ‘‘bbooddyy’’ oouuttlliinneedd iinn tthhee ppllaayy--ggrroouunndd..

TThheeyy aallssoo wwoorrkkeedd wwiitthh bbuummbblliinngg IInnssppeeccttoorrCClluueelleessss,, aakkaa DDeewwssbbuurryy lliibbrraarriiaann BBeennRRuuddddlleessddeenn,, wwhhoo nneeeeddeedd eevveerryyoonnee’’ss hheellpp ttoossoollvvee aa ttrriicckkyy mmyysstteerryy..

AAllll tthhee ffuunn ddeetteeccttiivvee wwoorrkk hhaadd aa pprraaccttiiccaallssiiddee,, aass hheeaaddtteeaacchheerr JJeeffff KKiillnneerr eexxppllaaiinneedd::““ WWee’’vvee uusseedd mmaatthhss,, sscciieennccee aanndd lliitteerraaccyy ttoolleeaarrnn hhooww ttoo ssppoott cclluueess,, aannaallyyssee ddaattaa aannddiinntteerrpprreett tthhee rreessuullttss –– aallll iimmppoorrttaanntt sskkiillllss ffoorrtthheeiirr ffuuttuurree lleeaarrnniinngg..

““ WWee ccoouulldd ddoo tthhiiss ssiittttiinngg aatt ddeesskkss,, bbuutt tthhiiss iissssoo mmuucchh mmoorree iinntteerreessttiinngg aanndd eeffffeeccttiivvee..””

Examining the crime scene are, fromleft, Laurie Rowlinson (4) MaxCunningham (8) Tarah Smith (10).

CSI Hade Edge

Page 20: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

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38 Huddersfield Road, HolmfirthHuddersfield HD9 3JH

2 Little Lane, Wooldale, Holmfirth

Offers Region £380,000A beautifully presented stone detached house occupying a delightful village location and enjoyingopen views to the rear and pleasant outlook to the front over the village park. The house featuresa splendid full length patio/sun deck to the rear from which to enjoy the views. The house itselfoffers attractively laid out accommodation including entrance hall, cloakroom/w.c., dining kitchen,lounge with French style patio doors giving access to the sun deck, dining room, 4 bedrooms, en-suite shower room and family bathroom. There is a wide driveway giving access to an attacheddouble garage together with large gardens to both front and rear. The house has a gas centralheating system, Upvc double glazing, burglar alarm system and attractive fittings. A delightfulhouse in a much sought after village location - Viewing recommended.

29 Wildspur Mills, New Mill, Holmfirth

Offers Region £284,950A rare opportunity has arisen to purchase this unique, spacious and characterful conversion. The property enjoysviews over its garden and paddock of land which amounts to approximately quarter of an acre and a further 19 acresof beautiful communal woodland. It is situated in a prime position at the edge of an award winning developmentbenefiting from the peace and tranquillity of a woodland environment and at the same time being in walking distanceof the local village amenities and a short drive to the motorway network. It comprises: entrance hall, utility, open planlounge, dining and kitchen, family room, landing, 4 bedrooms, bathroom and en-suite shower room. It is finished toan extremely high standard throughout and features quality contemporary fixtures and fittings, intruder alarm, gascentral heating and double glazed windows and is sold with the benefit of a 10 year Zurich guarantee There is ablock paved driveway to the front leading to the integral tandem garage and store with a parking area and garden tothe side. There is a private enclosed garden to the rear and a grassed paddock to the side. No Vendor Chain.

The Cottage, Stake Farm, Cinderhills, Holmfirth

Offers Region £538,000This characterful property was formerly 3 cottages which are now combined to create onespacious detached home. It occupies a pleasant semi rural location between Cinderhills andScholes and enjoys far reaching views. The accommodation comprises: dining kitchen, diningroom, lounge, garden room, shower room / wc, sitting room and bedroom on the ground floorwith a landing, 4 bedrooms, house bathroom and en-suite bathroom. It features a wealth ofexposed beams, stonework, flagged floor and fireplaces alongside more modern fixtures andfittings. Externally there is a parking area and detached single garage with a garden area to theside and rear of the house. Opposite the house at the other side of it s driveway there is a largelandscaped terraced garden which takes full advantage of the views.

Stannington House, Wadman Road, Scholes, Holmfirth

Offers Region £389,950This unique stone built detached house features a stylish modern interior which must be viewed tobe fully appreciated. It occupies a good sized plot with generous parking and a good sized gardento the rear. The accommodation comprises: spacious entrance hall, cloakroom / wc, lounge,stunning open plan kitchen, dining and living room, utility room, landing 4 double bedrooms,bathroom and en-suite shower room. It has the benefit of a gas central heating system, uPVC doubleglazed windows and contemporary fixtures and fittings throughout. To the front of the house there isa lawned garden area and block paved driveway leading to the integral garage. To the rear is a goodsized enclosed garden with lawn, sitting areas and a vegetable plot. The property occupies apleasant position in this sought after village opposite the village school.

Shaw Cottage, 28 Uppergate, Hepworth, Holmfirth

Offers Region £239,950Situated in the much sought after village of Hepworth is this attractively presented andsurprisingly spacious double fronted cottage. The cottage enjoys an attractive outlookwith views to the front and has parking to the side. The cottage currently comprisesentrance hall, lounge, dining kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, en-suite bathroom and separateshower room/w.c., but could easily be re-designed to provide additional bedroomaccommodation. There is a useful basement workshop together with paved patio/seatingarea, parking. The cottage has a gas central heating system and Upvc double glazing. Adelightful cottage - Viewing recommended. An early completion date available.

Leather Hall Barn, Bradshaw Road, Honley

Offers Region £469,950This stunning stone built detached barn conversion occupies a pleasant position on the ruraloutskirts of Honley. It is sold with the benefit of a purpose built stable block and paddock ofgrazing land to the rear. The characterful accommodation comprises entrance hall, lounge,sitting room, dining kitchen, downstairs wc, study, galleried landing, 3 bedrooms, bathroom anden-suite shower room. It has the benefit of an oil fired central heating system, sealed unitdouble glazed windows, exposed beams and quality fixtures and fittings throughout. To thefront of the house there is a small courtyard sitting area. At the side a driveway leads round tothe rear where there is a lawned garden and a good sized yard area with parking for a numberof vehicles, timber stable block and a paddock of grazing land.

Holmfield, Bill Lane, Wooldale, Holmfirth

Offers Region £399,950This substantial detached property must be viewed to fully appreciate both the size of theliving accommodation and gardens on offer. It occupies a tucked away location and enjoysfine views to the rear whilst remaining convenient for the villages many amenities and withinclose proximity to local schools. The accommodation comprises: entrance hall, lounge,dining / sitting room, breakfast kitchen, large conservatory, downstairs wc, utility, landing, 5good sized bedrooms, superb en-suite bathroom and family bathroom. There is a goodsized parking area to the front of the house leading to the integral double garage. To the rearof the house there is a particularly good sized mature enclosed garden which features anextensive lawn and terrace areas. Photo shows property from the rear.

Binn Royd, Far Lane, Hepworth, Holmfirth

Offers Region £285,000This deceptive detached house must be viewed internally to appreciate the size ofaccommodation offer. It is laid out over 3 levels despite its bungalow like appearance fromthe front. The property occupies a choice position on the edge of the village of Hepworthwith far reaching views to the rear. It comprises: entrance hall, kitchen, utility, dining room,lounge, conservatory, landing, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and a separate wc. It has thebenefit of sealed unit double glazed windows and a gas central heating system. To thefront of the house there is an attached single garage and driveway / parking area. To therear there is a pleasant enclosed garden. Viewing recommended.

Bank Top House, Bank Top Lane, Holmbridge

Offers Region £695,000Occupying a magnificent near south facing position with delightful open views to the front and fieldsto the rear, is this highly desirable stone built family residence of great charm and character. Thehouse offers generous family sized accommodation on 3 levels including conservatory, entrancehall, 2 reception rooms, dining kitchen, cloakroom/w.c., store, cellar, 4 bedrooms, luxury bathroom,shower room and large second lounge/sitting room with exposed roof frame work on the top floor.There is an attached double garage, utility and store. The house is attractively presented and hasa gas central heating system, mostly Upvc double glazed windows together with exposed rooftrusses and beamed ceilings. The property lies close to the Peak National Park and the nearbypicturesque Digley reservoir. The property is a registered small holding.

Ashgrove House, 24 Water Row, New Mill, Holmfirth

Offers Region £239,950This characterful double fronted cottage occupies a pleasant location close tothe centre of New Mill and its many amenities. The accommodationcomprises entrance hall, lounge, dining room, kitchen, conservatory, landing,3 bedrooms and bathroom. It features a wealth of original features alongsidea gas central heating system. There is a garden and driveway / parking areato the front of the house which leads to the attached garage. To the rear thereis a delightful cottage garden. Viewing is highly recommended to appreciatethe character of accommodation and delightful gardens.

305 Woodhead Road, Holme, Holmfirth

Offers Region £325,000This is an exceptionally rare opportunity to purchase a semi detached bungalow set inapproximately half an acre of immaculately landscaped gardens. Located on the approach toHolme Village it enjoys outstanding views towards the Peak District national park. Theaccommodation comprises: entrance hall, lounge, dining room, dining kitchen, bathroom,master bedroom and porch on the ground floor with two further bedroom on the upper floor. Ithas the benefit of oil fired central heating, uPVC double glazed windows and has been wellmaintained throughout. There is a generous parking area and useful outbuilding to the front ofthe house. To the rear is an extensive lawned garden which is beautifully landscaped and wellstocked with flowerbeds, trees, bushes, vegetable garden and a workshop.

29 Leyfield Bank, Woodale

Offers Region £199,950Offering attractively laid out accommodation with great potential to improve is thisspacious detached bungalow. The property occupies a pleasant position on a popularcul de sac and enjoys pleasant views. It comprises: entrance hall, lounge, diningroom, kitchen, garden room, 2 double bedrooms, bathroom and a useful attic room. Ithas the benefit of uPVC double glazed windows and a gas central heating system butwould benefit from some further modernisation and updating of fixtures and fittings.There are garden areas to the front and rear of the house along with driveway to theside leading to a garage. For sale with vacant possession and no vendor chain.

25a Green Abbey, Hade Edge, Holmfirth

Offers Region £285,000A beautifully presented stone detached house occupying a delightful village location and enjoyingopen views to the rear and pleasant outlook to the front over the village park. The house featuresa splendid full length patio/sun deck to the rear from which to enjoy the views. The house itselfoffers attractively laid out accommodation including entrance hall, cloakroom/w.c., dining kitchen,lounge with French style patio doors giving access to the sun deck, dining room, 4 bedrooms, en-suite shower room and family bathroom. There is a wide driveway giving access to an attacheddouble garage together with large gardens to both front and rear. The house has a gas centralheating system, Upvc double glazing, burglar alarm system and attractive fittings. A delightfulhouse in a much sought after village location - Viewing recommended.

21 Swanbank Court, Holmfirth

Offers Over £299,950This unique apartment style property offers a rare combination of spacious contemporaryaccommodation with approximately 1.5 acres of private grounds all located within close proximityof the centre of Holmfirth. The living accommodation is accessed via an external staircase andcomprises: entrance hall, large open plan living, dining and kitchen (26'1" x 19'3"), 3 bedroomsand bathroom. It has the benefit of gas central heating, double glazed windows and attractivecontemporary fixtures and fittings. At ground floor level below the living accommodation there isan integral double garage (25'9" x 20') and a games room / studio / workshop area (26'8" x 18'5").There is a double driveway in front of the garage and large grounds featuring a garden area, levelgrassed area, woodland and a former mill pond beyond.

4 Laithe Avenue, Holmbridge, Holmfirth

Offers Region £194,950An attractive detached true bungalow situated in a popular much sought after residentialarea where bungalows rarely become available for sale. The bungalow occupies adelightful position close to the head of a small cul-de-sac, with fields to the rear andenjoying a splendid outlook to the front over the Upper Holme Valley. The bungalowoffers well laid out accommodation on one level including side entrance hall, lounge,dining kitchen, 2 double bedrooms and bathroom. The bungalow has a gas centralheating system, sealed unit double glazed windows and attractive fittings. There is anattached garage and garden areas to the front and rear. Viewing recommended.

39 Miry Lane, Thongsbridge, Holmfirth

Offers Region

£205,000This most deceptive of houses offers arare combination of spacious wellpresented accommodation, garden andsplendid views to the rear. The propertyfeatures well planned accommodationover three floors and comprises entrancehall and two reception rooms on theground floor; three bedrooms and abathroom on the first floor and stunningopen plan kitchen and dining room withutility and separate wc on the lowerground floor. It has the benefit of uPVCsealed unit double glazed windows, gascentral heating system and attractivefixtures and fittings throughout. There isa small yard area to the front of the houseand an enclosed garden to the rear withYorkshire Stone flagged patio which takesfull advantage of the far reaching viewsover the cricket field and beyond.Photograph shows the rear of theproperty

25 Butterley Lane, New Mill, Holmfirth

Offers Region

£212,500Offering great charm and character is thisdelightful stone end terraced cottage.Situated in a much sought after hamletbetween Jackson Bridge and New Mill,this Grade II listed cottage featuresexposed beams and timber work andmullioned windows. The accommodationis arranged over 3 floors and includesentrance lobby, lounge and dining kitchenon the ground floor, 2 bedrooms andbathroom on the first floor and a largemaster bedroom and en-suite showerroom on the second floor. There aresmall enclosed garden/seating areas tothe front and rear. The cottage has a gascentral heating system, sealed unitdouble glazed windows and attractivefittings including a joiner made kitchen.Internal viewing recommended.

14 Station Road, Holmfirth

Offers Region

£124,950Situated conveniently close to thepopular centre of Holmfirth is thisattractively presented inner terracehouse. The house forms part of a millconversion and the accommodation isarranged over 3 floors where the topfloor lounge enjoys delightful viewsfrom the large bank of windows. Itcomprises entrance hall and diningkitchen on the ground floor, bedroomand bathroom on the first floor andlounge on the second floor. There is agarden/seating area to the rear withaccess from the lounge. The househas a gas central heating system,sealed unit double glazing andmodern fittings. Internal viewingrecommended.

14 Dobb Top Road, Holmbridge, Holmfirth

Offers Region

£134,950A beautifully presented inner terracedcottage with large garden, situated in adelightful village location with attractivecountryside in the surrounding areas.The cottage is compact but provideslight and airy accommodation with highsloping ceilings with exposed beams tothe first floor rooms. Theaccommodation comprises kitchen,lounge, cellar, 2 bedrooms andbathroom. It has a gas central heatingsystem, Upvc double glazing, fittedwardrobes and modern fittings. Thedelightful enclosed garden is situatednearby to the rear of the property andprovides an idyllic retreat withseating/patio area, lawn, greenhouseand shed together with naturaluncultivated garden area overlookingwoodland. A delightful property whichmust be viewed internally to be fullyappreciated.

11 Stoney Bank Lane, Thongsbridge, Holmfirth

Offers Region

£258,000This immaculate three storey semi-detachedproperty occupies a choice position on thispopular development and enjoys delightfulrural views to the rear. It offers spaciouscontemporary accommodation which will onlybe fully appreciated by an internal viewing.The accommodation comprises: entrancehall, cloaks / wc, dining kitchen, garden room,landing, lounge with terrace, sitting / bedroom4, 3 further first floor bedrooms, housebathroom and en-suite. The property isimmaculately presented throughout and hasthe benefit of a gas central heating system,uPVC double glazed windows, intruder alarmand contemporary fixtures and fittingsthroughout. To the front of the house there isa block paved driveway which leads to anintegral garage and to the rear there is aneasy to maintain enclosed garden with pavedpatio and timber decked area overlooking theriver and enjoying the views beyond.

20 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

Page 21: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

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A DOUBLE FRONTED AND LISTED SEMI DETACHEDCOTTAGE WITH A CHARACTERFUL INTERIOR INTHE CENTRE OF THIS POPULAR VILLAGEThis stunning period cottage retains all the expected features withstone fireplaces, stone mullioned windows, timber beams andexposed stonework complemented with contemporary fixtures andfittings. With a garden and parking outside, the internalaccommodation briefly comprises: Rear entrance porch; diningkitchen with a fabulous exposed stone fireplace; lounge with anexternal door giving access to the garden, stone fireplace housing awood burning stove and an open spindle staircase rising to the firstfloor; two former keeping cellars with power and lighting which maybe utilised as a study or for additional storage; double bedroomone; small double bedroom two; single bedroom three; andbathroom with white three-piece suite and shower over the bath.Outside the garden has a raised planted flowerbed and stone flaggedseating area; and a gravelled parking area to the front.

Rent: £625 pcm


NEWLY REFURBISHED TWO BEDROOM STONECOTTAGE IN QUIET LOCATION WITHATTRACTIVE GARDEN AND STUNNING VIEWSThis delightful cottage has recently undergone a full schemeof refurbishment and is extremely well presented withcharacterful features throughout and neutral, modern decor.Situated in a quiet location within the semi-rural village ofHepworth the property comprises: Entrance hall withlaminate floor; lounge with exposed beams and featureInglenook fireplace with gas stove; modern kitchen with whitegloss units; useful spacious upstairs landing area; a doublebedroom; a second smaller double bedroom; and bathroomwith three-piece white suite with Mira shower over the bath.Externally the property benefits from having an attractivegarden area to the front and an outhouse for storage.

Rent: £495 pcm


A DELIGHTFUL ONE BEDROOM COTTAGEWITH AN ATTRACTIVE FRONT GARDENSET IN AN ENVIABLE RURAL LOCATIONThis cottage has been newly refurbished throughout andwould make a lovely home for a mature or professionaltenant. The property is located within walking distancefor local bus routes and also commutable by car tosurrounding towns and cities and an ideal location toenjoy walking. The accommodation briefly comprises:Lounge with timber beams and wall mounted gas fire;kitchen with a large useful pantry and store cupboard;double bedroom with built-in wardrobe; and bathroomwith white three-piece suite, shower over the bath andheated towel rail. Outside there is a good-size cottagegarden to the front of the property.

Rent: £395 pcm


PRESENTED TO A HIGH STANDARDTHROUGHOUT IS THIS TWO BEDROOMTERRACED HOUSE IN KIRKBURTONVILLAGESituated in a delightful and convenient location inKirkburton village, the property is partly furnishedand access is gained through the pretty garden tothe front door. The accommodation brieflycomprises: Lounge with exposed polishedfloorboards and feature red brick fireplace; kitchenwith cream Shaker style cupboards; doublebedroom; single bedroom; and bathroom with whitethree-piece suite with shower over the bath.Outside there is a lovely garden with patio area tothe front of the property.

Rent: £565 pcm


A STUNNING FOUR BEDROOM COTTAGERENOVATION IN AN IDYLLIC RURAL HAMLETLOCATION This cottage has been renovated to an exceptionally high standardthroughout, the accommodation which can be furnished orunfurnished and incorporates characterful features with modernfixtures and fittings briefly comprises: Entrance porch with Oakflooring; lounge with stone fireplace housing a multi fuel stove;fabulous open plan living/family space including kitchen and spaciousdining area with French doors opening on to a lovely good sizelawned garden; utility/laundry room; master bedroom with fabulousviews over open countryside; second double bedroom; third doublebedroom currently used as a study; bathroom with underfloorheating and four-piece suite with a free standing bath and walk-inshower; and attic bedroom four with separate w/c.

Rent: £895 pcm



THIS FINE EQUESTRIAN HOME HAS A STABLE/BARN AND APPROXIMATELY THREEACRES OF LAND, ALL IN THIS FABULOUS SETTING JUST OUT OF THE VILLAGE ANDWITH VIEWS DOWN THE VALLEY.The barn conversion is now nearing completion and offers a characterfulthree/four bedroomed home served by pleasant gardens, large driveway and having a location that is particularlyenviable but also reasonably convenient for local villages' amenities.With ground source heating, the property is to besuperbly finished, and choices of fittings are available at this stage. Being grade II Listed the home enjoys traditionalfeatures including beams, trusses, mullioned windows and the like.With a spectacular staircase it briefly comprises:-hall (13'10" x 9'0" approx), lounge (19'2" x 16'0" approx), family room/bedroom 4, kitchen (17'6" x 8'5" approx), utilityroom, first floor landing, three large bedrooms, bedroom 1 measuring 16'7" x 11'9" approx with door to housebathroom, bedroom two with en-suite, large driveway, lovely gardens including adjoining walled sun garden and largeagricultural barn built to a high standard offering barn/stable space with large loft over. Forming part of an exclusivesmall development neighbouring similar style homes, which are also for sale, the property is worthy of viewing.

O/A £725,000


STANDING IN APPROXIMATELY TWO ACRES OF GARDENS, WOODLAND AND PADDOCK,THIS SUPERB DETACHED FIVE BEDROOMED HOME WAS BUILT TO EXACTINGSTANDARDS FOR THE VENDORS JUST A FEW YEARS AGO. With stunning valley views, this stylish,exceptionally spacious home has two driveways, one being cobbled before the detached double garage with greenhouseto the rear and granary steps to a stylish studio over.The accommodation features fine floorings, mood lighting, solid ashinternal joinery, high specification fittings and underfloor heating throughout. It comprises:- entrance hall being in partgalleried with superb stone staircase, downstairs w.c, cloakroom, lounge (19'7" x 13'10" approx) with doors and viewsover the gardens, paddock and beyond, dining room, study, family/playroom, dining kitchen (16'7" x 13'10" max) withdoors out to garden and being beautifully fitted with hand-built high specification units by local craftsmen and appliances,utility room, first floor landing with feature ceiling windows, five bedrooms (three doubles), bedroom 1 with en-suitewet room and dressing room, bedroom 2 and 3 sharing an en-suite, house bathroom and first floor office.The home hasdelightful gardens with lawns, flagged patios, vegetable garden, orchard, paddock and woodland.

O/A £689,950


A BEAUTIFUL WELL PROPORTIONED FAMILY HOME IN A HIGHLY REGARDEDLOCATION ENJOYING VIEWS OUT OVER ITS GARDENS AND PADDOCK/FIELDSTHAT EXTENDS TO APPROXIMATELY TWO ACRES. Approached through broad gates,this welcoming stone built home is generously proportioned and has high quality fittings throughout.Thesuperb conservatory and all the principal rooms enjoy fabulous views out over the gardens and ruralviews beyond up towards Thurstonland Bank, yet being particularly well placed for the family due tolocal schools and train service being just a short walk away.With the usual modern appointments, itbriefly comprises:- spacious hall, sitting room (20'3" x 18'0" approx), conservatory (15'0" x 12'0"approx),TV room/study, downstairs w.c, cloakroom/computer room, dining room, superb dining kitchen(15'10" x 14'9" approx), large utility room, five bedrooms (bedroom 1 with dressing area, superbspacious en-suite and twin doors out to balcony/sun terrace), house bathroom, upper hall area, goodsized driveway, double garage, delightful gardens with many features and paddock/field.

O/A £574,995



features whilst being sympathetically updated over the years.The well balanced accommodation has the

usual modern appointments and comprises:- entrance hall with period staircase, lounge (16'2" x 14'2"

approx) with stone flagged floor, and views in two directions, dining room, stylish breakfast kitchen, rear

hall, lower ground floor office/playroom, first floor landing, bedroom 1 (16'3" x 14'2" approx), three

further bedrooms, house bathroom, pleasant gardens with mature trees and shrubs, driveway and parking

area for four/five vehicles and garage.All is a short walk away from Holmfirth's varied facilities making

convenience one of this property's superb features.

O/A £384,950



property has been recently decorated throughout including new kitchen and bathroom. It forms

part of a small select courtyard style development.With a gas fired central heating system and

wood grain effect PVCu glazing, the property comprises:- hallway with downstairs w.c., fitted

kitchen with integrated appliances, "L" shaped lounge/diner, study/bedroom 4, three further first

floor bedrooms and stylish house bathroom.There is a block paved driveway, integral garage,

lawned gardens and seating/patio area.The property is in the centre of the village yet tucked away

in a little known development. It requires an internal inspection to appreciate the presentation.

O/A £199,950


BEAUTIFULLY REJUVENATED OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS, WINDSOR FARM ENJOYS ATREMENDOUS RURAL SETTING, ITS BEAUTIFUL GARDENS AND APPROXIMATELY 12ACRES OF GROUNDS AND FIELDS. This home is interesting both internally and externally. Served by along driveway and garage block, the home has been fully updated and is guaranteed to please.With lovely views fromall principal rooms the home has five large bedrooms and a superb array of living rooms, all of which are beautifullypresented. Briefly comprising:- impressive entrance hall, w.c, superb lounge with mullioned windows, large fireplaceand doors to gardens, study/office with a wall of glazing overlooking the property's courtyard, snug/day roomadjoining the magnificent breakfast kitchen which is superbly equipped including Aga, family/play room, glazed doorsfrom this room and breakfast kitchen lead through to the stunning oak framed garden room with beautiful flooringand views, utility room, first floor landing, five bedrooms, bedroom 1 with walk in wardrobe, separate w.c and openluxurious en-suite bath/shower area, house bathroom, driveway, garage with store over, well maintained familygardens, woodlands and 10.5 acres approx of green fields.All is just a short drive from New Mill's bustling centre.

O/A £1,250,000


Proudly selling homes for decades in and

around the valley. With three offices in

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The Valley's leading letting agent offering

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Current price ranges from £375 to

£1,600 per calendar month.

Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 21

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22 – Holme Valley Review, November 2010

TheRug ShopTheRug Shop

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ANDREW’S Greengrocer is ahousehold name in Holmfirth,supplying the finest freshfruit, vegetables and fish – aproud tradition which can betraced back more than 60years.

The business started justafter the Second World War asa florist, but became a green-grocer’s when the owner wentto Manchester to buy bananaswith vouchers he had beengiven – and came back with aselection of greengroceries.

Many years later, on retiring,

he offered the shop to AndrewBray, who was just finishingschool. Andrew wanted to bea chef, but being from a familythat had long been involved ingreengrocery, he had beengoing to market since he wasfive years old and so decidedto take on the shop instead.

It is still very much part ofthe community, supplyinglocal pubs and restaurants aswell as residents throughoutHolmfirth and surrounding vil-lages.

Andrew prides himself on

obtaining the more unusualvarieties and all produce islocally sourced wherever pos-sible. The shop also offers anorganic and non-organic boxdelivery scheme – a complete-ly flexible service, with nofixed order and free deliveryfor all orders over £10.

Locally grown Christmastrees can also be delivereddirect to your door – ordersare now being taken on 01484682787. As Andrew says: “Youask we supply – nothing is toomuch trouble.”

VISIT Shades of China and find that little piece of inspirationperfect for that special gift or your home.

Among the collection are these fabulous Holly and Ivy rangefrom Portmeirion, ideal for the Christmas season.

The Holly and Ivy makes a fabulous meal time accessory onfestive occasions, from dinner parties to informal get-togethers.

Shades of China also stock ranges by Emma Bridgewater,Susie Watson Designs, Portmeirion, Border Fine Arts, PoolePottery, Jersey Pottery, Royal Scot Crystal and the World ofBeatrix Potter Collection.

Shades of China23 Hollowgate, Holmfirth,

Tel: 01484 687 596

Pieces of inspiration

Family businesshits right notefor ChristmasMUSICAL Notes is a familyrun business in the centre ofHolmfirth, providing a widevariety of new and secondhand musical instruments,music books and noveltyitems.

With Christmas fastapproaching, you’ll find somefantastic gift ideas, fromfamous name guitars such asGibson, Fender and Hofner, tobanjos, mandolins and ukule-les. As a surprise present for afriend, how about a glass tiebrooch, or if you are lookingfor an ideal stocking filler foran aspiring or experiencedmusician, there’s a great selec-tion of must-have accessoriesto choose from.

Also available is a range ofviolins from 1/8 size to fullsize, along with a couple ofelectric violins. Larger stringinstruments include half-sizedouble bass, three cellos anda viola. Look no further if you,or someone you know, per-haps a younger member of thefamily, needs a brass trumpet,cornet, flugal horn, baritone,trombone or euphonium.Musical Notes also offers achoice of woodwind instru-ments - flutes, clarinets and soon, percussion equipment anda couple of second hand drumkits.

Special events include:

� Monday 1 November, from7.30pm, at The Old Bridge

Hotel, Market Walk,Holmfirth: Guitar Clinic,demonstrating a wide range ofguitars and accessories.Admission free.

� Thursday 25 November,from 7pm at The Lockwood,Woodhead Road, Lockwood,Huddersfield: Ukulele Evening– two rooms, one for begin-ners, one for advanced.Beginners will learn simplechords from 7pm – 8pm.Concert and ‘jam’ from8.15pm onwards. Some ukule-les will be available for begin-ners.

For more information, whynot call in at Musical Notes,

7 Norridge Bottom, Holmfirth,or phone 01484 689747.

Nothing’s too much trouble for Andrew

HOLMFIRTH chef Neil Hirsthas spent the last 25 yearsworking in the catering indus-try teaching and training thecelebrity chefs of the future.Training chefs for AndyNutter, Paul Heathcote andBrian Turner to name-drop afew! Having trained locally atHuddersfield Technical

College and HuddersfieldUniversity. He worked his wayup the ranks in local restau-rants, bars and hotels through-out his career. Having spentall this time in the cateringindustry he wanted to pass onthe essential cookery skills tothe chefs of the future. Hestarted teaching at

Huddersfield TechnicalCollege in 1993 moving toMacclesfield College andSouth Trafford College.

Neil, pictured above, nowowns Café @ Penny Lane inHolmfirth where he continuesto demonstrate his cookingskills doing demonstrationdinners.

Training the celebrity chefs of the future

Page 23: Holme Valley Review (November 2010)

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Holme Valley Review, November 2010 – 23

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