historic growth and contemporary development: lessons and controversies

Chapter 3 Slide 1 Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

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Historic Growth and Contemporary Development: Lessons and Controversies. Chapter 3. The Growth Game. Growth rates of national income are followed closely by policy-makers In order to better understand contemporary growth prospects, it is useful to examine historical growth patterns. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Historic Growth and Contemporary Development: Lessons and Controversies

Chapter 3 Slide 1Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Page 2: Historic Growth and Contemporary Development: Lessons and Controversies

Chapter 3 Slide 2Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Historic Growth and Contemporary Development: Lessons and Controversies

Chapter 3

Page 3: Historic Growth and Contemporary Development: Lessons and Controversies

Chapter 3 Slide 3Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

The Growth Game

Growth rates of national income are followed closely by policy-makers

In order to better understand contemporary growth prospects, it is useful to examine historical growth patterns

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The Economics of Growth: Capital, Labor, and Technology Capital accumulation Population and labor force growth

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Chapter 3 Slide 5Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 3.1 Effect of Increases in Physical and Human Resources on the Production Possibility Frontier

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Chapter 3 Slide 6Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 3.2 Effect of Growth of Capital Stock and Land on the Production Possibility Frontier

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Chapter 3 Slide 7Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

The Economics of Growth: Capital, Labor, and Technology Capital accumulation Population and labor force growth Technological progress

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Figure 3.3 Effect of Technological Change in the Agricultural Sector on the Production Possibility Frontier

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Chapter 3 Slide 9Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 3.4 Effect of Technological Change in the Industrial Sector on the Production Possibility Frontier

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Chapter 3 Slide 10Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

The Historical Record: Kuznet’s Six Characteristics of Modern Economic Growth

High rates of per capita income and population growth

High rates of total factor productivity increase

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Chapter 3 Slide 11Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 3.5 Factor Accumulation Accounts for Only a Fraction of Growth

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Chapter 3 Slide 12Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

The Historical Record: Kuznet’s Six Characteristics of Modern Economic Growth

High rates of per capita income and population growth

High rates of total factor productivity increase

high rates of economic structural transformation

High rates of social, political, and ideological transformation

International economic outreach

Limited international spread of economic growth

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Chapter 3 Slide 13Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

The Limited Value of the Historical Growth Experience: Differing Initial Conditions

Physical and human resource endowments

Relative levels of per capita income and GNP

Climatic differences

Population size, distribution, and growth

The historical role of international migration

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Chapter 3 Slide 14Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Page 15: Historic Growth and Contemporary Development: Lessons and Controversies

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The Limited Value of the Historical Growth Experience: Differing Initial Conditions

Physical and human resource endowments

Relative levels of per capita income and GNP

Climatic differences Population size,

distribution, and growth

The historical role of international migration

The growth stimulus of international trade

Basic R&D capabilities Stability and flexibility of

political and social institutions

Are living standards converging?

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Chapter 3 Slide 16Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 3.6 Convergence among OECD Countries but Divergence in the World as a Whole

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Figure 3.6 Convergence among OECD Countries but Divergence in the World as a Whole cont’d

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Concepts for Review Brain drain Capital accumulation Capital-augmenting

technological progress Capital-saving

technological progress Capital stock Dualism

Economic growth Economic planning Equalization

(economic and social)

Free trade Human capital Infrastructure

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Concepts for Review, cont’d Labor-augmenting

technological progress

Labor-saving technological progress

Modernization ideals Neutral technological


Production possibility curve

Rationality Research and

Development (R&D) Technological progress Terms of trade Total factor productivity