histology of the special sense


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EarSensory organ  functions as an auditorysystem for sound perception and as avestibular system for balance

General Structure 

Eternal Ear!iddle Ear

Internal Ear

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• Pinna

 –Auricle –Elastic cartilage ece"t in auricle lobule

 –#overed by $air%bearing s&in  $airfollicles' s(eat gland and sebaceus


 –Function  To collect and am"li)essounds

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• External Acoustic Meatus

 –An air%)lled tubulae s"ace *+ mm totym"anic membrane

 –Lined by s&in  $air follicles' sebaceousgland , ceruminous glands

 – T$e outer *-.  elastic cartilage

 – T$e inner /-.  tem"oral bone

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!iddle Ear!iddle Ear

• TympanicMembrane

• oval' grayis$

• . layers – Outer layer  covered

by s&in' strati)eds0uamous e"it$elium'no glands' no $air

 – !iddle layer Fibrocollagenous

su""ort tissue

 – Inner layer  lined bylo( cuboidal


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• Auditory ossicles• . bones  malleus' incus' sta"es

• * muscles  m tensor tim"any , m1 sta"edius

• #onvert t$e sound (aves to mec$anical vibration in"erilmfe of t$e internal ear

• Mastoid air cells• An air%)lled s"aces in t$e mastoid bone 

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• Tympanic cavity• 2 !iddle ear cavity• An air%)lled s"ace lined by lo( cuboidal e"it$elium• #ommunicates (it$ mastoid air cells

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Auditory tube (eustachian tube)• #onnects t$e middle ear to naso"$aryn• A narro( c$annel  .1+ cm long• Lined (it$ cilliated "seudostrati)ed columnaire"it$elium  /-+ com"osed of goblet cells

•  3entilating t$e middle ear• E0uali4ing t$e "ressure ot t$e middle ear (it$atmos"$ere "ressure

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Internal Ear

Consists of  5• * labyrint$ine com"artments

 – 6ony labyrint$ – !embranous labyrint$

• . 7uid%)lled s"aces – Endolym"$atic s"ace – 8erilym"$atic s"ace – #ortilym"$atic s"ace

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ony !abyrinth• #om"osed of . cavities

vestibule' semicircular

canals' coc$lea• Lined by "eriosteum' )lled

by "erilym"$


Oval Oval (indo(

  Semicircular canals  . canals  anterior'

"osterior , lateral

  E"anded at t$e end ofeac$ canals close to t$evestibule  am"ulla

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 Contains 3 spaces  vestibular cavity (scala

vestibuli), cochlear duct

(scala media) & tympanic

cavity (scala tympani)  

wound in a spiral shape

 The central spiral of bone

within the cochlea  


  At the ape  the vestibular

& tympanic cavity connect

at an openin!  

"elicotrema Helicotrema

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"estibular labyrinth – . semicircular ducts

 – 9tricle , saccule

 – T$in (all' trans"arent

• Semicircular ducts – . ducts' e"and at t$e end  


 – A raised mass of e"it$elialtissue in am"ulla  crista

ampullaris contains ofsensory , su""orting cells

 – A gelatinous mass ofetracellular materialcovering t$e crista  cupula

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• #tricle

• Ends of semicircularducts

• Lateral (all  macula of utricle

• Saccule

• 9triculosaccular duct connect t$e utricle, saccule

• Endolym"$atic duct  saccule andendolym"$atic sac

• Reuniens duct  saccule (it$coc$lear duct

• !edial (all  maculaof saccule

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Macula – #ontains of sensory

$air cells , su""ortingcells

 – * ty"es of sensory cells

 – Ty"e / $air cells

 – Ty"e * $air cells

 – T$e sensory ,su""orting cells  covered by a gelatinousmass of etracellularmolecules  otolit$ic


 – :etect t$e gravity and

static "osition

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Cochlear !abyrinth – #ontains t$e coc$lear ducts' )lled (it$ endolym"$ – :ivides t$e coc$lear canal into . com"artments 5 Scala media'

scala vestibuli , scala tym"ani – Scala media is a triangular s"ace' attac$ed to osseous s"iral

lamina –  T$e u""er (all of scala media  Reissner;s <3estibular= membrane –  T$e lateral (all of scala media  Stria vascularis –  T$e lo(er (all  6asilar membrane –  T$e s"iral organ of corti rests on t$e basilar membrane , is

overlain by t$e Tectorial membrane

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•  Tectorial membrane – Attac$ed medially tot$e modiolus

 – Lateral edge attac$esto t$e organ corti by

stereocilia of t$e $aircells

 – Formed frometracellular material

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• $r%an of Corti – #om"osed of e"it$elial

su""ort cells and sensory

$air cells – !edially it rests on osseous

s"iral lamina' laterally on t$ebasilar membrane

 – * grou"s of $air cells

• Inner $air cells , Outer$air cells  se"arated byt$e inner tunnel <tunnel ofcorti=

 – T$e $air cells are surroundedby e"it$elial su""ort cells

• 8ilar cells  surround ,su""ort t$e inner tunnel

• 8$alangeal cells  su""ortt$e $air cells

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atari Tod&a #mar


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Spherical structure, ± 25 mm in diameter Suspended in the bony orbital socket  6 extrinsic muscles

Wall of the eye  3 concentric layers  Fibrous tunic  Vascular tunic

  er!e tunic


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A t$ic& )brous layer' covers t$e"osterior +-> of t$e eyeball

:ivided into . layers 5 E"isclera Eternal layer Loose connective tissue ad?acent to t$e

"eriorbital fat

Stroma <Substantia "ro"ria= 2 Tenon;s ca"sule #om"osed of dense net(or& of t$ic&

collagen )bers


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• Lamina Fus$cae Inner as"ect' ad?acent

to t$e c$oroid #ontains of t$inner

collagen , elastic)bers


'unction 8rotects , maintainst$e s$a"e and t$evolume of t$e


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•  Transitional 4onebet(een t$e cornea, sclera

• /1+ @ * mm (ide' /mm t$ic&

• Iridocorneal angle  a""aratus for t$e

out7o( of t$ea0ueous $umor  trabecular mes$(or&

#orneoscleral Limbus#orneoscleral Limbus

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 Trans"arent'1+ mm t$ic&at t$e center'avascular' +layers


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B Con%&eratini4ing

s0uamous e"it$eliumB 6asal cell layer givesrise to +%D su"er)ciallayers

B Free nerve endingsterminate in t$ise"it$elium

B Ad$eres to t$e ad?acentcells by desmosomes

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oman*s Membrane

 – %/ m t$ic&

 – #om"osed of )necollagen )brils

 – 6arrier to t$e s"readof infection

 – Cot regenerate

Corneal stroma

B #onstitutes oft$e corneal t$ic&ness

B #om"osed of about> t$in lamellae

B Eac$ lamellae consistof "arallel bundles ofcolagen )brils

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+escemet membraneB 6asal lamina of

endot$elial cellsB HomogenB Elastic' trans"arentB D @ / m

Corneal endotheliumB A single layer ofs0uamous cells

B !etabolic ec$angebet(een t$e cornea, a0ueous $umor

B 8recise regulation oft$e (ater content oft$e stroma  maintain t$etrans"arency

B 8$ysical , metabolicc$anges  corneal


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 T$e most anterior "art of t$e vascular tunic'

forms a contractile dia"$ragm in front of t$elens' a circular a""erture <"u"il= c$anges in si4ein res"onse to t$e lig$t intensity1 Eye colour isdetermined by t$e relative number ofmelanocytes


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#om"osed of J layers Anterior limiting membrane

Fibroblastic , melanocyte cells

Stroma Loose )brocollagenous su""ort tissue 6lood vessels' nerve' melanin "igment S"$incter muscle of t$e "u"il

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Epithelial layer B Anterior non,pi%mented

epithelium B :ilator "u"illae muscle

B Posterior pi%mentepithelium

B Faces t$e "osterior c$amber oft$e eye

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•  Triangular s$a"e

• Etends from t$e base of t$e iris tot$e ora serrata

• * anatomical regions – 8ars "lica

 – 8ars "lana

• Function 5 –  A0ueous $umor "roduction

 –  Acomodation "rocess

#illiary 6ody

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•  T$e layers are similarto t$e iris

• #onsist of  5

 – Stroma• Outer layer ofsmoot$ muscle  cilliary muscle

 – !eridional<longitudinal"ortion=

 – Radial <obli0ue"ortion=

 – #ircular "ortion

• Inner vascularregion etendsinto t$e cilliary

"rocess – #ontinuous (it$

t$e vascularlayer of t$ec$oroid

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• E"it$elial layers – . "rinci"al functions

• Secretion of a0ueous $umor• 8atici"ation in blood a0ueous barrier

• Secretion , anc$oring t$e 4onula )bers

 – T$e inner cells layer  non%"igmented

 – T$e outer cells layer  "igmented

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• :ar&%bro(n vasculars$eet' 1*+ mm t$ic&"osteriorly' 1/ mmt$ic& anteriorly

• Lies bet(een t$e sclera

, retina• Su""orts t$e retina• #ontains of 5

 – Su"rac$oroid lamina• . m t$ic&• Loose connective

tissue – #$oroidal stroma

• Cumerous venules ,arterioles

• Haller layer <outer "art=• Sattler layer <inner "art


Ch i ill

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ChoriocapillaryB #a"illary layer su""orting t$e dee" layer of t$e retina

B :iameter J @ > m

B  T$in (all

-. ruch*s membraneB /%J m t$ic&

B Interface bet(een t$e c$oroid , t$e retinal "igment e"it$elium

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/0 layers/1 Retinal "igment

e"it$elium*1 8$otorece"tor cells

.1 Outer limiting membraneJ1 Outer nuclear layer+1 Outer "leiform layer>1 Inner nuclear layer

D1 Inner "leiform layer1 Ganglion cells1 Cerve )ber layer/1Inner limiting membrane


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Retinal Layers

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Retinal 8igment E"it$elium

$ ll

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8$otorece"tor cells

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• !E1S Trans"arent' avascular'biconveSus"ended bet(een t$e edgesof cilliary body  4onula )bers mm in diameter' .1+ mm t$ic&

Capsule• A t$ic& basal lamina• 8roduced by t$e anterior lens

cells Subcapsular epithelium

#uboidal layer of cells Only on t$e anterior surface of

t$e lens

!ens 2bers :erived from subca"sular

e"it$elial cells


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• "itreous ody

 – 6et(een t$e lens , t$e retina –  Trans"arent gelatinous structure – Attac$ to t$e surrounding structures – !ain "ortion is $omogenous gel containing

(ater' collagen' $yaluronate acid – Avascular

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• Con&unctiva – A translucent membrane – Etends from corneoscleral limbus % internal

surface of t$e eyelid

 – * layers• Strati)ed columnar e"it$elium

 – Goblet cells  mucin

• Lamina "ro"ria – Loose connective tissue

 – 6lood vessels , lym"$atic vessels


P l b

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• Palpebra – 9""er , lo(er eyelid – 8rotection of t$e eye – #ontains of 5

• S&in• Orbicularis oculi muscle•  Tarsal "late• #on?unctiva• Glands

 – !eibomian glands

# Sebaceous ty"e# Oily layer of t$etear )lm

# Embedded in t$etarsal "late

 – Glands of Keis# Sebaceous glands

 – Glands of !oll# A"ocrine s(eat

glands – Glands of rause

# Forni con?unctiva – Glands of Molfring

# Above t$e tarsal"late

! i l t

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!acrimal apparatus

• !acrimal %lands – 9""er lateral side of t$e


 – * "arts 5 orbital ,"al"ebral "arts

 – / @ * ducts

 – Several se"arate

lobules of tubuloacinarserous glands

 – :rains into t$e u""erforni

 – Mas$ over t$e surface

of t$e eye

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•  Tears drain from t$e eyet$roug$ lacrimal "uncta

• Lacrimal canaliculi atmedial angle'

• !erge into common

lacrimal duct• O"en into lacrimal sac'

"seudostrati)ed ciliatede"it$elium

• #ontinuous to

nasolacrimal duct  o"ento nasal cavity belo( t$einferior turbinate

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34ST$!$G5 $' T3E34ST$!$G5 $' T3E


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1ASA! CA"4T5 

• 8aired c$ambersse"arated by abony ,cartilaginousse"tum

• :ivided into .regions 5

 – 3estibule – Res"iratory

segment – Olfactory


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"estibule of the 1asal Cavity"estibule of the 1asal Cavity

• #ommunicates anteriorly (it$ t$e eternalenvironment

• Lined (it$ strati)ed s0uamous e"it$elium

• #ontains of 5 – StiN $air <vibrissae= entra"s t$e large "articles

 – Sebaceous glands

 – S(eat glands

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• Located at t$e dome of eac$ nasal cavity

• Lined (it$ olfactory mucosa

• Lamina "ro"ria of olfactory mucosa  

directly contigous (it$ t$e "eriosteum – #ontains of blood , lym"$atic vessels' nerve ,

olfactory glands <6o(man glands=

 – T$e secretion of t$e glands  solvent in ($ic$

odorous substances dissolve

• Olfactory mucosa  "seudostrati)edcolumnar e"it$elium

$lfactory Se%ment of the 1asal$lfactory Se%ment of the 1asal


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Olfactory e"it$elium

#om"osed of 5• Olfactory

rece"tor cells – 6i"olar neurons  

"osses an a"ical

"ro?ecting bearingcilia as a rece"tor

 – A"ical "ole  dendritic "rocessabove t$ee"it$elial surfaceas a &nobli&estructure  olfactory vesicle

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• Supportin%

(Sustentacular) cells – !ost numerous cells – Cuclei  more a"ical

"osition – !icrovili on t$e a"ical

surface – Function 5 metabolic ,

"$ysical su""ort to t$eolfactory cells

• asal cells – Stem cells  ne(

olfactory cells ,su""orting cells

• rush cells – 9ncommon – Similar to t$e res"iratory


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34ST$!$G5 $' T3E34ST$!$G5 $' T3ES641S641

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•  T$e largest organ of t$e body• Etensive organ forms t$e eternal

covering of t$e body

• #onstituting /+%* of total body mass

• #onsist of * "rinci"les layers 5 – Outer e"it$elial layer  e"idermis

 – :ee"er connective tissue layer  :ermis

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• 8rotective s&in layer in contact(it$ t$e eternal environment

• eratini4ed' strati)ed s0uamouse"it$elium

• + layers 5 basale' s"inosum'granulosum' lucidum' corneum

• !ain cells are &eratinocytes  eac$ layer $ave a c$aracteristica""earance' "roduce &eratin

• Avascular

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a. Stratum asale – 2 stratum

germinativum – Single layer cells'cuboidal or lo(columnar

 – !itotically active cells – Stem cells of t$e

e"idermis  ne( cell oft$e s&in &eratinocyte

 – * ot$er cells ty"e 5• !elanocytes

 – :endritic cells – 8roduce t$e dar& bro(n%

blac& "igment of t$e s&in• !er&el cells

 – Sensory cell

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b. StratumSpinosum – * @ > cells layer t$ic& – #uboidal or lo(

columnar –  T$e cells synt$esi4e

large amount of &eratin)ament

 – !ature cells move tot$e surface' increase insi4e and become7attened in a "lane"arallel to t$e surface

 – A s"eciali4ed cell ofimmune system  Langer$an;s cells

derived from bonemarro( stem cells  "art of t$e "eri"$eralimmune system

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c1 Stratum Granulosum –  T$e most su"er)cial

layer of t$e non%&eratini4ed "ortion oft$e e"idermis

 – *%+ cells layer t$ic&

 – eratinocytes  * ty"esof granules

• erato$yaline granules• !embrane%coating

granules <lamellarbodies=

 – As t$ese cells continueto diNerentiate  

degrade most of ma?orcell organelles  leavest$e &erato$yaline toform t$e &eratin

d Stratum !ucidum

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d. Stratum !ucidum –  T$ic& s&in – /st anucleate cell

layer of t$e s&in

 – In t$e very t$ic& s&in – J @ D cells layer t$ic& – #yto"lasmic

organelles disa""earas t$e cells gradually)lls (it$ &eratin

e. StratumCorneum –  T$e most su"er)cial

layer –  T$e most

diNerentiated layer – + @ / cells layer t$ic& – :o4ens of cell layer

t$ic& on t$e "almar ,"lantar surface


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• #onnective tissue directly under t$e e"idermis• #om"osed of collagen , elastin )bers• #ontains of 5

 – Etensive net(or& of blood vessels' s(eat glands'nerve' lym"$atic vessels' $air s$aft , sebaceous glands

• * layers 5 – 8a"illary dermis – Reticular dermis

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/. Papillary +ermis – Interface (it$ t$e


 – #onsist of irregular sets ofinterdigitating structures

 –  T$e do(n(ard "ro?ect rete"egs

 –  T$e u"(ard "ro?ect  dermal "a"illae

 – #ontains of manyca"illaries

8. 7eticular +ermis –  T$ic& layer

 –  T$e )bers are t$ic&er t$ant$e "a"illary dermis – Hig$ vascular' nerve

bundles' s(eat glands' $airfollicles

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• A com"le structures'originates in a $airfollicle

• Eac$ $air s$aftcom"osed of . layers 5 –

!edulla• #entral "art of t$es$aft

• Only in t$ic& $airs

 – #orte• 8eri"$eral to t$e


• #uboidal cells – #uticle of t$e $air

s$aft• S0uamous cells• Outermost layer of

t$e $air

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Hair Follicle

 – :ivide into .

segments• Infundibulum

 – Surface % o"ening ofsebaceous gland

 – 8art of "ilocebaceous

canal  route for t$edisc$arge of sebum

• Ist$mus

 – Infundibulum %insertion of t$e

arrector "ili muscle• Inferior segment

 – Gro(ing follicle' formt$e $air bulb

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4nternal root sheath• . layers

 – #uticle• S0uamous cells• Faces t$e $air s$aft

 – Huley;s layer

• Single or doublelayer of 7atennedcells

 – Henle;s layer• Outer single layer of

cuboidal cells

External root sheath

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1A4!• Cail "lates Hard &eratin

• Cail root "roimal "art of t$e

nailburied in a fold e"idermis e"onyc$ium

• #rescent s$a"e near t$e root  lunula

• Free edge of nail "late  $y"onic$ium


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Sebaceous Glands – M$ole body ece"t t$e "almar , "lantar surface – In association (it$ $air follicles –  T$e secretions em"ty into t$e emerging $air s$aft t$roug$

"ilosebaceous duct –  Tubuloalveolar s$a"e – Secrete by t$e $olocrine mec$anism

S t Gl d

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Seat Glands

• Eccrine S(eat Glands – Inde"endent

structures' notassociated (it$ $airfollicles

 – * segments 5• secretory segment

 – . cells ty"e

 – #lear cells , dar&

cells – !yoe"it$elial cells

• duct segment – Strati)ed cuboidal


 –  T$e cells aresmaller , dar&er

t$an secretory"otion

 – Smaller diameter

 – Co myoe"it$elialcells

 –  T$e secretion 5 (atery'$y"otonic' odor%free

A i S t Gl d

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• A"ocrine S(eat Glands – Found in ailla ,

"erianals area

 – Functional in "uberty

 – Larger t$an eccrines(eat glands

 – Secretory "ortion• Mider lumen t$an eccrine


• / cell ty"e

 – Ecretory "ortion• As a "art of t$e

"ilosebaceous duct

 –  T$e secretions• "rotein , li"id


•Odorless in t$e time ofsecretion

•  T$roug$ bacterial actionon t$e s&in surface  odorc$aracteristic of t$es"esi)c location of t$eglands

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34ST$!$G5 $' T3E34ST$!$G5 $' T3E


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B Muscular or%an covered in s9uamous epitheliumB 4nferior surface covered by non,:eratini;in% strati2eds9uamous epitheliumB #pper surface covered by thic: :eratini;in% strati2eds9uamous epithelium


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• :ivided into *main 4one 5

 – Anterior *-.

 – 8osterior /-.

 – Se"arated by 3%s$a"ed line<sulcus

terminalis= of >%/ dome s$a"e"rotrusions

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•  T$e surface e"it$elium of anterior*-. of t$e tongue  raised in seriesof elevation  papillae

• . ty"es "a"illae 5 – Filiform "a"illae

 – Fungiform "a"illae

 – #ircumvallate "a"illae  lined on 3%

s$a"ed line

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• Filiform "a"illae

 – T$e smallest' mostnumerous in $umans

 – Found all over t$eu""er surface of *-.

anterior "art – Tall' narro('


 – Co taste buds' serveonly mec$anical role

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• 'un%iform Papillae  – !us$room s$a"e' scatteredrandomly among t$e )liform "a"illae

 – 8rimary , secondary "a"illae

 – Cumerous at t$e ti" of t$e tongue

 –  Taste buds are "resent• Anterior ti"  s(eet taste

• 6e$ind t$e ti" , along t$e lateral border salty taste

• Circumvallate

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C cu a a epapillae – Large' dome%s$a"e

structures on t$e sulcusterminalis

 – Surrounded by cleft

 – #ontains numeroustaste buds

 – Cumerous "rimary ,

secondary "a"illae – von Ebner;s gland

em"ty t$eir secretioninto t$e base of t$ecleft

 –  T$e secretion 7us$est$e material from t$ecleft to enable t$e tastebuds to res"ond ra"idlyin c$anging stimuli

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'oliate papillae – Cumerous in animals

 – Lateral edge of t$etongue

 – In younger  found ont$e "ost%lateral surface

 – In elderly  obliterate

 –  Taste 6uds

 – 8rimary "a"illae  long, large

 – Secondary "a"illaer  

very $ig$ – Small serous gland

em"ty into t$e cleft


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Tasteuds• Sensory receptor for taste

• $nion,li:e shape• $ccupies the fullthic:ness

of epithelium

• Small openin% ontoepithelial surface tastepore

• < principal cell typesneuroepithelial (sensory)cells= supportin% cells=basal cells

• Sensory cells mostnumerous cells= turnoevertime /0 days

• Supportin% cells lessnumerous= do not sinapseith the nerve cells

• asal cells basal portion=stem cells for the 8 othercells type

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•  Taste is c$aracteri4ed as c$emical sensation  substance contained in food interact (it$ tasterece"tors

• React to + basic stimuli s(eet' salty' bitter' sour, PumamiQ

• 9mami  taste of certain amino acids <e1gglutamate' as"artate=

• S(eet stimuli  ti" of t$e tongue

• Salty stimuli  "osterolateral to t$e ti"

• Sour stimuli more "osterolateral to t$e ti"

• 6itter , umami stimuli  circumvallate "a"illae

 S&eletal muscle is arranged in many directionslongitudinally

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Great mobility to mani"ulate food around t$e mout$ for 5ecient fragmentationmoving fragmented food bac&(ard "rior to

s(allo(ingcontrol t$e tongue movement for s"eec$

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8osterior /-. of t$e tongue• 2 Root of t$e tongue

• Co "a"illae

• #overed by non%&eratini4ingstrati)ed s0uamous e"it$elium