học tiếng anh với mr.bill - bài 3


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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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1. HC TING ANH VI MR.BILL - SCHOOL BI 3 VS 2. Hey, Mr.John here! This is my third video that I make to help you to improve your English skill, so make sure that youll follow this video to the end. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE MY CHANNEL FOR THE GOOD NEW 3. Lets Talk Some common things to say in English a little review 4. Listen and repeat 1. Hello 7. Hello there 2. Hey 8. Hey there 3. Hi 9.Hey man 4. Whats up? 10. Hey girl 5. Whats goin on? 11. Hi there 6. Long time no see 5. 12. H-e-e-e-y, longtime no see! 13. Nice day! 14. Great weather! 15. How are you today? 16. How have you been? 17. How do you do? 18. Hows school? 6. 16. How are you? 15. Hows life? 14. How are classes? 13. How is work? 12. Hows it going? 11. Whats new? 10. Whats happening? 9. Whats happnin? 7. 8. My name is _ _ _ _ _ 7. where are you from? 6. whats your name? 5. whats yours? 4. happy to meet you. 3. happy to meet you, whats your name? 2. glad to meet you. 1. its my pleasure to meet you. 8. 1. Hello, my name is _ _ _ _, whats yours? 2. Hello, nice to meet you. My name is _ _ _. 3. Hello, my name is _ _ _ _; and, - whats your name? - where are you from? - are you a student? - are you a teacher? - how long have you been in Vietnam? 9. Lets talk about school Vocabulary 10. book books classroom desk floor grade homework kindergarten listen mark new student level 11. paper pen pencil course subject test research problem study read Google write 12. First Meetings Three kinds of first meetings first meeting ever meeting for the first time. first meeting of a day meeting for the first time during any day first meeting in a long time meeting after not seeing someone for a long time 13. meeting for the first time Person #1 Good morning*, how do you do? Good afternoon* Good evening* Hello* Good morning*, Im [I am] doing well, doing great, [doing] fine, thanks; and you? Person #2 14. Person #1 1. My name is _ _ _ _ , whats yours? 3. Yes, I am a student at _ _ _ . [or] No, I am visiting. Person #2 2. My name is _ _ _ _ , [its] nice to meet you. (THEN) Are you from Thai Nguyen? 4. Great! 15. Person #1 1. What school do you attend? [or] Where are you attending going studying Person #2 2. I go to I attend Im a student at I take courses at Thai Nguyen University (TNU) of Technology 16. Person #1 1. What school do you attend? [or] Where are you attending going studying Person #2 2. I go to I attend Im a student at I take courses at [TNU] the University of Technology 17. Person #1 1. What school do you attend? [or] Where are you attending going studying Person #2 2. I go to I attend Im a student at I take courses at [TNU] of Education Agriculture and Forestry 18. Person #1 1. What school do you attend? [or] Where are you attending going studying Person #2 2. I go to I attend Im a student at I take courses at [TNU] of Medicine and Pharmacy Economics and Business Administration 19. Person #1 1. What school do you attend? [or] Where are you attending going studying Person #2 2. I go to I attend The University of Sciences Information and Communication Technology 20. Person #1 1. What school do you attend? [or] Where are you attending going studying Person #2 2. I go to I attend The College of Economics and Techniques The School of Foreign Languages 21. Person #1 1. What school do you attend? [or] Where are you attending going studying Person #2 2. I go to I attend The College of Fine Arts The School of Foreign Languages 22. Cao ng = Community College people will often say college, i.e. Im in college or I attend community college. College is often used when in Vietnam we would say university in the U.S. 23. Person #1 1. My name is _ _ _ _ , whats yours? 3. No, I am visiting. Person #2 2. My name is _ _ _ _, [its] nice to meet you. THEN Are you from Thai Nguyen? 4. Great! 24. No, I am visiting Person #1 1. Great, for a holiday or touring? Person #2 2. [Im]Touring; on my way to Ba Be Lake. Holiday; I stopped in TN to see the museum. 25. No, I am visiting Person #1 1. Great, for a holiday or touring? Person #2 2.Im visiting a friend [friends] here. Im visiting some family here. my parents my brother [sister] 26. No, I am visiting from the UK Person #1 1. Great, are you touring? 3. How long will you be in VN? Person #2 2. Yes, Im on my way to Pac Bo Cave. Yes, I came from Sapa. I just visited the museum. 4. About a month. 27. First meeting of a day Meeting someone you know for the first time during any day (acquaintance, i.e. a classmate only seen in class; friend, i.e. a workmate you meet with for coffee outside of work; close friend, i.e. someone you can tell anything to. 28. Person #1 1. Hey [_ _ _ _], hows things going? 3. Me too. What class? 5. Whose the teacher? This is called an idiom Person #2 2. Great! Im heading to class! You? 4. Me? English literature, tough class! 6. Ms. Hnh tough as nails! 29. Person #1 1. Hello, how are you? Long time no see! 4. Me? I am going to work, part-time at the caf. Person #2 2. Hey [_ _ _ _]! Things are good! 3. Im heading to classes! You? 5. Well, dont work too hard. Later! 30. A little LESS informal Person #1 1. Hello, Mr. Tan, how are you? Long time no see! 4. I am going to work, part-time at the caf. Person #2 2. Hey [_ _ _ _]! Im doing real well. 3. How are youwhats going on? 5. Well, dont work too hard. See you later! 31. Even LESS informal Person #1 1. H-e-e-e-y, Tan, how ya doin? Long time no see! 3. Great, headin to work. 5. Work part-time at the caf. Person #2 2. Hey [_ _ _ _]! Real good. You? 4. Whats going on? 6. Ahhh, dont work too hard. See ya later! 32. More formal Person #1 1. Hello, Mr. _ _ _ _, how are you? 3. Its been a long time, still teaching? 5. Me? I am going to work at a caf. Person #2 2. Hi [_ _ _ _]! Things are good! 4. Yes, Im heading to class right now; You? 6. Well, dont work too hard. Good bye! 33. A talk between two students Person #1 1. Hi, ready for a new term? 3. Im OK. Im taking [_ _ _ _] this term, a very tough course. business English medical English IELTS prep TOEIC prep British literature Person #2 2. Yep, all set. How are you doing? 4. Ill take that next term, be sure to tell me about it later! 5. I have to go, see ya later! 34. A talk between a student and a foreigner Person #1 1. Hi, is this your first time in VN? 3. I was wondering, where are you from? Person #2 2. Yes, Im a tourist. 4. Im American, from the U.S. Aussie, from Australia 35. A talk between a student and a foreigner Person #1 1. Hello, are you a tourist? 3. How long have you been in VN? 5. Can you speak Vietnamese? Person #2 2. Yes, I am. 4. A week. I plan on being here for one [a] month. 6. No, no at all. 36. First meeting in a long time Meeting after not seeing someone for a long time and you dont know her or him vey well 37. Trying to remember a name Person #1 1. H-e-e-e-y, how are you? Its been a long time! 3. Yes, you remember! And you are, ahhhh? Person #2 2. Yeah, too long. How are you, Thy, right? 4. Im H, its been a long time. 5. How are you? 38. Close friend who has been away Person #1 1. Youre back, _ _ _ _, how are ya? 3. Me too, how was your summer holiday? 6. Stayed home, but, a good break. Person #2 2. Yeah, finally; and ready to start school. 4. I went to [China] and had a great time. 5. What about you? 39. Close friend returned for classes Person #1 1. _ _ _ _, youre back how are ya? 3. Me too, you ready for culture class? 6. Same here. Id like to know more about [London]! Person #2 2. Yeah, finally; and ready to start classes again. 4. I am and I think [British culture] will be interesting. 5. What about you? 40. Click here for video #3