hint hardware institute of network technology 47290017

VARDHAMAN MAHAVEER OPEN UNIVERSITY, KOTA PERMISSION LETTER FOR RS-CIT EXAMINATION May 2013 Learner Code : 881133011302313 Exam Center / Venue Roll Number : 397376 Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo Candidate's Signature Important Instructions: 2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination. 3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet. 4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall. 5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected] 6. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases. 7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet with carefully. There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully. 8. 1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you. 9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her. Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully. 10. Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination. 11. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 9. 10. 11. Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet: a) Mark your answer as shown in the example. b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered. c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only. d) Circle should be darkened completely. e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY) f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer. KUBER SINGH JHALA Controller of Examination VARDHAMAN MAHAVIR OPEN UNIVERSITY

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Page 1: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133011302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397376

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 2: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133111302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397389

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 3: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133211302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397390

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 4: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133311302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397391

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 5: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133411302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397392

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 6: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133511302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397323

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 7: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133611302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397393

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 8: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133711302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397380

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 9: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133811302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397388

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 10: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881133911302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397381

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 11: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881134011302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397382

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 12: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881134111302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397372

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



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May 2013

Learner Code : 881134211302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397377

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 14: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 881134311302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397379

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



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May 2013

Learner Code : 881134411302313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397378

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 16: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 89419731131213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397394

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 17: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 89419741131213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397395

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 18: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 89921311131413Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397383

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 19: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 89921321131413Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397384

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 20: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 89921331131413Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397396

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 21: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914264911312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397397

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 22: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265011312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397324

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 23: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265111312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397373

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 24: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265211312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397325

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 25: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265311312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397326

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 26: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265411312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397327

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 27: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265511312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397398

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 28: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265611312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397399

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 29: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265711312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397400

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



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May 2013

Learner Code : 914265811312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397328

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 31: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914265911312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397329

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 32: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266011312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397330

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 33: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266111312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397331

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 34: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266211312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397374

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 35: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266311312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397332

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 36: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266411312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397333

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 37: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266511312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397334

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 38: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266611312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397335

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 39: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266711312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397336

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 40: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266811312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397337

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 41: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914266911312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397338

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 42: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914267011312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397339

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 43: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914267111312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397340

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 44: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914267211312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397341

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



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May 2013

Learner Code : 914267311312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397342

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 46: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914267911312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397401

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 47: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268011312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397343

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 48: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268111312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397344

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 49: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268211312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397385

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 50: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268311312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397386

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 51: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268411312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397345

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 52: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268511312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397322

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 53: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268611312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397321

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 54: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268711312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397346

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 55: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268811312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397347

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 56: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914268911312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397348

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 57: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914269011312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397349

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 58: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914269111312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397350

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 59: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914269211312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397351

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



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May 2013

Learner Code : 914269311312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397352

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 61: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914269411312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397353

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 62: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 914858511312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397354

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 63: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915064311312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397355

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 64: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915064411312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397356

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 65: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915064511312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397357

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 66: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915193411312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397402

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 67: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915193511312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397403

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 68: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915193611312213Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397404

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 69: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915937711312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397358

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 70: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915937811312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397359

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 71: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915937911312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397360

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 72: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915938711312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397320

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



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May 2013

Learner Code : 915938811312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397361

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 74: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 915938911312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397362

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 75: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 916465311312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397375

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 76: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 916465411312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397363

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 77: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 916465511312313Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397405

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 78: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 918860011312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397364

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 79: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 919151711312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397406

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 80: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 919151811312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397407

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 81: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 921287111312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397365

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 82: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 921287211312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397366

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 83: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 921287311312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397367

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 84: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 921300511312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397368

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 85: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 921300611312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397369

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 86: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 921300711312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397370

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 87: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 922817911312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397408

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 88: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 924562611312613Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397371

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :



Page 89: HINT Hardware Institute of Network Technology 47290017


May 2013

Learner Code : 922546411312513Exam Center / Venue

ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ. ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,ᵲᵾᵞᵗ ᵱ ᵋ. ᵰᵾ.ᵿᵷᵩᵾᵴᵱ, ᵩᵾᵪᵰ ᵣᶀ, ᵋᵨᵱᵬᶁᵲ,

Phone No.:-0

Roll Number : 397387

Date of Examination: 12th May 2013 Time of Examination: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

1) Name of the Candidate : Candidate's Photo

Candidate's Signature

Important Instructions:

2. Candidate should report at the allotted Examination Center at least30 minutes before the start of the Examination.

3. Examination will be held on the basis of Objective question and the black or blue ball point pen will be used by the candidate to fill the OMR sheet.

4. Use of calculators, cell phones, pagers, or any electronic gadgets is not allowed in Examination hall.

5. If you find any discrepancy in this admit card, mail us on [email protected]. The Examination center will not be changed in any cases.7. 6 Digit Roll no has allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR Sheet

with carefully.There will be 4 series in question booklet and any one series will be allotted to the candidate and it is to be filled on OMR sheet with carefully.


1. Kindly bring original copy of this Admit Card and any photo ID proof in original (Driving License/Voter's ID Card/Passport/Institution ID Card etc.) along with you.

9. Candidate must have bring Writing Pad with him /her.Kindly read the instruction mention on OMR sheet and Question Booklet carefully.


Candidate has to mentioned the Roll no. at Question booklet and return to the Invigilator after completion of Examination.


2. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗ ᵬᵲ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵾᵲ ᵯ ᵻᶋᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵰᵱ ᵗᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵗᵰ 30ᵿᵰᵪᵡ ᵬᶂᵷ ᵬ ᵅᵜᵪᵾ ᵻᶋᵙᵾ |3. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵷ ᵦᶁᵿᵪ (Objective) ᶋ ᵬᵲ ᵈᵩᵾ ᵲᵦ ᵻᶋᵙᶀᶟ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR)ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵨᶇᵪᶀ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᵾ ᵱᵾ ᵪᶀᵴᵾ ᵮᵾᵴ ᵬᵾᵅᵊᵡ; (Ball Point) ᵬᶇᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵗᵱᵾᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ

4. ᵗᶈᵴ ᵱᶂᵴᶇᵡᵲ, ᵺᶇᵴᵭᶋᵪ, ᵬᶇᶖᵲ, ᵱᵾ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵦᵲᵻ ᵗ ᵇ ᵱ ᵉᵴᶇ ᶋᵿᵪᵗ ᵋᵬᵗᵲᵥ ᵗᵾ ᵱᶋᵙ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵻᶉᵴᵰ ᵷ ᵞᵦ ᵻᶈ |

5. ᵱ ᵨ ᵈᵬᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵰᵿᵦ ᵬ ᵰ ᵗᶋᵊ ᵷᵺᵅᵙᵿᵦᵿᵰᵴᶇᵦᶋ, ᵻᵰ [email protected]" ᵬᵲ ᵉ-ᵰᶇᵴ ᵗᵲ ᵺᶂᵿᵜᵦᵗᵲ |

6. ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾ ᵗᶇ ᵗᵺᶀ ᵯᶀ ᵿ ᵧᵿᵦ ᵰ ᵬ ᵲᵷ ᵦᵦ ᵪᵻᶀ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᵾᶟ7. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ 6 ᵇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵲᶋᵴ ᵪ ᵮᵲ ᵈᵷ ᵡᵦ ᵗᵱᵾ ᵙᵱᵾ ᵻᶈ ᵿᵞᵺᶇ ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀ ᵺᶇᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

ᵰᵻ ᵷᵬᶂᵥ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :


1. ᵈᵷᶇᵨᵗ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵷᶇᵸ ᵬ ᵗᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵑ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵭᶋᵡᶋ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗ ᵰᶂᵴ ᵿᵦ ᵴᵾᵱ ᵞᶈᵺᶇ ᵾᵊ ᵷᵙᵴᵾᵉᵺᵺ, ᵰᵦᵨᵾᵦᵾ ᵈᵊ.ᵣᶀ. ᵗᵾᵣ, ᵬᵾᵺᵬᶋᵡ, ᵸᶈ ᵿᵥᵗ ᵺᵅ ᵧᵾᵪ ᵗᵾ ᵬᵻᵜᵾᵪ ᵬ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ |

ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ 4 ᵺᶀ ᵲᵞ ᵰᶇ ᵻᶋᵙᶀ ᵿᵞᵺᵰᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵨᶀ ᵞᵾᵱᶇᵙᶀ ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵗᶋ ᵺᵾᵷᵩᵾᵪᶀᵺᶇ ᵺᶀᵲᶀᵞ ᵗᶋ ᵕ.ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵬᵲ ᵯᵲᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ

9. ᵿᵷ ᵾ ᵧᵱᶋ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵺᵾᵧ ᵲᵾᵉ ᵡᵙᵅ ᵬᶇᵣ(ᵦ ᵦᶀ) ᵴᶇᵗᵲ ᵈᵪᵾ ᵻᶈᶟ10.ᴗ .ᵑᵰ.ᵈᵲ. (OMR) ᵸᶀᵡ ᵑᵷᵅ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ(Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵨᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ ᵗᶋ ᵱᵾᵪᵬᶂᵷᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵬᵤᶇᶟ

11.ᵿᵷ ᵾᵧ ᵬᶁᵿ ᵦᵗᵾ (Question Booklet) ᵬᵲ ᵲᶋᵴ. ᵪ. ᵿᵴᵘᵗᵲ ᵷᶀ ᵗ (Invigilator) ᵗᶋ ᵬᵲᶀ ᵾᵺᵰᵾᵿ ᵬᵲ ᵬᶁᵪᵆ ᵴᶋᵡᵾᵱᶇᶟ

Instructions for filling up OMR answer sheet:a) Mark your answer as shown in the example.b) There is only one correct answer for each question and once a mark has been made, the same cannot be altered.c) All entries in Circle Option must be made by Black Ink Ball Point Pen only.d) Circle should be darkened completely.e) Do not use eraser, blade, whitener etc. to hide the entries already made.(DO NOT TRY TO ALTER ENTRY)f) More than one entry of an answer will be considered wrong answer.

a) ᵨᵸᵾᵱᶇ ᵙᵱᶇ ᵋᵨᵾᵻᵲᵥ ᵗᶇ ᵇᵪᶁᵺᵾᵲ ᵇᵬᵪᶇ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲ |b) ᵱᶇᵗ ᵗᵾ ᵑᵗ ᵻᶀ ᵺᵻᶀ ᵋ ᵲ ᵻᶈ, ᵑᵗ ᵮᵾᵲ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶋ ᵇᵅ ᵗᵦ ᵗᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵬ ᵾᵦ ᵮᵨᵴᵾᵪᵻ ᵞᵾ ᵺᵗᵦᵾ ᵻᶈ |c) ᵺᵾᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵰᶇ ᵗᵾᵴᶀ ᵱᵾᵻᶀ ᵗᶇ ᵮᶉᵴ ᵬᶉᵉᵅᵡ ᵬᶇᵪ ᵾᵲᵾ ᵯᵲᵾᵞᵾᵪᵾ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |d) ᵷᶃ ᵾᵗᵾᵲ ᵈᵗᶃᵿᵦ ᵬᶂᵥ ᵬ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵻᶋᵪᶀ ᵜᵾᵿᵻᵱᶇ |e) ᵬᵻᵴᶇ ᵺᶇ ᵯᵲᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵱ ᵗᶋ ᵲᵮᶗ, ᵴᶇᵣ, ᵻᵾᵉᵡᵪᵲ ᵉ ᵱᵾ ᵨ ᵗᶇ ᵰᵾ ᵱᵰ ᵺᶇ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗᵾᵱᵾᵺ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ (ᵗᶋᵊ ᵯᶀ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵮᵨᵴᵪᶇ ᵗ ᵗᶋᵿᵸᵸ ᵪᵾ ᵗᵲ)f) ᵑᵗ ᵋ ᵲ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵴᵱᶇ ᵑᵗ ᵺᶇ ᵇᵿᵩᵗ ᵿᵷᵿ ᵗᶋ ᵙᵴᵦ ᵋ ᵲ ᵰᵾᵪᵾ ᵞᵾᵑᵙᵾ |

ᵋ ᵲ ᵬ ᵗ (OMR Sheet) ᵗᶋ ᵯᵲᵪᶇ ᵗᶇ ᵿᵪᵨᵸ :