hint · 2015-12-03 · what you pay x$$\ wli«i you kit," in fiiivcttyliifj; tlio '...

WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl ( 1 lie* IMRHlW. six ..- Hie sw^ni n\ o April i, Hint entRe tor : 31ST VJiAll-N UMI5EU 20. WASHIXGTOX, .WAUUKN COUNTY, JN'. J.,: THUUSUAV,".MAY 1IUSIS7 SUBSCKlPTIOiS': Sl.50 PRU YEAR. TOXWS TKOUKI.ES AGAI.X. The Mullur IH SHlled Out of C'»u rt —Tin? C*uti|)|(! .Hay Mvi« 'l\t#*t|u't* in Oxiorfl -Auotlicr lHn-fi. : Thociisoof Clinrlos Tonn of Oxford, \vho Wan charged by hl» wifn with deser- tion mid non-HUnport and tiio larceny of money from her, was to'havo boon heard bofor" Jn.stiw) Crevolin^ hero on Monday lust, but wan postponed till 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. J'roinpt-.j ly nt (but.'tiiic,M>. Tnnu s»nd his! counsel, Attorney if. &. Han'in, and; Mni. Tonti, who ha:l.en^;i^«tl Lawyer | O-K'iir Jen'ory, nppoiirod befuro tlio \ justice. AfW a privet*' consultation ; between tho r«HjK»ctiVij .co»ns('ln and i the parties tluiinsol.ve*, the "harj{<i Wiisj wiLlidi-avii and Mr. and JIIM. Ton'n! agreed to livo together in OxfuKl, | Tii« lulu or Mr. Ttjmi's matrimonial j troubled as related in last wcok'.s S'i\\ it I was correct with alight exception?. Jtj appears that.it wait Mr. Tonn wjioj ndvurlitjutl fora wife.' Uo received tlv*' 1 pctiili'fir limry C. Miller. IlunryC. Miller did! hut I'to'it nt lOtfO o'clock or an urttiriiil iill'wction uftlic Iiuurt from which h° hml miltiPcd for fjovuritl [iintitliH, tho last two week" 1>cIn^cuiilUiCtl to lifs bud. Mr. MillorWiiM oiiooCtliei'iltlcst roiildcnts r>r Wimlifrictnn, lntvfriK f'Mnfl |i«ro-from Huston ]ii l.Sf-O mul (ipciifd a jow*-'lry storu in what in l:»own ns the >f lll«r Ijttllilint; on Jvist WiiHijington nvviiiii! Mini coritlniiccl hi b'tsIncH'-f for many y<;an*« Ho lirul c"i- Hidcraulu talent for nnwic, and wiw proba- WITH Till; VAKKIOHS I One: mi <JJiU-f .siiropc. _ Early last Tuesday morn ing—" 'twas in 1 S|»iii^li Klctrt Ar<m;ul iln? W'i'si Uio witching hour of two"—one of our linlit's—Klrsl A mi 1 »-1 cii if* ulUfd in j citizens was °n his way homo JVoni r (lie \Var—Oilier Nutrs.' j y Httlo ''fimctio,." ho tad .ittomld. Admiral l)(!Woy 1I»H captured another '"'" ""*"•' IV - ! -•"•—-' BtnrtlwUosco :i man trying to ailed k'linhofit from tho onuniy without tlio , • . r * ,f o,lvi-.,... While pausing tho .Square he was sturtlrd to sco JI man trying to i COUXTV .COURT CASKS. \ I>Hii»m<nu-iil IN tlic> ivhueiiQiu-Cunu ,'•'.: —Moi'Wi" fit'tsTfii Days In lh<r Cditnty Jail. Our last installniffiit of * fiotirt pro- ccctlingK mise.'irricd ]aat v.'uut: and con-! the past ft Tho ffCcoinl ba^cibail gjitno of tho sen- son, which resulted In a fiocoud defeat for the local team, took place ;it Allen-.! j town. !*«., on Sntui-day with the club | s of that oity. Owing to the weather id unlit coiidition of,tii« grounds for 'BOWMAN' BURGLARIZED.'- n? \t'iv Sufe tit tiif Steam Uucmj IIHMI-A ithUy•.Mil. Tn lust week's STAB the thousands of condition oCtho grounds for roader8 of thin paper were informed of fcv-wwkv our hny- h»d n 't,i t]i0 u - aV0 Of prosperity -which had "re---; cUziia ery d c r o t I j g , blown Open. Some silver to tlio ninii-woiUil not tacklo Uio burglar] W«H dMiarged. Tho jury said to jbnll cranks. It bi x I.t-uvy, jumWiiiition ; , !mmint o f about $lo wan taken from it j r»o Dlocitadu 01 »'ivmiiii««iui«trn.t| 8i||filolmIl0tjtU \ V j lUtI il(J WflH ^ m i, )r- i hnvoatomUl to l for conviction. j ami our players do nut sudn to he of- V*i v/"ll as nn (indent watch and a re- : mul the IiilmbitnntH uro on tlic verK» of .^ ^ ^ (lu^U)o bu|tRl!ir reflppK(r0(1 1 The noxt wuio trio.l W»H Artl.iu- >rOi- ! fyrhiR cxwwc», save thai their oupoji- ivoU- 0t . worU| a , )nilt $-,. Th0 tt.ntch ! ' itI!liM(; - i •.. on tlif; street a«ain and this time vhlii'-'t k'UioCWaMiiii^foti, Imlictwl fur Htuid : ; uiH« were U,o iiuuvy mul Unit" llivy'] u-.iMoriitt!" vnliift but [vnH highlv prlz- i'i:>uv v. Mn.i.i:i:. or Hix unsw.-rs to liia •aavortiHoinc-nt; j,i y( . nn m- c ti^ with nil U,r im»U->i o^-p.i- (iml thoprowmt Mi'ii, TonuMwaHoiit; ofj/ni, jn . s n,;,t I-VM^J it, t\i\n town I'IJI- u thorn- In compmy with a l'ri''>id, the i pori'nl of ni"rt.' timn inii-tv VCHTH. II "• ' ' .Hi wtsnt to Xow see tlm lady now hw wife and d^ritled j tliat shfi was liin f.i'o, Aft.ci* ttmir; nmrriago and while Ui*:y wonMivinffj inXow VnrkMr.-'lVnu I'oimd th:itiii'! •did imi !i;«- iitu in umham and ;U'u-r a[ Os^'Ird'lviiVinK hij tnin!: and sKi-ne valuahlt; botul^, niort^tj^'ri. cto., with "her. SOCHI ai'i ( *rt hi« wifo follouetl. >"o\f, Mi*. Tu;m pluiu.;<l m sis'nr" hi-< trunk und liin pripcrs jind l*y t ( ihiik to tho m-'trtip^iii ttukitowii to dH hot- ter h'tll" with Jti-ui"'. 1 Mitt'crt of Oxford. Tiicy u-^'iii to lho lnniNi; and w-'irjiHt about to jay !i:uul-t on tht» pcifporty Wliuii tlio britft! uiiLri-lH-d in .ind JI nun- |)UH «•!' tlio lirrtt order tMisiK'd. 'Vhveo >'F'W Vork poli"(Miit!!i wero iiitrnduwd nt thisntagt* with loliinK <'"V<'t i)/tint !nl imliiiHlifi- of Washington's fir.st iiuivs|,;!jii:r. It u-jw cnUvt\ tlif I'urt- l'"!i->. It was lirst [>rjnti.<l in t-I.ihU.n iiml (iiti'iilitfcil liurt-, hut mo ambit"..,!!* editor sum Imiln'i'l'iiit uflilsowii mid tlic work Lutjfi.al'iop wiindniit: i,«n.». Whi-Fi ttii'STA"! viirt Mjrtt-d in IS'W liii>ii.f[»(.'ii<U'[i 1 t!te I»Mrt- ililidiiml j,r'-.-<.'itt.j,i tin* Mil'scri[ttio;iliit to i\>v m-,v c.imli.I U«- t o r public i ; nvr. ~^li*' w.i.^uiitMjCili',' meet ;niunhK'ii| uww~ tiDis in the (Jiinntrynf ih'J l r nitt.nl A'nt'ri- .•Jin M<.!li:iiiii>4 niiil uf tli»j.»r.'.». t*. A. M., '".-int: ii l'.i;,L StiUu fniiticUnr in bcth. fit- f/i.st Wiit'J: the tori>edo b«at Winslow w^ro WHiiuIr 1'liu bnUltfsMp Oregon, ?IlllbOllt -M,,n«1i. The door of j:it or to u:it a j t&nn. Tom u-iw imlictml iur ndultet-y. \ boyH, a little wilditu.-t* by I'oi-cc, a f L .w | w.fts Hi0"(.pinK the sloep nf tii« righteous the «t"re. Ims a! '^ e «INO of Matlhow Suttlc of i'hif- j t-rroH by our h-.vys, toK.Hlli;r with Uiu j w., wn ],„ U.;|H d^nkeuoj i, v the noise of ". I'. A. M.,IIII'I Wnrrt-n IVmieil, Jr.,O. V. A- M.. ortliP j.Iiio,*. Mr. Millur i.s ^irvivfd hy u w;j - t ' m ifiiiliSrini. Tin; fltiltlit'ii yru ('h ii'h ttii;. Dlitc'o, iiuJ Mils I.turn Jlil!'..i .Infill ri. s-ftiitntT mul Mr::. Mvallii IV No, TlH' ••t I i*'r:»! will l ; \V(>IIIiil('(i. ! ovtjr. ltu«:'.rds tiro foedintf on thy huditM of tin;.starve'! iH-ai* Iliivmia. . .Talk tifiui AiiRlu-.Vmisrit-'an aHUm;e r i-* v*'r\' pi"wniiut:iit in .tho iie'-vs of tliu ; iv.•'•!{. Tli'- ri[».ini«h tiu'oii'-' irf totturiug : and li:'-' patplo liiivo lout f.iith in tlioir : rul'-Tr*. A n ( >w Ministry 1ms lic«n ifurm.-l. [tic rinnV.-^Va %iniHli tlw;t iwilibo-suntto the PliiltiiiineH to light ; DoWfV juul Hint tl.o -othui'-* of '-"J Wits' try t.j lievastiitc O'rvlilo Ksburt—wiisiiHlufidtoBuuocw^'Viaeiitly did not 9tay MirnuKh tho tnitiHnm find unlu«k thn ;'-'"-i" "I 1 !"-'* 1 ''-' 1 ' b-s:fyr« driof—an inipossible tiwk for tiif I';UH l 'yn"' Uu.-L'hi"f. :!(.• and Down. 'rf(jUlo»l" :is|c!Xct'ptio« of in the ftiurth inning. iui'l Jtiry{I*'Uirt(.>en liltt wx-ro iiii'.l li:,fl him iiidicitiil. .Iii'lgc- Hliip-1 whirh wa-i not bud iiiiiu told ih« 1 dfM'yjulunt that it Wiiyjtml; U'* 1 -" 1 '"' u 'urf iiitelti jjiic;h 1110"' I'.S 1 hf that purL'tittf imiHt he. \ playui'f* nuidc nine 1: t h e <K>mmUnHyf then- good \V.\eH!stiT.?.\- A.JI. rfafi,' central ifctflrond Company tit Phillips-j b b ! i" shops of' tho; aduresS and wwiltiu Sii id iU ij tors c:;inu> very nc:ir A »r""i> WJIH rvnnfttni the hnsl>;uid camo ba bojirilinK phico with to.liirf Oxford ! in etV^tH uiui' Antjthor aspirant for tin; position of P.iBi.., l i«t*>r }•:*« ..!: V i..i.;u .K.t.M't. Jfi-iho I>')IHU-itl arena in the person of Alt or. nty O»car Jt-'tlury, whu ht\n hem\ circu- tlm iiit'ilinfii lu-ujlil, a fi-iiii- ^li'hii'Kioii, I>. 0., c::cU".r;4;:i^ him for •y phuiij. nud ridrly attriH"-' 111 ** ''erth. Thin maki* HOVIIII W.-mh- ' : 'i^'ton Itypublimnt} who aro under tho tMnt they-can hr.iullo the wry !mnt •ntjinni thWrt;:tuUed an already ntutcd Tli-J ivifo VIIH in conn Iii a ntjjit pui'j»Ii;f;c>\vn. HtnM:i .. tivo In fcnturt'H. ShQ liar/notlijnK of tiiu iulv-'iilurirVta in liur MppeiintUij' Ji"i3.ev.Ul'j!il!iVn.K > -^l,'fv.M*'f* illicts in fho w r y Imnf. nt;mni>r ni"l vas-vory wiliii-ig-to-scttlo-thc 1 waiter } (1 f»'^ its emo!»tnbiit3 -,vltli- : cmiitVriuiivG .amicably; Her .»insL'r.»d -y U yw.rs of' '-fate. An imprr-salnn pr^vni'v,! 11 '" ir -- iigo, Komewhdt lean and dark com-; t!l in ipKirters "that Mr. Jeilcry haa bcori pidxionea with blank hair and a Uixuri-! ^U\vd upon as a coHiproiuiso candi- ...iM>r»foH!i^nrAVhI»!cr-n^UH;Wrt«Htlurii-(. d: iWv.^(^ """ecfTii his "beat *riii»ioiTt ami '"avo'tho'p'u^i'niwtcr J. tf.'Vulpor, aiii.1 the othor improsgian of being jiist what lie is—a j wouM-bo p^tnuiHtura favorwd by Con- rctired, woll-to-do -Oormflu farmer, i Kivt«nian Pitimy imd Vice President Tlm not to till ui'i Io irropai-jdilu injnfy in hoiuea to} [:. h'rv'i wero rihtit down ai:d u'laniloucd ! which they ha'.'o jtooerfs. "on &it!mlsiy night hxst. A year or tv.-c!' r 'h'tWp* >ui'-'kyy( '-a ayo tlw shops onij-loyed U'J men, but \ yuilty to staling a <tn\ lately iho fyrop CfitiHHtwlofbut:JLmou. ] the j'. IJ. li. freight cars. Tim Court "i? 1 , TIIC'KC are, of voiu-^o, without work bv | t,' llVo ''i" 1 --' 0( -! i ^' s . ' i l t ' 1 V f -'°u_|Uy jail. j this move on the part oi'tlin railroad! Win; Ji. jCtijrlor. iudictfid foi- bigamy, h^, pl.?:i'!f-! j lii f^liot^ from | f-'.' call for mori- voluntcorg i.s expected •shortly. I frnl (li.scnarjjt-Hl ».'mployeca wore given | ''"-' ->**-»'»i«- 3 **i 1 * Murtlur. j | ! u-oi-k. 'fht) in«n : s «X|jeetiitions re- j Tho mystery surrounding the victim i ceived a shook on Friday when \\*. I>.! of the Verona Uike .ti'ajretly -Id slowly | Total ._ and saw thorn strike sover.il ui-fHi oil' him, niatchcH. Then lbu burelnrs emerged 'isi'loriut; the ; through a sidu windov/ and stood in a^iin.-a.^ Oiir ifl . Ditt ~ or t | ln i-m^u-y, 'n ie if faces ruliowiDtf is; could not bo ivt'Ofjnizt'd in the Homi- |dur!*ii( j rts but Mr. Opdy.'.r.o n.iys ono Kj i wore u slouch hat and was taller thim o i the other . who wore a derby. Me "; shoiUyd to thorn to know what was tho UI matter. They immediately turned and 2 | ran down tho alley next to the laundry Si and,were soon lost to'view. •• Wm. i>; A. Baylor, Who lives next'to the Inun- ~} dry, wits also awakened by the esplo- ° {sion and Frank Pitteiiger, nigiit wateii- f '(}'mart at Allegor 1 s organ factory, also oisaw the men running away. \V *• •' " <• Shirnyi'i who lives on Vouin>iusa%*enuej" •; i) (i \ saw three wen, later,vunning from the :_} o o i creek above the laundry and toward l !! J ! the railroad.'.Mcsarri. Opdyke, uaylor 0 3 0 ana Pjitentjur proceeded to investigate •*- '*"T "^i.' l ud th&cituse of tiio report w^a soon I made plain. K. I) 0 I) ii 0 (1 0 i . l. o' 1 it. 1 0 2 0 1 t 0 1 11. 0 I'.U. I 0 . 0 .. ;; ( > 1 P.O. 1 if () o 1 1 n " .1) 1 Ii. The.p'iir were accompanied by several frteiulg and jwaooiates of Mr. Tonn good, solid rC'HtdRiitH of Dutch Hill— who had come to weo the fun. llobart, have betm dumped outside the breaatwork'j by the powers that bo in favor of Mr. JeiTery. Tiie IoWil |)oli- tieiatis and the six reniaiuiu^ iispirauts UoprestMitativos of tho'prosa were, of! «p«(linto this i»scrtion vigorously. courdQ, ex-chuled from the priva{d^9ii- Tl > c M '*> however, are not saying much sultatioM, but wo iinilorstaml .Uiub tho j but they are^ yawing wood in largo air was full of the tongno of the "Vnt- g erland" while it Was in progress.' A largo aiidieinjo wlio wero awaiting de- velopments in an adjoining room were much umused fit the volubility and cx- tensivo ' Teutonics .vocabulary o f tlio chief actors in tho case. Mr. Tonn's troubles are not yet over, ..linu'imiiv.^Liitor in tltu. daiv.,ho...ciillt;d. at the""S'IC\'K"bTucio"and' "inHGrteti'a'no^ tico, olsowl'orc in this isatie, warning niorchiintH that ho will not bo rospon-. aiblc for his wife's debts. r: ' After Iho interview in tlio Justice's ofllco ivlra. Tonn ashed •'hor husband for mouoy to pay tho exjHjnao of going to NowYork and returning with her belonging^ to Oxford. Tonn refimed to givo her any,t!iiuking slio would not show up again.Ho alno refused to go to qu.iutitUis. Hi the meantime Post- niaator Uawo.4 is smiling serenely, un- disturbed by the aspect of the situation and ineidtmtally tucking away two hundred und odd bright simoloona overy month. That irayor J)a\vea is "happy on the way" is conceded by nil. ..... H.r.„Jpffory, U^pno. of the niost : ,0nor- Hopublican camp; has never hecn a chronic. .o'Hco . soeker, and has never recoived'imy particular reward for hia faithful service^ to the party, Ou Friday, May 27th, tho school children will convene nt 2 p. in. in the rfohool liotiao and the boy* 1 will march down Church street to JacUaon avenue, Now York as ho is of tho opinion she i to Washington uvomie, *o Lincoln ave- woiild have him lU'reatetl or <»;uiscf !ii'n I inio, to Jolmson street, ao to get knocked hi by her Now " lc friondn. Jfo id willing" trj hike her to Oxford.and live with hor and .'•vviU'soLtl'o'miittera in no otlier way. Mr. Tonn 'roturued to Oxford ami :•• his wife iy Uiought to I York. n to \ow avenue; thonco to Duwos' Hall. Tho girls will miu'ch on the sidewalk u ^ «hargo of the. huly teachers to theaame fiostiiijiUon. Thcreiipprtipriiito Memor- ial Day oxereiscs will bo held. The iHayoi- and Common Council, lloy- I[;ivaii:i keep men constantly in tops, on t-hc lookout for the possible nuldi'ii iippe.irnuco of the Sj>anish The prize court, which is to dispose of the vessolt! takoii by Admiral Samp- son's floer, will convene at Key West today or Friday. Kt-ar Admiral Dowey : will BBIK! the wai'shipd Cuiieui'd and Uo.ston to de- maud the surrender of Iloilo. They will also ondyjivor to rccapUiro the American collier Suraiuik. Gen. Mer- Httwillgo to the rliillipinos, it being understood that ho will bo grunted, i\a hf>:ir]_V;an.. ppssiblL'.-^lhti. iiuiubt;r.. 1 .uud_ kind of troops which he deems esflbn- Tho cruiser Charlostown siiilcd fi-om San Fnuicigco yesterday with nmmu- to get employment ;it the Eli?«ibeth- port shops where tho machinory is to be shipped, l'liillip^burg, once an iin- portnut junction point of tho Central, will be nothing' more than a v.'ay sta- tion in tho future. The roundhouse, of course, will be occupied, imd a lumd- l'ul of men will have to bo retained there. .-,.•:.:..- The shut-down hag created coustor- iiiition in FhilHnsburg and tho.Town Ootincil and Board of Trade are think- ing of taking some action in protest against tho company-'* last move. about tlio boat. It is thought they decid- ed to run i c o n Lako^YtjroiniaiHl were ClUlfli-.'ii's n ; ,y Kxi>ri'lscrt. •r 'jjf thebuildiiiR r land tiicing on Croad street was tho rfcene of the greatest devastation, The Children's pav'-will be observed by s a f o s t o o d m t h e Qomer ot tlle ° mce d by her teflonerg. The evening i fl . !ltl bcOtl | hih h Spanfiler is known to have given money the day after tlio murder to .liontier's wife in Newark eliiming her nesed y her teflonerg. The evening . open from the top will be devoted to exercises by the | which had . been drilled r.nd the holo ain school. .Lugt Sunday, Supurinten-' thus " iritle fllled with P ovvtlcn ' nil< - 1 nret1 -' A reaidont of West Washington nve- nuo ima called our attention to a "case | J'^lif 13 I101 of cruelty wMchahould i-eccivo prompt! itigation by the authorities. On nition and other siippHes for Dewoy's TllOgduv nij ,j lt two y o U l l g m e t t d l , ivillg f ' eC *' 1 * a horse said to belong to J3rvin Burom- Tho enemy's fleet is said to be hc-ad- orwcl . o ruiming the animiil.uip and odtowurd^tiag^le^i.^ ,J lloWn Ul0 , lVcm , c3 , lt Blieh a terrible To Kill Mo-*(i'iirri)i'3, lllt ° ^ 1;l ^ L ''° il ^ u8ct '' n0Pst) W il S i" i 1 With the Advent ofaninmor, the gay and fed tivo mosquito will eomo unw'el- eomB "in our midst." SAl'c in > T ow Jersey and in many oilier places would bo niado imppier wore this voracioiiij inwoct eliminated. Many methods to this) end hnvo been niado public. vory exhausted condition when they made tHeir last appearance. Theoccn husband had requested him to do so. Bell's blacksmith shop near the laun- lard Allogcr. Hscitations— dry had been broken into by the burg Ornvoling; Miss .Lizzie WoUor, Mrs. John Xulatif, Wins Ma York by a route l-H miie-s long. They antiiracito co:il oporfitors who seek \ : ; on a passing freight 1 train. Prom tracks Last Sundny evening at St. peters '' n ^ho mud near tlie laundry it seems. Holds' Post, ('J. A, K. Board oi' .1-Iduc!a- I•lion, tho 'IVeaidonfc of Hie 'fioaftVof A Xiu-i-inv l^scuiio. .i.Trado{ind.local dorgy havo boon invit- ~ : "w'liTlo n mru^from thu l'\ &'. Tavlor | c t l t 0 utt0Iitl - ^I'ecehos will he made and " farm ne-ir JWilwiijT"^''^'liiig Hnuvi "mong^iom will ho ono by Kov. A. 0, froniTear sidq-tracked iiMimnUwny '"'iedner ou "Heiir AUinin.lDmvoy ami liiBtSatnjday.-morniiig, ono or more of ' ^ %<?&" TllG ex^enso of renting Uio wagon took fright nt a ...pausing milk train and all ran away. Tho wagon, whii-h-Wao almost'loadud, struck a jjilo of lumber und was completely oycr-.Mf turned. Somothiug— broke and Uio ._ liorses continuod their... flight liutiLono of thorn becamo entuiigiod in Uio Vitir- ,: ness and fell. This stopped th 0 rumi- ; '; ways before they had gone far. Nono of them was seriously injured bufcaomo wore acmtohed' soinowliiit.. Tho escape of tlio drivor, whowas HJJOU Uio wngoi^ V:: w<u) miraculous. •"•'•' -' oevcvfti uoya rocenyj^cooK a eau oe- j ;i ion, nuin&'to MissCJraco Yuundtof Grand 31.00. tlovelopuiont of the iarviio that a hundful of pornifinganate will dizn a .tijiwiuro !iwunip,;.ltill.ils,cui- 1 P tho youn ( of whom ftro nearly y li.'ius, some a 1 old. wo are greatly lumdicappetiyu trying: 'to soouro new induct;*ii?a. \ ^ a i i u f a o | jxton.sive l'ailrojid i >*o l.lble Kifsin ' lioiiring of it they felt conviiuied the ! men they mot woro tho oiiefl wiio" for tho purposo can bo found at Onpfc, I t lMtrlotlt; ijo'i^s—<• (Jfiilri. AKopkof olovoii' pntriotio nud W»r siinija—wordriuuj Niusiu for piunoororynH., S'linUlx eont.4 in stiimpa .fur sninplu copy Kcllur'n Music UOUHU, IJiistoii, 1 J «. It. Have you hentd nboutthu'woll trlmtnca while luitH for $2,60? Mrs. Nutzchnslhomi Fmvneo BHl's Wild West show will bo t. Enston.on &XnS 25th, ;. .: -. . llon tank. Tonic iSxtt'ACt 1 --Miilt ti ror.|l- Warron bounty DriiR Store, " -.....--.... Tlie PioW. Ghib of.JIoTriHtown defbntod tho 0. 0.1's "of Hackettstown at Jlorris- :o'.viv'on tlie Ttii'by'ivscore oVVi to 7. " Jti Jion :itt"iuTy_ time. OlVenflqra against tho raw may bo tlnodfiiul their liconaes vovokod. It ia not likely that the Un? against ."idultcr.itions'ia: violated. Jiorp iitt.IltiliouUl u o- ; Bicj Co Hosiiitftl—Jiinies H. Johiisloiii si/.o made, iy Telonlionc. Tieimtiful'white llUeV- Ask to.W riii'minns at Airs. J. \\\ L'.tlK'lliv,'....••;;:,-•--;::,;;——_ , LnwnHiowxirs; J2 Jn.,1-1 -in, n James Ii. Johnston. mnnicfiting disease,• aud;, ja based on a supoi'atitious rathor''than an intelligent appreciation of the Iloly Scriptures. See Jin, Nutzo's latest styles.in millinery . umVuo Astonished lit the low prices, hoihirn !b«ylii| - 1 - " u - • they will do for him. One Minuto ia not long, yot relief is oh- tnincd in half thnt time by tbo UHQ of,Ono Minute l^ough Cure, It provontsconsiiiiil)- tiontuidquickly cures ""eolqs~oronp/brou-" chub,'pnetmioiUn, la grippe,and all tUroni ft;id lunff troubiDs... F.tN, Jenkins' \Varrcu. County Orufi Store ' " v • • ' \~- c v,

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Page 1: Hint · 2015-12-03 · WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (

WHAT YOU PAY x$$\wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio 'clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli ,iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (

1 lie* IM RHlW.• six ..-

Hie sw^ni n\o April i,


entRe tor




The Mullur IH SHlled Out of C'»u rt—Tin? C*uti|)|(! .Hay Mvi« 'l\t#*t|u't*

in Oxiorfl -Auotlicr lHn-fi. :Thociisoof Clinrlos Tonn of Oxford,

\vho Wan charged by hl» wifn with deser-tion mid non-HUnport and tiio larcenyof money from her, was to'havo boonheard bofor" Jn.stiw) Crevolin^ hero onMonday lust, but wan postponed till2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. J'roinpt-.jly nt (but. ' tiiic,M>. Tnnu s»nd his!counsel, Attorney if. &. Han'in, and;Mni. Tonti, who ha:l.en^;i^«tl Lawyer |O-K'iir Jen'ory, nppoiirod befuro tlio \justice. AfW a privet*' consultation ;between tho r«HjK»ctiVij .co»ns('ln and ithe parties tluiinsol.ve*, the "harj{<i WiisjwiLlidi-avii and Mr. and JIIM. Ton'n!agreed to livo together in OxfuKl, |

Tii« lulu or Mr. Ttjmi's matrimonial jtroubled as related in last wcok'.s S'i\\ it Iwas correct with alight exception?. Jtjappears that.it wait Mr. Tonn wjiojndvurlitjutl fora wife.' Uo received tlv*'1

pctiili'fir limry C. Miller.IlunryC. Miller did! hut I'to'it nt lOtfO

o'clock or an urttiriiil iill'wction uftlic Iiuurtfrom which h° hml miltiPcd for fjovuritl[iintitliH, tho last two week" 1>cIn^cuiilUiCtlto lifs bud.

Mr. MillorWiiM oiiooCtliei'iltlcst roiildcntsr>r Wimlifrictnn, lntvfriK f'Mnfl |i«ro-fromHuston ]ii l.Sf-O mul (ipciifd a jow*-'lry storuin what in l:»own ns the >f lll«r Ijttllilint; onJvist WiiHijington nvviiiii! Mini coritlniiccl hib'tsIncH'-f for many y<;an*« Ho lirul c" i -Hidcraulu talent for nnwic, and wiw proba-

WITH Till; VAKKIOHS I One: mi <JJiU-f .siiropc._ Early last Tuesday morn ing—" 'twas

in1 S|»iii^li Klctrt Ar<m;ul iln? W'i'si Uio witching hour of two"—one of ourlinlit's—Klrsl A mi1 »-1 cii if* ulUfd in j citizens was °n his way homo JVoni r

(lie \Var—Oilier Nutrs.'

j yHttlo ''fimctio,." ho tad .ittomld.

Admiral l)(!Woy 1I»H captured another' " ' " ""*"•' IV- ! - • " • — - ' BtnrtlwUosco :i man trying to ailed

k'linhofit from tho onuniy without tlio , • . r * , f o,lvi-.,...

While pausing tho .Square he wassturtlrd to sco JI man trying to i


\ I>Hii»m<nu-iil IN tlic> ivhueiiQiu-Cunu

,'•'.: —Moi'Wi" fit'tsTfii Days In lh<r

Cditnty Jail.

Our last installniffiit of* fiotirt pro-

ccctlingK mise.'irricd ]aat v.'uut: and con-! the past ft

Tho ffCcoinl ba^cibail gjitno of tho sen-son, which resulted In a fiocoud defeatfor the local team, took place ;it Allen-.!

j town. !*«., on Sntui-day with the club |s of that oity. Owing to the weather

id unlit coiidition of,tii« grounds for

'BOWMAN' BURGLARIZED.'-n? \ t ' iv Sufe tit tiif Steam Uucmj

IIHMI-A ithUy•.Mil.

Tn lust week's STAB the thousands ofcondition oCtho grounds for roader8 of thin paper were informed offcv-wwkv our hny- h»dn ' t , i t ] i 0 u - a V 0 Of prosperity -which had "re---;

c U z i i a ery d c r o t I j g , blown Open. Some silver to tlioninii-woiUil not tacklo Uio burglar] W«H dMiarged. Tho jury i» said to jbnll cranks. It bix I.t-uvy, jumWiiiition ; , ! m m i n t of about $lo wan taken from it

j r»o Dlocitadu 01 » ' ivmii i i««iui«t rn . t | 8 i | | f i l o l m I l 0 t j t U \ V j l U t I il(J WflH ^ m i , ) r - i hnvoatomUl to l for conviction. j ami our players do nut sudn to he of- V*i v/"ll as nn (indent watch and a re-: mul the IiilmbitnntH uro on tlic verK» of .^ ^ ^ (lu^ U ) o b u | t R l ! i r r e f l p p K ( r 0 ( 1 1 The noxt wuio trio.l W»H Artl.iu- >rOi- ! fyrhiR cxwwc», save thai their oupoji- i v o U - 0 t . w o r U | a , ) n i l t $-,. T h 0 tt.ntch

! ' i t I! l iM(;- i •.. on tlif; street a«ain and this time vhlii'-'t k'UioCWaMiiii^foti, Imlictwl fur Htuid:; uiH« were U,o iiuuvy mul Unit" llivy'] u-.iMoriitt!" vnliift but [vnH highlv prlz-

i ' i :>uv v. Mn.i.i:i:.or Hix unsw.-rs to liia •aavortiHoinc-nt; j,iy ( . n nm- c t i^ with nil U,r im»U->i o^-p.i-(iml thoprowmt Mi'ii, TonuMwaHoiit; ofj /ni , j n . s n,;,t I -VM^J it, t\i\n town I'IJI- uthorn- In c o m p m y with a l'ri''>id, the i pori'nl of ni"rt.' timn inii-tv VCHTH. II

• • " • • ' ' . H iwtsnt to Xowsee tlm lady now hw wife and d^ritled jtliat shfi was liin f.i'o, Aft.ci* ttmir;nmrriago and while Ui*:y wonMivinffjinXow VnrkMr.-'lVnu I'oimd th:itiii'!

•did imi !i;«- iitu in umham and ;U'u-r a[

Os^'Ird'lviiVinK hij tnin!: and sKi-nevaluahlt; botul^, niort^tj^'ri. cto., with"her. SOCHI ai'i(*rt hi« wifo follouetl.>"o\f, Mi*. Tu;m pluiu.;<l m sis'nr" hi-<trunk und liin pripcrs jind l*y t( ihiik

to tho m-'trtip^iii ttukitowii to dH hot-ter h'tll" with Jti-ui"'.1 Mitt'crt of Oxford.Tiicy u- 'iii to lho lnniNi; and w-'irjiHtabout to jay !i:uul-t on tht» pcifportyWliuii tlio britft! uiiLri-lH-d in .ind JI nun-|)UH «•!' tlio lirrtt order tMisiK'd. 'Vhveo

• >'F'W Vork poli"(Miit!!i wero iiitrnduwdnt thisntagt* with loliinK <'"V<'t i)/tint

!nl imliiiHlifi- of W a s h i n g t o n ' s

fir.st iiuivs|,;!jii:r. It u-jw cnUvt\ t l if I 'urt-

l'"!i->. It w a s lirst [>rjnti.<l in t-I.ihU.n iiml

(iiti'iilitfcil liurt-, h u t m o ambit"..,!!* e d i t o r

s u m Imiln ' i ' l ' i i i t u f l i l s o w i i mid tl ic w o r k

Lutjfi.al'iop wiindnii t : i,«n.». Whi-Fi ttii 'STA"!

viirt Mjrtt-d in IS'W liii>ii.f[»(.'ii<U'[i1t!te I»Mrt-

ililidiiml j,r'-.-<.'itt.j,i tin* Mil 'scri[ t t io; i l i i t t o

i\>v m-,v c.imli.I U«- tor pub l i c i ; n v r .

~^li*' w.i.^uiitMjCili',' meet ;n iunhK' i i | uww~

tiDis in t h e (J i innt rynf ih'J lrnitt.nl A'nt 'ri-

.•Jin M<.!li:iiiii>4 niiil uf tli»j.»r.'.». t*. A. M.,

'".-int: ii l'.i;,L StiUu fni i t icUnr in b c t h . fit-

f/i.st Wiit'J: the tori>edo b«at Winslow

w^ro WHiiuIr1'liu bnUltfsMp Oregon, ?IlllbOllt-M,,n«1i. The door of

j:it or to u:it a j t&nn. Tom u-iw imlictml iur ndultet-y. \ boyH, a little wilditu.-t* by I'oi-cc, a fL.w | w.fts Hi0"(.pinK the sloep nf tii« righteousthe «t"re. Ims a! '^e «INO of Matlhow Suttlc of i'hif- j t-rroH by our h-.vys, toK.Hlli;r with Uiu j w . , w n ],„ U.;|H d^nkeuoj i,v the noise of

" . I ' . A. M . , I I I I ' I Wnrrt-n IVmie i l ,

J r . , O . V. A- M.. o r t l i P j.Iiio,*.

Mr . Mil lur i.s ^ i rv iv fd hy u w;j -t ' m

ifiiiliSrini. T in ; fltiltlit 'ii yru ( 'h ii'h

ttii;. Dlitc'o, i iuJ Mils I . t u rn Jlil!'..i

. Infi l l ri. s-ftiitntT mul Mr::. Mvallii IV



••t I

i*'r:»! will l

; \V(>IIIiil('(i.

! ovtjr. ltu«:'.rds tiro foedintf on thyhuditM of tin;.starve'! iH-ai* Iliivmia.

. .Talk tifiui AiiRlu-.Vmisrit-'an aHUm;e

r i-* v*'r\' pi"wniiut:iit in .tho iie'-vs of tliu; iv.•'•!{. Tli'- ri[».ini«h tiu'oii'-' irf tot turiug: and li:'-' patplo liiivo lout f.iith in tlioir: rul'-Tr*. A n(>w Ministry 1ms lic«nifurm.-l. [ t ic rinnV.-^Va %iniHli tlw;tiwi l ibo-sunt to the PliiltiiiineH to light; DoWfV juul Hint tl .o -othui'-* of '-"J

Wits' t ry t.j lievastiitc

O'rvlilo Ksburt—wiisiiHlufidtoBuuocw^'Viaeiitly did not 9tayMirnuKh tho tnitiHnm find unlu«k thn ;'-'"-i" "I1!"-'*1''-'1' b-s:fyr«driof—an inipossible tiwk for tiif I';UH

l'yn"' Uu.-L'hi"f.

:!(.• andDown.

'rf(jUlo»l" :is|c!Xct'ptio« of in the ftiurth inning.iui'l Jtiry{I*'Uirt(.>en liltt wx-ro

iiii'.l li:,fl him iiidicitiil. .Iii'lgc- Hliip-1 whirh wa-i not budiiiiiu told ih«1 dfM'yjulunt that it Wiiyjtml; U'*1-"1 ' " ' u'urf iiiteltijjiic;h 1110"' I'.S1 hf that purL'tittf imiHt he. \ playui'f* nuidc nine 1:

the <K>mmUnHyf then- good \V.\eH!stiT.?.\- A.JI.


central ifctflrond Company tit Phillips-jb b !

i" shops of' tho; aduresS and wwiltiu Siiid i U ij

tors c:;inu> very nc:irA »r""i> WJIH rvnnfttnithe hnsl>;uid camo babojirilinK phico with

to.liirf Oxford !in etV^tH uiui' Antjthor aspirant for tin; position of

P . i B i . . , l i « t * > r }•:*« . . ! : V i . . i . ; u . K . t . M ' t . J f i - i h o

I>')IHU-itl arena in the person of Alt or.nty O»car Jt-'tlury, whu ht\n hem\ circu-

tlm iiit'ilinfii lu-ujlil, a fi-iiii- • ^li'hii'Kioii, I>. 0., c::cU".r;4;:i him for•y phuiij. nud ridrly attriH"-'111** ''erth. Thin maki* HOVIIII W.-mh-

':'i^'ton Itypublimnt} who aro under thotMnt they-can hr.iullo the

wry !mnt •ntjinni

thWrt;:tuUed an already ntutcdTli-J ivifo VIIH in conn

Iii a ntjjit pui'j»Ii;f;c>\vn. HtnM:i

.. tivo In fcnturt'H. ShQ liar/notlijnK oftiiu iulv-'iilurirVta in liur MppeiintUij'

Ji"i3.ev.Ul'j!il!iVn.K>-^l,'fv.M*'f* illicts in fho wry Imnf. nt;mni>r ni"lvas-vory wiliii-ig-to-scttlo-thc1 waiter }(1f»'^ its emo!»tnbiit3 -,vltli- :cmiitVriuiivG

.amicably; Her .»insL'r.»d -y U yw.rs of' '-fate. An imprr-salnn pr^vni'v,!11 '"ir--iigo, Komewhdt lean and dark com-; t!lin ipKirters "that Mr. Jeilcry haa bcoripidxionea with blank hair and a Uixuri-! ^U\vd upon as a coHiproiuiso candi-

...iM>r»foH!i^nrAVhI»!cr-n^UH;Wrt«Htlurii-(.d:iWv.^(^"""ecfTii his "beat *riii»ioiTt ami '"avo'tho'p'u^i'niwtcr J. tf.'Vulpor, aiii.1 the othor

improsgian of being jiist what lie is—a j wouM-bo p^tnuiHtura favorwd by Con-rctired, woll-to-do -Oormflu farmer, i Kivt«nian Pitimy imd Vice President

T lm not totill ui'i

Io irropai-jdilu injnfy in hoiuea to} [:. h'rv'iwero rihtit down ai:d u'laniloucd ! which they ha'.'o jtooerfs.

"on &it!mlsiy night hxst. A year or tv.-c!' • r'h'tWp* >ui'-'kyy( '-aayo tlw shops onij-loyed U'J men, but \ yuilty to s ta l ing a <tn\lately iho fyrop CfitiHHtwlofbut:JLmou. ] the j ' . IJ. li. freight cars. Tim Court "i?1,TIIC'KC are, of voiu-^o, without work bv | t,'llVo ' ' i"1 --'0 (-!i^'s. ' i l t'1V f-'°u_|Uy jail. jthis move on the part oi'tlin railroad! Win; Ji. jCtijrlor. iudictfid foi- bigamy,

h^, pl.?:i'!f-! j liif^liot^ from | f-'.'

call for mori- voluntcorg i.s expected•shortly.

I frnl (li.scnarjjt-Hl ».'mployeca wore given | ''"-' ->**-»'»i«-3**i1* Murtlur. j |! u-oi-k. 'fht) in«n:s «X|jeetiitions re- j Tho mystery surrounding the victim iceived a shook on Friday when \\*. I>.! of the Verona Uike .ti'ajretly -Id slowly |


._ and saw thorn strike sover.ilui-fHi oil' him, niatchcH. Then lbu burelnrs emerged'isi'loriut; the ; through a sidu windov/ and stood ina^iin.-a.^ Oi i r i f l . D i t t ~ o r t | l n i-m^u-y, 'n i e i f faces

ruliowiDtf is; could not bo ivt'Ofjnizt'd in the Homi-|dur!*ii(jrts but Mr. Opdy.'.r.o n.iys ono

Kj i wore u slouch hat and was taller thimo i the other . who wore a derby. Me"; shoiUyd to thorn to know what was thoUI matter. They immediately turned and2 | ran down tho alley next to the laundrySi and,were soon lost to 'view. •• Wm.i>; A. Baylor, Who lives next'to the Inun-

~} dry, wits also awakened by the esplo-° {sion and Frank Pitteiiger, nigiit wateii-

f'(}'mart at Allegor1s organ factory, alsooisaw the men running away. \V

*• •' " <• Shirnyi'i who lives on Vouin>iusa%*enuej"•; i) (i \ saw three wen, later,vunning from the:_} o o i creek above the laundry and towardl !! J ! the railroad.'.Mcsarri. Opdyke, uaylor0 3 0 • ana Pjitentjur proceeded to investigate

•*- '*"T "^i.'lud th&cituse of tiio report w^a soonI made plain.


i .l.


i t .10201t




• I

0. 0 ..

;;• ( >





o11n" .1)1


The.p'iir were accompanied by severalfrteiulg and jwaooiates of Mr. Tonn —good, solid rC'HtdRiitH of Dutch Hill—who had come to weo the fun.

llobart, have betm dumped outsidethe breaatwork'j by the powers that boin favor of Mr. JeiTery. Tiie IoWil |)oli-tieiatis and the six reniaiuiu^ iispirauts

UoprestMitativos of tho'prosa were, of! «p«(linto this i»scrtion vigorously.courdQ, ex-chuled from the priva{d^9ii- Tl>c M'*> however, are not saying muchsultatioM, but wo iinilorstaml .Uiub tho j but they are^ yawing wood in largoair was full of the tongno of the "Vnt-gerland" while it Was in progress.' Alargo aiidieinjo wlio wero awaiting de-velopments in an adjoining room weremuch umused fit the volubility and cx-tensivo ' Teutonics .vocabulary of tliochief actors in tho case.

Mr. Tonn's troubles are not yet over,..linu'imiiv.^Liitor in tltu. daiv.,ho...ciillt;d.at the""S'IC\'K"bTucio"and' "inHGrteti'a'no^tico, olsowl'orc in this isatie, warningniorchiintH that ho will not bo rospon-.aiblc for his wife's debts. r:

' After Iho interview in tlio Justice'sofllco ivlra. Tonn ashed •'hor husbandfor mouoy to pay tho exjHjnao of goingto Now York and returning with herbelonging^ to Oxford. Tonn refimedto givo her any,t!iiuking slio would notshow up again.Ho alno refused to go to

qu.iutitUis. Hi the meantime Post-niaator Uawo.4 is smiling serenely, un-disturbed by the aspect of the situationand ineidtmtally tucking away twohundred und odd bright simoloonaovery month. That irayor J)a\vea is"happy on the way" is conceded bynil......H.r.„Jpffory, U^pno. of the niost:,0nor-

Hopublican camp; has never hecn achronic. .o'Hco . soeker, and has neverrecoived'imy particular reward for hiafaithful service^ to the party,

Ou Friday, May 27th, tho schoolchildren will convene nt 2 p. in. in therfohool liotiao and the boy*1 will marchdown Church street to JacUaon avenue,

Now York as ho is of tho opinion she i to Washington uvomie, *o Lincoln ave-woiild have him lU'reatetl or <»;uiscf !ii'n I inio, to Jolmson street, aoto get knocked hi by her Now

"lc friondn. Jfo id willing" trj hikeher to Oxford.and live with hor and.'•vviU'soLtl'o'miittera in no otlier way.

Mr. Tonn 'roturued to Oxford ami:•• his wife iy Uiought to I

York.n to \ow

avenue; thonco to Duwos' Hall. Thogirls will miu'ch on the sidewalk u^«hargo of the. huly teachers to theaamefiostiiijiUon. Thcreiipprtipriiito Memor-ial Day oxereiscs will bo held. TheiHayoi- and Common Council, lloy-

I[;ivaii:i keep men constantly intops, on t-hc lookout for the possiblenuldi'ii iippe.irnuco of the Sj>anish

The prize court, which is to disposeof the vessolt! takoii by Admiral Samp-son's floer, will convene at Key Westtoday or Friday.

Kt-ar Admiral Dowey:will BBIK! thewai'shipd Cuiieui'd and Uo.ston to de-maud the surrender of Iloilo. Theywill also ondyjivor to rccapUiro theAmerican collier Suraiuik. Gen. Mer-Httwillgo to the rliillipinos, it beingunderstood that ho will bo grunted, i\ahf>:ir]_V;an.. ppssiblL'.-^lhti. iiuiubt;r..1.uud_kind of troops which he deems esflbn-

Tho cruiser Charlostown siiilcd fi-omSan Fnuicigco yesterday with nmmu-

to get employment ;it the Eli?«ibeth-port shops where tho machinory is tobe shipped, l'liillip^burg, once an iin-portnut junction point of tho Central,will be nothing' more than a v.'ay sta-tion in tho future. The roundhouse,of course, will be occupied, imd a lumd-l'ul of men will have to bo retainedthere. .-,.•:.:..-

The shut-down hag created coustor-iiiition in FhilHnsburg and tho.TownOotincil and Board of Trade are think-ing of taking some action in protestagainst tho company-'* last move.

about tlio boat. It is thought they decid-ed to run icon Lako^YtjroiniaiHl were

ClUlfli-.'ii's n ; ,y Kxi>ri'lscrt.

•r 'jjf thebuildiiiRr

land tiicing on Croad street was thorfcene of the greatest devastation, The

Children's pav'-will be observed by s a f o s t o o d m t h e Q o m e r o t t l l e ° m c e

d by her teflonerg. The evening i fl.!ltl b c O t l

| h i h h

Spanfiler is known to have givenmoney the day after tlio murder to.liontier's wife in Newark eliiming her

n e s e d y her teflonerg. The evening . open • from • the topwill be devoted to exercises by the | which had . been drilled r.nd the holo

ain school. .Lugt Sunday, Supurinten-' t h u s " i r i t l e fllled w i t h Povvtlcn 'nil<-1 n r e t 1- '

A reaidont of West Washington nve-nuo ima called our attention to a "case | J'^lif13 I101

of cruelty wMchahould i-eccivo prompt!itigation by the authorities. On

nition and other siippHes for Dewoy's T l l O g d u v n i j , j l t t w o y o U l l g m e t t d l , i v i l l g

f'eC*'1* a horse said to belong to J3rvin Burom-Tho enemy's fleet is said to be hc-ad- o r w c l . o r u i m i n g the animiil.uip and

o d t o w u r d ^ t i a g ^ l e ^ i . ^ ,JlloWn Ul0 , lVcm,c3 ,lt Blieh a terribleTo Kill Mo-*(i'iirri)i'3, l l l t ° ^ 1 ; l ^ L ' '° i l ^ u 8 c t ' ' n 0 P s t ) WilS i" i1

With the Advent ofaninmor, the gayand fed tivo mosquito will eomo unw'el-eomB "in our midst." SAl'c in >TowJersey and in many oilier places wouldbo niado imppier wore this voracioiiijinwoct eliminated. Many methods tothis) end hnvo been niado public.

vory exhausted condition when theymade tHeir last appearance. Theoccn

husband had requested him to do so.

Bell's blacksmith shop near the laun-lard Allogcr. Hscitations—dry had been broken into by the burgOrnvoling; Miss .Lizzie WoUor, Mrs.

John Xulatif, Wins Ma

York by a route l-H miie-s long. Theyantiiracito co:il oporfitors who seek

\ :

; on a passing freight1 train. Prom tracksLast Sundny evening at St. peters ' ' n ^ho mud near tlie laundry it seems.

Holds' Post, ('J. A, K. Board oi' .1-Iduc!a-I•lion, tho 'IVeaidonfc of Hie 'fioaftVof

A Xiu-i-inv l^scuiio. .i.Trado{ind.local dorgy havo boon invit-

~ : "w'liTlo n mru^from thu l'\ &'. Tavlor | c t l t 0 u t t 0 I i t l - ^I'ecehos will he made and" farm ne-ir JWi lwi i jT"^ ' ' ^ ' l i i ig Hnuvi "mong^iom will ho ono by Kov. A. 0,

froniTear sidq-tracked iiMimnUwny '"'iedner ou "Heiir AUinin.lDmvoy amiliiBtSatnjday.-morniiig, ono or more of ' ^ %<?&" T l l G ex^enso of renting Uio

wagon took fright nt a ...pausing milktrain and all ran away. Tho wagon,whii-h-Wao almost'loadud, struck a jjiloof lumber und was completely oycr-.Mfturned. Somothiug— broke and Uio

._ liorses continuod their... flight liutiLonoof thorn becamo entuiigiod in Uio Vitir-

,: ness and fell. This stopped th0 rumi-;'; ways before they had gone far. Nono

of them was seriously injured bufcaomo• wore acmtohed' soinowliiit.. Tho escape

of tlio drivor, who was HJJOU Uio wngoi^V::w<u) miraculous. •"•'•' -'

oevcvfti uoya rocenyj^cooK a eau oe- j ;i ion,nuin&'to MissCJraco Yuundtof Grand 31.00.

tlovelopuiont of the iarviiothat a hundful of pornifinganate will

dizn a .tijiwiuro !iwunip,;.ltill.ils,cui-

1 P tho youn( of whom ftro nearly H» y

li.'ius, somea1 old.

wo are greatly lumdicappetiyu trying:'to soouro new induct;*ii?a. \^a i iufao |

jxton.sive l'ailrojid i>*o l.lble Kifsin

' lioiiring of it they felt conviiuied the! men they mot woro tho oiiefl wiio"

for tho purposo can bo found at Onpfc,

I t lMtrlotlt; ijo'i s—<• (Jfiilri.AKopkof olovoii' pntriotio nud W»r

siinija—wordriuuj Niusiu for piunoororynH.,S'linUlx eont.4 in stiimpa .fur sninplu copyKcllur'n Music UOUHU, IJiistoii, 1J«. It.

Have you hentd nboutthu'woll trlmtncawhile luitH for $2,60? Mrs. Nutzchnslhomi

Fmvneo BHl's Wild West show will bo t.Enston.on &XnS 25th, ;. .: -. .

llon tank.

Tonic iSxtt'ACt1--Miilt ti ror.|l- Warronbounty DriiR Store, " -.....--....

Tlie PioW. Ghib of.JIoTriHtown defbntodtho 0. 0.1's "of Hackettstown at Jlorris-:o'.viv'on • tlie Ttii'by'ivscore oVVi to 7. "Jti

Jion :itt"iuTy_ time. OlVenflqra againsttho raw may bo tlnodfiiul their liconaesvovokod. It ia not likely that the Un?against ."idultcr.itions'ia: violated. Jiorp

iitt.IltiliouUl uo- ;

Bicj Co Hosiiitftl—Jiinies H. Johiisloiii

si/.o made,iy Telonlionc.

Tieimtiful'whitellUeV- Ask to.W

riii'minns at Airs. J. \\\L'.tlK'lliv,'....••;;:,-•--;::,;;——_

, LnwnHiowxirs; J2 Jn.,1-1 -in, nJames Ii. Johnston.

mnnicfiting disease,• aud;, ja based on asupoi'atitious rathor''than an intelligentappreciation of the Iloly Scriptures.

See Jin, Nutzo's latest styles.in millinery. umVuo Astonished lit the low prices, hoihirn!b«ylii| - 1 - "u- •

they will do for him.

One Minuto ia not long, yot relief is oh-tnincd in half thnt time by tbo UHQ of,OnoMinute l ough Cure, It provontsconsiiiiil)-tiontuidquickly cures ""eolqs~oronp/brou-"chub,'pnetmioiUn, la grippe,and all tUronift;id lunff troubiDs... F.tN, Jenkins' \Varrcu.County Orufi Store ' " v • • ' \~-


Page 2: Hint · 2015-12-03 · WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (


Local Correspondence.A Inrgr nnd enthu'fliftstlo niidienco erect-

ed the I'enk Stolen.'" fresh from Alaska,"hi Od*» Fellows'-Hall on Thursday eveningand bade them -hospitable welcome, forwbicb the najinblo, jolly nnd mlrtJi-provo-kli-K sisters entertained and nm<lo merryfor two hours to tlie delight of theirfriends anil with satisfaction to themselves.The generous derflre of nil to do tlie bestthey could was appreciated to the extentthat the expression of a speet(itor( "theyt e e p r s s i n a p t f

e ftll so good thfit'no oneaccepted as the general op

tor, " theywnd best,"in in

wfife ftll so good thfitno one wndwns accepted as the general opinion.

.,-•• - Freeholder Cole need not bo ..ashamed ofhis vote for plrector when He runs a dfiulheat with ao popular anum as Director Cut-ler, whoso ability is recognized nil overtl)bCo!ij,'ro»lonal District. But it is nilright, George, you cfltuo within one oi U,and teat's close enough—to miss.

Mrs. Prank Roseberry and family spenta portion of lust week with Iriciufein 1'liil-lipsbuiR, returning on Saturday.. It does nn Atncrieitn ciod to heur s"ch

sentiments us those pronounced by theRev, Henry Van Dyke, pastor of the 3rielcPresbyterian church in Xtw York city,who, In a recent glowing sertno" jiistiMnfjthe war, iiinoni; otlu-r things tmU\: '• Be-tween man juul mnii the nation ileeidus,but who shall decide between nations'.'

""Tliurij is'iis ytit'uo court with power to en-force iU tlecir-ions. You am> a mail in thestreet trntnplinc the life out of H child.You tell lilu) to stop. He refuses* Twocourses me open—you cm knoek himdown if von nr»? nblt1, or you eii'u call torthe police. Either course is christen. Hwould be itn-chru'tuin to walk nwny andsuy that tUv child was not yours and theail'nir was none of your b>isitie*'« ^ou seea nation trampling out the lifeofa people.You call to the oppressor to stop, lit; re-fuses. This time there is only o»o thingto do. There are no police to vnil. Youcan only interfere; peaceably if passible;foi-eibly'if necos=ary. If suoti an interven-tion menus war, then war is inevitable, butthat good and pure motives huvo a placeand a part in this crisis of our nation noman who is not a hopeless pessimist candoubt."

To those who feared that the Catholicchurch in America would favor the ciiusoof Spain, if not openly would be in sympa-thy with that country in case of war withthe United States, the recent order of theArchbishops to the priests all over tb.iiland, must be assuring, as it justifies entirely the cour.se of the Government, andstates emphatically that President Me-Klnley declared wnr only after seri'ms con-sultatioiii and everv effort tending to peacehad been exhausted. We f[uote: "Wo,the members of the Catholic church, arctrue Americans and as such are loyal to ourcountry and our tlapi and obedient to thehighest decrees of the supreme authorityof the nation;" and further, " it is directedthat until the close of the war every priest

. shall in his daily mass pray for the restora-tion of peace bv the glorious victory of ourflag." >"o equivocation or evasion there,but loyalty breathes in every word.

Tuesday of last week was emphatically"flag day" in the village, and the townliterally bloomed and blossomed with the

- "national rniors, -Vlmost-cvcry house dsl-1 played "Old Glory," and from the largeones on the Square and Washingtonavenue, to the snuller ones on house porchand window, the scene was one. of bewil-

"dering color and showed that the peoplewere awake to tbeir country's peril-

We have been waiting for the World's"ollicial" report of the battle in ManilaBay, The country has read the ollicial re-port or Admiral Dewey, and awaits im-patiently the report of the newspaperthat, judfrina from its own estimate, con-ceived, directed and fought the wonderfulbattle to victory, and for which the peopleof this country have foolishly shouted—" Hurrah for DtiWty ftnd hi3 niiJii." '.; •.::

Sirs. Elmer Drake-of 'Washington hasbeen with her mother, Mrs. Jl, M. atrader,

: fuv u f e w d < i y a p r t S t . \ . • . • • . . . • • - - . • •

Those who remember the battle planners'of the early sixties mint iit-'CL-ssiirjly rtf*-'ullthe miserable failures and defeats untilthose wise acres were sent about theirbusiness nnd one man assumed chief com-mand with the result so well remembered,and so often prayed for. It is scarcelypossible that we'shall not profit by thecostly lesson t but the " Board of Strategy"still counsels at .Washington, and rumorsthat Sampson went beyond instructions inbombarding Sun Juan are betn# circulated.

Tluit portion of the South Ward knownasthe "Bend," has always been knownfor the entire alienee of neighborly feel1

.....ing .among its denizens,. and the..word:"lights "are something terrible," or rather

would be if the -flow of vituperative lan-guage co»ld kill.- But coarse words don'thurt the nssailed, they only tend to poisontoe free air of Heaven and" cause decencvto hide or shrink atyay ashamed. Onlylast week a battle royal was qn and theparticipants on both, sides said and didtilings that Would land them in jail ifcharges were pressed, and where peoplewho have no regard for decency, nor anyrespect for the rights of others, properlyb e l o n g , • • -• ':•••-. • = • •• . : - ..•'•

Mrs. Burnet Raub and Mrs. John W.Cline are visiting relatives'at pittftoti, Pa.,and may be absent until next week.'"llrs. Emma C. Clark is j?t home after a

•• .week in Philadelphia. ... . _.The condition of Spain' is truly pitiful.

\Vitli a powerful foe threatening on seaand iandi violent disscn.sions .Ji]OH(r herministers!.revolution and . possible dismtion threatened, and the Pretender crctfti..,•.'Uiciinrr his cuistj, assisted in secret by"Butcher1' Weyler of the itching paln

.-.:"n(l ^cli.one refldy^saerifk-e, hU vyuni

V. Tribune, " a mournful spocUiefe.''The Armor fceurers of the Prcsi-ytcria

church will hold n rainbow'1 fcsUvaL-Siiturdny evening, May 25th, i:i the basement ofthe church;

yPeter Merahon is recovering from a BOH-

ou*nttack of rheumatism. Had it not beenfor his brother " red sltlns" Joseph Fitwwho nursed him for two weeks while helay helpless, he would have suflurcd moreptiiii than he did.

Jacob Henry has been confined to hishome for several days with lung trouble.

Aaron fUldeumnt, who has been serious*Iv ill for several Weeks with a disease oftins throat, U no.w slowly itnnroving.

Constable Panfihart, who is In. the em-nlov of the D.t h, & W. Co., bus beenspending some tit»*» "t f>tfrrd looklntr af-ter train jumpers, The parties arrestedhave btiCu.t'iken before 'dqufre Hubertand lined. The Constable is determinedto break up this dungerous practice.

Kdivard Willut la determtncil tlmt hispoultry shall not be carried oil' either byt h i i n i l f H h loatedpoultry shall not behieving nieii or slv

hi i i l y ard n

oil either byHe has located

d b i l t... Jiic niuiior sly foxe - . - -.his poultry yard near the IIOUHU nnd builta wire fence around it. .

John BpAnif Jr.1* lias been pnintiii? Gar-et UoB3J'r-'j* tariii buildings. John cana tulle the brush with thj best of thmii.Joseph Emery can kill cuts us ensy n« he

Ciiii tftinji ruilrdjitl tit's. He ciiiitilit a catkiiltnt: hi--* yontijr chickens u fu«" dnys a<;o,nd he killed throe of the iininuht before

"I would not. be without Chamberlain'Cougli Hemedv for its w<%lit in <ro\d.'writes 1J. J, .Linos, of Holliinii, \*n. "Mywife was troubled with n cough ' for nearlytwo years. 1 trie*' various patunt rum-editSi besides numerous prescripti«tis in

•physicians, all .of which did no good,was ul - Jitht"-lJeraiifiiUd- to try n bottle .

"ChiimVurliiin s>';1 ••CuUgU""~ Remedy-;-.whichpromptly relieved theconS». Ttie second


Jenkins Wasbiiiyton; M. 'it. AlbrigUJunction.

ft long time, is still far •ftotiv well.James llnii'ds, one of our oldest citizens.

..^ •-•.; who was confined to his Jiome nearly nil•"•""•.'""••"""•"\vinterris aUout agjiiivand is qiiitc^sr" "

came out a few lengthsid tlieK'aii.

To Curu it C»!<1 In Oiu* UnyTake Mxiitive Uromo Quinine Tablet*

All Druytristd refund the money il'it foilto cure. ijc. l-27*t3in.

A Inrqe number of the friends of Mr. andMrs. Thfinins Boyer dropped in on themvery suddenly last Saturday and helped:hem celebrate Mrs. Buyer's birthday IUI-livera'wy. It wan n prcnt surprise but theiost and hostess were efjtirtt to tlieoccn-,ion and soon made their friends feel ationic. Thy guests broUffbta loud of good

things with them and nil enjoyed a richfeast.

Wenre ftliuUhere is no politics in thiss-ar, Even-body Is « patriot nnd the south,vill do us ifiueh if not more toward wiping.be grensy Spaniards ull' the earth us theNorth or \Vest, It Is one union, one tlag,one purpose, and we hope it will not beIons; until we can enjoy the fruits of n Wellearned victory.

It is said that the children of ThomastidntyrC) n colored fumily of town, are

down With the diphtheria.The Grmid Arm

divine worship ut L-- .._. „ . _.. ,day, May 2yt», in tlie morning. The pas-tor, Btv. Mr. Crooks, Will give them .1special sermon. ,

Prof. Morgan closed, his, work .here-lastveek by giving a grand concert, with thelid of his 100 trained voices, and to say

tliat it was a success is putting it mildly.The attendance was tjuite large and themusic iirst-ci'iss.' - Tlio clu&> sang tlie mestdiilicult'pieces tint! their performance u-nsimply marvelous. The Professor has eiv-n the study or music an impetus liere tout

it never bud before, nnd the town will bevastly benefited by the careful and syste-matic training of tbc past few months.

The (lin'uins class held a reception Fri-day evening: and the members of tlie classus well as a considerable number of invitedguests spent the time very pleasantly. Aynurtff l.-iHy-frrtm !3ist cm • presided at the)iauo. Refresh merits were served at the>lose of the exercises. Miss Bliss, the•eaeher, nmy return here in the fall and'rgriiilze a new class.R. M. Van Horn, principal of our public


J p J . y"'Tlio'inmiora in this neighboiliod, wliengage I" the milk business, deliver thei

.•lfletettlilnidto.t-henelnwnrop.pfiflmory:,;Tbe"peacb mid strawberry croj) is badly.

'damaged by the late frosts. Tho losswflbo severe to the 1'nrmers qf this section. "

Bucltleu'9 Arnlc'iSfilvc.The Boat Salve in1 the world for

'r Srui^e^t ^ore^-THc^rs, ^nltp_; Tvioow. r PV»'Sores, Totter. Chappud Hands.""Chilblains';OoriiB, and «U SMn Eruptions, and Positii

. ly ouroo Piles, or no pay required. I t

put up hi-iiJ b lb ti-*ti pod-

,er, broke the record last week bvi i l a d for one dollar.Tlio^u who planted eirly potatoes are

fearful lest the tuber-* tuny rot in therouiid.Clinton Preeman'd horses had a ritce with

empty coal train a few mornings

OXFOKD.The A'ouiijj Mon'aChristifmDamliWblcl]

WHS connected with tho McthodiHt churchfor several mouths, ha» disbanded becausethe members failed to attend tho mceti'iRs-Thoniectlniptwcro instructive mid muchi;ood resuucJ from [hoin.

Libertv Council, No. II, Jr . O. U. A. M.ijrts decided to keep bcnetlci-U all inembera

who enter the army or imvy in tho warwith Spain.

Fred. Johnston was arrested on Wcdnes-ilay of lust week by Constable Sttiuingli forunipiiiK on co.il trains. Ho was tnkeii be-

iore 'Scjulre llilbert nnd iltied $2,5o nndcosts.

School Xo.l has been closed this weekowing to tlie measles and mumps provail-

K among the children.Georjju Matthews, havinfisecure<l a posi-

tion in 1'aterson, has moved ills jamiiy totlmt city, -

Miss Sadie Wilkinson left Saturdayornlne for Parkvillo, U I., to visit hersteri Mrs.-Axfortl Wood. . . • ; . • 'J. A- Allen is having tlie porch repaired

in front of his drug store.During the heavy thunder storm on

Thursday afternoon ofliist week lightning:struck the house of J. W. O'Bryaii atJonestown. Henry Amendt, a neighbor,hurried to the Imnsc and found. Mrs. O'-B v a i i who was alone, unconscious in thecellar. He carried her to an upper roomwhere she soon revived. The house Wasbut ^lightly damaged. '.

Wall street in biiing tilled up with cinderd h l d the a d b d Will be

lads expect to attendM. E. church, Sun-

i Th p

>ls, is a candidate for Count "Sitperin-:nt;: S'o one doubts 1MS litness ("or the

The school appropriations for tlie eiisu*in!? vcar win be made at an election to bebelt! on the evening af the 23d inst. Ittakes a good deal of money to support thoschools but we all know that It is moneywell spent. The shame of the whole busi-ness is that nil the children do not attendschool as they ought. Too many little onesare growing up in ignorance, being hardly.ble to read or write.

The street urchins may now be gaddingib.oiit..barefooted..- Tb«r« will probably be

some tlrst-einss cases, of croup and pneu-monia among them before the 1st of June.

The County Epworth League Conven-.on will be held at Huinesburg, on Thurs-

day, May 2Bth. This will be a pleasantoutinff for the Leaguers and no doubt tbeattendance will be large.

Miss Emma yeipe gave a inrcje numberjfyoung People a May party, in the park,last Friday, Tlie children enjoyed tlie af-fair amazingly. They paraded the streetsivitu the May Queen, little Kate Widwiur.

I HHOME DYEING,-i Pleasure at Last,' '




%:| . . ANYJZOUOR- %'\ The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for=:

aiKl«Mi"eiieompletedtlVo7o!uibetl wi'lT be j := Soiled or FudcO. Shut Waists, 3:hard and smooth to travel over. \ ;•• Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under--j

John Soluier lms added n pair of horses I •= linen, etc., whether Sllk> Satin, =jJoim S lu i h sto life Hvery stock.

Rev. Mr. Jones occupied tlio pulpit ofthe 1'resbyteriiui church lust Sunuuy andpreached two good sermons.

Peter iiurns, eninloved i n / h e sectiongaiifrontliuD., L l 4 t \V, road.'Udvlnc atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. t.ouis Hyrgen-baek. •[ js

Mrs. John Schweibert moved on Tues-1 ?,,,,!!,,,A.V from a fompany'H house on Cinder J^Zl^.street to the house vm-.ited bv John John-! ""'son on tlie H:inie street. " • . • ! " " " * "

A trame of ball Wiis played Saturday af-rnoou between thy Uifrh. Seliool nineid n team composed of boys from School i

>*o, 2. The former won by a score of 2l to \

:E Cotton or Wool.

:§So/c/ in All Colors by Crocors>2 Druggists, or mailed freeis for 15 ants;


|New Stock. • New Store. |Greveling Building, .

Washington, N. J.

High Class Clothing atPopular Prices.

Men's, Boys,'-and Children 's . You can't make a m i s - ;:take in buying your clothing here. In the first place—•![

I qualities are right,

Elegantly Tailored,

Fairly Launched.

{ styles are correct. They are in every way exactly J• what we claim for them. We allow no misrepresenta- \• tion. Second place—the clothing must fit. We. insist j% on that point strongly. An ill luting garnient gives no t• comfort to the buyer and no permanent satisfaction to *• the seller. ^

bur. stock is complete and we are fairlystarted Upon tlie Spring campaign—startedunder the most favorable conditions, too.No .'WatLur wlntL our customers" JCHJUIIJ, if ;percliaiice we haven't it, if by chance Wehave over-looked it, tlie breech Is closed Intlte shortest possiWe time

We cannot enumerate all the new tilingswe have, to say nothing of the staple arti-cles; therefore will mention only a few itemsof every Oay wear and general use.


Hand so. menew patterns inP e r c a l e andLawn. Theyarenitnvcr-thebestmodclsund

i in no way care-l l e s s l y . Wethave tiiemfromj 59 cents to Si .50. Skirts in Satine(and All-Wool Cloth from S1.00 to

Finer Skirts—tit for thelian-

Men's Suits start at

127 Puane Strvcl, ,\'o\- York.


Ail prices above.All prices above.All prices above.

13.John Fiiinei>aii, white plowing In n field l

onu day last Week, was atUcfcud hy beesniul so badly stung tlmt he wan confined tuthe lioitrie for u few dnyH, ;

Mrs. E. M. Ward lufton Tuesdny morn-:JIR for Philadelphin, where she wiUmi-,tier go mi op (-'ratio ii at thu hospUut sit thatplace. |

S. C. P. JOIICHI MiWsbtirg. pii.,wMtcs:—"I hove used DeWitt's Little E irly Ulsursever since they were introduced liure nndmust suy I iiin-e never used any pills in myfmniiy dtiriiis forty .yottrsoi" house kyepint:that Rave such satisfactory results us nlaxative or catharic" F- >• Jfcnbirs';Warren County Drug Store. 1

Joseph. L. Smith and Wife speiit>'ir;ofInst week with relatives nnd .friends in.

"ewftrk'aiul fluckfltiitn.' " |Miss Minerva Snyder of Wnrrington

spent lust week with Jas. I'mll mid fumilyac ltiimsayburg.

Mr. Mead and his briile from Ohio are 'spending; their honeymoon with Georfio T. '"'mil nnd I-orenzo Troxeil in ibis town. j

Miss Lfiurft M. SnUtli is veiling friends !t Middletoivn, X Y., where she ntieiuled t

Wedding of one of her relatives last •

Dr. Edwin Burdofljsbon, Iowa, arrived.a town early Sunday morning'lust in \order to sue his inyther.-Mrs.. Susitn liurd. 1who lias been very sick for some time and •,\vaa worse lust.week than ever. .-. [

Tbe Presbyterian SuVidav school is \)racticinsfor Children's Day» wliicb \vili)e observed on Sundny, June 12th, Ex-

pensive preparations nee being made tohave an interesting programme for thatdate.

The Shad 'fishery is doiibusiness now, aim 1 .. . . ., „ ...

2v week of the season. They are largeid tine which makes our boys Iniigh.Public school closts both here and nt

Wolftown on Friday oF this week witiiappropriJUe exercises. Tliere is a move-,ment 011 loqttqhuve a Summer school if jail are Willing j11" wiifcL-'would" 00""'move, but it is not likely to carry,

George pean has improved his residenceby plaeiiiff'a.piazra in front of it. Glad to





OILPiles op HemorrhoidsFissuros <Si Fistulas.Bui'ns iS Scnlds."Wounds & Bruises.Cuts t& Soros.Boils <£ TUIV.OPS.Eczoma c& Eruptions.Salt Bhoum.& Tetters.Chapped Hands.FBve i ' Blisturs." -Sore Lips & Nostrils.Corns & Bunions.Stinyy ci Sites uf Insects.

Thi-LV ?i.-c?. 25c, 50c. and Si.oo.

Children's suits start at 1 . 5 0

Every price and .every garment guaranteed.

Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishings.

|i SHOES" FOR ALL• Ladies', Misses'and Children's, Men's, Boys,'Youths'

I* and Little Gent's. Largest Variety of Shapes. Largest{ Assortment of Styles. Correct footwear at popularI prices. Every pair guaranteed to give entire satisfaction• to the wearer-

I* . • Money Returned for the Asking".

For SchoolWear


•• Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings.: : : " WASHINGTON," K J. :'*


our line' ofSlioes stands ntthe top. We

o children's;U Co cents :ttidSi,2; ;ind thebetween prices.

'. Misses' shoes from Si.oo to S1.75.S The little tots can lie fitted out forI ;\s little ;is >7 cents.

! SUMMER DRESS GOODSi Tho choicest prii'lu:t* of Uie tooins—-tioiti;lit: i-.-irly ;uut lnun;lit'riiilit--a\v:iit your Inspec-

tion. Tlit-r*.1 is a Hue variety of plain anJ; figure J iiuoJs, W;iUs :mj clic;ks. The prisesarc the sort lliat tempt.


; 50c, 75C,, niul si.00.

Every other! line is equallyi complete itn.d'worthy of "enenil public atteiuion.; Honor us with a call.

I A. B. Groff & Bro.

CURE au youn POINS WITH •,;. , ^ r Fy ' i I'

Pain-Kil!erJ" I he Reason or punama,

r}* is doing a rusMnSInst week wn$ the bnii-

Th l

?] A Modicino Chost In It&olf.•\il' Simplu, Sdfu ami Quick'Guro fors j C R A M P S , DIARRHOEA, COUGHS,£j COLDS, R H E U M A T I S M ,?J| NEURALGIA,

i l 25 and 50 com Bottles.y. BEWARE Of.IMITATIONS-


/ho occupied a .very pretentious seat inllaymond Gi'Jbs' new patrol wngon. Afterframes and singing all the littlu ones satdown to a very substantial meal mu] thenwent home to dream of ice cream and

The teachers who expect to preside overtlie destinies of the average Belvidere bndboy foi> another .Year arorequostefi to liandin their atmiiimtions to the District Cl«i*k>y the 30th of May.The strawherry yield may not be very

sirije this seiWoit Qii uccount of:.. Into frosts.Tlit;..vi".!£js ar-'iicvi;riJV.b!oss;O!i,i.'.bijt.tt!*j..i!!ir

certainty siiirroiinrtiiig the yield of berriess owners of large pntclits feel rather

i'-veteranji of Warren county mayconclude, to join liamte with theirs

otliryii 1I1 is siun'uer aiul picnic•and scale ut t.ako Cfriunoll. There aremoi'sof tliislcind ailoat and the idea is :

'jropd one. A sluun battle is huiujrarniiiyed"or•either on land or water and this ou«Ii*to draw a bi£ crowd.

Our millers paid TI.50 U biishol for wUenL.1st week. This meaiiH a pretty good price

for flour i\nd a rUo in tlicj price of breail orsmaller .loaf fora nickel. <?Street Coininissibnor ^Vitte liai* a force oi"

•men on the streets and is doing a goodvjsb11 ij"iiiuvur,vMiri;(;liuiiV"-Coiiiicil

appropriated some ?,sO0 for street workthis .Vwii* iind this should be Hulllcienttoinnkenll Heeded repairs and hup rove ment-H.Some of our streets are in bad HJwipe andshould 'be scraped and filled in wiUi-sonic-thinfr.better than 9|ay. Front street isiitlie belter than anibriar bud" Ubuut two-'thirds of the yenr;

The Ormid xVrmy boys nre arrangingfot.Meniorial., Day e^ercisus, Uiid^qxpe.ci

an addro.ssr Some" of tlie town patriotsiiinv nlsiO make•reniHrKs. The Good WillFir'e Co. Will parade, with.the G. A. K-.-.•The IJclvjdars furniture "factory., is'c'-ost"':!down for n fu\v d.iya .intl the muii are tak-ing a well earned vacation. ' > v

The gti'oudsbiirg team catno down Sutur-davito Play ai practice pame with out" ' " ' j luive not'tossed a ball beforethis season. O«r team WHS not in trim atnil but wus anxious to give Um visitors ft^ " on", and therefore showed thema good UinQ. Sinie'rSoir"fttid1"s)i"ea'"\verothe buttery for the homo team. The acororoad like this: Stroudsbure, IS; Belvi-dere, 10. Our boys.were delighted Withtho conduct of the visitors and hope to re-turn the coinpHnient later 011. And theywill do it; sure. \

Beautiful eyes grow dtilljuid dimAs the swift years stcu't."\J,Vay.

Jicamifm, willowy forms so slisnT.osc (airicss with every day.

But slie siill is tju Cu aud liiitli chaspare





Preserve Your

l i M ' S CW3ABI JMxiVt Ifi n 1'OHitlvccuro.Apply into tlio nostrils. It.la qnicbly nlisorbed.1 COcoma ni Pmcuiiits nr hy mnil; efimiileg 10c, by mull.ECV UliOTIlHltS, s.ii Wnrreu Si,, New York City.

Everything ,£i Farmer Whrits

and youipresorvo your youth, jin the way'of Farm Machinery."A woiQaQ is ds old as Bho j jlooks," says-tho-•world... JJow o t n a n W s as old as she i s

l o w s , VVatfons and Castings- ' - ° - • ^ • • • •

IIS 5 U P P l i e d VPon t h e m o s t .faV"^ ^ l b

hair from falling out, restoring•': its normal color,,pr...rostoro.the _nbrrnal color to gray or fadedhair, by the use of

'' • $

Ayer's Hair Vigor.


R.;Q. Bowers, Jr., Proprietor.

KitiUinn rjp.iirs.;i:vi "il'.er.vise .improving r.?:i! ,cc'-Tt'' i* itpnn,u^.,,_f'^rr'ty, :i« acommunity, we enter thu season in ,i mucli healthier coridit'tjn"financially than

-••for severs! years past-.--.Our factories arcboORiinii'.-sriJ. farmers ^enarally hav-.-.-moro monr-y than has been tli«s case for n lot»? tinu'. .. .

To tho man who is seeking investmont (or iJli; money ihft times are indeedripe, for the demnnJ (or houses~-espedally the beu'er sort—is very strong.Nothing is as safe that re-turns so much as real estate located in a good town.

Money lias wings and it is well to cage it. Improvements and repairs are ameans of effecting a savins—especially in the latter instance. Judicious repairsp':iy.douhly, for tlie oKl proverb aptly appliys to buildings—"A stitch in timesaves nine-"

•.Pardon this short lecture, luit it leads us to the point of rominiiing you of ourIacilitie.s to supply practically everything needed for building i!;ul repair pur-

: poses."' Wre carry a heavy ^tock.ilifi'Eljt for spot cash nnj .unloaded in our yardat the least possible expense- These circumstances enable us to compete suc-cessfuly on every line.

Some may sell some things just as cheap as we, butno one sell anything cheaper, and no one sells every-thing as cheap. We are demonstrating the fact everyday." AVe shall aim to win and retain your custom if you will give us a chance. Seeour carefully selected stock and learn our prices.

An/rlilcrI a" it ii not fi! the ht<Io of t

e owner and openuor of the


an nttnch it lilii)^flf wltti"»l n—'1-ta.nc^aioiicil t>) [!": forks* IT ln-'w, tno Jiit;« titusliuo cstrryitiif "U tln tr.1*!!),—iiitr (lut'«;«:.-. :;i:;;Kctuit«. Will n(>t siWitclt tli«

I ffrtttitiif ln'Mi\ "if ".vlii:,. ridingnfoantllionw,. ^ .^;

' eimtifr, wliifli "my !>« wtiiriifil I' not tivii''frt«tiirj*.I it'iul iiimiL'y will In- ryfiiinl-d. state b'Jio °f It audit1*! bur. JJIsiC'iiiit l» ilie triHle.j THE BALDWIN BRAKE,

uano Street, Now York.

iYour Horseshould receive consideration as tlieseasons change, as well as your own

! person. Provide . . . . . . . .


! " ^LAF SPBEADS,. i r S C v ^ S : -WHIPS;: Ei"o;-;3lu;-.:-

seluctco stock.

One Minute Cough Cure, cures;,•'' 'That-lo what u Was mode tor. ,-; :,

rr . - : o f customers--who arc- reaping thccbcricfit..-.-.-.......;..v.,

~~.^^,-.^-.of our^cash ptirchgs£s.. ...\V^. a.r§. satjsfi.ed, to ;;

sell["goods at a small profit; and on that ac-

count we are doing the bulk of the Mil-

linery business in this town.

• • . • . " • ' • • • • . . ' , , • • - • • • • • ' • ; ; - : • • - - • • ' - • • - - - • • • • - v - - : v - . . - ' ; j ^ ; : ; ^ - ^ - v , . . :

'::.."• Springer's^Fin^J|Jinery Store,. ' .;. . , 4 3 1 N o r t h a m p t o n S t . , E a s t o n , * P a . • ' ' •

f d e ! e p !citreortlioiluiiityIjorialiitblo aorta of laundry so tlmt tljoycull Kliiii'aiiteo u balVj ruliii'U uf "jillrubrics, liowovcr In-ecioiis, entrusted ,,to-thoir-.oMe..:-Eor.enfr8,-colliira .nnd -._.;;;;-aliirts their facilities nro nnnvnllecl, •producing nUvnys perfect satisfiiction. ;.j^~::...

^ ^ . ^ ^ A ^ a s h I ngi o n :SI e a in ^ t a u n cl ry^zi:^:^!^E. U. Bowninn, I'rop'r.

The State Normal & Model Schools,The fnlHonn of tho Stnto Noniinl'niicl

Model Schools will ojjon Tuestmy, Scptom-borlSth. Biitrnnco csauiinntloiis for tlioNormal School will bo hold Juno Ttb, 8thand 0lh; -'Applioants.'.ft-r admission to t l io- ,Normal Scliool oii-certlllenteK niont. f i lo^ .their HppHcntiona with tlio Principal b e - . ^Core June Ifith. ApplicnUoiia foiMiUUiiaaloii"to tho Model School will bo recoivod as lu

••• For further information, address tbo "Principal J. M. GHEEN, Trenton, N. J.

Page 3: Hint · 2015-12-03 · WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (



Bt Thursday afternoon about! o'clocktliu M.'E. church of tbis place wfl« struckby lightning and set on dro. FortunntelyItivos quickly discovered mid put out .byit bucket ljr](jiido bcjfore much (Ifiiun^uJiad been done. This uiitUo fourth timetho church him been lilt by lightning tlmadisproving tho old adage tbnt llglitntngnever strikes twice In tho «amo p1uc?<

Scvorftl from thin Placo attended thomeethifj of tho Tencliorn' Association at-JIncKQttHtown last Saturday.

Arthur Luck in putting up a pntcnt wirofotico for it ntinibcr In tiiin vicinity. It Isut i 'Kt uuuiiuuiiciil and prcsu'iU » nioo »£»-

Dr. G, W. Cummins of Bolvlduro dcaervcacredit as a public boimfuctor. Tlinmglibin instrmnuritiility'our villituu lias*"beenconnected with ninny others in tlio countyby telephone), thus »Hording a conveniencegreatly appreciated by our people.

The convflnlcitccorHun tiny pnpurs whichnow nrrlve nt i*:2o n. in>t is now enjoyed byour clti/.ciiH, and quite ft number of copiesnro Hold during thesu war times.

Harry Lick of Iiothlehom has been('spending a ftfw diiys at Uiu U»iuii Inn.

Mrs. It. jl« Van Horn mid son nro pass-ing two Wet'kt) in Newark mid vicinity.

Thuliouscholfl pooda of tha la tc JohnQuick were Bold at public flato on Saturdayafterno

Is th.afternoon.'•" SlifKj Ola Warren nf Washingtonguest of her nuiit, Mrrt. A. M. You mans.

Miss Mabel Brands, who lifts been con-lined to her borne by sickness, hay aboutrueoVuruU, .

Mrs, A. 51. Quick and son will hereaftermake their homo wltli her daughter, ~'~1'aul iiurt«) In 1'ortland. -- -

Tito Fish "Warden ia attending strictly tobusiness nowadays mid woo betide the un-Jucky/ingler v/ho baa in bis possession afish Underttlzut Or who docs not use lawfulmoans to cutuli thorn. I t would bo betterfor him that liQ had never llslied.

A klnetoycopo anil phonograph enter-tainment wna Rlvou in thu M. h. churchon Tuesday evening lust by tho KonkmiIlros. Tlio receipts were divided betweentiie h rot burs nnd tho church,

Lite to bed and early to rlflQ, proparcs aman n,r his lioiiie In tho tikhn. Early tobod and a X'ttlla Kariy Itlser, tlio pill thatmiikcH life loiigur and better and Wiser.P. >*. Jenkins1 Warren County IJmg Store

Ul'l-tfU l!A.KMO>'Y.-".•Mr. itiid Mrs. John Williams of Eastonvisited Mr. and Mrs. Hi Icy IfWt veek.

Bdith, little dtiugbtcr of Mr. and Mrs,g two Wefkt) in >o\vark mid vicinity. | BtUtli, UHlo daughter of Mr. an Ms,Landlord'And rcht has nut in a lureo! Cluronco Ilolf, wlio.se face WHS bouJy pots,umpiiml urnuigcd n neat bath room In oiiert, fs improving,i h l "" ' ', hotel. MW Lulu Moser ia the Ruwt for ,a few

' AJliVrtGrovcr lost a promising youn B |we^of1wr«^^^

Bishop McFftll ofTronton Rave .life, lee*Erin nnd America" Jin St. Ann's

Bishop.ure on "ti . .churcb on Sunday evening. _..Order of Hibernians and the FatherMtithow T. A. fi. Society «tt"nHnd1 carry-intf a handsonio Amor lean Hag, Tho Iceturo viRH full of patriotic Hontimonta, ItWiia iiitluiiui] to with great Interest l>y ahirgo nudionce of Catholics and severalpro mi no tit Protestants of Junction andvicinity. Too societies marched into theuiiut-uti W tlio music of tho "Star SpangledBinner" smi "My Country 'TisofThee."Tlio oveniiiR'tf ex«rciaes closed with theUenediotion of tho Blessed' Bacmmentf-lvoii by the Bov. PatJierCou«liHn of WRUBridyOt iisnifitcd by the itev. M. J. II«K«rty,k . D., pastor ofSt. Ami'schurch.

Tho bn/nr arid Tcstlval held In Wells'Hall lost Saturday overling was well at-tended. It will bo continued next Satur-day evening when the prizes -will be dis-tributed. Mtiajo, dancing and refresh'ments. A'ltuIsMon free,

Tho Prefthytorfan chnpel Is undergoingspilrB and renovation, liomrep: -,.. , -

aro held tbero at present.The Methodists vrill

nice no flcfvlceH

„_..„ _.j a strawberryfestival! the drat of tho Hanson, in theirehapfl on Friday event tic*. Tho Band willenliven tlio occasion with music.

The remains of Charles Iloun&ivcl wereburied in tho Vulloy cemetery on Thurs-day. Ufa wife was buried there jibnut nmonth njjo.

Percy Hughes 1ms gone to NeWnrk to Qlln position on a trolley lino.

Mr. Pierce of SonicrviHe, a former resi-dent of this place, i« spending a few dayswith frlonda hero-Miss* Esther Fleming returned Monday

from a two weeks' visit with friends at

to a stiiafl coiif*re«!itlon.

Good looks are retilly more than sKin :su"inlitf witli bis pnreiifn. " • •

liver is Inactive, yrm have a MIIOIIH look; Ir, t i t l l c k t «t Pimclluii, iw u few dnys.your NtoiiuKili is disordered, you h'lvo i\> - ~dyHpeptic look; If your kidric-ys uru itItVcl-1—

Securo Ked, you liiivo u pinched look.health, and y"H will niiruly .. , . .lookH. "Kloetrie Hitters" is » K«OI1 Alt«t-, , „ , „ u , t ( , . - . .,..,n., n - u»«,i *.,,V*-Latlvu ami Tonic. Acts cllrmiy on l i e Hir Catiirrt) ami C'uld In Hvad, vom

" , liver mid ktdiie.VM, jmnliys the isl will supply » i>uiier'tiw 1() tunt tr,

It vl l i Suriu-1^' Vim.

in order to prove tho grout m^rit of•'IV'H Cream linim. llic most eiiiiciivi! c»ro

j the .store lately ooeupiwl by J. W. . _ .There Heenis to bo scarcely need of anotherstoruln towtii but coiupetitiotr Is the lifeof tnuie, and sometimes tliu death of it.

The prliimry department or our public-school was closed two days last Week, thoteitulier having gone aw»y on a visit.

The train run by the late Storm I.onK isHow jn eiiar-fro of Josc-|ih Moivery. Thelutttr'-i train Inisbeiiii given to John CJarey,

John Kveritt |H still on the sick list.

Mis* I •mini Cramer has accepted a pos't-, ———tioii ut N'ert'urk. ; I ' l l l l

Win. HurKUtml moved last week from l\ \V. Miiriiin'xhfiusu Inummsof Uuthurrunl^! I'«t«r Ulmor mid MISH Ullie M. b'chnltuiteiumt hou tf*. (ifcn, ^il)ll moved from w«ru murriul ut tlm unrHouuHe "f tinSViriitoWti intu the house vacmed by Mr.''Midn street ,M(>Ui'nliH iCpiscopitl ChurelServant. i hy Itov. K. V. Hiiiij, hist Wuclmjadni

Owing to the Induiiierit wentbur *UipHiir; "i"1'1-the luiHt uvagmidnvxthfi MuLtiodlst Hun-; I/ist I hurs-Liy niylit titluvcb ontemi tin

'duy seiioot hnsnot yet b«on re-or nni/XMlJ store of I'ursel ,t .-jtout! o» .South MaliThe hc-av.v ndvuiiou In the |>rfco of t|yur : H L r c , o t ' " " • l>l'"1<lt'fejl tlio wife. Only llw

>in l_ ' l i r n n f iililli>r W i t h II l ihr HtnL'L- On ^OI'W «(1H .S(j(JUrt!(l b y 1110(11. 1 I|U Ol l t e

Clark Mnyberry hiis the s ta rs and str ipeswaving from t h e t o p u r t h e wnpori Iioiise.

I*'ennk l!ridit(u bus recovered, after nmouth ' s IlltieS'i. \Vo tiro Bind to »eo' liituout affiiin.,

The Cuban question nnd political issuessink into iiiHi m'ilcurice with tlie nmn whosu!t'«n< from pilvf. \ \ hut iiu most dyjtiren,IH riilKT. DcWitt'a Witch Hazol S«lve

iti.r'. cures pil«s. I*. N'. Jenkins' Wurren County• • • : > | - ' - i H j [ s t o r e .

Cyrus nnd John,"partners'—one takes thecirfiind'the"1 other orings her back.of friends nt her home on fiercer street

I-OW12U IIAKMO.W.Miss I'htiilje Stout of Saudt's Eddy left —

for home last Thursday. | «!-,John Youtiff, who lives near this plnee, ] t i l l J "

is in a critieul condition, • | l-'f. J(-( ?

Paniul Flyiin of Washington streetattended the funeral of his grandmother,Mrs. Bridget Lynch, nt Waslimgtoii.Satur-diiy.

• Dr. J. Swartz of SotncrviUc spent Sun-"•riio&lL^MAwo'y have Imd a part or , day with friends hero,their dwelling re-roofed. - - ^ n Trncy, conductor on a Central

GOorKe Walters returned homo l«»t g j t e r ^ ^ [ t L l S V ^ S "^^Thnr.sdav after nearly a year's absciico nt ''tftSaUirdiiy \\ bile coupli»b carsXorrhtiown, I'a. He is much heavier than JfifjUt Rev. Bishop McVaul of-Trontoowhen ho went uwav [visited Sta. Philip and Jmncs1 Catholic

tJliss Manic Williamson ia troubled with

-ae mumps.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seiglo sP0I>t a l)( l r t

of last week at FinesviHo.Hehearsfll for Children's Bay exercises

will begin at the M. 15. church this week.Louis Uiimlen baa nbo«t recovered from

an uttiickof the mumps.Wm. Stout improved tho appearance of

his yard by sodding it.Miss Jennie Cruts Iin« bppn at Dr. De-

Witt's for a short time.Epworth League was led last Sunday

evening by Mrs. Oliver Klce. Nest Sun-,.dnV ovoning It wiUboltid by Mrs. Alfred]Hawk. - " ••--•'• •..'-

James IC Smith of N'ew Village spentSuridiiy with hia daugbter, Mrs. RobertGruver

eiiuruli on Sunday.

Try Alicn'ri Koot-lCiise,•A powder t" be shaken into the shoes.

•• «• •.. '••-••'---.--'••-yolir::;:reet"feel-swollen;-aud get tired easily.'If

••At-..^nervousaiitUiot, nud get tired e a s i l y . I f"' you have aninrting feet or t igh t shoca, t ry

Allen's l?oot-fiiwc. H uoola tbo feet nndUiakwt walking easy. Cures swollen andinventing f'QeL, blistd'H and callouH spots.

•-XRuliwvuH coms'anci bunions of n" pain i iu lHives reat an<l comfort. T ry it to-day,Sold by all druggistB an<l«hoo stores for

• . 2T)C. Trial package Fi-oe. ' Address, AllenS. Olm-stcd, Lelloyj >". Y.

when lie way chairmaii of the struct, com-mittee over ii year ago. The Mayorwould not accept tbat excuse and willlikely Hue tbe company for.obstructingthe pavement..

The Tremont base ball f lenm played theSlmmrock nine Saturday. Tbo latter Wasdefeated by a Score oi' 10 to 2.

P. F. Stone of tliis place will open agrocery at Junction1 whore he wilt movebis family.

Bernard Lynch, Jr., of llcckmnn streetAS nf rested on aunday by Polieumanorgas for driving bia ptirents out of the

hou^e. Saturday nisht lie was on one ofhis usual rnckuta. His father swore out awnrmntfor.bia arrest.,-,on(i on-RontlnX; he.,was placed under bail to'appoar nt court.

About 32 Central men have been dis-charged from the machine shops. Several isecured positions in the Central shops atttlizabetbport.

H-irry,-t:\vo-yoar-olil son of Mr. and ^Lrs.Fred Wallace of Washington, street diudMoiulny morning ;T'

- -!\fra. Kurn.or Ilnukettatown is HUlVurinpwith the grip at tlio homo of tier .sister,"Mrs. Ouorgo Merrell.

.... Mrs. John Joivorsonwa^visiti'ig fronton- r rric"mld l i w f ' w e o i r . " -••—-•••*-:•-...,-•-;~;::-.^

acTiool closes on the 2St|i nnd then foralong holiday. The cliUiireuhjivu ilo\\cwell under their present, .teaehoi*. Mr.Brands. ^

.. John Burrol^'of-Jersey City spent Sun-day "witli'hia wife at hor'sistor'a/RirsrJohnA, Howcll.

Mrs. A. J. Cummins lias been quite ill:tho j)iist \vooK with tlio grip. Mrs. Albovt,..- •• •«»..

:':-\yhltosojJ iHjii«o".91vt»O^Hiclc-iwt:• - = --:: —^ j• phiiiiiJHu~" Pr. F. \V. UngBerty bits" hTd^''''-"' ~ : '" •—•"™--—;

,c connected with his ofllco.

. Mrs. 13. J. Post or Oxford bus boon.vloUlne her --frtonrli Mrs-' Willieliiiinalluobcr.

Tlio storm Sunday prevented churchservices in this coniimmity na it did thoSunday previous. Hopo this will bo tholast of stormy Sm«\ny3 for a •whilo ntleant.

'.,^-plr. and Mra. 13. P, Oulick left ViennaSutimlay intending to'spomVa few daysWith tlioir son at Washington, previous

"""to- startiiiKruii their •vvostorn trip. WeWish them n safe journpy and a pleasanttime.

A grandson of W m . Da l rymple fell lastweek "nd broke bis a rm.

Frank WoodruQ" is t h e owner of n netfwheel. .

Miss MrtbelUawk Was t h e g U c s t a p n r tof l a r t o f lust week of Miss Olive Weller .

A girl baby has arrived n t tba home ofAmzi Smith, tha t will call h im pupa andkeep him aw«lce o1 n ights .

Mi* Mary Crousc and .daughter Annare peding a few weeks witu \Vm Dal

,, ,The long distance te lephone workmen

b i b i t d f m l i wire on

battle,mi'n whosearteries pnl-

...,tc with Mierich, red, vital

' of liciiKli.sanieistrue of the

intii wlio win successin tlm battles of work,'and "business • ^ WlicjiT.1a man1? liver is slu^-wish, liis digestion iin-

1 paired, ami his stom-ach wciik,1 -liis blood

•." - soon jjctw iliiu nml nil-niirp. Tho blond is tlio stream nf Jifv.-. Ifit is iin jiiire cvury vital ortjtiii in the body is-

lUiioiK-rlj- mnifisheU ami

niiikt-s ihe dino^lioii.pcrficl and tlie livLactive . .Ii .iiiitkwi rich, vati, p u r e Mood,filled with tlit;. lifc.piviiiff clutiiuiui» of tbe

h b i l d l l U i

i some yoara ago pustor of CHUKIIIC eimvcb j aiui n»pi>us menial nowor ami eiasucny.| nt WiishiiiBtou nnd IJolvIdoro, wan in H cuvc-s,oS per cunt, of all cases of con-

Tuesday moniinff ut tho instance of AUce~(«la. Hu Kavy bail for a heiwing Inter.

Th love's Monday "iiiftlit made nn entranceto tho blacksmith shop of Wm. Eppnler on" " cor street and HIOIO n brace, bit,1mm-„.-,' ami chisel, No trace of tiic'nv couldbo found. t.

A festival will bo hold Thursday) Friday—id. Saturday ovqnlncs hi Parochial ITuflby tho -mcniliora.:ot St.-.Phlllprnnd st,Junics' Cfltholic church.

number'of tlio friondatof Itobort 0.tonilored l i imu siu'priSc * '

constipatirm and torpidityM ] i l d

CostiveiicSP, cons tpa t rm an t o r p i i t yof. thy livt.'r-.'ir'-..«»nMy,-_s1)i'iM]ily nnd [Vr—iiiaiii'iitly ciu'L'il by Hr. I 'ificii 's 'i ' loi 'ismiPVolK-ls. Tlioy arc "tiny, sngar-coinerl fftnti-'ulus."' one liUle " l 'e lk ' t " ' i s a pji>ntlc liixa-live, ami two a mild eatimrtic. They i icv t rpriiio. They stimulate ami strengthen thejatlcd o.iKanf until a regular lialnt i.; forincd

i V n i y l ion be d i o n t i n u d i t h u t a.iKanf until aiy liion be d

return-of tbc tmntinvigorate and reuful

d h l I d iLiitiBacli'man tomliired" him » surprise"Jlon-,.""rind have no other pills

I dflJLeyeping In bono^of •liis IStli birthday. | as Rood.

gular lialnt i. forincontinued without^ 'Tb t jy UiuuiliHiyHie stoinach, liverntor- (.. I ilicm,s . ... ' i -ari . just

THE IDBA.~~~Of Jloine Protectionis dominant in litemind of every right jythinking man and |

• • Qi '<woman. The bent £•; imedium is Life In- fto j

surancc •:• f A Refreshingw-«er—v ; : r"- ^ Selection)ffice Thp Pnid^ntiiilInsuranceco• i ':, K. J. l i l V A X U L M v I l l l M . 1 uf America (y, • •» this. <e-.i<mi tin- nppetite is

[1» 'likely to'la". I ho rrason is youJOHN p. [>RY»EN, i>n>ident. ^ need refreshing supplies. A variety

j ^ g pp yLE5ME n. WARD, viceI'rts'i. EpaAR ii. WARD, an vi«prej'tandcomici. ? « : of excellent things is constantly

roKRU5T|-.UKVi,nN,stcrclaf)-. ' ( A proviclfcl by u s . ' Here you have

n; Court C o ,and Special Muster In Chancery,



\Catjti!ngton,K. J .noy.iti.i.a.xv, Solicitor a&d71ith(«riu C'IIUXCLT},


Outev next door to tin. ,St.*clouJ,Il«tei.WnshinetoDAVciiuo.

0(flo«J!oiira.Vl t o S p , m .

l "'

- - . • l« to T.-JI;.II. m; : .tiiiiiilnrs, 1 tu JJI». in. only.

VisitOur TailorinyDeiiartment. B.&B.

• • • • • • • • » • • • • • • •

1 lar L* buyers, consequently we are j -I in ;i position to mtvt ;iny amliilllTT M. COX» M. P. ,: competition; ' \XX*

The wlieat inurlcct scums to he; w»«.»iin(fi«u, N. J .

( 7 to fl a m.^.(1 to3,'ii. ill.






KttBBpMerlCk ••='«>'• N ° l '» U ' e esrwience ofiraiiBiiib. ..the "uldust inhabitant have thc-rt-. I'ten fuch sharp advances'. .We I'are right al'jii" buying aliead on|

',i ; Flour iind retailing :it mill prices.

i Fresh Oyster Crackers, Cc H».

Our new Carpet Depart- ; I'**1} ?od;l Cr ; ld ; t r s- ^ »•• iment. has jumped into p o p u - i ^ J J r ^ K ^ . - ilaiity. | 4 |bs_ |.-ine p r i l l K . S i , ; C i I

See our bargains in Carpets!3 cans Fine Salmon, 35c—others!and Uugs. : »' 'oc- j

Special sale. i C;l"lled 'J|-1;lS a- loW -ls -t1-"-'. Ozoiie Soap 4c; 7 for 251.'.

. • _ . - . — ; Babbitt's So:ip; 4c; 7 for 25c.

I Best Soap y., B!i//au! Suaj1, 2C.

Greatest values in Colored! P»'e J"-'i«-y Tomatoes, so, IOL, I2C|J-JU. CHAS. MOBGAN WILLIAMS,

a n d Black Dress G o o d s x v e l p X ' c ^ - V o r n s - • - „ • I u w 'w"5 h i"B t o n A v-^tor*;.

f« to 'J ii. m.OCU-oUoiirH.-(l to a p. m.

lo to ss .. m."

|ITlTMi BTlTKs, Jl. D.,| riiyaiclnn umi surgeon,


>' . JACOUUci, W. D.

IC- II* AV«>iiUu, Whl i l i i fTt t t i i .

W'tfUuotmny nftfiruoou "Uil .SatiirOny.Kustoii, Tlmrritlay evening mill PriJaj" at

South-west coroer goutli :irJ mid Perry Sta.


ever shown.Cut prices on all Colored |

Novelties.Be sure of tile place—

James M. Fitts' Grocery,35 llnst Washington Ave.


Ladies' Suits, Separate Skirts;Silk Waists, Capes and Jack-1'£ts. j { 7 .

An endless stock of •-Shirtj-I m e I V X i i i m e r y iWaists from 2^ cents to $2-7^

Our styles are superb- ^ow thflt tllG ast01'rush '9 over 'wo

~ " - have replenisliytl our stock. As usual, |— : . . , . . _ -. ..... -~ — - - : r ~ ^ j we have a full line, embracing a mim-

rpuos. s. DEPIIICK, M. n.,• IS West \VneMu£tou Ave.. '

WAsUlNUToX, > • J .f 7 to 0 »• 111.

0D100 Hours: J. 1 to.-iii. ,u.(6.S0 to s ].. in.

v ' J l

,ml resliieuco: . Opposite S:. Clouil IloteJ.

ion, >T- 0 .

Lace Curtains, Chenille Cur- ber of novelties. We are always, pleased to show goods.

tains, Derby Curtains. Shades jof all kinds. i M r s . H . ,M,,.B,nll.

Marseilles Quilts.An elegant assortment of

Draperies by the yard.

148 E. Washington Ave.

• • • • • • • • » • • • • « . » •

Easton's Largest Dry Goods and Carpet Dealers,'• » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

[Upholstering,I CARRIAGE TRIMMING,1 in true, workmanlike manner tn re my spec-ialties. Fifteen years' experience'.

N'e\v work and recovering given equal care.Permit me to submit samples of covering andestimate of work. OKI furniture completelyrenovated and made to look like new at amoderate cost.

Second floor, Fora & Fie

G. T. FOX,

| W

-'O, tfrftiiil Centra] Hotel,'»WN, P A .

EYE, EAR, HOSE A»D THROAT,c^jVlso, Itefrnctlou of tlio Eyes for thoEiiicnt at eliisses.ou«tniitlr 011 li(iB<l thu Largest AssortiiiSl'KCTACLES niid EYE GLASSHS la»'"b Viillcy.

At EAKTOV.rruDkim ITouao, TUESDA

drop me a1 postal and I

301 to 3T3 Northampton St., Itastou, Pa.j Harry Shearman, I Repository rear Shurts & Ricliey's

I Washington, N. J.

The ManHardest to Suit

is tlie man vortli suiting. Wefii r i l n

T > E.

Veterlmiry surgeon j

JOSEI*H 35... SupcrvishiIVER¥BO» READS OURAO.!

Saturday tradins proved it. Never'have we: kept more i pi»sm»"V"mtineutiVe raffflir man."tfc. oem J;.,1?,,',";";,-, waswnewn.». jsalespeople busy, b 5 that's ifi accordance with our prepara-iffiSJffTiiJK'gK SF<£S K S j S f t ^ ">m 1 « < . ^ » .tions for tHis seasofi.:; • '• I S ' T t t ^ ^ ^ ' S . - f E ^ ™™^s><$&^»»>™>'^

(OrftJiinte of Outnrio Voturlnriry Coiioee-)Doctor Cook's ow omco, Oinioslto i'ost-Oflico,

WnHUlufitou, N', J;

A r c h i t e c t , ; :12 Eftat Wnslitigtou Av

\ who"soiittUines tifuls hfas"iit. becaiise no fault• can e found with our goods.

'• Miller's HulMliiC..• ; ' . B«eonU Floor-

Wm. Roeker.fiords.

•Ready to wear with all the comfort and style of' tailored:

to"rmeasure;;bur\v.ith:gveat:ccononiy in price.:., :.".' "V-1--.;:-;;.r .:..ol-,: ™_.i13; 1-**' ••^^vx'n'pVi i

Spring Suits $5 to $18. - ,g;,K,Kr°_v 0™Sv"tliS'|iTf:line'iS":t]ie'besr\ve^huve''everssho\vn^(tii^

line is particularly sjood). The $10 combination is- the.top! x ^OTIOB^F SETTLEHENT,. (

"" ~~~ " """"""""' ""•"" •" —" •—™—~-"—•—""•—"—•—-—-—•-—-—— !hn"'StirfOffnte i."nnii i"i*t>tiOvto<r'to tin*- t i n i inu iN '—•!lio'S!irTO«iitcl-nnil*rpjiOvtod-tO"tli'1~i.»T!iiiiiH'! t\mrt of thu (\miityof Wan-en, on Frldny.-tho1 "• ' • - *" DSt, n t u a, in. forsottlemen-

,.,. . . .. . . ••.MAHTIS WY0K0FP. •-'•int<*«l ApHl 12, iSfls. Ksocmor, Etc.And the $^$0 grade is"only \o\v in'price, not in s ty le j^ l ig l i ;

and (quality. Be you slender, regular or corpulent your; JIOTIOE or SETTLEMENT,IlC-lb l l t l t - . . l 6 siiitferlbw, mlniliilstrator of lloiiry Molz, tlo-

• ' -> . ., ci'iufoa, win 1)0 ftiiillwrt nml »tM,,d by tho Surro-J - ^ **. P ^ - * * - V * - M - ^ g" g- t - a~g J " g " .-. - f - s "**^ " / " V £ N " -'-- -"--"•••.:- - • Kiitc,antl rDi>orte<Uo tho Or|>lniu»' Court of tlio

f i l l I"7B* l K ' I V I " I I M " IS K l l S » |Uouutyotw'arron,oaVrM«yaho First day of"—• ' ' " " ' ' • • l O W t t U c O '

•dzz,i Notthiimptdii St., Jisston, Pa., |D.(C<IAPMI8, ISOS. A 1 i c m nSinBE-.; :

CT.CLOUT) ;.....'... C. K. STAATKS,I*Po]>'r .

L'nsi]i'iins>aoJ iii loOntton, leconiiiiQilftti'bn andintUMigoiiicut, 1'urmiiiioiitfciitl tmnatoiit guoatBwell oulurtulueJ. I'flitUf* rtMisjuimblo. ' • .

."• tfveryi'oom beatoii by atoam &a<X ligbtod byoluulriotty.

WiiBiilagwn Avo.t WASH melon? N. J.


ejocif |C-i[gtna; steiim" lion tT'^ e"o 'U\ie" to"and from nil tmlun. ^iMoiBaut sum-


Komotlolod aDd Vory Comfortably FurGood Tfibic- A splendid - place to sruptaking (i uJoaauro drive. '

BnrdlUb' Mid Livery Stable* Rttacbodva trains on D., K & VT' Wt- at iiridB

Page 4: Hint · 2015-12-03 · WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (



Mrs. Aaron Wolvcrton \of uemyostow, . In much improved In health*

i R. Siiydcr of Knston spent Sundiiy wit| Kmainicl Snyiler nt Braes C '

Suddenly, on May lOtb, nt the home ofT Hon-in-litw, J. C. lJftvis of New York

:: r\ Mr*. Edward Jcnlllna of Cemetery Hill j city, Cathnrlne, widow of tho lnt'i Jacob

, -* :-.cr pastor, |[ev. J. HuK-oni SliiUv of tl:oMrs. Joliu Mackcy returnedonTuc»ilay;.\\\.at Eml rrcsl'Merhin church. The. |n-

from a rhil.'Ulelphia hospital much Im- tcnnciit was made hi tho Astiury cemeteryproved in heiilth. on Friday at eleven o'clock. Services nt

Mrs. Horaetj ljcrnliert'er of llelvl'Iere.the irravo were conducted by Hev. IMS., wastlie }!Uc.it over Smul.iy of h e -HiT-IKfiinwiy-pr-lli" Ashiiry I'rt.-I'.vtwifln

. , . , , . . , . „ > Mrs. C. C. Mowers, church. Slie Li survived l>y nine children,i!^?^0'"" J W ! i Mr. and Mrs. liober. Oordo,, had f, r Mrs. J. C. I,..vis, Mrs. M. K. II^cl,, .Mrs." V " , "*" ' "V itl.elrKUest on Sundav Mrs. Marvin II,,v-; G™"* C. Smith, Mrs. W. • C. Tucker nnd

Mr.nnd.Mrs. William Stevenson spent ;u.,llv, Qf|in,.ki.ilsiiiwi!. ' '. IMivnrd 1.. Crmvlliuj, all of 3Jpw'York

Mr. J. Vnn Doss was In Xewton over;; uiiilay, ; ,• , \

Mrs. Ocorfje F- Snvder has been sick lor jji few days.

onSumlay. . ;,,arcnlSt Mr. <uul Mrs. J. D. Curnisli, on :^ilK ..„,„„,,„ „ „ p.,,,ve in ,• full age,Miss Bertha smith or Asburyspent Iron, uroa.l street, tr,,m Tuesday Until Saturday. , ik(. „„ {l rMocti (lf ,.„„, „„,„,,„, | n ,,is

Saturday until Tuesday with Mr. aiid Mrs. [I".-.-lister, Mbs Jennie Cornish, eai'ie with ..t;^,,,, ••>V. Kleinlnc. her but she will remain here with her:' ' ni.i/..\ I.. w.v.t>u:.'.

da^VithhersiTw.M^^^^^ ,k. ... , N. ,,.,,, v , n - P" S..turJay <..vL.nini;, M\v7li,, 1-ltei I..,.., . v ,,. ,,,,. . : J!rs- l-r.\liK llo|,plc Jiui .Hr- \\ m. \»u , v l l ( . o r J w a , \Vannan, eliterea into resl" , 7 . . , . , „ iwtti return.',! o,, Saturday frmn a l » v . , m . r . , , „ „ „ „„!„,, „,- »u!rt.rlnK IW.ni

br. L'. K. Barnes wa..iii>eu \or«Tito-]U-wl!,-v;sIl will, relative !„ .W.v York ; ,„„,„„„,. ,„ „,„ .sistv-s»vemli vear of Herdas-aHeiidinsa."ieeti,,? ol tlie Methodist ;„,„, awoken. Mr. HoJMile and ex-Mayor „„„. A ,„„,,.„„, ,,,,,j Olll, w,,,'.More,,,, 1'.JllwomipyliMrt. , Vanuuttn »ot iilmis Very well durini; their. \v,irin,,n of Sunny-Mc, >\ J.; a brother

Mr. LcKram! Hroii of the *r.\n's force lakseMce. kccniui; li.ichclur's lull at lhe;.M,cl i\\ur sistei-s are Iff; to mourn her loss,lias been on* duty for more I ban u week' home of the former. ;TI,0 flirK.:ill services \vere hehl at hersuu'erlnc from intermittent fever. ; j I r , ,sl|,urt I!];,/.er and Mis' May J.; late hoino in Westtickl, on Tuesday nicer-

Mrs. A. 11. Van Dorcnand children spent 'Smith, daughter of Mrs, Charles sliker. noon at ' .;W o'clock, aiul were conductedn bart of last week at llsfurd with her drove lo Ilroudway on Saturday nilllit an'l by her pa.-,t>,r, Uov. Mr. Anderson of tlieparents. Air. anil Mrs. S. I.). Lannin;,.. i were marrieil by Ilev. Arthur Lucas. Mr.: Westlleld M. K. ebureli. 'rliu interment

' Mr. and Mr-. K. W. l'arcell drove to ami Mr.-, l i t e r «ill tlie ilr»t of ;ie.\t week tou | : pijiv in tlie Washington cemetery.Stroiiil-burj: on Saturday and spent Sun- wninit'ticv kvuplnc bou-e I,, J. S. Diivl'l-, U«i-. Dr. IWrnes. pn-n,r of the Washlns-dav vtsitln^frieiuN. ' ron's hou^e on Hornliaker street. j ton M. K. elmrch, of wliich the deceased

' Mr.John J. liusli of Montana spent1 Mrs. J.lool. )1.cyphers ofll,,l».k.'n ^ ! Iwl '«e'i ,i member in'f,.r,,,c-years, con-Tuesdav with his ,'_ui=hl.,r. Mrs. Ent.lmiel: tur.ie.l yesterday after a tell (U.W visit, '-"eted th.' serv.,:^ at the wave.ni,4..o..S,att.Vtreet. ;«itl, her d.ui-l.ter, Mr,. Wm. Cllne, „,,: As turn, her health hvukl permit. Ibe

l a-t Washill-'tou avenue. Previous to i deceased unvays did all in her power toMrs. Samuel C. Wellcr of Jackson Valley mm\ng | lc r l., s|n. lu,,i ju..t roturued from a ' advance thCMiisc MChrist and of teiii|,er-

h:is been spendiiiL' a few dny.s the tcist- |ai,jjitai \vi;ery she li.nl been underi,'oln^i :lnee wherever her lot Wiis east, She wasWeek iu New Vork city. ,,„ operation, luivins had four tumors' hehl in liish tsteeni by the uiemlKTsol'the

Miss Klleiia Hnhn of .somerville, accjin- removed,panieil by JFr. W. A. Kinse of New York. A rumor, "nil wool and a yardwas home over Sunday.ivas uome over annuity. ; has reached this town to the fll'ret llnil; j " " " , " "

Mr. Oeoru-e F. Snydcr spent Sunday.Mr. Archibald Adams, the esteemed. 'esWy.with hi3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. John1 engineer at the Washington Silk Mill, liasSiiydtr, at Crass L'astle. iSUccUnibed to tne cnarins of Mrs. Ter-i

W. C. T. V. of We-mlehl, of wlilch she ivnsnieniber, as the !>e;,utiful tbtral oll'eriii!;

aud from her Bible class WoU'd

Miss Rebecca II. Liinuins has I'eUlrned,.to Oxford after a stay ofn few day- wit!i;her sifter,-Mrs. A. li. \"au 1/oren, in this ; gltPlace.


few minu-.es -.vliile Mr. Viiie''iit"vas1 lo1.'!;.

in?-it him. It will lie preserved by oii

f-toy l ^ y m u l u Th S ^a u

: Miss,Annie ll"f!':ii.iii .of Pori Morris' It -.vL'a sad death from thu'' fact that ^•[^"^"''''^'"''i.''^ J " t e U " y ' ' " "returned liomf Tuesday after sjiendiii" iskWs a Iiusntinrl slie leaves live siimtl ehil-' " " _' IT ..'_". , -a week v.ith IKI' etiikjn. >lr. Jo!in II. dren without the care of a mother— i''.'"','

. ... .--HaCM.. .. . ... ..... ;»irl«n,,dnn,. |,r,y-the uldo»t of wh'Jln is An Kv.-niiia's Ku,,.Mr. and Mrs. I.. T. Unaraiul Mi-jPlor-: 13 years. She Was 32 years ofneo and wiis . Several or the friemlsor Mr. John

-" 'etice iTousCloT lieatyestowTh "were liL ts : —'- dnuirhter of James Kox, deceased, she : Tlioriiton iilet attiiat Keiitleni;u)> pleasant'. . of Mrs. LaBar's siile,-. Mrs. J. F- tiulick, is survived by a brdlhei-aiul sister, 'fjios.'. huine uh V."<.:i \Va,!.lPi;;!nii .r.vqlJM TKK,

la-tThur-dny ami Friday. • fox of this place, an-! .\Irs.-J;unes - . ; day evening and pa.s.seU thetiiiic in various•U-s J-icol, K Tbouiusou'~n.l her »•• S k i " " e r ' »'h° ha* te'" reeently n-.akins; plemuiit ways. Siugi.iu-. dancin», baiiji,

Chi-.' lifts im U- i, -i it t i iv s lu ; ' ' ' ' r h o i a ' - ' i v : t l ' ! w r ' The funeral was held iplayina awl dill'erent Sanies were oi, theHazieton. Mrs.' TW,ni'p»'on will' remain : t:A!K"i;'^r?l™ni"S^0!?p^';:^: \ " " ^ " " ' . . ^ ' l , " ™ ! ! " ! : ! 1 " " " " . ' ! " " ' ' ? 'two weeks, Cha.s. returuin'-' Tuesday.

Miss Carrie Brost of Xewark is s

v. lleur;.' Ward "olllciatins. ' oil'. Manslleld Bowers jilted ami 1), I,.; l i i terujent in St. Jos.jplrs cemetery . \ Sallow* saii. '. Will. S. Stewart played tli

days wi'.h he-r sister, Mrs. I'owler of \Vest-; three months her eondition iiasbeeiiyrow- [ well, 1>- h- Sallows, Klmer Crovelinti, \Vlic-Hl.iiiui will also visit the Elcetrieal F.shl- [ ing worse. She leave* three sons and three : Crocker, Goorae Crocker, Win. Campbell,bition i;x .Viaoivoii square Garde.-,, :.'ev;; dausnters. The funeral was held at nJ::j.j ; Jr., Win. ^. Hte.vvi'rt. AinbroMeSehuler andVerb city. : ! a, m. in St. Joseph's C.aliolic church, hish ; Victor Dniiy.

Mrs. Jasper Smith and son Alfred, olid: mass beins suni/ by Rovs. Ward of this: • . -- . -»-» • —Mrs. Uwis J. Ifer-ius and littk- son '. place, liaseny of Juilelion, and llussi of j -Now lMiysli.|nn fup Aslmry.Uussell, spent a few days l;,st Week visit-, Oxford. T!-,e remains were interred in St. | Ui-. Fred,). L:,. rtiew iviir leave here oiin:-'Mrs. Smitli's brftl'.eiVMr. Charlvs B.: Joseph's ceinetery. i Monday next lo locate in Asbury wliercShsrp. in I'hillipsiiurs. ; _ :. Kmma Iv, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.J he will take the practice of Dr. S. H

Miss Nettie Ilinoharl left for XeW York • }'$*a' Eartmv "of Port Colden, died on > Jollnson.'whb- moves to a 'un-wr' V\-Kt,

town on Tui^ifc'y. HanionfX n betvtre iorSwayze, a for.ner

i,,t i,evear, j.Ir.-.;, i r i , is in,

Kui ic rb i l ive I ' I-IIIM:. ]<

Iv.-uii t h e s torm, nf unusual .severity, did ['it r e t e r ,,MI' j-eopic in tlicir desire, t o !


ni will -M,.]iii p i>.w ikivs in .-i"l,'-s,.i.jiw- '" :.".' . • » ' • ->• ' ; , , , . u i „,. , ) t r B , , ] M | litlurillin-ss t | , . , i :

«!8. J. R.Oih!,,,, ScmerviH,; w,s U ^ ^ ] ^ . ^ , , ^ ^ ^ , , (Ui;ivTO,, ;,1 ' : - \ » ' c r , _ u : ' s . .*. I J . s i i i f l J s , i r c n i ' . , . i t | , r i . T f , , , , 1 , , , , ] ^ . ( , j l v l l l | i | t ( V i i t j . . <t ; s . , [ . . , , :

t i r s d a y i s : U l l rii:turOny. w i l i : n jflu- •.vitii that n elo

• t o ? ( i i i i \ w . v ' T l i u o I ( l n o t i o n t h a i - <;!<

ii'in^a i>hysiti!ni nocially KCI popular, ;iii'10 so ih.-iV'U^'il.v fittttj l"cjr" his diitiwc; .will !>o n woi'tiiy Kucccr-sor o!' Di

piurlia!-!!]^ tlifi IMI uiui oy.stciof U'.witi Crovt-tiiiL' on E^lvWt-n

I l.nvoKivfii tiu-'eHiittli^UiiantJ

joined U her hdsl.aiid. I'liey wao !'0H' ' i s o,.t r.ri)!ari 111 tho riu.)it" iv'-W. a.vnyTelwfnlmessand seeonoly W neat ap|,earei>terta!nf-O. by M«s Kate M. Shield., over; -H t ] i,,,;,..^,^,,;,,,, w.Jt. theoh^ie,!1 ante. II Will be my aim to havi, constantbijii.tay. ••. , :.:.^-.i;,V,«-i.-.r3r--.;: :';= ii^lil-. that. n,..",. ;.i ly on •Iniml a [,-oml variety or fresh lisl

We ai:e;|il£.se.H»iii«Vrl;;,t t;i=-latC3t-i^o ^Sieeiia whifl'li'Svcrsiraum is inter-i Uuriiiir ihejvnnu season and to sell thenword from Montelair is to the ejfeet Hint;, ,ti,| so i'ns:pirin? to l,.flv*t!ioiiKlits, to Ib'o j a l !l fiiir niurKlu. Tims far my-iTi-icm-, lwvi

v^? i b : : : i 4 : ^ l i e u . K ^ v j A S ^ P l o - j i ^ l j e a J 3 d i

MUNY1WSTAME.i the AVorlil Over n« tlie Jl«ne»

l n l . T|Ii. h:.i"l3 of

Jiut.'iiL>>- in «ro manyIt Would lie i.ln..,>r

t t

n ' ! l n ^ iiii>rL tu rlii iliHI'*KH.>,S ttiaii nil the

T|II>L- 'llscovcrl,-.-, iini-mi''i>hi!<I, nro i'p.,vliik'

H I O U J I I I «r e:is.-af»r 'inj'

lr i>tktit il\-Tioi{ to turn :nv:'ir"fn»ii']f i.ii'.-lr Ti>'ik>i(i.sr' A

WiH|»'n. | N'..r't]i f.»sot,f | i , V't-'r1;: till nn-tloU", :iru tt'lHiig ilit-lr c i i r ^ nn.1 iiMl-in^Munynrt. wlunn tl"\v lock ui'ou uj Uu'lrbem-racl^r »»<! friflkl.

Jliitiynti rru.irntilths thnt liH l!hflininil5inCuro will cut,,, ui-iiriy all «*<» of vln-'unm-'ism hi n tv\y linurs: Hint ]ils Jiysp'-iisf.i" n f »ill Ciiiv iu>lli:>-tl<iii ill Hi (ill M<«,ti><-lir,.iii..to.-;' iltiit lit, UMiu-y Citr« '«l!i «uro''> [icr coi'.t. of utS-<*njf*s t»( kl'Iii.V ir'"';i',i!c;lint lilf r.itnrrti i ' i "v WJH uuro ei"nrrti, no

mute r limv l*nu HI;UH1IIIS: ilift tiU I l w l -nohfi C'iri* W'!H fi'iro any hlinl of tti>nilncliohi ii r,.w iii!Tint.'s: llml liU f<>!>] ' 'up* willr;n|<-k!r 1-ronk t:;i ,i»v r>inu i.f c,,M. iniil -•«

"mHiBii tln> .iiifro list of i,[« r.'Hi.vl!.'4.1.1,. t.i l-I.'jtHh i"i.I nift!lo:il !i.!vl,v nli^n.»• fri>ti. I'rof. Munyon. ir<Vi Arfti st.,





• UNHV W. Mll.l-K.lt, I'luAi'iir.i.irs K. uri.i.. vicU. T. lU'l.I., S V


Groceries,Best Sugar Cured Hams, 10c Ib,June Peas, sweet and tender, full size can, j


•«•»• • • • • •»*• • • •

nt ic.

Stifsar Corn, Creamy While, very line,5c can.

Ozone Soup—le cake—7 for?oe.

Other Standard Soaps, :?c cake.

Oood Coll'eii, whole jrrain or flround. loclb,

Dry Goods.


Have-you boon thinking of Carpets ? Have you a;i single room to carpet? If you have.

come to us and see a stock ol Carpets in -.magnitude aboveany ever shown in the valley. Patterns that are bewilderingboUi in number and'designs. Choice and dainty combina-tion's of .perfect blenclin.iT colors in patterns obtainable from, usonly. Y°u w 1 make your selections now while the stock' is .at its best, yv;i if you are not prepared to h a w them laid wewill store them for you gratis- Wo show you the very

jchoicei'i".because we have first and only choice in some of[the prominent lines of carpets. We get first pick. We docarpet business now as we have for years. Buy and sellreliable brands only. That has been the secret of our great

nbuv.Bc. . - . jtainly can't be bettered. It has been proven so scores of..,,„•,-W.MIi,,r. ""'"""" k..,,Tc.i^,,,y, j Men's fancy Laundered Shirts, Collar and! times. Ask f.)l' the pl'omineilt Ulld reliable Il.akeS of CaipetS'"i'.vl'vV,!'',1,!: M. i>., iSVil'vor1.'?""1""! ends, resuiar Me kind, we janj .-we can furnish them t o y o u . U n k n o w n and untried

*'""" T"'"i:""r' i;il>. MI,,,.,,,'':"6':"1' s- '"' tM ' j Me,,-, illld |1Oj. s- T l in Klw,.s, W o k l sly|Ci „ j b r i x i s w e du not cure to handle, as there is a positive risk in

STATEHCNT JAN. 1, 1398. bargain at !«e. I the buying and soiling of thorn. Inspection invited.

d »-.-...i>. ii,"::!.w:i M A full line of Aiiate and Tinware at

, , . , . . . , .. ' J u n l ; ' , t : ' : : ' . .., .{; , ; i :«M -o| Pr'ee= th»t will please you.l l ° n r > I ' ' - e~u1 li j

<'»11 and seo ns: wu ivant.vour trade.r.-t to ,l"i,"l:t°ir>

.1,lrr.r1.r..u,,!i,,u.,tj .>»i...» j?S-!J;| J. 13. Hampton,

t..r.--t i.-.t.--.l;.r-' .-.r.-l , .au In.l i iui ' i r ; nii.t; 5 Helvidcrc Ave . .

l i \V. W. i sh iug louAve . ,

wAsJiJxcrox, x. j.( ; u i : K i : s i ' ( ) S i , i : s < , ! - : s;ut l e i ' i : i ' . j

320 to 332 Northampton St.,



Tiiis is iht1 iinii: of year to(• buy patent leiiihcr shucs—notj\ near so much danger ot crack-C- ing in vnrri. weather. Ours

arc all reajy for you.


Ladies' Underwear. j

Sixes 2 10 6, no heel,'

Sizes ; to s, spring heel,

750 t

Sizes, S •/ to 11, spring heel, £' ; • • s i .4O 3

S i z e s , i r > ; t o 2 , s p r i n g l i e c l , »


Roof & McBanolds, J ,Washington, N, J. a


.31.65Cloth Tops. Coin Toes.

•itnialsc- a desirable partner: it agrees-with every1' ' j ies ' ; e ,^ 'hu ir

i iui ' i -n^ t ; s u^stion tending towards modern furniture planning, build-

at is cuin,-;;tji:v<.'M;rv way: j to f urnish f roiii here, luxuriousiy and: up-tu-date ut-ir,oderatt3;.,,.[cost . ' - • • . .:L1;..'S' I."V>' V Prellt SilU Wi)!\-.i

W-st only

ao.ics.' Line V Front Lisle RilibeJV*st. short sive.es.

adies' Low s'.iuare Lisi-j i il)I e.i\'est, U'j sleeves.

ajie.s' V Pr'int.niade ni Lest couib-

Jies' Low Xe:k, short sleeve HI]I5C. !.:u!ieS' L'iMie.l 1'alH.s, 25,Low NeCli, no sleeves, ;c. lo,i-c. .Misses runt OliiUiryn's \ :

sleeves. 10: to ^-,;. .HissesJren's !':ints, 15c tu -3: .

49c.:Porch Rockers.

j splint lHittoms: any si/.e :IIK! fuiisli; for-

«OU. I est i;recn, os I'lciJ or varnished on tlie

wood. Prices start at ?.:c, to s 1.50 tor tlie

2 3 0 . . ju n , l ,0 style.

• '.: andi, sliortI Chil-

Specials,l:iijk Lisle Iios

Lav/n Settees.

FMKI up in wet weather,

i'orcli Slices; si'tes aiW


.25c. Refrigerators


•^js^i'3 Fan

Chattel iViortgage Sale,

3EG. W. BEERS,Fancy Goods and Notions.

are .T hoiii-clioU newssity; the moat

:uul truH. in lact, in-eiyttimi; i:isty> so

much i!t.-tti:i".-several stylJ.;. - . .......

Bed Springs and A1attrQ$$e$.

SiTins h'jusi;:li.':imiu: IIK'VJO^ ninny ilis-

cov^ni;^' aii^l i t 's likely to tinj thu l>cd

fiirnislii'1^3 l«>s cuiin'ortal'k' tli;in they

miglit be, ki-stuil sleyp moans ^oo^

iie;iith, anJ ri^ht nk-.ins tu witij'it ws t s

little liy tlmsv im.';iSurL'S.

Bl:D ^PR.lNflS — O u r Socia l Spiral

Sj-rini; .\\;ittre>s lias »« t\|u;ii; it 16IJ5

all crowJoJ with as much H'.'ojiies

tlit-lr prices will admit. 1'ricos from

livWilily. ii

mm siilii'-lilltY

litnii'T intti<i inru'l^iiii" cSOi'ii

11 JiitiWiHJlV, \V'. Hiiiviilhr-..'. imi



Tomorrow (Friday) morn-'i.'SiiSt'iSl-ing, we shall place on sale just

one dozen Newly ./Trimmed'i'iliSsS^ '"i;lts i't'tricc.s thStJsiioulcl sell

orotliors^^ro formerly of this pluce andIlncltcttstown. Tlio bride-elect o.f Kioforiner resides in Hoboken and of tlie

* lutter In tho Stotoof Kentucky.. ,.,M r . and Srs . E." P. Gulick'-or Viennn,parents of our townsman, Mr, W. ID. Gu-lick left yesterday for an extended plea-sure tour of tlio West. They will (first go

'^ toStcrlljiK,111., «ml tben to Iowa."Mrs.vjGulick bas several relations there, incl^d-

" ing n sister. They will be gono nl;fsuni-i S f i n o t l V ^ 1 ; " ' " • - ' ' - ; - . • • - . • ' • - : ' . ' - - -•'

fo n o t t e i ? a monitor of my gl at IM present-time, and receiv- ™ rw.oiii.naM and received tho u.iani-

|I,Rn»Utod..llo*L<!0rrnn.me,I«-an.ulll'»™«V'>"' o l h e '«,.,'<1 Uemoera ., andmerchants and others fro,,, .,clii,,« bur I' p i M . W , , > ! » ' » « " , "m M M .„ ..sonctcflit, asl will not bo reapousi-Ijlii'for {iny"7Jobta contracted by her.

CIIAULES T0KN.Oxford, >*. i

p , , ! , m M M .

thu disctiiirijo of his duties.

a o[ Company M 6'rPovcr. ^ _ ^ l _ - i ; _ - ^ - 1;:"' igot UreilVflife lit'Sea'Oirt and •*,...•.....i.

Buy your silk lnces of Mrs.' J. W, Nutze | Uopio^&w of thura was flrnmnied out ofm P t 0 t h e

Tsfi" aiicl of 'very "exceptionalvalue, having cost to produce

S?S i^#SSS than we ask for them.

or Br. J2ii«-illanilil, or S w l o n . Mr. Jnon'ol,. Uiiiiimll,

Tlio ntmnnl moot ing of tlio str>cuho]ilor.; oflm Wftstiluclnn Cymuiory AawWl'itlou for llil t i o i o f flla f r tlio ln y o ^ l l l

Cymuiory AawWlitlfur tlio onaiilnt, yO f th S r c u t

uuy.'.May 3l', 1803. "'j'olls oiioirril\Jfc-, .. .' • .••- , ,1 , . . - .M

u t j on IIU-j to a o'doc


...\Ve have,got io.o,:man.v,..ofthese grades'Vland decided1'-tomake' a sacrifice early in theseason.

« T I — ~r» T. >'_

" 6 nejoujri uii,~Mrs. E Wendehack.


ifuiliful •Advertising will Sell Honest-Goods.1


.indSAMiotTKii\\.\\l:D»nd.UNTR!MMl:l3 MATS. The latest ideas from thu Kay Frencbcapital.antl .^liii. daiiuo.stjnijtKiiialslc creations 'evolved by clever minds ;iiiil conuvicd by

S./Jriri;'Jui«u|s"movir'u\yii;famous v-'orkruom's. Tlicii"tliere ju't-' n"nil)tirk'ss prelty sliapcsin-\VALKlNG"anTsAlLOK'llATS, .iiiiona thuin Iwinj; the culcbrnli^ "KNON," for tfliich wearc sole':iyeiHs in Newark.1 " i j -Gl ld^N 11 ATS* lor LAliY and MISS, nnd CHILDREN'SPKHTTY. A\ni.].s.for-inuuntaln,or si;asUlc.\vc;ir.. UNT1M\MJ:D 1 I M S anJ.sliapijs Kalpre,and if you'v l iun l f aiiytliing new in'tnnimiiitjs yo« may lie sure"VoinviirfihO'ifliorei""""

Is,, jvgont > r l r i r J Sto-cHull orilora tllloo. Vreu I

COUPON.o u t l U o y o u t o ••----• '•••••'' -


Page 5: Hint · 2015-12-03 · WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (


I. L. Sr

The Celebrated Scranton CoalAT KK'1'A1[«

. W'natilnRton, N. ,J., .Mfirdi 17, IMC.Attlm P., UfcW, It. It. Ktns-iilodCliiilOHjitiiloliirHtrlgtitliiui'l stri'oinbovo ^ow Wind,r IIutV|,

, , . . , , f :j.fi(iporton., :;.TS ptTtoJ;.

(''hfftiiiiit.*'.'.'...,Foil (l«rniL'il tiy i

OlKstiiiil) sUOyerton,Ik-st t(iiiilltH?« nlwnj-a oil hand <lry (uurfer

r.)iionilthiillrect from <Jhiitoa(over scruotwO


Rir)f-.'.;.. I l ,no j


l ITnii"r(.'nviir mill ilellviTOi| t

Botijnmin Oprtyku of Port Coltlcn liaaboon grantee! fi pension of ?8 monthly.

Walter Jolilisten hnfl secured ji lucrativepoaitton IUJ salesman In <i hflrdwnro utorout Summit.

Tiio Athletic Awtociutlon of Mutllatm liaajirninyucl for a big Hjiurtliig touriiameiit onMemorial P«y.

Brunri, iiH |ir«dJclijil In tho STAH, Jinafjoiio up In prico. Six CUJIIH ia required tobuy a loaf now'.

Yesterday afternoon Cornlsd <£ Co.placet! one of tholr linmiflonio oftk pianosIn ttio Iioiiic of Mr. C. It. Font.!hJ..

Lincoln Council, Order tJnitot] AuicricnnMuchiiriicH of Glnssboro, will culutirtUu Ustwoiity-Hfth ftnntvr-VHiiry on Mny 20.

G«orj;u A. Skinner ;<, Improving Urn oldV»n Horn j'nrii' ncur 11 uutycstoW111*'> LimLi t loo lma jilcu na It tfld in itnpalmiesttbiya.

Byron Glaniier or Bust StroiulBKuriM«ukilte<i on Tutsdny near thU plnco by full-Iriu from u train. Suvcral ctir» pnssctl ovcir

• ' 'im-

| ThobniiilaoiiwrcMdencoof Wm. Shieldsj oil I** st \yimhi»l!t«n iiVujnn, I.i j'twuivli'iff si;'frcflli foutnl jiiilntiit'ttie'JiaiiiW'of painter'

i H^WftB. Tt.« mi|ili-H In HIM fuctr, (tUfi's f'irili in'ir

Ultiiiiiliioii.t C'uril J] ].--r ton.U. U C'UXK to I


» \Vn«jiitih'it»)i-'itr>. u s , .I.*), T.twUI, il. III. !'J.tr», i.riS.atin, Mil, &.:0i), !'• ii»- - - „


Or. linker Smith of Flanders preachedut tl'O J'rcsbytorinn cliurcli last Sunday.Owing to tho di*>f;ri;t!;iblL- weather thelltloilllllllUti WlliihUlillU

'Mr. fi. Jt. gkuiiiioro, now teaching inour imbllu school, hiia hceu ducted [irinci-pn1 oft lm Junction school for the coiningyour, tu succeed O'lior^c Fleming

A h\rgti Hiil'i! Wulghfiifr li,G<;0 pounds vfan\>\neXi\ In the vault, o!" the new Hank

it in under thu

WiioopliiR cough Is whooping it up inHussite county.

On Juno lat the tux on chewing g«raBoca into eft'ect.

John W, Trimmer of Platbrookvlllo biw nlior«o with a mustache.

Southern stnuvborricM "re so chunp theyh.irtlly j)ny the coat of Hblprnent.

V'KlZH uru HfUiiig (ur 12 cuntr> a Co/onretail, nml butter Is down to KJ cetn>.

Worlc o» tho now rallron.il froni Port

The, Burlington County W . O . T . U . -.vlllhold a convention ut Hordentotfn Mny2."j.

Tlio law which'provided l l rebate forbread tire vehicle* Juts been declared uii-CoiistitiiUoiinl.1

IJoujid Jirook l»w Voted to l»oml thotown for f jrj.ooa to make additions to thonul'lIoHuliooilJiiildlntf.

It in said tlint thuro Is Homo pronpoctofthe LncknU'tuina sottitiy control or owner-ship of tho Ilohokcn furry.

Tho Prohibition »tntc convention willhe heltl ut Unnidun on 'fucsday mid \Vcd-rn!H(l;iy,.Jii»u Hth iincl lgth... .

Bill I'erkiti* wants to know why thuGovernment d'Hiim't -send tho SalvationAriny 10 fight the .SpfUiiitrdn.

Tlio XuW Jersey Dental A-^oddiioti will Ihold It-s animal ineutiriL- nt Asbury Park on !July 18th. The Sew Jorsoy ilcilIcii'Aiwo- i

ition will nK'tt ut tho sfimo i>Jaeo on jJuno ysth.

Tlio w«t wcfttii'ip i-Mn sprtnii ha* beenvery favorable to tho growth c.f KritfW, nndSouth Jersey Jtivc-H proinisu of one of the

Arriv,. nt \s'n!.iitni.t«n-iVj:i. T.:jn, 10.10, lo.^l,' TticsOny uvonint;. I t wiw jmt in under thuU:!->.L1"V".'K1.!1' '"'I1"1' ;t-1'1'' 6-a*' "•1't ".wfi '.i-^'. I «u per vision of Oinirlcs 1'orcu, tho ^nuil tu

heaviest hay crops Ui:it |nw been hdrvedted

In ninny years.

The new marringo IICODBO Jaw hnvlnKgone Into eflcct throughout the State, ItIs f'o longer necessary to get a licence, o;:*cept when both of the parties to tho ji'.ur-HHKO nto non-rcaldentu of the Stnto«-' '

Jt hitH been bald tlmt "the »izo of an nd*vcrtiHt'iucnt doesn't dutcrmlno its relativeclrnvviiiR power." But tln> size of the circu-lation docH. For iiiNtnnce, a one-inch curdin n ncwapnpor of3,S00'Hko the STAU'HCir*eulntloii i-t practically over three Unit* anlurKoiw one printed hi it newspaper with1,000 utt'cuhitfoiij aiitf one doesn't need tobe a inutiieni'itluian to grasp this obvioustruth. Moral: When you jjet publicity

t the fidl-slzcd artlclu.

An KntvriiriHlii^ D n i ^ l s t .There nru Tew niuii more vvldo awnko

nnd f.|it(.rprifbi[r thnn y. X. .Tonkin?, whorea no pains to Heciiretho best of every*ng in hH line I or his nmny cus-ern. Ifo now lifts tho vnluabliiiicy ibr Dr. King's New L)Ucov«ry lor

Constnnption.Coui'lis »nil Colds. This isthe woiidcrfuL remedy thiit is producing

ch it furor nil over the country by itsinny sturtliny eiires. It absolutely c«res

Asthina, Jlrorifijit!M, Hour^tits-H and allaffections oi" thu Thront, Chest and Luiiys.Cull nt ti'i'u-e dm-' Ntrirtmnd j:t;Mi trini"lottle True or a regular size for .00 edits,nd .fl.oo. (jutir'Uitcetl to cure or nricuefundftd.

A pure cream, of .tartar powder.

spoonful is required, of


not a



Pure ".and "Sure."..Food raised with Cleveland's bak-

ing [>uwc]t*r has no bitter taste, butis sweet and keeps sweet and fresh.

CENT A-WOKI) COLUMN/. j ^ _ ^ _ - _ ^vMlvortlitcniorithittMtiritiiKtiMi'l nr« pitblHiin

ittiMiiiitr<'>niiratif«>r one ci»nt a vronJ, but n. .nH'irttoHitiutit win bi» n'ci'ivej for b>m (him 16:I;II(N (or Urn tirtu lnsortlliu.

I'I.AT roil HUNT—Apply at Johnston';*!iiiirciwnruHtnre. t

FoitSAf.uCunAi—A new'iik d<*fe. Tn-|[iiir,. of(J. 0 , Unworn, 1 1 Wi>sl Wailiitiif-'

ton«venue. . " H,Sijin.cjirrinKoaiid u-njron nahUini* clone!

T- n r - \ \ r «f 1 eliani. Tlioiimti Farrell, Jr . , 173 Knst I„„.. , . . . . , J r . 0 . L. A. M., of w ^ t . l t ^ t o u avenue, W:iHhln^ton. 'will onpinwo nn Itidupcnduia |) t t I^i,M A KKit-\v.i»tH work ut home,

iiilhtury (•ouipiiny of '><J nion, and establish Skirts only -=I.O!lj iwrfcct fit- >'". lT;i Kastan urinary. I'tiblic-aniritud citizens will Wiwliinijtiiii "Vunuc, ' " "

T—Neur burn or wayoi. „ , _.,, - t wi- ' blanket with niv name (•'» It. Kinder

ihoHDrlng meeting of tlio Dover Land | w n l r<-i>ujvu rowuM |>y ruturMiiKlt to John ]<1 Driving I'ark A*toclntlon will be Held j L\ lieinvuril.

last weufc pur-the John T. Howora projiorty on

iiliiiftou fur Scrftiiton—7<!ti.•.It, ir. 13,!'.«.'), Jl).lH, ll.RO, [i. , I West \S'iiHliiiif,'tfin itvtimic, will occupy the

^ !(l of last wool;, apup naiiicd Jnu. Kuwm-tl of ?t will

l l for "is return to IS. A. »., iVarrnt itnd MI'lie next Hpwoith Lciimie KiiUv of the

v v t ; Cict m.v mtcn bc-iort! iii-8uriiifHilK(!\vh()re. Jacob V. c»r ter , J J l i



: 'O Established 1843. '

.This store has been in existence for more

than one-half century. Your grandmother knew :

of it as being the BEST STORE in this vicinity.

It is a better store today than when your grand—

mother knew it. Familiar is the saying that

What You Get at Rader's is Bight; YouCan Depend Upon It

It is a good reputation to have. We have it—e earned it: it is therefore ours by right.

, ... will probablytnet moetlnK h, ihclr I...11 o,, Ju..o 111,. , } , p _ ^ J(jl.__ ^ ^ ^ o f ^ C Q |

13. II. lUnfliian linn tnk-r, j ; i IIIH .cmploK.f.,1,.,, . wl»li tn Biv» p'll.lif oitpre.«Io,, tothis Week Ilia lirothcr.Siunuol liom.inn, [ u i e : r appreciation or tile ki'UiWSsivlwuil l J r i w UM laiiliJiy .w.i-ou Ucrc-; l l L . ] ( , | , i r a r 9 l u i l l f riUMlu .luring tlioir Int.l l l t u r * •: i bcrejivuincTit in thu losaofji ilaii^'litcf.

Silas II. .SHIui'ls l»is oucncil i,i> tliu new; u0V"."il vVnuhlietnnliip1 ivmt In R,at.,ImnlWiiro »loro it; tlio XutKu hullilinir.! y^ lun iay t i u v i t u « tli0 b A hallcoi

o r clition to tlit public school builiUngnt Soiv-ton hii-'i been ft\v:ir(li;fi to (.:. W. I-Vaoo -m!O'Dotmcll > MuMiuiilluul. Tho former willcln Ih" Wnoilworii Tor .-5,51)0 niui tile tlrmthe mfisoMry !or :•>,(/1. Work

will nKikoh ll n i k

.1 hiinclrcd\VilliiiiuH'-s[. Hunt . A^titKAviiitud.Co

2 ^ UiE-Uth Av e ; X. V. City.

lianlwiiru store in tlio -Xut?.u liuliainir.: vustunluv l-ti wltiif.it! thu Ijiise luill uontust | " ' " """>"" i •" ' • »••> ••• • - - - • • i p . „„. . , .„ v™.,,... qvvifu«r^l,nvi.«":ii. (His stool: will I* »lliu*t eXclWvulyh,lr.l..-blitWl.o.."tlw Urst n i . u ur Uflvbtt,- ,u,,l m""CU ' U ' " * • ' CuUt""imri : Efe'"lImVffr i s " feS;: )w«r.»-. • L'rWccUmconcise*. Tho Kiimi! rosultoiUnl I-uui--i lloawl, coiivi«o<lort|iijiuurili;r of] vuwiniulSouth liontl ploiw ;7.o() nt h. O. ^ - ^ ^ > - N ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ v ^ ^ y - v ^ ^ -

Dri'Ki'iKlniul will ik-Hv~ tlio 'Moinorhl ; a score of S to 3 iii favor or the former. Names 'I', l'ottsoi hununit, was wniunetu i SiU'.'.o::;- .v.!!! ...r.n..'i ...™i..'i..l. ilm-lsotts- . . . .. ,

p p•Unin. Slrinuund Muut. I\vK of the Sal-! pulpit, nexL Suiid-iy, l o t h

viitlon Ariny have runted Henry Jahns- j cvenin-. In thu mornlnjiton's fldt juHt vnuiiLta by Jy],ii C '\Veller,|surniyiiuii1<<C!u'iiiti.wi liijlo:uul wttluiiikR I t t l i f l r i tuiny, ' ' I i n the'eveninf,', " inirtU-ni

Tho cntertiiintm-'iit committee of the will be the theme[

•j^icli i.'i l>fc/"inonunse will d

ny oi" Utintertlon county •ponuc'l a low ilays a so with uti! cajrftnl 'Jtouk of fJO

I, , i porators art O, Loiiil«ttburgert

unr,l •.

d to hold a Ui the iii"! T i a r ^ia O ld M!

this uVornliifr'flt•f

Lndle.-*1 ni '^htattho W|..shini,'to!i Athletic ' Britain is in mourning. A. monument inAsHOciation's rooms was woll uttcntltd on i-Wcstmiustor Abbey and a State I'tinet-utTufStlaj't there bdn# al>aut -|3 present, are [)ro|iose(! in honor of the tle:id stato.s-Pancinj,' was n 1'caturc of the evening. man.

If an nlmoHt eontinuotw rain of n The clothcrf lines) on the premises ofmonth's iliir.ition coupled with the grant-j L t i . Smith, h;"AV, ^liUer and Obiuliuh

.' itiLj of licuiises to soil HnuOf, dtmsn't iimko! ApKur wero'robuoi] of their contents onW(t hiu»toii

to UnoW tlie rff but "d ry" we

y.Tito \VnAiitiif.'ton Brass B;iiUl will be itt

nUciului'cc nt the ball same Sut'trdjiy. Alursc crowd is cS|)ii(Jtcd, iL bt ins the iiratfimue hero. Ladies will be ndmitUM totho'groutvl'JTrco of cliiU'^c tlits senson.

Alex. Van Doron h«3 Uilceri a position inH T i i i hiiv-I'iclcel'.H meat iniirkot, Hurry

i»S i-chiRnetl. Harry will on Saturdaycoiinnciieu Work »t Brink's miirkot.' Hois an (.'.Ucrsetk* younu limn of soycrntyears1., ex ivrituiiie.

Dr. (J. M. \Villiaiiis on'Tuesday exlencied j Ttie'iia eorilial inviUUion Lu Liio'unlirw S T J U J M I ' - U I I

- . ^ . - - . . ; •I(1-M

Tlic.liyya lined My and nceu(ttcit l.iio

pTuesday nij,'Iit. Tl-.e gquite heavy, Poot-printsupon the gromuunr the clothes lines dedicate tliat tthief wus :i woinan.

In order to givo the lumbef a olifiiicX'.dry out thoroughly ueforo tishijj, whichvery essential to the maiiufjicturii of orpiand •-pi.iuos,,Cornish & Co. i

l l d

H. Nunii, Olcn tiartluor, >'. J,

(1 JltH. iCiWartl M. Rcoslcy of';7 rt'['u'ctvi£tertj iiiiv« iwut'il canl« for ihtj uiar-

! ria^c of t»cir tla«shter, Mary Tuft, to Mr.Priinc.ia SinitU ituttUeiva of lirooidyu.

| The ceruiiiouy will t»ke place on Wednes-|iln.Veveni"ij, June 1st, ut half past seVun,in the I?irst presl'ytcridii c-lnirch of Bolvi-tlcry.

Sir floury Ihivelockiii^peakiiisjof milit-ary courngy once said: "In my experiencein any British regiment tliero are always ahmulrea nimMvli" WDitid storm thu pitosof lie!!, eight Inmdrotl who if tlifcy

p ,eral carloads on a t lot mi Ilorn-

want as tlio Uoyn CM\ testify.

SLriiwbern«!iUre coming i» from Ea-stornNorth Ciirolinu and other Southern points

bilker street. They lnivo rtcoivocl iilmiitfifty carloads within fmir months pr.st."" •''

" The 'population of our to\v'ii' tins iieunconsiderably augmented tho pn.st week,

w-iin-ivals are IN f'»llowa : A son to:1 rr.s. J. CoweH, a (ifiuj»|jtoi- to' "Mr."•s. Join' llowlby uiul to Mitj.Stow'artai idason to j l r . and Mr.< Guur^-ciiii<i' ftfn iiritV-ru'rs,- Ivv'm' Pcrenier.

Tho Woman's Auxiliary or St, l\:tei-'sMission \vill moot tliiri ufterttoon at Miohomo of"'M.rt). John V- Mis*,

1 nittilcut hnvo rais per quart. .Taniw

society is '


a some boiiutieij jib rcm;jvi;d «U Momin

I.yndon Carimr't'was in iittendnncu

i n) to Ifl j ganienL'<l! oream


j Bowers iiiictioInii'oT-'u pious tur

Kiilo on Jloiulay- Bc-. .„ ^. ... . ni of mind, ho surprisedthe'• nssemljtnpc by bidding htdh <>u an(WsortinonL of .six books chiefwliich w^wthe.<'Ucuimeront{ju|^S£i3ci!io.. Dr. C. It. Hnrncfl i,a:tt/3

iirico ,it-tlic Hp'.vl'i'Ui\Xi».which .ycoiivyiietl .yeslerdtiy and'' Whicli

..tCrminaten tonight.,..J)r.i..llarncH..deHyqr(;y,'iiifiuWrSss'"Ij'cr6ro"""llib~ convention fchfs

' morViiiiSon "Social Life) in tho Church;

iiipliiting tlio j{ivit*K of aand strawberry and ice

LiiK rectoryabout l.!nj,niiddlu of Juno, Notice- of date

On the strength ol*-n threo hours' visit to»;.;\ya3lti_ncti>n, a^Uii! giiust-.ofti iioLcd.tcin-

peran'eo fanntic',"a'Ve\v"Vork;''paper 'liasfttlvet'tided to slioW up tho social) religiousand political iruuulea of that town, ns out-lined by Us,, rc-portor. This nmy bo-joi;f|-'-iialism, but itsnvors more ofdovilish mal-i«nity than anything. Wii^liiiigton needs

., a rost.-rSiiEWos Uceistoi*.

TUo Iiouso of Alox. Aiulei'soh) betwcoii..Plciwaiit"Grove. n»d Mt. . . I^banon, vttutstruck by lightning d u r i n g ' t h e Uuindorshower last Thurflflny aftcpnoon.^ Hut Ht-

On Friday eviinbifj hist, a'joiii, :t Oo/.oncoutilc^ rfjitlicred at tu« tiomo oi' 1'i'of.!•', W. .Coliinst" on Mcftiirt .We. 'Vho oven-

,,- n , int: \v;i«r-pent in Jtainois'iina dmifinir. Al'ler• 'Jpyjacia^oo. .f'liblcot-e'frosluiients Wyro' sewed a poiumt| too in attend- j hunt, took phice. Mrs, Jfopkin-'i tool; jirst•no-f'onvfint.ion j pri'Ai'and l lr . Morri.H Oroll'second'prwo'

for ilnding'tlie largest utinibur. *"'' ;•}-'....CoiniJiiny.IJ, which.drills UIHUT.. Uip.,di-rection "'of d i p t . IjiViifjstaHVhaa11 rentedUnvid Dilts1 shop on.piltH street for anarmory jnuv mccLitifj" room. They moot

gwould follow in e hundred who want to.skulk in tlie ditches IUKI about thirty who<\o hkulk Lhuru ur L-l»uwhwrC."

Anionf,' the ftii'fjs displayed in Newton is"one with-a hNori-. I^itrhty-lh'e yearrf r>^oit ik"iV iVotn the cuptnin's^is of the U. £•friKato Constitution, nnd so far as we knowis tho only naval itug of tlmt period nowilyiuff anywhere. Ilev. (j. If. Sherwood isthe happy owner 01 tins Hup, and lioprizesit mo^t dearly.—SURSO-X Kej;ister.

Wnshinjrton Cainp. Xn. t>3, of ft road Way,will liuld a strawberry, and icu" crciimfestival on the school house ffromuls intlmt place on \VcdticHda.V, June 15th.Tho Wonder n«ml of iMvidcra, 21) pieces,

will bu in jittendanciuH will bo made V:^ of tho order.

uriusli. uiiisrc.».V' prominent

G,S..Mattison1s for crayon and pictureframes, lfl Taylor street.

A cnrloai] or hi!»h-Kr.<i<lG fertilizer Ibr theliii'in, Kiii'd«ii And lawn j«st received jit the\\':i»liitif:!0i] Lumber Yurd. \V. P . Guliek

POKSAM-:—A. nearly tmw, mbdiiim s i z .Still'el it Freeimm ssiie, Inquiru of Portl &Fl'-'iiiliif, Wri"hIr»gtnMf N. J. ^2Kf. •

itR'fJfisT •FKitTIMZKK-i—A-:C.io. j io i i s kinds just revived. iticUuliiia-special brand iVji- luwna and siardons. JohnC i i ! * ) ! \ V \ V n h i n ; t ( Avi- 3 : u t

i) hitK.vu use Cnunu»iirc a boitto of j

D J . - H . I"

One Dollarand Fifty Cenis

^o for ^

Tun Shoo for Men. Mado on

Coin Toe l.ust-s—two kinds of

ather—Russia grain ;ii)c! Tan

kill skin. Sixes, 6 tu 10,


One Dollarand Fifty Cents EASTON, PA.

also buys a first-dass Bi-

ou—Tun or Black;—

Black ones have l:lk Sulos.

Boys' si^es of same shoe,

Si .25 .

The Best,

The Oldest

Dry Goods and Carpet House in this section

•"' i7"'of t h e c o u n t r y . ' : : ;'"•'•••••"• • "

oda Water

of L o i i i vur fnrnititro i i n d p h m o s o((ollan b«tter. For Jtnle niy store: n?iii nt Oxford by

t t K A d C l l I M ' P U

- .;r: !M:;rr •House of-c'.ev-1!1. ro*nkiii1i *it I>'o. 17 Urond sitruuc J. T. Lans»t«lV.

For tlelici°us Ic»? Cream and Jcc.i» fine' ivuct Bread, no or.e :cell

Both are essential to theCo«s!l Syrup, frotiJ.H. liiunpton'y. j (..-.•

Hemembcr S. S. Tc«l is mablni: tiue'cab- pleaSUfeS 01 lite,inut photographs for $1.50 per du/.on. 1-2-t. f , . :: . .

• We are" nor boasting -whenwe-say: try our soda and youwill'be more than pleased.

Plenty of ice, Pure Syrups.W h a t m o r e ? . •. ••:.--.--. .•:-...•:-_-


k, He spares no expense in theirns, tlnis iiisiiiing the Highest quality

U I S K D XintSK.—Misa Annie Dullord,iiiu<iical, fiiirsjiciil and ohstelricul imrsing.Address:—Wi\sliiiL<itO(i, X. J. 7-2!Mf



T-Hou.«oi i Kast, ,Vai i )quire ofllobert M. 1'otty.T—A cointutKlious barnd d ll di„ , located mirt in excellent condition.-

lmnilroorj.il. Bryant.Good building lot» for sale near depot.

James H. Johnston.Foil SAi.K -CHvri'iKe, bUcUboiird and

spHiif,' \\-asoii. good as <mw\ Mrs. Fred.Fox, Oxford, X. J.

' Uros with secret soeiutv tnibtems;'"^-pceinlly Jr. -Mocl«iti!cs and i'. 0. S. of A.li.. U. Sn.vUur. Wnublncton.

WitshinRton School of Music; violin;pinno, orsan :ind niamlolin Ins-ion -, F. \V.Collins, dtrectoi;-1!2 .MozurC avenue."lloAHpisu" WAXVUIS—Either' Kcntienian

or lady. X'l-ice ruiiisonublo. Apply atSTAJ: otlicc. tf.

: CATAT.OIU'M.—Incuhaior.H, _brood-

n r y \otiee [V wcclc. Anollior miHUry ooflioya.hiis boon' i i V C ' " T l ioy :

. S.'drill iieiiriynitteliiiVHOtC Tlioy m e i ^ i i a d r i l l iieiriy

ov'ory nighl.' Their headquarters in a roomon the third- floor of Henry Johnston's•bkiiUlliUs;------iv •--• •.r--.v-^: • , . - , - : : : , , - ^ : , , , . ; ; ^

Tho Warroii Covuit-y" Teachers' Associa-tion met III Uackcttstowii last Saturday.

nd six of his toiiclicrs were5 i)refleiit;":IHig3-"Aiary:"W"clic

ghly interesting ifd

Prpf, WHIlamong t i i o i yof this town mado a highly interestingOrcss on "Elementary Heading," and Bliss

Verlliideu of Trenton diBcouraod en-tlp dainngO' was done, Thia houso ia tho, tcrtalnlngly on tho iiiorita of "

r oldfBciitty homcHtoadntHbinertlio homo1" " * " •"• J <• «•—-•>•-- •->• mi.,of Jmiics Boatty, tho gmndfathor of Danieljf Jmiics BQatyj g1\, Lewis C. and Ilibbnrd Roatty of thislUaco, who spuiit thoir boyhood days thoro.'Ohildreii'a imts ciin ho had of Jtr^' J ^ V

•-• Huteo for ft aiflall sum.. - ,.

>ridl Method of Heading."/, Thu two otherpapers that wore to have been read, woreomitted owing to ...tho,-. abaonco of tlipira u t h o r s . " : ' . ' " ' • " "•" • " --- :----

J-itiwu inoffors repaired at Jna. Hi JoVns-

The spirit of freedom i;; born in tlieiii.A» KiiiKibetU sfji«U buy wbo imd kncltjithis moUvcr'a knoe to any his prayers put

iUlllIK'(iv'nw I lay ino down to sleep,'I 'pray the Lord my suul ttijunjp; -r1 liope t ho Witr 19 euniiiifl quick.And hope Mint Undo H:lm wilt litk!

L'idJu Ijibro ! A*ncni" ^' -J2liKlibothJoai-n«I.

Tho First, lio!?lmciit,.Ne\v Jersey Vol"uuUitrs, has ljuen ordered tu rciidiIn \Vaslii-ngton, U. U.'1"uthc'r refflfrom1'".Illinois, Now \ rork, \peuus.vuud. aliitip.atiliii^aella^vill go t^tlio^nntionnlciipit)il7"(-'"iio fcginToiTii^^froliv^Kausf»o to Sim Franci.SfO aawill tlioso of Colo-rado, Wyonifnf»'~;ind Utiili. West Virciniii,W'isuoiiHiu, .Missouri, MichiKaiij Ohio, jMaryland, Npw ITnmpahii-c and one ;

acKHKS«ti.»"iiluV'Oiiii"Ivilli»»ta"l1cftIiii0Iordered to GhiuUdnnuigti, rronnetj,see(

The Gilbert Family of Philadelphia art; |To Rivo-;'ono-of-uruir"-jjop"ular"^the IJnptist church, Port ituri'ay,~on Sat-urday night. They are univcinally oon-cceaedtobo outs of tho linofltc6inpani.esbfJiibiiee ainyuiti l^fovp tJio public. When;tlioro some 1'ojirs ago they wore so cn-thusiasticixlly received that Jt wag foundnecessary to keep them over tho second;]night. Judging by tho tickets" alreadyaoldlhey will l o greeted by A-full h o u s eAt tho close of tho concert strawberries jand ico ci'cnm will bo served in tho churchbasement.". - ' V r ":"'' '.''•-'• \. :\: "•'•"• '.

Qo to Mrs. J . W. NuUo foe easu ribbons, jAll silk 19c. .wortU .85c. '

era, drinking foiuiinins and powtlelice. 1::. C. Hlntor, Wa^liinpton, H..].

Srosi-3 Pr,A<.inixri and eurbsto'no kevHtoclcuuiihtdiiLlyiuidiuU nt short »oti t,1. U. Viiss, 220 Uolvldore avenue, V" ' *ton,\>T. . I . . . . -

FOR KA^.T;—l.GOu.the lOtli ol' May; :U^Ki'afer :iml 1. 'y '"

Voft HRs'r—Ch-;:i)iKornbaker street. \V

Prof. Williams'Il£rf{


No. 11 West Washington Avo.

''or Press S-jit,

. • h.-is now ivaclied this large number. We would like you to note

a few .facts in oniiiifi'lion with our Presaiption. Pepartnieiit.

We claim to carry as complete a line of drugs as can be found in

any large city store. We do not need to offer any substitutes,

having always in stock the drugs most rarely used as well as

those most commonly used. We buy our drugs of the most

reliable manufacturers anJ guarantee absolute purity. The pat-

._, , ropaijo we are receiving, from the most prominent physicians of

thecounty is evidence."that" our stock "incomplete. Remember

the old and reliable v>


Dr. Hand's Colic Cure,Dr.IUnd's Teething Lotion, ifOr. Hand's Worm Elixir.

! Dr.,Hand's Pleasant IMiy:

low is evidenced by the following:

i?C, Paine's Celery CompounJ,. Hood's Sarsapurilla,

Toilet Paper, 4 pkgs.Little Liver Pills, ,.t


fit in the latent stylo, for 1 .,Sutisfuciion giur- W a r r e n C^ovinty D r u g S t o r e ,

ut 17? linst Washing- • '- • - ' ' . l-\ N. JKXKIJSS, Pharmacist

/ Will Paint Yout

House Free of Q/uirge, if Sold by the Quart.

when.properly applied chalk, crack

--or--.-peal .off.-.-A:-.:.W.6:,-have.-i.b..f-.- manu-.

facturer's guarantee that it will cover

as well and wear as long as

pa.int on the market. : -. .•,.,.:


Ml ,\J tre I M W V .

--" :==5 ' 'V6&d~'

' ^ s ^ Quality ^

12 inch $2.5O

16 " $2 .75 |

Page 6: Hint · 2015-12-03 · WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (


Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Yettor nnd daugh-X^dt md O v w e t h o giHtU o

r, Mrs. Joseph Yettor nnters, X 'dtn mid Orvn, worethoGeorge E. GnrrU on Tucadii l t


hof I

G r g n yGoonjc B. Armstrong tiiul A. U. Cookc

were in -Ilolvldcro"attending court liw!Tuesday;

Mrs- Peter Vnnness of Johnsoiisburffvisited at M. U. Smith's Inst week.

County Superintendent Price waa a wel-come visitor nt the school house one dayl t k

,EIiner Klce has a now Adams bicycle.j Isaac It. Konklu of Ilardwtck broke ono

ofhis legs last Saturday. t[<; is an " J

m a n . .. ••• .

Mr. nnd Mrs, Uyersou 'i'muser W'Iattendance nt the dedication of titFlat brook vl lie church on Saturday.

Miss Mfty Hlblcr of Vienna was theguest of M'i-w Minnie IriRursoll on Fritky,

John Byiiian visited friends nt Hope onSaturday.

James Winterm'ute of Sprlugdnlc was Intown on Tuesday lust.

Mr. nnd Mrs. -Jerome', stout of Stroiids** burg visited their brother here ov«r Sun-day.

HAOKETTSTOWN.Miss Eva \V, Nunn returned homo from

Boston Inst Saturday uvenlng ' for" her Jsummer vacation, having completed her1

second year at the Bostou School of K*-presslon,

Itoburt II. Woodruff will rcmnln InPhiladelphia iuul Uku a special courseduring tue »mniutr. Much of his thuowill be spent jn charlttibloVork in thatcity.

Mr. and Mrs. Vi. \V. Al>B'«- ot jerseyU h IC KuiiUiii a week v[*itluKMr. and Mrs

CUy have IJCIMIfrkixls in tills p

e IJCIMI Kjiin tills place.

l>B'« o j r s e ya week v[*itluK

pTjie Wyoming Seminnry base ball team

dmeflteil t h c C 0, t, tiiiiu on the campuslust Suturdiiy nfteriiooit. Tbe score WHS13 to 4.

Tlie coniiiKiticement honors* at the C. C.h b n m o n M T l i e V «rens

Tl coniiiiI. hnvo been iljHlOUtll.'t'(i,

liitntory, *I Valedictory, Alfcts Wiilfun; Orations, \V.ir'oruln ir. Huiitfu, I. M- Amlcrson. Jt. A. Amler-IttMiuiv UOII, f. A. WhittU'sey. \V. J- Pou-ninC

' Misrf A n n a M . l)av\a. Uiniiucitct-'inciitoccurs on Wednesdayt June i>th.

Appropriate services tbe celebration of Ithe «iniiver.-ury of thy tfpwortli Leaguewurc held in the M. E. church last Sundayt:Vf iiliijT, Thu pastor, J)r. Ctinrii* \V. AleC'orinicJC) prcitched a very Inti'tosting stir-

ling removed to tho 1street. .

The Athletic Association of the \j C. I.; Ji. church the past w

ASBUUV.Miss Margaret Ligbtcnp of flunnysldo

spuiit a pnrt of last week in town renewingold acquaintances.

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wlllover loft Sat*urdtiy for Jersey City, where they willspend some time, visiting their son,Jacob,

Fraiil t l iniWnsliIri Sunday school con-vention will bo held, in this place on iM»dny, Mny afllh. Tho afternoon sofwion willl>o hold m tho M. &. church, and thy overt*ing ttfuwioji lu Uiu . Presbyterian .church,An iiUcreatlnc Program bmbeon nrfluigodand It 1 desired that HH the school.? In Urntownship will bo wwlI represented, llov,U V. Stultz wilt deliver an nddrew at boththe afternoon «ml evening .sessions. Lunchwill be served in the basement of thechurch for nil who wish to reuiaiu for theevening servict'.'.

Tlio body of Mrs. Kathertno Crcvellni*of Sou* York city witf brought here for-.... . . . . . . . , , . . . . . Mrs.Crevelins resided.

__. n number of years and.wti-4 Well known in this comimmlty,

Mr, nnd Mrs. Hurry Hunklo and (laugh*ter Mnry of iMfliutleld were entertained attho home of his mother, Mrs, ElizabethKunkle, over Stuttlay.

Mrs. S. U- Johnson and son Lloyd havebeen speiidiiit; several days nt Stulwnter,the Kite-its of Tier father, ilev. A. L. Smith,

Much interest wns nmuifcstod in the lee-tures given by J, Wnlter 1'ierce jn thc.M,

of Sew York city WHS broburial inst Friday. Mrs. Crnear this plncc for n numb

ll k I thi

Mr."piereu ism

Have you seen our

Men's $3.(D0 Russetswith or without vesting tops. Another Russet withpatent leather lops. They are really $j . jo shoesbut we're making a leader of them this year. Ourpiicw go down when the tendency is all the oilierway. • , . . ; • •

Men's Patent Leather Russet—really a Sj.yo shoe whichwe are selling for $3.00

Youths' Russia Goat, Russia Calf and Vici Kid $ 1 and 1 . 2 5Boys' Russia Goat and Vici Kid.Men's Bicycle Shoes from

• $1.50 and.2.00$1.00 to 2 .00

Ladies, we have not forgot you, for we have thefinest Vici Kid Vesting Tops and Vici Kid Back Stay?

-in the county for the small sum of 2 . O OFor Misses and Children—largest assortment inTans to select from in the county. Compare ourprice and quality with others., foes—very l.itoststyles—newest shades of Russet and altogethervery fashionable shoes.

Yours for Shoes and Groceries,

J.The Old Reliable Shoe Seller.


'Jack and Jill"$750 FREE Accident Insurancefor one year given with each"Jack or Jill" Bicycle madeby Pope M'f'g Co.

Mrs. \Voi. ilowtill. Tliu bride suiil irroonl ; luis byun closed.will b w t i i house-Seopllll.' tho l«t |or !«rt ' Mis., A m , 0 M. .Miller iras elected uresl-of this week nt Ucd Bank. dent of the Senior clius of tliu Coiumor-

Remember tli_e_ Subbnth school fully on cifil Department ut the (J. L\ I.

Bicycle S32

Jack (Men's) Bicycle S30

Saturdnv next. Miiy aist. ot lJ p. m., to be fbo (slue mid Mnndoliit C u b o t t l i e C ) WtMinderstund that Miss Anderson ofaddressed by Ber. L. 1>. Stiiltz or " c»t- C. I. yuvo d concert nl Stanhope last Fri- • p a l C N o n will t a to chnree or otir publicville, X. J . Other ministers are expected day eveiiiuj;. ! school the contiiisr yeiir. Our formerto be present and a welcome is extended . M r s p n i . n i | n e \\\ Mitdit'll. formerly of • t t,. lCi l t,r, (;eorj:o iI . tfliker, will tukechiirse

on the Dtli. I or thu Flocktowu school. Mtty success goheld nt the j with you, Guorye.

land Ac-:ive FREE a Paid-uj:

Policy for S/?o.—good

for one yeur—wonderful opportunity—good for any kind of an accident.

We arc going to have

in our Grocery Department this srrinK. Suchuncommonly choice .-itul real good groceriesas nre yatliereil tiere are cnotitjlt to tMlIlt* n*when we. attempt to convey a lair Idea ciltliem to you tlirouiih the Paj'er.

The very DUST Country Butter,: Soever lli.

I'lie very BEST White Loaf Flour,Pot; lu-r <^r.

The very ISEST Ulcndcd ColTee,rroin ti!i't(ii!,-f.

The very ISEST Tea Gruwn,4lk'lu<l()ell>.

The very BEST Canned Corn, '••HE mid 1IK.

The very BEST Canned Tomatoes,' " . - lUu i i tK i l a c .

The very BUST Sugar-Cured Hams,Hll'lllul t||t,»M' ||l.

The very BEST Prunes,

The very UEST Kvjinorated l'eaches,

L. M. DAVIS.The "Blue Front,"

Opposite Cornish's Factor

B i v ^ S ' j S " / 3 rrlcc*1 "f work to cult cvt-r)'**-•• rfjW lll(1|y, r.^.u, i..\uiiiiii,:a.niiii

nOvk'eUlveii In"'1.Teeth Extracted,

25 Cents.

A Few Facts.In tho ninth century the shoeing of

bonses waa hegim, but, stmngo to say tonly In time of frost.

.... Kfnc Willlnm I inUroclucod horso-shociiiy In Kiitflflnd. .

Robert nomior- Hnya that ulioolneIior^t-a pliouid ha dorio with slciil.

THfiy will bo BO shod If taken toBell's Brond streotnhop, ^vhero PatrickConroy, a l'hllndolphia uxpert, \B now

l d

War vith Spainmid n

War on Prices.Call" in and learn m y low prices

and you'll be. convinced that you cansave money by buying your Jewelryfrom me.

A. DAVIDSON,Jeweler,

, .: 43 U. Washington AVC.

Fine Ropairino a Specialty,

If you are hurt so youfor total disability

ie iM'fV Co. who

5AH \oci\\ ttittillviifli>

T,..-tli cxinhti-ti i.«)vliuHzc'l ivlr or vii|itir, jOvviil

I Teeth rilled with Gold, $1 ami >'\>,• Teeth Filled with Silver, 75 Cts-A set of tcptli, $5-Best set of teeth. $8.

Our is ["•'[." ottei'ih nri-iht* &>m thntnrennidfn-i mutter how tiiueh y*>n I"'? for t 1I+»TII. rt'i,Lire I[iJotei-UiiLruout, imtHM«» wtniiit-* In Hie morn-1liigwui iiHVtttlittlrtiiftti iiin-ii'tlio «niii(. duj-Dy ;notUyliiK us tlT.'i' iliiya In ailviMim1. Ti'otli Hil^Jn« imlul,-'f"ly »s (loiiinl ^(t'tK't' will in-rmu. (ioltillll(iib'(i^|'»yiiilty. iwtlitl r-i-t». of tefth MitlBwith );oiil wlttKiut i,|ut.^ (.'itllivl brl^K-'-^'orh,Atlklmi(« oi »nilM,il tot'tli miiJe. AlU'OrlcteTolly wurmiittfrt.

Philadelphia Dental Rooms,212 Northampton St., Enston, Pa.<>mr<* nvn Kc.m 7 A. .n. t« H I\ M.

MHpiirf tin) Work InH a i r OutthiK, StinvInK,

.... ....executed at

Stark's Parlorwtlh;thnt «U.ni> fl-vwli'Tf- Von winHOOii illtluruiKV lu ouriiivor.

Ut-1'[ oin- i>(vliiltU'b If

"' lHl ' tUlb*' A.'l.t«TAKK,ltnu«'t.

R. E. JAMES. President.OKN B*CON. Tfcasufcr,

I'llJV ltlt*T,»rt t.ll Tilll"' lltltl llttvillRrt l»l>["'!-llf ftII,.- rut" i.f a i..T wiit. l.iiiiu-* .M*iin?y, ColU't'ttI^i .v . M » u l luvt-Mim-iiw. Kxit.iit.-if Trii;tiiuu"**,** KxVcVt t nrt T r i£ t»

i' |iii.i>riiL'f Surely Cor,r f t l t

ESTABLISHED 1804. ! Cnr. CnnlrP Sfi"arfi &. S. 3d St.. Easton. Pa

was solemnized nt the home of the br ideV elocution w a s heW Friday evening (iiul j purchitstd two Jai-se)' cows to take on hispirentSt Mr. and Mrs. peter Chandler of- the following younj; l:\dies were the sue-i milk route—one on eitch sldImln.vdiile. last Snturcby morning nt U ' eoisftil coiiteptntiitu: Mimes Kird, Smith nev. Boromus, Sp returned liomo Wed-o'clock. The offlclatfng elorRymnn wns ; ami Fmlick. The Jutlses were Revs Me-, nesdny attor spending u week with iiU sonRev. Dr. Umberger of the Mu>*:ou«k*u!ij; ! Commck, linriles mid Lippuicott. The U ^ e J

Vallej Presbyterian church. .The Doctor, j «im!JoIat.contgt will be helt^on Monday | >Iisi. Minnie M. Ilann Is kept quite busv:'*' . . . ,„ --!M. :._ n... .-_-„..„!„ I giving muste lessons. .Soo is an excellent

played upon the organ by Hiss Edna Weistetit an intimate friend of the bride, thebridal party entered the parlor. The

Watson Mc^eai

uredsilk „ „ _ , ..trim mines, and carried white lilac:bridesmaid, Miss Eelle Opdyke, cot. _. .the bride, wore light cloth with, green vel-vet and Uce trimmings, carrying white li-lacs. The beat man was Mr. Eli Castner ofCliangewater. After the congratulations,the company partook of a very nice din-

'd Tills.V>'e offer-One - Hundred Dollarswore a"preu>* gown-bf durk liiutt-Cjj- [ V>'e offer .One- Hundred Dollars Regard

iilk with creatn sjtin, luce and ribbon | f°r any case of Catarrh that cannot bo

present?- The numerous and handsomegifts, included solid silver, lamps, furni-ture, clocks, china, two sets of dishes, lin-en, water service niiii' wish. The latter in-eluded a 550 bill from the bride's father.Guests were present from Easton, Phila-delphia, plainfield, lltiavMle, Sergeants-ville, RiegBlsvillfc,imlaydale,;XfiW Hamp-ton, Changewater and other places. TheJmppv couple will cooimeuce hoiinekeep-inf jnerCbangewatersoon after their re-

The i cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.•, cousin of i F . J . C B E X E Y & CO., Props., Tolcdo,O.

1 i We the undersigned, have knp.wn F, J .Cheney for the last 15 years, and V*jlieveb-im perfectly honorable in busines trans-actions and financially able to carry outany obligations made by their tirm,\VKST & TRL'AS, Wholesale PriiR

sale Drugging, Toledo,

.. „ is taken internally;!actinij directly upon the blood nnd mucoussurfaces of the system. Price 75^ per bot-tle. Sold by all Drugsists. Testimonialsfree.

Hall's Family Pills are the best.

KLOO3IS13UUY. \*,-Our congratulations to theVditor.of the

ner, after which Mr. and Mrs. Rosa and % i . ~ - . „ .- _ .._-,..several of the guggts from New Hampton, < Toledo. 0. WALDIXG, • • K I N S A N•were driven to the"-station, takinfr the 1-05 MABVIN, Wholesale ~train for Fhiladelphin, amid a shower of Ohio.rice. The bride was highly favored With Hall's Catarrh Cure

mpp upinfjnear.Cbal l lpn"

will cooimeuce hoiinekeepewater.soon after their re-1

STAR.Petty was theB J. I and Mrs

Miss Cora Weller of Bayonne, who has Sunday.ift j s s i p f l v e r a l days at the residence M r

jiissLlwie Petty was the gAst f jand Mrs. \\ 'm. Bitneliart at Junction ovS d " '

. ,„.. _.. _ (lays at the residenceof her parents, -Mr- nnd .Mrs. Philip \Vellerof this place returned to •Bayonac on Tues-day.

Ilev. Dr. Uuiberger, Who has been con-fined to his home for several weeks bysickness, is now much improved and cx-

?ecW to occupy the pulpit of the A'alleyrcsbyterian church next Sunday as usual.

If, however, he is not able to be out he v'\\larrange to have his pulpit supplied. A

f iraise meeting is arranged for the reopenng of the chapel next Sunday evening, .

last Tuesday.

ys r T Ta .MuWns: rolati.es in.

F. Farley conducts a large mercantileless at Liberty lliilJ. t>a.

"Mrs, Henry Fos of Little York id visit-ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. E.Housol.

Amos •\VilHnnisnn, whojiafl boon on thesick list for the past two months, la nowout again.

George Rrunnerlosta valuable Alderneycow Friday night lust.. Chester Smith lost hia beat horse the


cemetery.Jns, J. VUlever is erecting^ wind wheel

tank tob' i

Pumps Water Into9«'«! «<id his

Vrhicli Pumps Water Into aKrc tank to9«'«! «<i.d his son, Jacob's rcsi-

niipprni.cii. Oh»itihori[ii[iJs,PainBiifnuis intended especially- Ibr those disonsesd ^ / a m o u s I o r ^ ^ c t i r e ^ For sale by. For sale by

.1. R. Albrightfi.TjrL ... - ..„ , . . „ _..

_K N; Jcnkins'Wj-.ishingtoiiiJunction."

this jilace on Sundayiicigliboring Posts hav

.^u—,Jt , algia; swellings, spi ,bruises, burns and Scfilils no other liniment Wm. t>ennis hns acenpted a position at— " '" "" '---'••'•• " - ' - ' »=• ' - • tho..PoniLg\Kjl_gprka'-_'11J-"_1J_

^ David Harrison" is"'ill" tho" \Ves>t biiyirijjfresh, cows. , . . . . . . ' . . . ' " " . -

"Sov. J. C";'Clyde, D. P.", will preach a'iiemorml sermon to the G. A. K. Post of' • • ' - - ', tin. 20th. Severalre been invited to be

MiasHunrietLaWolverton has tendered lJru!i.UIlt:her lesifination as teacher of our public Miss May Fnt ts of College Hill, Kaston,Bchool, to take ellect at the close of the bas u duss of pupils slit; j.s instructing in

•-tQrin,in ;June, ; BU« liny bc-o« engaged -to Hislruinsnta! music.teach the Broadway school next term, • " " ' '•

A report •• is current that ArchibaldAda .. "" ""

.Murph..^- - - - - .."near future becomGnian and win

Wlj^rover you go,yo» see "Old Glory"waving proudly in thfl breeze.

)i Josh Billings says: " Ho who by farmln1

• would got rich most dig, en plant, en ho,• en "Jcb.V-Work hard nil, day; sleep hard

eport '• is current that Archibalds ofKVashinpton and Mrs. Tcrretieohy /df near Tpwnsbiiry will in the

JUe bcconoinati and wife

Siive every'cont'and not geViU,1

_, J>1. Genryr riorflon,Mich., writes:-^"DeWitt 'a WJLcb Hazel Salve U curing

" 'les here to-day than all other rom-" V It cures oczoma nnd all I


George Hawk has built a new bay win-dow and put a fancy railing around hisporch which adds greatly to the appear-ance of bis new home-

J.' li.""Boss, who Was seriously hurt sometime ngo by his horse, is now-able to bearound.

Jlrs, L.C. Brown win occupy her nowhome about Juno 1s t .v 'AY'?'• .Ttilm Frosc. the oldest r4*P-£pt .of thisneighborhood, diodat his hofrfc nc7iron Sunday evening last. Mr. Frose v... ...his &uli year. The funeral sorvicps wereheld this (Thursdny^. mominff a t the M. E.held this ( Thu r s dy . mornichurcu, of wliieh he was a i .. Two

Mra. Mart in

K Store.

• —h,,.—.•"», MlasMury E.- .• iHBrrisjttw^f^iBj-.Tob.Ti-nf^this place: and Ij Ofncob or Junction survive him. '" '

Austin B l d i nfine young Jersey.

James thinks the recent frost .killedthe npple blossoms.

Miss Lizzie Frace isspendinprafewweokswith her sister, Mrs. A. T. Hann. • •

Miss Mulvina post has returned home t 0take n much needed rest, as the workproved too hard for her.

H- H- Hance of Stephensburg is gather-ing his crop of asparagus and is shipping itto market. He claims the crop will bringhim over three hundred dollars.

Morris Miller can cap them all on straw-berry {jatclnjs.~-Tlie'-gaS"froiu his hjpnlr.smith shop is said to have a good effect onthem.

We heard one of our weather prophetsmy that so much wet weatuW was on ac-count of the War, there being so muchsalt-petre in tho nir.

Mrs. Fred Ort will have the roof of herhouse raised, two feet so the occupantswill not have to stoop when they go tobed.


'Regularity is a matter of Importancein every worn tin's Sif*?.. Mnuh pain is,however, endurej in ihe belief that itis **iect!ssary and not filarminff, v.-lienin truth it is all vropj>,aml indicatesderangement that may cause serioustrouble.

Excessive monthly pain itscH willunsettle tlie nerves anil make womenold before their time.

Thei'^nndaUon of^yomnn's health isa perfectly normal and regular per-formance of nature's function. 'Ihcstatement vra print from Miss GER-TPUDiS SiKi-:?. of Kldred, I'a., is echoedIn every city, town and hamlet in thiscountry". Kcsid what she says;.

"DE.ut Miss. rt>*KiiAM:~Lfebl Hko auew pei'sjdn .since following^your nd-,vic»- ami tliinlc.it is my Only to Ids the-public lenovv tho good your remedieshare.done mp,; MvlrpjuiilesWt-'rcpaiu-ful inenJr.t-1'iiiitiou nnd leueovfhcoa. IWHS iiK.rvVi'iLs iiiul had spoils of buin.frconfused. Jteforc "sing your remediesI neyer linrt uny JriHh in palcnfc mctli-cine^ I no«-wish to say that I ncrer,hacl anything rid nic so much'prooil forpainful inenstriiation n$ Tjydia JO. Vink-hain'ji Vcgotahlo Compound; also wouldsay'that your Sanative-' Wn.sh has cm'edme ot leucoi'rhcea- I hope these fewwords in:iy liolp suffering1 women."

.'Jliho.present .,.JIrs.,IJiakham's .e.^peti-cnceintreaUiiff female ills is unpunii-vlcled, foi- years she Worked s'ule X>yBide with Jfrs. Lytlia E.1 rinUhtim, atidfor soiucUme past 'has hail solo chargeof Iho corresx3ori(leiicQ di^artment pi'•licr great'•ijiisiaess,"iren'tinff'l.'j' letterus many as a hundred thousand idlingwomenduring1 asinglQ'year.:'"c'*lV;;" . .-'-•"

All suffering1 women ai-G invited towrite freely toHrS'Pinlcham.atLynn,ilusd.vforudvico y,buui. their health.



/ Buy Grain- and.win nav tin-' highest cisli Lui os

' for \Vlu-;it. H\c ami' I.:-ir Corn.- I;orCf)n'.cnitiKeoi'p:Urons. I will LOAD ATANY I'OINT on tlio B., L * W.,Jt-'rsoy Central and l.oliiKh Valley rait-roaa^. J'rkes prevailing nt rresytit:

Wheat. Si.oS jier bushel,Kye -2: for 56 lbs. or 5=c for OJ'.lbs.liar Corn, ^ic :\vt.

There Were 95,000 rolls of carpets sold at auc-

tion last week. They were made by Alexander

Smith & Sons, We were fortunate to get some

of them at our own pr-ct and that means a low-

price to you.

Tniiestry Brussels will commence

nt the low price of 4?hc

•••: •• •• ••-~~::~:^^—.-.::--.:-.::.-:;--,,Extra-VclVctS,: •:.::-~f^H

Jngrnhi, 25c

Seven patterns of Hall and Stair Carpets to

match. Yours for everything to furnish your



SHURTS & RiCHEY.The Home Furnishers,

!Washington Planing Mills!Manufactures

I. - Allthn IntMt iksiras in Panel.Beading and Cabinet Work.

Sash, Doors,ltlindsand Mould-ing in stock and made to order.

Mill Work and Jobbing, Turn-ing and Band Sawing promptlydone.

A.Full Line of Lumber andBuilding Material ..way. on j Frank P. Smith._

, I Broailwav. N. J.. Feb."16, 1S9S. '

E . W . A l l e g e r k • ^ \ ^ ^ ^''Stei/ensqn's Daisy''

This is the name'of an extrafnit; cigir I'liave just added tomy stock. All that 1 mighttoil you of. its'quality wouldnot tie half as t'onvincinglas atrial. Next time you are go-ina p.ist drop in and buy a"Daisy" or two.

Jacob Stevenson.J . C. Wollcp's Old Stnnd,

Perfect Glassesonly are turned out from theOptical Department of Drake'sJewelry Store, \\'hii:h is well

,,i-qUi|]|Ved with the .latest1 ap-pliances for the testing of

.. vision,.,j-Tlie.latest.additionjn_...-the new location at N6V1VE.Washington Ave., is a perfectDarl; Room, in which ismeasured with the greatestdefiiee of,- accuracy- tlic.-mostdifficult cases of bad vision.

Years of sftidy and ex-p• perience; together with ca'feiup"

testing, makes mistuke im- *possible. ,. '• .:.

Eyes are very., important'•'organs and need ,the 'best afctentioii. When you need the •services of ct first-class Opti-cian go to

W. Drahe,the only,GRADUATE OPTICIAN In*•• the vicinity of..Was]iin£t,Q.ni;N,.j,.,.;;






:l« HAST L-llU NT.

new vniiK,




Blue S t o n e '•F l a g g i n g

for walks—the nicest and

cahhot'be"seen'""to"a' better giiHlie h.'mjsome siJeboarJs now displayedin our store. A sideboard is just as neces-sary in the Oiniiijj-rooni as the extension•table fro"}'which you cat.' [L*j>;t dinhig-roO'Hnccessiitj-', not a luxury. You canot afford to.be williotit a^sitleboard at our prices.

"They beliiti at i-iii'oO.

j OH N Hit DEB R A NT,


furnish Curbing and layFlagstone walks in themost workmanlike man-ner.

>'o\v WindsorHouse.

J.;Clark,•Washington, N. J:,

Sis SplenUtd T»Me8—Courtoous1'roatmoat—run Stock ot. Flue

. OlSfira and Tobacco.'".'."; .,,

MADE ME ALJAX T A B L E T S I'OBITIVKIJX COHEorr,imueiflncj%-Sl.jci>!efsue!'!'. eic>. CIIIIU'«1W Aluiao,or Otiiur U*CDHM)S mul IILIHR-crotlonH. - Thru <i»M;ht. mill- *M!*'•{)/rrnlaro Lo»t Viliilliy inolil ot yoi»i«; «niilittk mnnfoi-Ktii'ly, ImsiiiusHOi- nmrrCKn,

iS>|JrovHiil JiiHimitj- n».l (kinsuniiaimi if:iiiu'. TlnilriiHu tttinwH iinraodiiito (niiircvu

-flcoiH n clHtE wlmro nil oilmr niil In.IIIVIIIB t)10 Rotiulnu AjiiX Tiililot*. Thuv

I tlio in mi or- 1'rien OU I* ' Oipflr

""••AJAX'ReiWEDY CO., Hla 'S'"^tvlo In •\V«»liln'(!l6a7'N;.Mrl' i

" : that's tender and good,isworth eating. Try the

• kind we sell.

HANCE BROS.,No. 7 Bdvidere Ave.

h f t u ; llfJ°!'lu biivo ttio iinjTctiHlonI UW l » ' l t t h o '"•'fvlcotj o( a tctni- fj

. . | I W | l ^ f l t « n t r i i t u r v r i i t noclnl fttnc- 'tlonw lt4 noci1wtiurl ly cxrj(?UttS\'*'. 'Mtr or*'U'Drf uroslmi'ly m ox^oiislve 'is >'o» may tunftu ihujii. Itituiy im SfltroiUria pluto «!• It tn'iy bo flU. Vonduc'iOu tiiiii. \\'w Hurvti thu Iniiuli J'ou nroi'aro, orwo furnish tliu clilntL, lliH-ii, bilvonvuro lUHUtmcUand aorvo it- Tliwn UBiilu wo liire- you tlio elilnii,Hiivorwftfo ''iui llin-'ii witUout. ilio luncii orMurvlw.. \\'o' no niiy djatuinjo or furnlsli tinyHorvlno you rudHlrc. lhoro aru^litiltntorD.but'»o auiiei'lora. Write for turniM.


Oaico nod roalJoiicf onWiirroii aireet, n«nr

. —ltpwlljy'B ruotory. 'ilenilnuft tiers at Cur tor'»

Drug Store.

;h"iv»g '""rr

T r \

ul Ueul l^fltmo Agent , ,,

N, N. J.

Everett's Family MedicinesCiiroliiiliRpHtloiii "iJoiistiiiiitloii. Siuk.UoKd--^

Helm, >Tinim]|»lft, Uniarrh of jjtoniRclit Loan ofA|i)if)tlt<s DublHty, l.H-or ConUiliiint, SnllotfUunniicMoii,' I'liloiieutt, I-o^ of StrcnsHii ""Norvo»Hu,.Ha mul nil iiomlltloiis duo lo Imiiovor-IBIIOII stiiio of tlio Jjlood.

IM«p:.!2Sc an<l GOq per box ,JFop fln]'o'i)j; I'. N." -ToriKlu3. UniKKlat,"W(iHl)lrig--

:nn, N. •'.: or aoilt iiy mnll on tocolpt of i>vlco, bySVKUET4? MBD10JNK CO., N, V.^cltJ. 8-7.i3t

DeWitt's Little Early RTlio funous little pill*.

Page 7: Hint · 2015-12-03 · WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (


UNSELFISH WAB.Pr. So Oalla the

Atoorlcan conflict.

•Th« Mlsh* I> on tlKlujr In'plmt l

".. T : .boi One Outc

boon waged, Tim gospel of kin<lncAsnoodpd to bo recognized throughoutChristendom in order to maUe such awar possible. Tho chief reason whymost of tho European nations arc notnow banded together against us is be*

th d t U th t ftheyb h

nott i b

tho part ofh S i h

* of tii» itljjiicr, Ciiu UuvaH'uftcii to,- .: '

Rev. Dr. Tnlmngo in his lntcstEcr-(Oon givca cheer to the people who aretiinldanfld by tlio horrors of war. Text:I'flalms 27: 3; "Thouyh war shouldrise agniust me, in thltt vrill 1 be confi-dent." •••_- ;• •; • • • • •

Xlio ring- of hattlonxpfl nnd the rlnsh..„;., .. °i. shields ond tho tramp of rtrinies.urc

heard all up and down the Old Testa-mont; and you ttnd ffndly Koldlurs likuMoitcs 9nd .loshiia and Caleb iitnl 0|d-eon nnd scoundrelly soldiers lilte Son-pachcrlb and islmliiiiLnuser uml N'ebuc-

ut thc head of the army nnd say: *'Huur,•0 yc. Israel, yo approach this d»y u nto

-, .,;bnttlenf,ruiiist your on cinlon, let nut yourhearts faint, ictir not, and do not trem-blc, neither ho ye terrified because ofthem!" And then tho 'oftloers wouldffivo comniiutd to tlio truops, Rtiyitifj:"What mm) is there Unit hnlh hnilt n

7; now house nml huth not dediente'Ut?I-et him (jo titid return to hi.-* house,lest ho diu in the buttle and ntiothcrman dudiciitu iu And what mini is hothat htitli planted a vineyard nnd hathnot eaten of it'.' let him iiku j*ii iui<l ro-

: turn itnti) Ills licuso, lest he ilio ;inthe battle mid iinntiter man cut of it.And what Hum Is there that hathbetrothed a wife lind hnth nottnlten hur'l let him go and returnunto his lirniso, lest IIQ die in thebattlo nnd another man talte her."

•CJreflt armies marched nnd fought. Intime of Mosi>s and Joshua nil the men

1 Were soldiers, When Israel came outof Kjjypt thc«y were 0flO,«00 njjhtiiiymen. Ahijiih emniniU'ded -|OU,ooi). Je-roboam eoinmfuided SoO.OoU men* ofwhom 500,000 were slain iu one battle.

•Some of tlicse wtirs (jod approved, forthey were for thu reseue of oppressednations, nnd suino of them He de-uouneed, but in »U cftses it was a judg-ment upon, both vi<.'torsnndvun<iuifdied.Pavld UHQW just wh»t war Was whenho wrote in tin; text: "Though wurshould rUi* itffiiititit me, in thla w i l l !

David ia cncoiirnfrinff himself instormy times, ami before approachingbattles administers to himself the eon-solutory- Ho today my theme is tho"Allcvlntloii.s of War." Wur is organ*<izt-d ntr«ii.*lty. It \~. ibe science of ussus-sinntion. It is the convocation of allhormrrt. H is lmti>b«t-y wliohv^ih*. I tis mnrderisit frlnrilled. It is iledlh on athrone of human skeletons. It is tho

at n pnnio of skulls. Hut war. is here,and it is now timo to preneh on itaalleyiiitIons. t ........ ,...,... ...":...;'

first. I tiinl'an alleviation in tlie factthat it has Consolidated the north andthe south after lmi£-contitiiiodbtruUictlrelations. It is thirty-three years stncuour civil wi'r «lo*i«il anil the violencesaro all pone and tho severities havebetiii hushed, ljnt evor and anuii, inoration, in. sermon, in newspaper etli-

"• tort a 1, in magazine article, on politicalstnmi", mid in •tioi»({i«siaiwiin.l'- hull,

its head, and for *]ie first timo jwithin my meu'ory, or the mem-ory of any one who hears orroads these1 words, the north and

"•'••••-"-'"'"tiiu•'•houUi"-"lire-one, iiy a marvelousprovince the family that led In opposi-tion to our government 3D years aRo ia

~ ""•'.'. represented at the front in this "presentwar« *»othinjf else could have dojietho Worlt of liniiieatiou so fiuddeiily orso completely »s this con diet'. AtTampa-, ut Chattanooga, nt Uiehinond,and in mimy other places' tho regi-ment* aro forming, and it will be S'KIQby side, Massachusetts and Alabama.

, ,>*evv York an'l (.JoofR-ia, lUinoiH andLouisiana, Maine and South Carolina.Northern nnd southern men.-will, to-gether uiiHmber the puns and rushupon the fortification and charge uponthoenemyaudslioutthetriiiniPv.il. The,voices of niilitiiry oilieers who wore un-der Sidney .lohn.son nnd'Joseph Hooker

•win y-ive "tin; command on the same• side. The old si'uti-mitit-^mtiltfu:* for-ever dead. The name of IJrant on the

: northern'side and of r.eu on the south-ern siiie tviH b» exchanged for thunames of (irji'U and Luu un thu same

,-.-;:... side.. The veterans in HOI'IIRM-H.and• •• • Buuthern .humes - a'Hi nsyliuns are

stretchinf,' their i-heUinatiu Minbs _t«soo whether tlioy euii ajjuin. keep

'••• step in a niiirch, and are testing.. . their cyesifrht lo find whether,,tlicy can

apnin looit aloiiff the f;\in bnrrel u> -sue-.•v cessftilly t.iilcc.iiiinimdiirt-'. The old. witr

cry of "On to Richmond!'1 and '-tin toWa-sliinyton!" hufi buuume the war cryof "On to Havana!1'- "On t<> i'urtn

'. • Riuo!",. "On tuthol-'hUippiMulslaiuls:"'5

The two old rusty swoyils tliat iu otherdavs clashed at Jlurfree-sboro andSouth Mouatniii nnd Atlanta are nowlifted to 'strike down Uispaniu aboini-

:;/;~ Another alleviiititm of the win* is thefact that it is tlio most unselfish war ofthe ujrea. Wliilu thy cutnmuruiul rijfhU

'..:.- • -of ovr wroiifjed citizens wilt lie vhidi-;'-;;i "; "eated, fclmt is nut the eriief itleii-of>ll»e

war. H is tiKs ]-e.SeiHi of Inindi-ods of

""nnd multiform maltreiitnujnt. A fviemlwho went, out under the il»(i o£ tlielied Cross two years jigo to us-snaye suffering in Armenia, utul

0 who has , been on the_ same tniK-•:^:'":Vsi6n7"'tiridSr; tli(r"(irimGriluff."MirCfibirr

, says that the aulVei-inps-iVi Armeninwere ii uotaedy u'ld a fareo comparedwith the greater stitYeriiijfs of C'ubn,

- At leusl. 200,000 graven ui'e calling1 to usto eumo on and remeiuuei1 by whatprocess iliuiv oecupmUs dietl, It is!the

i--;;r-•t\vent;l»Jth,''-"ccntury.-ci-ytnp.oiit: to::,theniijtitecntl'i!.. '*I)o you menu to pusisdown to us the eurso with whieh youhave been bhtste'dV ,Or will you let me

I uegiu underiiii\v auspices and turn theJ , . ^ . ^ island, of-desolation Jn\o an isliiuil

It is n, war inspired by mercy, whichis nn attrihutc iu man imitative of the

•.-.•••••• same attributo of'God. In no other•-•, s-go of the world could such a war have

u ey d o no t&Uo h p a tthat bfihpmoth of cruelty, tho Spanishffovemment, apoinst t«m erusaclo ofmercy which our niUon hn«t started.Hatl It hec" oii our part «i war of ;coc-quc-it, n war of annoxntlon, n war ot

dl ld hn z n c , there- wouldby this tltno tsjiotxgh flying"

i hi t

ha?oy g y g j

ron« coming to this country across thoAtlantic to throw into panic every cityon our American seaboard.

Tho wars of the Cruwiders were onlyto regain an empty sopulehcr; the Xn-poleunic wars, with their 0,000,000sljuightored men, wcro projected andcari'IuiluuL tuapjiua.su thu ambition ofone iminj of the S.oOO.OOOfilair, In Jew-ish wuf.s; niul of the 00,000,000 slain inwars under Julius Ca»sar; of tho 1S0.-OOo.OOo Klnin in want with Turks and aa-raecns;oftheSO,oOO,000 slainin wnr.i ofX h l t hof Justinian; and the 3u.0oo.0o0 Main inthe wnrs of Cfiinfrhis Khttn, ^ not oneman "wits 'sacrificed by merey; but Inthis HUpanic-Ameriean war everydrummer hoy, or picket, or gunner, orstandard bearer, or skirmisher, orsharpshooter, or cavalryman, or artil-leryman, or cnginecr,who falls,1 fallsin the cause of mercy* nnd becomes amartyr fur God nnd his country.

Another allevution of this war is thatit is for the advancement of the sublimeprinciple of liberty, which will yet en-girdle the earth. Not only will thiswar fruu Cuba, hut finally will freeSpnin. Uy what right docs a dynastylilcc that stand, and » corrupt court

of Spainl d th

pronounced In tone*h h d h i h t b t

pn polouder1 than the thunder which tb»tnight rolled out over tho aea.

Another alleviation la thu /act thntve havo a God to go to in bohalf ot allthose ot our countrymen who Uioy boin especial exposure at tho front, farwe must udmit tho perils. It In not &trilling thinjr for IOU.000 young uiaa tobo put outsidu of homo rcfltrnints ofldfiometiuics into evil companionship.Many of tho brave of the earth arenot the good, o f ' t he earth. To boiu tho sumo tent with those- whohave no regard for God or hornet tohear their holy religion sometimesslurred nt; to ho placed under in-fluences calculated to make one reck-less; to have, no Stilibuth, e-vcept such•^ahbath tin In most encampmentsamount* to no Subbath at nil; to go outfrom h"mes where all sanitary laws urnobserved into surroundings wiiere ques-tions of health arc never discussed; toInvade climes where pestilence holdspossession; to mako long marches un-der bllhterinff skies; toatund on dedcnnd In the fieidn under fire, at thomercy of shot nnd shell—wo must ad-mit that those thus exposed need etipe-clul eut-u, and Lu (.be Onmipresent Goi\we have n right to commend thom, andwill eoTumenil them. I'ostol communi-cation nmy bu interrupted, and lottorasturtud from camps or homes may notarrive at tho right destination, buthowever far mvjiy o»r" loved ones maybe from us, and however wide and deepthe seas that separate us, .wo may holdcommunication, with them via thothrone of (Jod.

It is a mystery thnt just us this coun-try Was recovering from a lonff seasonof hard times,so immy ofourindustricsshould now be halted; that business

hpniii Krowinff up with more capacity til tho perfidious oppressor of Cubato govern that natio,, than will tho flhflIl b 0 * u r n C ( l b l u , 1 : / l l u t individualweiilc hoy now in tho Madrid palaco | ftn(1 n H t i o I l n l H f l l i a a U v a y s dothodever possess. Uefore , this conilict is w i t h i n y h t e P l l M l »nd we may mnlce our-over, the hpnnwh nation will lie well selves misuroMo h v stabbing ourselveson toward the timo when a constttu- w i t h b i M i r p i , l t e P ^ u t i o i i pulnts. andtmtinl convention will asscmMc to cs- p l h l | 1 0 evorUsttnff q«e«Uona o(tablislt a frco government instead of -• -the Worn-out dynasty thnt now alHictsthe people. The liberty of all nations,trnns-AtlntHic a* well as ci«-Atlantic,if not already established, is on thoyway and it cannot bo s

"How?"* and "What" nud"When?'1 While wo must, of couroo,try to 1>Q intelligent on all public af-fairs, it js n glorious thing- to do ourduty, and th**n fully and confidentlytrust nil in the hands of God, who has

Another alleviation is tht^uct that in .proved Himself the friend of our coun-thls war the miyht Is on the side of tho j~ tl.y from the tiiny when tho SpnnisUrig-ht. Again und again have liberty • "and justice aiulsufforinfi1 humanity hadtho odds ug-ainst them. It was sowhenHunlindads' Syrian hosts, who were inthe wronff, nt Aphek camo upon thoff p p n tsmall regiments "f Israel, who were inthe right, the Bible putting it in one ofthrive ffrnphic hentt'iio*?!* for which tholitmk is remarkable—''The children ofIsrael pitched before them like two lit-Liu flC.cIvi.uf 'B!J», but Lli«iayi-Iuua

ifilli!.lthe whole country." It wasso in ' .heawful defeat of tho Lord's people atCnlboa and..Megiddo.,., I t Was. so, re-cently when pal la nt and glorious Greccovns in eontlict with Clipantic l h

Rovernment fitted out an expeditionto discover it, to this time, when Spau-

rds would like to destroy it.>'ow that we have- started .on the

let *U;i inuke that Spanish gov-

medani-sin. and tho of Europehoveriiif* about the liosphorus werepractical prutcction of the Turkishffovernment, fresh from the slaughterof lOo.OOy Anneuiiiuii.' I t wastfu when,in 1TTO, the \:i cnlonies,. with no warshipping ami a few undrillcd and poor-ly chui sy'uiiers,1- were brought into acontest with the miphtioit nn^y of allthe the earth and an army that com-biaiideil the iidininiiioh of hatiun.s. r l t .was so when l'o!:uid was crushed Itwas so when Hungary >y.fip.t unUcr. I thas "been so durinfr all tiio strugglesheretofore for Cuban independence.llut now it is our powerful navyagainst ;i feeble1 proup 'of incom-petent ships, crawling across tho At-lantic to moct our flotillas, which haveenough pmis to send theni as com-pletely Under sis when the Red sea sub-merged l'haroah's army. It is so in

PfikfSCT FQOn-ag WUolesoato a* It I.H Delicious." ,


BREAKFAST COCOA" Hiis *tooa the list of nior- than i<>3 )'?ar3* use amon^ *11

cUJsomnd for purity nnd hon«t worth i» unequalled."' —Jtniieiilai't Xurjictit Jjuf

Costs loss tlian ONE CENT a Cup.Trado-IVIark on Every Package


Come <•and

;..• SecOur


DISPLAY• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

We have the largest and the best assortment inmillinery ever shown in Northern New Jersey, andat prices lower than the lowest. Large stock of

Mull and Swiss Capsfor the little folks. Have a little beauty at 35c,worth 49c.

SPECIALS. •• ' We'll sell this week one hundred Colored Cam-bric Laundered Shirts at 25c each; worth 49c. Callquick if you want one.

these times, when only a few thousandSpaniards at most can reach our hem-isphere and we go out to meet themwith 12S.0OO armed men. to"bc backedup speedily with "JOO.000 more if needed.We do not have to ask for any miracle,but only a fair shot at the ships headedthis way, and time enough to demolishthem. This is one of the cases in theworld's history where might and rightare shoulder to shoulder.

Another alleviation is in the fnet.that stieh nn . atrocity as the destruc-tion of 2C0 lives in Havana" harbor intime of peace cannot with, iitip.uiiity bewi-oujrht in this nyc of the world's civi-lization. The question as to who didthifi'.infernaHsni is too well settled toneed any further discussion. Hut whata small crime it was, eompnred withthe .-systematic putting into theirgraves of .hundreds ot thousands

Tnr" t-im. I'Hiwinls to t»k«If Sjniin could destroy 200.000mew and uhildren, the slanghtev ot'JiKi people WHS not a very 'fert-cat undcr-taUin^". I»iit this one hist deed willt'esiiiL in tlio,\lilH>rfilion of Cuba, andthe driving-of'Spain from this hemis-phere and the overthrow of that gov-ernment, which will soon drop topieces "if: it~ does-, not pu-iluv\ nniulerbombarilment of insulted nations-

There was danger that the lnntr-pon-'tinued oppression n$ our neighbors in

tioii lo generation' without suTHeicntpretest oil our part,and thcproiuiuneeil'Cixceration of people on ;.both -sides o[tin; Atlantii'. but that bursting volcanoof destruction in Uic harbor of Ha-vana fiiy.d the nation and shocked thewhole civilized world. All nations will

pented without the anathema, ot allChristendom, M individual criminalsmust be punished for thu public jjoodi

; antV\ve"hnve"'ior"'them courts of oyepTiiul' .tcmiinci'i mul penitentiaries, andelectric chairs, uiulhaiiffman'sg-iiHows,so -\ governments committing' hiffhcrimes ngniiist Oml and htiniiiuiiy int'^tbe scourjyetl and1 hung up for theworld'sintlignatitin. When in Spanishwaters, our battleship, looking afterour commercial interests and intend-in to demolition and the men on board,without Mnie to utter one word ofprayer, were dashed into the eternalworld, the doom of tho rcisuing houso

ecu ment get out of this hemisphere.We do not want her any more with herhi justices .Uinl liurbiiriain, Uud stillut-tos of cruelty hanging around theshores of this frco land. She must notbreathe her foul breath on our wiutia;she must not again redden our BC&Bwith her butcheries. There bids fairto be a scouc on the deep an disastrousto the Spanish as that which Whelmedtheiv "Armada" in 1583. Philip thoSecond, Itin^ of Spain, resolved on theconquest of Europe, und already in thocompass o:*"were Naples and Sicily, and the Xcthcr-landg, and the East Indies, and thoCanary and Molui'na niul Su ... .l'hillipine islands, • and Mexico and (Cuba and some of the most splendid |parts of Aiu^riu-a. ;AU tho : nations oft>i** oiirth, ex'-'opt En^laiiil, were to her,uiitlerlin^s, and tiie- Spanish 'king re-solved that even Hnglani must bowthe knee. -Although tho clestrueti^ostrength of inodern htitUcships waathen unknown, the Spanish Armadastn'"ti;ri for tlm siibjenilrin of Knglaiulwith about HO great ships, with 2,000guns, 4,000 cavalry horses and 33,00o jmen. The battleships were provisionedwith 147,000 casks of whie and sixmonths nf provisions. The com-manders and oilieers of these warVessels were dulccs aud niarquiseaand noblemen. At Plymouth, Eng-land,. on tho 10th of July theprominent oflicers of tho navy werein a bowling1 alley, bowling with greatglee—Lord ilowm-d, the high admiral, jSir Mui-tin Frohisher, the dnring-^ex-plorer, and Sir Francis Drake, tho firstcirciminsivijyatoi* of the world—-whctiword came to them that i.ho ijpaniah.Armada, "'as H/lvunctug*. Tho olUecrscontinued at the f aiuu of the bow ling-alley.until the.pame.was.finished, undthen (Vent out to ihveatlgato the tid.-intfs, and stuici enough that mightyMeet which wus considered invincible,and which way 'to bombard ntul over-throw iCuKland,-was'iipproaching1, butthe iiivadiUfi navy was dcstro.vud, forthe f-ord Ahuiffhty appeanul iu theliglit. •--•-

A .storm sueli sis had never swept thoconst of Kii^land or aroused the'oceiin,

oflj swooped upon thu ypanish Armada.Most of the ships soon went down un-der the sea, whjlu ol-liers wore drivenhelplessly along- to be spliiitercil ou

SHOES. SHOES.Just opened up a very fine line of spring shoes in

Trin nnd fllackj.also Oxford Ties. nt-j?r.oo. Theylead the town. .. i

DRESS GOODS DEPThas a very nice line of bright, new things for spring-;also a very large, line of White Goods in Checks.Nanisooks, India and Victoria Linens, Organdies.Ginghams, Calicoes and Percales at 4c yard.

: HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR DEPMMENTis full of new things. Come and see us and save

3 East Washington Avenue and 12 Broad Street,

Washington, N. J.

Handsome,Isn't It?

Ani the workmanship is in becomingharmony. Lilte the product of a tailoror dressmaker, the real ana lasting ef-fect is how the work is done. Beauti-ful plans do not guarantee a beautifulhouse. The manner in which the

•-••plans arc-folloiyed counts.for muchOur superiority as builder;; lies in the"know how" and the "manner of do-

Tiic warm11' an<Mnsting quality of astructure J ^ , J = 0 ) n e o » J workman-snip to say nothing of thehess of hotchy carpenteringnry. Whnd verys d f

snip to s y n t h g imsisullhess of hotchy carpentering and mas-onry. While we are careful l

t i l bout

p y gthe coasts of Iviigliind, Ireland, Scot-lam! mul ^'orway, Anothur SpanishArmada, is crossing the* Atlantic, audwe are vcaOv to meet them. ,i The s>amo

g and masonry. While we are careful buildersand very particular about materialsused, oitf L'^'hnatos .ire upon aboutthe.^nic level with, others. Ux-imin*-1

our work and consult .with us beforebuilding.

Jas. P. De Remer & Sons.

ft is a Matter of Importance

ff and Lliiv- Vet n-hfit th

•i-terl ., ,,

-rid most wmits is Reliable Hand-•• in>ni'o> safety ^iiitil ihey l»o-

.Christy ^ I j 0 jjy "JJI""1/? y,,^1!^ ^ v f [wfo Harness rXiy°thatVi!u hear.of h-ln?-tion.s; hut the world blocks the wheels i njjlufng Q" siuli harness is our specialty. We -••ot'. His.chariot, t ..would liUii.to, seo ! liji\'t> nviiinen eiupIovcJ coiistanttv attliat r.iul— ^ .-this--ceiiturv,-v.-Vl;cir"i.s" IUHV ulinosf J geiieritl "repatrin'K. 1"Tli'e"~g00a*liind js'by far the' ( - \wound up, ilna its puromiUm lu soiuo [cl»*«:!" the.VonE riinbcsljcsitsotliervirtues. X f \Hii !ity...c'V.yrthrOM--..of-,;ti"Ta!niiea. and imighty building- up of Hbui-ty(iipd justicti. Almost all the cen'turie;

Purchase Direct at Factory Cost from the Onlyi OraUe

g yg Firm of Actual jyianu?aclurcM of Hlgl^ fToiios anJ Organs who sellljlrect to the tlenerajjjl'ublic Bxcluslvely. All Proiita eayed to thej tUll,PSc^^siWSttEiSarPissiriS;:! A BEMMKABLE PROPOSITION.^;,.,S r^ijilan rtn>|f at }*rlfi'"n>\t i»r'''»,"'*tut•«!.!«I eftlti rJialilWt*

> tta Ci* M"* tirkn if j imu/ * (.UlOlbll .'!*••".

l i« |h<> irt7 cl<"«11.1. |rt<n.rnrMtnn.

GLOBE STOEE.Now is the time to get the best and get it at moder-

ate prices from our


Dress Goods, Silks, Jackets,Tailor-Made Suits, Separate SkirtsWrappers, Kid Gloves, Hosiery,Ribbons, Laces,:x Shirt Waists,Parasols, Belts, Veilings andNotions.

Our stoiik .5-right up to date in styles and it is our •special pi'ide to be at all times fully stocked with thelatest and the best.

Allen Carpenter,.229.Northampton St.. .EASTON, PA.

Johns' Asbestos Paintshave been handled by uswtih unqualified success forseveral years., After trying the inferior, sorts peopleare finding out that none"compare with the "Old

.Reliable." Call and see our shade card and let ustell you all about the Johns Paint.

Bear in" mind* also that we have the different kindsof Oils^ryers , etc. They are the grades that donot.jcrmit of complaint. , '

It may be just because they are ours, but we reallythink that the most beautiful line of Wall Paper is

.here.,_We_simply ask you to judge for.ypurself..




J. K. COOKE,Washington, N. J.



with tsoints stupendous

tpred tho,mui) of the'rworW.It was -so at the close cS thu fourteenthoeul\iry; it wus so tit the close of tho

of tho •sixteenth century; it wiis So (itthe close of tlie seventeenth century; i twas so at the close of the eighteenthcentury. May it be more gloriously so

'"iiluBsed^bo' tliti" Lord "dod at Israel]frtun evijritistiny to everlasting:, and let |tlie whole earth be iilled' with Ma Ifflory," AinCJj, and uuicu.

WASHINGTON HARNESS STORE.i f - ' t r a r - s a i T n v J I n u n B S r r 1 ^ - - ••=—•====--ATR;-.<5BO3?F-\& iBIl0.T-rrop'ra.-=^==.-.=;--.-

FULOE-.. DIRT . M-AY.,,15E... A HOUSE,



t^nnilnAli'"'iol.., ...Sl.r.n l ino; nml ltr.>, ..S'i.r.n sn'rm Kins." fI start Rr"....$n.oOjty'o VVIHJKUV.'NO!1!)'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'- LTJ..J!o:!-il|ti"|.t;ii!'.J{(i.'.i""^^.11.'...1,'J'IIJ . stnriii Kin/ ••* Tartars1 Hv(" ti!o'J-.

s8tabii«io4ovor33yoBM. Tboywvo I I n i l i A a i « « % ^I Ft H v V v BUccossfiiHy Btooil tho tost of timo and. M Q B V Ft I W A )

, siuppuaoq lGdt.-yBteat trUuu your own Homo Umlor our reliai'lo B«ai»'Hce ol ju '1 ' r j .^aalinracLioiW noimy. Organsttom ®Z5. Hpwarda. Pianos fr"'tt $*w> vpyttrto, ntltorli IV rut C»talof;«o Buy direct MjilBavomnacy. U. W. AT.LKGKU.' WP»liinRto», Now JoraoyA

One Minute Cough Cure, cures. DeWitt's Witch Hazel SalveThai la what It Wa5 mode lor. ' Curea Piles, Scalds, Bums,

Page 8: Hint · 2015-12-03 · WHAT YOU PAY x$$\ wli«i you Kit," In fiiivcttyliifj; Tlio ' clienp iiiviUiiiii IN nearly nl»'nvx tiiucli , iiiorccxiicjiNtvti Ibiiti ilm lil^h-i'rlcetl (



'Organizat ion <>r t he >>\v Hoiirct—ACunlest for tlie Plr»'ciorslili»—

> . The BiitlKft.The old Warren County Board of

Chosen Freeholders mctnt tlio CourtHouse (n BplvUlero Tucsdiiy of lustveefc>nnd closed up, tlio year's busi-ness. As tho appropriations were ex-hausted, tUoy leased no bills bf forend1

journment. On tlio day following, thenow Board met and after being swornIn.got down to business. George P.Colo of Greenwich and A. \V. Cutler ofHactattatown were nominated for thoDirectorship. The first voto wus n tiebnt tho second stood 13 *oof Cutler. Ho wits therefore doctoredelected. The following were i\Uo elec-ted:

Clerk, M. S. Ffi:wt Of Bt'lvfdore; s.ilnry,

.!".. Attorney, U.S. J*arrN of IlelvfiVrei w»l-ory.^luu.

Jail 1'li.valciiin, Dr. I1. K. Swflrwwcllcr ofBelviiU-rt'; wiliirv. fW. ,

County House IMiyNk-ian. Dr. }?, W. H:tg*crtv of Vitiiini: Kilary. ilSO.

S'lci'sr.t. CJeorfie 15. \?olv, of rftcwiUtsvilU1:G- a. C Totviwtml, or AHutnuctiy, utiriJnmcs L). Vnnn.ittii. of Haiiunburi;, WerecK'cted Alt»H llon.-e I Jit? dors. They re-ceive ?2 j'vr *U'y .»iiii irJ'i..iKv,

Tho Sheriff w w allowed 30 oentx aday for the board of prisoners. Thoqnar tcr ly JiH'etii:«rs of iht> Hoard willbo helil ou the «tvuiul WVilm'sdity ofAUjruat, November aiul Tt>brti;U',v. Tin*annua l rtutemeiit wjw ordered printedin the same vapors UP last year with thoaddition of tlie I'iiillip^biirc: I \* t .Twenty-five dollars v?a* appropriatedfor tho mowing of the Ooimty par!*.The repair* to the steam heating J'laniof tho Cuiirt Hutiso Wire coitsidervdand rviVrrod to the tfuildtug CmmuM-tee who will report at t!u> August nuvt-ing of tin* Board. A coutin^ont ;ip-prypriation of >"i'jO u'iis mi'uK* for thutpuri'n^f. Tlif ilim.'i'»r- "I" tlit* CtdtnfyAlms IIoii?o were ordered lo biiiul adead hois*e for the reception of d*>cP-nscd priuj>yr.a prior to i tit'"'men t. Ainai"b]« slub v/ns nl^o t'-rcK'tvtl placed onthe pauper s r iuva Us tho Ahr>JI«M^(.-ground!).

M Curliiii't, 1/iirt*, W'i


The Comidy rri*cuUHl liy l.onil Tul-Ciit Iri'ori's il Di'i'ldvi! Hit—ISl*tH'*y

• Nott'-i on tin* ClmriifU'r^. 'Tlio foHr-net comedy, "Mo 'un OU»," wiu*

plnycd hi tlio l*rc-sbyturiuii clu'licl lustTliursdny evuithig before flu n\nJ!uticcwliitfb UUcil tiiu clmptl to ovvrilowlni;.Tliy plu.v vtn» presented by liomu

it too. l'erlmps UclvU'oro Will sco t tOi «.iy dUl you sco, on Ylucunt'j* desk tho

Union Jack of Old lUncUnd ? Let tlbeu^lu scrcft'ii!

h l lHomebody

iwut tiiu tall of tliu HIJI'IU DritUU lion,pl|>118(>, WllOOPOC I Wl|0Op(*C!

I'lotts' orchc-ttrn can dish out music nil

'L'tlrtcsdiiy ol'lrtst week t l io employ*ho mines Wcro luM otr for an iu-

c iit-riotl, tlio ilru imUcr tliu I i kt t n ^ u i l i u l m d t l o u i m.„. „ ami tlie puin|>H hoisted

to the mirfrtc*.1. Tlio Uutv liollcr tins noty a arrived though wo nro Informed thatit Jrns licuii shipped niouc with two earn ofcojd. It Is i)u!»lblu lluit UioiMilptuiMit may

]).i\Iti H u n t o f lEiicki-'ttstown rciiuwedld iwqiiiiiiitnnuc:-* in luWn un Monday,

l With hbt brotl ior U lwr iw

fitts'B^K K Ynill* TntflilP'PlirP " o t y o l l r creJll'Ity •''«' «'« appeal to. Wanttocon-

l j AUW1 V U l W H S l ' U ^ vmce your .cold reason concerning the statementsmade from time to time in our store announcements. A "pic crust" "promise' mijjlit temptyou but a diilurt: on our part to "deliver thu goods" as promised miyht lose us your valuablepatronage; hence we're careful about making -merchandise statements that the merchandiseitself cannot substantiate Want to be known e e h h t h k f h 'itself cannot stibstnntiatu. Want to be known everywhere as honest shop keepers, for that':the only kind of shop keeping that wins ami retains public confidence.

•riiijri;oltat|..n,"Uily>I«u<lM''>l1'-"l'.v:otl"!r rap'un-'il S|K>Hi«h territory, wo! Thi-rarpcnti'r work on nnr nicn.-lianfj ! " ' • \ ~ P " u «>" ' .* a . . . .Mw. Drake won mutinied pr.itc noil nl>-!nro in :> fair way to Mil farewell toflbH(rjlwi"l»<"ni.irwWwi« i» m-uniwcomplilion., a ( l t | W r a p p e r s . !

ih'ctimv i r J:m'.L n . j;hii of llnnlaiul, i \viiilu there mny bo ninny mlvniitaiscsj st?ilw!iicr."'"' ! """ ' " y w l l h rcl l"'Vl-" " ' Competition in wrapper ami skirt j '

iSte Wonders in Dress Goods.Wonders of weaves, woiiilcrs of

'lesign. :i"(l woiiilers of price econ-Many of thesu dainty lots will

ttmt they uoru a. pjinlon ; Ifur Mm. Tliu ftoi-y w.u cli'cctivcly toUl by •

' ivff l ift . I itirf.v siiuEur. |..— ...- - ..-....... . -.„ .,.— ,. . . . . . . , -v i \VII"1I A l.irtlifi-iyHiirpli^i; purty u-rt* U'IWIITV.I | tcHals vyoilM Co?t VOll ;1S ilHirh ;tS J Q S u i t TllG FftCG '?' t-'"1"1"1'1] l*r"111 •r»"'« !);1''-'aril "in-i^iit'-irH.^ Kt'fnMitiH-tiKtVL-rt'Nvrvuit | il»« fitu.it'cd fc.iMitCiils its we bc'H tiieu'i.. • ,Ih uUi ideal in nitii i i idy. 'A'ii.iltjvei | piuiilU* Utc

thu best.

vlth di-*tln^ii«tu-t! «IKTC^. • HW f ' ^ f ^ i t l i f moM tiisiiiikMihlit.l Kim'l-^m I'orros-; iini! p'-stii'i ."sti'V at liVhom?- town'.'•iium nnd r.H»m.tnatc. Byron Mrtlse|»vJicu r I K l I l l i v ) l l s •« .,„«! .uiluii It ili>!> i-.mtribtitvsf ,s\'u- limit ruMM'rs tmv" In-nhl i f i ':ii.irnt.m. Mr. Fniiu-is A. Vlm^m. vho!M . l M U ) r< , . r- s i»L.OpU'"^. the WL-UIU! U< nUli<: h,. I,, fc \V. r"ud m th!* I»'»KI\ '

il«tc.Htt<l .Venluill Htitl jrirlH, Interpreted *«'« ; fiOri-.-s oi\irtMc-» trwuitic Uii:«i.i iwnmiH-S. Mvn'lmrit Cral^'hiisih.-- imvu/'y f"cchiir.k't«.Tsp!«:HUd;y,bmchnnKc,lhismlml t t j r ,K. ,-(lrt..-rilIlt t,f HHK'IT,, : "Mlr'",u"^ \- ' l i" i l"u fc>t"lu* u l l ! - h c- i :""> !;:tMlii.'i)!ayi^«;^L'iI'im1oi,<U'dl\vi:i][ir:i: i , , . , ^ ^ ! Jt;M t,Trit.»ViaS i^v^m-nt.s. A ' ! l l 3 _ _ : !I-A'.-ul u\'t-r iu'vlr- in U»vtMvitK Ik'tty Tt'\v!:- ; t ( ) rv (.,t' t(-v Mtliiu. U-,I.H1^ lt\- !tim:Mei|i • . i

pt'r^i.'!i;ility iuid y*.*»d worfc it* Uclty c;;;iit; n.wivi Ilotu^i- li.itos: ;itnl '• .\ ritiuiy of n ; v ' i . A j t - i j - i w £• CXXxJ. *Ls J.:

'''rhV'^k"^ Mrs' jViii"" ii. F»u AS ^ . . r lSV^ l l^ r t i "^ b? !"' PfrCTi ^ f l t H !Fl^rcnci'FoUyJt, Hvtty's citv 1'ru'iu'. w;t-> J.J n t ,,, ' • ; -Ai.*--.^-i^ LiJ* j . J .CA'^J l .wJLi i .o •

tuiu Von witli il ci iuecl hat

The Summer Sun ShadeCall it pnr'.-.s<i! or iniibrt'lla. it's a

'^uii blunlc jti^t liio satiit.1. am! we invi;c \Y,u 10 c.v.iii; ;;:;.! m.ike a so la :lion ftoni u!i;il WL- t'clievc to lie :!IL-liticil ;'.sso!tnn;!H of :;tm ^h;ulc:• cvfrshiiivn in this su.-lioM 'They' l l ln-sinne

I Caues and Jackets.

uurit. Cl.irli V^gl ia*

W; !(''c, ;1 ~\ >!..*(!. *:.7r». i.'.i'i ;m(l There's iinirh "{ evurythiir^ that

m:lt.~';,l,'Ji'1;M!^"^n^1t'JoVn*'l5::)"1' •»•>*' ''esiri- in your jacket amiliiT.um i ;,«• nUMi.-y relnriKil. ' i'.ipv makeup hurt'. T h e r e is Style,A Hosiery HllStlC, lii, I'mish. Ihieness of material ami

S;K-<-I' ints of wouieii's am] chil. genuine prici: ui.-onuiny. There is

iioiii, l!it.'i'e'.s every-

.••a,,,srull,-,,,..1l,t'lV,vk,l...ry'M.lr:.,l.u.i!.,: .,-,„; , , , , l v , ; ^ ' . , , , , r , s , , , , , ' Wo" " "&"•!•}'". %ny I..7" f." >,•$,'• A SIllK WSISt Sale,

a s v o l l h i - l i u m o t i i i t i n ; i ' : t i l . . . . M l . " ~ l i i ' - ' ' " " ' • 1 ' ' l l ' l ' l ' " r : ' " " ' ' " " ' . ' ' " " " ' ' ' " - " V I T S W I S ! f v i - r l ; ! i ; ' i l i i v i l i > n i •.. a l i l , . , . l l i l i » . . n ^ . , ' . . J , , , , f , ; l t , f l . ; 1 ! l 0 I 1 , f o r t l i e

Cole and Hartwll w r o a,,puinU.il an j " ; , ^ ! , " , wn»";or't"u l!ii i»lw « of 1 - " ' ^ " l'.ni-prw/awl ,.t tlrao" m* hi,P .•a..... it is il... .M,i^r...!...i.v «h;oh ™,; son Wai >t '* t»e nrst. « all w . l^nvs. m m i ) « v ;111, ,. .«•<..<! o „,;„, , ! K U s h m l U , |ll(..lS(._ . l l u l , u u , g h l

Appropriation t'ommitt.-o. Tho ful- tlio'IV«>;*nry liouwlwlil. Her lusmas'- *."" u '"s -i''^1;'1- Auctiunvor J.w<;i.]i V., "V'/"^a.!;'.'!'^',:!;^'.,l!'"',:!"l?V.....-.,J sl>'le'i ; l ! l n e w ' i"'11'1-'' "1"5 1 U'n"'l'l!"<?p . i.!,i;'.i,',.>.,| >,.,,...',•:,',., 1".'-" r!- ? i . . . thai ran displease the ' prospectivel o w i n g I 'L icoml ' - i c iuU ' i l a p p r o p r i u t S o i : ^ i n c u t n l ' h c r h r>! ia i ! . l a i u H i o t t y . li ( ' riliHi!, ' lt- ' i i . H . i i ^ ' i u " l l ^ ' i d:\\ M<\ : t l ! t i i " ( i r n l i . - i y ; t ^ . * ,,,^ _ ; , . , i j , . ^ > , , . r . ; , ' , ' . •* / . ' . • : ' . , ' . " , ! V i t ' t t o l In.' u r . ' . o i U t h e l i t l y t - r s . t l ; e • . ' . , ; ' ' " ' • ' " " ' " v ' " " " ,

™e'^°V-^ ' ^ l u « u l l ' u - : K ! ! l l l l l ' r r r k ^ ^ i-^'Uv-cari.m t i . nc s Jh : . ^ ! . ' : f X ' "P^- !«>• phi..,,-, Hi,, • ^ , , - , . , , ,,,,,,r,,Wcrc.l mio. *•%FrecUuldoK'Satarto....... = ?.rfl) the "rc«:.t..UU« •irccciW',,) Jvas u p w , r 'Hnh * ' * " * '[i / > T , ^ , .•;,;-.,,:,•„.! ::,/sl. | - t=l*,iiVl?..',•-.- ^ i ' . ',.r Xr iv . . ! ; ! & to r l ^ ;,.i « S . " " ' • ' " " " " " ' " J"" . -* .Committees .,•»•'.-.ppl!-.!-'?. T!,,.. , , , , , .1! „„<! ,,,il,il lusb : , ,id..M'PWltlit::in«irai<;cran(ltool!ii .-kjn-ll' /.*^v"v',..V/i, •""«l f l i : " ' : " . v - ' ' « T--"! bwlutlts. retorn,..!. • Jm-t.-t/cVi-rt C'li.lh, f .111.ff& f-J o t i 'T^vwmry.Mr. j .Vi" . i w s , r r a ; , . , i ; m.:,s,!,-oll U l c :,„„,(„,, ,,]„,,;. « „ » , , » . ; H v ^ ^ i i t / ••!:' ; ' i;;';'.^; ; i-1-'s;:- •'=•! . ' • . • - . • •••

,'.lu,i.»a nmcli tun. If nt any titiu: Mr- Uo- s srfilt tut' iur*v.s|,aii-.-

,uM:'"'»- lir-u of wUtji'j-iiii-j (.•ulivL'iiot! t!iiiiy-4 ut> i-still Hioro. TjiL' :iUi;inl:irn;y on imtii (ln.Vs :

Jiiii........:;......; :..:Asylum ir,,<-rtHuii»Ir.t to AlniH House..., , iBepiiirs to Court Huu-« ;uiil Juii s1'*Couris lU.'j'H1

Fcci'antitnuiupcriatioi^cc^tijcrpri-:-"1 .oners • f

Interest on bonds and temporaryloans 2,'.l

Pliiciujr A*iiiia Hoiisu' lifii'ltirt'ti' in..,homes 1

Total .„'; ."...:. 55.-0' Tl'is is .ii' inore.'i?ie oi' !jT,o5u over lust


Thursday afternoon, Director Cutlerappointed the following committeesfor the ensuing year: "•

F inn net—Beck, tlnrUell, Sinclair.To Settle with stow:ml or Poor House -

KisdpauKtii, Iliblor, WilU-vw.To Settle with County Clork—Ilari

Beck. Carliart. . . , . : . . .'• To Settle vrith yurrognte-^iickUi

Cainpbell, Sinclair.To Settle With 'Sheriff— Frome, jj\

Cool-Jnil—HiltlobMiit. Curluirt, Kishpawj,...Bunding-I.aIrL.,Tinrimmi} MtrruH. Wil-

Jcvur, FtiuiubnuiL. . •• 1; --1 " •' .Asylum—Vaiuiattti, Cole, IJeck, I'rowo,

Cool-Estimating—Carhfirt, Lnire, Willover,

Cole, Hiii'tzoU.Iiivcstiyatini:—Merrtl], Hiblor, Carey,

CampbellS'KronierCool. " " '"' -JlfeccUtincouti—TiiisniiiOi Jones, Woker-

ton.,. Priittiny—Conoyer, Ciirey, fa

:V Tribute to "lJHl ."'bnbeannot help Ijutfttlrnire the eool-

nesri and consorviitism shoivn by theExecutive in liimtiiing the presentcrlais. r.y Virtue of• liis poai'uon, hc-lias an insight into conditions deniedto those di&ercntly placed. Tho com-plex elements of the situation demandincisive and decisive—not neeegsfii

recent events,; j g g

President can IJQrelied upon in this^rogar'U. Ifc ig mani-festly unfair to^i'rtU ab:Viiy~ policy homay adopt, for novie can question thepatriotism of Jbjfe President nor Uh

":'desire in ayory way to proservo tiicpatioual integrity. Jn ffpito of differ.in^ views 011 internal jiolitical <i)ivsi-

~ ions, "\vo cannot wituoUl a uCusiveO.-..him., na...[i.^.triiQ..Patriotic

rhtiuiafi. tli«-k fX<[ubiti.'; Mi^s I.'Uini iE;iniH-. tin- cwiiluii i taimlniitluiis fur l-'i-i-e S.'liulnrslilii.

ijcir.L,1" in . the mid.-il of the. i ;uvt :s i actison in V\iir, Jiiiliiri'Tj" iiist^ry, w^ [dinl^ij you our-bc:st:i'?til wouo'takt-'tnthc^uiru.1 u« wtuiui su»u!WnflI:'-r"e-ltut'wo»M.]iro'>«ijiy liavo i;oi'u| ^J, ' ££/ ^ ^ • ' ^ i : ' : ^ ' . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t o niaintain tmr pas t reputa t ion . ICvcry ari icl ' : must 1 plo'As^'you or wn ask us a. tavor " K B

'bi have tiiamomis to burn. ; Urfrur ]M.i the wC:uht.-r bwii iiwru luvnni- ^ V . ^ / ^ / . A f-...::- :;*,.vr::ii..t j./^'irril j for von to r e tu rn it ami have it stuisfcictorv. Look us over ijefon: wlucinu your wants in H

y K °t O U IIs* S U I ' l l r O l l l ; l l i l l a i ' l v s , U K i : i i l U l < . U l r . ^ - u i ' i i i n i i i i i i M u r • r n . 0 ~ U I J > * U ^ u i | > > j / - -^, : » * . . if *. I j i r . i i i . ; i ' n < i v | r n n i ;.

aunt , and ns.-CliirjiStiiWJirtrtsMissThoiu*! 'j'iio ninth c^mpt'titivo ox uninat i tm for ' a ^ ' j-',.*.'?,->'a]i.!-.'-:i"^:):•}• u\'"U'-ll i t 1 ' ]^ ! -^ 'a'* wvre iti minor r"l(.'.s only apptari i i^ on , (Vce -scholiirssjiip in the » \ v J.-r.suy S ta te , j l i " ' f ' r - '-;>' p!:i.'*l!:i!i. v^-. v.'.i.- :i (.• ••:r.'.-i:. -:;,f j _the stniro in the latit nt't. Thei:' purtrf were . CnHftsro for the lit'tu-iit of Atrriculture ami f iTotA^j'*-- I'^'-i'::'"•-' "'V'Wr^M-iiiI'iJVc't.^'-f^'r | "well re'inWml iui»l t.-oiHrit'ut^l not n littk-1 t h e Mi-chunk- Art-S uM(k-rthL-Act*'!'Miirc!h ! ml ' • - ' " • - ' • - • ' • - -'•well remWrnl iui»l (.•oiHrihuM not n littk-1 t h e Mi-chunk- Art-S uM(k-rthL-Act*'!'Miirc!h I i:i!;m: ;«-,- i.,>ui.".. t t ; n i f,,,;!;,;i:c,i t l . - :••:»-1 j » • B»»to thu rim of the play. Jiist ht'lovt' t i ioi: ; ist , istn), will be i.uld at «at-li Comity | T £ ' . * ^ ; ! . wJs^^r,1.'!!'!.' t j : ""V.'-r i"i'a v.^n"?^'lt n ^ 1 H I O T f l B** 1J . K o n p O T Qciirwin loll, a i i o n n i e SUIRU :itiu m e uti.ii- -Court IIousu or the Swtu on Ssiturdny, h,.'i^njotif-li -f ,';'•• " • - ij'-!,'j"".>'-*')^w-a? j 8 B a O t V J l jf 6 S V/jpf »-K6 t . v J .


jinitil bytht'orcbc'stra. ,n.wert l

Hi; Unlil5P.nl. Cnudi-i K i l livill bt examined in nriLlimetit.', n\zv- i Pon

1'iwr 0! 1 Di'-'^cnvs K.>;irdu\l lii^li an.i Ur.v f.jrliiiiwst man, anj UKTO art many i'i lii> lul-

ladit-s: Mrs. J. M.. ,,o|v Coinmu,,|OI1 „,

^ , v i th. tll. - l b j e C t o fnsn, . . . . i ^ . r . . ri_.av.. :!.„, .^...3. - ^ • •^ — i Ascension or tliu Blessed Lord into Hiia-'»liiclOsai,d J . n i . l : r a i . kb . \ .wsyek l e . | vul_,, Sl,,,,,aJ. s c h o o , , l t 2:3()| Cl,iiarol,-K

I'"S OF THE iVo So were ills

boots. . . . . .Bow wus "out of Mght" under his

sombrero.aid Miss Mattie SpoirS couldn't

^ mid catechisiiiff at 3:15, evensongami sermon at 7:30 p. in. Subject of ser-mon : - T h e Man In Heaven." Suaurrce ;nil Welcome.

UKAlt KsT.VTl-: TI

wiU cuiv ii.-rt'-i-Ily ami p.'rnutiK'rulj-. I v.It is piunuji 'ivti j.mvly veL-ctalile, mul |


I "The BEST, f,1 For the BEST. 11

By the BEST." f!

.! Voi: nevvr hcaM a \ve!l-[uiin,le.l coinniaint a^ain^t any of Uicm. TIKT^ Mia.Vi>o otiu-rs as i;ooj. tuit moro porfectl-.- ina-itf u'licels~ ' i oasier riinnini,'\v!k^-ls aro not t.> !'o (i'mn.1. f-vorynik- carries a lull ^uaranuv. i:nstir]\iHSc-a tur I'oaiity, wuriimaiislnt' aikl service:

" '"t I '' ' '

Stearns, Syracuse, Keating, Ea.q;!e.Utlior lines,'ttio K'ajors ot ilieir class, aru i

'SSE?'1"8 1 1"1"""8 1""" ^ ' • t S i l n ^ i ' i - X ' S S 1 ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ i d f " 1 1 [ Meal, $ 3 9 ; f c e , $32.50; HccKlar$30; Columbus, $30; Gale, $30; Special, $25Mrs/juilliiiisftfi Rosily, nloiiewas worth ''.S'tS'i M U.-oder \dm»«: to John II 1^ ^"n'Y /*^ ^ Tli&C4U:il of those lyhi-els is not lo W law\ J (or a emit less »nywiicreT-not even hi the Department stores, {^n, %ve also carry the

thcprlccofsidmlHslon. • : £niilke of Eelyltlorc, tlnteil J;m.- SIJISST', q • \ Q ^ C j f i t C r i O f l ' * 1 r ol r t U ' 'L ' r ' ' : '1 S ? S ° ~lco^']w^ ^ I'^lcf. • ., • •. • • . • ••,.;••• ;.; ;;-"• • - • •

wMtiUinctiy^K1!"1" ' '" " " l t l o "vl w ; , „.., .,.,..,„/„ x-».,..: r*"™"—. *———«—- E flnp or Mhir^'hf Fvpi-v^inrl in .Stock at AH'Timefi. •bah .Tovu. Quite .1 c

iiii, a deiicud .iine boy,iic, me boy. >.,


p yf, wuirmociuiatetl, is not

of -Mrs. Drive's:is-i Clarft SifcWiirt didn't have much to

say iJUt it suited Ilejjfjie, bah Jove.Kvorybody yot niiirriod in the last act ex.

cent "Otis" niid he wns done l'or bof(i~c theplay. "IJ • ,.

ltosilly toviL'hetV the .spot." "Wonder iflie i s ^ ^ f t l i c winjr" yet? H;is she srot

'.•jrmiro j\ndr«u's Haw the play nnd snick-ered nt the "effing," Reckon Frank ain'tnuch o»Vtl'e "coo.-V- Too old,

TIIG commitf-'y of arnin^eiiicntH desireto thank all who took p;irt imd tiided inthe production of tho comedy.. ->•

If the youufi man Who l;isst'd iiis ;;irlwhen tho liphts went out will say nothingiihr/M it *.ve will not give him nwny.

lit on with the :iid of :i slioc horn. Taint

John U. Dnhlko and wife to >"athanAlpiUi-,'h of Blftirstov-'n, diitcd Jan. 'JO, 1S97,

John Cease nnd wire to Walter' PinttofPohntcong, dutcd Due. 21, ISO", conveyslot'in Greenwieh; consideration, ?10^. •

Jlarv A. \V|!rion ct als, to JJ. . MittonWilson of P/l:iir.4tou-n, dutetl April 2;!,ISilS, ennveyg land in Mardwic't; constd-

13. T. IiUkcns and wife to John Eok-1

nioter of Oxford, tinted I .V 7. T.S9S, con-veys hiiul in Oxford ; consideration, *"*

3 " It is an acknowledged authority on3 all matters pertaining to, f

j Hit, Branta, Ittusic, \

One or More of Every Kind in Stock at AH Times.iciila'r, anJ >j.•o possess evory facility to I'lu.isS'.tliu most particular, an J v o want you to give us tliu cliance to please S o l

^__ . / ; CHRISTIKE.f Two IDoors from the Sf|tlaio. ' '


veva i.niti in u . \ i i )n i ; uon^ium'iiiiijn! ^ou. H i • • i • -*•

aimuelRaiA.aiKlwife tn BcnJ. F. Hnublj *" i?S=,3J fJ S v ^ W W S y r ^ S l i S ; f". Subscript; ,,,S«0pcrY«,,, jsife-s.,^, ,-.-..^...-::........-.,-. 3 One PkRtbsKiia,. 25 gerts. 1. . ; .

Arthur ST Alfcii^iul n-ife"tf> JHirv C.i'l tit (il., tlntecl April 11 iSO

iu Frenii ' luivsui; coii

I'liilip Wiliever to Goor^o Cartc-r ofIlliiiv.stown, diitud nlny 4, ISflS, cotivoynliiail in IJlairatown tuw>wliil>; Cionsidorn-tioii, fl. _

Jl'l'. I'LfiASA-Vr'.

Single Copies, - Ten Cen4,

The Criterion ri-ib riiiii'AVcittic. M:W YORK*.



0/ the Puddingis in the Eating.

Tested and fittcd~the eyes of 2 3 persons during tltemonth of April. Not a single person has returned1 forcorrection. Enouch said.

ai Wholesale.'I'll!.-, i* I3ii> liiin> Wlion ilin youiiR iitau'd

f:ui«y liBhtly tiirnt* t-> iH*mj;lns or cniuijMco-- . Crf.ntu 'ind Ills lnvt (Jirl, mul nil luiixl* riUuiti

t»t!iit mi KiiiU'lyliiir !I!H n'oiilricin^itrf to tlmfull, llu i» (HinUnUy litvlMl lo in) in ittn-Hil-invjn nl Hi,- DoiiiiUoii, tin* rfiiflitljln, thu F\M-tlvtil, il"' I'k-iiii:, tli« Kxciirclmi mul Ifmiii-tun, (iinl t-tln-r oiitlii«rt of 1IU-' nntiii'i?. lit

— uiidfwiiitfii li.' Mn.is, LRuu'Hiittiy nrriLiiguiifor the• bjiwlnl iji'iiftlt: uf lilniBOlf "MilHiilil

The King ol Jtelichcics