hitchhikers guide to participating in open source - long version


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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Hitchhikers Guide to Participating in Open Source talk prepared for PyCon 2014. This is the extended version that was cropped down to make the final talk.



2. @elequ github.com/elena Elena Williams Django Web Developer Django News Podcast Canberra Python UG Perth Django UG DjangoCon AU International Person of Mystery No time! 3. ANDREW TRIDGELL rsync "TRIDGE" Author of and Thank you! 4. COMP8440 ANU Australian National University COMP8440 YOUTUBE Lectures 5. WHAT IS "OPEN SOURCE", ANYWAY? 6. LIBRE GRATUIT "FREE" SOFTWARE #englishfail 7. fri/ Able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another 8. "INVENTED" IN A BOARDROOM IN 1998 Term "Free" implicitly threatening to them. "OPEN SOURCE" Public, "open" source, such as a newspaper/phone book 9. FREE LIBRE OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Free Software, Open Source, FOSS, FLOSS 10. Copy or Transmit Display or Perform Sell Change! (Remix/make Derivative works) COPY "RIGHTS" Assumed to apply automatically. 11. "TO EVERY COW ITS CALF TO EVERY BOOK ITS COPY" Jurisdictions similar, enforcement varies. 12. fixed in any tangible medium creator of a creative expression Jurisdictions: rules same, enforcement varies. 17 USC 102 Frank Siler "Copyright and You" PyCon 2013 13. COPYRIGHT EXCEPTIONS Stifled! Repressed! 14. COPYRIGHT EXCEPTIONS 15. In the beginning there was the command line. BEGINNING OF SOFTWARE > _ 16. 1969: ANTITRUST "THE UNBUNDLING" First major proprietary software. 17. RICHARD STALLMAN "large volumes bug free code": GCC, emacs 18. Richard Stallman FATHER OF FREE SOFTWARE Freak genius, MIT AI labs 19. FOSSLicensing isa Hack on Copyright Copyleft doesn't exist without Copyright. "PROMISE" NOT TO SUE 20. Offsets Copy"rights" as"Freedoms (and other stuff) 63 Recognised Licenses GPL and LGPL; Apache License; BSD; MIT License; Mozilla Public License 2.0; OPEN SOFTWARE INITIATIVE +28 rejected licenses. 21. If you're not sure: Assume your work is Derived Inherit the original license. or Don't copy/use the software. DERIVED WORKS 22. Do you understand the difference? FREE SOFTWARE V. OPEN SOURCE 23. kernel source "open" .. but don't copy, change, derive, resell, etc 24. Wait: AmI theCopyright Holder? At what point could you re-license Windows? Your own script?: Yes! A framework specific plugin?: .. maybe DERIVED WORKS "COMP8440: FOSS and the Law" 25. 15% of all repositories had license files (ie: 85% arenotFOSS) GITHUB PROJECTS WITH LICENSES "all the fruits in the forest are poisonous" 26. Mustreturn changes. Muststay open. Only price of admission for business. Also called "viral" licensing. Never has the little guy lost. COPY LEFT 27. .. depends on the project. What Licensedo I pick? THIS WAS MEANT TO BE FUN ... Very complicated. 28. Would you remember to consider everything? LimitationofLiability Disclaim Warranty (or you can still be sued) USE AN OSI LICENSE Carl will be talking which licence to choose after me. 29. Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 1992. Permission to use, copy and distribute this software is given to anyone who wants to, for NON-PROFIT only. You may not charge for this software or any derivatives of it without first contacting the Author. Don't write your own: "COMP8440: Licensing" (3min) 18 years later. 30. Open source to open source, corporation to corporation. If you do open source, youre my hero and I support you. If youre a corporation, lets talk business MODERN CASE STUDY The term "exploited" is being used a bit lately. 31. 54%GPLv2/LGPLv2 and GPLv3/LGPLv3 13%Apache License 2.0 11%MIT License 8%BSD 2.0 License (3 and 2-clause) 6%Artistic (Perl) License