higher institution of education

Higher Institut ion of Higher Institut ion of Learning Learning

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Higher Institution of Higher Institution of LearningLearning

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Mind MapHigher

Institution of Learning


Government Private

Jobs Introduction

Comparison between LocalGovernment, Local Private

and Foreign Universities






Definition Objective

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The institution that provide the post-secondary education and award acade ic degrees of 

professional certification


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Objectivey A t the end of presentation, audience should be able to

answer 8 question out of 10 regarding the topic

Higher Institution of Learning

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Localovern ent

University Malaya University Kebangsaan

Malaysia University Utara Malaysia

Private University of Nottingha Monash University  Help University College Multi edia University 


Foreignovern ent

University of Melbourne,A ustralia

National University Singapore

A ut University , NewZealand


University of Queensland,A ustralia

Singapore Manage entUniversity 

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Private UniversitiesName of Universities Contact

Multi edia University(MMU) www. u.edu. y  

Universiti Tunku A bdulRazak(UNITA R)

www.unitar.edu. y 

Open University Malaysia(OUM) www.ou .edu. y 

Universiti Tunku A bdul Rah an(UTA R)

www.utar.edu. y 

HELP University College (HUC) www.help.edu. y 

Sunway University College (SUC) www.sunway.edu. y 

INTI International College (INTI-UC) www.inti.edu. y 

Taylors University College www.taylors.edu. y 

Nilai International University College www.nilai.edu. y UCSI University www.ucsi.edu. y  

Monash University Malaysia www. onash.edu. y 

University of Nottingha Malaysia www.nottingha .edu. y 

Curtin University of Technology 


www.curtin.edu. y 

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Government UniversitiesName of Universities

Universiti Malaya (UM) www.u .edu. y  

Universiti Sains Malaysia(USM) www.us . y 

Universiti kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM) www.uk . y 

Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) www.up .edu. y 

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(UTM) www.ut . y  

Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) www.uu .edu. y 

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak(UNIMA S) www.uni as. y Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) www.u s.edu. y 

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) www.u t.edu. y 

Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) www.u p.edu. y 

Universiti Malaysia Perlis(UNIMA P) www.uni ap.edu. y  

Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) www.u k.edu. y 

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List of Universities�University Malaya

�University Kebangsaan Malaysia�University Putra Malaysia�University Sains Malaysia

University Teknologi Malaysia

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University Malayay Faculties

Faculty of A rt & Social SciencesFaculty of Built Environ entFaculty of Business & A ccountancy Faculty of Co puter Science & Infor ationTechnology Faculty of Econo ics & A d inistration

Faculty of EducationFaculty of Languages & LinguisticsFaculty of Law

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Contact y University of Malaya

Level 1, Canseleri Building Universiti Malaya, 50603

Kuala Lu purTel: 03-7967 7022/3273 Fax: 03-7956 0027E ail : cco@u .edu. y http://www.u .edu. y 

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�Econo ics

�Manage ent

�A ccounting


� Law

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Universiti Sains Malaysiay A rt

y Business Manage ent

y A ccountingy Co puter Infor ation Syste

y Econo ics

y Education

y Psychology 

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Universiti Putra Malaysiay Hu an Ecology 

y Econo ic & Manage ent

y Forestry Education Studiesy A griculture

y Modern Language & Co unication

y Design & A rchitecture

y Co puter Science & Infor ationTechnology 

y Environ ental Studies

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Universiti Utara Malaysiay Bachelor of A ccountancy (Hons)

Bachelor of Econo ics (Hons) Bachelor of Finance (Hons) Bachelor of A ccountancy (Info Syste ) (Hons) Bachelor of Business A d inistration (Hons)

Bachelor of T

ouris Manage ent (Hons) Bachelor of Hu an Resource Manage ent (Hons) Bachelor of International BusinessA d in (Hons) Bachelor of Banking (Hons) Bachelor of Technology Manage ent (Hons) Bachelor of Education Manage ent (Hons) Bachelor of Manage ent with Education (Hons) Bachelor of Manage ent (Hons) Bachelor of Infor ationTechnology (Hons)

Bachelor of Decision Science (Hons) Bachelor of Co unication (Hons) Bachelor of Public Manage ent (Hons) Bachelor of International A ffairs (Hons) Bachelor of Social Works Manage ent (Hons) Bachelor of Develop ent Manage ent (Hons) Bachelor of Multi edia (Hons) Bachelor of Laws (Hons) Bachelor of Marketing (Hons)

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Qualification for Bachelor Progra e for Malaysia HigherSchool Certificate (STPM) or equivalent qualification whowishes to apply to first degree progra e in public higher

education institution ust own a ini u qualification thatis University eneric Ter . University eneral Ter of STPM

candidate and equivalent qualification are as follows:-


Pass SPM / Equivalent;Pass with distinction in the Malay Language in SPM /

Equivalent;Pass in the exa ination STPM with at least;rade C (N MP 2.00) in eneral Studies / eneral Paper; and

rade C (N MP 2.00) in two (2) other subject and have takesMalaysian University EnglishTest (MUET)

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Help University 

Collegey A ccounting & Finance

y Bankingy Business

y Business A d inistration

y Counselingy Co unication

y Econo icsy Econo ics & Manage ent

y Econo ic Cri e Manage ent

y Entrepreneurshipy Executive Manage enty Infor ation Technology 

y Lawy Manage ent

y Psychology 

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The University of Nottingham

y Psychology & Manage ent

y Business Econo ics & Finance

y Business Econo ics & Manage enty Co puting & Infor ation Syste s

y Co puter Science

y Finance ,A ccounting & Manage ent

y International Business Manage ent

y Law

y Psychology 

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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahmany

A ccountingy A dvertisingy A rchitecture

y Banking & Financey Business A d inistration


Chinese Studiesy Construction Manage ent

y Entrepreneurshipy Finance

y Financial Econo icsy

lobal Econo icsy International Business

y Journalisy Marketingy Psychology 


Public Relations

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Taylors University Collegey A ccountingy A rchitecture

y Business A d inistrationy Co puter Science

y Financey Hospitality Manage ent

y Hu an Resource Manage enty Infor ation Technology y International Business

yJournalisy Law

y Manage ent (Marketing)y Media A rts

y Touris Manage ent

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Multimedia Universityy A ccounting

y A nalytical Econo ics

y Banking & Financey Creative Multi edia

y Hu an Resource Manage ent

y Infor ationTechnology 

y Law

y Manage ent/ Business

y Marketing Manage ent

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Accountingy A ccounting is the study of how businesses track their

inco e and assets over ti e. A n accountant is involved inthe following activities:


preparing financial state ents recording business transactions for ulating strategies for ergers and acquisitions using infor ation syste s to track financial perfor ance, for ulating tax strategy 

y Require ents for a Successful A ccounting Careery A person who aspire to excel as an accountant need to

have: A n aptitude for athe atics A n abiliy to analyze, co pare, and interpret facts andfigures

A n ability to clearly co unicate findings and results Ethical and ossess hi h standards of inte rit

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Economicsy A Bachelor's Degree in Econo ics teaches the student the

funda entals of econo ic theory and an understanding of theway that the balance of wealth, labor and products plays out insociety. Students learn skills such as using analytical tools

necessary to penetrate econo ic issues and gain anunderstanding of the way that businesses and arkets functionaround the world. Typical courses for a Bachelor's Degree inEcono ics include:

y Marketingy A ccounting

y International Businessy Industrial Organization

y Corporate Strategy y Econo ic Modeling

y Tax Strategy y Statistics

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Businessy Most universities and business school e phasize on

producing well rounded students with broad basedknowledge. Hence, ost business degree required

students to take up other non business related subjectssuch as social science subjects, language,

athe atics, psychology etc. This is usually done inthe first year. In the second and third year, Business

students will focus on core business subjects such asarketing, finance, anage ent and organizationalbehavior and operations anage ent. Most businessdegree in Malaysia require student to specialize by choosing a ajor e.g. in finance, hu an resource,

arketing, etc.

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Marketingy Basically, a typical arketing depart ent is

responsible for the following:

y Product develop ent Market Identification Market seg enting and targeting Positioning and Branding

Pricing of the products or services A dvertising and pro otion

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Hospitality Managementy Many progra s in Malaysia offer degrees in travel and touris .

Hospitality degrees in Malaysia train students to beco eanagers in either the hotel industry or the food service

industry. Undergraduate courses give students a solid grounding

in the study of hospitality, touris or event anage ent.y Typical courses in a hospitality and touris degree progra

includes: A cco odation Event Manage ent Food and Beverage

Hu an Resources Marketing Touris Business Environ ental Studies Hospitality 

Social Sciences

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Foreign University 

overn ent

A UT University,NewZealand

University of Melbourne,A ustralia

National University of Singapore


University of Queensland,A ustralia

SingaporeManage entUniversity 

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�A rt and Design


�Co unication

�Co puting�Education

�Hospitality and Touris



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�A rts and Social Sciences

�Chinese Language

�Econo ics

�English Language� eography 

�Japanese Studies



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University of Q ueensland, Australiay · Business Manage enty A dvertisingy Business Econo icsy Hu an Resourcesy International Businessy Marketingy PhysicalA ctivity y A ccountingy Business Infor ation Syste sy Financey ·  Econo icsy Business and Industry y Econo ics and Public Policy y InternationalTrade and Financey Natural Resources and Environ enty Quantitative Methodsy ·  International Hotel and Touris Manage enty Event Manage enty Hospitality Manage enty Touris Manage enty ·  Lawsy ·  A rts/Laws

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Singapore Management Universityy Law

y A ccounting

y Econo icsy Business Manage ent

y A rts

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Jobs Introduction

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Hotel Managery A hotel anager is responsible for the day-to-day 

anage ent of a hotel and its staff.

y co ercial accountability for budgeting and financialanage ent, planning, organising and directing all hotel

services.y strategic overview and planning ahead to axi ise profits.

y Business and people anage ent are equally i portantele ents

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Economisty study how society distributes resources, such as land,

labor, raw aterials, and achinery, to produce goodsand services

y Econo ists have structured work schedules. They often work alone, writing reports, preparing statisticalcharts, and using co puters, but they also ay be anintegral part of a research tea

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Lawyery they represent one of the parties in cri inal and civil

trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court tosupport their client

y lawyers counsel their clients about their legal rightsand obligations and suggest particular courses of action in business and personal atters

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Reportery A  reporter is a type of journalist who researches and

presents infor ation in certain types of  ass edia.

y Reporters gather their infor ation in a variety of ways.

y They perfor research through interviews, public records,and other sources.

y The infor ation-gathering part of the job is so eti escalled "reporting

y Most reporters working for ajor news edia outlets areassigned an area to focus on, called a beat . encouraged tocultivate sources to i prove their infor ation gathering.

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Psychologisty study ental processes and hu an behavior by observing,

interpreting, and recording how people and other ani alsrelate to one another and the environ ent

y Research in psychology seeks to understand and explainthought, e otion, feelings, or behavior. The researchfindings of psychologists have greatly increased ourunderstanding of why people and ani als behave as they do.

y Psychologists' work environ ents vary by subfield and placeof e ploy ent. For exa ple, clinical, school, and counselingpsychologists in private practice. Most psychologists ingovern ent and industry have structured schedules

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Accountanty ensure that fir s are run efficiently, public records

kept accurately, and taxes paid properly and on ti e

y They analyze and co unicate financial infor ationfor various entities such as co panies, individual


y A ccountants and auditors e ployed by public

accounting fir s, govern ent agencies, andorganizations with ultiple locations ay travelfrequently to perfor audits at branches, clients'places of business, or govern ent facilities

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Sof tware Engineery They apply the theories and principles of co puter

science and athe atical analysis to create, test, andevaluate the software applications and syste s that

ake co puters work.

y Software engineers design and develop any types of software, including co puter ga es, businessapplications, operating syste s, network controlsyste s, and iddleware

G t L P i t

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Government , Loca Private an

Foreign Universities

Government Private Foreign

Student Visa No No Yes

Living Cost (peryear)

RM9600-RM12000 RM10000-RM15000


Courses Fee (peryear)

RM4000-RM6000 RM30000-RM68000


Scholarship JPA SabahScholarship, UTMEndow entScholarship


Lord Te ple anScholarship ,Co onwealthScholarship

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Local overn ent University is suitable for

students because is affordable, good learningplace

While local Private and foreign university issuitable for those who are affordable to the high

cost of study fees

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Q uestionsy List down 3 local govern ent universities

Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

y ive the exa ples of scholarship that provide by localgovern ent universities

Jpa Scholarship Sabah, UTM endow ant Scholarship

Li t d f i i iti ( )

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y List down 3 foreign universities( any 3)

University of Queensland , National University of Singapore,University of Melbourne

y List 3 courses that provided by local govern ent universities(any 3)

Law, Econo ics, A ccounting

y List the qualification required to entry local govern entuniversities

A . A t least pass in rade C in eneral Paper and 2 otherstudies paper


t least pass in rade C in Mathe atics and 2 otherstudies paper

C. A t least pass in rade C in eography and 2 other studiespaper

A nswer: A 

Gi th t id d b l l i t

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y Give 3 courses that provided by local privateuniversity(any 3)

Hospitality Manage ent, Business, Psychologist

y How uch is the living cost to study foreign university?

A . RM1500- RM3000

B. RM 5000- RM6000

C. RM 36000 RM 50000A nswer: C

y What are Econo ics course study about?

A . Marketing, A ccounting, Statistics, InternationalBusiness

B. Pro oting and advertising

C. Hu an resource, arketing, touris

A nswer: A 

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y How uch the course fee per year to study at localprivate university?

A . RM5000- RM 10000

B.R 10000 RM 15000

C. RM 30000- RM5000

A nswer: B

y What is the job content of hotel anager?

A . Planning , organising hotel services

B. Design software

C. A nalysis the financial infor ation

A nswer: A 

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