hindu corrupt man anna hazare wants to fight against corruption, what a tragedy?. how can a...

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  • 8/4/2019 Hindu corrupt man Anna Hazare wants to fight against corruption, what a Tragedy?. How can a Varnashrama believ


    Anna Hazare-My Foot, he can't shake even the Pubic hair of INDIA'S CORRUPTION?Upliftthem Editorial: Anna Hazare Who?

    Anna Hazare who?, one of the most ugliest, fraile looking, cunning, shameless and ruthless Indian I ever seen on this planet. But, the media, political partiesand the brain less Indians march behind such person like a herd of goats/lambs.Let us look at the burning issues of India today, the Corruption. The foundation

    of India's corruption is laid in the hindu religious scriptures, those who read, follow and practice hindu religious practices are all corrupt, well most of the other religious people too are corrupt in India, because they are all in all reality is hinduzied in more than one way, whether the way the dress, eat, socialize or plan a business or whatever they do, they all behave like hindus. Even the dalits, a large portion of them who hate hindu religion because of it's castesystem behave just like hindus. That is the order of the day.To go further deep into INDIA's corruption, one must look at who is involved incorruption and who is the the victim and who is the perpetrators?.One of the most prominent corruption is to bribe to get done once basic needs and basic work. For example, if you need a certificate (school certificate, birthcertificate, death certificate, caste certificate or income related, just about

    any..), one must pay the officials. Now, let us ask who are the officials, to the most part 90% of the officials, from clerk to officer in Taluk Office to Bankto colleges to temples, are all so called Varna lovers, the casteists. Only menial jobs are given to the economically lower strata of the society, so there is no question that they are part of the corruption, though one could notice even those at the bottom take money, but we are talking about the most significant portion of corruption is perpetrated by the caste hindus, those who believe in castesystem.Secondly, it is not just certificates, to start a school, to start a college, tostart a business, or just about any job or business related work, one must seeklocal, district, state and central level permissions, just about anywhere you go and meet anyone in those offices, they will expect money to be paid for your paper to move or for your paper work to be get done.

    So, is the case in if you want to build a house, or an office, or to run a machine shop, again everything will run only when illegitimate money transfer in theform of cash, Jewelries, or wine/dine with ladies and so on, another height of corrupt atmosphere in IndiaIf that is not just enough as examples, let us see, if you want to get someone married, there is huge amount of money to be given as bribe especially given to the groom by the brides side, one of the worst form of corruption in India, ..........................................and in many India social groups, after thehusband dies the woman can't get married or cannot allowed to live normal life (Sati), but a lady supposed to live like a widow with mundane and often detrimental behavioral implications.

    Another worst form of corruption takes place inside hindu temples and hindu swamis all over India. There is not a single temple or so called god in India, whereone can visit without paying or bribing the swami or putting money into their day to day collection cash hoarding boxes, you will be treated like an alien if you do not bribe the god.

    these are just few examples of disruptive and corrupt behaviors of Indians, those who have or in higher positions in all walks of life impose these behaviors onthe poor, economically weaker and socially segregated sections of the society.That means, the victims are mostly the poor Sc/Sts and other economically most backward and minorities in India, they cannot get done any work without bribing the caste lovers. Therefore, the caste people are perpetrators of corruption dueto their religious brought up, oppressive behaviors and utterly contaminated min

    d set, as long as such caste people are running various governmental or privateorganizations, offices, corporations, schools, colleges, temples and political positions, corruptions will continue to cause havoc in Indians life. The caste sy

  • 8/4/2019 Hindu corrupt man Anna Hazare wants to fight against corruption, what a Tragedy?. How can a Varnashrama believ


    stem is the ultimate corruptible behavior of Indians and that is fast spreadingall over the world now, as long as caste system is alive, INDIA will be the mostcorrupt nation in the world, but to remove caste system one must go deep into the hindu religion, that means as long as hindu barbarism exists, corruption willexist.

    Now ask the question Anna who?, he is a gandhian, that means he is a believer of

    caste system and hindu religious scripts, he and his followers are the most corrupt humans on this planet, how ironic is that the most corrupt people in Indiais running a campaign against govt's corruption, they are everywhere, Anna is corrupt, MPs and MLAs corrupt, India's Chief Ministers, governors, President and Prime Ministers, they are all corrupt, how can they fix corruption if the whole system is corrupt, especially whole hindu system is ruining India, due to this religious practices Corruption became precipitated, how can Anna or Thambi or Appaor Amma can fix India's corruption? how?

    On the One hand, Anna or Thambi or whoever, they cannot fix or resolve corruption however mighty they are because the caste always ruins Indians and India.On the other hand, it is also conceivable that all these anna drama is a conspir

    acy to keep the real issues such as India's poverty, unemployment, fiscal deficit, inflation and poor education out of the limelight. Those who cannot address these real issues will never be able to make any headway in fight against corruption. How can they?.Thirdly, this is not just anna guy who is running this show, it is fully supported by all the Casteists of India and abroad, supported by opposition parties, supported by left/right wing political groups, and besides this very protest situation is quite clandestinely brought out by the very governing congress party, asthey cannot deal and resolve caste discrimination, atrocity, poverty and otherissues in India, so they figured out to create a ugly gandhian figure like Anna,it is like ok, let us just let loose another cock and bull story run amok all over India in the name of anti corruption?, that seems pretty plausible to let such protest go on?.

    The latest news about this whole cock and bull story is India now is accusing America?, Just today, the current ruling Congress govt created another furor overthe media, that the US has it's hands in this Anna's protest, this is one of themost ridiculous argument I heard by the Indian govt, what is the relevance andwhy would America waste it's time on such issue as India's corruption that too via an unknown some damn Anna, who is not even known within India, do you think the American govt knows about him?. What a crap. America has nothing to do with such protests in India.So both the Indian govt and the public are creating this huge, empty black holeof India called Anna, it is simply another waste of time, resources and wrong direction of India. Hope the real issues will be paid due attention in India instead of drama's, Corruption cannot be removed without removing Caste system of India. The media has it's own putrid role in every aspect of India, in Anna's casein addition to the present govt, people, the press is another herd of goats.