history of ambulance

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  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    HISTORY OF AMBULANCEPosted by HeArt BeaT ^_^ at 12:34 AM

    Selama Perang Salib abad ke-11, Knights of St John menerima pengajaran dalam

    perawatan pertolongan pertama dari dokter Arab dan Yunani. he Knights of St John

    kemudian bertindak sebagai pekerja darurat pertama, mengobati tentara di kedua sisi

    perang di medan perang dan membawa !ang terluka ke tenda terdekat untuk perawatan

    lebih lanjut.

    Konsep layanan ambulans dimulai di Eropa denan Kni!ts o" #t $o!n% pada saat yan sama itu &ua

    men&adi pra'ti' umum yan di!adia!i re(ard 'e)il yan !arus dibayar'an 'epada pra&urit yan

    memba(a pra&urit yan terlu'a lainnya untu' pera(atan medis*


    Posted by HeArt BeaT ^_^ at 11:42 PM

    "ari ini hampir #$$$ tahun !ang lalu, tepatn!a tanggal #% Agustus tahun &', terjadi letusan

    dahs!at gunung (esu)ius tak jauh dari ujung selatan *talia. Konon letusan itu adalah !ang

    pertama setelah gunung api tersebut tertidur lelap selama berabad-abad.

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    +etak (esu)ius, dari http)olano.und.nodak.edu

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    /unung (esu)ius !ang menurut legenda berarti 0Putra (eseus2 alias "erules, terletak di

    kawasan 3ampagnia dekat eluk 4apoli, tak jauh dari kota industri dan perdagangan

    Pompeii !ang ketika itu berpenduduk lebih dari #$ ribu jiwa. ak jauh dari sana juga terdapat

    kota peristirahatan musim panas, "erulaneum, !ang dipenuhi )illa, pemandian ala 5omawi,dan tak lupa perjudian. 6i sekitarn!a dapat dijumpai perkebunan anggur !ang luas, juga

    beberapa kota keil seperti Stabiae.

    +etusan pada tahun &' ini diawali oleh sebuah gempa besar pada tahun 7#. etapi bangsa

    5omawi pada masa itu tidak menghubungkan gempa dengan akti)itas gunung berapi.

    8ungkin ini karena mereka, terutama di 3ampagnia, sudah terbiasa dengan ban!akn!a

    getaran dan gonangan bumi, keil dan besar.

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    dari 9ikipedia8enjelang tengah hari tanggal #% Agustus, (esu)ius meledak,

    menghamburkan gumpalan abu tebal !ang bisa digambarkan men!erupai jamur atau pohon

    emara. Seperti digambarkan Plin! he Younger, filsuf !ang sedang berada di eluk 4apoli

    pada saat letusan terjadi, dalam suratn!a kepada aitus, abu terlempar jauh tinggi ke atas

    seperti batang, lalu melebar dan akhirn!a berhamburan ke bumi. inggi semburan ini diduga

    menapai :$ kilometer, dan selama hampir 1# jam kemudian, Pompeii seperti dilapisi abu

    dan kerikil )ulkanis setebal beberapa sentimeter.

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Penduduk Pompeii panik dan mulai mengungsi ke luar kota, men!isakan #$$$ orang !ang

    masih bertahan dalam lubang-lubang persembun!ian menanti letusan gunung berakhir. api

    selambat-lambatn!a pada keesokan harin!a, mereka tewas karena keraunan setelah

    menghirup gas dan abu )ulkanis.

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Korban (esu)ius, dari httpwww.bb.o.ukhistor!Sementara "erulaneum sementara

    masih terselamatkan pada fase awal karena angin bertiup dari arah ;arat. etapi penduduk"erulaneum !ang sesungguhn!a terletak lebih dekat dengan (esu)ius, tak sempat lega

    terlalu lama. /umpalan abu dan gas diikuti oleh letusan la)a dan bebatuan

    menenggelamkan kota itu hingga lebih dari #$ meter. Suhu !ang menapai %$$ derajat

    3elius membuat benda organik seperti tubuh manusia menghangus, atau bahkan meledak.

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    +etusan berlangsung selama hampir #% jam, di mana (esu)ius melepaskan % kilometer

    kubik kandungann!a, terutama abu dan bebatuan. Kawasan !ang menderita kerusakan

    paling parah adalah kawasan di selatan dan tenggara gunung itu. Jumlah keseluruhan

    korban !ang meninggal dunia menapai 1$ ribu orang.

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Pompeii dan "erulaneum tern!ata tak pernah dibangun kembali oleh para -bekas-

    pendudukn!a !ang selamat, hingga seara kebetulan ditemukan kembali pada abad ke-1

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    6an kita, penduduk *ndonesia, sewajarn!a juga mengingat bahwa gunung-gunung berapi di

    sekitar kita harus selalu diwaspadai akti)itasn!a. erlebih lagi, karena *ndonesia masihmemegang rekor jumlah korban tewas terban!ak akibat letusan gunung berapi, !aitu letusan

    /unung ambora >Sumbawa, April 1

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    .a merupa'an arsite' li!t!ouse /mer)usuar0 y sanat ter'enal y membanun mer)usuar Eddystone*

    .a tadinya penen netes 'e'uatan mer)usuar buatannya se!ina ia berada di dalam mer)usuar itu

    pada saat badai* Tapi nyatanya mer)usuarnya robo! dan membunu!nya beserta lima oran lainnya*


    9. Alexander Bogdanov

    .a merupa'an "isi'a(an% "iloso"er% e'onomis% penulis s)i"i% dan reolusioner usia y ter'enal /buset

    maru' amat0* #ala! satu e'sperimen ilmia!nya adala! ide untu' perema&aan 'embali /re&uenation0

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    melalui trans"usi dara!* #etela! mela'u'an banya' trans"usi dara! untu' oran2 ter'enal% termasu'

    sodara )e(e'nya enin% ia memutus'an untu' mentrans"usi dara! dari pasien lain 'e dirinya sendiri*

    Pasien itu menidap malaria dan tuber'ulosis /TB50* A'ibatnya% dia mati beberapa saat setela!

    trans"usi* .yala!% oran penya'itan mala! dimasu'in dara!nya 66

    8. Cowper Phipps Coles

    .a merupa'an oyal 7ay 5aptain y menemu'an mesin turet berputar untu' 'apal peran selama

    5rimean 8ar* #etela! peran% ia mematen'an penemuannya itu dan mulai membanun 'apalnya

    sendiri denan menuna'an desain yan ia buat sebelumnya* Kapalnya diberi nama HM# 5aptain%

    y membutu!'an beberapa modi"i'asi y berba!aya dan tida' biasa% termasu' 9!urri)ane de)'9 ymenin'at'an pusat raitasi 'apal* Pada #ept 1-;,% HM# 5aptain terbali' dan membunu! 5oles


  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    .a merupa'an stuntman Kanada y ter'enal denan penemuannya berupa sebua! 9'apsul9 y

    diuna'annya untu' berselun)ur di Air Ter&un 7iaara* .a tetap !idup% namun menderita beberapa

    lu'a2* Pada 1+-

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    .a merupa'an pen&a!it Austria y ter'enal pembuatan parasut !ibrid y ane! y di'laimnya dapat

    membuat pema'ainya dpt d sanat lembut men)apai tana! atau ba!'an bisa & untu' terban* .a

    mela'u'an e'sperimen dari de' pertama di menara Ei""el dan ia ter&uuuun bebas 'e tana! lalu

    meninal* 5')')'*

    (. )tto *ilienthal

    .a merupa'an seoran pionir dlm pembuatan lider s!ina ia di&ulu'i >lider Kin* .a merupa'an

    oran pertama y ber!asil mela'u'an penerbanan lidin ber'ali2* Pada penerbanan pada +

    Austus 1-+% ia ter&atu! setini 1; meter dan memata!'an tulan bela'annya* .a meninal

    'eeso'an !arinya* Kata2 tera'!irnya: 9Penorbanan 'e)il !arus dila'u'an?9 8o(*

    +. Willia, B!llo"#

    .a merupa'an penemu dari Ameri'a y menemu'an mesin )eta' pada ta!un 1-3* .a meninal 'eti'aberusa!a untu' membetul'an mesin )eta'nya* Ka'inya masu' 'e dalam mesin 'eti'a berusa!a

    menendan sebua! 'ere'an 'e tempatnya* A'!irnya 'a'inya !an)ur dan ia meninal selama operasi

    penamputasian 'a'inya* #erem amat***

    -. . /. Parryho,as

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    .a merupa'an seoran penendara se'alius montir motorbalap 8els!* .a selalu bermimpi untu'

    dapat meme)a!'an re'or ter)epat di darat y perna! diset ole! Mal)olm 5ampbell% dan mulai

    membuat sebua! mobil untu' mela'u'annya* .a membuat sebua! mobil bernama Babs% y memili'i

    banya' modi"i'asi* Pada 2; April 1+2% ia ber!asil meme)a! re'or tersebut% namun ber!asil

    dipe)a!'an lai ole! 5ampbell 2 ta!un 'emudian* @alam usa!a meme)a!'an re'or itu 'embali% sala!

    satu rantai terlepas dan melayan 'e le!ernya% se'eti'a itu &ua le!ernya terpenal dan ia te(as* .ni

    lebi! serem lai

    2. ho,as 3idgley r

    .a merupa'an 'imia(an dari Ameri'a y menemu'an minya' bertimbal dan 55* .a bertanun

    &a(ab atas banya' 'eruian y disebab'an ole! 'erusa'an atmos"er 'arena penemuannya itu*

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    A'!irnya ia menderita Polio dan 'era)unan timbal dan &ua )a)at* .a meninal pada usia

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Cn!er"a#in !#a#$!

    east 5on)ern/.57 3*10C1D

    Scien#i%ic cla!!i%ica#inKindom: Animalia

    P!ylum: 5!ordata

    5lass: Aes

    rder: al)oni"ormes

    amily: al)onidae

    >enus: Falco

    #pe)ies: F. peregrinus

    Bin&ial na&e

    Falco peregrinus


    1;F1+% see te=t

    >lobal rane

    Gello(: Breedin summer isitor

    >reen: Breedin residentBlue: 8inter isitor

    i!t blue: Passae isitor


    Falco atricepsHumeFalco kreyenborgiKleins)!midt%1+2+

    Falco pelegrinoides madensipley 8atson% 1+3

    Rhynchodon peregrinus/Tunstall%1;;10

    and see te=t

    T!e Peregrine Falcn/Falco peregrinus0% also 'no(n as t!e Peregrine%C2Dand

    !istori)ally as t!e 9D$c* Ha+*9 in 7ort! Ameri)a%C3Dis a (idespreadbird o" preyin t!e

    "amilyal)onidae* A lare% )ro(siIed "al)on% it !as a blueray ba)'% barred (!ite

    underparts% and a bla)' !ead and 9mousta)!e9* Typi)al o"birdeatinraptors% Pererineal)ons are se=ually dimorp!i)%(it! "emales bein )onsiderably larer t!an males*C4DC

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    T!e Pererine is reno(ned "or its speed% rea)!in speeds o" oer 32< 'mJ! /2,2 mp!0

    durin its )!ara)teristi) !untin stoop%CDma'in it t!e "astest member o" t!e animal


    T!e Pererines breedin rane in)ludes land reions "rom t!e Ar)ti) tundrato t!e

    tropi)s* .t )an be "ound nearly eery(!ere on Eart!% e=)ept e=tremepolar reions% ery!i! mountains% and most tropi)al rain"orestsL t!e only ma&or i)e"ree landmass "rom

    (!i)! it is entirely absent is7e( ealand* T!is ma'es it t!e (orlds most (idespreadbird o" prey*C+DBot! t!e Enlis! and s)ienti"i) nameso" t!is spe)iesmean 9(anderin

    "al)on9% re"errin to t!e miratory!abits o" many nort!ern populations* E=perts

    re)oniIe 1; to 1+ subspe)ies(!i)! ary in appearan)e and raneL t!ere is disareementoer (!et!er t!e distin)tieBarbary al)onis represented by t(o subspe)ies o"Falco

    peregrinus,or is a separate spe)ies%F. pelegrinoides.

    8!ile its diet )onsists almost e=)lusiely o" mediumsiIed birds% t!e Pererine (ill

    o))asionally !unt small mammals% small reptiles% or een inse)ts* ea)!in se=ual

    maturity at one year% it mates "or li"e and nests in a s)rape% normally on )li"" edes or% inre)ent times% on tall !umanmade stru)tures*C1,DT!e Pererine al)on be)ame an

    endanered spe)ies in many areas be)ause o" pesti)ides% espe)ially @@T* #in)e t!e banon @@T "rom t!e early 1+;,s% populations !ae re)oered% supported by lares)ale

    prote)tion o" nestin pla)es and releases to t!e (ild*C11D

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance



    1 @es)ription

    2 Ta=onomy and systemati)s

    o 2*1 #ubspe)ies

    o 2*2 Barbary al)on 3 E)oloy and be!aior

    o 3*1 eedin

    o 3*2 eprodu)tion

    4 elations!ip (it! !umans

    o 4*1 al)onry

    o 4*2 5aptie breedin

    o 4*3 @e)line due to pesti)ides

    o 4*4 e)oery e""orts

    o 4*< 5urrent status

    < 5ultural sini"i)an)e


    ; #our)es

    - E=ternal lin's


    T!e Pererine al)on !as a body lent! o" 34 to

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Taxonomy and systematics

    Pererine al)ons% illustration by $o!n $ames Audubon

    Falco peregrinus(as "irst des)ribed under its )urrent binomial name by Enlis!

    ornit!oloist Marmadu'e Tunstallin !is 1;;1 Ornithologia Britannica*C1;DT!e s)ienti"i)nameFalco peregrinusmeans 9(anderin "al)on9 in atin*C1-D.ndeed% in most European

    lanuaes t!e spe)ies )ommon name re"ers to its (ideranin "li!ts*C1+DT!e atin term

    "or "al)on%falco% is related tofalx% t!e atin (ord meanin si)'le% in re"eren)e to t!e

    sil!ouette o" t!e "al)ons lon% pointed (ins in "li!t*CD

    T!e Pererine al)on belons to a enus(!ose lineae in)ludes t!e !iero"al)onsC2,Dand

    t!e Prairie al)on/F. mexicanus0* T!is lineae probably diered "rom ot!er "al)ons

    to(ards t!e end o" t!e ate Mio)eneor in t!e Early Plio)ene%about -F< million yearsao/mya0* As t!e Pererine!iero"al)on roup in)ludes bot! ld 8orldand 7ort!

    Ameri)an spe)ies% it is li'ely t!at t!e lineae oriinated in (esternEurasiaor A"ri)a* .ts

    relations!ip to ot!er "al)ons is not )learL t!e issue is )ompli)ated by (idespread

    !ybridiIation)on"oundin mt@7AseNuen)eanalysesL "or e=ample a eneti) lineae o"t!e #a'er al)on/F. cherrug0 is 'no(nC21D(!i)! oriinated "rom a male #a'er produ)in

    "ertile youn (it! a "emale Pererine an)estor*Ccitation neededD

    Today% Pererines are reularly !ybridiIed in )aptiity (it! ot!er spe)ies su)! as t!eanner al)on/F. biarmicus0 to produ)e t!e 9perilanner9% a some(!at popular bird in

    "al)onryas it )ombines t!e Pererines !untin s'ill (it! t!e anners !ardiness% or t!e

    >yr"al)onto produ)e lare% stri'inly )olored birds "or t!e use o" "al)oners* As )an be

    seen% t!e Pererine is still eneti)ally )lose to t!e !iero"al)ons% t!ou! t!eir lineaesdiered in t!e ate Plio)ene/maybe some 2*elasian0*C22D


    7umerous subspe)ieso"Falco peregrinus!ae been des)ribed% (it! 1+ a))epted by t!e

    1++4Handbook of the Birds of the orld%C4DC

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Breedin ranes o" t!e subspe)ies

    Pererine al)on (Falco peregrinus anatum)in "li!t%Morro Bay% 5ali"ornia

    Falco peregrinus anatum,des)ribed by Bonapartein 1-3-%C24Dis 'no(n as t!e

    Ameri)an Pererine al)on% or 9@u)' Ha('9L its s)ienti"i) name means 9@u)'

    Pererine al)on9* At one time% it (as partly in)luded in leucogenys* .t is mainly

    "ound in t!e o)'y Mountainstoday* .t (as "ormerly )ommon t!rou!out 7ort!Ameri)a bet(een t!e tundra and nort!ernMe=i)o%(!ere )urrentreintrodu)tion

    e""orts see' to restore t!e population*C24D

    Most mature anatum% e=)ept t!ose t!atbreed in more nort!ern areas% (inter in t!eir breedin rane* Most arants t!atrea)! (estern Europe seem to belon to t!e more nort!ern and stronly miratory

    tundrius% only )onsidered distin)t sin)e 1+-* .t is similar toperegrinusbut is

    sli!tly smallerL adults are some(!at paler and less patterned belo(% but &uenilesare dar'er and more patterned belo(* Males (ei!

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Paintin o"Falco peregrinus babylonicusby$o!n >ould

    Falco peregrinus babylonicus,des)ribed by P** #)laterin 1-1% is "ound in

    eastern .ranalon t!e Hindu Kus!and Tian #!anto Monolian Altairanes* A"e( birds (inter in nort!ern and nort!(estern .ndia% mainly in dry semidesert

    !abitats*C2D.t is paler t!anpelegrinoides% and some(!at similar to a small% pale

    anner al)on(Falco biarmicus).Males (ei! 33, to 4,, rams /12 to 14 oI0%(!ile "emales (ei!

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    reion* T!e ariation kreyenborgiis medium rey aboe% !as little barrin belo(%

    and !as a !ead pattern li'e t!e #a'er al)on%but t!e ear reion is (!ite*C3,D

    Falco peregrinus ernesti,des)ribed by #!arpe in 1-+4% is "ound "rom .ndonesia

    to P!ilippinesand sout! to Papua 7e( >uineaand t!e nearby Bismar)'

    Ar)!ipelao*.ts eorap!i)al separation "rom nesiotesreNuires )on"irmation* .t isnonmiratory* .t di""ers "rom t!e nominate subspe)ies in t!e ery dar'% densebarrin on its underside and its bla)' ear )oerts*

    Falco peregrinus furuitii,des)ribed by Momiyama in 1+2;% is "ound on t!e .Iu

    and asa(ara .slandssout! o" Hons!O% $apan* .t is nonmiratory* .t is ery rare%

    and may only remain on a sinle island*C4D.t is a dar' "orm% resemblinpealeiin

    )olor% but dar'er% espe)ially on tail*C14D

    Falco peregrinus japonensis,des)ribed by >melinin 1;--% in)ludes

    kleinschmidtiandpleskei% and harterti,and seems to re"er to interrades (it!

    calidus* .t is "ound "rom nort!east #iberiato Kam)!at'a/t!ou! it is possiblyrepla)ed bypealeion t!e )oast t!ere0 and$apan* 7ort!ern populations aremiratory% (!ile t!ose o" $apan are resident* .t is similar toperegrinus% but t!e

    youn are een dar'er t!an t!ose o" anatum*

    Falco peregrinus macropus% Australia

    Falco peregrinus macropus,des)ribed by #(ainsonin 1-3;% is t!e Australian

    Pererine al)on* .t is "ound in Australiain all reions e=)ept t!e sout!(est* .t is

    nonmiratory* .t is similar to brookeiin appearan)e% but is sli!tly smaller and

    t!e ear reion is entirely bla)'* T!e "eet are proportionally lare*C14D

    Falco peregrinus madens,des)ribed by ipleyand 8atson in 1+3% is unusual in

    !ain some se=ual di)!romatism* ." t!e Barbary al)on /see belo(0 is)onsidered a distin)t spe)ies% it is sometimes pla)ed t!erein* .t is "ound in t!e

    5ape erde .slands% and is nonmiratoryLC14Dit is endanered (it! only si= to

    ei!t pairs suriin*C4DMales !ae a ru"ous (as! on )ro(n% nape% ears and ba)'Lunderside )onspi)uously (as!ed pin'is!bro(n* emales are tined ri)! bro(n

    oerall% espe)ially on t!e )ro(n and nape*C14D

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Falco peregrinus minor% illustration by Keulemans%1-;4

    Falco peregrinus minor,"irst des)ribed by Bonapartein 1-ul" o" Alas'aand t!e

    Aleutian .slandsto t!e "ar easternBerin #ea)oast o" ussia%C34Dand may also

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    o))ur on t!e Kuril .slandsand t!e )oasts o" Kam)!at'a* .t is nonmiratory* .t is

    t!e larest subspe)ies% and it loo's li'e an oersiIed and dar'er tundriusor li'e a

    stronly barred and lare anatum* T!e bill is ery (ide*C3

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    some indiiduals% espe)ially adult males% (ill remain on t!e breedin territory* nly

    populations t!at breed in Ar)ti) )limestypi)ally mirate reat distan)es durin t!e

    nort!ern (inter*C4;D

    T!e Pererine al)on is o"ten stated to be t!e "astest animal on t!e planet in its !untin

    die% t!e stoop%C;D

    (!i)! inoles soarin to a reat !ei!t and t!en diin steeply atspeeds )ommonly said to be oer 32, 'mJ! /2,, mp!0% and !ittin one (in o" its prey so

    as not to !arm itsel" on impa)t*CDT!e air pressure "rom a 2,, mp! /32, 'mJ!0 die )ouldpossibly damae a birds luns% but small bony tuber)les on a "al)ons nostrils uide t!e

    po(er"ul air"lo( a(ay "rom t!e nostrils% enablin t!e bird to breat!e more easily (!ile

    diin by redu)in t!e )!ane in air pressure*C4-DTo prote)t t!eir eyes% t!e "al)ons uset!eir ni)titatin membranes/t!ird eyelids0 to spread tears and )lear debris "rom t!eir eyes

    (!ile maintainin ision* A study testin t!e "li!t p!ysi)s o" an 9ideal "al)on9 "ound a

    t!eoreti)al speed limit at 4,, 'mJ! /2

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance



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  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    (!ite to bu"" (it! red or bro(n mar'ins*C1DT!ey are in)ubated "or 2+ to 33 days% mainly

    by t!e "emale%C1

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    and "rom t!ose "e( in"usions o" (ild enes aailable "rom 5anada and spe)ial

    )ir)umstan)es* Pererine al)ons (ere remoed "rom t!e nited #tates endanered

    spe)ies list in 1+++ due larely to t!e e""ort and 'no(lede o" "al)oners in )ollaboration(it! t!e Pererine und and state and "ederal aen)ies F t!rou! a te)!niNue )alled

    !a)'in*Ccitation neededDinally% a"ter years o" )lose (or' (it! t!e # is! and 8ildli"e

    #eri)e% a limited ta'e o" (ild Pererines (as allo(ed in 2,,4% t!e "irst (ild Pererinesta'en spe)i"i)ally "or "al)onry in oer 3, years* #in)e Pererine es and )!i)'s are still

    o"ten tareted by illeal )olle)tors%C;Dit is )ommon pra)ti)e not to publi)iIe unprote)ted

    nest lo)ations*C-D

    Ca(#i"e 'ree,ing

    Pererine al)ons !ae been su))ess"ully bred in )aptiity% bot! "or "al)onryand "or

    release ba)' into t!e (ild*C+D

    T!e "irst su))ess"ul )aptie breedin o"pererine "al)onsin 7ort! Ameri)a o))urred in

    t!e early 1+;,s by T!e Pererine und% pro"essor and "al)oner HeinI Men% and ot!erpriate "al)onerJbreeders su)! as @ae $amiesson and es Boyd (!o bred t!e "irst

    pererines by means o" arti"i)ial insemination* .n >reat Britain% "al)onerP!illip >lasiero" t!e al)onry 5entre in7e(ent% >lou)esters!ire%(as su))ess"ul in obtainin youn

    "rom more t!an 2, spe)ies o" )aptie raptors* A )ooperatie e""ort bean bet(een arious

    oernment aen)ies% nonoernment oraniIations% and "al)oners to supplementarious (ild raptor populations in peril* T!is e""ort (as stronest in 7ort! Ameri)a (!ere

    sini"i)ant priate donations alon (it! "undin allo)ations t!rou! t!e Endanered

    #pe)ies A)to" 1+;2 proided t!e means to )ontinue t!e release o" )aptiebred

    Pererines and arious ot!er raptors* By t!e mid1+-,s% "al)oners !ad be)ome sel"su""i)ient as reards sour)es o" birds to train and "ly% in addition to t!e immensely

    important )onseration bene"its )on"erred by )aptie breedin*

    Decline ,$e # (e!#ici,e!

    T!e Pererine al)on be)ame an endanered spe)ies be)ause o" t!e use o"

    orano)!lorine pesti)ides% espe)ially @@T% durin t!e 1+ermanyand Poland%(ildli"e seri)es in Pererine al)on

    re)oery teams breed t!e spe)ies in )aptiity*C;2DT!e )!i)'s are usually "ed t!rou! a)!ute or (it! a !and puppetmimi)'in a Pererines !ead% so t!ey )annot see to imprint

    on t!e !uman trainers*C4;DT!en% (!en t!ey are old enou!% t!e rearin bo= is opened%

    allo(in t!e bird to train its (ins* As t!e "ledlin ets stroner% "eedin is redu)ed"or)in t!e bird to learn to !unt* T!is pro)edure is )alled !a)'in ba)' to t!e (ild*C;3DTo

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    release a )aptiebred "al)on% t!e bird is pla)ed in a spe)ial )ae at t!e top o" a to(er or

    )li"" lede "or some days or so% allo(in it to a))limate itsel" to its "uture enironment* C;3D

    8orld(ide re)oery e""orts !ae been remar'ably su))ess"ul*C;2DT!e (idespreadrestri)tion o" @@T use eentually allo(ed released birds to breed su))ess"ully*C4;DT!e

    Pererine al)on (as remoed "rom t!e *#*Endanered #pe)ieslist on Auust 2

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Kera&aan: Animalia

    ilum: 5!ordata

    Kelas: Aes

    rdo: al)oni"ormes

    amili: al)onidae>enus: Falco

    #pesies: F. peregrinus

    Na&a 'in&ial

    Falco peregrinusTunstall% 1;;1

    Ala(.ala( *a+a//Falco peregrinus0 atau"eregrine Falcondalam ba!asa .nris adala!

    sala! satu spesies alapalapberu'uran besar% denan pan&an se'itar

  • 7/21/2019 History of Ambulance


    Da"tar isi


    1 Ana' &enis

    2 Konserasi

    3 5atatan 'a'i

    4 Pranala luar

    #s!nting$ %na& 'enis

    u'isan menurut 7aumann% 1+,