history multiple choice

1. Q: How many American Colonies were there that went to war with Great Britain in the American War of Independence?  A: 9 B: 12 C: 13 D: 50 -------------------------------------  2. Q: What year was the Constitution of the United States formulated?   A: 1887 B: 1776 C: 1797 D: 1787 -------------------------------------  3. Q: What year was the Stamp Act crisis?   A: 1765 B: 1770 C: 1759 D: 1760 -------------------------------------  4. Q: "What philosopher stated that all individuals possessed certain ""natural rights""-such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of propery?"  A: John Adams B: John Locke C: John Smith D: John Wesley -------------------------------------  5. Q: Who urged the House of Burgesses to condemn the Stamp Act?   A: Henry James B: George Washinton C: Patrick Henry D: John Adams -------------------------------------  6. Q: Who forcibly prevented the distribution of stamps and forced the resignation of the stamp collectors?   A: The Fr eedom Force B: US Calvary C: The Boston Militia D: Sons of Liberty  -------------------------------------  7. Q: Who came up the the Townshend Acts?   A: Charles Townshend B: John Dickenson C: King William II D: William Pitt -------------------------------------  8. Q: What were the Townshend Acts?   A: Tax's o n sugar  B: Dutie's on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea  C: Laws against murder  D: Laws against freedom of religion -------------------------------------  9. Q: Who protested by meeting to spin yarn for cloth and avoid purchasing cloth from British manufacturers? 

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this is just some practise questions for students doing history unit two hope that you will find it useful.


1. Q: How many American Colonies were there that went to war with Great Britain in the American War of Independence?A: 9B: 12C: 13D: 50-------------------------------------2. Q: What year was the Constitution of the United States formulated?A: 1887B: 1776C: 1797D: 1787-------------------------------------3. Q: What year was the Stamp Act crisis?A: 1765B: 1770C: 1759D: 1760-------------------------------------4. Q: "What philosopher stated that all individuals possessed certain ""natural rights""-such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of propery?"A: John AdamsB: John LockeC: John SmithD: John Wesley-------------------------------------5. Q: Who urged the House of Burgesses to condemn the Stamp Act?A: Henry JamesB: George WashintonC: Patrick HenryD: John Adams-------------------------------------6. Q: Who forcibly prevented the distribution of stamps and forced the resignation of the stamp collectors?A: The Freedom ForceB: US CalvaryC: The Boston MilitiaD: Sons of Liberty-------------------------------------7. Q: Who came up the the Townshend Acts?A: Charles TownshendB: John DickensonC: King William IID: William Pitt-------------------------------------8. Q: What were the Townshend Acts?A: Tax's on sugarB: Dutie's on glass, lead, paint, paper, and teaC: Laws against murderD: Laws against freedom of religion-------------------------------------9. Q: Who protested by meeting to spin yarn for cloth and avoid purchasing cloth from British manufacturers?A: Daughters of LibertyB: Wifes of HopeC: Freedom SewersD: Women of Freedom-------------------------------------10. Q: "Who said that the British government should: ""Repeal the laws, renounce the right, recall the troops, refund the money, and return to the old method of requisition.""?"A: King George IIIB: Benjamin FranklinC: Frederick NorthD: Thomas Hutchinson-------------------------------------11. Q: Who was the governor of Massachusetts in the early 1770s who was for an independent American colonies?A: Benjamin FranklinB: James MadisonC: Patrick HenryD: Thomas Hutchinson-------------------------------------12. Q: What was the incident where British troops fired on a mob, killing five people in Boston, later called?A: Boston MassacreB: Boston Tea PartyC: Boston KillingD: Tax Massacre-------------------------------------13. Q: What British customs ship did a Rhode Island mob destroy?A: GaspeeB: GeorgeC: WilliamD: Elizabeth-------------------------------------14. Q: Who helped establish the Committee of Correspondence in the Massachusetts assembly?A: Patrick HenryB: Samuel AdamsC: Lord NorthD: John Adams-------------------------------------15. Q: The Boston Tea Party took place in?A: 1775B: 1771C: 1773D: 1768-------------------------------------16. Q: Who secured the Tea Act to assist the East India Company?A: Samuel AdamsB: Thomas JeffersonC: William HowardD: Lord North-------------------------------------17. Q: What did the patriots disguise themselves as at the Boston Tea Party?A: FishB: Native AmericansC: PiratesD: Women-------------------------------------18. Q: Where was The first Continental Congress held?A: BostonB: RichmandC: JamestownD: Philadelphia-------------------------------------19. Q: Who warned the colonial militia that British General Gage was coming?A: Patrick HenryB: Thomas JeffersonC: Paul RevereD: Samuel Adams-------------------------------------20. Q: Where were the first battles between the British army and the colonial militia?A: Boston and PhiladelphiaB: Lexington and ConcordC: Concord and BostonD: Lexington and Philadelphia-------------------------------------21. Q: Who wrote Common Sense?A: Thomas PaineB: Thomas JeffersonC: Samuel AdamsD: John Adams-------------------------------------22. Q: Who led the Continental Army?A: Samual AdamsB: George WashingtonC: Patrick HenryD: Charles Lee-------------------------------------23. Q: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?A: George WashingtonB: Samuel AdamsC: Thomas JeffersonD: John Hancock-------------------------------------24. Q: When did congress order the publication of the Declaration of Independence?A: June 3, 1776B: July 1, 1776C: July 4, 1776D: September 3, 1776-------------------------------------25. Q: What document declared the colonies as the free and independent United States of America.A: Bill of RightsB: Common SenseC: Declaration of IndependenceD: The Freedom Essay-------------------------------------26. Q: What European countries did the American Colonies receive crucial aid from?A: Germany and RussiaB: Italy and GreeceC: Sweden and NorwayD: Spain and France-------------------------------------27. Q: What was the largest active force the Continental Army ever had at one time?A: 150,000 TroopsB: 85000 TroopsC: 24,000 TroopsD: 175,000 Troops-------------------------------------28. Q: Where was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War fought?A: BostonB: SaratogaC: YorktownD: Philadelphia-------------------------------------29. Q: Where was the Battle of Bunker Hill?A: BostonB: PhiladelphiaC: SaratogaD: Yorktown-------------------------------------30. Q: Who was the British General at the Battle of Bunker Hill?A: GageB: HoweC: NorthD: Hutchinson-------------------------------------31. Q: Where was North Carolina Governor Josiah Martin's force defeted by the patriotsA: Battle of Bunker HillB: Battle of YorktownC: Battle of GermantownD: Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge-------------------------------------32. Q: Who led the forces that took Fort Ticonderoga?A: George WashingtonB: Benjamin FranklinC: Ethan AllenD: Richard Montgomery-------------------------------------33. Q: Who led the Continental Army across the Delaware?A: Charles LeeB: George WashingtonC: Philip SchuylerD: Guy Carleton-------------------------------------34. Q: What countries troops did Washington defeat at Trenton after crossing the Delaware?A: GermanyB: FranceC: SpainD: Italy-------------------------------------35. Q: Where did 2,500 of 11,000 of Washington's troops die from exposure or disease during a winter encampment?A: GermantownB: BrandywineC: PrincetonD: Valley Forge-------------------------------------36. Q: Where did the patriots receive their first major victory causing British General Burgoyne to surrender?A: White PlainsB: BenningtonC: SaratogaD: Yorktown-------------------------------------37. Q: Who forced General Burgoyne to surrender at Saratoga?A: Charles LeeB: Horatio GatesC: Benedict ArnoldD: George Washington-------------------------------------38. Q: What British general defeated Horatio Gates at the Battle of Camden?A: HoweB: CornwallisC: ClintonD: North-------------------------------------39. Q: What captain captured the British sloop Drake and the warship Serapis?A: Harry LeeB: Horatio GatesC: John Paul JonesD: Daniel Morgan-------------------------------------40. Q: What treaty concluded the American Revolution?A: Treaty of YorktownB: Treaty of LondonC: Treaty of PhiladelphiaD: Treaty of Paris-------------------------------------41. Q: Who drafted the Articles of Confederation?A: John AdamsB: John DickinsonC: Thomas JeffersonD: John Hancock-------------------------------------42. Q: The 1976 Shays' Rebellion led by Daniel Shays was over what major issue?A: religionB: land rightsC: debtD: slavery-------------------------------------43. Q: At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, who proposed the New Jersey Plan?A: James MadisonB: Alexander HamiltonC: Ben FranklinD: William Patterson-------------------------------------44. Q: At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, who proposed the Virginia Plan?A: James MadisonB: Alexander HamiltonC: George WashingtonD: Willaim patterson-------------------------------------45. Q: At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the Virginia Plan proposed?A: One vote for each stateB: Very limited National governmentC: A three part national government: house, exectutive, and judiciaryD: One house based on population-------------------------------------46. Q: What compromise was made to ease representation issues surrounding the population differences of states?A: An upper house based on population, a lower with equal representationB: An upper house with equal representation, a lower based on populationC: Presidential vote based on populationD: A single parliament-------------------------------------47. Q: At the Constitutional Convention, what percentage of slaves was agreed upon to count towards representation?A: 60%B: 50%C: 40%D: 30%-------------------------------------48. Q: Under the Constitutional Convention of 1787, to limit popular power, the Presendent would be elected by?A: State LegistlatureB: Electoral CollegeC: State GovernorsD: State Senators-------------------------------------49. Q: Under the Constitutional Convention of 1787, to limit popular power, Senators would be elected by?A: State LegistlatureB: Electoral CollegeC: State GovernorsD: House of Representatives-------------------------------------50. Q: What papers did John Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay write to convince people that states would retain power under the Constitution?A: Freedom EssaysB: The RepublicC: The FederalistD: The libertarians-------------------------------------51. Q: What year was the Constitution finally ratified?A: 1777B: 1787C: 1788D: 1789-------------------------------------52. Q: Who was the first president of the USA?A: George WashingtonB: James MadisonC: Benjamin FranklinD: Samuel Adams-------------------------------------53. Q: How many states first ratified the Constitution?A: 13B: 11C: 10D: 9-------------------------------------54. Q: Who led the Colonial troops at the Battle of Bunker Hill?A: George WashingtonB: Charles LeeC: William PrescottD: Thomas Gage-------------------------------------55. Q: "Who said ""don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes""?"A: George WashingtonB: Joseph WarrenC: Willam HoweD: William Prescott-------------------------------------56. Q: Who led the Bostonians at the Boston Tea Party?A: Samuel AdamsB: Willam PrescottC: Paul RevereD: Benjamin Franklin-------------------------------------57. Q: Who became the third President of the United States?A: Benjamin FranklinB: Thomas JeffersonC: James MadisonD: John Adams-------------------------------------58. Q: "What document starts out ""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...""?"A: Constitution of the United StatesB: Bill of RightsC: Declaration of IndependenceD: The Federalist-------------------------------------59. Q: Who lived at Monticello?A: George WashingtonB: Benjamin FranklinC: John AdamsD: Thomas Jefferson-------------------------------------1) Which of the following played a role in causing the French Revolution?a. Diminishing farming land for peasants, peasants not getting along with merchantsb. Disease, rise of Lutheran Church in Francec. Famine and a distrust of the kingd. Lack of cattle for peasants due to mad cow disease2) What did John Marat believe strongly in?a. Free pressb. Catholicismc.Unfreepressd. Lutheranism3)Who did CharlotteCordraykillwhile the person was in thebathtub?a. Louis XIVb.Maximilian Robespierrec. John Maratd. Louis XV4) What was the standing of the Catholic Church at and near the ending of the French Revolution?a. Most people wereatheistsb. The country was still called Catholic, but themajority wereHuguenotsc. The country wasNOT called Catholic, because of all the Huguenotsd. The Catholicchurchwas replaced by a Cult of Reason5) How didFrance's constitution come aboutduring Napoleon's reign?a. He proposed it and allowed the people to voteb. He proposed it and Parliament passed itc. He wrote it and put it into forced. He writes it and asks the pope for permission7. One of the huge problems that lead to the French Revolution wasa. theeconomy;Francehad many financial problems and had been taxing thepoor outrageouslyb. theeconomy; the Church was beginning to become low on funds, and theking was demanding more than its annual volunteer giftc. thesocial structure; women began demanding the same rights as men andwere not receiving anyd. thethree estates; those who typically had the most power (the king,nobles, and Church) were not able to impose their will on the country

8.During the first stage of the French Revolutiona. The country united in a constitutional monarchy under Jean-PaulMaratb. Most of the peasant actually lost rights, but they understood it to betemporaryc. The king and queen were symbolically beheadeddMany people, especially women, gained rights

9. The second stage of the French Revolution was known as The Terror becausea. thegovernment was quickly becoming corrupted, people were losing their rights, and senseless violence was everywhereb. thepeople began to fear they had brought the wrath of God uponthemselvesc. anew set of worships for theTempleofReasonbegan to dominate peopleslivesd. thenew royal army was swarming theParisand the citizens began fearingfor their very survival

10. The major event that ended the 2ndstage of the French Revolution would bea. The king and queen being brought back into power in a last, desperatehope to save the countryb. Jean-Paul Marat enjoying a brief position of political power before being mercilessly beheadedc. Robespierre, the incorruptible, was finally executed after unwittinglyturning the Committee of Public Safety against himd. Inflation soaring once again, making the peasants so fearful that theykilled their representative,Necker14) Which Event or Time Period caused the Ideology of the French Revolution?A) The 30 Years WarB) The EnlightenmentC) The RenaissanceD) War of the 3 Henrys15) Who was the King during the 1ststage of the French Revolution?A)Henry of NavarreB) Charles VIIIC) Louis XID) Louis XVI16) Robespierre led the 2ndstage of the Revolution known asA) The FearB) The TerrorC) The EnlightenmentD) The Guillotine Era17) A new constitution was issued in 1795 where a committee of 5 men was created known asA) The DirectoryB) The committee of 5C) The French MenD) The Kings Men18)Karl MarxandFriedrich Engelscreated their own kind of Socialism which was calledA)KarlismB)EngelismC) MarxismD) Divine Right Socialism19. The National Assemblys initial goal was to:a. Create a new constitutionb. Protect the rights of the nobilityc. Get rid of counter-revolutionaries d. Secure a peaceful transition while changing kings20.Whatgroup was the most liberal and violent revolutionaries?a. TheThermidoriansb. The Jacobinsc. TheGirondinsd. The Sans-Culottese. 21. Who was the leader of the Committee for Public Safety?21. Hebert21. Robespierre21. Danton21. Morat21. 1. What was the battle called where Napoleon was defeated for the last time?22. BattleofBorodino22. Waterloo22. Leipzig22. Battleof theNile22. 1. Which country did not belong to the Congress of Vienna23. Prussia23. Russia23. United Kingdom23. Italy24. Conservatism of the 1800s advocates for:a. The status quob. Basic rightsc. The creation of nation-statesd. Capitalism e. 25. Which of these wasNOTa cause of the French Revolution?A) Calling the Estates GeneralB) Political and Social InequalitiesC) Bankruptcy of the GovernmentD) The rise of Napoleon26. What was stage one of the French Revolution called?A) The Great TerrorB)theNationalAssembly and Constitutional MonarchyC)TheNational ConventionD)TheEstates General27 .Whotook over during the third stage of the French Revolution?A) William III and Mary IIB) Henry VIII and Anne BoleynC) Napoleon Bonaparte ofGenoaD) Louis XVI and the Estates General28. What religion did Napoleon bring back intoFrance?A) French HuguenotsB) Dutch HumanismC) Roman CatholicismD) The Anglican Church30.Whowas the leader of the National Assembly?A. DantonB. Louis XVIC. MaratD. Robespierre31.Whichof these changed during the de-Christianization ofFrance?A. the calendar- year, months and daysB. foodC. Names of the kings ofFranceD. nothing changed32.TheNapoleonic Code wasA. An agreement between Napoleon and the Church.B. A code that said no one could trade withEngland, and was also a new constitutionC. A just and legal system based on Ancient Roman law that organized the many laws ofFranceinto one easy to follow systemD. A code that said that Napoleon ruled everything.35. Which of the following items is NOT a cause of the French Revolution?A. Louis XVI was attempting to overthrow ParliamentB. An extremely large amount of debt after lots of warsC. High unemployment ratesD. Extremely high bread taxesE. Louis XVI was aschlub(A person regarded as clumsy, stupid, and unattractive)

36. What was the meeting called that, while in session, made the Tennis Court Oath?A. The Estates GeneralB. The Bastille TakeoverC. The National AssemblyD. UnitedSovereignStateRegional

37. What year marks the start of the rule of radicals in French history, also known as the beginning of the Second Stage by some historians?A. 1791-92B. 1789C. 1790D. 1776-77

38. What happened in the 3rd stage of the French Revolution?A. The radicals were all brutally killed at the Capture of the BastilleB. Terror increased, and more people died annually than usualC. The Revolution was over, and a new Bill of Rights was written at the start of this stageD. Moderate middle-class Liberals took over the government and ruled as the DirectoryAfter Napoleon Questions DO NOT DO YET6) The Vienna Congress had a couple of major goals. These were to....a. force Napoleon to resign as emperorb. get rid of the monarchs to maintain the B.O.P.c. restore the monarchs, maintain balance of powerd. make Europe a unified empire33.Inwhat year did the Congress of Vienna redraw the boarders and reinstate the Kings of Europe.A. 1920B. 1815C. 1800D. 176834. Which of these is the basis for Nationalism?A. private property should be abolishedB. planned townsC. every culture should have their own countryD.toget rid of the conservatives.11.Everyplace conquered by Napoleon receiveda. excellenteducation, beginning from the age of five, in French studiesand philosophiesb. theFrench culture, including its language, food, and philosophiesc. asystem of justice for civilians and criminals which had been firstcreated by Robespierred. manyideals and creations of the French Revolution, including the metricsystem, the abolition of the feudal system, and many salaried members of thegovernment6. Who was the leader of the Vienna Congress?A) Metternich ofAustriaB) Talleyrand ofFranceC)CastlereaghofEnglandD) Alexander I ofRussia12.France, although defeated by the European Coalition countries, received most of its land back at the Congress of Vienna becausea. Francewas no longer ruled by Napoleon and the other countries wanted to preserve the balance of powerb. It had been hisdegree that upon his death his son should help dividehisland, and his son was intent on carrying this outc. The other countries were all prepared to go to war with each other, whichwas the last thing anyone wanted at the momentd. France was unable to rule across the wide space and unfamiliar terrain,and in the end it was decided that it was best for everything to go back tothe way it was before

13.In contrast to the ideals of the century before, Romanticism emphasizeda. God and Hisangelsb. perfectionand intricacyc. beautyand a sense of connectiond. feelingsand nature29. Which of the following did Metternich support?A) LiberalismB) ConservatismC) CommunismD) Capitalism

Which is generally a characteristic of a communist economy?1. investment is encouraged by the promise of large profits2. the role of government in the economy is restricted by law3. government agencies are involved in production planning4. entrepreneurs sell shares in their companies to the governmentCorrect Answer Number:3Explanation:A communist, or command economy, controls the means of production by having governmental agencies involved in production planning.

Russian Revolution: Question 2 of 22

A group of planners makes all economic decisions. The group assigns natural, human, and capital resources to the production of those goods and services it wants. The group decides how to produce them and to whom to distribute them

This description best applies to the1. manorial economy of feudal Europe2. mercantile economy of 18th century Europe3. command economy of the Soviet Union4. market economy of the United StatesCorrect Answer Number:3Explanation:In a command economy, such as that of the communist Soviet Union, the government controls all aspects of production.

Russian Revolution: Question 3 of 22

Which situation resulted from the Russo-Japanese War of 1905?1. Japan lost its status as a world power2. the Japanese Emperor encouraged reforms in Russia3. dissident groups challenged the power of the Russian Czar4. Russia gained control of China and JapanCorrect Answer Number:3Explanation:Russias loss to Japan in the Russo-Japanese War (1905) indicated that there was a weakness in the Russian government which led to a series of confrontations between Czar Nicholas II and Russian dissidents.

Russian Revolution: Question 4 of 22

Stalins Five-Year Plans and his decision to form collectives are examples of1. strategies to modernize the economy of the Soviet Union through forced communism2. a more friendly foreign policy toward China3. methods of dealing with the United States during the Cold War4. programs to westernize, educate, and enlighten the populationCorrect Answer Number:1Explanation:In a command economy, such as that of the communist Soviet Union, the government controls all aspects of production.

Russian Revolution: Question 5 of 22

A major cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was the1. defeat of Germany in the Russian campaign2. marriage of Czar Nicholas II to a German princess3. existence of sharp economic differences between social classes4. appeal of Marxism to the Russian nobilityCorrect Answer Number:3Explanation:A rigid class system existed in Russia which allowed landowning nobles, priests, and the Czar to live well, while the peasant class faced many hardships, including poor working conditions in urban areas, poverty, and constant food shortages.

Russian Revolution: Question 6 of 22

Which is an accurate statement about the Soviet economy under the leadership of Joseph Stalin?1. a large selection of consumer goods became available2. the Soviet Union increased its industrial output by developing heavy industry3. private farmers were encouraged to sell their surplus produce in an open market4. the government reduced its role in planning industrial productionCorrect Answer Number:2Explanation:A communist, or command economy, controls the means of production by having governmental agencies involved in production planning. Stalin used this system to control the Soviet economy and increase production in heavy industry.

Russian Revolution: Question 7 of 22

A major effect of Josef Stalins policy of Collectivization on Soviet agriculture was1. a widespread food shortage throughout the nation2. an increase in the export of agricultural products3. a surplus of agricultural goods4. the immediate creation of many small private farmsCorrect Answer Number:1Explanation:A communist, or command economy, controls the means of production by having governmental agencies involved in production planning. In the Soviet Union, this system led to widespread food shortages as production goals were seldom met.

Russian Revolution: Question 8 of 22

One action taken by both V.I. Lenin and Joseph Stalin was1. attempting to bring democracy to Russia2. jailing or murdering potential opponents3. supporting the Russian Orthodox Church4. providing economic aid to Japan after World War I and World War IICorrect Answer Number:2Explanation:Totalitarian governments often resort to violence and terror as a means to control their country.

Russian Revolution: Question 9 of 22

The Russian peasants supported the Bolsheviks in the 1917 Revolutions mainly because the Bolsheviks promised to1. establish collective farms2. maintain the agricultural price-support system3. bring modern technology to Russian farms4. redistribute the land owned by the nobilityCorrect Answer Number:4Explanation:Russian peasants lived in poverty and faced constant food shortages due to the lack of land to cultivate. Most of the arable land belonged to the nobility. Redistribution of this land would alleviate many of the peasant's problems.

Russian Revolution: Question 10 of 22

Which statement best describes the political situation in the Soviet Union immediately after Lenins death in 1924?1. the nation adopted a constitutional monarchy2. Trotsky and his followers assumed full control of the Communist Party3. popular elections were held to choose a new general secretary4. a power struggle developed among Communist Party leadersCorrect Answer Number:4Explanation:A power struggle between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky erupted after the death of Lenin. Stalin managed to outmaneuver Trotsky, who was forced out of the Communist Party and into exile. An agent of Stalin later assassinated Trotsky.

Russian Revolution: Question 11 of 22

The term that best describes the position of Jews in Czarist Russia is1. political elite2. persecuted minority3. landed gentry4. military leadersCorrect Answer Number:2Explanation:Jews in Czarist Russia suffered under an anti-Semitic regime.

Russian Revolution: Question 12 of 22

the organizations of the revolutionaries must consist first, foremost, and mainly of people who make revolutionary activity their professionsuch an organization must of necessity be not too extensive and as secret as possible-V.I. Lenin, 1917

This quotation refers to Lenins plan to1. defeat Germany in World War I2. establish democracy in Russia3. maintain communist power in Western Europe4. overthrow the Russian governmentCorrect Answer Number:4Explanation:V.I. Lenin was the architect of the Russian Revolution. Together with Leon Trotsky, he adapted Marxist ideas to fit the Russian situation and overthrew the weak and corrupt Czarist regime.

Russian Revolution: Question 13 of 22

The 1917 victory of the communists in Russia was a contradiction of Marxist theory because Russia was1. already ruled by a socialist government2. involved in World War I3. mainly an agricultural society4. not considered to be a military powerCorrect Answer Number:3Explanation:Marxs ideas on political revolutions mainly concerned the plight of the poor working class in industrial societies.

Russian Revolution: Question 14 of 22

Josef Stalins leadership of the Soviet Union can best be characterized as a period of1. democratic reform and nationalism2. humanism and democracy3. religious freedom and tolerance4. censorship and terrorCorrect Answer Number:4Explanation:Stalin turned the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state. This form of government consist of a one party dictatorship that often rules through terror and violence, while attempting to control all aspects of the lives of the citizens.

Russian Revolution: Question 15 of 22

The political reorganization of Russia after the Communist Revolution of 1917 resulted in1. the establishment of a two-party political system2. increased political power for ethnic minorities3. a limited monarchy with the czar as a figurehead4. a federation of socialist republicsCorrect Answer Number:4Explanation:After the Revolution, Lenin and the Communists gained control over much of the old Russian Empire. They renamed this the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, with Russia, the largest republic, in control. The Soviet Union consisted of diverse peoples throughout both Europe and Asia.

Russian Revolution: Question 16 of 22

Under Josef Stalin, the Soviet Union emphasized centralized economic planning and Five-Year Plans primarily to1. produce more consumer goods2. expand exports3. create a demand for high-quality imports4. develop heavy industryCorrect Answer Number:4Explanation:Stalin attempted to build the Soviet Union into an industrialized nation quickly through the use of central planning and his Five Year Plans.

Russian Revolution: Question 17 of 22

Which characteristic was common to both Russia under the Czars and the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin?1. a lack of concern about territorial expansion2. support of artistic and literary freedom3. encouragement of free enterprise4. persecution of political dissentersCorrect Answer Number:4Explanation:Both the Czars and Stalin used terror and violence to control all aspects of the lives of their citizens. They did not allow free speech or expression, so often political dissenters were jailed of executed.

Russian Revolution: Question 18 of 22

Under Joseph Stalin, life in the Soviet Union was characterized by1. an abundance of consumer goods2. political instability and numerous civil wars3. support for small family-run farms4. the use of censorship and the secret policeCorrect Answer Number:4Explanation:Stalin used terror and violence in an attempt to control all aspects of the lives of the citizens. A main tool of this policy was a secret police, which often jailed or executed political dissenters.

Russian Revolution: Question 19 of 22

Which slogan expressed the ideals of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917?1. Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity2. Bread, Land, and Peace3. Land and Liberty4. Nationalism, Democracy, and the Peoples LivelihoodCorrect Answer Number:2Explanation:The early goals of the Bolshevik Party were to remove Russia from World War One, redistribute land to the peasants, and ensure that everyone had enough to eat.

Russian Revolution: Question 20 of 22

Russian peasants supported the Bolsheviks in 1917 primarily because the Bolsheviks pledged to1. establish and maintain collective farms2. redistribute land and make peace3. keep crop yields low4. limit the income of the nobilityCorrect Answer Number:2Explanation:The early goals of the Bolshevik Party were to remove Russia from World War One, redistribute land to the peasants, and ensure that everyone had enough to eat.

Russian Revolution: Question 21 of 22

Which statement best describes a relationship between World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution?1. World War I created conditions in Russia that helped trigger a revolution.2. World War I postponed the revolution in Russia by restoring confidence in the Czar.3. Opposing Russian forces cooperated to fight the foreign invaders.4. World War I gave the Czars army the needed experience to suppress the revolution.Correct Answer Number:1Explanation:Russia performed poorly in World War One. They were ill-equipped to deal with a modern war, which led to high casualties and a series of humiliating defeats. This coupled with shortages of food, housing, and heating fuel created the conditions that allowed Lenin to gain the support of the peasants by promising an end to these problems.

Russian Revolution: Question 22 of 22

The Kirghiz with whom we stopped was very well off. . . . After some tea our host asked me, Where is the Ak Padsha now, the White Tsar Nikolai?He and all his family, the Tsaritsa, their daughters and son, have been killed by the Bolsheviks, I answered.The old man gave a deep sigh . . .And you . . . Are you one of the men of the regime of Nikolai?Yes, of course, I replied. I detest and despise the Bolsheviks.The old man . . . began to blink and a tear rolled down his cheek, while the rest of the family sobbed . . .I was deeply touched by the scene. On this remote frontier of the Empire, . . . a family of nomad herdsmen was weeping for the tragic death of their White Pasha, as the Tsar was known.

In which period of time did this scene take place?1. during the Napoleonic Wars2. after Mao Zedong came to power3. after the Russian Revolution4. during World War IICorrect Answer Number:3Explanation:The Bolsheviks executed Czar Nicholas II and his family during the civil war that erupted shortly after the revolution.

1. In the 1700s, the process of enclosure tended to increase:A. farming efficiencyB. farmers' reliance on a single cash cropC. the use of the broadcast method of seedingD. the amount of common land available for grazing

2. How did the crop system that developed in Britain during the agricultural revolution increase crop yields?A. by allowing more land to restB. by increasing nutrients in the soilC. by ensuring that more of the seeds that were planted actually sproutedD. by decreasing the amount of land used to grow nutrient-depleting crops

3. All of the following were results of the agricultural revolution in Britain EXCEPT:A. food prices decreasedB. population increasedC. the number of farmers increasedD. the average size of farms increased

This activity contains 37 questions.Top of Form

Writers who identified with the mood known as "Young America" urged all of the following EXCEPT

an American literature based on European themes and models.

an aggressive foreign policy and territorial expansion.

rapid expansion of the economy and pursuit of technological advances.

an extension of democracy and representative government.

All of the answers are correct.

In the 1820s and 1830s, California

did not impress American visitors as a suitable site for expansion.

contained a large portion of Indians who enjoyed a peaceful, profitable coexistence with Hispanic inhabitants.

None of the answers are correct.

All of the answers are correct.

contained huge agricultural estates and large herds of cattle.

During its years as a Mexican province, Texas

attracted ever-increasing numbers of American settlers with inexpensive grants of land.

suffered economic devastation following the panic of 1837.

became a haven for runaway slaves.

received offers of financial aid from Britain in return for a pledge to abolish slavery.

expanded trade with Mexico along the Santa Fe Trail.

By 1830, American settlers in Texas had displeased Mexican authorities by

failing to convert to Catholicism.

All of the answers are correct.

evading import duties on goods from the United States.

insisting on local self-government.

refusing to emancipate their slaves.

The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)

welcomed U.S. administration over the territory of Utah.

accepted the teachings of Brigham Young, founder of the church, following a divine revelation in 1830.

abandoned the settlement of Nauvoo, Illinois because of economic bankruptcy.

established a permanent headquarters in New Mexico that thrives today.

invited hostility from neighboring "gentiles" because of their unorthodox beliefs and practices.

A basic argument offered in support of manifest destiny was that

God favored American expansionism.

the United States was meant to occupy the entire North American continent.

All of the answers are correct.

American expansion would mean an extension of democracy.

population growth necessitated territorial acquisitions.

The United States and Great Britain agreed to

a compromise arrangement splitting Oregon at the 49th parallel.

submit the dispute over Oregon to international arbitration in 1845.

allow the United States sole possession of Oregon up to 54 40' latitude.

a permanent joint occupation of Oregon in 1827.

hand over Oregon to Russia in exchange for Alaska.

The United States' war with Mexico

All of the answers are correct.

lasted longer than expected because Mexico refused to make peace despite a succession of military defeats.

was provoked by the Mexican slaughter of Texans at the Alamo.

was an unexpected and unwelcome development for the Polk administration.

was an attempt by the United States to capture control of all of Mexico.

Factors accounting for economic advances in the United States from 1830 to 1860 included all of the following EXCEPT

technological innovations and mass production techniques.

new techniques for the gathering and control of private capital.

a declining interest in agriculture.

rapidly increasing European immigration to the United States.

the railroad.

Most European immigrants to America from 1840 to 1860 came from

Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Poland and Italy.

Ireland and Germany.

Sweden and Norway.

Russia and Austria.

The invention of the telegraph by Samuel F. B. Morse

resulted from the inventor's study of art.

None of the answers are correct.

ensured a successful political career for the inventor.

produced few economic changes for the country during the inventor's lifetime.

helped create a stronger sense of connection among Americans.

Which of the following factors contributed to the defeat of Whig candidate Henry Clay in the election of 1844?

A substantial number of Whigs defected from the party to support the independent candidacy of President John Tyler.

Clay failed to develop an adequate platform concerning proposals for economic recovery.

Clay made a "gentleman's agreement" with Van Buren to avoid discussion of territorial expansion during the campaign.

None of the answers are correct.

Clay waffled on the issue of Texas annexation, losing the support of northern anti-slavery Whigs to the Liberty Party.

The major issue of the election of 1844 concerned

nullification of the tariff.

foreign diplomacy.

abolition of slavery.

territorial expansion.

recharter of the Bank of the United States.

John Tyler could be characterized as a(n)

"accidental" president, profoundly out of sympathy with the rest of his party.

None of the answers are correct.

typical Whig who favored a strong national government in support of economic expansion.

antislavery advocate.

opponent to the annexation of Texas.

Which of the following events of the Texas revolution is true?

Stephen F. Austin was imprisoned by Texans for his refusal to support revolution against Mexico.

Juan Seguin led the Mexican attack on the Alamo.

Texas was immediately made a state.

San Jacinto proved to be the decisive battle of the war due to the capture of Santa Anna by the Texan army.

Texans executed an army of 350 Mexicans at Goliad in a desire to avenge Texan deaths at the Alamo.

All but one of President Tyler's cabinet members resigned in protest when he vetoed a bill to

establish a new national bank.

raise the tariff.

allow squatters to occupy and buy unsurveyed public land.

distribute surplus federal funds back to the states.

prevent the expansion of slavery into any unoccupied territory.

Mexican authorities were so alarmed by the number of American settlers in Texas by 1830 that they

canceled all land grants given to Americans.

closed the Texas border to any further American immigration.

offered to sell Texas to the U.S.

sent an invading army under the command of Santa Anna.

required the Americans to learn and speak Spanish.

The phrase "manifest destiny" expressed a popular attitude favoring

invasion of Mexico.

territorial expansion.

evangelical revivalism.

the abolition of slavery.


The destination of most of those who took the Oregon Trail was the

Sacramento Valley.

port cities of San Diego and San Francisco.

Willamette Valley.

Great Salt Lake.

city of Seattle.

All of the following preceded the United States' war with Mexico EXCEPT

Mexico defaulted on debts to America.

gold was discovered in California.

an emissary was sent to Mexico to try to purchase California.

Texas was annexed to the United States.

Zachary Taylor's forces occupied the territory just north of the Rio Grande.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was negotiated by

John Slidell.

William Seward.

Nicholas Trist.

Winfield Scott.

Santa Anna.

If it had passed Congress, the Wilmot Proviso would have

provided for immediate admission of California as a free state.

guaranteed the right to own slaves in the territory ceded by Mexico to the U.S.

reopened the territory north of 36 30' to slavery.

left the question of slavery to be decided by vote of territorial legislatures.

banned slavery from the territory ceded by Mexico to the United States.

In 1849 President Taylor outraged his southern supporters with his proposal to

ban slavery from all U.S. territories.

require public education for slaves.

veto the Wilmot Proviso.

admit California as a free state.

endorse the concept of popular sovereignty.

The most upsetting proposal in the Compromise of 1850 to northerners was that it

legalized slavery in Washington, D.C.

guaranteed the protection of slave property in the territories.

gave the southern states control of the Senate.

raised tariff on manufactured goods.

compelled them to cooperate in the capture of runaway slaves.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848

required Mexico to pay millions of dollars in debt claims to the United States.

forced Mexico to pay a $15 million war indemnity to the United States.

transferred about a third of Mexico's territory to the United States.

extended constitutional protections to Native American tribes in the lands of the cession.

fell far short of obtaining President Polk's objectives.

Stephen F Austin

commanded the Texan army at the Battle of San Jacinto.

took advantage of Mexican land offers to settle Americans in Texas.

ordered the abolition of slavery in the Anglo settlements of Texas.

served as an army colonel during the Mexican war.

was the first president of the Republic of Texas.

The Fort Laramie Council of 1851

recognized British land claims in the Pacific Northwest.

was attended by all the major Plains tribes.

moved the Plains Indians onto reservations in Kansas and Oklahoma.

paid the Indians to reduce the range of their movement.

was the final resolution of white-Plains Indian conflict.

The campaign slogan of 1844 declaring the U.S. border of Oregon country was at 54 40' North latitude was indicative of all of the following EXCEPT

Polk's willingness to go to war with Great Britain for all of Oregon.

the ability of the Democrats to use expansionist rhetoric to gain popular support.

the influence of the "Young America" movement in this time period.

the willingness of many Americans to expand the nation's boundaries by force.

the conviction that the United States should claim the west coast north to Alaska.

The Mormons, under the direction of Brigham Young, were able to migrate to Utah as a result of all the following EXCEPT their

ability to provide for the needs of immigrants moving west.

exceptional dedication to rugged individualism.

their belief that they were acting upon the will of God.

willingness to serve as paid soldiers in the Mexican war.

desire to create a kingdom rather than a republic.

The mining frontier was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

a lack of willingness by settlers to respect Indian lands.

settlers interested in economic growth and political stability.

little attention to the impact of mining operations on the natural environment.

a mixed population manifesting violence and racism.

boomtowns that could rapidly appear and disappear.

The preemption acts of the 1830s and 1840s

reflected the tax-crazy mindset of the federal government.

removed Native Americans and Mexicans from federal land.

placed restrictions on public land sales after the Panic of 1837.

reflected the desire of most migrants to the West to isolate themselves from society.

allowed settlers who had already settled on frontier land to buy it from the government.

The experience of emigrants on the overland trails in the 1840s included all of the following EXCEPT

a quick reversal in the traditional division of labor.

a much cheaper means of travel than it had been earlier.

better relations with the Indians than expected.

a group effort punctuated by tension and disputes.

a frantic rush to beat the snow to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

The Mexican government wanted settlers in Texas because

it wanted to attract slave labor to the area to speed economic development.

it saw settlement as a revenue-building measure.

the area was underpopulated and a weak defensive perimeter.

it hoped to see American law introduced into the area.

it needed converts to the Roman Catholic Church.

President Polk's objectives in the Mexican war included all the following EXCEPT

obtaining California.

ending Mexican influence in Texas.

obtaining Oregon.

obtaining New Mexico.

settling the boundary of Texas at the Rio Grande.

Most overland emigrants traveled


with people of their own religion.

without their families.

with relatives and friends.

by canal.

The Mormon settlement in Utah was characterized by all the following EXCEPT

economic failure.

communal agriculture.

authoritarian government.

a strict theocracy.


All of the following resulted in territorial acquisitions for the United States. Which was the LAST to occur?

Gadsden Purchase

Pinckney's Treaty

annexation of Texas

Oregon Treaty

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

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