hitler unleashes his blitzkrieg on europe the war begins!!

Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

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Page 1: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe


Page 2: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

• September 1, 1939: World War II officially begins with the invasion of Poland

•Hitler attacks unannounced, knowing that the Soviet Union and its dictator, Josef Stalin will not interfere because of their non-aggression pact

• The Soviet Union will eventually attack from the east, taking half of Poland for themselves

Page 3: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

Josef Stalin: Soviet Dictator

Page 4: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

•Using his Luftwaffe, tanks, artillery, and ground troops, Hitler sets a course for the capital of Poland, Warsaw.

• The Blitzkrieg is highly effective and meets little resistance in its three phases: Bomb, Penetrate, and Encircle the enemy

• England and France declare war on Germany two days later on September 3, 1939

• Poland eventually falls to Hitler in just 28 days! Could England and France have helped? Did they?

Page 5: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

Page 6: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!•Who’s Next?? England and France wait on Hitler’s next move

• For six months, nothing really happens “The Phony War”

•Hitler finds his next targets in Norway and Denmark. They fall by April 1940 and Hitler keeps rolling by taking the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

•Hitler is now on the border of France looking at them by June 1940

Page 7: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!• France had set up obstacles and defenses along their border to keep out Hitler and the Nazis

•Maginot Line: Line of defenses on the border of eastern France reinforced after WWI

•Made up of tunnels, gun placements, artillery and so forth.

Page 8: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

Page 9: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!• France thought that Hitler would be coming through the southern point of the line like the Germans did in WWI

•Hitler knows that in the north, the fortifications are weaker, but there is a dense forest

•Hitler delays the southern attack and sends the bulk of his army north around the Maginot Line and attacks from behind

• France never expected Hitler to get through the Ardennes Forest. Hitler shatters the French defenses

Page 10: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

Page 11: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

• By pushing through the Maginot Line so quickly and into France, the Nazis effectively trapped the Allied soldiers at the northern French port of Dunkirk

• England calls for every available ship they can find to rescue these soldiers before the Nazis get to them

• These ships rescue 340,000 troops and carry them to England

Page 12: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

Page 13: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!•Hitler makes his 1st major mistake of the war!

•He could of easily gotten to those enemy soldiers before they were rescued and crushed them all

• Instead he allowed them to escape by pulling back his army. (Some say he wanted a challenge and for the war to continue a little longer)

• This blunder would prove costly in the following months when Hitler tries to take over England in the Battle of Britain

Page 14: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!•Who is now left to protect and defend France?? NOBODY!

• Italy declares war on England and France in June of 1940. That same month, France surrenders to Hitler, they are knocked out of the war, and you see Nazi soldiers walking down the streets of Paris

• Charles DeGaulle, French Prime Minister, flees to England to lead the resistance from there

Page 15: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!• The Prime Minister of England, Neville Chamberlain, resigns when the war begins

•He is replaced by Winston Churchill

• Churchill will serve as Prime Minister throughout the war and will never surrender to Hitler

Page 16: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!

Winston Churchill: Prime Minister of England throughout WWII

Page 17: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!• By July 1940, not even a year into the war, Hitler controls most of Western Europe

•He believes that an attack on England will be short, quick, and easy like most other countries. He will then turn his attention to Southern and Eastern Europe.

Page 18: Hitler unleashes his Blitzkrieg on Europe THE WAR BEGINS!!

The War Begins!!• The only enemy still in Hitler’s way of complete control of the continent of Europe is England

• But, this attack will require an amphibious landing across the English Channel first. Hitler could not just use his ground forces

•Hitler decides that a massive bombing campaign is necessary to prepare for the invasion first.

• In August 1940, all eyes turn towards London, England

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The War Begins!!