history of the computer and the internet. by: ryan gregory bodley jr 3 rd period

History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period.

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Page 1: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

History Of The Computer And The

Internet.By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr

3rd Period.

Page 2: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

Fourth Generation Computers.

• In 1970, Marcian Hoff, an engineer at Intel Corporation, invented the microprocessor, and entire CPU on a single chip. The replacement of several larger components by one microprocessor made possible the fourth generation of computers

• Program means a series of steps carried out or goals to be accomplished.

Page 3: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

The Internet.• The internet was invented in the 1960’s during the Cold War. The purpose was to connect their

Computers world wide. J.C.R. Licklider was the person who created the internet. In the 1960’s. The Internet was Invented by DARPA - the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as a means to share information on defense research between involved universities and defense research facilities.

Page 4: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

Memory!!Computers have two types of memory contained on chips, ROM and RAM. Read

Only Memory, or Rom, contains the most basic operating instructions for the computer. The data in ROM is a permanent part of the computer and cannot be changed. The instructions in Rom enable eh computer to complete simple jobs such as placing a character on the screen or checking the keyboard to see if any keys have been pressed.

Random Access Memory, or RAM, is temporary memory where data and instructions can be stored.

Page 5: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

The CPU And The Term Debug!!

• Central Processing Unit also known as CPU directs the processing of information throughout the computer. It can only foll0ow instructions that it gets from ROM or from a program in RAM.

• The first computer built was In 1939 by John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. They developed the Atanasoff-Berry Computer which is also know as (ABC). They created it at Iowa State University, which was regarded as the first electronic digital computer.

• The term debug means Finding and fixing and fixing bugs on the computer. The term became know as debug when on the day of September the 9th, 195 a machine was experiencing problems and they found that a mouth was trapped in the points of Relay #70, in Panel F. The moth was causing all the problems. The word went out that they debugged the machine and the term debugging a computer program was born.

Page 6: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

Babbage’s Analytical Engine.

• Charles Babbage (1792–1871) built the Analytical machine in 1837. The Analytical Engine was a mechanical digital computer which viewed with the benefit of a century and a half's hindsight. It anticipated virtually every aspect of present-day computers.

Page 7: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

Herman Hollerith.• The first data processing machines were punched card tabulating systems. Herman Hollerith who live

from 1860 to 1929 worked at the US Census Bureau during 1879-82. While he worked there he began designing machines that could reduce the work and time that would be required to process the data that would be collected in the 1890 Census.

Page 8: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

The ENIAC!!• John Mauchly, an American physicist, and J. Presper Eckert, an American engineer, proposed an

electronic digital computer, called the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer which is known as ENIAC. It was built at Moore School of Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania which is in Philadelphia.

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Transistor replacing vacuum tubes.

• The transistor was the first device designed to act both as a transmitter, converting sound waves into electronic waves, and a resistor, controlling electronic current.

Page 10: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

Microcomputers!!• In 1975 Ed Roberts designed the first microcomputer. Now he is know

as the father of microcomputers. He named it the Altair 8800, which was produced by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems. Or you could call microcomputers PC’s which they are often called are every where now a days.

Page 11: History Of The Computer And The Internet. By: Ryan Gregory Bodley Jr 3 rd Period

Binary System• The word binary describes a system that has only two possible digits. It similar to

the decimal system. Every number expressed in the binary system is a combination of the two digits 1 and 0. The binary system refers to the manner in which numbers are rendered for use in computers. The binary system is written in a base two system.

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Sources. • http://sws.lhps.org/computerscienceed/tabid/339/Default.aspx• http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_invented_the_Internet• http://www.bigsiteofamazingfacts.com/who-invented-the-first-computer• http://www.fourmilab.ch/babbage/• http://www.officemuseum.com/data_processing_machines.htm• http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/comeniac.htm• http://inventors.about.com/library/weekly/aa061698.htm• http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Who_invented_the_first_microcomputer• http://www.cut-the-knot.org/do_you_know/BinaryHistory.shtml