hobo link building

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  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


    TableofContentsCreative Commons .................................................................................................................... 3Shaun Anderson ........................................................................................................................ 3

    A Basic Quick Linkbuilding Intro ............................................................................................ 4 Should I Buy Links To Improve Google Rankings? ............................................................... 5

    Linkbuilding Is Easy When You Have Content worth Linking To......................................... 6Your Link On Links To Useful Sites Pages Yuck!............................................................. 7Some Google Toolbar Grey Pages Do Not Pass Anchor Text Value Or PR? ........................ 7Stop Building S*&t Links ....................................................................................................... 10

    I Spent a Year Adding Content & My Competitors Nicked My Rankings ............................ 13Quick Linkbuilding Tip Get Links From Universities ....................................................... 14SEO Limit Anchor Text Links To 55 Characters In Length?............................................ 16Google Promotes Uncool URLs? ............................................................................................ 18Google How Many Words In A Page Title Tag? ................................................................ 18What Is The Best Title Tag For Google? ............................................................................... 20

    How To Get Quality Back Links The Top Competition Has ................................................. 22 Go Off Topic & Get Natural Links From Trusted Sites ........................................................ 23

    How I Got 500 Real Backlinks In 2 Minutes ......................................................................... 24 Broken Links Are A Waste Of Link Power ............................................................................ 24 Finding Suspended Websites & Link Opportunities With Google ........................................ 26Link Building Should I Avoid Reciprocal Links? .............................................................. 27Linkbuilding Tip Syndicate The $h!# Out Of Your Content Via RSS! ............................. 29The next article is a bit of a theory ................................................................................. 30

    Is It Diversity Of Keywords In Link Profile Thats King? .................................................... 30Link To Important Pages In Your Site Often ..................................................................... 31What Is Nofollow? Should I Use It On Internal Links? ....................................................... 32

    Buying Old Domains & Redirect Them To Get High Rankings ........................................... 34 How To Change Domain Names & Keep Your Rankings in Google ................................... 34301 Ways Of Getting A No1 In Google > Moved Permanently! ........................................... 35Links From Unrelated Sites .................................................................................................... 38 Google Trusts Domain Online Business Authority ............................................................... 39

    Are Directory Links Still Worth It? ........................................................................................ 40 Do Article Submissions & Press Releases Still Work? .......................................................... 41 How To Get Started In Social Media | Shana Albert............................................................. 42

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building



    Copyright 2009 The Hobo SEO Company VAT No. 880 5135 26 No. SC299002 | Contact us and request afree seo quote / cost estimate. Hobo is based in Greenock (near Glasgow) in Scotland in the UK.

    Links That Effect Ranking Change In Google SERPS......................................................... 47The Ultimate/Best/Complete/Directory/List Of Dofollow Blogs ........................................... 49What Do You Want To Rank No1 In Google For Anyways?................................................ 501 Blog Comment, 2 Hours Work & One Amazing Link ........................................................ 51

    Hide Your Links & Muddy That Link Profile! ...................................................................... 52 Get Links From REAL Sites (IE Sites That Arent Just THERE To Link To Other Sites) 53 The Perfect Link Strategy In SEO Mix It Up! .................................................................... 54Why Vary Anchor Text In Linkbuilding Campaigns ............................................................ 56

    Bad Neighbourhood = Google Penalty Do You Link To One? .......................................... 58Beginners Guides .................................................................................................................... 60 SEO News ................................................................................................................................ 60

    Hot Articles .............................................................................................................................. 60 Forums .................................................................................................................................... 60 Great SEO Articles .................................................................................................................. 60SEO Blogs ............................................................................................................................... 61SEO Tools ................................................................................................................................ 62

    More DIY SEO Resources ...................................................................................................... 62 Contact Us @ Hobo ................................................................................................................. 63

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


    A Basic Quick Linkbuilding ntro

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  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building



    Copyright 2009 The Hobo SEO Company VAT No. 880 5135 26 No. SC299002 | Contact us and request afree seo quote / cost estimate. Hobo is based in Greenock (near Glasgow) in Scotland in the UK.

    Should I Buy Links To Improve Google Rankings?

    Buying links that are search engine friendly is against Google TOS. If you buy links to takethe risk Google will penalise you (from a reduction in your toolbar pagerank, up to removingyour site from its index).

    If buying links was ineffective, it wouldnt be against Google TOS. Think about that.

    I cant remember the last vertical I checked there werent people buying links to improvesearch engine placement so the competition is doing it. Last time I checked, they wereranking pretty good.

    I cant advise you to buy links but I cant honestly advise you not to although I will pointout again Google will take you down if it finds out.

    If you are buying links, make sure your links arent obviously paid links, though. That is,dont buy links from obvious places. If Google gets better at detecting these, its the obviouspaid links that will be hit first.

    I can say, I dont buy links. Not at the moment anyway.

    There are still plenty of ways to get links without paying for them: SEE How I Got 500 RealBacklinks In 2 Minutes for example.

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


    Your Link On Link To Useful Site Pages Yuck!

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  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building



    Copyright 2009 The Hobo SEO Company VAT No. 880 5135 26 No. SC299002 | Contact us and request afree seo quote / cost estimate. Hobo is based in Greenock (near Glasgow) in Scotland in the UK.

    But what is the meaning of the Google Grey bar? If it is not a ranking penalty, perhaps its asign the page isnt passing value to other external sites?

    Some other notes:

    Typically pages that have relatively less links pointing to them, but well linked topages can have a grey toolbar too

    Pages with no Toolbar PR do rank so they musthave real PR in most cases forhonest pages toolbar grey has no detrimental effect in rankings even for mildlycompetitive phrases

    Obviously pages that are nothing more than manipulation or engage in shady linkssomewhere, or have a severe duplicate content issue, might have grey bar and willprobably not be in the Google SERPS

    Some pages dont seem to pass anchor text value, some do (although this could bebecause of syndication issues by scraper sites and duped and reworked content)

    Pages with a toolbar grey may still apparently pass PR to other pages (I tested this

    specifically a couple of months ago) with one link to a new site from a greybar page Ithought might have been a 3 or a 4 and the site got a PR 2 I think (although againthis could be syndication ripples i.e. links from other sites thats republished thisblogs content).

    Common problems associated with Toolbar Gray which caused the page to disappearfrom Google *sometimes* seemed to suffer from dupe content issues, and anothertypical example was pages with just links.

    Pages with low link trustthat have different anchor text links to the same destinationpage

    Pages with links to irrelevant sites which Google *thinks* could be paid links (whichare against Google terms of inclusion)

    Results? Its buggy thats for sure and its probably meant to be. You cannot make anyassumption about a page with Toolbar PR grey until you look at it, how its linked to withinthe site, which it links to, where it ranks and if its links are passing anchor text ranking value so this isnt a simple check.

    Some pages did seem to pass value, but on closer inspection, I found these articlesrepublished on other sites, so theres a chance some of these links passed on the anchor text.

    Theories I think if you have a toolbar grey page,

    the page may be either brand new and Google does not know about it Google is ignoring it because it has a problem with it (like too much dupe content), the page does not have enough trusted link equity, Google may have penalised it for something like too little unique content Or doesnt like what the page links to (a paid link?), how the linking is set up or it looks like a traditional links page (which Google doesnt like)

    Of course, it also could be a bug. It sure is glitchy!

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building



    Copyright 2009 The Hobo SEO Company VAT No. 880 5135 26 No. SC299002 | Contact us and request afree seo quote / cost estimate. Hobo is based in Greenock (near Glasgow) in Scotland in the UK.

    What to do

    Check if the page ranks in Google for its title / main keywords if it does, its notpenalised maybe it just isnt passing anchor text (although thats not to say everypage with toolbar pr passes value).

    Get more links to the page in the internal navigation and in page and see if its a lackof trusted links problem.

    Examine who the page links to (a possibility but I see the same type of linking onpages with PR) I surmise a page might need a certain level of trusted links

    Is the text totally unique? Rewrite it. Does this page look like a links page? Change it. Trying to do too much with your anchor text? Change it. If its a low quality page with little traffic anyways, sometimes I just 301 Redirect it

    to the most relevant page on the site

    Finally, if you see a grey toolbar check to see if there are any issues Ive highlighted above.

    Sometimes it looks like a glitch, sometimes not. If it ranks and youre not bothered aboutspreading link equity to other sites, dont worry about it (for now). Remember not

    every grey bar links page pass no weight!

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


    Stop Building S*&t Links

    When you build a wall, you do it bit by bit, with the same kind of identical bricks until youhave a lot of bricks that all look the same presto, you have a wall. Thats building. Mymate does that.

    You cant buildlinks that way and EXPECT to win the ranking wars in Google as Google isactively fighting you. Your bricks kind of need to be different brick to brick.

    Theres a thought out there. Get 200 or 300 or 400 links and youll rank. So its natural thatyou think Ill buy some links from thatmob (and I mean mob) for $200 and Im sorted.

    Youre not.

    Those links are s*&t (sorry no other word to describe it). Depending on how good the searchengine optimisation company is of course theres different varying colours of s*&t butgenerally speaking you stand in it when you open your email and it says:

    We noticed you dont rank for any of your keyterms. We are an expert linkbuildingcompany..

    Theyll come from spammy blog and forum comments that might hurt your brand, or webhosting companies with an obvious paid link profile. Even if they are decent at their job acompetitor will just report you for buying links if you do it too much. It will stick out like asore thumb youre buying links and thats against Google TOS.

    Stop thinking about building links. Start thinking of promoting your useful content.


    Copyright 2009 The Hobo SEO Company VAT No. 880 5135 26 No. SC299002 | Contact us and request afree seo quote / cost estimate. Hobo is based in Greenock (near Glasgow) in Scotland in the UK.

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building



    Copyright 2009 The Hobo SEO Company VAT No. 880 5135 26 No. SC299002 | Contact us and request afree seo quote / cost estimate. Hobo is based in Greenock (near Glasgow) in Scotland in the UK.

    Heres how Ibuilt links the past 2 months to the Hobo site.

    First, I understand building links (YUK) is about relationships with real people and tryingto get links from real sites.

    1. I refocused my internal links (Im testing a few things)2. I created my

    1. SEO Guide For Beginners which Matt Cutts sphunn (V Cool) a thanks toEdward Lewis ofSEO Consultants who gave me the confidence to publish.

    2. A PDF of my SEO Guide (along with an email burst telling my subscribersand Linkedin buddies it was ready (latter, a bit spammy, sorry about that!)

    3. a free wordpress plugin that may conserve Google Pagerank4. A month of linkbuilding tips on my blog (about one a day spending no more

    than 1/2 hour each article) more for beginner subscribers to the blog than togarner links at this time.

    5. An online press release or two6. I sent out a couple of email requests for links to sites I thought would actually

    benefit by linking to a particular article on this site no, really!7. Syndication (!) I really dont care who republishes my content if they link

    back8. I pointed out to a few people their blog rolls looked a bit thin without Hobo on

    it lol9. A couple of other minor things. one of which was a mistake Im reversing.

    3. I told the world about my content (and in doing so my online buddies) via Twitter(mainly it costs nothing to promote my content or others) hoping theyd help megive it a push (as I do theirs in fact I have been asking a lot of them lately next

    month will be about helping them push their stuff its all me, me, me at the momentit seems!)

    I didnt build one anchor text rich link like Scotlandin there (well, until just then).(I will go into all that above during the course of the month). Im finished with all that2005 seo crap its depressing, not lucrative and in some cases, a total con; even if you dolose rankings on some narrow terms that are pure vanity.

    The results were Wordpress itself linked to me,SEroundtable linked to me,SEOconsultants linked to me, Sphinn linked to me, Search Engine Land linked to me (a

    couple of times), I got a couple of links on PR7 and 6 pages, and I got a couple of blog postlinks out of the blue from buddies and people Ive just became buddies with lol (not becausethey were buddies, because the content was worth a link and not just a Twitter). On top ofthat, Smashingmagazine.com and some Brazilian version ofTechcrunch linked to poststhat where over a year old that largely went unnoticed at the time. For a small company inGreenock, Scotland, thats a lot of attention. I also got links from some other reallyauthoritative seo sites (Ill reciprocate later).

    As a result, my subscription count has went from @1,500 in a month or so to nearly 3,000which will make the whole process a lot easier next time. Oh, I got a lot of traffic too and Ive

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


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  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


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    5 26 No. S

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    299002 | Co

    Scotland in t

    ntact us and request athe UK.

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building



    Copyright 2009 The Hobo SEO Company VAT No. 880 5135 26 No. SC299002 | Contact us and request afree seo quote / cost estimate. Hobo is based in Greenock (near Glasgow) in Scotland in the UK.

    Quick Linkbuilding Tip Get Links From Universities

    One of the simplest ways I use to build links for any business is finding colleges anduniversities who link degree students and alumni to to job opportunities, and promote theirstudent discount partners online. I consider links from very real sites like these as

    authority building links.

    Obviously the first thing to do is get used to publishing your job vacancies and any offers onyour site, and then telling potential linking partners about them. TIP - never take these jobsoffline either - just mention "Role Filled" and strike out the text.

    Target Asset = Job Vacancy / Internships For (with your important keywords of course)Key Link prospects = Universities and colleges, alumni sitesLink prospecting queries (in Google) = jobs degree site:.ac.uk, careers opportunitiessite:.ac.uk, careers advice site:.ac.uk, jobs degree site:.edu, careers degree site:.edu,careers advice site:.edu + variations

    Example Page typical of what you might find -http://www.careers.manchester.ac.uk/recruit/target/mgip/employerprofiles/

    Another variation of this is colleges and universities that publish links to sites that offer theiralumni special student discounts (so effectively, all you need is a student discount forproducts or services). This is useful even for small businesses in a very tight catchmentarea.

    Target Asset = Student Discount For (with your important keywords of course)Key Link prospects = Universities and colleges, alumni sitesLink prospecting queries (in Google) = student discount partners site:.ac.uk, studentdiscount partners site:.edu + variations

    Example Page typical of what you might find - http://www.richmond-college.edu/content/student-affairs/student-discounts.aspx

    Of course, in every case you need to dig around the site in question but offering astudent discount to all colleges and universities and building a list of marketingcommunications offers at unis and colleges and contacting them asking for a link in theirnewsletter (which many have) in return for a student discount is going to be more rewardingthan sending out 1000 unsolicited spam link request emails. TIP - don't be cheap. The betteryour offer for students, the better chance you'll get a link.

    Ultimately these kinds of educational links are a win win - they are not hurting either site, andstudents get a good deal too. If you have good content on your site, you can just go right on and

    ask them to link to it if they already have a habit of linking out to similar sites to yours, or even

    send them articles about "How to get a job in {keyword} services" for their careers newsletter

    or resource section.

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


    TellTheWorl AboutYourSit ButDo tAskF rLinks!

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  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


    SEO Limit Anchor Text Links To 5 Char cters I Lengt ?

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  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building



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  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


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    ntact us and request athe UK.

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building


    Note This is a test, testing Title Tags in Google. Consider also Google Title Tag BestPractice and How Many Characters In A Title Tag For Google.

    We recently tested how many keywords will Google read in the title tag / element?using our simple seo mythbuster test (number 2 in the series). And here are the results, which

    are quite surprising.

    First heres the test title tag we tried to get Google to swallow. And it did. All of it. Eventhough it was a bit spammy;

    HoboA HoboB HoboC HoboD HoboE HoboF HoboG HoboH HoboI HoboJ HoboK

    HoboL HoboM HoboN HoboO HoboP HoboQ HoboR HoboS HoboT HoboU HoboV HoboW

    HoboX HoboY Hob10 Hob20 Hob30 Hob40 Hob50 Hob60 Hob70 Hob80 Hob90 Hob11

    Hob12 Hob13 Hob14 Hob15 Hob16 Hob17 Hob18 Hob19 Hob1a Hob1b Hob1c Hob1d

    Hob1e Hob1f Hob1g Hob1h

    Using a keyword search hoboA Hob1h we were surprised to see Google returned ourpage. We also tested it using Hob1g Hob1h the keywords right at the end of the title andagain our page was returned.

    So thats 51 words, and 255 characters without spaces, 305 characters with spaces, atleast! It seems clear Google will read just about anything these days!


    Update: Qwerty pointed out an interesting fact about the intitle: site operator in Google.

    ..results as expected.But next in the sequence returns the following, unexpected result..


    Copyright 2009 The Hobo SEO Company VAT No. 880 5135 26 No. SC299002 | Contact us and request afree seo quote / cost estimate. Hobo is based in Greenock (near Glasgow) in Scotland in the UK.

  • 8/14/2019 Hobo Link Building



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