hip replacement surgery india


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Tour2india4health offers you the convenience of receiving superior and low cost hip replacement surgery in India at some of the best hospitals and clinics here.


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Hip Replacement Surgery in India

Introduction: The modern Hip Replacement (also known as Hip Arthroplasty) was invented in 1962 by Sir John Charnley, The arthritic femoral head (i.e., the femoral head) is removed, and replaced with a metal ball. The ball has a metal stem, which is anchored, into the hollow space inside the femur bone with bone cement. The worn out socket is replaced with a plastic socket.

What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant. Hip pain is caused by osteoarthritis, fracture, rheumatoid arthritis, and aseptic bone necrosis. Sometimes these conditions improve, but there is no cure for joint pain and severe cases cannot always be controlled by medication and

rehabilitation. When this happens, some patients have difficulty walking and the impaired movement hinders everyday

activities. These patients sometimes opt for hip replacement surgery. This entails removal of the damaged hip and

replacement with a prosthesis. The prosthetic hip is usually made of a combination of metal and plastic.

Who should consider themselves as a good candidate for Hip Replacement Surgery?

The most common disease which leads to hip replacement is arthritis in the hip joint. A type of arthritis which comes with aging

is degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis. In order to be considered for hip replacement surgery, patients must meet certain

criteria. An orthopedic surgeon must be able to see damage to cartilage surrounding the joint area. In addition, other

indications for hip replacement surgery may include but are not limited to,

• Chronic pain in the joints

• Little or no relief from pain medications

• Problem in day to day activities like walking, climbing stairs, etc.

• Pain during rising from a sitting position

• Having to stop activities because you are in too much pain

Who is not a good candidate for Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip Replacement candidates should be aware that some factors might prevent then from having hip replacement surgery.

Some factors are as follows;

• Uncontrolled high blood pressure,

• Poor overall health,

• Disabling heart diseases,

• Urinary Infection,

• Infection from the implant material etc.

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Aspiration: Removing a small amount of fluid from the affected hip joint may be required to rule out systemic arthritis (such

as Rheumatoid Arthritis) or infection in the hip if there is reason to believe that other conditions are contributing to the

degenerative process.

Arthrogram: An arthrogram is a special type of x ray in which a contrast dye is injected into the hip to outline the cavity

surrounding the joint.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): An MRI uses a large magnet, radio waves, and a computer to generate images of the

head and back. It is helpful in diagnosing avascular necrosis.

Computed tomography scan: A CAT scan is another specialized type of x ray that uses computers to generate three-

dimensional images of the hip joint. It is most often used to know the severity of avascular necrosis and to obtain a more

accurate picture of the joints.

Bone densitometry test: This test measures the density or strength of the patient's bones. It does not require injections This

test is most often given to patients at risk for osteoporosis or other disorders that affect bone density.

What are the types of Hip Replacement Surgery?

Following are the various types of Hip Replacement Surgeries:

• Total Hip Replacement

• Partial Hip Replacement

• Hip Resurfacing

• Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement

• Double Hip Replacement

• Revision Hip Replacement

How is the Diagnosis for Hip Replacement done?

A complete history and physical examination allows the physician to determine any correlation between symptoms of pain with past history and demands that have been placed upon the hip. The physician will inquire about experiencing episodes of trauma or instability, and examine the ligaments and hip alignment. The doctor may also order one or more specialized tests, depending on the known or suspected causes of the pain:

An orthopaedic surgeon (a physician who specializes in joint and bone problems) will advise you about which treatment is right for you based on your specific case history.

Total Hip Replacement Surgery: Total Hip Replacement surgery has become a common procedure to alleviate pain and debilitation caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fractures, dislocations, congenital deformities, and other hip related problems. The immediate benefits of this operation are great. After 4 months, in most uncomplicated cases, a patient is relatively pain-free, has full mobility of the hip, and can walk with a minimal or no limp.

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Partial Hip Replacement Surgery: In a partial hip replacement surgery, the hip socket is usually left intact. The head of the femur bone is replaced with an artificial component similar to that used in a total hip replacement. Doctors recommend partial replacement іn such cases whеrе οnlу thе femur head іѕ broken οr dеѕtrοуе. Before deciding οn partial hip replacement, doctors mау resort tο οthеr tactics lіkе pain-alleviating medication, injecting anti-inflammatory agents аnl steroids, physical therapy аnd strength training, installing hip braces etc. Bυt іf thеѕе choices fail tο produce thе desired results, thеn partial replacement mау bе thе next best remedy left.

Hip Resurfacing Surgery: Hip Resurfacing is a surgical procedure (a form of arthroplasty) which has been developed as an intervention alternative to total hip replacement (THR). Hip resurfacing is a technique designed to reline rather than replace the worn hip joint. Hip resurfacing creates a bigger hip ball than is generally used in hip replacement, which may reduce the risk of dislocation. Hip resurfacing is intended for younger patients who are not morbidly obese, are clinically qualified for a hip replacement (determined by the doctor), have been diagnosed with noninflammatory degenerative joint disease, do not have an infection, and are not allergic to the metals used in the implant.

Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement Surgery: Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is a new technique of hip replacement introduced in 2001. Instead of making one long incision, the surgeon uses two 2-inch (5 cm) incisions or one 3.5-1/2-inch (9 cm) incision. Using newly designed smaller implements, the surgeon removes the damaged bone and inserts the parts of the new prosthesis. MIS hip replacement takes only an hour and a half; there is less bleeding and the patient can leave the hospital the next day.

Double Hip Replacement Surgery: Double Hip Replacement is a very successful procedure for the treatment of Hip Arthritis recommended to patients who suffer from the degenerative joint condition, Osteoarthritis. The purpose of the surgery is to remove the two damaged and worn parts of the hip joint -the hip socket and the ball (femoral head) - and replace them with smooth, artificial implants called prostheses, which will help make the hip strong, stable, and flexible again.

Revision Hip Replacement Surgery: Revision hip replacement surgery is a procedure to replace a worn out hip replacement implant. This means that part or all of your previous hip replacement needs to be revised. This operation varies from very minor adjustments to massive operations replacing significant amounts of bone and hence is difficult to describe in full. Pain is the primary reason for revision. The surgery varies from a simple liner exchange to changing one or all of the components. Extra bone (cadaver bone) may need to be used to make up for any bone loss.

What are the Preparations for Hip Replacement Surgery?

If you have been advised to undergo hip replacement surgery, you must do a lot of preparation prior to this procedure. It is very important that you are in good physical health before the operation. Your upper body will need all the strength it can get during and especially after this. A date will be scheduled for your surgery.

Several things are necessary to prepare for surgery. For example, your surgeon might ask you to have a physical examination by your primary care physician. This will help to ensure that other health problems you may have, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, will be identified and treated before your important surgery.

What type of Anesthesia or Sedation is used for Hip Replacement Surgery?

Before your operation, you will receive either a general anaesthetic (where you are put to sleep) or a spinal (epidural) anaesthetic plus sedation, so you do not have to lie awake and listen to the operation.

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What is the procedure for Hip Replacement Surgery?

Once you have been anaesthetised, the surgeon removes the existing hip joint completely. The upper part of the femur (thigh bone) is removed and the natural socket for the head of the femur is hollowed out.

A plastic or ceramic socket is fitted into the hollow in the pelvis. A short, angled metal shaft with a smooth ball on its upper end (to fit into the socket) is placed into the hollow of the thigh bone. The plastic cup and the artificial bone head may be pressed into place or fixed with acrylic cement.

What Type of Materials are Used?

Hip replacement comprises a combination of materials. These generally include cobalt chrome which is a very high-strength hard alloy that is usually used in places where the components are moving one relative to the other. The other metal commonly used is titanium. This is either in a commercially pure form or as an alloy with aluminum and vanadium. The third material utilized in hip replacement arthroplasty is usually ultra high molecular weight polyethylene plastic. Recent improvements, both in the type of plastic used as well as in the processing of the plastic, should result in a reduction in the wear of component inserted currently with those that were inserted 5 to 10 years ago.

What are the Benefits of Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement surgery offers a number of benefits:

• Effective Treatment: Hip replacement has been proved as the most effective treatment for osteoarthritis for countless patients throught the world.

• Reduce hip pain: Following the initial surgery-related discomfort (which will disappear within a few weeks), you should expect that your hip pain will either be eliminated or significantly reduced.

• Restore lost mobility: As your hip pain subsides, your legs will become stronger with increased use. That means better mobility, less fatigue and easier movement.

• Reliable Surgery: The hip replacement operation is one of the most reliable and well-tested operations in orthopaedic surgery and a consistent outcome is that it reduces or eliminates the pain of the arthritis in patients.

• Improve your overall quality of life: With less pain and greater mobility, you should be able to perform daily tasks more easily and lead a more active, more independent life.

• High rate of Patient satisfaction: High rate of patient satisfaction associated with hip replacement has made this surgery quite popular among surgeons hospitals and patients.

What are the Risks of Hip Replacement Surgery?

All surgery carries risks and the Hip replacement is no different. These risks have to be fully understood by patients and relatives before surgery takes place. Complications specific to Hip replacement surgery include:

• Urinary problems and the need for urinary catheters. • Constipation

• Nausea and vomiting

• Inadequate pain relief

• Delayed wound healing

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What are the post surgery precautions for Hip Replacement Surgery?

The positioning of your hip is very important after hip replacement surgery.

• Make sure the hip never flexes more than 90 degrees. This is most likely to happen when the patient in bed, in a chair or a wheelchair, or on a commode.

• Always keep the operative leg in the neutral position, toes pointing up.

• You should not sit straight up in bed or bring the operative leg up toward your chest. • Do not rotate your operative leg inward.

• In the car, lead with the unaffected leg when getting in and out of a car.

• In the bathroom take a shower instead of a bath. • Never bend over, lift heavy objects, kneel, or sit on low chairs. Any of these movements can cause a dislocation.

• Use a long-handled "reacher" to turn on lights or grab things that are beyond arm's length.

• Work with a physical therapist or other health care professional to rehabilitate your hip.

These precautions are necessary to prevent dislocation of the operative hip. Your routine activities will be modified to maintain the operative hip in a good position, and these changes will be addressed by your therapist. Continue your hip precautions for the first six weeks after surgery.

How long will I be in the hospital?

Usually, people do not spend more than 3 to 5 days in the hospital after hip replacement surgery. After surgery, you will feel pain in your hip. Pain medication will be given to make you as comfortable as possible.Full recovery from the surgery takes about 3 to 6 months, depending on the type of surgery, your overall health and the success of your rehabilitation.

You may be released from the hospital after hip replacement surgery if your physical therapist and surgeon feel you are comfortable with the following:

• You know all the hip precautions for all your activities

• You are independent in all transfer activities

• You know and are correctly performing your exercise program

• You are able to walk on level surfaces for at least a distance of 100+ feet, and climb stairs.

What Types of Exercise Are Most Suitable for Someone With a Hip Replacement Surgery?

Proper exercise can reduce joint pain and stiffness and increase flexibility and muscle strength. People who have an artificial hip should talk to their doctor or physical therapist about developing an appropriate exercise program. Most exercise programs begin with safe range-of-motion activities and muscle strengthening exercises.

The doctor or therapist will decide when the patient can move on to more demanding activities. Many doctors recommend avoiding high-impact activities, such as basketball, jogging, and tennis. These activities can damage the new hip or cause loosening of its parts. Some recommended exercises are cross-country skiing, swimming, walking, and stationary bicycling. These exercises can increase muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness without injuring the new hip.

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What are the alternatives to Hip Replacement Surgery?

While hip replacement can be helpful under the right circumstances, you should only consider it after a discussion of the risks, benefits, and alternatives with a healthcare provider.

• Nonsurgical treatment — Nonsurgical treatment methods are initially recommended for people with hip problems due to osteoarthritis or other conditions. Nonsurgical treatments for people with osteoarthritis include:

• Weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight

• Physical therapy • Using an assistive device (such as a cane or walker)

• Taking pain-relieving medications

• Having a glucocorticoid (steroid) injection into the painful joint

• People with inflammatory arthritis (such as rheumatoid arthritis) may benefit from a treatment regimen of antirheumatic or other medications.

• Surgical alternatives — There are a few surgical alternatives to hip replacement. Surgical alternatives to hip replacement, such as hip fusion or osteotomy, may be considered in people who are young, in whom a hip replacement may not be durable enough to last for many years and/or withstand an active lifestyle.

Hip Replacement Surgery in India:

There are three distinct reasons that make India the most favored and preferred destination for Orthopedic surgery operative treatment procedures, India’s medical expertise, state-of-the-art technology at par with the best in the world, and the incredible cost-effective health care.

Hip Replacement in India helps patient in their Orthopaedics related treatments by packaging their medical trip to India and it also offers a full complement of surgical as well as physiotherapy services exclusively to International Patients combined with their post - discharge recuperative holidays.

What is the cost of Hip Replacement Surgery in India?

A number of people visit India for their low cost Hip Replacement Surgery. Hip replacement Surgery cost in India is lower than any developed countries such as USA, UK, Australia, France, and Germany. Low cost with international facilities and minimum waiting for the surgery draw patients to India from other countries of the world.

Hip Replacement Surgery Costs in India:

• India is the most preferred medical tourism destination as it provides low cost Hip replacement surgery option for national and international medical tourists.

• The cost of Hip replacement surgery in India is almost ¼ of the cost that in UK, US and other developed countries.

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Hip Replacement Surgery Patients Testimonial:

Mr. Friday, Nigeria Complex Hip Replacement Surgery With Fracture Correction

I wish to express my appreciation to the Tour2India4Health Company for guiding me throughout the process of getting medical intervention for my damaged hip and for linking me to best hospital in India, who have done a wonderful job to me in restoring my damaged hip. I am now free from pain that I suffered with for 2 years.

Mr. Chika Uko, Nigeria Total Hip Replacement Surgery

I am so much grateful and appreciative to Tour2India4Health Company for saving my life. This goes to show that

there is great hope for all the sufferers of this kind of ailment in the world all over. In this regard I wish to implore all

intending patients world over to get in touch with Tour2India4Health for an affordable and best medical practice for

any kind of sickness you may b going through as they will provide the cheapest and best medical treatment you can

ever imagine.

Mr. Soji Omotunde, Nigeria Total Hip Replacement Surgery

At the end of the day, I got a quality and affordable surgery, thanks to the almighty God who, through

Tour2India4Health Company handed us over the best surgeons in the world. The surgery and the physiotherapy

have all gone without any complications and I am back to my feet almost able to run and jump.

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Knee Replacement Surgery in India

Knee replacement surgery also known as knee arthroplasty is procedure to replace the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to relieve the pain and disability of osteoarthritis. It may be performed for other knee diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. The procedure has been proven to help individuals return back to moderately challenging activities such as golf, bicycling, and swimming. Total knees are not designed for jogging, or sports like tennis and skiing (although there certainly are people with total knee replacements that participate in such sports). Knee replacement is a routine surgery performed on over 600,000 people worldwide each year. Over 90% of people who have had Total Knee Replacement experience an improvement in knee pain and function.

Knee Replacement Surgery Candidates A person would be considered a candidate for knee replacement if there is:

• Daily pain • The pain is severe enough to restrict work, recreation and ordinary activities of daily living

• Significant stiffness in the knee

• Significant instability (constant giving way) of the knee • Significant deformity (knock-knees or bow-legs) that hinders normal function of the knee

• Damage from arthritic conditions, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or post-traumatic arthritis

Success Rate of Knee Replacement Surgery: Knee replacement surgery is recognized as a miracle of modern surgery. Most orthopedic experts consider replacement to be the best method of handling arthritis in the knee. Knee replacements have literally put hundreds of thousands of Americans back on their feet and allowed them to enjoy their golden years.

Knee Replacement Surgery Preparations:

• If you smoke, cut down or quit. Smoking changes blood flow patterns, delays healing and slows recovery.

• If you drink, don't have any alcohol for at least 48 hours before surgery.

• Ask your doctor for pre-surgical exercises. If you are having hip or knee replacement surgery, doing exercises to strengthen your upper body will help you cope with crutches or a walker after surgery.

• Your primary care physician or an internist will conduct a general medical evaluation several weeks before surgery. This examination will assess your health and your risk for anesthesia. The results of this examination should be forwarded to your orthopaedic surgeon, along with a surgical clearance.

• Shortly before your scheduled surgery, you will probably have an orthopedic examination to review the procedure and answer any last-minute questions.

• You may need to take several types of tests, including blood tests, a cardiogram, a urine sample and a chest X-ray.

• Advice your surgeon of any medical conditions you have and of all the medications you are taking. You may need to stop taking certain medications or your surgeon may recommend substitute medications until your surgery. Medications such as corticosteroids, insulin or anti-coagulants will need to be managed before and after surgery.